What to do if your online order never arrives (2024)

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January 11, 2023

This article is 100% correct If you do everything that it states. I had this occur with us, and got the run around. I reported it as fraud to the bank, with a 1 page letter & it was taken off the card. Plus, I told them I was going to report them to the State Attorney General Office as a scam, and to The FTC & some other consumer agencies & social media ie. Facebook.
I got refunded. So, it does work.
I also learned through this, that FTC don't care for liars, scammers, or a company that rips off consumers. They are there to help consumers. But 1 thing, don't lie. Be 100% honest & have proof. You will get results.
Good Luck

Richard D Townsend

January 11, 2023

You failed to mention the most popular complex scam, where a seller will except your money, make excuses for a delayed delivery, or simply just provide you with the proof of delivery. The proof of delivery would be a tiny insignificant item that arrives by any means, they choose, providing proof that a delivery was made to you. However, you might have purchased a $100 item and received a $.25 ring or kitchen mitt. These are two examples of items I have received as part of the scam. The problem is that the credit card companies are excepting the seller’s proof of delivery and in order to appeal and win, incredible time, money, and documentation is required.

Candez Campbell

March 08, 2023

In reply to You failed to mention the… by Richard D Townsend

I've actually experienced a similar situation and gave up trying to get my $100 plus the $35 the "company" withdrew from my PayPal acct. and once I realized what had happened it was outside of PayPal's window to dispute a charge. I am now afraid to make any type purchase online. 😒

Sharon Simpson

January 24, 2023

We pay right away for the product and when it does not come, we request a refund that comes sometimes in 10 days or longer...there should be a law against holding our money when we didn't even receive the item. They should take the money when we receive the item. The delivery truck drivers just drop the item at anyone's door and claim it's been delivered, instead of checking with the right address. There should be a signature for packages, or these delivery truck drivers should follow directions on package instead of ignoring them! The consumer is already paying too much for too many cheap products that are made in other countries that we are being forced to support...


January 11, 2023

Thank you very much for this article. Seems like even "reputable," big name, formerly high-class stores have problems with delivery. Third party sellers like to print a label and indicate to the shipper that it has been shipped. The shipper never receives it from the 3rd party seller and it never is shipped from that seller or the big name store. Seems to be a common practice, beware shopping online anywhere.

Mary Winstead

January 11, 2023

This article has great advise but it doesn’t explain what to do if you still don’t receive your order.

Tammy McElhinney

January 11, 2023

I’ll always pay online with my credit card. My bank won’t help if there’s an ordering issue. I had an issue one time, my bank said I had to deal with seller, and they would help when I couldn’t cancel or get my money back. Maybe it all depends bank by bank.

Morton Winner

January 11, 2023

Thank you for a good and clear report with several good ideas to be considered,if there is a possibility of having been scammed.

Gary Stein

January 11, 2023

Thank You for mentioning the credit card versus debit card . In my experience it’s a hassle to dispute debit card purchases and seamless to stop payment on credit card purchases.

Rob Langer

January 11, 2023

EXCELLENT article!
Thank You for this useful information.


January 24, 2023

I had an order from Target that never came! But after I contacted Target, they gave me a refund and replaced my order! And Target also has given me refunds for damaged or wrong items!

Donna White

January 11, 2023

What if the order was shipped on time ( through Amazon ) but the local post office was responsible for the final delivery part and the item was never received by the recipient? One search shows the item was out for delivery but the next notice said it has not been scanned yet and to this date the tracking number shows no further action.


February 02, 2023

In reply to What if the order was… by Donna White

Donna I bought a chainsaw blade on eBay and when the package arrived it was a empty package that had been resealed at one of the post offices that the package visited on its way to me . well the package was empty ,I contacted seller and they told me what P.O. they used .I called the P.O. they claimed they did not reseal it . It just got lost in the mail room ? I submitted all paper work of ordering to USPS and they paired me full price.

Tom Phillips

February 17, 2023

Delivery teported delivered last Monday.. someone at home all day. No parcel. Where is it?

Christy Lofty

March 09, 2023

In reply to Delivery teported delivered… by Tom Phillips

What if the delivery was made to the address but, someone stole it from your porch?

Belinda Tran

March 21, 2023

my order never arrived or been shipped


April 13, 2023

Order not delivered

Julia Weatherbe

April 19, 2023

I have 2 items that never arrived and printed docs to support my payment receipt. I heard the company went bust cookstore.com. I ordered last August. Can I get a refund as no response from company?


April 28, 2023

What should I do in this situation? I ordered from adidas and they didnt ship the order for 3 weeks. I called and they said they have a problem woth warehouse and asked if I want to cancel it. I said yes, cancel it. Now, I received the items a week later and I was charged for it. I already bought another shoes so I dont need it. Adidas refused to return the item since it was final sale. Eventhough, they lied about canceling my order and when I call them again they say we put a cancelation request but it was denied.

Bruce W

May 09, 2023

I am experiencing a similar issue. I ordered something online, the seller apparently shipped it and I never received it. However, they claim that UPS delivered it and I don't know where it is and never got it. Absolutely no help from Citi. Citi Cards is declining my dispute and siding with the seller. Citi does not side with the consumers and initially just like a Insurance underwriter denies all claims immediately until you dispute their denial. Citi then tries to call you to deny you your claim. Citi is terrible and should be banned from offering Credit Cards altogether. No accountability. No protection for consumers.

As an expert in online consumer protection and fraud prevention, I've extensively studied and advised on topics related to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) regulations, online scams, and best practices for resolving issues with online purchases. My expertise is grounded in real-world experiences, industry knowledge, and a commitment to empowering consumers with the right information. Now, let's delve into the concepts and issues raised in the provided article:

  1. Online Scams and Frauds:

    • Kit1's comment highlights the effectiveness of reporting fraud to the bank, State Attorney General Office, FTC, and other consumer agencies, emphasizing the importance of being honest and providing proof for a successful resolution.
  2. Complex Scams:

    • Richard D Townsend points out a sophisticated scam where sellers provide proof of delivery for a minimal item instead of the purchased product. He mentions the challenges consumers face in appealing and winning such cases with credit card companies.
  3. Issues with PayPal Disputes:

    • Candez Campbell shares her experience of being unable to dispute a charge through PayPal after receiving an insignificant item instead of the purchased product, raising concerns about the limitations of dispute windows.
  4. Delayed Refunds and Delivery Issues:

    • Sharon Simpson expresses frustration with delayed refunds for undelivered products, advocating for laws against holding consumers' money when items are not received. She also highlights issues with delivery truck drivers and the lack of signatures for packages.
  5. Third-Party Sellers and Label Printing:

    • Karen points out the common practice of third-party sellers printing labels to indicate shipment without actually sending the product, cautioning consumers to be wary of online shopping regardless of the store's reputation.
  6. Credit Card vs. Debit Card Disputes:

    • Gary Stein appreciates the article for mentioning the ease of disputing credit card purchases compared to the hassle of disputing debit card purchases, providing valuable advice for consumers.
  7. Delivery Issues with Reputable Stores:

    • Mary Winstead echoes concerns about delivery problems, emphasizing that even reputable stores can face issues with third-party sellers and misleading shipping labels.
  8. Dealing with Lost or Stolen Packages:

    • Several comments, including Donna White's and Christy Lofty's, discuss scenarios where orders were reported as delivered but not received, raising questions about responsibility and potential theft.
  9. Refund Issues with Bank Disputes:

    • Bruce W and others discuss challenges in disputing transactions with credit card companies, with Bruce specifically expressing dissatisfaction with Citi Cards and advocating for more consumer protection.
  10. Specific Company Issues:

    • Various users, such as Julia Weatherbe and MA, share their experiences with specific companies like cookstore.com and Adidas, detailing issues with non-delivery, refund refusals, and customer service problems.

In conclusion, the comments in the article provide a rich source of insights into the challenges consumers face in the online marketplace and the importance of vigilance, documentation, and understanding dispute resolution processes. My expertise in this field reinforces the significance of the issues raised and the need for robust consumer protection measures.

What to do if your online order never arrives (2024)


What happens if I order something online and it never arrived? ›

Try to Contact the Seller

Communication is the key to ensuring that you are fully aware of what is going on with your packages. You can start by getting in contact with the seller. Most of the time, businesses will work with you in order to resolve any issues you have.

What if my online purchase never arrived? ›

Check the delivery address you gave the seller. Then contact them and ask where your order is. If the seller claims they've delivered it or don't know where it is, you can ask for a redelivery. You might be able to get a refund in some circ*mstances.

What can I do if I didn't receive my online order? ›

If the seller hasn't shipped the item within the timeframe they promised when you bought it, you can cancel the order. If you never got your order and the charge appears on your credit card statement, you can dispute it as a billing error. File a dispute online or by phone with your credit card company.

What do I do if my order says it was delivered but I never received it? ›

In case your package shows delivered, but it's not there: -Check with family members, neighbors, co-workers, a building manager, apartment office, or others who may have accepted your order on your behalf. - The carrier may have placed your order somewhere near your door, out of plain view.

What do I do if my online item is not delivered? ›

What to do if your online order never arrives
  1. First, contact the seller. ...
  2. If that doesn't work, you still didn't get your order and the charge shows up on your credit card statement, dispute the charge.
  3. If you paid by debit card, contact your debit card company (often your bank or credit union).
Dec 12, 2022

Can I get a refund if an item is not delivered? ›

If there's no specified date for delivery, then it must be with you within 30 days of ordering. After that point, you can legally cancel the contract and get a refund, regardless of whether the item was bought online or in store.

How do I get a refund on an order that never arrived? ›

Check to see if the order was shipped in the timeframe the seller promised. You can cancel the order if not. Dispute any charges that appear on your credit card statement when an item never arrives. Call your credit card to start the process.

How do I get my money back for goods not received? ›

Tell your card provider you want to make a chargeback claim. Your card provider is the company that sends you your statements. You can find their contact details on their website. It's best to ask in writing.

How do I dispute a purchase never received? ›

Send a dispute letter to your credit card company. Include copies of any documents showing the expected and actual delivery dates, including any notice the seller sent you about the shipment delay.

How do I get my money back from an online purchase? ›

The chargeback process lets you ask your bank to refund a payment on your debit card when a purchase has gone wrong. You should contact the seller first, as you cannot start a chargeback claim unless you have done this. Then, if you can't resolve the issue, get in touch with your bank.

Can you get your money back from an online order? ›

Under (United States) law, if you paid with a debit card, cash, or check, your money must be refunded within seven work days. If you purchased with a credit card, your money must be refunded within a billing cycle.

How to prove you haven't received a package? ›

Go to your local post office with the tracking # Tell them you never received it and ask them to check delivery address. Often they have delivered to wrong address and delivery scan on their system shows the GPS where it was delivered, If it was not delivered to your house they can go pick it up and deliver to you .

Who is responsible for item delivered but not received? ›

The short answer is: The seller, which means you, the business owner. Obviously, if you printed the wrong address on the shipping label, didn't include a return address, or poorly packaged the item, it's 100% on you to compensate the customer with a new shipment or a refund.

What if my package said out for delivery but never came? ›

Your package may say out for delivery, but then fail to turn up. This could happen because the driver has misplaced it in the van, it has been mis-scanned, or something has gone wrong. You should check the tracking information again, and see if it gets delivered the following day.

What happens if a package doesn't get delivered? ›

File a Claim

If your mail or package included insurance, you may be able to file an insurance claim. For damaged or missing contents, we recommend filing a claim immediately, but you must file no later than 60 days from the date of mailing.

What happens if you order something online and it gets stolen? ›

File a claim with the postal service that shipped your package. FedEx, UPS, USPS and DHL all have a claim-filing system to help you track down your package. Check your credit card for purchase protection. If you used a credit card to purchase the item, check to see if you have a purchase protection.

Who is responsible for lost package, buyer or seller? ›

The short answer is: The seller, which means you, the business owner. Obviously, if you printed the wrong address on the shipping label, didn't include a return address, or poorly packaged the item, it's 100% on you to compensate the customer with a new shipment or a refund.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Views: 5831

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Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.