What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (2024)

Becoming a host family is a remarkable opportunity to open your doors, hearts, and minds to a new culture. Welcoming an exchange student into your home can be an enriching experience for both your family and the student. However, as a first-time host family, it's natural to have questions about what to expect. In this blog post, we'll guide you through the journey and highlight key aspects you can anticipate when hosting a high school exchange student.

What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (1)

Incredible host families come in all shapes and sizes, including single parents! The bond that student and host family create through their time together shows all of us that there’s never one “perfect family,” but rather, there’s a family that is perfect to their student. For Karla from Spain, her perfect host family was host mom Debbie from Missouri. She shares how Debbie was the person she didn’t know her life was missing.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (2)

In an increasingly globalized world, the importance of cross-cultural understanding and global citizenship cannot be overstated. One of the most effective ways to cultivate these values is through high school student exchange programs. These programs, which allow students from around the world to live and study in the United States for one academic year, have far-reaching benefits for American families, communities, schools, and the nation as a whole. By fostering cultural exchange, these programs not only enrich the lives of the participants but also contribute to the broader educational landscape and social fabric of America.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (3)

When international students sign up to be part of the exchange experience, they sign up to experience life in a whole new way. Nearly everything will be different, the language, the geography, the food and the celebrations. And while that can be overwhelming and even scary, it is also thrilling! Belen from Spain shares her first reactions to finding out she’d be going from a big city to a rural village, and how now she wouldn’t change it for the world.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (4)

When you open your heart and home to an exchange student, you’re not only inviting them to share their culture with you. You are also allowing yourself to share your community and love with them! For all of us everyday Americans, it can be easy to get caught up in our day-to-day lives, to the point where we forget to stop and smell the roses. By welcoming an international teenager into your home, you get to see your neighborhood and area through their eyes. Suddenly things we take for granted are new and exciting, and we learn how much each one of us has to share with each other. This is what host mom Katie in Utah has learned as her family hosts Iñigo from Spain.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (5)

There are so many ways host families and schools welcome and lift up the thousands of exchange students each year. Simply by welcoming into their homes and hallways, they give students the gift of learning about a new culture and a new way of life. For Nayara from Spain, one of the ways she was made to feel welcome and loved was through soccer! She shares her experiences from joining the team, making new friends, and celebrating the people she met.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (6)

Like every one of the thousands of exchange students that arrive to the USA each year, Sri from India had expectations for her exchange experience. She thought about how she would grow as a person, what it would be like to be part of what life is really like here in America, and she hoped to meet people with whom she’d find lifelong connections. Since arriving to Maine, she has made the most of her time here. She shares what the experience has been like so far, and how it has shaped her as a person.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (7)

When you join STS Foundation’s dedicated team, you quickly see how being part of student exchange has an impact on all of us. From students to host families, schools to team members, we all have something to learn from each other. For National Director Joan Formoso, her dedication to exchange has spanned decades, but she finds herself learning new things and finding more reasons to love exchange with each year. Here’s her story.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (8)

When you host an exchange student, you sign up for a year of first times and new traditions. Those are the moments that end up taking up the most space in your heart! While each “first” is fun and exciting, some really stand out, like when you have a student who’s experiencing snow for the first time! For the Ward family in Tennessee, it was just as much of a surprise for them as it was for their exchange students, Ismail from Nigeria and Youssef from Morocco. Both boys share their wonder and amazement at experiencing winter weather for the first time ever.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (9)

STS Foundation President, Gwen McNallan, and other representatives from various cultural exchange programs met with the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) this past week to discover ways the DOE can provide their support and encouragement to engage more American schools to welcome cultural exchange students. The meeting with Bernadine Futrell, Ph.D., Deputy Assistant Secretary for Discretionary Grants & Support Services, Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE) was a positive first step in this collaborative endeavor.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (10)

When you join the thousands of American families that host high school exchange students, you open yourself up to seeing your life and community in new ways. One of the many gifts hosting an exchange student gives families is the opportunity to mix things up! These students bring their own perspective, interests, and customs, and they’re just as eager to share them with you as they are to learn about your own. Host Dad Jason from Texas shares how his exchange student has helped change his family’s routine, and how it’s seeing the joy in his student’s face that means the most.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (11)

In the heart of American communities, there lies a profound impact that exchange students bring through their dedication to volunteering and community service. One such exemplary student is Dana from Kazakhstan whose commitment to making a positive change in her host community serves as an inspiration.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (12)

At STS Foundation, we are proud to welcome the next generation of global citizens. To be an exchange student, it takes a special kind of young person to leave their home country and live in a foreign culture. Luckily, they have an amazing support system of host families, schools, and STS Foundation Local Coordinators waiting to welcome them. But living in a new country can be an adjustment, one that helps students to grow and mature throughout their time in the USA. Alba from Spain shares how her journey has been so far, and how she’s learned to embrace the experience.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (13)

Each year, the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education encourage exchange students to participate in International Education Week (IEW). This is a week-long celebration that helps promote exchange in communities around the country and prepare Americans for a global environment. Ismail from Nigeria, a YES Scholarship student placed in Tennessee, embraced the challenge and did five presentations around his school and community! Here’s his IEW story.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (14)

International Education Week (IEW), a collaborative effort between the U.S. Department of State and the U.S. Department of Education, is designed to foster global understanding and engagement. Each year, STS Foundation students proudly participate in IEW, showcasing the diversity and richness of cultures through their exchange experience. Let’s delve into the stories of Ismail from Nigeria, Adam from Egypt, and Irana from Turkmenistan, who made significant contributions to the success of International Education Week.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (15)

Our Local Coordinators come from all walks of life, but each one provides support, understanding, and passion for the program. Whether they have hosted before, or in Nicoletta’s case, been exchange students, they have a love for exchange that they love to share with those around them. Years after spending time abroad learning English, Nicoletta has returned to the world of exchange and shares her love for our American families and international students.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (16)

Cultural exchange is a term that often conjures images of sending your child off to another country while you welcome an exchange student from another country into your home. While this perception is indeed a valid form of cultural exchange, it is essential to understand that cultural exchange does not require sending your child abroad. In this blog post, we’ll explore the true meaning of cultural exchange and how it can be experienced right within the comfort of your home.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (17)

Each school year, thousands of everyday American families welcome exchange students into their hearts and homes. While our host families come in all different shapes and sizes, and they each have their own reasons for participating, one thing remains the same: the impact hosting has not only on their students, but their families and communities as well. Jodi and her husband have hosted students for a number of years, and today she shares their hosting story.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (18)

Each year, our dedicated Local Coordinators share their love for student exchange with the families and schools in their communities, and together they make our students’ dreams come true. Our team is there to provide support and guidance, but they quickly realize there is so much to learn too! Jennie, one of our passionate Local Coordinators, shares the things she’s learned through her years of working in exchange.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (19)

Each year, exchange students arrive to the USA, ready to jump right into life at American high schools. Whether they’re trying something new or continuing a passion, they can’t wait to make new friends and be part of their school community. For Inigo from Spain, he found a new way to enjoy his love of music. As a musician back in Spain, he had plenty of experience playing the saxophone. But upon arriving to the USA, he found a new way to play with his high school marching band. He shares how he prepared for his exchange year, and how his first few weeks in the USA have been.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (20)

Each year, over 30,000 American families open their doors to exchange students, and each family has their own “why.” When you open your heart and home to a young person, you may be thinking about all the things you have to give them – a second family, a chance to live life as a typical American teenager, new experiences. But you’ll soon learn that you also have so much to gain. Host mom Bobbi shares how hosting over the years has given her family the gift of a new culture and an international family.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (21)

When you become one of the thousands of families that host an exchange student each year, you may wonder, “Why isn’t everybody doing this?” For host dad Mike Carroll, it was that feeling that led him to join STS Foundation as a Local Coordinator, where he has gone on to give other families in his community the gift of a new culture and perspective. He shares his experiences both as a host and a Local Coordinator, and how it’s much more than culture that is exchanged when you welcome a young person into your community.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (22)

In a world filled with technological advancements and instant connectivity, it’s easy to forget the power of simple, genuine human connections. The heartwarming stories of Melinda Krause and Claudia Werner Grassy remind us that true friendship can transcend time, distance, and cultural barriers. Their tale of a summer exchange program in the mid-1980s has not only shaped their lives but has also extended its legacy to the next generation.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (23)

Are you ready to step out of your comfort zone, explore new horizons, and make unforgettable memories? Embarking on a high school exchange year is a thrilling adventure that promises personal growth, cultural immersion, and lifelong friendships. As you gear up for this transformative experience, let’s delve into the key aspects of preparation, including a unique suggestion that can significantly enhance your journey – having your family host an exchange student.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (24)

Did you know that 66% of US households own a pet? For many exchange students, this is one of many cultural differences they encounter during their time spent in America. In some cultures, pets are very uncommon, and some students may even have fears of sharing their home with a furry friend. But with time and treats, exchange students and pets usually become fast friends, and students end up trying to find a way to sneak their host pet into their luggage when they return home.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (25)

When you decide to welcome an exchange student into your heart and home, you may not know what to expect. Each journey and relationship is different, but each one is filled with learning, love, and memories that will last a lifetime. And sometimes students and host families don’t realize just how much of an impact their experiences together have had on them until years have passed. STS Foundation has been bringing American families and international students together since 1986, and we love seeing the long-term, global impact exchange has on us all.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (26)

Every year, families across the USA welcome over 30,000 high school exchange students from all corners of the globe. The appeal of the USA as a destination for young learners is undeniable. From its world-class education system and diverse cultural landscape to its vibrant communities and vast extracurricular opportunities, there are numerous reasons why the USA remains the number one choice of destination for high school exchange students.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (27)

Becoming a host family is a remarkable opportunity to open your doors, hearts, and minds to a new culture. Welcoming an exchange student into your home can be an enriching experience for both your family and the student. However, as a first-time host family, it’s natural to have questions about what to expect. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the journey and highlight key aspects you can anticipate when hosting a high school exchange student.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (28)

When young people say “Yes!” to the exchange experience, they’re saying “Yes!” to learning a new way of life, and that can be both exciting and scary. Vuk, a Future Leaders Exchange scholarship student from Serbia, took the leap and found he had a lot to learn about the world around him. He talks about how his year in the USA changed his perspective on the world.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (29)

In this blog post, we share with you the transformative impact of international exchange students and the importance for American high schools to partner with organizations like STS Foundation to welcome these students into their classrooms.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (30)

No matter your hosting story, it can be said that you learn a lot while also teaching you exchange student many things as well. Host mom Jill shares how hosting again years after her first time was a new experience, and all the things her family learned from having an international young person in her home.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (31)

STS Foundation host families come in all different shapes and sizes, each one offering loving homes and unique experiences to exchange students from around the world. Whether you have a house full of kids or are empty nesters, everyone becomes a special kind of parent – a host parent – when they say yes to welcoming a young person into their hearts and homes. Host dad Jeff Jones shares how hosting has allowed him to have experiences as a dad he might not otherwise have had.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (32)

Each year, over 30,000 American families make the decision to welcome exchange students into their hearts and homes for 5 to 10 months. While each family has their own story of how they joined the exchange community, they all have had unforgettable moments with their exchange students that have changed their lives forever. Host mom Heather shares her hosting story!

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (33)

When you become a host family for an exchange student, you invite the world into your home and community. You also provide a life-changing experience not only for your student, but for you and your family as well. By helping a young cultural ambassador experience life in the USA, you get a front-row seat to watch them grow, and to learn about another country and culture. The Winkles family in Texas has made a tradition of hosting exchange students for years now, and each student they’ve hosted has become part of their family. Host mom Laura shares how they first got started, and things she’s taken from hosting year after year.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (34)

Each year, high school exchange students around the world prepare for their exchange year in America by attending orientations before leaving their home countries. At these events, students prepare for immersing themselves in a new culture and review the rules of the program. This year, members of the STS Foundation team were invited to join these events to share their perspectives on life in the USA and what to expect as an exchange student.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (35)

Each year, American Councils for International Education hosts the Workshop for Youth Leaders in English Teaching (WYLET) for select exchange students taking part in the FLEX and YES scholarship programs. WYLET builds on the U.S. experience through an intensive, week-long training program for aspiring English language teachers in Washington, DC. Participating students also develop and practice important leadership skills such as public speaking, team-building, and goal-setting. Participants are expected to organize or participate in teaching English upon returning to their home communities.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (36)

Each year, STS Foundation Local Coordinators all around the USA help foster and grow cultural exchange in their communities. They build lifelong friendships around the world while working with students, high schools, and families who open their hearts and homes to new cultures. Karley Ailin joined the STS Foundation team in Missouri and treasures the connections she’s made with her students and host families! Karley shares her story and how much she’s learned in her role as Local Coordinator with STS Foundation.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (37)

After being accepted onto the program and preparing for her exchange experience, Elena crossed the Atlantic to join her host family in Indiana. Over the last 8 months, she has had the opportunity to pursue her interests and try new hobbies, all while exploring life in America. Elena shares with us what her experience of life as an American teenager has been like so far.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (38)

In the United States, February is Black History Month. All around the country, schools and communities take this month to remember and celebrate important people and events in Black American history. Sali, an exchange student from Palestine, joined her school’s Black Student Union to learn more about Black American History and to take part in her school’s Black History Month events! Here’s what she had to say about her experience:

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (39)

For the past five months, Vlada has been a remarkable member of the Troutdale community in Oregon where she is spending her high school exchange year. Vlada is an exchange student from Estonia who discovered the American spirit of volunteerism and gave back to the community that welcomes her by participating in the Helping Hands Community Service Project with STS Foundation.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (40)

Carlos is a high school student from Spain who came to the USA as an exchange student with STS Foundation. After going through a rigorous application process and months of preparation, Carlos finally hopped on a plane in August 2022 to fly across the Atlantic and meet his host family in Louisiana. Over the last 7 months, Carlos’ host family and friends have been showing him the American way of life and shares with us his experience.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (41)

During his exchange year, Denys has been an active member of the community where he is spending his high school exchange year. Denys is an exchange student from Turkey who offered up his passions and talents to give back to the community that welcomes him by participating in the Helping Hands Community Service Project with STS Foundation. The bulk of Denys’s volunteering took place at his local library, as well as the town’s history museum. Here is what he shares about his volunteering experience.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (42)

Each year, exchange students set goals for their exchange year. Whether it’s wanting to try new things, grow as a person, or learn new skills, we love seeing them work hard and reach their goals. For Paula from Spain, the goal was to break records. With a passion for swimming, Paula was excited when she found out her high school had a swim team and that she would have the chance to participate. She shares her achievements both in and out of the pool during her exchange year.

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What to Expect as a First-Time Host Family (2024)
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Name: Rob Wisoky

Birthday: 1994-09-30

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Introduction: My name is Rob Wisoky, I am a smiling, helpful, encouraging, zealous, energetic, faithful, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.