Why Do ERP Software Implementations Fail? Here are the 5 Root Causes. (2024)

Implementations fail. However, the secret lies in understanding why those implementations fail. That's the topic I intend to discuss today.

Numerous studies indicate that a significant percentage, ranging from 70% to 80% or more, ofERP implementations fail. Remarkably, this statistic has remained relatively unchanged throughout the 25 years I have been helping clients with their ERP implementations.

While technology and the world have undergone significant changes, companies continue to struggle with their ERP implementations. Today, I aim to delve deeper into this issue, exploring the common root causes behind ERP implementation failures. Moreover, I will provide insights into what you can do differently to ensure the success of your project. Fortunately, this is not rocket science, and there are no major surprises. By understanding these root causes and actively avoiding them, you can significantly increase your chances of success whileminimizing the risk of failure.

Unrealistic Expectations

One common reason for ERP implementation failures is organizations having unrealistic expectations from the outset. This is particularly powerful because technology advances rapidly, giving rise to a false hope that organizations can swiftly adapt to new software and realize immediate business value. Don't get me wrong, ERP software today can bring significant benefits to most organizations. However, the problem lies in the fact that most organizations underestimate the difficulty of transitioning from their current state to the potential benefits offered by new technology.

As a result, when organizations realize that a project will take longer, cost more, and require more resources than initially expected, they often scale back on critical success factors necessary for project success. For example, let's consider an organization that believes it can complete its ERP implementation in 18 months. In reality, it might take 24 or even 30 months for them to complete the implementation. When the organization reaches the halfway or two-thirds mark of the project, they start to recognize that they have compressed the timeline unrealistically.

At this point, they face two options: either delay the project and allocate more time and money than anticipated (which may not be feasible given accountability to boards of directors and executives) or force the ERP implementation into a shorter timeframe by scaling back on project activities. Unfortunately, the latter approach often results in cutting critical success factors.Organizational change managementefforts may be reduced, iterations of user acceptance testing might be skipped, and less time may be allocated to requirements gathering upfront.

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These are just a few examples of how organizations make poor decisions later in the project due to their initial unrealistic expectations. To avoid this pitfall, it is crucial to have realistic expectations. Take proposals from software vendors,system integrators, and implementation partners regarding timeframes and budgets with caution. Incorporate your own objective perspective to ensure the project is allocated the appropriate time, budget, and resources.

Poor implementation Planning

Another common mistake that organizations make, leading to failure, is inadequate time and effort dedicated to theimplementation planningprocess. Throughout my career, I have observed this fascinating organizational dynamic repeatedly. Here's how it typically unfolds: An organization commits to a digital transformation and ERP implementation. They go through anevaluation process and select the softwarethey believe will be the right solution for their future. And indeed, it likely is a good or even the best choice moving forward. At this stage of the project, momentum and excitement for the implementation are at their peak, never to be that high again. Consequently, the team rushes into the implementation phase due to their enthusiasm. They want to start building, experiencing the technology firsthand. This eagerness is positive and necessary, but it comes with a drawback.

The problem arises when organizations jump into the implementation phase too quickly, without a robust plan and a clear vision of their desired future state. As a result, they end up wasting significant time and resources later, struggling to define what they aspire to become during the implementation process. To mitigate this, it is crucial to allocate dedicated time in the project timeline for what I call a "Phase Zero" or implementation planning phase. This phase comes after thesoftware selectionphase but before the actual implementation begins. During this phase, you should invest time in establishing a project blueprint,defining your business processes,envisioning the future state of the organization, determining which modules to deploy and when, and mobilizing the necessary resources. It is also essential to develop a change strategy.

The more time and effort you devote to this implementation planning phase, the more time and resources you will save in the long run. Therefore, it is critical to prioritize defining this phase.

Lack of Executive Vision and Alignment

Another common reason for ERP implementation failures is the lack of a clear vision from executives or the failure to articulate that vision to the organization. Additionally, executive teams often lack alignment on the vision, exacerbating the problem. When executives don't have a shared understanding of the ERP implementation's purpose and fail to communicate it clearly to the organization, it leads to confusion, chaos, and misdirection throughout the implementation.

While it is common for executives to state that they are undergoing an ERP implementation due to vendor requirements or the need for updated technology, these reasons alone cannot serve as the sole justification for the entire project. It is crucial to establish and articulate a more comprehensive vision for the ERP implementation. For example, how will it improve thecustomer experience? How will it enhance employee experience? What specific improvements and operational efficiencies will it bring? Will it contribute to increased sales and revenue generation? It is essential to define not only the benefits but also provide detailed insight into the future operating and organizational models.

Mere mention of deploying software likeSAP,Oracle, orMicrosoftis insufficient. The vision must go beyond that and clearly describe the desired project outcomes. Spending time and effort on defining this vision, and being effective in its communication, will provide valuable support and momentum for theproject team during the ERP implementation.

To avoid ERP implementation failure, one of the most critical steps is to ensure that before commencing the implementation, there is clear alignment and a shared vision among the executive team.

Poor Organizational Change Management

One of the most common root causes of ERP implementation failure is a lack of focus on organizational change management or ineffective implementation of change management strategies. This particular root cause can give rise to various issues within the ERP implementation, leading to symptoms that hinder its success. Simply put, if the people side of change is not adequately addressed, including ensuring full adoption of new processes and tools, the result will be a collection of unused technology investments that fail to deliver business value. This raises the fundamental question of why the project was initiated in the first place if the expected value is not being realized.

To address this issue, it is crucial not to become overly fixated on the technological aspects of the ERP implementation. Instead, allocate more time and effort to focus on organizational change management. The better the organization manages change at the people level, the higher the likelihood of success. When examining ERP implementation failures, particularly those involving lawsuits where our expertise has been sought for testimony, we consistently find a common theme: a lack of organizational change management. These organizations did not prioritize or adequately address the human aspect of change, instead placing excessive emphasis on the technological aspects.

To increase the chances of success, it is essential to develop a robust and effective change management strategy and plan before commencing the ERP implementation.

No Clear Definition of Success

The fifth and final reason I will discuss today regarding ERP implementation failures is the lack of a clear definition of success for the organization. It is essential to determine how we will define success in our ERP implementation. For some organizations, success may be achieving the project on time and within budget, which in itself can be a challenging goal that many organizations fail to achieve. However, beyond that, most organizations lack a clear vision of what they aim to achieve from the ERP implementation. In other words, what is thebusiness case? What is the expected return on investment (ROI)? Where will the business value come from in terms of tangible benefits? These aspects must be clearly defined not only to maximize the post-implementation business value but also to provide a clear direction throughout the implementation process.

Having a clear vision of success serves as a guide and guardrail for the project. It acts as a North Star, leading the way during the implementation. ERP implementations involve numerous decisions, often numbering in the hundreds or thousands, that impact how the business will operate, its appearance, and the technologies to be deployed. Decisions regarding software configuration, customization, and integration with third-party systems have a significant effect on project scope, cost, and risk. Without a clear vision of what success looks like for the project and the desired future state of the organization, the implementation process becomes a aimless journey into the uncertain realm of digital transformation and ERP implementation.

These are the five most common reasons why ERP implementations fail. I hope I have provided you with some tips and guidance on how to avoid these common pitfalls.

I would enjoy brainstorming ideas with you if you are looking to strategize an upcoming transformation or are looking atselecting an ERP system, so please feel free to contact me at[email protected]. I am happy to be a sounding board as you continue yourdigital transformation journey.

Why Do ERP Software Implementations Fail? Here are the 5 Root Causes. (2024)


Why Do ERP Software Implementations Fail? Here are the 5 Root Causes.? ›

Poor communication between the IT team and business units. An unreliable ERP vendor or a software vendor who offers insufficient support. Software that requires too much customization. Poor planning, inadequate ERP research and testing of the software and lack of training for users.

What are the root causes of ERP failures? ›

The causes of ERP failure include
  • Poor software fit /inaccurate requirements.
  • Business leadership is not committed to the implementation.
  • Insufficient team resources.
  • Lack of accountability to make timely, high quality decisions.
  • Lack of investment in change management.
  • Insufficient training/support.
  • Insufficient funding.
May 28, 2024

Why do many ERP implementations fail? ›

The failure factors in implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution include poorly defined system requirements, a lack of data hygiene, unrealistic project timelines, fluctuating budgets, a lack of executive buy-in, poor employee training and incomplete ERP testing before the system is officially ...

What are the five biggest challenges for ERP system implementations? ›

The 5 Most Common ERP System Implementation Challenges
  • What is ERP Implementation? ...
  • Implementation. ...
  • Customization and Flexibility. ...
  • Data Quality and Integration: The Library of Efficiency. ...
  • User Adoption and Training: Navigating the ERP Voyage. ...
  • Cost Overruns and ROI Delays.

Why do 75% of all ERP projects fail? ›

One of the leading causes of ERP project failure is inadequate planning and strategy. Rushing into implementation without a clear roadmap can lead to budget overruns, scope creep, and ultimately, project failure.

What is root cause analysis for ERP system? ›

To identify the root cause of an ERP problem, you need to follow a systematic and logical problem-solving framework that consists of four steps: define, analyze, solve, and verify. Define the problem by describing its symptoms, scope, impact, and urgency.

What are failed ERP implementations often the result of? ›

More often than not, the reasons for ERP implementation failures come down to poor planning, lack of funding, unrealistic expectations, and insufficient training and support.

Why do most software implementations fail? ›

In fact, poor change management is usually the main reason why digital implementations fail. Software implementation involves changing processes that many people are used to working with. This can cause problems because people can be resistant to change and are hesitant to try something new.

How often do ERP implementations fail? ›

According to Gartner, 55-75% of ERP projects either fail or don't meet their intended objectives. But what causes an ERP project to fail?

How to overcome ERP implementation failure? ›

Follow these steps when recovering from ERP project failure
  1. Create a plan. The project leader should first create a plan to decide how to approach the implementation issues. ...
  2. Go over the budget. ...
  3. Prioritize the right issues. ...
  4. Communicate with employees. ...
  5. Put rapid fixes into production. ...
  6. Ask for executive support.
Jun 16, 2022

Why is ERP implementation so difficult? ›

One of the key challenges of implementing an ERP system is the need to migrate data from existing systems to the new platform. This can be a complex and time-consuming process, and it's important to ensure that the data is migrated accurately and completely to avoid any disruptions to your business.

What are the 5 major steps in the ERP implementation? ›

5 key steps for a successful ERP implementation
  • Project Planning. Set objectives that clearly define the scope of implementation. ...
  • Analyzing Software Capabilities. Dedicate a full week to analyze the software for the project team. ...
  • Data Management. ...
  • Training & Testing. ...
  • Go-Live & Post-Implementation.

What are the risks of ERP implementation? ›

Risks of implementing an ERP system
  • Lack of Management Support.
  • Insufficient Project Management.
  • Overly Optimistic Scheduling.
  • Difficulty Finding Experienced ERP Talent.
  • Neglecting To Prepare and Train Employees.
  • A Poorly Managed Integration.
  • Poor Data Quality.
  • The Inability to Rework Processes.

What are the causes of ERP failure? ›

Inaccurate or incomplete requirements can arise from rushed requirements gathering or neglecting to involve key stakeholders. The result is a poorly defined scope, inadequate resources and an ERP software that does not meet the needs of your business. These are all ingredients for ERP failure.

Why does the implementation of so many ERP systems face severe challenges or totally fail? ›

One of the most common root causes of ERP implementation failure is a lack of focus on organizational change management or ineffective implementation of change management strategies. This particular root cause can give rise to various issues within the ERP implementation, leading to symptoms that hinder its success.

How to ensure successful ERP implementation? ›

Seven aspects of a successful ERP implementation
  1. Executive support.
  2. Employee involvement.
  3. Clearly defined project scope.
  4. Plan to optimize business processes.
  5. Proactive change management.
  6. Project management tools.
  7. A partner that knows your industry.

What are the factors affecting ERP? ›

Seven aspects of a successful ERP implementation
  • Executive support.
  • Employee involvement.
  • Clearly defined project scope.
  • Plan to optimize business processes.
  • Proactive change management.
  • Project management tools.
  • A partner that knows your industry.

What are the three major categories of challenges for ERP? ›

In this article, we explore the biggest challenges that come with ERP implementation and how to overcome them.
  • Cost and complexity. ...
  • Integration with existing systems. ...
  • Change management.
Jan 12, 2023

How to avoid ERP failure? ›

Follow these five tips to prevent your ERP implementation from ending in failure.
  1. Have an ERP Selection Process. No part of the ERP implementation process should be rushed, and that includes vendor selection. ...
  2. Maintain Open Communication. ...
  3. Determine TCO and ROI. ...
  4. Automate Processes Effectively. ...
  5. Be Clear on Expectations.

How often do ERP systems fail? ›

Those considering a new ERP system face worrying statistics: surveys suggest that around half of all ERP projects fail, costs are significantly exceeded, schedules are not met, and improvements do not live up to expectations.

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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

Phone: +96313309894162

Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.