What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (2024)

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What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (2)


When blessed with a harvest of beets (as we were last weekend), you can’t help but say to yourself, “Now what am I going to do with all of these?”

And of course *some* little people may be thinking, “Oh, NO, it’s time for beets again.”

With a household of reluctant beet-eaters, how do I obtain familial happiness in beet season? I prepare them multiple ways!

This makes full use of the harvest, and provides lots of beet nutrition to boot. Beets are shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, plus they’re beneficial for detoxification (source).

In this round-up of nutritious beet recipes, I will begin with a brand-new recipe for fermented beets, and then share other ideas for eating up those nutritious beets. Be sure to share your favorite ways to use beets in the comments!

Fermented Beets (Shredded)

What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (3)

What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (4)

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Fermented Beets (Shredded)

Yields 1 quart.

CourseCondiment, Ferment, Garnish, Side Dish, Vegetable

Author Wardee Harmon


  • 6cupsraw beetsshredded, peel beets beforehand
  • 3/4 to 1tablespoonsea salt


  1. Combine beets and salt in a mixing bowl.

  2. Let sit 5 minutes for the mixture to get watery.

  3. Pack in a clean quart-size jar, leaving 1 inch of head space for release of juices and gases.

  4. Cover tightly with lid or airlock.

  5. Let ferment at room temperature for 2 days.

  6. Burp jar as needed.

  7. Chill.

Recipe Notes

Keeps several weeks to months in cold storage. Serve with salad or alongside eggs.

Oven-Roasted Beets

What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (5)

We love oven-roasted beets! They’re sweet and tender. Delicious tossed with extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, and pepper. Or drizzled with ranch dressing.

Or, I love to drizzle with plain yogurt, then sprinkle with sea salt and dried mint.

Go here to find out how to make easy oven-roasted beets (plus a free video).

Pickled Beets

What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (6)

Combine peeled and sliced raw beets with other root vegetables (such as turnips, as shown). Then cover with brine and let ferment into crunchy beet pickles. They’re delicious! Here’s the recipe.

Also,Nourishing Traditions contains a recipe for pickled beets using already roasted beets.

Beet Kvass

What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (7)

Nourishing Traditions calls beet kvass, a traditional fermented beverage, an “excellent blood tonic” that “promotes regularity, aids digestion, alkalizes the blood, cleanses the liver and is a good treatment for kidney stones and other ailments”.

Beet kvass tastes earthy and salty and rich. Here’s my recipe.

Also, combine with carrots for carrot-beet kvass!


What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (8)

What is kanji? A spicy Indian kvass made from beets (of course), plus carrot, hot pepper, and mustard.

Find my recipe in The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Fermenting Foods, or my Lacto-Fermentation eBook or eCourse.

Roasted Beet and Watermelon Salad from MyHumbleKitchen.com

What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (9)

Finally, last week Diana from My Humble Kitchen shared a beautiful Roasted Beet and Watermelon Salad.

Toss roasted beets with watermelon chunks, chopped beet greens, extra virgin olive oil, balsamic vinegar, sea salt, and pepper. Then top with feta cheese. Mmmm… tantalizing! Click here to go to the recipe.

For more delicious ways to use beets, here are 60+ Root Vegetable recipes.

What About The Greens?

They’re edible, nutritious and delicious! Lightly steam them and drain away the water to reduce oxalic acid (more info here). Toss with butter, sea salt, and pepper. Drizzle with lemon juice if desired.

What do you do with beets? Please share your favorite recipes or ideas in the comments!

...without giving up the foods you love or spending all day in the kitchen!

What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (10)

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What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (11)

About Wardee Harmon

Wardee lives in the Boise area of Idaho with her dear family. She's the lead teacher and founder of the Eat God's Way online cooking program as well as the author of Fermenting, Sourdough A to Z, and other traditional cooking books. Eat God's Way helps families get healthier and happier using cooking methods and ingredients from Bible Times like sourdough, culturing, and ancient grains.

Reader Interactions


  1. What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (12)Kathy Waterhouse says

    this is perfect…just what I needed! Thank you!


  2. What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (13)Heather O'Cain says

    What a great post!! I’ve just started buying beets and so far have only used them for kvass and roasted them with some potatoes once. I’m excited about all the other recipes you’ve listed and will be trying them very soon. Thanks, Wardeh!!


    • What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (15)Wardee Harmon says

      Guro — Yes, I know it is mentioned in Nourishing Traditions under the directions for beet kvass. (Don’t use shredded beets.)

      However, my shredded beets turned out fantastic. But I expected that because we’ve had delicious shredded fermented beets from Wise Choice Market. To be on the safe side, one could use a starter culture to promote a lactic acid fermentation. I did not use a starter culture, though, and I fermented a short two days. My experience was nothing like what was shown in that blog post. 🙂

      • What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (16)Guro says

        Thanks Wardee 🙂


  3. What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (17)Kelly says

    Just in time. Order 2 cases of beets from Azure Standard. Planned my usual to ferment shredded beets for salad and make beet kvass, but was looking for other alternatives.


  4. What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (18)Dae says

    Hi Wardee,

    Thanks for the beet recipes. I feel so much better when I eat them on a regular basis and I need some new ways to eat them. I was thinking of steaming the greens and dehydrating them to add to my “greens” bag for soups this winter….however, was wondering if you have a creative and yummy idea for the stems? They have so much color in them I assume they are really good for you as well. I wondered if you ever made them into pickles or just diced them into kvass, or do you ditch them? Thanks again, I really enjoy your classes and am looking forward to the new class coming up!


    • What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (20)Janet says

      I used to just toss the stems into the composter but then I started saving them in the refrigerator and add a few each morning to my blender smoothie. I never taste them and I know I’m getting great nutrition! Thanks to posts like this I just started two pints of lacto-fermented beet stems with the brine and some pickling spices. We’ll see…


  5. What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (21)Karen says

    Finally! A post on fermenting beets … I’ve been looking on several blogs and haven’t found any till now! 🙂 I had loads of beets from the garden this year, pickled most of them the “usual” way and decided to try fermenting several quarts, having read about it in Nourishing Traditions. I used 1 tablespoon of salt per quart of beets (which were cooked enough to slip off the skins), covered them with cheesecloth held with a canning ring and they got moldy on the top. There are little bubbles throughout the brine, although the brine is more like gel – thick and goopy. If I scoop off the moldy part, the beets smell nice – like regular pickled beets. Are they safe to eat? I want to try them so badly but am afraid I’ll get sick! What are the dangers of eating food that hasn’t been fermented properly?


    • What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (22)Wendy says

      I know I’m replying to a post that is over a year old, but I wouldn’t ferment *cooked* beets with this method! The enzyme activity in raw beets is essential to the fermentation process and the salt helps create an environment where acids will naturally form, preventing spoilage. Salt alone is not enough of a preservative to keep cooked (dead) beets from growing bacteria that could make you very sick.


  6. What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (23)Penni says

    What do you mean by ‘Burp jar as needed’? do you open to release air? cheers and looking forward to my beets!


    • What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (24)Millie says

      Hi Penni,

      Yes, open the jar to release the pent up gas. I always burp my jars over the sink after experiencing one to many fizzy jars and messes. 🙂


  7. What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (25)Günes says

    Help! I’m a fermenting rookie. Some youtube videos and fermenting instructions say not to burp the jars because it will cause mold. Others say if you don’t burp the jars, they will explode. Some say to slightly burp the jars, which I don’t know how to do. Can you please help me. I don’t have fancy jars, just plain mason ones. Thank you!!!!


  8. What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (26)Jiska says

    What I always make with beets:
    I wash them, wrap them in aluminium foil and put them in the oven for about 45 minutes (200 degrees Celsius) I let them cool down, peel and chop them in chunks. Add a diced onion, Crème Freche/Sour cream and some ground pepper. This makes a delicious sweet and fresh side dish.
    And because the dish is very bright pink in colour, its always a favourite amongst my little nieces.


    • What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (27)Andy says

      Sounds tasty, might try this and substitute your beet recipe instead of regular coleslaw.


  9. What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (28)Herbwifemama says

    I love posts like this, because this is how it is when you have a garden. You get a lot of one kind of thing, and you need to figure out how to preserve it, and make it several different ways. I’m not a regular reader, but I am a long time reader, and if you don’t already have posts like this with other garden items, I request more please! 🙂


    • What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (29)Janet says

      When we moved to property with an orchard and big garden I started a file drawer of recipes organized by main garden ingredient. Works great, especially in apple season. No recipe is kept that only calls for one apple. LOL!


  10. What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (30)Anna says

    Turned out delicious!


  11. What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (31)Heidi @ Barefoot and Paleo says

    I just grabbed a jar of the fermented beets from the fridge, they are gooey not crisp. Is this how they are auppose to be? I tried a little but it is really hard to chew and swallow.


  12. What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (32)Bobby jean says

    I have been fermenting everything from cucumbers ,onions, carrots, beets, cabbage… for many years.
    All veggies can be fermented.
    But, I don’t seal my jars.
    I make sure I cover the veggies with water.
    ***If anything is not covered it will mold.
    Or, use a pickling pebble.
    (A glass weight that keeps the veggies from rising above the water)
    **Available for wide mouth mission jars.
    Side note, Anything heated looses its healthy gut good bacteria. You may as well can with vinegar.
    I enjoy them year round. I am lucky to have a second fridge to store all my probiotic fermented canned veggies.


  13. What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (33)Bobby jean says

    I just sat my lid on top. (Not screwed on… maybe one turn)
    I have never had problems with too much gas.
    Or have never had to “burp” a jar.
    I make it similar to making water kiefer
    It Ferments in 3 days.


  14. What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (34)Andy says

    Love the beet recipes.

    What i tend to do with mine, is pretty simple but tasty.

    I wash and peel them, then slice them into about 1/2 inch / 1 cm slices, and pan fry them in a little oil and butter until starting to ‘catch’, then i either add a tablespoon of runny honey, or a spoonful of unrefined sugar and allow them to fry a little more. Don’t fry too long after adding the honey / sugar, as this might burn.

    They come out not too soft and not too firm, but deliciously sweet and savoury with a little bite. Great served as a side with chicken or beef steak.


    • What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (35)Peggy says

      Hi, Andy,
      Thank you for sharing! Sounds wonderful. 🙂
      ~Peggy, TCS Customer Success Team


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What To Do With Beets + Beet Recipes! (2024)


What is the tastiest way to eat beets? ›

Roasted with goat cheese.

– The classic, all-time favorite preparation. Roast beets until they are tender and juicy, then eat them with some spicy greens and piquant goat cheese. Add some hazelnuts and you're in heaven.

What can I do with an abundance of beets? ›

Basic Beet Recipes
  1. Roasted Beets with Citrus (pictured above) ...
  2. Beet Greens. ...
  3. Beet Veggie Noodles. ...
  4. Beet Rice, page 151 of Love & Lemons Every Day. ...
  5. Beet Muhammara Dip, page 71 of Love & Lemons Every Day. ...
  6. Beet Tahini Sauce. ...
  7. Beet Hummus. ...
  8. Beet & Carrot Salad with Sweet Citrus Vinaigrette, page 115 of The Love & Lemons Cookbook.

What can you do with raw beets? ›

Yes, raw beets and beet greens are used in a variety of ways. Raw beet greens can be thinly sliced and used in a salad. Raw beets can be tough, so they must be sliced or grated ultra-thin to be crispy and edible. They're great in slaws, salads and relishes.

Do you peel beets before cooking? ›

You don't have to peel your beets, but I do recommend trimming them: just the tops and (if they have them) long tips at the bottom. You can save the beet greens for sautéing as a side dish, adding to pasta, etc.

What is the healthiest way to cook beets? ›

Steaming in the oven rather than baking helps preserve more of the healthy vitamins and minerals in beets. This method also helps beets better retain their beautiful, vibrant color.

Should you store beets in the fridge or counter? ›

Store beets in a plastic bag in the refrigerator at or below 41 °F for 7 to 10 days. Beets may be frozen for up to ten months. For best quality and nutritive value, preserve only what your family can consume in 12 months. Select deep, uniformly red, tender, young beets, no more than 3 inches across.

Should beets be stored in the fridge or pantry? ›

Store beetroot in a cool, dark place for up to three days, or in the crisper section of the refrigerator for up to 10 days.

Can you eat beets too often? ›

Can you eat beets everyday? It's always best to follow a varied diet. Eating a small amount of beetroot every day is unlikely to do any harm, but a high intake could lead to low blood pressure, red or black urine and feces, and digestive problems for anyone with a sensitivity to the nutrients.

Do I need to peel beets? ›

Sometimes beets are peeled before cooking. They may also be scrubbed and cooked until tender with their skins on; the skins slip off fairly easily after cooling. (Some people are happy to leave the skins on; they are fine to eat.)

Why not peel beets before roasting? ›

No need to peel before or after baking. The skin, which is perfectly edible, just seems to disappear during the baking process. The trick to pan-roasted beets is to drop the temperature a bit. I always roast potatoes, Brussels sprouts, carrots, and pretty much all the other veggies at 425 degrees Fahrenheit.

What not to plant with beets? ›

While they typically get along with most other crops, do not plant beets next to pole beans, field mustard, or wild mustard.

Who should not eat raw beets? ›

Who Should Avoid Beetroot? Beets are high in oxalates, which can lead to kidney stones. If you've had kidney stones, avoid beets or eat them only as a rare treat. Oxalates can also contribute to gout, a type of arthritis, so eat beets sparingly if you're at risk.

Is it better to boil or roast beets? ›

Roasting beets gives them a sweeter, richer, and deeper flavor than boiling does.

Are beets healthier, raw or cooked? ›

Cooking beets won't give you the same health benefits because heat destroys betalain pigments and hampers nitrates, but it's still good for your health. To preserve the maximum health benefits, grate raw beets into salads or steam/roast beets just long enough to tenderize them.

How do you make beets more palatable? ›

My favorite way to cook beets is to roast them, which gives a sweeter, richer, and deeper flavor than boiling does. Another advantage is that they don't bleed as much, especially if they're roasted whole. Incidentally, to get beet stains off your hands, wet them, rub them with coarse salt, then wash with soap.

How do you make beets taste like meat? ›

Cure your vegetables as you would a piece of meat for a couple of days. This can be achieved by rubbing the vegetable or mushroom with salt at a concentration of 1.75% of the vegetable's weight, wrapping it tightly in plastic or vacuum sealing it, and letting it sit in the fridge for 2-3 days.

Are beets better steamed or roasted? ›

While roasting yields flavorful results, steaming beets makes their skin easier to peel off and makes them tender and more pleasant to eat.

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