Where to Find Loose Change: 26 Best Places to Find Lost Coins (2024)

Where to Find Loose Change: 26 Best Places to Find Lost Coins (1)

So you want to know where to find loose change and coins? Grab your piggy bank because were' going to tell you the 26 BEST places to search for loose change, lost coins, bills and even jewelry!

Right off the bat, we suggest a metal detector. Checkout some great metal detectors, (Sorry, we're a metal detector manufacturer...We had to)

You don't have a metal detector or can't get one? No worries, we have your back, no metal detector needed for any of the following places we are goingto tell you about.

26 Places Where You Can Find Loose Change

1. Your House

That's right your very own house probably has at least $5 in loose forgotten change lying around. Look in the couch cushions, washer and dryer, old coat pockets, pants pockets, dresser drawers, backpacks and suitcases, old wallets and purses as well as tool and toy boxes.

2. Your Car or Truck

You can always find dropped coins in any automobile. Check in the seat cushions (front and back seats), under the seats, in the ashtray, wedged between the window and the dashboard, under the floormats, in the glove box, cup holders, arm rests and be sure to check the visors for any bills that you might have stuffed there and forgot about.

3. Vending Machines

Check the coin return slot, check on top of the machine and especially under the machine. Retrieving coins from under the machine is difficult and that's why you're sure to find coins there. Bring a meter stick or a wooden dowel to help sweep coins out from under the machine.

4. Drive-Thru Windows

Check the ground where the vehicles pull up to the window. Most times then not a motorist will just drive away from dropped change rather than get out and pick up the dropped coins.Nowadays there are drive-thru windows everywhere and not just fast food restaurants. You'll find them at liquor stores, pharmacies, convenient stores, coffee shops, ATM's and bank teller windows.

5. Cash Register Checkout Areas

You can always find dropped coins on the ground around the checkout area of any sticks and bricks shopping center. I had a friend who worked as a cashier at a grocery store who told me she would find up to $30.00 a week in dropped coins and even bills on the ground by her register.

6. Coin Operated Car Washes

Check on top of the control box, around the change machine, all the empty bays, vacuum area and if you can access it, you are sure to find a ton of change in the vacuumstorage cannister.

7. Coin Operated Laundromat

Check inside the washers, dryers, inside the change machine cup, on top of the washers and dryers and like the vending machines underneath the washers and dryers.

8. Shopping Center Parking lots

You can always count on finding loose change in parking lots. Sometimes you can find bills and even jewelry. Be sure to check ALL envelopes and folded up receipts as you may find cash folded up inside the receipt. Also look for cigarette packs that might have cash tucked inside.

Aldi's is a great shopping center to check because they require shoppers to deposit a quarter to receive a shopping cart. Once shoppers return their cart, by clicking a lock from the cart in front oftheir returned carttheygettheir quarter back. This return is all the way in the front by the entrance and many times shoppers are too lazy or in a rush and just leave their cart in the lot and their quarter for the taking.

9. Coinstar machines

You'll find Coinstar machines at many shopping centers and these coin return machines can payout VERY well. Most US silver coins are automatically rejected by Coinstar machines and spat out into the coin return bay. You can also find valuable foreign coins like the Canadian toonie which is a two dollar coin.

10. Bus Stops

How often have you heard someone say "I lost my bus money"? It happens all the time and it's usually right there at the bus stop, making bus stops great places to find loose change.

11. Movie Theaters

You'll want to check the parking lot but the most productive place to look for lost money and other items in a movie theater is the floors under the seats. Coins will fall out of pockets or are set down between the movie goers legs forgotten and then when the movie goer stands up theseat automatically flips up and the coins and anything else on the seat slides down on to the floor. Most people leave during the credits when it's still dark in the theater and are unable to see or even hear what has just happened. All you have to do is wait until the credits are over and the lights come on and do a quick scan of the floor around you.

12. Sporting Event Bleachers

Sporting bleachers are great places to find a lot of coins. At many hometown softball fields and other sporting centers snacks and drinks prices aredivided in quarters (1.25, 1.50, 1.75) to make change figuring quick and easy for the vendor and purchaser. This means almost all of the coins you'll find under the bleachers are going to be quarters and quartersmake dollars fast!

13. Around Fences and Structures

Bad, windy weather blows bills all over the place until they hit a structure where they sit until someone like you finds them and picks them up. Like in the parking lots be sure to check any folded up receipts, envelopes and cigarette packs.

14. Any Public Seating Area with Cushions

Just like the cushions of your couch the cushions of the couches and chairs at the mall will gather loose change. The best time to check would be later in the day, because you count on the fact that the custodians know where to find all of this loose change and they will check and remove all of the loose coins at the end of the business day, making morning time less profitable. Restaurant booths can be very profitable too...just be sure to wash your hands before you eat.

15. Public Bathroom Stalls

I know it can be icky but coins and the contents of the pockets are often time dropped and left on the floor inside the stalls. Again, be sure to wash your hands!

16. Locker Rooms

Check all of the floors for dropped coins. You can also check inside any unlocked or unused lockersas many times coins will fall out of clothing and then are abandoned.

17. Bars

Be sure to check the parking lot but also check the floors around the bar, tables, booths etc. Check on top of and underneath pool tables, jukeboxes, video games and the dance floor. If the bar has outdoor volleyball courts and you own a metal detector, it might be worth your while to ask if you could detect the courts after hours. If they say no, you can always offer your services to locate any reported lost rings or jewelry. Many times this offer will immediately reverse a no answer into a yes. Even if it doesn't do it immediately, the first time you come to the rescue of a patron who lost a piece of jewelry you more than likely will receive open access to metal detect the courts.

18. Public and Hotel Pools

Just like at the beach or swimming holes rings and coins will fall off or out of pockets and end up at the bottom of the pool. Keep an open eye and you may find them.

19. Thrift Stores

Look behind picture frames, between the pages of books, on the underside of drawers and shelves. Check the hidden pockets and crevices of old purses, wallets, backpacks and luggage. Also check the pockets of jeans and coats. Pay special attention to any pockets that might be hidden or not immediately noticeable to the casual observer.

20. Melted Snow Piles

When the snow plow clears large parking lots they push all of the snow (and everything else lying on pavement) into large piles in one location of the parking lot. This location doesn't change all winter long, which means this pile is fed new snow and new drops all year long. I suggest checking the melting snow pile multiple times as it will slowly shrink leaving new goodies every warm day. I've found tools, coins, jewelry, keys and bills from 1.00 all the way up to 20.00.

21.Fair Grounds

This is more of a when rather than a where as these fairs and carnivals are often times held in large parking lots or fields. Pay attention to any ride area that flips the riders upside down. Gaming areas are always great especially the ones that have customers flip coins onto or into something to win a prize. Be sure to check the food stands and parking lots too.

22. Renaissance Fairs

Renaissance fairs can be AMAZING places to find loose change and especially jewelry. Scout out the area during the fair and look for all of the jewelry stands and any costume changing areas. Return the day after the Ren. Fair ends and you have an excellent chance of finding loose change and dropped jewelry.

23. Outdoor Swap Meets and Markets

These markets and swap meets are full of people buying and selling crafts, fruits and veggies and wares. With all of that exchanging of cash, there is bound to be dropped coins lying about.

24. Self-CheckoutAreas

Check the floor around this area just like at a manned cash register but also check in the change return and even bill return. I've found a $20.00 bill hanging out of the bill return, presumably from someone who selected cash back upon check out but forgot about it and walked away without their money.

25. Curbside Gutters

People get in and out of their cars in this area providing the perfect opportunity for loose change to fall on the ground. Heavy rains can sweep these lost coins away and redeposit them all in the same spot, usually in a turn or bend of the curb so be sure to check corners and such for small coin caches after any heavy storm.

26. Known Ice Cream Truck Stops

Keep an eye out for the local ice cream truck. Often times they will stop at the same spot in any given neighborhood attracting a pack of excited kids and adults with coins and cash in hand. Check this area after the truck and the kids move on and you might just find enough coins to buy your own cone next time the ice cream truck passes by.


Did we mention getting a metal detector? Sorry, we're a metal detector manufacturer...We had to. But in all seriousness a metal detector like the Teknetics DELTA 4000 will help you find more loose change, lost coins and jewelry then you will ever find by "eyeballing" alone.

Happy treasure hunting everyone we look forward to chatting with you in our next metal detecting and treasure hunting blog post!

Where  to Find Loose Change: 26 Best Places to Find Lost Coins (2024)


Where to Find Loose Change: 26 Best Places to Find Lost Coins? ›

Ghost Towns. These are excellent places to find old coins, jewelry and relics. Just be sure you have permission and are legally allowed to metal detect. Many ghost towns are located on private property and are easy to get permission to hunt.

Where is the best place to find old coins in the ground? ›

Ghost Towns. These are excellent places to find old coins, jewelry and relics. Just be sure you have permission and are legally allowed to metal detect. Many ghost towns are located on private property and are easy to get permission to hunt.

Where is the best place to find old gold coins? ›

Places that are generally empty, overlooked, or not often frequented such as abandoned houses, attics, beneath bridges, and posthole banks are sometimes a good place to look. Other more commonly seen places are generally overlooked. Some examples include: backyards.

How to find coins in your house? ›

Look around your house, check your pockets and your piggy bank, peek under the couch cushions and in the car. Gather the coins you find somewhere safe. Make a list of your coins. Include the coin type, year, and other information you find useful.

How to hunt for old coins? ›

Search around front porches, back door steps, walkways and driveways. Scan floors, baseboards and floor coverings carefully for lost coins. Very valuable old coins are often found between the baseboards and the floor. Interestingly, people used to hide coins behind boards in the wall and inside hollow doors.

Where is the best place to find lost coins? ›

Look in the couch cushions, washer and dryer, old coat pockets, pants pockets, dresser drawers, backpacks and suitcases, old wallets and purses as well as tool and toy boxes.

Where is the best place to find out the value of coins? ›

Hire a professional appraiser to grade your coins and tell you how much it is worth. The American Society of Appraisers and International Society of Appraisers have searchable directories of professional appraisers. A dealer might also be able to help.

Which bank gives gold coins? ›

Both Union Bank customers as well as non customers can purchase Gold Coins from our branches. Union Bank customer can buy gold coins by issue of cheque from their accounts or provide a debit instruction.

How to find coins in the ground? ›

Dig every deep signal.

Older coins are typically buried much deeper into the ground, especially if they are a few centuries old. On average, old coins can be buried as deep as 6 to 10 inches from the top of the ground.

Do banks carry gold coins? ›

Some banks in the U.S. sell gold bars and coins (as well as silver coins). This can be a good option for investors who prefer the public accountability of a federally regulated institution.

What is the best way to find rare coins? ›

If you are unable to find what you're looking for in our catalog or Coin Seller Database, you may also find coins through:
  1. Banks. Search through coin rolls from a bank.
  2. Collectors. Trade or buy coins privately or through coin clubs.
  3. Coin Dealers. ...
  4. Coin Shows. ...
  5. Auctions. ...
  6. Flea Markets and Antique Shows.
Jun 21, 2023

Can a magnet find coins? ›

If a suitable magnet shows the diamagnetic effect the item might be silver (most likely with a coin) or it could be silver-plating on copper. Do not confuse diamagnetism with magnetism. Many coins contain nickel and are most definitely magnetic, the magnet will 'stick' to the coin.

Is picking up loose change illegal? ›

If a person picks up money or other property that does not belong to them, someone may allege theft. A state's theft laws may use the terms theft or larceny to describe the same actions: Taking money or property without the consent of the owner. Carrying the money or property away.

How to find rare quarters? ›

Lower mintage often means higher rarity. Condition: Coins in mint condition, without scratches, wear, or discoloration, are more valuable. Error coins: Quarters with minting errors, such as misprints or double strikes, can be highly sought after.

How deep can a metal detector find coins? ›

The short answer is from 6-10" depending on the soil for most good detectors and coin-sized objects. Larger objects can be detected as much as 14-16" in ideal conditions. Things that can impact depth include: Size of object being detected.

What to look for when searching coins? ›

When you spot a coin in which you are interested, examine it under good lighting. Look at the luster, or shininess of the coin, to determine whether the coin has been harshly dipped, cleaned, whizzed, or otherwise damaged. Check for hairlines, or tiny scratches parallel to one another, which are indicative of cleaning.

How to find old valuable coins? ›

In terms of where to search for rare coins, here are seven strategies:
  1. Search where others don't. ...
  2. Exchange paper or digital currency for coin rolls at banks.
  3. Buy a metal detector. ...
  4. Ask friends and family if you can look at their old coins. ...
  5. Use change machines.
Mar 28, 2024

Where can I find coins on the ground? ›

Many of these are found in private properties or along national roads and parks. To start with, you can begin your search in common areas such as sidewalks or open parks. You need to focus on high-pedestrian areas because this is where people tend to drop coins along the way.

Can you find old coins with a metal detector? ›

Because ancient coins are sometimes located in treasure caches or hoards deeply underground, two box metal detectors can prove useful in locating these larger treasures. You'll want to look at a few factors that will help determine which is in fact the best overall machine for you.

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