Where to Invest Your Money When the Stock Market is Overpriced - The Wealthy Accountant (2024)

Where to Invest Your Money When the Stock Market is Overpriced - The Wealthy Accountant (1)The stock market is in nose bleed territory and doesn’t seem to want to stop climbing. Economic risks are everywhere. Debt levels are high, interest rates are climbing, a trade war is breaking out and the market valuations are at near record high levels. In times like these investors get scared. The bull market is long in the tooth and “due” for a serious correction. But then again, using a gambling term might not be the best choice when investing your money.

It is rare when a client doesn’t ask me where to invest their excess funds. Virtually every client wants to pull money from the market but doesn’t know where to put the proceeds. Lump-sum payments and accumulated cash in money market accounts cause concern when the stock market would have been a much better choice.

At these level we might ask, How much higher can this go? How much longer before disaster strikes? And then the market indexes keep marching higher.

Retirement makes it even worse. If your nest egg is enough for a comfortable retirement, but lacks excess, the market climb causes concerns. Nobody ever lost money taking a profit, goes the old Wall Street adage. But is it a smart idea to sell when the market is high considering it is almost always considered high? And if selling is the right choice, where do you put the money? We will explore those important questions today, before catastrophe strikes.

Are You High

There is an advantage to age. Once you’ve lived through a few market cycles you begin to realize the best choice is to stay calm. Newscasts will tell you the sky is falling. It isn’t.

In the 1970s and 80s Joseph E. Granville was the guy to listen to on stock investing. When Granville spoke the market moved. He had a system for timing the stock market and a knack for promotion. (He had books to sell.) The Pinterest placard in this post of his 1976 book is from my personal library. (I’ve been reading investing books for a very long time.)

Robert R. Prechter Jr. is another guru from a past age (my age). Prechter published The Elliott Wave Theorist in the 1980s.

Both Granville and Prechter were market timers; something we know is a bad idea when it comes to investing in the market. Warren Buffett doesn’t write books; he writes annual reports for his company. People write books about Warren Buffett. This opposed to market timers who write books on their system and sell it to the masses. See the difference. One makes money and people write about them. The others make their money selling you books on how they think you should invest. Think about that for a moment.

I bring up Granville and Prechter for a reason. These and others called for a serious market declines in the 80s. I remember watching the Nightly Business Report where a guest expressed with great confidence the Dow Jones Industrial Average would soon test the 1932 lows from the Great Depression because the Elliot Wave theory predicted it. People actually paid for that kind of advice!

When the Dow was under 1,000 it was overpriced. It was overpriced in 1932 then is bounced off the low 40s. (The DJIA closed at 41.22 on July 8, 1932; its all-time low.) You see, when the Dow was that low people had real reasons to believe the world was ending, at least economically. Even with the Industrials at 40 and change the market was high because these companies were losing money. Things were bad, really bad. And getting worse.

Then the Dow reached 10,000 and it was really high, overpriced and ready for a decline. Well, before the world actually ended the Dow notched 20,000. Of course it was painfully obvious the market had to decline. Just look at the political climate. How can it possible go higher?

Unfortunately we will have to wait for the permanent decline in the market. Yesterday (September 19, 2018) the Dow closed at 26,405.76. And you guessed it. Clients still want to know if they should sell their index funds and move to cash.

I provided plenty of links above to helpful sites on the issues I discussed. I didn’t link to Amazon for any of Granville’s or Prechter’s work. Granville actually published another book in 2010. I didn’t know that until I researched this article. It sounds like more market timing advice to me. And that is why I didn’t link to their work. I think it is terrible advice.


Let’s bring the current stock market into perspective. At the last cycle market high the DJIA was around 13,930 at the end of October, 2007. If you had the worst of all luck and invested a massive windfall (the lottery sent you a gazillion dollar check) at the exact peak you would be up just shy of 90%! (89.55% for home-gamers.) Index funds make it easy to match the market. An all-market or S&P 500 index fund would have yielded slightly different results, but still good gains all the same.

Where to Invest Your Money When the Stock Market is Overpriced - The Wealthy Accountant (3)

Should you buy the stock market at these levels?

The lesson is learned. Even if today is the absolute worst day to invest, a decade down the road you still have pretty good odds it will still be a good call.

I’m not calling for the market to climb high, by the way. I might be crazy, but I ain’t dumb. I have no clue where the market is headed. Looks high to me and always does. So I bite my lip and keep invested, laughing all the way to the, ah, index fund.

The long game is always higher. Jim Collins has written extensively on the stock market and why it always goes up. Notice I didn’t say the market never goes down! The market does decline from time to time, but always climbs higher after the temporary pullbacks. The only time this will not happen is if civilization fails. If that is the case you have bigger problems than a stock market decline.

Liquid Funds

The information above doesn’t mean everyone should be fully invested! Those in or near retirement may need a few years of liquid cash in money market or bank accounts regardless the level of the stock market. Businesses also need working capital that is liquid. Money that has a five-year or longer horizon probably deserves to be in equities.

I intentionally left bonds off the list. Bond yields are low. Serious losses occur with long-dated bonds as interest rates climb. If rates stay low you still only get a meager return. I see no reason to consider bonds, except for pension funds, banks and insurance companies.

Alternatives to Index Funds

The S&P 500 and DJIA are up over 300% from the lows a decade ago. It is understandable some people have the jitters. Panic selling is the worst of all choices. If a market decline causes you to lose sleep it might be time to take a few chips off the table.

If you receive a bonus or other windfall it still makes sense to drop the lump-sum into a broad-based index fund and live with the results. The evidence is clear this is the correct choice. You might be unlucky and pick the worst day of the decade. Odds are you will not. But if you do you still have an excellent chance to enjoy nice returns in a relatively short period of time.

If your temperament doesn’t handle the market well at these levels there are options. First, pay off debt. You can’t lose retiring liabilities. The car and credit cards must be paid in full. The mortgage is always a tough call. (Stay tuned for an upcoming post on paying off a low interest rate mortgage versus keeping the mortgage and investing the funds for a higher return.) I feel paying off the mortgage makes sense for most people. “Safe” investments don’t pay as much which makes them less safe than perceived.

Once all debt is eliminated you still need to invest liquid funds. There are few good choices at this time. Capital One 360 and Discover Savings offer competitive interest rates, but they are still low comparatively. Vanguard’s money market fund is another alternative worth considering.

The Best Investment

I know how hard it is, kind readers, but a broad-based index fund is the best choice for money with an investment horizon of 5 years or longer. The market is high. It’s always high. The best time to invest has always been now.

Granville and Prechter convinced a generation they could time the market. Nobody does it consistently. The surest path to financial success is to tie yourself to the economic engine of virtually the entire economy. As the economy grows, so do you.

The best and only advice is to stay fully invested all the time without leverage (using borrowed money to buy the investment). The exception is working capital for businesses and liquid funds for household expenses of a few years, a bit more if retired or nearing retirement.

Close your eyes if it helps. Bear markets tend to end quickly.

More Wealth Building Resources

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Where to Invest Your Money When the Stock Market is Overpriced - The Wealthy Accountant (2024)


What to do when the market is overvalued? ›

Overvalued stocks are ideal for investors looking to short a position. This entails selling shares to capitalize on an anticipated price declines.

How to invest when stocks are expensive? ›

One idea, as we mentioned, includes shifting funds from large- and mega-cap companies to small- and mid-cap companies. Or you may want to consider shifting your emphasis from growth stocks to include a larger allocation to value stocks.

Where is the best place to invest money? ›

Overview: Best investments in 2024
  1. High-yield savings accounts. Overview: A high-yield online savings account pays you interest on your cash balance. ...
  2. Long-term certificates of deposit. ...
  3. Long-term corporate bond funds. ...
  4. Dividend stock funds. ...
  5. Value stock funds. ...
  6. Small-cap stock funds. ...
  7. REIT index funds.

How do you invest when stock prices are at all time highs? ›

Keep a diverse portfolio, invest regularly, and watch those investment fees. Nobody can predict the future, but history shows us that stocks generally trend upward over time. All-time highs aren't necessarily a red flag – in fact, they just might be a sign that there's more growth ahead.

What to buy when stocks are overvalued? ›

If you think a stock's price is overvalued and is therefore going to drop, purchasing a put option might be a good choice. Let's use an example – a stock is trading at $45, but you consider it to be overvalued.

Are we in a bull or bear market in 2024? ›

However, the index only recently finished recouping its bear-market losses and today sits just slightly above its January 2022 peak. With potential economic threats remaining and market uncertainties looming in 2024, investors may still need to have patience before a truly durable bull market can get underway.

Where to invest when the market is all time high? ›

FMCG, IT, Pharma, Infra, housing are few sectors that remain attractive in this bull market. However, it is imperative that investors stay cautious at current levels as many stocks in these sectors are trading at higher valuations, which might not justify entry at current levels.

Should I invest when the market is high? ›

If you keep waiting for a market correction, you will stay stuck. This is why you should invest, even at a market high, as the markets are only going to go higher. Sure, there will be a few hiccups on the way, but the general market trajectory is going to be largely upward-looking.

Is it worth investing in expensive stocks? ›

Should You Buy Expensive Stocks? The only difference between stocks with expensive share prices and stocks with affordable share prices is their share structure. A stock with a high share price is generally just as likely to have long-term upside potential as a stock with a low share price.

Where is the safest place to invest $100,000? ›

Bond funds

If you buy bonds from the UK government, known as gilts, these are the safest type of bond investment as you're guaranteed to get all your money back plus interest. Corporate bonds tend to pay higher rates of interest – and the higher the rate the greater the risk.

What is the safest investment with the highest return? ›

Here are the best low-risk investments in July 2024:
  • High-yield savings accounts.
  • Money market funds.
  • Short-term certificates of deposit.
  • Series I savings bonds.
  • Treasury bills, notes, bonds and TIPS.
  • Corporate bonds.
  • Dividend-paying stocks.
  • Preferred stocks.
Jul 15, 2024

Should I keep all my money in the stock market? ›

The key is not to put literally all your money in stocks. Outside of your investment portfolio, you should have an emergency fund with enough to cover at least three months of expenses, as well as savings for any short-term goals and large future expenses you need to plan for.

How do people make money when stock prices fall? ›

Short selling is a strategy for making money on stocks falling in price, also called “going short” or “shorting.” This is an advanced strategy only experienced investors and traders should try. An investor borrows a stock, sells it, and then buys the stock back to return it to the lender.

How do I invest a large sum of money in the stock market? ›

If you choose to invest a lump sum, don't just put it all in one stock. It's best to find a handful of individual stocks. If you don't want to take the time to do the research, consider buying a mutual fund or an ETF that gives you exposure to a large number of individual stocks.

How do you work out if a company is overvalued? ›

Price-earnings ratio (P/E)

A high P/E ratio could mean the stocks are overvalued. Therefore, it could be useful to compare competitor companies' P/E ratios to find out if the stocks you're looking to trade are overvalued. P/E ratio is calculated by dividing the market value per share by the earnings per share (EPS).

Do you sell overvalued stock? ›

Set a Target Price and Stick to It

Fundamental analysts examine a company's financial reports and its competitive environment to identify stocks that are undervalued (or overvalued) by the markets. They buy those stocks and then sell them when they reach their fair value.

Is it better to buy undervalued or overvalued stocks? ›

When a stock is overvalued, it presents an opportunity to go “short” by selling its shares. When a stock is undervalued, it presents an opportunity to go “long” by buying its shares. Hedge funds and accredited investors sometimes use a combination of short and long positions to play under/overvalued stocks.

How do you treat overvaluation of closing stock? ›

When the closing stock is overvalued, it results in an increase in the cost of goods sold and a decrease in the gross profit. This, in turn, leads to a decrease in the profit of a business.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.