What you need to know about staking Ethereum (2024)

If you're active in cryptocurrency trading, you'll eventually grapple with this conundrum: crypto mining is an energy hog.

According to Bitcoin mining firm CleanSpark of Henderson, Nevada, the production of a single bitcoin takes 1,074 kilowatt-hours worth of energy, the equivalent energy needed to keep a household of four humming for 37 days. The creators of the Ethereum blockchain estimate that mining Ether coins (Ether or ETH) via its "proof-of-work" protocol consumes as much energy annually as the total energy consumption of Finland. It also produces a carbon impact on the environment similar to that of Switzerland.

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Why so much energy? As the name suggests, proof-of-work requires work -- specifically a lot of computing power -- as miners compete aggressively to be the first to find a very rare cryptographic hash used to win a block and add it to the blockchain. Being the first to find that hash requires an enormous amount of computer processing power, sometimes in the form of hundreds, if not thousands, of crypto mining rigs operating 24/7. The first miner to find and validate the block gets rewarded in cryptocurrency. The complexity of finding that hash makes it dang near-impossible to go back and alter the history of the blockchain, making the chain impervious to corruption, and therefore very secure. Proof-of-work is the consensus mechanism used for both Bitcoin and Ethereum.

But over the past couple of years, there has emerged a more efficient, less costly, and environmentally-friendlier consensus mechanism used to build blockchains and, in the process, generate crypto coins:Staking.

In 2020, the Ethereum blockchain, which creates ETH, began work on enhancements and updates, known at the time as Ethereum 2.0 (orEth2), a second, separate system of coinage alongside the original Ethereum blockchain. Now known by the Ethereum Foundation as Ethereum Merge, "the merge" moves from the traditional proof-of-work mining approach to what's known as "proof-of-stake," whereby validators put up an amount of capital to attest to the validity of a block. It's what the Ethereum folks call a "new engine" for Ether, and "a public good for the Ethereum ecosystem."

What you need to know about staking Ethereum (1)

How proof-of-stake works

In proof-of-stake, each new block in the Ethereum blockchain is created when validators, and groups of users in staking pools, stake their altcoins (in this example, Ether) to validate a block on the blockchain. The validators are randomly selected in order to propose the validity of a block. That block needs to be attested by the majority of other validators. So, validators put up their ETH assets as collateral to validate a proposed block (those assets are put on hold during this process). If the block is deemed legitimate, then the stakers receive their assets back plus an additional "reward" of coins for successfully validating the block and staking new coins. If, however, the block is deemed illegitimate, or validators are acting maliciously, the staked amount will be "slashed."

What you need to know about staking Ethereum (2)

In staking, validators and those in staking pools split the rewards earned each time a new coin is created. The big appeal of staking is that the amount earned can be sizable, but in reality, it can vary from 2% to 20%depending on the number of validatorsparticipating. For those in a staking pool, it's generally less than 10%, compounded annually. Still, there's a reward for those who stake their coins to ensure the chains on a block are legit.

Eventually, the "Beacon Chain" -- the backbone of Ethereum 2.0 -- is expected to merge with the original Ethereum blockchain, whereupon proof-of-work will go away and all Ether will be minted via staking. The current expectation(subject to change) is that the merger will happen this year either in the third or fourth quarter.

The energy savings can be significant. According to Ethereum's backers, if the energy per transaction to mine a single Bitcoin were equivalent in size to Dubai's Burj Khalifa (the world's tallest skyscraper at 829 meters), then mining a single Ether coin would be equal in size to the Leaning Tower of Pisa, a mere 56 meters tall. Staking would be only two-and-a-half centimeters, the height of a common screw.

What you need to know about staking Ethereum (3)

Ways to stake Ethereum

A good place to start learning about staking is in the staking explainer section of Ethereum's website.

To qualify as an Ether validator in the comfort of your home, you'll need your computer, an Internet connection and have had to stake 32 Ether coins, which is nearly $91,600at an exchange rate of $2,862 a coin, as of April 29. If you are running your own rig, there are a lot of technical details about how validation functions that you'll need to bone up on.

You can also have someone else run the computer operations on your behalf while you simply lend the 32 Ether, known as "staking as a service," or SaaS.

There are numerous service providers to go to for SaaS. One of the more prominent ones is Figment Networks, a Toronto-based start-up that claims to be the world's biggest blockchain infrastructure provider.

Figment offers numerous details and insights about the staking process on its website. The current estimated annual yield for staking is between 2% and 20% of the value of your Ether, which you must lend in fixed denominations of 32 Ether. There are a lot of variables that can impact return, such as how many other parties join the staking effort, and how fast the Ethereum blockchain mints new ether coins.

For those who don't have $91,600 worth of Ether, a third option is a pooled staking service where multiple parties have their Ether combined by a service provider and staked together.

One such service is Lido, which provides pooled staking of Ether and other currencies including Solana, Terra and Kusama. The group claims to have facilitated 75% of recent Ether staking. Lido advertises that it has amassed $10.4 billion worth of Ether in staking operations, and offers a current annual percentage rate return on Ether of 3.8%. Some of the other coins have higher APRs.

The tie-up of proof-of-staking

A major downside, as with lending, is that staking locks up one's Ether holdings for a period of time. When you stake now, your ETH coins will be locked until the Eth2 rollout is complete. Staking is an emerging service, and so the details are still fuzzy as to how long that period of time will be; perhaps as long as it takes for the proof-of-stake system to achieve smooth operation, which is currently discussed as being up to a year-and-a-half. That's a long time to have your money tied up.

To deal with that lockup, crypto trading firm Darma Capital is developing LiquidStake, which will lend the dollar-backed USD Coin (USDC) to anyone who agrees to stake their Ether. The fees for LiquidStake are steep, however—10% to 11% of any rewards generated from staking, plus interest of 13.5% in the form of additional USDC.

Similarly, the Lido operation deals with the lock-up via its own token system, called Stacked ETH, or stETH, which stands in for your staked Ether while it's being used. StETH can be used "in all of the same ways" as regular Ether, according to Lido; "sell it, spend it and -- since it is compatible to be used in decentralized finance (DeFi) -- use it as collateral for on-chain lending. "When transactions are enabled on ETH 2.0, users can also redeem stETH for ETH," says the service.

There are two main risks to keep in mind with staking. First, if the validators who are using your ETH fail to properly perform the computer operation of validation, then rewards are forfeited for both you and the validator. Second, you can lose half of your Ether stake if multiple parties fail in this way. Both scenarios are considered forms of slashing.

A broader, intriguing, concern is that pools of lenders and validators, such as Lido, become areas of concentration. That produces a number of issues, such as whether a pool can minimize malicious behavior by the validators it oversees. A recent blog post by Lido staff notes that how to run a great staking pool is an emerging discipline and is still being refined.

All of these issues are important to keep in mind, but shouldn't discourage you from using your crypto to make a little money on the side while helping to save the planet.

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What you need to know about staking Ethereum (2024)


What you need to know about staked ether? ›

Staked ether, or stETH, is a cryptocurrency token that represents an equivalent amount of ether (ETH) that has been staked. Staked tokens are locked up for an extended period to provide liquidity for staked ether. In the case of stETH, ether (ETH) tokens are staked until the Shanghai upgrade is implemented.

Is staking my Ethereum worth it? ›

While staking Ethereum isn't a get-rich-quick strategy, it can still be a valuable way to pad your portfolio and put your money to work. Rewards are paid out every few days and are proportionate to the value staked -- meaning the more you stake, the more you earn.

How profitable will staking Ethereum be? ›

Only 31% of Staked Ether May Be Profitable: Binance Research.

What do I need to know about staking? ›

Staking is a way for investors to earn passive yield on their cryptocurrency holdings by locking tokens up on the network for a period of time. For example, if you decide you want to stake your ether holdings, you would do so on the Ethereum network.

Can you lose staked Ethereum? ›

ETH staking is experimental and involves some risks including possible failure of the network. Please ensure you independently assess, understand, and accept the related risks before deciding to stake. An important risk to be aware of is the possibility of losing your staked assets due to slashing.

What are the risks of staking ETH? ›

The risks of staking

One negative point is that when you stake your holdings, they're tied up for a certain period of time. That means, if the value of Eth rises or falls during that time, you can't sell to lock in gains or prevent further losses. You have to wait until the lockup period is over.

What is the downside of staking coins? ›

There are a few risks of staking crypto to understand: Crypto prices are volatile and can drop quickly. If your staked assets suffer a large price drop, that could outweigh any interest you earn on them. Staking can require that you lock up your coins for a minimum amount of time.

When can I sell my staked Ethereum? ›

Wrapping your ETH2 allows you to sell or send your staked ETH immediately before a future Ethereum network upgrade, which may happen as soon as 2023. cbETH can also be used in DeFi and other dapps that support ERC-20 tokens. You can also unstake your ETH2, but you will have to wait through the unstaking period.

What are the disadvantages of staking? ›

What are the risks of staking crypto?
  • Market Risk. The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. ...
  • Liquidity Risk. Liquidity also plays an important role as a prominent crypto staking risk. ...
  • Lockup Duration. Some stablecoins come with locked periods. ...
  • Loss or Theft of Assets. ...
  • Reward Duration. ...
  • Validator Risk. ...
  • Validator Cost.
Nov 28, 2022

Does staking pay daily? ›

Once bonded, Staking Rewards are earned and paid daily directly into your Staking Rewards Account.

Can I lose my crypto when staking? ›

However, staking is not without risk. You'll earn rewards in crypto, a volatile asset that can decline in value. Sometimes, you have to lock up your crypto for a set period of time. And there is a chance that you could lose some of the cryptocurrency you've staked as a penalty if the system doesn't work as expected.

When should you stop staking? ›

Remove staking after one or two years. Within one year of transplanting most trees will have established sufficient new roots into native soil to be wind firm. Staking material left on trunks can eventually girdle new trunks. Removing staking material after one or two years is critical.

How long will Ethereum be staked? ›

Staked ETH (ETH2) balances won't be unlocked at the time of the Merge or be available to trade or transfer until the Ethereum protocol upgrade completes. The upgrade is anticipated to be completed by early 2023.

How long is Ethereum locked for staking? ›

Newly staked ETH will undergo a bonding period of up to 20 days (often less than a couple of hours, depending on network conditions) before it will start earning ETH rewards. How long do I have to wait after staking to begin earning rewards?

What is the safest way to stake ETH? ›

The quickest and easiest way to start staking Ethereum is on centralized exchanges. Binance, Kraken, and Coinbase all offer Ethereum staking, with no minimum amount of Ethereum required to get started, assuming you are trying to stake at least more than 0.0001 ETH that is.

How to stake Ethereum safely? ›

How to Stake ETH (Ethereum)
  1. Set Up a Withdrawal Address.
  2. Share Your Public Address with Blockdaemon.
  3. Blockdaemon Launches Your Public Validator(s)
  4. Blockdaemon Provides You with Transaction Data.
  5. Fund Your Validator(s) with an Ethereum Transaction.
  6. Your Validators will Join the Activation Queue.

What is the safest staking option? ›

There is no safe smoking option — tobacco is always harmful. Light, low-tar and filtered cigarettes aren't any safer — people usually smoke them more deeply or smoke more of them. The only way to reduce harm is to quit smoking.

Is staking safer than holding? ›

Staking is generally more secure because stakers are participating in the underlying blockchain's strict consensus method. Any attempt to trick the system may actually result in the perpetrators losing their staked funds.

What is the least risky crypto staking? ›

If you want to stake crypto with minimal risk, buy and stake stablecoins. They're designed to maintain a stable price, such as $1. Several crypto staking platforms offer rewards rates of 5% or more on stablecoins.

What is the highest return for staking Ethereum? ›

While the traditional ETH staking rewards are around 5%, using liquidity staking paired with lending or liquidity mining, stakers can achieve APY rewards upwards of 10%.

How much Ethereum is locked in staking? ›

Currently, the total value of assets locked on these platforms stands at nearly $12 billion. The market is dominated by the top three liquid staking platforms, which control 95% of the market.

What happens to staked ETH when ETH2 comes out? ›

What happens to my old ETH tokens when Ethereum 2 is launched? Your existing ETH tokens will be transferable to the Ethereum 2 chain. The legacy proof-of-work Ethereum chain will continue alongside the new Ethereum 2 chain initially.

Is staking more profitable than holding? ›

By doing HODL you will not grow in the number of cryptocurrencies you have in your possession. That means that you will only win if the cryptocurrency grows in price. On the other hand, in STAKE the price could lower the coin, but have more coins thanks to staking, resulting in a higher value.

Why does staking pay so much? ›

The reason your crypto earns rewards while staked is because the blockchain puts it to work. Cryptocurrencies that allow staking use a “consensus mechanism” called Proof of Stake, which is the way they ensure that all transactions are verified and secured without a bank or payment processor in the middle.

Which crypto has best staking rewards? ›

Crypto Staking Platforms April 2023
StakingAdj Reward %Avg Reward %
Binance Coin8.02%2.66%
6 more rows
Apr 4, 2023

Are staking rewards taxable? ›

Do I have to pay tax if I sell my staking rewards? Yes. Selling crypto - including staking rewards - is a disposal of an asset and any gain is subject to Capital Gains Tax. You'll use the fair market value of your staking rewards at the point you receive them as your cost basis.

How much profit can you make from staking? ›

You can get as low as 1-2% profit from staking or as high as 150% per annum. The longer you stake, the higher your profit tends to be. Typically, coins and tokens with high market caps offer lower annual percentage yields (APYs) than cryptocurrencies with lower market caps.

Is staking considered income? ›

The conservative approach to tax reporting is to report staking rewards as income, even if you do not have 'dominion and control'. However, a more aggressive approach is to claim that staking rewards are non-taxable in cases where rewards cannot be withdrawn.

Does staking crypto affect taxes? ›

If you stake cryptocurrencies

In exchange for staking your virtual currencies, you can be paid money that counts as taxable income. You treat staking income the same as you do mining income: counted as fair market value at the time you earn the income and subject to income and possibly self employment taxes.

How do you avoid taxes on crypto staking? ›

How To Minimize Crypto Taxes
  1. Hold crypto long-term. If you hold a crypto investment for at least one year before selling, your gains qualify for the preferential long-term capital gains rate.
  2. Offset gains with losses. ...
  3. Time selling your crypto. ...
  4. Claim mining expenses. ...
  5. Consider retirement investments. ...
  6. Charitable giving.
Mar 9, 2023

Does your crypto grow while staking? ›

What Is Staking? Staking is when you lock crypto assets for a set period of time to help support the operation of a blockchain. In return for staking your crypto, you earn more cryptocurrency. Many blockchains use a proof of stake consensus mechanism.

What happen to my crypto after staking? ›

With staking, you can put your digital assets to work and earn passive income without selling them. In some ways, staking is similar to depositing cash in a high-yield savings account. Banks lend out your deposits, and you earn interest on your account balance.

Is staking return guaranteed? ›

As of December 2022, the cryptocurrency exchange CoinDCX provides an annual percentage yield (APY) of 5%–20% for staking Ethereum 2.0. To begin, a user must stake at least 0.1 ETH in the pool. If you've decided to stake cryptocurrency, you'll get the guaranteed return when it's due.

Does staked ETH increase in value? ›

Yes, your staked tokens will increase and decrease in value. That's why staking is so risky because some require you to lock in your funds for a period of time, and if the token crashes, well, there's nothing you can do about it.

What to know before staking crypto? ›

There are a few risks of staking crypto to understand: Crypto prices are volatile and can drop quickly. If your staked assets suffer a large price drop, that could outweigh any interest you earn on them. Staking can require that you lock up your coins for a minimum amount of time.

Can I sell my staked ETH? ›

Wrapping your ETH2 allows you to sell or send your staked ETH immediately before a future Ethereum network upgrade, which may happen as soon as 2023. cbETH can also be used in DeFi and other dapps that support ERC-20 tokens. You can also unstake your ETH2, but you will have to wait through the unstaking period.

Is staked ETH taxable? ›

Yes. Selling crypto - including staking rewards - is a disposal of an asset and any gain is subject to Capital Gains Tax. You'll use the fair market value of your staking rewards at the point you receive them as your cost basis.

When can I withdraw staked Ethereum? ›

If the validator has fully exited, and we have reached the epoch where their account is considered to be "withdrawable", then a full withdrawal will be processed. This will transfer the entire remaining balance to the withdrawal address.

Is there a downside to staking crypto? ›

One of the biggest disadvantages of staking crypto is that it can tie up your assets for a long period of time. For example, if you stake your coins for a year, you will not be able to access them during that time.

What is the cons of staking crypto? ›

What are the risks of staking crypto?
  • Market Risk. The cryptocurrency market is highly volatile. ...
  • Liquidity Risk. Liquidity also plays an important role as a prominent crypto staking risk. ...
  • Lockup Duration. Some stablecoins come with locked periods. ...
  • Loss or Theft of Assets. ...
  • Reward Duration. ...
  • Validator Risk. ...
  • Validator Cost.
Nov 28, 2022

Can I lose my staked ETH on Coinbase? ›

Any rewards from staking ETH will be reflected in your account, but may not be credited until the Ethereum 2.0 upgrade is complete. You may lose all, or a portion of, your staked ETH, including any staking rewards.

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.