Which version of Python is better for beginners? (2024)

Which version of Python is better for beginners? (1)

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In this article, we will see the better version of Python is better for beginners.

There used to be some controversy in the coding community regarding which Python version was the best to learn: Python 2 vs Python 3. (or, specifically, Python 2.7 vs 3.5).

Python 3 is the winner for beginners or those looking to update their abilities in 2018.

In this article, We'll go through why Python 3 is better and why businesses are migrating from Python 2 to 3.

What is Python 2?

Python 2.0 was released to the computer world in the year 2000. The introduction of Python 2 by the BeOpen Python Labs team was designed to make programming simple and easy to learn for the general public.

Python 2 was effective in delivering the Python Enhancement Proposal(PEP) technical specifications. However, following the advent of Python 3, Python 2 saw little use in the computer sector, and the year 2020 marked the end of Python 2's legacy, with Python 2.7 being its most recent version.

The following is a timeline of the release of the various Python 2. X series versions −

  • Python 2.0 − October 16, 2000
  • Python 2.1 − April 17, 2001
  • Python 2.2 − December 21, 2001
  • Python 2.3 − July 29, 2003
  • Python 2.4 − November 30, 2004
  • Python 2.5 − September 19, 2006
  • Python 2.6 − October 1, 2008
  • Python 2.7 − July 3, 2010

What is Python 3?

Python 3, which was released in 2008, was more than just a debugged version of Python 2. Python's creation was primarily motivated by the desire to eliminate redundancy - writing repetitive code or writing the same piece of code over and over - from coding. Python 3 is backwards incompatible and tries to solve the challenges that new programmers have when learning a programming language.

The following is a timeline of the various Python 3.X series releases −

  • Python 3.0 − December 3, 2008
  • Python 3.1 − June 27, 2009
  • Python 3.2 − February 20, 2011
  • Python 3.3 − September 29, 2012
  • Python 3.4 − March 16, 2014
  • Python 3.5 − September 13, 2015
  • Python 3.6 − October 2016
  • Python 3.7 − June 2018.

Which version of Python is better for beginners?

The answer is quite simple. Learn the most recent version.

Python3's modifications have made it easier for beginners to understand, making it the greatest way to learn Python for the first time.

Which Is the Better to Learn? Python 2 or Python 3

Yes, it is better to learn than Python 2.

Many businesses continue to utilize Python 2 fourteen years after the release of Python 3 because converting code from Python 2 to Python 3 is time-consuming. It could take several years. DropBox took 3 years to migrate, even though Guido Van Rossum worked for them.

So, while learning Python 3 is beneficial, knowledge of Python 2 is still advantageous. For example, if your organization is still using obsolete code or is in the process of migrating, some information is useful. However, many developers have lost interest in Python 2.

Python 3 is the latest, most user-friendly, secure, and most powerful option. Python 3 is the obvious choice for new developers now that Python 2 support has been withdrawn. Beyond the Python 2 vs 3 issues, there's also Java or HTML language to consider, among many others. Starting with the most recent language is the safest option.

Moreover, employers will prefer Python 3 experience over Python 2. While it is beneficial to be skilled in several languages, Python 3 is the most widely used and is more likely to help your professional progress.

Why Should you Learn Python 2?

The following are some of the best reasons to learn Python 2 −

  • You will need to work with both Python versions if you want to become a DevOps engineer. For example, you might need to use configuration tools like puppet or ansible. Python 2 would be beneficial.

  • If your prospective employer's code is written in Python 2, you'll need to be familiar with it. Alternatively, if your organization is migrating from Python 2 to Python 3, you will need to master the latter.

  • If your team is working on a project that specifically uses third-party libraries or software in Python 2 and you are unable to convert it to Python 3, you must learn it.

  • Python 2 has been around for a longer time. This means that there are a lot more Python 2 libraries out there, and not all of them have migrated to Python 3. As a result, you may find yourself employing Python 2 on occasion.

It is up to you to decide whether it is worthwhile to work with earlier coding languages.

Why Should you Learn Python 3?

If you've been following the Python 2 vs. 3 discussions, you'll notice that there is a clear winner. Although Python 2 has its merits, learning Python 3 is more advantageous, especially for beginning developers. The following are the top reasons why you should learn Python 3.

  • Python 3 improves AI, machine learning, and data science support. It has more updates that Python 2 does not have.

  • Python 3 is still supported and has a large user base to help with support, whereas Python 2 was discontinued in 2020. Python 3 is one of the most rapidly evolving programming languages. It is a simpler and more efficient language than Python 2, as well as C#, R, and Java.

  • Python 3 is a simpler language with a clearer syntax. Python 3 allows you to create code more rapidly and elegantly.

  • Avoid syntax ambiguity—slight grammatical variations between Python 2 and 3 may confuse newcomers. The better option is to learn Python 3.

  • Python 3 is in high demand in almost every business. Whether you want to be a software developer or not, including Python 3 on your CV can help you get a job. Python 3 developers are valued in industries such as recruitment, healthcare, finance, marketing, and education.

Why are companies migrating from Python 2 to Python 3?

As previously said, most businesses continue to use Python 2 for legacy reasons, but an increasing number of businesses are employing Python 3 or are in the process of migrating from 2 to 3.

So, let's take a look at Instagram and Facebook, two companies that have either migrated to Python 3 or are doing so, and why they did so.


Instagram migrated the majority of its Python code base from Python 2.7 to Python 3 in 2017.


  • Python is not typically a typed language, but Python v3.5 now supports typing, which eliminates developmental issues while writing new code.

  • Python's runtime gets quicker with each new version. Meanwhile, no one is working to make Python 2.7 run more quickly.

  • Python 3 has improved community support.


Facebook is presently upgrading its infrastructure and handlers from Python 2 to Python 3.4.

"The simplicity of utilizing Python libraries means that product developers don't have to create or maintain as much code, allowing them to focus on getting enhancements live," according to RealPython. It also assures that Facebook's infrastructure can scale efficiently."

Difference between Python 2 vs Python 3

The following table shows the key differences between Python 2 vs Python 3 −

ParametersPython 2.xPython 3.x
Released Year20002008
“Print” KeywordIn Python 2, print is regarded as a statement rather than a function.eg − print “tutorials”In Python 3, print is regarded as a function rather than a statement.eg − print(“tutorials”)
Storage of StringsStrings are stored as ASCII by default in Python 2.Strings are stored as UNICODE by default in Python 3.
Division of IntegersIn python2, When you divide two integers, you always get an integer value.When two integers are divided, a float value is returned in python3
SyntaxThe syntax of Python 2 was relatively tough to grasp.The syntax of python3 is simple and easy to understand.
ExceptionsIn python2, Exceptions are enclosed in notations.Exceptions are enclosed within parentheses in python3
Variable leakageWhile using inside the for-loop, the value of the global variable will change.In python3, Variable values never change.
LibrariesMany Python 2 libraries are NOT forward compatible.Many libraries are written in Python 3 to be used only with Python 3.
Backward compatibilityPython 2 code can be converted to Python 3 with considerable effort.Python 3 does not support backward compatibility with Python 2.
IterationFor iterations, Python 2 includes the xrange() method.To execute iterations, Python 3 introduced the new Range() method.
Today's usePython 2 has been deprecated since 2020.Python 3 is more widely used than Python 2 and is still in use today.


There is a clear winner in the Python 2 vs. Python 3 dispute. While Python 2 was popular in the early 2000s, Python 3 is the greatest option for learning in 2022. Python 2 may be required in specific instances, however, Python 3 is the most often used language.

Vikram Chiluka

Updated on: 15-Dec-2022

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Which version of Python is better for beginners? (31)



Which version of Python is better for beginners? (2024)


Which version of Python is better for beginners? ›

Python 3 is recommended for beginners because it is the latest version, has better syntax, and includes more features and improvements over Python 2.

What version of Python should I use as a beginner? ›

If you're a beginner, Python 3 is the way to go. It's like stepping onto a modern, well-maintained path rather than an older, outdated one. Python 3 is designed to be more intuitive and user-friendly, with features that simplify coding and make it easier to understand.

Which Python software is best for beginners? ›

Beginner — IDLE (or Online Python Editors) is the perfect choice for the first steps in python language. PyCharm is also good but takes the help of some experienced person while using this. Intermediate — PyCharm, Sublime, Atom, Vs Code.

Is Python 2 or 3 better for beginners? ›

Which Version Is Best to Learn? If you're deciding between learning Python 2 vs. Python 3, note that one isn't necessarily better than the other, but Python 3 is easier to learn.

What is Python good for beginners? ›

Due to its simplicity, it is simple to learn and comprehend, making it an excellent choice for beginners. Python can be used for several tasks because it is a flexible language, including web development, game development, machine learning, and artificial intelligence.

How should a beginner start learning Python? ›

The best way to learn Python is by using it. Working on real projects gives you the opportunity to apply the concepts you've learned and gain hands-on experience. Start with simple projects that reinforce the basics, and gradually take on more complex ones as your skills improve.

Which is the most useful Python version? ›

Python 3 is the best version of Python nowadays. Going for it is the safest choice, especially for novel programmers. Since its stop of support, Python 2 is rapidly running out of steam, and more and more companies are migrating their code to Python 3.

Can a beginner directly learn Python? ›

Yes, you can learn Python without any programming experience. In fact, Python is so popular in part because of its easy-to-use, intuitive nature. For people without any coding experience at all, Python is actually considered the perfect programming language.

How can I practice Python as a beginner? ›

  1. Make It Stick. Tip #1: Code Everyday. Tip #2: Write It Out. Tip #3: Go Interactive! Tip #4: Take Breaks. ...
  2. Make It Collaborative. Tip #6: Surround Yourself With Others Who Are Learning. Tip #7: Teach. Tip #8: Pair Program. ...
  3. Make Something. Tip #10: Build Something, Anything. Tip #11: Contribute to Open Source.
  4. Go Forth and Learn!

What is the best source to learn Python for beginners? ›

Top 10 Free Python Courses
  1. Google's Python Class. ...
  2. Microsoft's Introduction to Python Course. ...
  3. Introduction to Python Programming by Udemy. ...
  4. Learn Python - Full Course for Beginners by freeCodeCamp. ...
  5. Learn Python 3 From Scratch by Educative. ...
  6. Python for Everybody by Coursera. ...
  7. Learn Python 2 by Codecademy.

Can I learn Python 3 if I know Python 2? ›

Python 3 is the most recent version, and you don't need Python 2 experience to learn it. It makes sense to learn Python 3 first if you're just learning this programming language.

Is Python 2 still worth learning? ›

And, as of the beginning of 2020, Python 2 is no longer being developed. The last version of Python 2 had been in maintenance mode for years by then, and all its new features were added to Python 3. For the most part, you won't find much Python 2 code in use today.

How difficult is Python for beginners? ›

Python is actually considered one of the easiest programming languages to learn. While anyone can learn Python programming — even if you've never written a line of Python code before — you should expect that it will take time, and you should expect moments of frustration.

How long does it take to learn Python for a beginner? ›

In general, it takes around two to six months to learn the fundamentals of Python. But you can learn enough to write your first short program in a matter of minutes. Developing mastery of Python's vast array of libraries can take months or years.

What can I build with Python as a beginner? ›

20 Python Projects for Beginners in High School
  • Simple Calculator. ...
  • Number Guessing Game: ...
  • Simple To-Do List: ...
  • Dice Rolling Simulator: ...
  • Temperature Converter: ...
  • Simple Text-Based Adventure Game: ...
  • Hangman Game: ...
  • BMI Calculator:
Feb 29, 2024

Which Python course for beginners? ›

In summary, here are 10 of our most popular python courses
  • Python for Data Science, AI & Development: IBM.
  • Crash Course on Python: Google.
  • Python for Everybody: University of Michigan.
  • Python 3 Programming: University of Michigan.
  • Google IT Automation with Python: Google.
  • Python Basics: University of Michigan.

How do I choose the right version of Python? ›

The py.exe launcher will automatically select the most recent version of Python you've installed. You can also use commands like py -3.7 to select a particular version, or py --list to see which versions can be used.

Which Python module should I learn first? ›

Which Python library should I learn first? For beginners, start with pandas for data manipulation and analysis. It's user-friendly, widely used in data science, and provides powerful data structures. Learning pandas will build a strong foundation for exploring other libraries like numpy and matplotlib.

Which Python framework is easiest to learn? ›

Bottle is a WSGI (Web Server Gateway Interface) micro web framework for Python. It is really fast, easy to learn, and compatible to build APIs. One of the most amazing advantages of the Bottle framework is it helps developers to work closely with the hardware.

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