When to ask for a raise (+ tips to make sure you get one) (2024)

Updated on: Jun 7, 2024

| Career

Despite the ever increasing cost of living, many workers still fear asking for a raise simply because they do not know when to do so, nor how to ask for one.

In this guide, I’ll walk you through the best time to ask for a raise and leave you with practical tips that will help you confidently approach your employer for a raise.

When to ask for a raise (+ tips to make sure you get one) (1)

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When to ask for a raise (+ tips to make sure you get one) (2)

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What Are The Odds Of Getting A Raise?

While every worker’s situation is unique, key findings include, but are not limited to;

  • An estimated 37% of workers have asked for a raise withwomen now just as likelyas men to ask for a raise.
  • 70% of peoplewho ask for a salary increase successfully gain a raise of some kind, even if it’s not to the level that they wanted.
  • In 2022, companies increased compensation costs including raises and bonuses by anaverage of 3.9%
  • Most workers who ask for a raise canexpect a 3-5% increasein their salary, although this can depend on a range of factors including the industry.
  • Your location can impact the level of your pay rise. In 2020, workers in Los Angeles sawa 6.5% increasecompared to 3.3% in San Jose.

The above statistics show that the thought of asking for a raise needn’t fill you with fear as there is a very realistic chance of seeing your wages climb by at least 3%.

The extra $1,500 (minimum) on a $50,000 salary should be more than enough of an incentive to pose the question – not least becauseinflation is more than twicethis rate.

How Often Should You Ask For A Raise?

Following this, you should not ask for a raise more than once per year – except when certain situations occur.

Knowinghow to negotiate your salarycan be particularly useful during the recruitment stage. After all, employers will want to hire the best candidates for their companies, especially in response to the great resignation.

When Is The Right Time To Ask For A Raise?

You may feel that you are deserving of a salary increase, but it counts for very little if you are unable to convince your bosses that you are not currently compensated to the level that you deserve.

The following five instances are all good indicators that your hopes of securing a raise will be high.

1. The Market Rate Is Higher For Your Position

Perhaps the most effective way to determine whether you’re underpaid is to compare your salary to the earnings of other workers who do the same job. There are plenty of online platforms tovalue your resumewhile checking job listings and speaking to other people in your industry should provide further clarity.

There are other factors to consider, such as your experience and location, any clear discrepancy between your earnings and the average salary for someone in your role should not be ignored.

2. It’s Time For Your Annual Review

An annual review is the opportune moment to bring up your hopes of an increased salary. A lot can change in a year ranging from living costs to your experience and achievements. It is particularly useful when you have gained positive feedback from your boss or when you have successfully completed your first year with the company.

If it is your first review while working for the company, you should ask for advice on how the meetings are usually handled. This will help you prepare and find the opportune moment to raise the topic.

3. You Have Had An Increase In Workload

When your employer expects you to complete more tasks or take on more responsibility, you are well within your right to ask for a pay rise. In most cases, it is a sign that your boss trusts you as a worker. As such, they will want to keep you happy, not least becausehappy workers are 13% more productive.

Whether the increased workload has been formal or informal, the fact that you’ve noted it suggests that you deserve a pay rise. So, this is a good example of when to ask for a raise from the company.

4. When You Consistently Exceeded Performance Goals

At the time of accepting your job role, you will have been expected to hit certain targets. In fact, you may have had a probation period. If you have consistently outperformed those expectations, it could be a clear sign that you are due a raise. It is particularly noteworthy if your innovations were a catalyst for success.

If your output has contributed heavily to the company’s success and strong quarterly review, you should have no fear about asking for a raise. After all, your successes deserve to be rewarded with a suitable salary.

5. Your Employer Will Lose Money When You Quit

When thinking about salary negotiations, it is always wise to consider your employer’s perspective. Every decision is financially motivated. If you are an asset to the company, losing you could cost them dearly. Not least because finding your replacement isvery expensive.

Having already analyzed your worth to the company, you should know whether losing you would cause issues for the company. If it will, you are strongly positioned to leverage success from this fact.

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The statistics show that worthy candidates have a very good chance of securing a raise, not least because we are currently living in an employee’s market. Nevertheless, there are many reasons why your bosses may refuse the claim. Some of the most common reasons include;

  • The company has encountered financial difficulties and simply cannot afford to provide salary upgrades at this time,
  • Your boss may feel that your performance does not merit the financial rewards of an increased salary,
  • The company may be preparing to restructure its pay scale for the entire workforce over the coming months,
  • Your boss does not agree with your rationale or believes that your current wage is in line with your role and experience,
  • The business is in a transitional period or cannot dedicate more capital to employee wages for the foreseeable future.

If your request is denied, you must stay calm and avoid showing anger. Asking your employer to provide their reasoning can be very useful as it will give you a better understanding of their perspective and ask for advice on what can be done to secure a raise when you revisit the topic later on.

Prepare To Offer Alternatives

When a pay rise is out of the question, there are a number of alternatives that may be proposed. For starters, you couldask for a promotion, which would mean taking on added responsibilities in return for a higher salary. It could save your employer time and money if they are actively looking to recruit for a new role that’s above your current position.

Another option is to look for ideas that indirectly increase your salary or will reduce your overheads to support your financial wellness. Popular choices that bosses may accept after rejecting the initial request include;

  • Suggesting that you work from home on a permanent basis.Over one in threeworkers can now complete their tasks exclusively from home. If you fall into this category, it can be a great way to save time and money on commuting. You may even want to suggest working an extra hour per day under this model, which would help you earn more money.
  • Ask for additional vacation time. An extra five days of vacation per year, for example, can improve your quality of life. It could potentially open the door to trading them in for extra earnings.
  • Suggest aperformance-based improvement.If you work in sales, for example, you could negotiate an improved commission rate or secure a bigger bonus for hitting certain targets during the week, month, or year. This takes the risk away from your boss as you’ll only get paid more if you actively boost the company’s bottom line. Meanwhile, it removes the ceiling on your potential earnings.

If your boss continues to reject your suggestions, it may be time to start looking for a new job. Do not handyour noticein yet, though. Wait until a better offer is made and then resign.

Why Asking For Too Much Could Hurt You

When entering the salary negotiation process, it is unlikely that you will get everything that you ask for. Therefore, you need to think of yourself as a salesperson trying to sell your time and experience. Despite knowing that a 5% pay rise is usually considered a success, you should probably try to achieve more.

It is generally suggested that a 10-20% pay rise is a good starting point for the negotiations, depending on how long it has been since your last raise. The percentile scale is more useful than setting a monetary target because securing a $2,000 raise in a high-paying job will seem far less impactful than in a low-paid role.

Conversely, if someone on $40,000 suddenly asks for a $30,000 raise, it’s likely that the salary negotiation will lose all credibility before you’ve even started.

Knowing Your Worth As An Employee

Honesty is always the best policy when attempting to secure a raise. Therefore, it is vital that you prepare for the situation by knowing your worth as a value. Almost half of all US workers have quit at least one job due to feeling undervalued or unappreciated. Ask yourself the following questions and you will quickly determine whether your wage is fair;

  • How much do other companies pay employees completing similar jobs?
  • How much do your co-workers get paid for similar or comparable roles?
  • What is your value to the company due to your experience?
  • What achievements and accomplishments have you made during employment?
  • Has your salary grown in line with inflation over recent years?

5 Tips to Use When Asking For A Raise

If you think that now is the time to ask for a raise, you should trust your instinct. You should try to view the process in the same way that you would view applying for a new job because the right preparation will optimize your hopes of success. The following five tips will help:

Plan Ahead To Negotiate That Raise

Asking for a raise is a big moment, especially as you will probably only get one shot at it per year unless your boss asks to put the idea on ice for a few months. Therefore, it is vital that you take a run up at the process. It will allow you to make a compelling case and feel more organized.

Your plans may includelisting the reasons you want a raise.This could mean documenting the average salaries at other companies, highlighting your time at the company, and showing that your wage hasn’t increased to the same level as inflation.

Use Your Work Contributions As A Leverage

Perhaps most importantly, you need to prove your value to the company to confirm that you are worth the increased salary. If you have achieved great things for the company, you should list the accomplishments. Whether it’s an Employee of the Month award, boosting sales, or preventing a company disaster is up to you.

It is very easy for successes to go unnoticed but this is your chance to stand out and stake your claim. On a side note, if you have anoffer from a competitor, this can be used to gain further leverage.

Determine When Your Workload Increase Merits A Raise

The research you complete during the planning phase doesn’t only prove your worth to the employer. It also promotes a sense of self-value and will help you understand how big your pay rise expectations should be. Settling for the Cost of Living Adjustment (COLA) rate isn’t really a pay rise.

Of course, it is also a chance to be truthful with yourself. If you don’t honestly believe that your work is sufficient for a salary increase, it might be better to go the extra mile over the coming months before revisiting the notion.

Be Confident

Casting a confident figure and maintaining an authoritative voice throughout the negotiation can have a telling influence on your hopes of getting a raise. If your bosses think that you will fold at the sign of resistance, they will probably reject your plea. It is another reason to plan what you wish to say.

Confidence can also manifest as being willing to seek alternative employment and ask your current employer fora referral.However, you may want to leave this until all hopes of a pay rise have been lost.

Deliver Your Intent Through Writing

When you ask for a raise, it is likely that your line manager will need to seek permission from their superior or the business owner. Therefore, it makes sense to put the request in writing. It will support your initial requests and prevent the threat of unfulfilled promises or bosses “forgetting” about it.

Actively putting your request in writing will additionally give you the chance to check that all achievements or key points have been listed. So, it can boost your hopes of getting the raise you deserve.

Asking for a raise is the easiest and fastest way to make more money. But it’s not that simple. Here’s my ultimate guide to how to ask for (and secure) your next big raise!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Get Fired For Asking For A Raise?

Technically speaking, an employer may sack you for virtually any reason outside of protected characteristics. However, it would be very bad practice from them because it can harm worker morale across the team. Unless you respond angrily, losing your job is unlikely.

How Long Should You Work Without A Raise?

Every worker is different but most find that they should expect a raise every 1-2 years. However, comparing your salary against those of your coworkers and industry as a whole will highlight whether you are underpaid or not.

Can You Be Paid Less For Doing The Same Job?

Yes, although it is bad practice, an employer can reduce your wages, although they would need to pay you at the agreed rate for any completed work. Also, if an employer pays you a different salary to a coworker who completes a similar job, they must be able to justify this.

Can I Refuse To Take On More Work Without A Raise?

Employees have the right to reject extra work without extra pay. But you will want to stay respectful when rejecting the request. Explaining that it’s someone else’s job or could disrupt you from your primary responsibilities. Be clear but kind in your delivery, always.

If you like this post, you'd love my Ultimate Guide to Getting a Raise

When to ask for a raise (+ tips to make sure you get one) (3)

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When to ask for a raise (+ tips to make sure you get one) (4)

When to ask for a raise (+ tips to make sure you get one) (5)

Ramit Sethi

Host of Netflix’s “How to Get Rich”, NYT Bestselling Author & host of the hit I Will Teach You To Be Rich Podcast. For over 20 years, Ramit has been sharing proven strategies to help people like you take control of their money and live a Rich Life.

When to ask for a raise (+ tips to make sure you get one) (2024)


When to ask for a raise (+ tips to make sure you get one)? ›

Timing is everything: The time to ask for more money is when you're already doing more than what your job description covers, or when you've been asked to do additional work on an ongoing basis. Your leaders know when your responsibilities have increased, so strike while your iron is hot!

At what point is it okay to ask for a raise? ›

Timing is everything: The time to ask for more money is when you're already doing more than what your job description covers, or when you've been asked to do additional work on an ongoing basis. Your leaders know when your responsibilities have increased, so strike while your iron is hot!

When asking for a raise should you ask for a specific amount? ›

So to avoid this potential pitfall, prepare ahead of the meeting. One, ask for a specific dollar amount or percentage. A common adjustment is in the 3% to 5% range. Now, that doesn't always mean you shouldn't ask for more, but it's important to keep it reasonable.

What is a realistic raise to ask for? ›

How much you ask for depends on how long you've been with your employer and your role with the company. It's always a good idea to ask for anywhere from 10% to 20% higher than what you're making right now. You may be able to ask for more based on your performance, length of time with the company, and other factors.

How do you ask for a raise and get one? ›

7 Tips to Keep in Mind When Asking for a Raise
  1. Benchmark your salary.
  2. Quantify your acheivements.
  3. Prepare for a discussion.
  4. Practice how to ask for a raise.
  5. Use strong language.
  6. Have a fallback position.
  7. Position yourself for a future raise.
Jul 29, 2024

What not to say when asking for a raise? ›

What Not to Say When Asking for a Raise
  1. "I will Quit this job if I don't get a raise!" ...
  2. "I know my Co-worker makes X amount" ...
  3. "I want more money!" ...
  4. "I need a pay raise because (insert personal problems) ...
  5. "I want my salary to be increased by(x)." ...
  6. "I have received other offers from company X." ...
  7. "You are underpaying me."
Jun 7, 2023

How to ask for a raise when you are underpaid? ›

Undervalued & Underpaid? 7 Essential Steps To Asking For A Raise
  1. Figure out how much you are worth. ...
  2. Build your case. ...
  3. Anticipate objections. ...
  4. Request a meeting with your boss. ...
  5. Rehearse. ...
  6. Know your bottom line. ...
  7. Don't hand down ultimatums.
Jan 8, 2024

Is a $3 dollar raise too much to ask for? ›

Asking for a raise can be the best way to obtain the compensation you deserve if your job duties have changed significantly or if your performance merits a boost. Standard pay increases range from 3% (average) to 5% (exceptional). Asking for a 10% to 20% increase, depending on the reason, is a way to open negotiations.

How to ask for salary increase politely? ›

How to ask for a pay rise – 10 effective tips
  1. Inform your manager that you want to discuss salary before the actual meeting. ...
  2. Pick the right time to speak to your boss. ...
  3. Consider the company's financial position. ...
  4. Ask for pay rise after exceeding your key performance indicators. ...
  5. Keep your personal reasons out of it.
Jun 3, 2023

What is a normal yearly raise? ›

Companies typically offer employees a 3-5% pay increase on average. Even if this range doesn't seem like a reasonable raise to you, keep in mind that consistent wage increases can add up over time, providing you with a higher income than what you received when you started at the company.

What is a 5% raise on $20 an hour? ›

For example, if you are currently earning $20 per hour and receive a 5% raise, your new hourly wage will be calculated as follows: 5% of $20 is $1 (0.05 * 20 = 1) Add this increase to your current wage: $20 + $1 = $21. New Hourly Wage: $21 per hour.

Is a $5 raise a lot to ask? ›

How much of a raise should I ask for? The average pay raise is 3%. A good pay raise ranges from 4.5% to 5%, and anything more than that is considered exceptional.

Is a 20% raise good for a promotion? ›

Promotions from mid-level to senior-level positions often come with a higher salary increase, ranging from 10% to 20% or more. The complexity of the new role, increased responsibilities, and the value the employee brings to the organization are significant factors.

When and how is it appropriate to ask for a raise? ›

As long as you receive positive feedback from your manager about your performance, then review season is generally a good time to ask for a raise. However, you can initiate salary negotiation conversations outside of this time period as well.

What is the best wording to ask for a raise? ›

Keep these examples in mind:
  • I haven't had a raise in [amount of] years, so it's time for a raise.
  • I know that [coworker] is making more than me, so I need a raise.
  • I've been here for [amount of] years, so I need a raise.
  • Other companies have reached out offering me more money.
May 8, 2024

What percentage of people who ask for a raise get one? ›

The Odds of Getting a Raise Are in Your Favor

If you were to ask your employer for a raise, your chances of receiving one is fairly good. Seventy percent of employees who have asked for a raise received one.

Is it okay to ask for a raise after 1 year? ›

In general, you should ask for a raise no more than once a year and not before you've been in your position for at least six months. Many companies offer a cost of living increase, but if you had a great evaluation or you've recently taken on additional responsibilities, it's not out of line to ask for 10-15%.

Is 6 months too early to ask for a raise? ›

Here is when you should consider asking for a raise: After the six-month mark: It's best to wait until you've worked at your current company for at least six months before asking for a raise. Waiting this amount of time allows you to show your valuable contributions and the overall asset you are to the company.

When can I ask for a salary increase? ›

If you have completed one year, your employer might already be inclined to discuss your compensation hike with you or your manager. A financial year-end could be a time when you can ask for a salary hike from your employer. Employers are likely to be hiring and making compensation plans for the next year.

When should you ask for a pay rise? ›

A good rule of thumb is to ask no more than once a year and no sooner than six months after joining the company. You might be wondering if it is written in law that you should get a pay rise every year. It isn't. You can discuss the possibility of an increase, but your employer is under no obligation to offer one.

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