When Guys Start to Miss You After a Breakup: 21 Signs to Know (2024)

When Guys Start to Miss You After a Breakup: 21 Signs to Know (1)

In This Article

Breakups are painful and inevitable, and while you should work on building a healthy and lasting relationship, understand that they can happen at any time. In most cases, someone usually feels dumped, and another person usually feels confident about their decision.

Regardless, both parties are affected unless they were never emotionally attached. So, when guys start to miss you after a breakup, their behavior might change towards you.

To start with, do guys miss their ex? Of course, they do. Even when they try to mask their emotions, men’s breakup is usually more complicated. Indeed, women react almost immediately and take longer to get over their breakups.

On the other hand, men take their time before they process the end of their relationship. They may act calm, mature, or agreeable at first, but the truth reveals itself sooner or later.

In this article, you will learn about the average duration it takes for a guy to miss you and the signs he misses you after a breakup.

21 signs when guys start to miss you after a breakup

How do you know he misses you after a breakup? Easy! He will always show himself one way or the other.

If he’s not calling or texting, he will be on your social platforms, passing good comments on your posts or talking about you. They will be around you, in your business, your friend’s business, and so on. Or he will ignore you to get your attention.

How do you know if it takes that long for most guys to miss you? What are the signs he misses you after a breakup? You will notice the following signs when guys start to miss you after a breakup.

1. Texting

There is a reason many people keep the no contact rule after a breakup. That’s because exchanging text messages might reignite whatever feelings you both have for each other.

While a few texts to check up on each other are harmless, frequent text messages are one of the signs when guys start to miss you after a breakup. If this is your reality, your ex may be missing you.

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2. Frequent calls

When guys start to miss you after a breakup, they will frequently call you. A few calls are allowed to check on each other. For instance, your ex may want to get some information from you. However, it signifies your ex misses you and wants you back when it becomes constant.

3. He invites you out

Whether you broke the relationship off or he did, going out after a breakup is an indication that one of the partners wants the other. As you attend events together, you may unconsciously develop feelings together.

This period can be a new experience for you, even if you have been in a relationship before. The sensuality between you will bring a rejuvenation, and you will begin to feel emotions that you have not felt before with the same person.

Sometimes, taking a short break from long relationships can help partners miss each other and lessen their negative emotional burden.

4. He cares for you

The end of a relationship shouldn’t mean the end of a friendship. After all, some individuals were once dating but are now good friends. But when guys start to miss you after a breakup, he cares for you in an enhanced manner.

When Guys Start to Miss You After a Breakup: 21 Signs to Know (2)

Nonetheless, if your ex is always in your business, and nothing has changed in how he cared for you when you were dating, he may be missing you.

5. He still uses pet names for you

One of the top signs of someone missing you after a breakup is when they never stopped using pet names for you.

Research shows that using pet names is a coded way of communicating your feelings for someone.

Phrases like “My love,” ” baby,” “sugar,” ” heartthrob,” etc., are endearing names lovers use for each other. If your ex remains adamant and uses them, then he misses you dearly.

6. He remembers important dates

Is he thinking about me after the breakup? He might be if he knows some events in your life.

Anyone with a good memory can remember important dates and events. But it takes an intentional person to know significant days and events in your life.

Birthdays, special events, and family functions signify great moments. If your ex calls to celebrate them with you, then he hasn’t stopped thinking about you.

7. He still sends gifts

When do guys start missing their ex is an easy thing to figure out when you notice gifts being sent.

Gifting is a universal way of letting someone know that you care for them. It shows what you think about the recipient.

If the bouquets haven’t stopped coming, it is one of the signs that will provide you with an answer to the question, ”Is he thinking about me after the breakup?”

8. He visits you

When will my ex start missing me? He may have started already if he visits you often.

After a breakup, it’s typical for the individuals concerned to create room for each other. That will help them process their feelings better. If your ex pays you regular visits, it may be a sign that he wants you back.

9. He talks about you to others

The pains of a breakup often make some people avoid anything related to their ex. However, this is difficult for others. You see them mentioning your name in conversations with strangers or friends.

When does an ex start to miss you? Notably when they talk about you as if you are still dating. Missing someone after a breakup can make you act like you are still dating them.

Psychologist Mert Şeker says that if a man talks about you constantly after he gets over the pain of separation, there are two psychological reasons for this.

First, he really misses you and wants to share this emotional burden, and second, he is trying to alleviate the situation by sharing the emotional burden and trying to tell you to help him by talking to others.

10. He stares at you

Do guys miss you after a breakup? If he is still stealing glances at you, he surely is.

If you and your ex work in the same place or visit the same site, it’s inevitable to avoid each other. Once you notice your ex can’t help catching every glimpse at you, someone may be missing you. Indeed, it’s awkward, but he is helpless.

11. He requests your help

Do guys forget their exes? No, they don’t if their exes have proved valuable many times. If you find your ex calling you to help him get something or do certain things you did for him while dating, that means he feels your absence and can’t seem to fill the void.

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12. His friends mention him in conversation

Assuming you meet his friends at a party and they keep mentioning his name or calling your attention to what he is doing presently, something is fishy. That means they must have had conversations about you in which he told them he misses you.

To understand how long does it take for a man to miss you, you also have to pay attention to his friends’ words. Talking about him to you is a tactic to start thinking about him.

13. He recommends people to your business

Although people recommend strangers to businesses, it is one of the signs when guys start to miss you after a breakup.

Also, it means your ex is thinking about you. If you get good business prospects through your ex’s referrals, that means he remembers you, making it easy to remember you when your ex sees a great business opportunity.

14. He reminds you of important routines

After years or months of dating, it’s normal to know each other’s routine. An ex who reminds you of certain habits has been thinking about you.

For instance, if your ex reminds you to take your drugs at a particular time, it means he thinks about you.

When Guys Start to Miss You After a Breakup: 21 Signs to Know (3)

15. He mentions the activities you do together

When does a man start to miss you? Assuming you and your ex went hiking or running together when you were dating. If your ex casually talks about these events, know he misses you. Talking about it is a way of reliving the great moments you had together.

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16. He follows you on social media platforms

Many people will unfollow their exes on social platforms to minimize their communication. Aside from following you on social pages, someone missing you after a breakup will constantly comment on your pictures and posts to stay in touch with you.

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17. He stalks you

Note that stalking is a form of harassment and infringement on people’s freedom. As such, try not to condone it for any reason. Funnily, stalking may also be a sign your ex misses you, especially if it looks harmless.

Regardless, it is best to warn him to stop or report to appropriate authorities because research shows that intimate relationship stalking can be extremely dangerous.

18. He asks after your pet

Of all things to worry about, your pet isn’t one of them when it comes to a breakup.

During conversations, if your ex mentions your pet and keeps talking about how it behaves, that means he still has feelings for you and, by extension, your favorite pet.

19. He wishes you didn’t break up

Your ex may still be acting like a man and hiding his true feelings by not showing any visible sign of missing you.

However, if he mentions regretting breaking up with you, it means he is showcasing signs he misses you after the breakup.

20. He says he misses you

One of the clear signs you’ll notice when a guy starts to miss you after a breakup is that he will tell you exactly how he feels. He will express his thoughts through his words.

It takes some courage for anyone to say they miss their ex after a breakup. It must have taken hours or weeks of reflection to say it finally.

Therefore, if your ex-boyfriend finally says he wishes you were still together, then he genuinely misses your presence in his life.

21. Emotional social media posts

When a guy misses you, he might post things on social media that are a bit emotional or nostalgic. It’s like he’s sharing his feelings without actually saying, “I miss you.” Think of it as a way of hinting at his emotions through song lyrics, quotes, or thoughtful status updates.

It’s his subtle way of letting the world (and maybe you) know that he’s going through some feelings without spelling it all out.

What leads a man to come back after a breakup?

So, the question for many women is, “What makes a man miss a woman after a breakup?”

Many things make a man come back after a breakup. To begin with, if he has invested a lot into the relationship, and it seems like he’s losing, a man can come back to you.

This type of return often results in marriage. It is seen that men and women think about getting a return on their investment in each other and their relationships in this way.

For example, if you have dated for a long time and helped each other emotionally and financially, a man will find it hard to let go.

In addition, valuable women are hard to let go of in a relationship. If a man feels you have contributed a lot to his life or changed his life for the better, he will always find a way to come back to the relationship.

Another thing that makes a man come back after a breakup is having difficulty getting the right woman or someone like you. He may also be going through some financial losses or personal issues.

Do breakups impact guys later?

The simple answer to this is yes! Breakups affect guys as much as they affect women. Naturally, men are known to act strong when they face challenges. Therefore, it’s typical to see them acting indifferent to the breakups at first.

However, they soon welcome the feelings they have tried to bury, not showing their weaknesses. That often occurs a few weeks after a breakup.

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Do guys think about their ex after a breakup?

Yes, guys miss their ex after a breakup. Who doesn’t? Unless he was never emotionally attached to his ex, it’s hardly impossible for a guy not to miss his ex. Relationships are full of memories, events, feelings, emotions, happiness, disagreements, and everything in life.

How will a guy not miss his ex if he stops sharing these things? It may not be evident that he misses you at first, but eventually, the facade fades, and he embraces the reality of your absence in his life.

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How long does it take a guy to realize he misses you

When guys start to miss you after a breakup, it usually depends on the man and the nature of his relationship. Don’t bother yourself with questions like “When will he start missing me?” It is his trajectory to draw.

When do guys start to miss their ex? For some men, it may take weeks, while for others, missing their ex doesn’t start until months later. Nonetheless, guys start missing you when they realize how important you are or how much your absence affects their lives.

When do guys start to miss you after a breakup? Well, there is no ultimate answer to this question.

The time it takes a man to miss his partner depends on him, the partner, and the nature of the relationship. Usually, extended years of a relationship with a high level of emotional connection, physical and financial investment makes a man miss you soon.

In addition, partnerships that end due to religion, family pressure, and long distances take a while to wear off on the guy, especially if he has committed a lot to the relationship.

After enough pretense of a strong man, the realization of the breakup soon hits him after some weeks. He now realizes he is no longer with his partner. Generally, men miss valuable women soon. If you made a significant impact in his life, he will ultimately miss you.

Also, if you usually engage in activities together, he will feel your absence once he sees something related to the event. For instance, passing by the restaurant you usually visit together might trigger feelings in him.

He will miss you most often after you stop missing him. So, a few weeks to two months is the answer to the question, “How long does it take for a guy to miss you?”

Typically, men realize what they lost when they can’t find a woman with their personality. By then, they learn not all women are the same, and they shouldn’t have broken off the relationship.

Will time apart make my ex miss me or forget about me? Relationship coach Sabrina Bendory helps answer the big questions. Watch the video:
When Guys Start to Miss You After a Breakup: 21 Signs to Know (4)

Will my ex come back for me after breaking up?

There is no definite answer to this question. Whether your ex will come back for you after breaking up depends on many things. For example, if he can’t find a woman like you, he may try to come back.

If your ex starts missing you, he will call you back. Also, if he discovers your role in his life and how important you make him feel, he might call you back. Regardless, it is crucial to keep living your life and be happy.

Worrying if he will come back or not might disrupt other activities in your life. Hope for the best, but don’t get your hopes too high to avoid disappointment.

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Breakups can stir up a bunch of questions and emotions. Let’s dive into some FAQs about guys missing you after a breakup, keeping it real and straightforward.

  • How long does it take for a guy to miss you after a breakup?

There’s no set timeline. Some guys feel it pretty soon, while others might take a bit. It’s like microwaving popcorn—the timing varies, but eventually, the craving kicks in.

  • What are the signs that a guy is missing you but won’t admit it?

Watch out for the subtle stuff: more texts, liking old pics, or maybe he’s suddenly into your favorite band. It’s like a secret dance of emotions; he won’t shout it, but the signs are there.

  • How do you know if a guy misses you or just wants something from you?

Pay attention to the vibes. If he’s genuinely missing you, there’s a nostalgic, genuine feel. If it’s just about something else, it might feel more transactional, like ordering pizza instead of reminiscing about your favorite meal together.

  • What should I do if my ex misses me and I don’t want to get back together?

Be honest. Let him know you appreciate the sentiment, but you’re steering your ship in a different direction. It’s like declining a second slice of cake—you enjoyed it, but you’re good for now.

  • What should I do if my ex misses me but is dating someone else?

Keep your cool. It’s a tricky situation. If you’re not interested in reigniting things, focus on your own journey. It’s like walking away from a sale you don’t need; the price might be tempting, but you’ve got your eyes on different aisles.

Getting his feelings right

One question that bothers many women after the end of a relationship is, “When do guys start to miss you after a breakup?” Missing someone after a breakup depends on the signs discussed above.

Your task is to watch for signs he misses you after a breakup. After observing these signs, you can confront him about his feelings. Let him know your observations and your thoughts. If he knows that he wants you back, the feeling is mutual; it is acceptable to get back together.

However, ensure you discuss the reasons for breaking up in the first place. Tell him politely and calmly if you have already moved on from the relationship. Assure him it’s for the best and wish him well.

When Guys Start to Miss You After a Breakup: 21 Signs to Know (2024)


When Guys Start to Miss You After a Breakup: 21 Signs to Know? ›

21 signs when guys start to miss you after a breakup

How to know if a guy misses you after a breakup? ›

Things You Should Know

You can tell he misses you if he texts or calls frequently, talks to other people about you, and invites you out to do things with him. Seeing you living your best life or realizing he might never hear from him again can trigger emotions in him that cause him to miss you.

How do guys act when they miss you? ›

If he keeps in constant contact with you, still gives you little presents and treats, and talks about the good times you shared in the past, he probably misses you. In a long-distance relationship, help him cope with missing you by staying in frequent contact and giving him something of yours to keep close.

What are the signs that he misses you? ›

11 Signs He Misses You
  • He texts you mundane things just to get you to talk to him. ...
  • You have missed calls in the double digits. ...
  • He's been listening to the "songs about being on the road" playlist on Spotify. ...
  • He responds to your text immediately. ...
  • He falls asleep spooning your pillow.
May 21, 2015

How do you know if a guy misses his ex? ›

10 Signs Your Partner's Still Into an Ex
  1. Talking About the Ex Too Much.
  2. Not Talking About the Former Love At All.
  3. Online Stalking.
  4. Too Much Contact With the Ex.
  5. The Ex's Name Slips Out During Sexual Climax.
  6. Keeping Mementos.
  7. Hot and Cold Romance.
  8. Your Partner Says They Are Not Ready to Commit.

How long until a guy realizes he misses you? ›

He will miss you most often after you stop missing him. So, a few weeks to two months is the answer to the question, “How long does it take for a guy to miss you?” Typically, men realize what they lost when they can't find a woman with their personality.

How do I know if he's thinking about me after a breakup? ›

If your ex is contacting you frequently or engaging with your social media often, this can be a good indicator that they are still thinking of you.

What makes a man miss you like crazy? ›

Make him wait before replying his texts

It's rude to make him wait, but hesitating for a minute before replying can help your man miss you. Don't pick up his calls immediately. Instead, let him leave a message and start longing to hear from you. Give yourself about 10 minutes before you reply to his text.

What makes a man miss you more than usual? ›

To make him miss you regardless of the specifics, create some space, control the communication, and use subtle hints like scents, spontaneity, and intentionally "forgotten" possessions to make him think of you when you're not around. Soon enough, your guy should be longing for you and craving that passion again.

How do you know if he lost feelings for you? ›

5 signs that he is losing interest or are you overthinking it?
  • Phone calls and texts have steadily decreased. ...
  • Quality time together has started to dwindle. ...
  • Intimacy has become scarce. ...
  • Things are becoming increasingly one-sided. ...
  • He dodges questions about your status or where it is going.

How to know if he misses you without contact? ›

Mood swings. One of the easiest ways to know that a guy misses you during no contact is to monitor how he reacts to everyday situations. A guy who has otherwise been calm and collected may suddenly start experiencing crazy mood swings. One second, he would be happy, and the next second, he would be grumpy.

How do you know if someone misses you secretly? ›

You suddenly get a text from them.

Even if they send a fairly innocent message, like saying hello or asking about how your day has been, it's secretly a big declaration. Their text is likely proof that they're enamored with you and crave a response.

Can you sense when your ex is missing you? ›

There are a few practical signs that your ex misses you, like if they tend to keep popping up in your life or you notice them liking your social media posts. Those are the biggest indicators, but it's best to be straightforward and ask someone if you want to know how they're feeling.

How do you know if your ex still has feelings? ›

Your ex will probably find reasons to contact you if they're still interested. Check how often they call, text, or talk to you in person. Similarly, consider if they start the conversation back up after it has ended. This might be a sign they like you.

How to know if he still has feelings for his ex? ›

Trombetti says that a guy who constantly talks about his ex is probably still hung up on her. Some of the telltale signs that she's clearly on his mind: "If he talks about her a lot in conversation and her name continuously comes up, along with things they did or shared together."

How do you know if a guy still cares about you after a breakup? ›

An ex who wants to get back together will often try to be close to you when they do see you. They might hug you, kiss your check or display other types of physical affection to show that they care. If they are still very emotional about the breakup, they might also look down, avoid eye contact or even cry.

How do you know a man still loves you after a breakup? ›

If your ex is still contacting you, it's a good sign that they're still interested in you. This could mean texting, calling, or even just liking your social media posts. If they're making an effort to stay in touch, it's likely because they still miss you and want to be a part of your life.

How long after breakup do they miss you? ›

Now, for some actual data. I've dug deep into reconciliation recently, and it turns out that, on average, it takes two exes 2.56 months of missing each other before they start thinking about getting back together. So expect them to start missing you roughly two months post-breakup.

How long does it take a guy to realize he messed up after a breakup? ›

Men often go through an emotional state called “Dumper remorse” after the woman finally goes away. This state hits after one month to six weeks after the man passes through the initial happy phase after a breakup. He starts to give away signs he knows he has lost you from that time.

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