What to Do When He Texts After Ignoring You: 15 Practical Tips (2024)

What to Do When He Texts After Ignoring You: 15 Practical Tips (1)

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The dating game can be pretty confusing for a lot of singles.

One moment, you’re spending quality time with a guy who gives you all the positive vibes; the next, he’s ghosting you. Sound familiar?

Imagine this: you’re laughing together at a cozy café, sharing stories and feeling that undeniable spark. Then, suddenly, the next day, radio silence.

Days go by, and you can’t wrap your head around his sudden behavior change. You find yourself staring at your phone, wondering if you’ve done something wrong.

The confusion, the self-doubt, and the endless questioning—why did he pull away? Did you say something? Do something? The emotional and mental torture is real, leaving you feeling powerless and perplexed.

Just when you start to think he’s gone for good, your phone lights up with a message from him. After days, or even weeks, of silence, he’s texting you again.

What now? Do you respond? Ignore him back?

Let’s understand what to do when he texts after ignoring you. Should you give him a piece of your mind or play it cool? And more importantly, what is the best reply when someone ignores you and then reaches out as if nothing happened?

These tips will help you handle the situation with grace and confidence.

Do guys ignore you after showing interest?

Ever wonder why guys ignore you after showing interest? One moment, he’s all in, showering you with attention and sweet messages. The next, he’s vanished, leaving you to question everything. Why does this happen?

You send a thoughtful message, excited to continue the conversation. You see he’s online, but ignores your messages. Yet, he’s clearly active on social media. It’s maddening, right? When someone sees your message but doesn’t reply, it can feel like a personal slight.

So, what gives? Sometimes, guys pull away due to personal issues, fear of commitment, or simply playing hard to get.

It’s frustrating, but knowing you’re not alone can be comforting. The key is not to jump to conclusions. Stay calm, give him space, and remember that his behavior reflects on him, not you. Keep your dignity intact and focus on what you deserve in a relationship.

17 Things to Do When a Guy Ignores You After an Argument

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What should you do if you get left on read?

Getting left on read can be frustrating and disheartening. One moment you’re having a great conversation, and the next, he ignored your text.

Before you overthink, here are some quick pointers on what to do when he texts after ignoring you:

  • Don’t panic or bombard him with messages. Take a deep breath and give it some time.
  • Distract yourself with hobbies, friends, or work. When a guy ignores your text, it’s needed to stay engaged with your own life.
  • Think about the context. Was it a busy time for him? Did your message require a response?
  • When he finally replies, don’t show you were waiting. Keep your response light and breezy.
  • When he ignores your texts frequently, it might be time to re-evaluate your boundaries and expectations.

5 possible reasons a guy is ignoring you

What to Do When He Texts After Ignoring You: 15 Practical Tips (3)

It’s infuriating when a guy suddenly gives you the cold shoulder, leaving you stuck figuring out what to do when he texts after ignoring you. It raises more questions than answers.

Sometimes, the reasons might be legit, and you might be worrying too much. Let’s dive into five possible explanations:

1. Busy schedule

Life gets hectic. Work, personal commitments, and unexpected events can consume his time and energy.

When someone is genuinely busy, they might not have the bandwidth to engage in extensive texting. Remember, this is often temporary and not a reflection of their interest in you.

2. Miscommunication or misunderstanding

Texting lacks the nuances of face-to-face communication, making misinterpretations easy.

A simple misunderstanding or unintentional offense could cause him to hesitate in responding until he can clarify the situation.

10 Common Causes of Misunderstanding and How to Solve Them

3. Emotional or relationship issues

Personal problems or relationship difficulties can make people withdraw.

They might need space to sort out their emotions, leading to ignored messages. Be empathetic and give them the time they need while remaining open to discussing the issues when they’re ready.

4. Loss of interest

Unfortunately, attraction and interest can wane over time.

When someone loses interest in a romantic or platonic relationship, they may pull away and stop responding to messages. This is a painful but natural part of human interactions. Knowing how to stop texting someone who ignores you can help you move forward.

5. Testing or playing games

Sometimes, individuals ignore messages intentionally to test your interest or manipulate the relationship dynamics.

This behavior often indicates immaturity or insecurity and can lead to confusion and frustration. If you suspect this is happening, communicate openly and honestly about your feelings and expectations. If needed, consider sending a final message to someone who ignores you to set clear boundaries and move on.

What to do when he texts after ignoring you: 15 tips

What to Do When He Texts After Ignoring You: 15 Practical Tips (4)

The last thing you want is to burn bridges and destroy whatever you have built with one rude text. The aim is not to ruin the relationship, so you must be careful about your chosen words.

You also do not want to sound too nice so as not to appear desperate and needy. Send him a text that conveys little emotion in a relaxed tone.

At first, you may be at a loss on how to react to the situation. Check out these tips to know what to do when he texts after ignoring you.

1. Find out why he ignored you in the first place

Take some time to assess the situation and find out why he has been ignoring you. This will help determine how to respond when he finally texts you back.

Do not be in a rush to reply to the text. Instead, reflect on how long he has been ignoring you and if he did it on purpose or if it’s due to other factors.

2. Consider your feelings

Before deciding whether to reply to his text, determine your feelings at that moment. You don’t want to reply to his text from a place of hurt, desperation, or revenge.

Take time to sort out your feelings before replying to his text. Focus on yourself before responding.

3. Do not respond to his text immediately

When someone ignores you and then texts back, avoid responding to his text immediately. Replying to his text immediately denies you the chance of adequately accessing the situation. Your emotions at receiving his text could be anxiety, rejection, and hurt.

These emotions are fed by your intrusive thoughts, and they influence your behavior. The result is that you are more likely to reply with anger or shame.

4. Deal with your insecurities

Nothing can be more emotionally draining than being ignored by someone when you once enjoyed their company. It is easy for you to start having self-pity and doubts about yourself.

Do not allow your insecurities to get hold of you. Do not entertain the idea that you are to blame, especially when you have no role to play in his disappearance.

5. Demand an explanation

Do you want to know what to do when he texts after ignoring you? Demand an explanation for his actions. The last thing you want for yourself is a man who toys with your emotions.

Ask for an explanation, especially if he sends a text and pretends everything is well. His explanations could reveal a lot about the future of the relationship.

6. Set boundaries and let him know your stance

A guy who ignores you for a while and suddenly sends a text should understand that boundaries are now necessary.

Let him know your stance and clarify that you have limits that should be respected. Then, give him time to communicate with you if he is serious about the relationship.

7. Don’t ignore him

It is easy to wonder, “How long do you have to wait to text back after being ignored?” Yes, he ignored you, which is hurtful enough. But don’t return the favor if you still hope to build something out of the relationship.

Playing mind games or ignoring his texts could backfire and ruin your chance of coming together.

8. Do not lose your self-esteem

A guy can send flirty messages to you and then disappear, only to repeat the same thing. This is typically breadcrumbing at its best.

Focus on yourself. Research shows beneficial outcomes of positive self-esteem, which is associated with mental well-being and happiness.

The worst thing you can do to yourself in such a situation is to lose your self-esteem.

9. Be firm and conceal your feelings

Do not allow your emotions to overwhelm you. Instead, try to be in the right mindset when he texts you after ignoring you.

Be in control of your feelings so you don’t appear vulnerable when deciding to reply to his text or not.

10. Reflect on your behavior

Try to reflect on your actions and see if you have a hand in his ignoring you. Maybe he was genuinely hurt by you and took the time to assess his situation.

Don’t just send a rude text if you don’t know what to text a guy who has been ignoring you. Pause for reflection, and then reach out.

11. Show some empathy

A guy who ignores you and later texts you could have legitimate reasons for doing that. He might think you were too clingy, or the relationship might be moving too fast for him.

So again, reply to him, but this time define your boundaries.

12. Be sure he is not breadcrumbing you

You are probably being taken for a ride without knowing. If he ignores you for a long time and comes back with a lame text without any explanation or apology, you can be sure he is ‘breadcrumbing‘ you.

Find out if he is stringing you along without any intention of committing to you.

To learn more about breadcrumbing, its different types, and examples, watch this video:

What to Do When He Texts After Ignoring You: 15 Practical Tips (5)

13. Reach out to those who care about you

You don’t have to face challenges alone. Do you want to know what to do when he comes back after ignoring you? Reach out to family and friends. Being isolated may not be helpful to you if you need to deal with the pain that comes from being ignored.

Talk to people who can provide emotional support to keep your mind sane.

Research shows that receiving support from family members may invoke a greater sense of self-worth in the individual.

14. Give him the benefit of the doubt

You need to ask yourself if he has previously acted this way to you. If he has never, then there could be something responsible for his actions.

Give him the benefit of the doubt, but be clear about your expectations moving forward.

15. Put your interests first

Don’t just sit around all day figuring out what you do when a guy ignores your text. While it is okay to reflect on your actions, know that you are the center of whichever decision you choose. Don’t give room for him to go in and out of life without any tangible explanation.

Think carefully through the situation and remember that your peace of mind matters.

Taking control

Dealing with a guy who disappears and then suddenly texts can be baffling. But knowing what to do when he texts after ignoring you is key.

When he finally reaches out, prioritize patience and self-respect. Use the tips in this guide to maintain your dignity and emotional well-being. Remember, someone else’s actions don’t define your worth. Set boundaries and focus on open, honest communication.

Take control of your narrative and pursue the genuine, respectful relationships you deserve.

What to Do When He Texts After Ignoring You: 15 Practical Tips (2024)


What to Do When He Texts After Ignoring You: 15 Practical Tips? ›

Use “I” statements to frame your feelings, and don't forget to tell them how you felt when they ignored you. For instance, you might say, “I felt really sad and anxious when you refused to talk to me. I value our friendship and want to make things right.”

What to reply when he texts after ignoring you? ›

How to Respond When He Finally Texts You Back
  • 1 Wait a few minutes before you text him back.
  • 2 Ask him what happened if he hasn't explained yet.
  • 3 Let him know you don't tolerate ghosting.
  • 4 Give him another chance if he seems sorry.
  • 5 Move on if he's stringing you along.

What should I do when he ignores my texts? ›

If he is ignoring you, your main options include:
  1. Inquire casually. Generally speaking, there could be a number of explanations for why a guy you've been on a date(s) with isn't responding to your messages or calls. ...
  2. Inquire directly. ...
  3. Cut your losses and move on.

How to respond when a man ignores you? ›

Feeling Ignored? What to Do When He Ignores You
  1. Call out the behavior. ...
  2. Try other forms of communicating. ...
  3. Give him permission to dump you. ...
  4. Embrace vulnerability. ...
  5. Assert yourself early on. ...
  6. Don't overcompensate by texting/calling too much. ...
  7. Leave him for a few days.
Apr 3, 2018

What is the best reply when someone ignores you over? ›

Use “I” statements to frame your feelings, and don't forget to tell them how you felt when they ignored you. For instance, you might say, “I felt really sad and anxious when you refused to talk to me. I value our friendship and want to make things right.”

What to do when a man reaches out after ignoring you? ›

A guy who ignores you for a while and suddenly sends a text should understand that boundaries are now necessary. Let him know your stance and clarify that you have limits that should be respected. Then, give him time to communicate with you if he is serious about the relationship.

How to make a guy regret ignoring you? ›

15 tips to make him regret ignoring you
  1. Express your feelings (to him) One of the most direct ways to learn how to make him regret ignoring you is by being upfront about it. ...
  2. Get your story straight. ...
  3. Be less available. ...
  4. Spend time with friends (especially mutual friends) ...
  5. Block him. ...
  6. Pursue other options. ...
  7. Conclusion.
Sep 28, 2023

What not to do when he ignores you? ›

Try not to blow up his phone when he's ignoring you.

If your boyfriend won't text you back or answer your calls, it can be tempting to send him a ton of texts or leave a few voicemails. However, this can actually push him away more, and it can make him feel overwhelmed.

What to tell a man who ignores you? ›

How to deal with a guy who ignores you: 7 ways
  • Give him space: Sometimes, people need time to sort out their feelings or issues. ...
  • Initiate a conversation: If it's appropriate, calmly express your feelings and ask if everything is okay. ...
  • Stay positive: Maintain a positive attitude when dealing with him.
Jan 31, 2024

How should I respond to being ignored? ›

Stay calm, don't take it personally, and try to understand the reason behind their behavior. It's essential to communicate your feelings openly and honestly. If they continue to ignore you, focus on your well-being and consider seeking support from other friends or family members.

How do you stay positive when someone ignores you? ›

  1. It's easy to feel hurt when someone ignores you, but one important thing to remember is that there is usually a bigger picture you aren't seeing. ...
  2. Resolving the Situation.
  3. Knowing When to Let Go. ...
  4. Stay Away From Negativity. ...
  5. Building Stronger Friendships. ...
  6. Conclusion. ...
  7. Make yourself Happy.
Sep 9, 2021

How to treat someone who ignores you? ›

Give them space and time.

It can be the most painful and frustrating seat to be in, but just give it time. Let the person know it's okay if they need some time. Say something like, "I've tried reaching out a few times and I haven't heard back from you.

Should I text him back after he ignored my text? ›

If he's ignored your texts for a week then what you need to do is to stop. Don't give him any attention. Go out with your friends. Make yourself busy for the rest of the week.

How to respond when someone ignores your text? ›

You might be tempted to keep reaching out, but it's usually best to move on in this situation. If they don't value you enough to give you an explanation, they don't deserve any more of your time! Try reciting positive affirmations to show yourself some kindness and build up self-love as you move forward.

How to make him feel guilty for ignoring you? ›

15 tips to make him regret ignoring you
  1. Express your feelings (to him) One of the most direct ways to learn how to make him regret ignoring you is by being upfront about it. ...
  2. Get your story straight. ...
  3. Be less available. ...
  4. Spend time with friends (especially mutual friends) ...
  5. Block him. ...
  6. Pursue other options. ...
  7. Conclusion.
Sep 28, 2023

How to respond to a text after being ghosted? ›

Other things you can say:
  1. Hey, it's been a few weeks since I heard from you, so I'm going to assume this isn't working out.
  2. Sad not to have been in touch. Think it's best we part ways.
  3. Hey! Since I haven't heard from you in a while, I take it you're not interested and so I'll be moving forward.
Mar 30, 2024

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