What Should I Carry for Self Defense? (2024)

Reading Time: 7 minutes

No matter who you are, where you live, or what you do, every woman and man should have at least one self defense product.

What Should I Carry for Self Defense? (1)

You may not think you’ll ever need it. You may live in the safest city in the safest country in the world. But violence can occur anywhere. People are unpredictable. Therefore, you should always have something ready to use in a worst case scenario.

Self defense products include rings, jewelry, pepper spray and stun guns, or lethal weapons such as knives and guns. Regardless of your preference for self defense tools, you should always have one readily accessible.

An average young professional working and living in a metropolitan city would have self defense products that are appropriate for her situation.

Her self defense collection should be readily accessible since she’ll be on the go often. They should be practical to fit in with her fast-paced lifestyle. And of course they need to be legally compliant to the local laws.

What Should I Carry for Self Defense? (2)

Young professionals working and living in a big city are always pressed for time, always on the move, and have limited space - their self defense weapons need to take into account these situational factors. They work long hours during the weekdays going from the boardroom to the coffee shop, and have to travel on foot or by public transport. Practical self defense weapons that are easy to carry or wear are the best options for young professionals living in big cities.

Urbanites need to be mindful of their local weapon laws before purchasing knives and guns for self defense. Bigger cities typically have stricter weapon laws. This is because metropolitan cities have larger, more efficient, and more reliable police forces than rural areas. This perceived increase in security, means that the city government wants the people to rely more on their police force than each citizen fending for him or herself.

Unfortunately, the decision of whether you want to defend yourself with a lethal weapon, or entrust your safety into the hands of the system, is made for you in a lot of bigger cities. Nevertheless, there are plenty of effective, powerful self defense products that people living in bigger cities can buy and use for protection.

Best Self Defense Weapons for Young Professionals in Big Cities

  • Pepper Spray

Pepper spray is an excellent and powerful way to immobilize a potential attacker. Pepper spray can be relatively small so you can carry it with you in your bag or pocket. It’s inexpensive and you can purchase pepper spray online or in many pharmacies.

The downside with pepper spray is that you have to carry it with you every day and you may only have to use it once in your life! So you’re basically carrying something around 99.99% of the time that has no use whatsoever. Some might consider that too large a burden to endure for something that may never happen. Another downside is, like many weapons, pepper spray can be difficult to use. You may not be able to spray on target, the product can malfunction, or the attacker might not be incapacitates by the hot pepper liquids.

Nevertheless, pepper spray is one of the best self defense products that everyone should have, especially young professionals living in a big city. Pepper spray is legally allowed to be carried in the majority of U.S. states. Always check your local weapon laws before purchasing a product.

  • Self Defense Jewelry

Self defense jewelry is jewelry such as rings or necklaces that are also weapons. Self defense jewelry is ideal for a young professional woman living in a big city for many reasons.

What Should I Carry for Self Defense? (3)

1. You can wear it simply as jewelry

The best self defense jewelry products are created primarily as beautiful jewelry. If you removed all self defense capabilities, women should still want to wear the self defense products as jewelry alone for its aesthetic appeal.

2. It’s practical, light, and small

Compared to other self defense weapons like knives or pepper spray, self defense jewelry is smaller, lighter, and more practical for someone to carry every day.

3. It’s conveniently accessible since you’re wearing it and you don’t have to search through your bag or pocket to retrieve it

One deciding factor for weapons is their accessibility and how quickly it can be used. That’s why police officers carry their guns in a waist holster right next to their hands. They can access, arm and shoot in just a couple of seconds. This is a key advantage of self defense rings. They are located on your finger and can be armed and used in only a few seconds.

  • Pocket Knife

A typical generic pocket knife is an excellent weapon for the modern day woman living in a big city. It’s inexpensive and can be powerful at disabling an attacker, or brandishing the weapon and deterring a would-be aggressor. There are however downsides to owning and using pocket knives as your weapon of choice. They must be stored in your bag and aren’t immediately accessible. They can be knocked out of your hand in a struggle and used against you. Lastly, there might be legal issues depending on where you live.

The typical middle-aged adult working and living in a rural area may have a set of self defense tools catering to her environment and lifestyle. Her self defense collection may consist of a large knife, a self defense ring, and a couple of guns.

What Should I Carry for Self Defense? (4)

A ruralitemay have more land, more animals and more property, and therefore she owns more things that she has to protect. The rural culture includes hunting, self-sufficient living, and survival. Therefore the gun laws in these areas are more relaxed and many rural area residents have guns.

The lifestyle is more slow-paced than in a big city. There are less people and a lower density per capita, and hence smaller police forces. There is a greater emphasis on being self-reliant and protecting what’s your own compared to in urban areas.

Best Weapons for Adults Living in Rural Areas

  • Large knife

Large knives are excellent multi-purpose weapons for adults living in rural areas. A knife can be used for many purposes including food prep, cutting materials and fabrics, first aid, various tool uses, and of course self defense. Many of these uses are needed in rural areas and carrying a multi-purpose knife is a great self defense weapon.

  • Self defense ring

Self defense rings are an excellent secondary self defense weapon for adults living in rural areas. They are lightweight, durable, and inconspicuous so you can wear one whether you’re outdoors or relaxing inside.

  • Gun

Many adults living in a rural area will own a gun for protection. Guns are also used for target practice, hunting, and survival. If you decide to use a gun for self defense, you should understand the seriousness of owning one and the consequences that can result of you using it improperly, or someone else coming into possession of your gun and using it improperly. We wholeheartedly support gun ownership as long as it’s responsible gun ownership.

Why does the typical young city professional and the average middle age ruralite prefer and carry different self defense products?

It’s partly based on need and lifestyle. The typical young city professional has a fast-paced lifestyle with limited time, space, money, and even mental energy. Does she need a deadly firearm or even a stun gun device?

In terms of a person’s hierarchy of needs, she probably doesn’t need these self defense weapons more than she needs to perform well at work or cultivate her friendships and relationships. Yes, one can easily argue that her physical safety is more or as important as keeping a job or fostering relationships, but let’s keep in mind that she’s not in physical danger regularly, every day of her life. If we were back in the caveman days, then carrying a deadly firearm or pepper spray would most definitely take precedence over a job or friendships since physical safety wasn’t a guarantee. But today we have strict laws, robust police forces, and an evolved society that does its best to protect an individual’s physical well being. Therefore in a typical young city professional’s hectic day to day life, one of the last things she wants to worry about is carrying a can of pepper spray.

How does this differ from the average middle age countryfolk? A woman living in a rural area generally lives a slower-paced, more relaxed lifestyle. There’s a greater chance that she has property and land, and possibly livestock and a farm. On the other hand a young professional probably lives in a small apartment with a doorman, has less property, and is within 1 mile of a police station. A woman living in a rural area has more land and property that she needs to protect with means like guns and and locals laws are undoubtedly more conducive to the local culture.

What Should I Really Carry for Self Defense?

If you are a young woman living in a large city, and you choose to get a gun license and purchase a firearm, then we would encourage you to do so. There are many women who take this path and this is how they feel most safe and protected.

If you’re a middle-aged adult living in a rural mountainous area and you hate guns and knives, but prefer to only carry a small can of pepper spray, then we would encourage you to do so. There are many people who live in rural areas that do not feel the need to own guns for protection.

The point is, whether you’re in a city or the country, you should arm yourself with something to use for self defense. Whatever you choose should be something that is practical, effective, and fits within your budget. You’ll have something that you can use for emergencies, and most importantly you would have mentally prepared for a worst-case scenario. That’s the key thing here. Simply putting in the time and effort to research and purchase a self defense product will put your head in the game and will keep you more prepared and alert if you never thought about it at all.

Everyone knows dogs are the best for pets and protection. How’s this for everyday carry?

What Should I Carry for Self Defense? (5)

As an enthusiast deeply immersed in the field of self-defense, I can draw on my extensive knowledge and practical experience to provide insights into the concepts discussed in the article.

Firstly, the article emphasizes the importance of self-defense for individuals, irrespective of their background or location. It introduces a range of self-defense products, from non-lethal options like pepper spray and stun guns to lethal weapons such as knives and guns. The discussion revolves around tailoring self-defense choices to the specific needs and lifestyle of individuals, considering factors like daily routines, legal compliance, and accessibility.

The focus shifts to young professionals in metropolitan areas, highlighting the need for practical, easily accessible, and legally compliant self-defense tools. The article introduces self-defense jewelry, such as rings, as an ideal option for urbanites due to their aesthetic appeal, practicality, and convenience.

Pepper spray is recommended as an effective and powerful tool for immobilizing potential attackers, though the article acknowledges the downsides, including the burden of carrying it daily. The concept of legal compliance is stressed, urging readers to be aware of local weapon laws.

The discussion then extends to pocket knives as an affordable and powerful self-defense option for urban dwellers. However, limitations, such as the need to store them in a bag and potential legal issues, are highlighted.

The article transitions to individuals in rural areas, particularly middle-aged adults, whose self-defense needs differ from their urban counterparts. The emphasis here is on larger and more versatile self-defense tools, including large knives, self-defense rings, and guns. The cultural context of rural areas, with a focus on hunting, self-sufficiency, and property protection, influences the choice of self-defense tools.

The divergence in self-defense preferences between young city professionals and middle-aged rural residents is attributed to their distinct lifestyles and needs. Urbanites prioritize practicality and accessibility due to fast-paced lives, while rural residents, with more space and property, may opt for larger and more potent self-defense options.

The article concludes by advocating for individual choice in self-defense tools, emphasizing that the chosen method should be practical, effective, and fit within one's budget. It underscores the importance of mental preparedness and situational awareness, irrespective of the chosen self-defense product.

In summary, the concepts covered in the article include the diverse range of self-defense products, the importance of tailoring choices to individual needs, legal considerations, and the impact of lifestyle and environment on self-defense preferences.

What Should I Carry for Self Defense? (2024)


What is the best thing to carry for self-defense? ›

If you're looking for something easy to carry with you daily, a keychain weapon or flashlight stun gun may be the best option. For something a little more heavy-duty, an expandable baton, hidden knife keychain, or multi-tool may be a better choice. What is the most concealable self-defense weapon?

What weapon is best for self-defense? ›

The following 10 items are, in my opinion, the best weapons for self defense available.
  1. Taser. ...
  2. Pepper Spray. ...
  3. Stun Gun. ...
  4. Keychain Weapons. ...
  5. Baton. ...
  6. Flashlight. ...
  7. Tactical Pen. ...
  8. Kubotan.

What can you carry on you to protect yourself? ›

The Best Self-Defense Weapon? Pepper Spray and Pepper Gel. As we mentioned above, SABRE specializes in a variety of self-defense weapons, including pepper spray, pepper gel and stun guns. I asked Nance which products he recommends everyone carry, and he broke down the pros and cons of each one.

What are the three things needed for self-defense? ›

Self-defense can be broken down into three elements; the immediacy of your physical force to protect yourself, your use or threatened use of no more physical force than would have appeared necessary, and your justification in the threat or use of physical force only while the danger continues.

What is the most effective self-defense tool? ›

Pepper spray is an excellent self-defense tool that will disable an assailant long enough for you to escape a dangerous situation. A Taser can also be very useful in incapacitating someone and giving you time to get away.

What weapon can I use to protect myself? ›

stun guns or tasers, certain knives (such as a pocketknife or non-switchblade folding knife), personal alarms, and. certain guns (such as handguns or shotguns).

Is it better to carry pepper spray or a knife? ›

On balance, knives are not an ideal tool for self-defense for most people. Pepper spray or hand-to-hand combat training are often better alternatives. If carrying a knife, a folding pocket knife offers the most practical option.

What is the number one gun for home defense? ›

Shotguns may just be the quintessential home-defense weapon. First, shotguns are extremely versatile. There is a wide variety of ammo available, from bird shot to buckshot to slugs.

What is the best self-defense weapon without a license? ›

Like pepper spray, stun guns do not require a license for possession. The effectiveness of stun guns in disabling an assailant without causing permanent harm makes them a popular choice for self-defense. As with all forms of self-defense, the use of a stun gun must be reasonable and proportionate to the threat faced.

What is the 3-1-1 rule? ›

Liquids, gels and aerosols packed in carry-on must follow the 3-1-1 liquids rule: 3.4 ounces or less per container. 1 quart size, clear, plastic, zip top bag (all liquids must fit in bag) 1 bag per passenger.

What is the best self-defense while walking? ›

Red Pepper Spray

This common self-defense item, also from SABRE, is made with a high-performance liquid compound to induce police-grade strength from a 10-foot range.

What to say to defend yourself? ›

Assert yourself clearly, letting the other person know when something isn't your fault. If the person continues to point the finger at you, don't be afraid to call them out. For example, you might say, “Stop blaming me for something I had nothing to do with” or “I had no control over what happened.

How to defend yourself in a street fight? ›

To defend yourself in a street fight, stand with your feet apart and keep 1 hand up to protect your face. Use your free hand to punch your opponent. Aim for soft, painful areas, like the eyes, solar plexus, and groin. Once your opponent is immobile, run away.

What is the best way to defend yourself? ›

While you're defending yourself, yell/scream at your assailant to draw attention to your location, so passersby can interject. Use your head, knees and elbows where you can. These are the hardest parts of your body, so will provide the most impact (if used efficiently). Remember: the objective is to run away.

What is the most effective way to defend yourself? ›

  1. 10 Self-Defense Strategies Everyone Needs to Know.
  2. TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS. Too many women enroll in a self-defense class after they've been assaulted. ...

What is the best alternative to a gun for self-defense? ›

A baton is a versatile weapon that can be used for both defensive and offensive purposes. They come in various lengths and can be made from materials such as wood or metal. The primary advantage of batons is that they can provide enough force to stop an attacker without causing permanent damage.

What are the best everyday objects for self-defense? ›

These are broken branches, mops, brooms, bottles, canes, baseball bats, billiard cues, golf and hockey sticks, umbrellas, crowbars, hammers, “Mag-Lite” flashlights and any other objects, which allows to strike or thrust opponent from a distance.

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Author: Neely Ledner

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Name: Neely Ledner

Birthday: 1998-06-09

Address: 443 Barrows Terrace, New Jodyberg, CO 57462-5329

Phone: +2433516856029

Job: Central Legal Facilitator

Hobby: Backpacking, Jogging, Magic, Driving, Macrame, Embroidery, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Neely Ledner, I am a bright, determined, beautiful, adventurous, adventurous, spotless, calm person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.