Why Core Values Are Important | Cooleaf (2024)

Let’s be honest: keeping remote teams engaged is tough. Sure, there are methods to boost employee engagement, like regular check-ins, team-building activities, and using collaboration apps – and while all of these are good tactics, none of them will matter if employees aren’t aligned with your core values.

One of the biggest mistakes organizations make is considering core values a nicety, rather than a necessity. The truth is that core values are vital to retaining employees and keeping your business afloat during difficult times.

What are core values?

Best-selling author and speaker Gino Wickham defines core values as “a small set of essential, enduring principles that define your culture.” This translates to guiding principles that define your culture, demonstrate what sets you apart as a company, and sets how everyone in your organization is to operate in order to succeed.

Why Core Values Are Important | Cooleaf (1)

Examples of core values

Continuous improvement
Customer Commitment
Work-life balance

Bring your Core Values to life by putting a spotlight on your employees for their incredible work!

Why Core Values Are Important | Cooleaf (2)

The Importance of Core Values

Why are core values so important right now?

Corporate culture is hard to manufacture. It’s formed over time through company traditions, events, and daily interactions between people on your team. Those well-worn paths eventually create what becomes company culture, and they play a part in motivating people to do their best work. This builds a positive, engaging employee experience for everyone on your team.

Traditionally, your company culture might revolve around in-person engagement activities: happy hours, office lunches, impromptu coffee chats, etc. But in a virtual workplace, it’s harder for those well-worn paths to form. The fun activities, serendipitous interactions, and idle non-work related chatter that serve to boost morale and keep people moving together are often absent on a remote team (though it is possible with the right strategy!).

That’s why core values being clearly articulated as a values statement are even more critical for virtual teams.

Company core values light the way for your team. They tell employees, prospects, and customers who you are as a company. And if your team doesn’t know who you are or what you’re about, then they’re not going to be able to effectively represent your brand.

Why Core Values Are Important | Cooleaf (3)

Employees want to see their values reflected in their work.

Without in-person interactions, employees can lose their sense of belonging. Strong core values give employees a shared sense of commitment, allowing them to rally behind a united cause.

Integrity. Compassion. Teamwork. Drive. It’s important to remember that core company values are about collective behaviors, as well as individual behaviors. In a virtual environment, shared core values are a powerful reminder that no one person can achieve everything on their own. In this way, a set of values fosters connection and trust between employees.

Learn how Cooleaf helps promote your company's core values

Why Core Values Are Important | Cooleaf (4)


By nature, core values distill. You have to limit your values to a few keywords that define your culture, and how your employees should operate to achieve your vision. You’re forced to decide what matters most in that journey. Remove things that you don’t require of everyone in your organization, including those involved in decision-making.


When everyone operates under the same set of standards towards a common goal, they create a sense of unity for team members, stakeholders, and leadership. Your core values should weave seamlessly into your business strategy. Articulating your organization’s set of values will unify your team by empowering everyone to hold themselves accountable to the values.

You need a tribe of customers and employees who are attracted to your organization because of your values. How can that happen if your values aren’t articulated?


Clear values set the standard for what is acceptable in your organization. If that standard isn’t documented, championed, and followed, you will not get consistent actions or results from your team. Without clear values, the way to behave is up to each person to decide, and at that point, inconsistency is unavoidable.

Core values are standards, and standards create repeatable behaviors.

Why Core Values Are Important | Cooleaf (5)


Businesses need repeatable, scalable processes to rise from one level of success to another. Core values help create a repeatable, scalable system. They allow people in your organization to make good decisions on their own, by simply applying values to new challenges that come along.

Your set of values will remove bottlenecks and empower individual growth across your organization. That type of engagement raises the capacity of your entire company, which will positively impact the business on every level.


Clarity creates movement and energy. When you get everyone in your organization thinking about the same goal and doing it the same way, momentum is inevitable. That’s what clearly defined core values will deliver. It takes work, and if you’re willing to put in the work consistently, it will change your culture for the better.

By embracing core values, your team can overcome difficult situations and achieve positive results, even while working remotely. But it’s important to live your core values, not just talk about them. Here’s how.

How can you reinforce your core values with a distributed team?

Every company is different, and the way you choose to promote and reinforce your values should reflect your own unique culture and brand. But there are a few proven ways to bring core values to life:

1. Recognize employees for demonstrating core values.

When you empower employees to reward and recognize others for living your company’s core values, those values will become more tangible. Recognition allows you to highlight your values in terms of real, everyday behaviors – not aspirational concepts.

Employee recognition is a powerful performance management tool that empowers workplace leaders and peers to recognize one another for embodying your organization’s values.

For example, if “tenacity” is one of your core values, you can highlight that value by recognizing an employee who goes above and beyond to make a difficult customer happy. This gives employees a positive example of what it looks like to demonstrate that core value during an ordinary work experience. And including a small reward with this recognition can reinforce the value even further.

Implement a recognition program so employees can easily recognize, spotlight and reward examples to put your values in action. Studies show that recognition is powerful, especially when it’s tied to specific behaviors. Platforms like Cooleaf make it easy to create a custom recognition platform based on your values.

Organizations like medical software organization Net Health utilizes Cooleaf for showcasing company values with recognition. It not only strengthens their people’s understanding of their values but it builds their company culture.

“When you recognize someone by giving them that ‘attaboy’ on Cooleaf, it helps them find grace in difficult situations. When you know people you give grace, you create space for collaboration," says Carol P. Lewis, VP of Human Resources, NetHealth.

Why Core Values Are Important | Cooleaf (6)

2. Frequently communicate your core values to current employees.

In a physical office environment, core values usually appear on the walls around the office. But in a virtual environment, it’s important to find other ways to keep the values top-of-mind. Whether you post your values on your company intranet page or share them in your weekly newsletter, keep your core values front and center by bringing them into your day-to-day communication.

You can also bring core values into your meetings. For example, in your next all-hands meeting, try inviting your leadership team to share business updates in terms of the values. Or, start the meeting by having team members shout out examples of recent actions that align with company core values. By being transparent about the way that your company lives up to your values, along with the ways you’re working to improve, you will help build employees’ trust and understanding.

Software development and IT staffing organization SOLTECH uses Cooleaf to build trust and clear communication with their teams. With 6 core values, SOLTECH relies on Cooleaf’s recognition and consistent online initiatives to guide its people. This can be anywhere from online challenges to recognition prompts.

“Everyone knows the core values in part because of Cooleaf,” Veanne Smith, Co-CEO, SOLTECH notes. “At the end of the year, we give a special recognition to the top 10 people living out the core values most consistently.”

Are you a manager or team leader that needs help starting discussions on core values? This huddle guide is for you.

3. Bring core values into employee hiring, onboarding, ongoing development, and retention.

Hiring managers should always list company values on career pages and evaluate new job candidates based on their company values. The goal here is to attract job seekers who share your values and deter those who don’t. In addition, by evaluating candidates along the lines of company core values, it’s easier to qualify whether candidates are a “culture fit” or not.

After hiring a new employee, be sure to introduce the core values early and demonstrate their importance in the company’s identity. Share videos, flyers, and resources to help them get to know your values.

And remember: even if employees know what your core values are, they also need to understand what they mean. From hiring to ongoing employee development, core values need to be reinforced and repeated through training and development.

The good news is that there are lots of creative and fun ways to engage team members with your values. For example, you could choose one value to focus on each month and ask team members to submit examples of this value in action. Then, share these stories at your next all-hands meeting. Or, host a virtual trivia party and include questions about your core values. Answering trivia questions can help employees expand and deepen their knowledge without much effort required.

Downloadable Core Values Huddle Guide

Looking for ways to empower your team managers to lead discussions on core values? This huddle guide is for you.

Download our Core Values Huddle Guide by filling out the form below. You'll get a printable huddle guide resource to assist in discussions around the organization’s mission, vision, and values with your teams.

Why Core Values Are Important | Cooleaf (7)

Final Thoughts on Core Values

Don't just give lip service to core values. Every successful company uses core values to drive the lived, everyday experience of their team. Remember– living out core values means holding people accountable for achieving them. And this is where many companies fall short.

For your organization‘s core values to be successful, everyone must be responsible for putting them in action. Senior managers should consistently model the values and use them to support their vision, and employees need to carry them out as they perform their work. If your core values are the foundation of your culture, your entire company must share the responsibility of bringing core values to life. This creates the foundation for your organizational culture.

In a remote work environment, where people aren’t able to easily “see” what their peers are doing, accountability around core values is especially important. By clearly defining your values and building accountability into them, you can start to build a culture of trust, integrity, and honesty. And this, in turn, will lead to higher business results.

And core values aren‘t just for employees - they impact profitability as well. According to Forbes, 63 percent of consumers say they want to buy products and services from companies that have a purpose that resonates with their values and belief systems.

When you bring your core values to life through recognition, communication, and ongoing development, your team will be more passionate and committed to your business growth. And when everyone on your team lives by your core values, you can take on just about anything.

Interested in learning more about how to bring company core values to life? Cooleaf can help — let's chat!

Why Core Values Are Important | Cooleaf (2024)


Why Core Values Are Important | Cooleaf? ›

By clearly defining your values and building accountability into them, you can start to build a culture of trust, integrity, and honesty. And this, in turn, will lead to higher business results. And core values aren't just for employees - they impact profitability as well.

Why are core values important to me? ›

Core values are the beliefs, principles, and ideals that you hold closest to your heart. They guide you to make decisions quickly and confidently, prioritize your goals and relationships, facilitate self-reflection, and improve your mental and physical health.

Why core values are important and how may the core values be applied for life success? ›

Core values manifest as choices based on understanding what is truly important to us and why, so our decisions stem from a place of authenticity. Every decision reinforces our core values, and as such, who we are choosing to be.

Why it is important that we possess our company's core values? ›

Your core company values shape your company culture and impact your business strategy. They help you create a purpose, improve team cohesion, and create a sense of commitment in the workplace.

Why is it important to have a strong foundation of core values? ›

When leaders are clear about their core values, they can align their actions and decisions with their principles, leading to greater authenticity and effectiveness. Ethical Decision Making - Values serve as a foundation for ethical decision-making in leadership development.

Why are values important to us? ›

Our values inform our thoughts, words, and actions.

Our values are important because they help us to grow and develop. They help us to create the future we want to experience. Every individual and every organization is involved in making hundreds of decisions every day.

Why are core human values important? ›

These values are very important as they make up who we are and are what guide us through life. The values that we hold determine who we want to be as well as how we live our lives and the decisions that we make on an everyday basis.

What is core purpose core values? ›

In summary, core values form the ethical foundation of an organization, guiding behavior and decisions, while core purpose defines the fundamental reason for the organization's existence, providing inspiration and a sense of direction.

Why core and related values are essential to human being? ›

The Importance of Core Values in Our Personal Lives. Core values drive behaviour and form beliefs. Examples of core values include reliability, dependability, loyalty, honesty, commitment, consistency, and efficiency. People in satisfying relationships will often say their partner shares their values.

What is the importance of values? ›

Values are the beliefs that motivate people to act a certain way. For example, people who value honesty tend to be on time and like to spend their time with other honest people. Values help to guide an individual's behavior and can help companies to determine whether they're achieving their goals.

How do you define your core values? ›

Defining Your Values
  1. Step 1: Identify the times when you were happiest. ...
  2. Step 2: Identify the times when you were most proud. ...
  3. Step 3: Identify the times when you were most fulfilled and satisfied. ...
  4. Step 4: Determine your top values, based on your experiences of happiness, pride, and fulfillment.

Why do values matter? ›

Your values guide your actions. While having clear values helps define who you are, they can be so much more useful on a daily basis. Values matter. Being clear on your values helps you be a more effective, productive, and confident leader.

Why do you think core values is very important? ›

Core values help create a repeatable, scalable system. They allow people in your organization to make good decisions on their own, by simply applying values to new challenges that come along. Your set of values will remove bottlenecks and empower individual growth across your organization.

Why should you determine your core values? ›

Discovering what your core values are can increase your confidence and strengthen your decision-making skills because you've identified whether a decision aligns with your values or not. Knowing your values can also help in choosing a career or knowing whether to change careers.

Why is a value core needed? ›

A solid set of core values is essential when making important decisions. For example, personal core values can help you find your purpose, increase your confidence, etc. Meanwhile, business core values are crucial for making decisions.

Why are core values important in students life? ›

Research has shown that children who have a strong sense of values and ethics are more likely to exhibit positive behaviors and attitudes (Berkowitz, 2012). Core values can also provide children with a sense of purpose and direction, which can help them make better decisions and navigate challenging situations.

How do our core values impact our leadership? ›

They serve as a moral framework, define right and wrong, and influence decision-making processes. When leaders align their actions with their values, they demonstrate authenticity and establish trust and credibility with their teams.

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