Which Is The Best Scandinavian Country To Live In? Life In Scandinavia (2024)

Have you ever wondered which is the best Scandinavian country to live in? Every year, Scandinavian countries rank towards the top of the list for the happiest, healthiest, and safest countries globally, so making a choice can be difficult. Hopefully, this guide will help…

Finland and Norway often excel at providing high-quality health and wellbeing to expats and locals alike. While Denmark and Sweden rank high in general happiness, opportunities, and more.

There are many factors which make life in Scandinavia so special. Living in Scandinavia means you’re surrounded by people who believe in generosity, community and looking after each other.

Moving to Scandinavian countries also gives you an opportunity to explore a world with a treasured, protected environment.

The biggest challenge for anyone planning a life in Scandinavia, is figuring out which country they should move to. After all, when every region has something wonderful to offer, how do you define the best Scandinavian countries?

We’re going to dive into some of your options to help you make the choice.

Which of the Nordic countries is best?

As you might expect, there’s no one-size-fits-all answer to this question.

The best places to live in Scandinavia will depend on what matters most to you. Expats in Finland say the environment is beautiful, with tons of natural sighs to see, and amazing levels of security and safety.

In fact, Finland, Norway, and Denmark rank among the safest countries in the world. Sweden is a little lower down in the list, but it’s still in the top 10.

For environmental sustainability, Denmark and Sweden are also in the top five. If you want to make the world a better place by protecting the environment, you’ll do well in Denmark and Sweden.

Of course, Finland and Norway are also known for their commitment to keeping the world clean and sustainable.

Sweden, Norway, and Denmark are also in the top five of the most politically “stable” countries in the world. This means you’re not going to have to worry too much about governmental issues and unrest.

The Nordic countries have their downsides too. You’ll have to learn a new language if you decide to move to one of these countries (although they are some of the easier languages to learn).

Some expats also say they have trouble settling in and making friends once they arrive in their Nordic wonderland.

You can check out these books to get a better idea of how the Scandi countries work:

Let’s take a closer look at what each country can offer if you’re moving to Scandinavia.

Which Is The Best Scandinavian Country To Live In? Life In Scandinavia (1)

The best Scandinavian country to live in: Sweden

Let’s start right in the middle of Scandinavia, with Sweden.

Sweden is a beautiful, highly safe environment for expats and local citizens alike. The Swedish landscape ranks among the top countries in the world,

Sweden ranks high in economics and welfare, and you can rest assured your children will get a great education, as school is free for anyone to attend.

Sweden is about more than just beautiful natural landscapes, it also has pristine cities which protect the environment, cradle to grave care for people worried about health, and a fantastic workplace.

Swedish citizens get up to 18 months of leave after having a child. There’s also plenty of sick pay and annual leave to take advantage of.

Some of the reasons you might choose Sweden as the best Scandinavian country to live in include:

  • Islands: There are more than 24,000 islands to discover in the Stockholm archipelago, making Sweden a fantastic place to explore if you love spending time on a ferry or boat.
  • Work/life balance: Sweden promises some of the best vacation, sick time, and maternity leave in the world, combined with plenty of support for people who need help getting back on their feet.
  • Hiking: Hiking is fantastic for exploring some of the most beautiful trails in the world. You can go all the way from a month-long trail for extreme hiking enthusiasts, to simple day hikes, depending on your needs.
  • Great internet: Internet connections are pretty fast in Sweden, as the country currently ranks among the top five fastest providers in the world. You’ll even get speedy mobile internet.
  • Sports: If you’re not into sports much, you might struggle in Sweden. There are tons of professional handball, football, and ice hockey leagues to check out.
  • Environmental Leadership and Electric Vehicle Adoption: Norway leads the world in electric vehicle (EV) adoption, with a significant portion of new cars sold being electric. This is part of Norway’s broader commitment to environmental sustainability, supported by policies that encourage the use of clean energy and aim to reduce carbon emissions. Living in Norway means being part of one of the most environmentally conscious societies.
  • Natural Wonders and the Northern Lights: Norway’s geography offers unparalleled access to natural wonders, including the world-famous fjords, mountains, and waterfalls. Additionally, Norway is one of the best places in the world to witness the Northern Lights, particularly in the Arctic Circle areas like Tromsø, offering a unique natural phenomenon that’s hard to find elsewhere.
  • Robust Healthcare System: While Scandinavian countries are known for their high-quality healthcare, Norway’s system is particularly notable for its efficiency and universal coverage. Healthcare services are largely funded by the government, ensuring that all residents have access to excellent medical care without the burden of high out-of-pocket costs.
  • Safety and Security: Norway boasts one of the lowest crime rates globally, making it one of the safest countries to live in. The sense of security is further enhanced by the high level of trust in the police and other government institutions, providing a safe and stable environment for residents and their families.

On the other hand, Sweden’s climate takes some getting used to. You won’t get as much sunshine as you’d expect elsewhere in the world. Plus, people in Sweden tend to isolate and stay away from people when they need a break.

Health insurance in Sweden won’t cover everything, and there are various rules about how and when you can drink alcohol.

Which Is The Best Scandinavian Country To Live In? Life In Scandinavia (2)

The best Scandinavian country to live in: Norway

Switching over to Norway, you can expect a lot of similarities to countries like Sweden, such as a similar language, a commitment to protecting the natural landscape, and a fantastic health and social care strategy.

As the best Nordic country for exploring the fjords, Norway is a place full of magical sights to see and outdoor adventures.

Norway offers expats and locals a much higher salary than many other Scandinavian countries, so you can expect to earn a decent amount in your profession. Norway is also one of the top places to live in if you’re looking for a happy life and excellent work/life balance.

Housing is beautiful, with amazing architecture throughout the country, and there are tons of camping locations.

In Norway, you can expect minimal crime, and a high level of trust among all the people you interact with. Norway will also cover your healthcare costs if something goes wrong as you’re raising your family among the fjords.

You may choose Norway as the best Scandinavian country if you’re looking for:

  • Fjords: There are around 63,000 miles of coastline in Norway, decorated by some of the most dramatic and beautiful fjords in the world. You won’t find another place in the world with the same sights.
  • Transport: Norway is great for getting around. There’s a train system which will help you to see some of the more beautiful regions in style, and you can even jump on the metro line in Oslo. Getting around is quick and simple.
  • Snow sports: If you’re a fan of skiing and snowboarding, you’ll love life in Norway. There are tons of mountains to discover, and ski jumps ready to thrill any professionals in training.
  • Language: The language in Norway is easy enough to learn, and you’ll be pleased to know a lot of the locals already speak English. This should make it much easier to settle into your new life.
  • Wildlife: There are few places in the world where you can spot whales from the coastline. Norway will help you to get back in touch with nature like never before. You can even go on boat tours and adventures to see more of the local sea life.
  • Innovative Technology and Start-up Scene: Norway is rapidly growing as a hub for innovation and technology, particularly in clean energy, marine technology, and information technology sectors. Cities like Oslo are home to vibrant start-up ecosystems, offering opportunities for entrepreneurs and professionals in the tech industry. This environment supports creativity and innovation, making Norway an attractive place for those looking to engage in cutting-edge work.
  • Educational Excellence: Beyond the high-quality education system common in Scandinavia, Norway offers unique educational opportunities related to its strengths in maritime, energy, and environmental sciences. Norwegian universities and research institutions are renowned for their research in these fields, providing excellent opportunities for students and academics. The country’s focus on education in English also makes it accessible to international students.
  • Cultural Festivals and Events: Norway has a rich cultural scene that celebrates both its Norse heritage and contemporary arts. The country hosts numerous festivals throughout the year, such as the Bergen International Festival, Oslo Jazz Festival, and the Northern Lights Festival in Tromsø. These events showcase Norway’s commitment to cultural diversity and arts, offering residents a chance to participate in a wide range of cultural experiences.
  • Pioneering in Renewable Energy: While known for its oil and gas reserves, Norway is also a pioneer in renewable energy, particularly hydropower, which constitutes a significant portion of its energy production. The country’s investment in electric vehicles and infrastructure for sustainability demonstrates its commitment to a green future, offering a model for living sustainably.
  • Strong Focus on Gender Equality: Norway is consistently ranked among the top countries in the world for gender equality. The government has implemented policies to promote equality in the workplace and home, including generous parental leave policies that encourage shared responsibility between parents. This commitment to equality can be seen in various aspects of Norwegian life, making it an attractive country for those who prioritize gender equality.

Norway does have its downsides too. The postal system is often under attack by locals for being relatively slow, and the cost of living is much higher than it would be in other Scandinavian countries. The weather also takes some getting used to, with colder temperatures throughout the year.

Which Is The Best Scandinavian Country To Live In? Life In Scandinavia (3)

The best Scandinavian country to live in: Denmark

Denmark usually fights for the top spot as the happiest place to live in the world. It’s one of the most beautiful destinations to visit, with tons of fantastic museums and historical destinations to explore.

You’ll love living here if you appreciate the outdoors, as many cars are replaced with bikes, and it doesn’t take long to jump from one location to the next.

When it comes to choosing the best Scandinavian country for expats, Denmark ranks close to the top thanks to an easy-to-learn language, a fantastic quality of life, and plenty of health and social care. The environment is also great for work-life balance.

The official work week in Denmark is generally much shorter than it is elsewhere in the world.

Denmark employers expect you to spend more of your life with your family and pursuing the things you enjoy. Denmark also gives you access to professional childcare, so you can go back to work after having a child with minimal issues.

Denmark may be the best Scandinavian country for you if you want:

  • Hygge: Though most Scandinavian countries have their own version of hygge, Denmark is the place to go for the true experience. Hygge is all about making the most of the little things in life and enjoying a sense of coziness.
  • Food: Denmark is the place to be for amazing food, with fine-dining options galore. There are many Michelin star restaurants around the country. Plus, while you’re in Denmark, you can always try out some local food trends too, like Danish cheese.
  • Safety: Denmark provides one of the safest places to live in the world. There are minimal crimes to worry about, and you get access to excellent healthcare if anything does go wrong. There’s even a huge emphasis on equality in Denmark.
  • Opportunity: Aside from tons of job options for expats and locals, Denmark also has some of the lowest income inequality rates in the world. This should mean you can enjoy the right wage, regardless of where you come from.
  • Travel: One of the benefits of living in Denmark is you’ll be part of the Schengen agreement, which means you can travel freely to countries throughout Europe without having to worry about passports and visas.
  • Renewable Energy and Sustainability: Denmark is a global leader in renewable energy and sustainability efforts, particularly in wind power, where it’s one of the world’s largest producers. The Danish government has ambitious goals to become carbon neutral, making Denmark an ideal place for those passionate about environmental conservation and sustainability.
  • Cycling Culture and Infrastructure: While the article mentions the preference for bikes over cars, it’s worth emphasizing the extent of this culture. Denmark, especially Copenhagen, is known for its extensive and well-maintained cycling infrastructure, making it one of the most bike-friendly countries in the world. This commitment to cycling contributes to a healthier lifestyle and a reduction in traffic congestion and pollution.
  • Innovative Education System: Denmark’s education system is recognized for its innovative approaches to learning, which focus on critical thinking, creativity, and collaboration rather than rote memorization. Danish schools also place a high emphasis on social skills and emotional development, preparing students not just academically but as well-rounded individuals for the global stage.
  • Architectural Innovation and Design: Denmark is world-renowned for its contributions to modern design and architecture. Danish design, characterized by simplicity, functionality, and aesthetics, influences global trends. Living in Denmark means being surrounded by this innovative design culture, evident in everything from public buildings to everyday items.
  • Community and Social Trust: Danish society is characterized by a high degree of social trust, where people have faith in each other and in public institutions. This trust contributes to a cohesive community life and is a foundation of Denmark’s welfare model, enhancing the quality of life for its residents.
  • Efficient Public Services: Denmark is known for its efficient public services, including a reliable and extensive public transportation system that makes commuting and traveling across the country easy and comfortable. The government’s digitalization efforts have also streamlined many public services, making administrative tasks less cumbersome for residents.

Of course, Denmark has its issues too. For example, the Danish language can be trickier to learn in places, depending on how well you pick up new information.

The weather is a little challenging throughout some parts of the year, especially when it gets grey and cold, and Denmark can have some pretty expensive prices for the must-have items you need.

Which Is The Best Scandinavian Country To Live In? Life In Scandinavia (4)

The best Scandinavian country to live in: Iceland and Finland

When it comes to deciding which Scandinavian country is easiest to immigrate to, you might also look at Iceland and Finland. These countries aren’t always classed as “Scandinavian”, but they often fall into the Nordic category.

All Scandinavian countries are easier to immigrate to if you’re from Scandinavia, including Finland and Iceland. However, it is trickier to move if you’re from the US, UK, or elsewhere.


  • Renewable Energy Leader: Iceland is a global leader in renewable energy utilization, with virtually 100% of its electricity and heating coming from renewable sources, mainly geothermal and hydroelectric power. This commitment to sustainability makes Iceland an ideal place for those who prioritize environmental consciousness.
  • Innovative Culinary Scene: While known for its dramatic landscapes, Iceland also boasts a unique and innovative culinary scene. Icelandic cuisine is a testament to the country’s creativity and use of local ingredients, offering a range of dining experiences from traditional dishes to modern Nordic gastronomy.
  • Strong Sense of Community and Equality: Iceland ranks high in gender equality, and it has a strong sense of community. Its small population fosters a close-knit society where people often engage in communal activities and support each other, enhancing the social well-being of its residents.
  • Vibrant Arts and Music Scene: Despite its small size, Iceland has a vibrant arts scene, with Reykjavik in particular being home to numerous artists, musicians, and creatives. The country is famous for its music festivals and artistic events, which reflect its rich cultural life.
  • Safety and Stability: Iceland is one of the safest countries in the world with low crime rates. Its political and economic stability further adds to the quality of life, making it a peaceful and secure place to live.


  • World-Leading Education System: Finland’s education system is renowned worldwide for its quality and innovative teaching methods. It emphasizes equality, creativity, and critical thinking, providing children with a strong foundation for their future. Higher education is also of high quality and accessible, making Finland attractive for families and students.
  • Sauna Culture: Saunas are an integral part of Finnish culture, offering both a place for physical relaxation and social interaction. With over 2 million saunas in Finland, this tradition is a unique aspect of Finnish life, contributing to physical and mental well-being.
  • Freedom and Equality: Finland is characterized by high levels of freedom, social security, and equality. The Finnish welfare system ensures that all citizens have access to high-quality healthcare and social services, contributing to the overall happiness of its people.
  • Clean and Beautiful Nature: With vast forests, thousands of lakes, and clean air, Finland is one of the best countries for nature lovers. The country’s commitment to environmental protection ensures that its natural beauty is preserved and cherished.
  • Innovation and Technology: Finland is a global leader in technology and innovation, particularly in fields like telecommunications, clean tech, and gaming. This environment fosters a dynamic job market and offers numerous opportunities for professionals in these industries.

Iceland represents one of the best Nordic countries if you’re a fan of volcanos, hot springs, and the northern lights. This is a beautiful destination with quite a nice climate, despite the name.

Iceland is a little less appealing if you like to travel a lot, as you’ll often need to pay for a flight, rather than going anywhere by boat, train, bus or car. On the plus side, Iceland has a lot of great advantages too.

Iceland isn’t just one of the most beautiful places in the world; it’s also extremely welcoming, with communities full of people who will happily embrace your friendship. English is pretty universal here too, so you should fit right in.

Finland, similar to Iceland, won’t always classify as a Scandinavian country, but it is one of the best Nordic countries to live in.

Finland has an amazing combination of beautiful national parks and urban locations to explore. Two-thirds of Finland is covered in forest, and there are tons of options for hiking, biking, and exploring the great outdoors.

Finland, like Iceland, is a good place to see the Northern Lights. Like Denmark, Finland is also home to a lot of high-quality restaurants too.

The Finnish landscape shares many of the benefits common with living in Scandinavia, including free education, and wonderfully high salaries. In Finland, you can also expect a high degree of overall happiness.

Unfortunately, there are some downsides too. For instance, Finland winters are extremely difficult to endure if you’re used to warmer weather. Temperatures can drop very low, and you may miss out on sunlight for days at a time.

Plus, like other Scandinavian countries, the costs of living in Finland are often high.

See also


Studying Engineering in Scandinavia: The Beginners Guide

Which is the easiest Nordic country to immigrate to?


If you’re struggling to decide which is the best Scandinavian country to live in, you might have some questions to answer first. Like, which is the easiest Nordic country to immigrate to?

Most of the Nordic countries above are similar in terms of expat options. You’ll be able to move anywhere in the Scandi region quite easily if you’re already from a European country.

It’s even easier to move from a region in Scandinavia to another Scandi country — moving from Finland to Norway is a breeze. If you’re looking for the best Scandinavian country to move to from the USA, you may have more problems.

It’s quite difficult to move into any Scandi country from outside of the US unless you’re marrying a local. The best option is usually to go and gain your degree in one of these countries, then look for a job while you’re still there.

Finding a role online when you’re still living in the US is tough. Remember Scandi employers can hire from anywhere in the region, so they have tons of local talent to choose from.

Let’s answer some other quick questions about the best Scandinavian countries.

Q: Which is the best Scandinavian country for expats?

Sweden is often recommended as the best country for expats — among regions all over the world! Denmark is much tougher to move to. The Danes have been making it harder for new people to move into the country over the last few years.

Q: Which Scandinavian country has the lowest cost of living?

If you’re looking for the cheapest Scandinavian country to live in, Sweden comes out on top again. It’s very cheap to buy products around Sweden, although you can earn a higher income from other regions, like Norway.

Q: Which Scandinavian country has the highest cost of living?

The most expensive country to live in is Norway. Though Norwegian wages are high, the cost of living is much higher too, which means people often travel from Denmark and Sweden to Norway for their work.

Q: Which country has the best work/life balance?

Both Denmark and Norway rank very high for work/life balance. Both offer shorter workweeks than other regions throughout the Nordic countries. There’s also plenty of time off when you need it. If you can find a job (which is tough in these countries), you’ll have no problem earning a fantastic income.

Q: Which Scandinavian country is best for family?

All Nordic countries are highly recommended for family life. Sweden is the lowest-performing country in this section, and it’s still number five on the top fifty countries for family life quality.

Finland is first, with Denmark in fourth place. Education and childcare costs are minimal, and you also have the benefit of a safe place to bring your children up in.

Q: Which Scandinavian country is safest?

Norway is often ranked as the safest country to visit in the Scandi region, but all locations in the Nordic space are safe. Nordic countries are often considered to be safer because the citizens are less vulnerable to economic unrest and stress than other countries.

Q: Which Nordic country is richest?

Norway is often regarded as the best country to make a high income in the Scandi region. However, compared to the rest of the countries around the world, all Scandinavian countries are very wealthy. This is a product of good industrialization, infrastructure, and education.

Which Is The Best Scandinavian Country To Live In? Life In Scandinavia (6)

Which is the best Scandinavian country to live in?

As you can see, every Scandinavian country has its positives and negatives to offer. All of these countries come with excellent levels of safety, high quality of life, and fantastic earning potential.

The Scandinavian countries are the perfect place for people who want to see more of the environment and look after the world (and people) around them.

If you’re looking for high income and wonderful fjords, then Norway is your top choice. If you’re searching for happiness and excellent work/life balance, then you’re probably better suited to Denmark.

For people in search of lower cost of living and easier access for immigrants, Sweden is the number one choice.

If you’re willing to branch out a little further, you can look into Finland, Iceland, and even the Faroe Islands to access similar benefits from Nordic life.

Although all of these regions come with downsides, like relatively high living costs and new languages to learn, the benefits far outweigh the negatives. Now all you need to do is figure out which country makes the most sense for you.

Scandification: Discovering Scandinavia.

Which Is The Best Scandinavian Country To Live In? Life In Scandinavia (2024)


Which Is The Best Scandinavian Country To Live In? Life In Scandinavia? ›

Finland. Finland is one of the best Scandinavian countries for students to study in. The main reason is that the Finns are among the happiest people in the world. This Nordic nation is the #1 happiest country in the world for six years in a row, according to the World Happiness Report.

Which is the best Scandinavian country to live in? ›

Finland. Finland is one of the best Scandinavian countries for students to study in. The main reason is that the Finns are among the happiest people in the world. This Nordic nation is the #1 happiest country in the world for six years in a row, according to the World Happiness Report.

What is the most affordable Scandinavian country to live in? ›

The Most Affordable Country in Scandinavia

Cheaper than all its neighboring countries, the cost of living in Sweden is comparable to the American Midwest. The affordable cost of living in Sweden versus the U.S. makes this Nordic country that much more impressive. Related Articles: Moving to Sweden as an Expat.

Which Scandinavian country is the easiest to retire to? ›

Norway is rated one of the top overall countries to retire to, due to its excellent healthcare, strong economy, beautiful scenery, and focus on work-life balance.

Which Scandinavian country speaks the best English? ›

Based on the percentage of English proficiency in the adult population, here are the top 10 European Countries for English speakers:
  • 10) Portugal.
  • 9) Poland.
  • 7) Luxembourg.
  • 6) Austria.
  • 5) Finland.
  • 4) Denmark.
  • 3) Norway.
  • 2) Sweden.

Is it better to live in Norway or Finland? ›

The four Nordic countries featured in the survey show very different results, from a 16th place for Finland to Norway ranking second-to-last worldwide. Finland ranks 16th out of 53 destinations in the Expat Insider 2023 survey, followed by Sweden (24th), Denmark (41st), and Norway (52nd).

Is it better to live in Sweden or Norway? ›

Both countries have a lot to offer. Norway is the place to be if you're into mountains, glaciers, and fjords. If forests, lakes and islands are more your jam, you may prefer Sweden.

What is the easiest Scandinavian country to immigrate to as an American? ›

Key findings from an analysis conducted by the Canadian immigration agency CanadaCIS using immigration statistics from 2009 to 2021 show that Sweden is the top nation where non-EU residents can obtain citizenship easily, with one in ten applicants, or 9.3%, being granted citizenship.

Which Scandinavian country has the best economy? ›

Gross domestic product

The Nordic countries are among the richest in the world measured in per capita GDP – significantly above the EU average. Norway is top of the Nordic ranking.

Which Scandinavian country is the safest? ›

Iceland topped the last Global Peace Index ranking. The Nordic country has a low crime rate, and minimal corruption and it's one of the world's safest places to travel as a woman. Iceland's violent crime rates are among the lowest in the world with one of Europe's lowest murder rates.

What is the most useful Scandinavian language to learn? ›

Icelandic is distantly related to Norwegian, Swedish and Danish, while Finnish is entirely different, making it more challenging to learn. Learners tend to find Norwegian easiest to pronounce and Swedish easiest to read. Swedish is thought to be the most useful Scandinavian language.

Is Swedish a dying language? ›

Although the use of Swedish has significantly declined, it is not uncommon to find older generations and communities that still retain some use and knowledge of the language, particularly in rural communities like Lindström and Scandia.

What is the difference between Scandinavian and Nordic? ›

The Difference Between Nordic and Scandinavian

In short, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Finland, and Denmark are all Nordic countries with Scandinavian roots, but typically, you will only find Danish, Norwegian, and Swedish people referring to themselves as Scandinavian.

Which Scandinavian country is easiest to immigrate to? ›

Lenient citizenship rules, a lack of language barrier, and a happy lifestyle are some of the contributing factors that made Sweden the top choice for expats. The other countries that easily welcome the expats included Norway, Netherlands, Portugal and Iceland with the UK taking the eighth spot on the list.

Which is better, Sweden or Finland? ›

Finland and Sweden are generally safe countries, but Finland ranks higher on the global list. Traffic and property violations are common offenses in the country but incidents gradually decreased in 2021. Enjoy new and memorable experiences while studying abroad!

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