Why are Ethereum Network Fees so High? (2024)

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If you have ever found yourself scratching your head, wondering why a minor transaction on the Ethereum blockchain leaves your wallet feeling considerably lighter, then you’re not alone. With the ever-increasing traffic on the Ethereum blockchain, transaction fees have skyrocketed, leaving many to ponder whether using the network is worth it at all.

Ethereum network fees have experienced periods of high volatility and congestion due to several factors, including surging demand, rising network congestion, gas price hikes, and scalability challenges.

In this article, we will address Ethereum network fees, why they are so high, and how to minimize money spent on transaction fees. So buckle up, because today we are about to unravel some very useful information on Ethereum and Ethereum fees!

Table of Contents

A Quick Look at Ethereum

Ethereum’s debut in the cryptocurrency space was a turning point for the entire blockchain industry. It was the first blockchain to finally challenge and match the dominance of the Bitcoin network.

Ethereum is a decentralized platform that permits developers to create, publish, and distribute applications and smart contracts. With its innovative features and services, and a community-run ecosystem that supports thousands of decentralized applications, it quickly amassed a great deal of popularity among investors and users around the world. Perhaps its most notable feature is the ability to deploy smart contracts, which immensely accelerated the development of the crypto industry.

For an in-depth analysis of Ethereum, you can refer to our article, ‘What is Ethereum and What are Its Use Cases’, which meticulously delineates every aspect of the Ethereum blockchain network. The focal point of today’s blog is Ethereum transaction fees, so let’s take a deeper look at exactly what it is and how it works.

Understanding Transaction Fees and How They Work

Also referred to as “gas fees”, transaction fees denote the money miners receive as a reward to execute a transaction on behalf of a sender and receiver. Every transaction and execution on the network requires some work; this is where miners fit into the picture. Miners are simply the gatekeepers of the blockchain network, validating transactions and adding them to the blockchain.

Remember that miners can choose which transaction they want to validate. In such a framework, a miner is likely to validate a transaction offering more money first. But how is this money calculated in the first place? When users proceed with a transaction or execution of a smart contract, they specify a “gas limit”. Think of gas in this scenario as the fuel that allows your transaction to go through or a smart contract to execute.

Next, you set your gas price, which is the amount of Ether (ETH) you are willing to pay for each gas unit. It is denoted in Gwei (giga wei), and 1 Gwei equals 1 billion wei. Wei is the smallest unit of Ether, and 1 Ether equals 1^18 wei (1 followed by 18 zero).

Having set the parameters, your transaction fees can be calculated by simple multiplication. Simply multiply the gas limit and gas price, so for example, if your gas limit is 100 and your gas price is 50 Gwei, then your transaction fees will be 100 * 50 = 500 Gwei or 0.000005 ETH.

This is the price that miners will charge you for all the computational work they did to process your transaction or the execution of a smart contract. It is essential to remember that gas fees are a very fluctuating metric, and their value depends on the traffic on the blockchain network.

If there is a significant rise in the number of users waiting to get their pending transactions validated, the gas fees will increase to serve the highest-paying users. Therefore, it is natural for gas prices to soar during rush hours.You can learn more about gas fees here.

Decoding the Enigma: Why are Ethereum Fees on the Rise?

Before we proceed any further, it is important to briefly examine how gas fees have evolved over the last few years. Initially, during the early days of the crypto revolution, the focus of stakeholders primarily revolved around investing in various currencies and capitalizing on exchange rates.

Ethereum remained in the shadows during this time, often overlooked and underestimated. Its transaction fees were relatively lower, with little demand for its native token. However, as the new possibilities within the blockchain world unfolded, Ethereum emerged as the central hub for countless innovative opportunities and pioneering projects.

With more and more people taking note of the explosion of possibilities within the blockchain world, such as smart contracts, decentralized applications (dApps), and non-fungible tokens (NFTs), Ethereum became the focal point for all these innovations. Etherem potentially revolutionized the world of crypto as we know it. With its Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) of over BTC 31,500, equating to over $18 million at the time, it was a pivotal moment in its development.

Word of Ethereum’s growing popularity and unique features swiftly spread throughout the crypto community. At this point in time, Ethereum started to be seen as more than just a cryptocurrency; it was increasingly regarded as a platform that empowered developers who could build decentralized applications with virtually limitless possibilities.

As the Ethereum network continued to gain momentum, its community and following grew exponentially. With gas prices heavily dependent upon the traffic on the network, this newly brought traction flooded the network, causing Ethereum’s gas prices to swell.

Why Have Ethereum’s Fees Skyrocketed Recently?

While Ethereum’s success in the crypto world is already established, the blockchain is experiencing remarkable growth more recently. Some of the principal causes for the high influx of users operating on the network are as follows:

Decentralized Applications (dApps): Perhaps this is the most exciting and captivating feature of the Ethereum network so far- the birth of decentralized applications. dApps have garnered much attention in the crypto world. There are several types of dApps drawing more users on the network, including financial dApps, games like Cryptokitties and collectibles like Cryptopunks, governance and Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs), decentralized social media platforms like Steemit, and many other applications for almost anything in the world.

Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): NFTs are unique digital assets that have proven to be a significant source of income for artists, creators, and collectors, including content creators, music artists, and digital artists. Ethereum’s ERC-721 and ERC-1155 have been adopted as the standard in creating new NFTs, channeling enormous traffic on the network. Aside from this trend, Ethereum even hosts marketplaces for NFT trading, such as OpenSea, Rarible, and NBA Top Shot.

Smart Contracts: Because it is the platform where smart contracts were first created, Ethereum is the foremost network that users look to when they want to generate a smart contract. Smart contracts have gained immense popularity over the years, and with Ethereum’s versatility and the broad range of applications it can support, it is extensively used in Decentralized Finance Protocols, lending or borrowing, decentralized exchanges, and yield farming.

Decentralized Exchanges (DEX): There are many decentralized exchanges built on the Ethereum blockchain, like Uniswap—a DEX which allows users to trade their ERC-20 tokens from their wallets directly. As a consequence, Ethereum bears the burdens of its innovative features and carries the weight of hosting and facilitating most decentralized exchanges.

Stablecoin Marketplaces: In addition to NFTs, stablecoin marketplaces based on Ethereum also exist in the cryptocurrency space. With several practical options available, including Tether and USD Coin, these markets make up a sizeable portion of the entire stablecoin market in the world, which partly accounts

How to Avoid Ethereum’s High Fees?

You can approach the issue of the ever-rising Ethereum fees smartly to optimize your transactions and minimize the amount you spend on gas fees in several ways. Let’s find out how!

1. Gas Price and Limit Optimization

Adjusting the amount of gas per transaction and gas price can be an excellent way to get the most out of a transaction. Several wallets with this feature automatically give you the gas and gas price after analyzing the traffic and the average transaction costs over the network. Some of the best wallets for this purpose are MetaMask and Coinbase.

2. Off-Peak Times

During peak working hours, the gas fees are usually high due to increased load on the network. You can address this problem by avoiding carrying out transactions from 9 am to 1 pm (EST). Costs are lowest around midnight till 4 in the morning (EST).

3. Layer-2 Solutions

These are scaling solutions built on the Ethereum network. They work by processing transactions off-chain or in a more optimized manner. Some famous examples of this feature are Optimistic Rollups, Zero Knowledge Rollups, and Plasma.

4. Batch Transactions

If you want to perform multiple transactions, you might as well bundle them all together and process them in a single go. This saves both time and gas fees as you will be paying for just a single transaction instead of multiple ones.

5. Other Networks

You are welcome if you need a different solution and wish to find an entirely different platform. You can trade your cryptocurrencies in many trusted places, including Solana, Avalanche, and Polygon.

Ethereum: The Leading Platform

Over the past few years, Ethereum has emerged as the leading platform for building decentralized applications (dApps) and smart contracts.

Its prominence in the crypto world is undeniable, attracting significant interest and driving network congestion.

As a consequence, gas fees and prices have skyrocketed. However, there are practical solutions to address these challenges and improve user experience on the platform.

The editorial content of OriginStamp AG does not constitute a recommendation for investment or purchaseadvice. In principle, an investment can also lead to a total loss. Therefore, please seek advice beforemaking an investment decision.

I'm an enthusiast with an in-depth understanding of blockchain technology, particularly Ethereum, and its associated concepts. My knowledge is based on extensive research, practical experience, and a commitment to staying informed about developments in the field. Now, let's delve into the key concepts addressed in the article.

Ethereum Overview:

Ethereum's Debut: Ethereum revolutionized the blockchain industry, challenging Bitcoin's dominance. It's a decentralized platform enabling developers to create, publish, and distribute applications and smart contracts. Notably, Ethereum's introduction of smart contracts accelerated the crypto industry's development.

Ethereum's Popularity: With innovative features, a community-run ecosystem, and the ability to deploy smart contracts, Ethereum gained popularity among investors and users globally. It became a platform empowering developers to build decentralized applications with limitless possibilities.

Understanding Transaction Fees:

Transaction Fees ("Gas Fees"): Transaction fees, also known as "gas fees," are the rewards miners receive for executing transactions. Gas represents the fuel for transactions or smart contract executions. Users set a gas limit and gas price (in Gwei) to calculate transaction fees, paid to miners for computational work.

Factors Influencing Gas Fees: Gas fees fluctuate based on network traffic. During high demand, fees increase, as miners prioritize transactions offering higher fees. Gas fees are dynamic, influenced by factors like congestion, gas price hikes, and scalability challenges.

Why Ethereum Fees Have Risen:

Ethereum's Evolution: Initially overlooked, Ethereum's transaction fees were low. As Ethereum gained traction, hosting decentralized applications (dApps), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and smart contracts, its popularity surged. This increased demand led to a rise in gas fees.

Causes of Recent Fee Surges: Recent spikes in Ethereum fees result from the growing popularity of decentralized applications, NFTs, smart contracts, decentralized exchanges (DEX), and stablecoin marketplaces. Ethereum's versatility and widespread use contribute to network congestion and increased gas fees.

Strategies to Minimize Ethereum Fees:

  1. Gas Price and Limit Optimization: Adjust gas per transaction and gas price based on network analysis. Wallets like MetaMask and Coinbase offer features to optimize gas fees.

  2. Off-Peak Transactions: Avoid peak hours when gas fees are high. Perform transactions during low-traffic periods, typically midnight to 4 am (EST).

  3. Layer-2 Solutions: Implement scaling solutions like Optimistic Rollups and Zero Knowledge Rollups to process transactions off-chain or more efficiently.

  4. Batch Transactions: Bundle multiple transactions into a single batch to save time and reduce gas fees, paying for a single transaction instead of multiple.

  5. Explore Other Networks: Consider alternative blockchain platforms like Solana, Avalanche, and Polygon for different solutions and potentially lower fees.


Ethereum remains a leading platform for decentralized applications and smart contracts despite challenges with rising gas fees. Implementing strategic approaches can help users optimize transactions and minimize costs, enhancing the overall experience on the Ethereum network.

Why are Ethereum Network Fees so High? (2024)


Why are Ethereum network fees so high? ›

1. Why is the ETH gas fee so high? Ethereum gas fees can be high due to network congestion during periods of high demand, especially for complex transactions involving smart contracts or decentralized applications.

How do I reduce Ethereum network fees? ›

7 Tips To Avoid Ethereum Gas Fees
  1. Optimize the transaction timing. ...
  2. Take advantage of rebate offers. ...
  3. Choose transaction type carefully. ...
  4. Monitor network congestion to avoid delays. ...
  5. Benefit from gas tokens. ...
  6. Calculate payable gas fees beforehand. ...
  7. Switch to Ethereum 2.0.
Jun 7, 2024

Why does it cost so much to send ETH? ›

Ethereum is one of the most popular and widely used blockchain networks, leading to a high number of transactions being processed on the network. During peak times, the network can become congested, causing delays and higher fees as users compete to have their transactions included in the next block.

How to reduce Ethereum gas fees on trust wallet? ›

How to Change the ETH Gas Fee on Trust Wallet
  1. Create a transaction. Tap the send icon and select ETH. ...
  2. Access advanced settings. The next screen displays a summary of your transaction, including the estimated network fee. ...
  3. Change the fees. ...
  4. Save your settings.
Jun 26, 2024

What determines Ethereum network fee? ›

Fees are determined by the amount of network traffic, the supply of validators, and the demand for transaction verification. The higher the demand and traffic, the higher the fees.

Why is the network fee so high on blockchain? ›

Cryptocurrency network fees (on-chain fees) fluctuate based on network activity. During periods of high transaction volumes (network congestion), fees may increase. The fee required by each blockchain protocol varies depending on its current usage levels.

How to buy ETH with less fees? ›

You can use Blocktrade as a cheap, secure, and global exchange to buy ETH. You don't need to pay any trading fee while using Blocktrade exchange. Sign up for free, create an account, and purchase ETH with a few clicks.

What is the average ETH transaction fee? ›

Ethereum Average Transaction Fee is at a current level of 0.895, down from 0.9613 yesterday and down from 0.9179 one year ago. This is a change of -6.90% from yesterday and -2.49% from one year ago.

Is Ethereum network congestion? ›

However, its popularity has resulted in network congestion and scaling difficulties. Ethereum is an open-source, decentralized blockchain-based platform that allows anyone to build and deploy permanent and immutable decentralized applications, known as dApps.

How do I get low gas fees on ETH? ›

To reduce Ethereum gas fees, choose off-peak hours for transactions, batch similar transactions, use gas tokens and estimation tools, and explore Layer 2 solutions like Optimism.

Why is the trust wallet network fee high? ›

Market Demand

This heightened demand for faster transaction processing translates to higher fees. Conversely, during periods of lower trading activity, the network experiences less congestion. With fewer transactions vying for confirmation, the urgency for faster processing diminishes.

How much are Ethereum network transfer fees? ›

As of 05 August 2024, at 20:20, the current fee structure on the Cropty wallet for Ethereum (ETH) stands thus - mean withdrawal fee is 0.00034 ETH (≈0.82$) , while for minimum and maximum fees today are 0.000207 ETH (≈0.5 $) and 0.00047 ETH (≈1.13 $) respectively.

Will Ethereum transaction fees go down? ›

Ethereum's Dencun upgrade is set to significantly improve blockchain efficiency and scalability, with a launch date of March 13. Transaction fees on Ethereum's Layer 2 solutions are expected to decrease by at least 10 times, enhancing cost-effectiveness.

How to buy Ethereum without fees? ›

You can use Blocktrade as a cheap, secure, and global exchange to buy ETH. You don't need to pay any trading fee while using Blocktrade exchange. Sign up for free, create an account, and purchase ETH with a few clicks.

Are ETH fees higher than BTC? ›

Bitcoin is an investment and a payment method, and so is Ethereum — but Ethereum can support financial software, too. Bitcoin and Ethereum are created through very different processes — mining vs. staking — and have different environmental footprints. Ethereum fees have tended to be higher than those for Bitcoin.

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