What's a UTXO? A Guide To Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) (2024)

An unspent transaction output, better known as a UTXO, is an important concept in the world of blockchain. The name might seem a little confusing but the concept itself is not hard to understand. This post will explain everything you need to know about UTXO.

UTXO Blockchains vs. Other Blockchain Protocols

An unspent transaction output is the result of a transaction that a user receives and is able to spend in the future. This is true because, as the name suggests, it is the unspent output of a transaction. Note that every UTXO can only be spent once. At that point, the UTXO is no longer unspent, meaning that it cannot be used again in the future.

Accordingly, the UTXO model is a way of organizing a blockchain's ledger such that no funds are spent twice, avoiding the double spending problem. Once a UTXO is spent, one (or more) new UTXO are created as a result of that transaction. The new UTXO are created and sent to the appropriate wallet(s).

Broadly speaking, the UTXO model is one variety of blockchain protocol. While there's no mention of UTXO in the Bitcoin white paper, the UTXO model was first developed by Satoshi Nakamoto when the Bitcoin blockchain was first published. The original Bitcoin script relies heavily on UTXO to check whether or not a particular wallet has sufficient funds to execute a requested transaction.

For example, if Bob submits a transaction to the network requesting to send 3 coins to Alice, the network needs to know that Bob's wallet has at least 3 coins in it first. If Bob's wallet doesn't have at least 3 coins in it, then it should be impossible for him to send 3 coins to Alice. This much should be clear.

Since Bitcoin uses the UTXO model, all forks of Bitcoin use the UTXO model, too. Forks of Bitcoin forks also use UTXO. Zcash is a fork of Bitcoin with zero knowledge privacy features added in to the protocol. Komodo was originally a fork of the Zcash blockchain. So, by extension, Komodo is a Bitcoin fork and uses the UTXO model.

However, not all blockchains that use the UTXO model are Bitcoin forks. Monero, the well-known privacy coin, is one prominent example. The Monero Development Team uses an implementation of the UTXO model established by Bitcoin, but it is not a Bitcoin fork. Monero has its own protocol known as ring signatures. Cardano is another great example of a blockchain that uses UTXO but not the Bitcoin protocol itself.

It's also important to state that not all blockchains use the UTXO model. The Ethereum blockchain, for instance, uses a system known as the "account-based model" or the "balance-based model." This model is akin to each individual wallet having a ledger of its own. Using basic arithmetic, coins and tokens are added and subtracted from each wallet to provide a final balance after every transaction.

Lastly, note that a blockchain's protocol is not to be confused with its consensus protocol, such as Proof of Work or Proof of Stake, nor is to be confused with its hashing algorithm, such as SHA-256 or Equihash.

UTXO Explained With A Simple Analogy

Each and every UTXO is like a single fiat bill. If you have $45 in cash, you must have more than one bill because there’s no such thing as a forty-five dollar bill. So while you have $45 dollars in your wallet, you may have any number of combination of bills— UTXO— sitting in your wallet.

In this simple example, you could have any of the following combinations of fiat bills:

  • Forty-five $1 bills
  • Nine $5 bills
  • Four $10 bills and one $5 bill
  • Two $20 bills and five $1 bills

And so on. There are many more combinations of bills that add up to $45 but you get the idea. In each case, you have exactly $45, despite the fact that you have a different number of bills in each scenario.

The same is true of UTXO. Although you see a single balance when you log in to your crypto wallet, you may have one or many UTXO sitting in your wallet. These UTXO vary in size but when added together, the sum is equal to the total balance of your wallet.

Now let’s take our analogy one step further. When you buy an item in cash, you might not be able to provide the exact amount of money needed to pay for it. For example, let’s say you buy a cup of coffee for $3.50. You have $45 in your wallet but, chances are, you don’t have exactly $3.50 to pay for the coffee.

Instead, you’ll need to overpay with one (or several) of your bills and then receive a little bit of money in return. You might pay for the coffee with four $1 bills, in which case you would receive two quarters in return. Or you might pay for the coffee with a $20 bill, in which case you would get one $10 bill, one $5 bill, one $1 bill, and two quarters in return.

The same thing happens when you send cryptocurrencies. Let’s say that you have a total of 740 KMD. Imagine that your balance is in the form of 3 UTXO: one UTXO in the amount of 320 KMD, a second of 215 KMD, and a third of 205 KMD.

If you want to send a smaller quantity of KMD to a different address, your wallet must send at least one whole UTXO to complete the transaction. Just as you can’t pay for a $5 item by tearing a $10 bill in half and handing one piece to the cashier, you cannot send half of a UTXO to complete a crypto trade. You must send the entire UTXO and then receive change.

Let’s imagine you want to send 30 KMD to a friend. You would have to send one of your UTXOs (320, 215, or 205 KMD) to complete the transaction. Your friend would receive his single UTXO of 30 KMD. You would receive a new, smaller UTXO in the amount of 290, 185, or 175 KMD, depending on which UTXO was sent.

What happens if you want to send your friend 350 KMD coins? Essentially the same thing would take place, except this time you would need to send two full UTXO in order to complete the transaction. Your friend would still receive his 350 KMD and you would receive a new UTXO in return (70, 175, or 185 KMD coins, depending on which two UTXO were sent to execute the payment).

The Differences Between Fiat Bills And UTXO

The analogy above is accurate enough to give you a solid understanding of the concept of a UTXO, At the same time, it’s not perfect. The analogy breaks down in several ways.

First, the examples above are not exactly accurate because you would need to pay the transactions fees for executing your trade. When you send a certain sum of money to a different address, the new UTXO that you receive in return will be the amount of the original UTXO, minus both the amount of currency you’re sending away and the amount of fees you must pay.

New UTXO = (sum of original UTXO) - (sum of currency sent to a different address) - (transaction fees for that particular blockchain)

Transaction fees vary from blockchain to blockchain, and can even vary on the same blockchain at different times. Komodo's blockchain transaction fees are just 0.0001 KMD per transaction. On Komodo Wallet, Komodo's decentralized exchange, transaction fees are only 0.15% of the full amount of the transaction. The trader who accepts an offer posted on the orderbook (the ‘Alice’ in the trade) must pay the fee.

Here's a visualization of how a series of transactions would work on Komodo.

The second way in which our previous UTXO analogy breaks down is that fiat bills are fixed in value. In other words, fiat bills are limited to the value that governments choose to print in.

In the USA, the only bills in existence are: $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, and $100. In nations that have adopted the Euro, the only bill denomination are: €5, €10, €20, €50, €100, €200 and €500. This ignores coins but the point remains: you cannot create bills in any amount you please. The value of each bill is predetermined.

This is not true of UTXO. A UTXO can come in any amount whatsoever. In practice, this offers several important benefits. For one, it provides a lot more flexibility than fiat currency. It’s possible to have 1 million KMD in a single UTXO, instead of the thousands of fiat bills that would be required to hold the same amount in cash for a fiat currency.

Blockchain developers have the opportunity to write code that can optimize the way in which small denominations of cryptocurrency are packaged into “bills” (UTXO). This means that a team of developers can work together to keep the data weight of the blockchain manageable. The more talented the developers, the more efficient the UTXO management. More efficient UTXO generation means minimal data weight and optimal processing speeds.

However, blockchain tech does have one limitation when compared to fiat: the number and quantity of UTXO in each person’s digital wallet must be recorded.

As a result of most blockchains’ protocols, which require that all transactions take place on a public ledger, the only time UTXO can be assembled or disassembled into larger or smaller sizes is at the moment when you are involved in a transaction on the public blockchain. If you do not send or receive funds, the quantity and amount of the UTXO you hold in your wallet cannot be adjusted.

In reality, this is but a minor drawback. The number and sizes of UTXO in your wallet will naturally vary over time. You may have many smaller UTXOs that make up your full balance, or sometimes you might just have one large UTXO that comprises all of it.

From the perspective of an end user, it is ordinarily not necessary to understand the concept of a UTXO at all. The balance you see in your wallet is the amount of funds you have, regardless of the number and value of UTXO that the sum is composed of.

This might have you wondering: why are UTXOs important at all? Great question! The next section will explain.

When And Why Are UTXO Important?

The idea of a UTXO is crucial for understanding two of Komodo Platform’s most important technologies.

First, Komodo's Lead Developer, jl777, found a way to develop UTXO-based smart contracts. This is an enormous breakthrough because it makes Bitcoin-protocol coins capable of supporting Turing complete smart contracts and decentralized applications. These UTXO-based smart contracts are language agnostic and allow every UTXO to have a unique consensus mechanism. It's a truly revolutionary development.

Second, UTXOs are important for Komodo Wallet, Komodo's atomic-swap-powered decentralized exchange. Komodo is the world leader in atomic swap technology.

For those who may not be familiar, atomic swaps are peer-to-peer crypto trades that do not require a middleman or third party. There are no escrow services, proxy tokens, or other centralized accounts. Rather, atomic swaps are trades of cryptocurrency directly between users’ wallets.

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What's a UTXO? A Guide To Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO) (2024)


What's a UTXO? A Guide To Unspent Transaction Output (UTXO)? ›

An unspent transaction output is the result of a transaction that a user receives and is able to spend in the future. This is true because, as the name suggests, it is the unspent output of a transaction. Note that every UTXO can only be spent once.

What is the UTXO? ›

An unspent transaction output (UTXO) is the amount of digital currency that remains after a cryptocurrency transaction.

What is an example of a UTXO transaction? ›

As an example, if you own an unspent transaction output representing 5000 tokens, and you need to transfer 100 tokens to a recipient, the transaction would spend the 5000 token UTXO as input, create a new 100 token UTXO output owned by the recipient, and return a new 4900 token UTXO to you as 'change'.

What is the Unspent Transaction Output? ›

In cryptocurrencies, an unspent transaction output (UTXO) is a distinctive element in a subset of digital currency models. A UTXO represents a certain amount of cryptocurrency that has been authorized by a sender and is available to be spent by a recipient.

What is UTXO reddit? ›

• 10mo ago. An utxo is basically a proof that you received coins. So the larger number of them the larger the fee when you send them.

What are the disadvantages of UTXO? ›

Disadvantages of UTXO:
  • Less user-friendly: Transactions can be more complex with multiple UTXOs involved, compared to the simpler account-based system.
  • Limited programmability: Standard UTXOs don't support complex smart contracts, although newer variations like Nervos' "cell model" aim to address this.
Feb 25, 2024

What is the difference between UTXO and Bitcoin address? ›

Put simply, your UTXOs are your bitcoin that you've received, but not yet spent. Amounts of bitcoin exist as records of transactions on the Bitcoin blockchain. Owning bitcoin means that there's a transaction on the blockchain to an address for which you control the private keys.

Why is UTXO better? ›

There are many key advantages to using the UTXO model: Parallelism for Transactions: Transactions move funds owned by a single user, so transactions issued by different users consume completely different outputs. Such transactions can be processed in parallel, enabling faster and more efficient transaction validation.

What are the outputs of a bitcoin transaction? ›

An output is a package of bitcoins created in bitcoin transaction. You can create multiple outputs in a transaction, where each output contains an amount of bitcoin and a lock on it. A future transaction can then spend these outputs (as inputs) by unlocking them, and create new outputs with new locks on them.

Which blockchains use UTXO? ›

The benefit of this approach is that users can still enjoy the benefits of the UTXO model, including security and simplicity, but the platform can also provide smart contract capabilities. Cardano is one well-known blockchain that leverages the eUTXO model to enable smart contracts on its network. Ergo is another.

How do you reduce UTXO? ›

Consolidating UTXOs into a wallet can be useful to reduce transaction costs. By combining smaller UTXOs into larger ones, you can carry out transactions more efficiently and cheaply in the future. Consolidation combines several small UTXOs in one wallet to form a larger UTXO.

What is the difference between UTXO and account? ›

In the UTXO model, the entire graph of transaction outputs, spent and unspent, represents the global state. In the account model, only the current set of accounts and their balances represents the global state. In the example above, this is the set of accounts A, B, and C and their respective balances.

What does unspent and spent mean on blockchain? ›

Bitcoin, a decentralized digital asset, relies on blockchain technology to facilitate and verify transactions. In the context of Bitcoin, the terms 'spent' and 'unspent' refer to the status of transaction outputs (UTXOs) associated with a specific Bitcoin address.

What is UTXO used for? ›

Unspent transaction output (UTXO) is the technique the Bitcoin protocol uses to track balances as they move between crypto wallets. When it comes to tracking and managing individual crypto balances, blockchain-based protocols typically use one of two different accounting models. One is called the Account/Balance model.

What is the minimum UTXO for Bitcoin? ›

UTXOs should contain at least 0.01 BTC

It's best to create UTXOs with at least 0.01 BTC for viable spending in the future, and ideally much larger than that amount.

What is UTXO in trust wallet? ›

UTXO stands for Unspent Transaction Output. UTXO encompasses: Transaction: A transfer of Bitcoin value from one address to another. Output: The result of a transaction, representing a specific amount of Bitcoin. Unspent: An output that hasn't been used as an input in a new transaction.

What is the difference between UTXO and account-based chains? ›

Each account has a balance associated with it, and transactions involve transferring value between accounts. Instead of UTXOs, account-based blockchains maintain a state of account balances. Transactions involve updating the state of account balances according to the rules of the blockchain protocol.

What is the difference between Ethereum and UTXO? ›

Ethereum uses the account-based model, while Bitcoin uses UTXOs (short for Unspent Transaction Outputs ) to keep track of user state/balances. The UTXO model differs pretty drastically from the account model. It's a little bit more complex - mainly because it is not a familiar interface like the account model is!

What is the difference between accounting and UTXO? ›

The EUTXO model offers unique advantages over other accounting models. The success or failure of transaction validation depends only on the transaction itself and its inputs, and not on anything else on the blockchain.

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