What You Can Expect from a Financial Planner [Plus How Much They Cost] (2024)

What You Can Expect from a Financial Planner [Plus How Much They Cost] (1)

The world of investing and financial planning can be confusing.

If you’ve heard about certified financial advisors, you may be wondering exactly what do they do and whether or not you need one.

Even as a CPA myself, I’ve found this world a bit confusing. But I spoke with some friends who are advisors, did my own research with an advisor session, and I’m here to share what I learned with you.

A financial planner can do anything from managing your investments to giving your finances a total overhaul. Different financial planners get paid in different ways. Some charge a percentage of the assets they manage, typically 1-2%. Others get paid by the hour, often $150 to $300 per hour.

What is a Financial Advisor?

The term “financial advisor” is a broad one that can refer to many different types of people or services that help people manage their money and reach their financial goals.

When it comes to giving financial advice, anyone can choose to do without getting any particular certification. But to actually sell investment products, financial advisors must pass a series of tests.

Financial advisors who have completed all the required testing can become broker-agents or registered investment advisors. We’ll discuss how broker-agents and Registered Investment Advisors are different under the “What is a Fiduciary Financial Advisor” section.

What is a Certified Financial Advisor?

Technically, there is no such thing as a “Certified Financial Advisor.” But Certified Financial Planners (CFPs) definitely are a thing. While all CFPs are financial advisors, not all financial advisors are CFPs.

To become a CFP, you must submit yourself to a grueling education process that includes several courses and a killerexam. Once the education requirement to become a CFP has been satisfied, three years of full-time personal financial planning experience or two years of apprenticeship experience must be completed before an advisor can receive the CFP designation.

When I interviewed Jeff Rose, a CFP himself and founder of Good Financial Cents, he talked about how intense and difficult it was to become a CFP.

The process that I went through tobecome a Certified Financial Planner™ professional was one of the hardest times of my life.

But he also says that the time, effort, and financial sacrifice that it took to become a CFP earned him a lot of credibility.

“Almost anyone in our industry can become a financial advisor, but taking the extra time and effort to become a CFP® has earned the respect from my peers and also my clients.”

Finally, the Certified Financial Planner board requires all CFPs to complete 30 credit hours of continuing education every two years so that they can stay well-versed in comprehensive financial planning.

What is a Fiduciary Financial Advisor?

A fiduciary financial advisor is someone who is required to act in the best interest of their clients. While you wouldn’t be crazy to expect that all financial advisors would have this requirement, unfortunately, they don’t.

Many financial advisors are only bound to a “suitability” requirement, which means that they can only make investment suggestions that meet a client’s age, risk tolerance, and financial circ*mstances.

Fiduciary advisors, on the other hand, are held to a much higher standard. They must always put the interest of the client’s above their own. That means if a particular investment product or strategy is best for the client, they must recommend it even if it means less money (or none at all) in their own pocket.

How can you find a fiduciary financial advisor? This is where the distinction between a regular broker-agent and a Registered Investment Advisor (RIA) comes into play. RIAs are required by law to act as fiduciaries for their clients, whereas broker-agents are not.

And in the CFP Board Code of Ethics, they require all CFPs to act as fiduciaries as well.

What is a Fee-Only Financial Advisor?

There are three main categories of financial advisors:

  • Commission: These types of advisors make all their money from the commissions that they earn on investment product sales.
  • Fee-Based: These types of advisors charge some sort of flat fee for their services, but may also earn on commissions on product sales.
  • Fee-Only: These types of advisors cannot earn any commission from product sales. As the name aptly suggests, the fee is their only source of income.

Since fee-only financial planners don’t receive any commissions, many believe this removes nearly all potential conflict of interest. They are paid to give you good advice. Period.

And if you aren’t happy with their services, you can always go find another fee-only planner who serves you better. For this reason, the interests of the client and the fee-only financial planner are usually closely aligned.

Later on in this article, I’ll talk about my first experience sitting down with John, a CFP at Frisco Financial Planning. When I met with John, I asked him what my readers should look for in a financial advisor.

  • A Certified Financial Planner Professional with several (at least 10) years of experience.
  • Not employed by a large financial institution (bank, brokerage fund, or life insurance company).
  • Fee-only (paid directly by the client and receives no commission).

I couldn’t agree more with John. By just following these three guidelines you will have a great chance of finding a wonderful financial advisor who only acts in your best interests.

What do Financial Advisors do?

When I interviewed Jeff Rose, I asked him what kinds of services he tends to provide for his clients. Here’s what he had to say:

“…Most people that come to me need a game plan for a successful retirement. They rely on me to analyze their situation and develop a plan of attack that does two things: 1. Satisfies the goals they are trying to accomplish 2. Does so in a fashion that they understand and are completely comfortable with.”

In this section, it’s important to explain a key difference between CFPs and Registered Investment Advisors (RIAs).

To use a baseball analogy, CFPs are like utility players. They help clients put together a plan that encompasses their entire financial landscape, including the entire financial picture, including insurance, taxes, and estate planning.

RIAs, on the other hand, are like a lefty bullpen pitcher. They’re specialists. RIAs only give advice on investments and are highly trained to do so. For this reason, some people (especially wealthier clients) choose to work with both a CFP and an RIA in tandem.

If you’re just looking for someone to give you investment recommendations, an RIA would be a fine choice. But if you like the idea of having someone in your corner who’s keeping an eye on every aspect of your financial situation, then you’re going to want to find a CFP.

How Much do Financial Advisors Cost?

When it comes to fee-only financial advisors, there are three main types of fee structures.

Assets Under Management (AUM)

This is one of the most common fee structures for fee-only advisors. Their fee is simply a percentage (often around 1%) of the assets that are being managed for the client.

So if the client’s portfolio is $500,000, then the fee would be $5,000.

It’s important to note, though, that these types of advisors often have account minimums, such as $250,000. Accounts with smaller balances are often just not worth their time.

It’s also important to note that their fee is taken out of your investment, which reduces the amount available to grow. This is even a bigger issue if all your investments are in retirement accounts since they have caps. If you invest $6,000 in your Roth (the annual cap as of 2019) and the advisor takes a fee of $2,000, that effectively reduces your maximum annual investment to $4,000.

Flat Retainer Fee

Other fee-only financial advisors charge a flat retainer that is not linked to account size. There are many companies that use the flat retainer pricing model. Below, are a couple of interesting companies that you may want to look more in to.

Facet Wealth

Facet Wealth connects clients with fiduciary-bound CFP professionals. They reject the AUM model because they think you should pay for service rather than pay based on how much money you have. They also realize that your account size isn’t necessarily indicative of how much time you’ll need to spend with a CFP.

For this reason, Facet Wealth only charges for the specific services that you use. Their flat retainer fee can range from $480 to $5,000 per year.


SmartAsset is a free service that allows people to find the right financial advisor. The process is relatively simple. Answers a set of questions, get a list of financial advisors that match your needs and book an appointment. They make money charging a referral fee to advisors signed up through their service. There is no cost to you. Questions range from “How do you currently manage your money?” to “How important is it for your financial advisor to have tax expertise?”

Answers questions about your current finances, your family makeup, and what you’re looking for in a financial advisor. SmartAsset will provide you with matches based on your answers. You have the choice of local financial advisors or not, depending on preference.

They also provide advice and tools to help with decisions on home buying, taxes, banking, credit cards, and more.

If you are looking for help finding a good financial planner, but don’t want to pay any finder fees, SmartAsset could be a good option.

Learn more about SmartAsset here.

Hourly Fee

Do all these pricing options still sound too expensive for you?

If so, there’s one final option you may want to consider. Some financial advisors allow you to pay by the hour for their advice. Expect to pay from $150 to $300 an hour for their services.

Why Meet with a Financial Advisor

When I met with John from Frisco Financial Planning, I wanted to find out which kinds of people tend to seek out his services.

“…A majority of my client base, I’m estimating 80% or greater, is of the baby boomer generation. Most of my clients have worked in some industry or trade for a number of years and now they’re inching closer to retirement.”

I also asked John to describe his typical client. He said that his services were cost-effective for people with no consumer debt, who were already saving at least 10% of their income, and who make over $150,000 a year and/or have $250,000 saved already for retirement.”

Related:Our Vanguard Personal Advisor Services Review: Have a Human Advisor Review Your Plan

Financial Advisor Alternatives

To find a good financial advisor alternative, you first need to identify your needs. If you’re looking to get a full financial plan laid out, talking to a human CFP may honestly be your best move.

But if you’re only looking for help with picking investment products or optimizing your asset allocation, you may be able to get the service you need from a robo-advisor, like M1 Finance.

Pricing for robo-advisors tend to start at around 0.25% of assets under management. Some robo-advisors even offer plans that include access to financial advisors when needed. But you’ll typically have to pay a higher percentage to get access to these plans and they may have account minimums.

Related: The Best Rob0-Advisors to Automate Your Investing

My Meeting with a Certified Fee-Only Financial Advisor

On a Fox Business segment, I was asked what investments people could trust in these tough economic times. I somewhat skirted the question and said that everyone should seek the advice of a fee-only financial planner, specifically a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), to help them sort out where they are and what they need to do to get prepared for retirement.

But, afterward, I felt guilty that I’d never taken my own advice. I’d never been to see a CFP. Most of my retirement investing advice had come from books, blogs, and employer retirement plan administrators. That was about to end. I decided I needed to go visit a local CFP.

That’s when I set up an appointment with John Gay, ofFrisco Financial Planning. Prior to our meeting, John sent us our full planning report, which contained:

  • Asset Allocation and Investments
  • Risk Tolerance
  • Lifetime Income Planning
  • College Education Funding
  • Appendix (fund recommendations, life insurance information, and general info)

Once I arrived at John’s office, our first order of business was to review the individual risk tolerance scores for me and Mrs. PT.

Our Risk Tolerance

We had each taken a risk profile assessment to evaluate our risk tolerance. The assessment was around 25 or so questions. John revealed our scores and also went over some of the questions where Mrs. PT and I disagreed the most.

As you can see by the charts below, I scored in the average range (52), whereas Mrs. PT scored very low (30) with regard to risk tolerance. I knew she was conservative. But man, did I underestimate by how much! Looking back on the survey, Mrs. PT said that there were some financial terms and concepts that she didn’t fully understand while taking the survey and that this may have affected her results slightly.

However, she stands by her conservative stance and feels like the survey had a needed effect on our allocation.

What You Can Expect from a Financial Planner [Plus How Much They Cost] (2)

The software that John used took our combined risk tolerance scores and created an asset allocation that aligns with our feelings toward investment risk. Here are the results:

Proposed Asset Allocation

What You Can Expect from a Financial Planner [Plus How Much They Cost] (3)

A simpler way to present this would be to say that we should be investing 60% in stocks, 30% in bonds, and 10% in cash equivalents.

So where are we right now? Well, our current asset allocation is far more aggressive than this. We have most of our retirement assets in stocks, with under 10% in bonds. Our biggest fund is the Vanguard Target Retirement 2040 Fund (VFORX), which has the following allocation:

What You Can Expect from a Financial Planner [Plus How Much They Cost] (4)

Most of our other funds are stock-only index funds. Our total current allocation across all funds is probably somewhere around 93% stocks, 7% bonds. That’s a far cry from the allocation proposed.

What this tells you is that I’ve been making most of the retirement investing choices without much regard for Mrs. PT. It appears as though I have some adjustments to make so that our investments reflect our risk tolerance.

Recommended Funds

John then went on to suggest some funds for us to achieve the proper allocation (John loves the ETF):

  • Large Cap Stock Fund: SPDR S&P 500 ETF (SPY)
  • Small Cap Stock Fund: Vanguard Small Cap ETF (VB)
  • International Stock Fund: Vanguard Europe Pacific ETF
  • Taxable Bond Fund: Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF (BND)
  • Inflation-Indexed Bond Fund: Barclays TIPS Bond ETF (TIP)
  • Municipal Bond Fund: ishares S&P Natl. Muni Bond ETF (MUB), SPDR Barclays Short-Term Muni Bond ETF (SHM)
  • Real Estate (REIT) Fund: (VEA) Vanguard REIT ETF (VNQ)
  • Energy/Commodities Fund: Vanguard Energy ETF (VDE)
  • Cash Equivalent Funds: Taxable Treasury Money Market Fund, SPDR Barclays Capital 1-3 mo T-Bill ETF (BIL)

John said that for each of our investment accounts that are over $10,000 (in our case, a Rollover IRA) we should shoot to have these investments. For the accounts at or below 10K (our Roth IRAs, a Traditional IRA, and some misc. funds) we should just pick a Vanguard Target Retirement Fund that mirrors the 60/30/10 allocation.

Related: The Secret to Becoming Your Own Financial Expert

Other Information

John’s session included a discussion of life insurance and college education funding for our kids. I’ll save that info for another post, but I can tell you that John was spot on with his recommendations for term life insurance and 529 college savings plans.

Finally, John stressed the need to build our emergency fund to a level more suitable for a self-employed, sole breadwinner.

Basically, we need to do all we can to build up a bigger cash cushion before we progress much further in our retirement investments. I couldn’t agree more. Right now we have around six months worth of living expenses saved up. He suggested up to 18 months worth. It’s hard for me to ever argue against a bigger emergency fund.

Related: The Complete Guide to 529 College Savings Plans


Overall, I’m glad that I met with John. I left more confident about our financial future and Mrs. PT and I now have a better grip on how to direct future investments.

You may find similar value in speaking with a financial advisor as well. But it’s important to never stop self-learning about ways to save and invest more wisely. No one, not even a fiduciary CFP, will ever be as passionate about your personal financial goals as you are. Consider using SmartAsset to find a financial advisor.

Have you ever met with a financial planner? If so, what were your main takeaways?

What You Can Expect from a Financial Planner [Plus How Much They Cost] (2024)


What to expect when you meet with a financial planner? ›

No matter who you meet with, your new financial planner will want to know about your goals and dreams. Be prepared to share about your current financial situation and your future financial goals. There is no such thing as one-size-fits-all financial advising or a financial plan that works for every person.

What should I expect from my financial advisor? ›

Financial advisors help you make decisions about what to do with your money. They guide their clients on saving for major purchases, putting money aside for retirement, and investing money for the future. They can also advise on current economic and market activity.

How much is my financial advisor costing me? ›

Understanding Financial Advisor Fees

According to a 2021 study by Advisory HQ, the average financial advisor fee is 1.02% for $1 million in assets under management (AUM) as an annual fee. Advisors and firms all have their own fee schedules, though, so these can vary.

How much does a financial planning advisor charge? ›

Financial adviser ongoing fees

You agree an ongoing fee in advance, which may be a percentage of assets under management. A typical independent financial adviser fee might be between 0.25% and 1%, but some advisers may charge a different percentage depending on your circ*mstances.

Can financial advisors see your bank account? ›

It is risky to give your bank account login ID or password to a financial advisor or anybody else. Note that your advisor might be able to see your checking account and routing (ABA) numbers when you establish online transfers.

How to tell if a financial advisor is good? ›

An advisor who believes in having a long-term relationship with you—and not merely a series of commission-generating transactions—can be considered trustworthy. Ask for referrals and then run a background check on the advisors that you narrow down such as from FINRA's free BrokerCheck service.

Is it worth paying for a financial advisor? ›

A financial advisor is worth paying for if they provide help you need, whether because you don't have the time or financial acumen or you simply don't want to deal with your finances. An advisor may be especially valuable if you have complicated finances that would benefit from professional help.

What is the most important thing for a financial advisor? ›

They have a passion for the subject and are curious about their clients and the changes in the industry.
  1. Passion for Financial Planning and Wealth Management. ...
  2. Deep Analytical Ability. ...
  3. Ability To Market Yourself. ...
  4. Putting a Client's Interests First. ...
  5. Curiosity.

Is 2% fee high for a financial advisor? ›

Without knowing the full scope of services delivered by the advisor, 2% may be too expensive for a portfolio of your size and for a relationship in which tax advice is not provided. This immediate, high-level evaluation is based on benchmarks for typical advisory fees, which we'll dive into shortly.

Is a 1.5 fee high for a financial advisor? ›

While 1.5% is on the higher end for financial advisor services, if that's what it takes to get the returns you want, then it's not overpaying, so to speak. Staying around 1% for your fee may be standard, but it certainly isn't the high end. You need to decide what you're willing to pay for what you're receiving.

Can you negotiate financial advisor fees? ›

Financial advisor fees may be negotiable. Whether you're able to get fees reduced can depend on which advisor or firm you're working with. If an advisor is willing to negotiate fees, they must specify that in their Form ADV.

How much money should you have when getting a financial advisor? ›

Advisors that charge a percentage usually want to work with clients with a minimum portfolio of about $100,000. This makes it worth their time and will allow them to make about $1,000 to $2,000 a year.

What does Charles Schwab charge for a financial advisor? ›

Common questions
Billable AssetsFee Schedule
First $1 million0.80%
Next $1 million (more than $1M up to $2M)0.75%
Next $3 million (more than $2M up to $5M)0.70%
Assets over $5 million0.30%

What is the difference between a financial planner and a financial advisor? ›

Generally speaking, financial planners address and keep tabs on multiple areas of their clients' finances. They develop long-term, strategic plans in these areas and update them on a regular basis over the years. Financial advisors tend to focus on specific transactions and short-term situations.

How much money should I have to meet with a financial advisor? ›

Some traditional financial advisors have minimum investment amounts they require to work with clients. These can range from $20,000 to $500,000 or even more. Why? Because their fees need to cover their time and expertise, and managing smaller portfolios may not be cost-effective for them.

What does a financial planner ask? ›

How Do You Envision Your Life in the Future?” Many financial professionals ask their clients to imagine their lives at some point in the future, whether one year, five years, or 10 years down the road. This allows them to set concrete goals for their clients, as well as a road map toward achieving them.

Is it smart to meet with a financial advisor? ›

Bottom line. While not everyone needs a financial advisor, many people would benefit from personalized advice to help them build a strong financial future. You don't need to have a lot of wealth to take advantage of a financial advisor.

How many times should you meet with your financial advisor? ›

You should meet with your advisor at least once a year to reassess basics like budget, taxes and investment performance. This is the time to discuss whether you feel you are on the right track, and if there is something you could be doing better to increase your net worth in the coming 12 months.

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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

Birthday: 1992-06-28

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.