When Do Chickens Start Laying Eggs? (2024)

Your cute little chicks have matured into sleek-looking, mature pullets and now you’re thinking they should start laying eggs soon. When do chickens start to lay eggs? There are several factors that determine when a pullet, or a female chicken under one year old, will reach production maturity. Waiting for that first egg from your young flock is hard, but here are some guidelines to keep in mind when to expect that first egg!

When do Chickens Start Laying Eggs?

When Do Chickens Start Laying Eggs? (1)

A hen will start laying eggs when she is still a pullet, however, the age when she starts laying will depend on a few factors, such as breed and the time of year. On average most chicken breeds will start laying around six months old, or about 20-22 weeks.

Chicken breeds who are bred primarily for egg production will start laying eggs at an even younger age. Pullets from production breeds may start laying as early as 16-18 weeks of age, however their laying lifespan will not be as long.

Dual-purpose chicken breeds are chicken breeds that have been bred for both egg production and for meat production. These breeds will usually start laying around 20-24 weeks of age. Many dual-purpose chicken breeds are also heritage breeds. Heritage chicken breeds are breeds of chickens that have existed prior to the twentieth century and meet the heritage breed standards as set by the American Poultry Association.

Heritage breeds of chickens take longer to mature and will often not start laying until closer to 28 weeks of age. Some of the larger heritage chicken breeds may even take as long as 8 months to reach production maturity and start laying. However, since they take time to mature and their genetics are more pure, heritage breeds often have a longer productive lifespan and are less prone to production related mortality.

Another factor that affects when any breed of chicken will start laying is the time of year. A hen needs a certain amount of daylight hours in order to start laying or keep laying. Winter is often a time of decreased egg production since the daylight hours are shorter. Pullets who are raised in late summer or fall may not start laying until the following spring even though they reach production maturity during the winter. Once they start receiving between 12-14 hours of daylight, that will trigger production and cause them to start laying.

Pullets who are raised in spring or early summer may mature soon enough to start laying before the days are too short to stop egg production. Many times, pullets who start laying in late summer or fall will continue laying right through the winter months.

Here are some of the best chicken breeds for egg production, including both production breeds and dual-purpose heritage breeds! And if you’re wondering when a certain chicken breed will start laying, here’s a quick guide to some of the common chicken breeds and when the pullets may start laying:

When do Polish Chickens Start Laying Eggs?

Polish chickens are a heritage breed chicken raised for egg production and for show. Polish pullets can be expected to start laying around five months of age. Make sure you start feeding them a complete layer feed when they are 18-20 weeks of age so that they are getting the nutrition they need to start laying.

When do Rhode Island Red Chickens Start Laying Eggs?

Rhode Island Red chickens are a dual-purpose heritage breed chicken. Rhode Island Red pullets will start laying around 18-20 weeks of age. As with any breed of pullet, Rhode Island Red pullets should have access to a complete layer feed and supplemental calcium to help them as they start laying.

When do Ameraucana Chickens Start Laying Eggs?

The Ameraucana chicken is another heritage chicken breed. It is best known for laying blue colored eggs. Ameraucana pullets will start laying around 20-24 weeks of age.

When do Araucana Chickens Start Laying Eggs?

The Araucana chicken is a hard-to-raise, heritage breed of chicken. They are best known for being a rumpless breed of chicken and the hens lay green to blue colored eggs. Araucana pullets will start laying around 20-24 weeks of age.

Signs That a Hen Will Start Laying Soon

When Do Chickens Start Laying Eggs? (2)

Your pullets have reached production age and now you’re on the edge of your seat waiting for that first egg.... but you haven’t collected it yet. Don’t worry, there is nothing wrong with your pullets as long as they are healthy and you are feeding them a complete layer feed with a free-choice calcium made available as well.

While you are waiting, there are few signs that you can watch for in your maturing pullets that may indicate they are getting ready to lay their first egg. Watch for these signs that indicate a pullet will start laying soon:

  • larger & redder combs and wattles
  • exploring the nesting boxes
  • increased appetite
  • submissive squat

Keep in mind that if you notice one of your chickens developing a larger and redder comb and wattles before 10-12 weeks of age, that chicken may be a rooster! Roosters naturally have larger and brighter colored facial features than hens, which may start showing up as early as three weeks of age. However, young pullets who are reaching the age of laying will have hormones that cause their combs and wattles to get bigger and redder as well.

You can encourage the young pullets to start checking out the nesting boxes by placing fake eggs or even golf balls in the boxes. The fake eggs can be helpful for teaching the new layers where they should lay their eggs. You may also hear a pullet starting to sing her egg song or being noisy as she checks out the nesting boxes.

Another sign to watch for is the submissive squat. The submissive squat is a behavior that young pullets and hens exhibit as a mating response. The submissive squat is when a hen crouches down and holds her wings out to the side. This position makes it easier for a rooster to mount her and mate with her. Sometimes a young pullet will display this behavior when you go to pick her up.

Lastly, you may notice that the young pullets start eating more prior to laying their first eggs. Producing eggs takes lots of energy, so the pullets will be eating more food once they start laying. Make sure you switch your young chickens to a complete layer feed at 18-20 weeks of age so that they can get the nutrition they need to start laying. Providing a free-choice calcium supplement is a good idea to ensure your pullets can get the calcium they need to make strong eggshells.

When do Chickens Stop Laying Eggs?

When Do Chickens Start Laying Eggs? (3)

A hen will never run out of eggs to lay, however, that does not mean she will lay for her entire life. A hen’s productive lifespan is often shorter than her actual lifespan. Producing eggs takes a lot of energy and is not something that older hens can handle as they age. When a chicken stops laying eggs will depend on the hen’s breed.

Production chicken breeds will start laying early but they have a short production lifespan. Chickens bred solely for egg production will produce phenomenally for the first two to three years of their life. After that, production may significantly decrease or stop altogether.

Dual-purpose chicken breeds have a slightly longer production lifespan of around three to five years. Heritage chicken breeds have the longest production lifespan of around six to seven years. Heritage chicken breeds may not start laying until they are older, and they will not produce at such a high volume as production breeds, but they will continue laying eggs even as they age.

Other factors can also cause a hen to stop laying, even for short periods of time. Here are some other factors to consider if your hens stop laying:

  • Molting- hens over one year of age will molt in the fall and will usually stop laying while they molt
  • Broodiness- when a hen wants to hatch chicks, she will go broody and stop laying eggs
  • Shorter Daylight Hours- when a hen does not receive between 12-16 hours of daylight each day she will stop laying

How Long is the Egg Laying Cycle?

On a daily basis, a hen will lay an egg every 24-26 hours, which is how long it takes for an egg to be formed. A hen’s breed and her overall health will affect how regularly she is able to lay. Chicken breeds bred for egg production may lay an egg almost every day. Heritage chicken breeds may only lay an egg every other day. Gamebird breeds and breeds bred for exhibition will lay even fewer eggs and sometimes only lay on a seasonal basis.

On a yearly basis, the egg laying cycle usually goes from spring through the summer months. The fall molt often stops egg production and is soon followed by the shorter daylight hours of the winter months, which does not trigger egg production to start back up. A hen under one year of age who starts laying before her first winter may continue laying until the following fall when she does her first molt.

A hen’s overall health and diet will affect how well she lays as well. Ailments such as internal or external parasites, respiratory infections, or dietary deficiencies can all cause a hen to lay less frequently or stop laying altogether. Feeding your laying flock a balanced diet of nutritious feed and healthy snacks, as well as doing monthly health checks, can help your hens stay on a normal laying cycle.

When Do Chickens Start Laying Eggs? (4)


When do hens start laying eggs? A hen will start laying eggs while she is still a pullet. Most pullets reach production maturity around five months of age. Getting that first egg from your pullets can be exciting and rewarding! The first egg, sometimes called a fairy egg, will be small. As your pullets finish maturing and continue laying, the eggs they lay will increase in size until they reach the normal egg size for their breed. Enjoy raising your flock and celebrating those first eggs!


When Do Chickens Start Laying Eggs? (2024)


When Do Chickens Start Laying Eggs? ›

Many hens lay their first egg

first egg
"Chicken-and-egg" is a metaphoric adjective describing situations where it is not clear which of two events should be considered the cause and which should be considered the effect, to express a scenario of infinite regress, or to express the difficulty of sequencing actions where each seems to depend on others being ...
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › Chicken_or_the_egg
around 18 weeks of age and then lay up to an egg each day, subject to breed, environment and individual bird. At 18 weeks, choose a complete layer feed with the Purina® Oyster Strong® System to help your hens lay strong and stay strong.

How do I know when my chickens are ready to lay eggs? ›

Their combs and wattles will swell and turn a deep red. Chickens start laying eggs when their pelvis bones begin to separate, which you can tell by feeling with your fingers slightly below their vent on the right and left sides. If you can fit three to four fingers in that space, she's ready to lay.

At what age do female chickens start laying eggs? ›

The average age that a young female chicken starts to lay an egg is around 6 months of age (or around 24 weeks of age). Some chicken breeds start laying around 18 weeks of age, but the average hen doesn't start start laying until around the 24 week mark.

How long does it take a chicken to lay an egg for the first time? ›

On average, a pullet will begin to lay an egg around 5-6 months of age. You may get lucky and start receiving eggs as early as 16-18 weeks, or have to wait a long 28-32 weeks before you receive your first egg. However, most pullets will begin to lay their first egg between 20-24 weeks.

What do chickens do right before they lay an egg? ›

When pullets are nearing their first egg lay, their behavior changes. They may spend more time with the rooster, crouch for breeding or investigate the nesting area. At this time, keep them in the coop for short periods of time.

How to encourage chickens to lay eggs? ›

Add More Light. As daylight dwindles in the fall and winter, egg production will also naturally decrease. On average, chickens need around 14-16 hours of sunlight to lay an egg. Supplementing light by simply adding a light bulb on a 16 hour timer to your chicken house will encourage your hens to produce more eggs.

How soon can you eat an egg after a chicken lays it? ›

The majority of eggs laid from healthy hens kept in healthy environments are going to be safe to eat well after the day that they are laid.

Why can't you eat egg-laying chickens? ›

Egg-laying hens are extremely prone to ovarian cancer, prolapses, and other reproductive illnesses— we once rescued an egg-laying hen who had a grapefruit-sized mass of impacted egg material stuck in her tiny body, and the horrors do not stop there.

How long do fresh eggs last? ›

Eggs may be refrigerated three to five weeks from the day they are placed in the refrigerator. The "Sell-By" date will usually expire during that length of time, but the eggs will be perfectly safe to use. Always purchase eggs before the "Sell-By" or Exp (expiration) date on the carton.

Will chickens stop laying if the coop is dirty? ›

Yes, chickens can stop laying eggs if their coop is dirty. A clean environment is crucial for maintaining the health and productivity of your hens! Here are a few reasons why a dirty coop can impact egg production: Stress: Chickens are sensitive to their environment, and a dirty coop can cause stress.

How long do backyard chickens live? ›

Healthy backyard chickens can live up to or longer than 10 years! Of course, considering they are healthy, have a good diet, no predator attacks or illness and good genetics. The average chicken will live 5-7 years. This is only an average.

What are the best egg laying chickens for beginners? ›

The Rhode Island Red, Barred Rocks, Orpingtons, Turkens, and Easter Eggers all offer fantastic options for beginners. Whether you prioritize egg production, temperament, hardiness, or aesthetics, these breeds have something to offer.

How many eggs will 4 chickens lay in a week? ›

If you wanted to get about a dozen eggs per week, you would need between 3 to 5 laying hens. For two dozen eggs a week, you would need to double those numbers for a flock size of between 6 to 10 laying hens.

What foods increase egg production in chickens? ›

  • Providing vitamin and electrolyte supplements for more than 10 days.
  • Supplementing complete feeds with cracked corn, oats, or other grains.
  • Regularly adding green chops, lettuce, or other low nutrition ingredients to the diet.

What time of day do chickens lay eggs? ›

Ultimately, hens lay eggs when the egg is finished forming and they are awake. The cycle to create an egg takes about 26 hours, so you won't get your eggs at the same time each day. While you may find a few eggs in the coop each morning, you may also find eggs in the afternoon.

How can you tell a chicken is physically mature enough to lay eggs? ›

Your hen's physical appearance and behavior will begin to change as she gets ready to lay eggs. Signs to watch for include: Enlarging and reddening combs and/or wattles. More squawking.

Can 4 month old chickens lay eggs? ›

Flock Management : Flock Health

When your chickens are 4 to 6 months old, they're over their awkward teenage phase but not yet full adults. Chickens become sexually mature at this age, which means females will begin to lay their first eggs.

How do I know if all my chickens are laying eggs? ›

If you feel around an egg laying chickens breastbone, it should be quite large - around 4 fingers in width. Their abdomen will be about 3 fingers in width. This will be less for non-layers. A productive layer will look alive!

What are the stages of a chicken egg laying? ›

It's made up of several distinct stages, making the egg production process simple to understand.
  • Yolk release. ...
  • Initial egg white is created. ...
  • Egg shape is formed. ...
  • Eggshells are formed. ...
  • Egg bloom is added and the egg emerges. ...
  • What do factory farms feed chickens? ...
  • Breed. ...
  • Pullet management.
Jul 4, 2023

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