What LSAT Score Do I Need to Get Into Law School? (2024)

Are you prepping for your Law School Admission Test (LSAT) or researching colleges that offer J.D. degrees? If so, then a top question you have is, "What LSAT score do I need to get into law school?"

Although the average score hovers around 151, many law schools accept lower scores or require higher results. Furthermore, better scores may give you access to more scholarship and grant funds. To determine what score you need, it's essential to understand each school's requirements.

Learn how LSAT scoring works, what different scores mean, and how to achieve your desired outcome for the best chances of getting into your top schools.

How are Law School Admission Test scores computed?

When you take your LSAT, you'll get a raw score, scaled score, and percentile score. Your raw score is the number of questions you answered correctly, whereas your scaled score uses a Score Conversion Chart to give you a result between 120 and 180. Lastly, your percentile score shows you where you stand compared to all test-takers over three years.

Many schools provide details about their LSAT percentiles. This information tells you about the percentage of accepted students with various LSAT scores. If you fall into the 25th percentile, 75% of accepted students had scores higher than you.

Before taking the LSAT, it's vital to examine your list of law schools. Doing so helps you pick an LSAT goal and predict your chances of acceptance.

What LSAT score do I need to get into law school?

According to U.S News, "Among the 193 ranked law schools that reported the median LSAT score for incoming full-time students in fall 2019, the overall median was 155. Meanwhile, among the 12 ranked schools with the highest-scoring students, including ties, the overall median score was 170."

To find out what LSAT score you'll need, examine information about each college’s J.D. program and application process. Specifically, you're looking for the school's median scores, LSAT percentiles, and acceptance rate data. Typical LSAT score ranges include:

  • 120-147 Low
  • 148-156 Mid
  • 157-164 High
  • 165-180 Exceptional

Find your school on the LSAC official guide to ABA-approved law schools. Click on the school, then scroll to the bottom of the page. Here you'll find a chart showing the applicant profile for the college. You'll see a list of LSAT score ranges on the left side, and along the top, you'll find GPA ranges. The graph shows you which combinations improve or reduce your chance of acceptance.

Are my results a bad or good score?

Are you wondering what a good LSAT score is? Although that factor is mostly defined by individual law schools, for many colleges, you'll need a score of over 150.

Keep in mind, you may be able to balance an LSAT score that barely meets a school's requirements with a stellar GPA, resume, and well-written personal statement. Don’t let a disappointing result get you down. Instead, develop methods to get a better score next time or prove yourself in other ways.

Can I get into law school with a low LSAT score?

Some schools accept lower scores. In fact, LASC recommends schools avoid using a cut-off score. But, it's important to read each school's FAQ pages, as this is where colleges may report the average lowest score they typically accept.

This information, combined with the median range of LSAT scores for that school, gives you a good idea of what score you need. You'll also find further details about how to offset a poor score using your application or supplementary materials. Take time to review each school’s prerequisites and requirements while you’re there.

ONU Law provides a summer starter program to help those with lower LSAT scores. Once you complete ONU’s eight-week summer program, you'll be automatically enrolled in the fall entering class.

How many questions do I need to get right?

Every LSAT test imposes strict time limits, and it's a hard exam requiring logical thinking and reading comprehension. There are anywhere from 99 to 102 questions on the test. This means you need to get 73 to 77 right answers to get an LSAT score of 160. Or 90 out of 101 questions to get a 170.

Can I retake the LSAT?

Typically, all LSAT scores are reported to schools, but they only use your highest result during the admissions process. The LSAT is offered nine different times per year. But, LSAC applies the following rules so that you may take the LSAT:

  • Three times during a single testing year (from June 1 to May 31)
  • Five times in the current and five past testing years
  • A total of seven times during your lifetime

So, yes, you can retake the LSAT, but it's essential to consider each effort equally important and avoid taking the official LSAT as a form of practice.

Does my LSAT score affect scholarships?

Your LSAT score makes the difference between getting a small scholarship or getting 75% of your school cost covered. For example, at ONU, the median score in 2020 was 150. Students scoring this number or higher may qualify for various scholarships and grants.

However, U.S. News details an LASC report, saying, "Over the last 10 years of admission cycles, the number of applicants with 160 to 180 LSAT scores declined 34%." This suggests that scoring in this range gives you access to more scholarship and grant monies.

How do I get a high LSAT score?

Once you've determined your LSAT score goal, then it's time to develop a plan. Preparing for the LSAT takes months. Of course, you'll want to study and study some more. But there are other things you should do to ensure your LSAT score gets you into a good school. Use these test prep and J.D. degree planning tips for promising results.

Mix up your back up schools

Prioritize your list of colleges and get familiar with at least one school that accepts lower scores. While you don't want to aim for a low score, you should give yourself options to keep in mind.

Explore schools using the 2020 Law School Rankings from the Internet Legal Research Group (ILRG). You can sort the list of 200 schools according to GPA, LSAT scores, acceptance rates, and more. For instance, 2019 data for ONU shows:

  • Low LSAT score: 147
  • Median LSAT score: 151
  • High LSAT score: 152
  • Acceptance rate: 42.2%

Review school's acceptable supplementary documents

Head to each law school's website for FAQ pages and guides. You'll find information about their range of scores and reasons why they'd accept a lower LSAT score. Many colleges also offer additional application details that explain how supplementary documents can help you get around a low score, such as writing an addendum.

Some law schools, like ONU, provide summer starter programs to help those with lower LSAT scores. For instance, once you complete ONU’s eight-week summer program, you'll be automatically enrolled in the fall entering class.

Use official LSAT practice tests to study

It isn't a good idea to try and wing your LSAT test. Nor should you take it the first time as a practice for yourself. Instead, use official LSAT practice exams. These accurately mimic the pressure and time limits that you’ll face during your real exam. Putting yourself under this pressure while exploring sample questions gives you an accurate sense of the test-taking experience.

Furthermore, practice tests give insights into your strengths and weaknesses. Spend extra time improving your weak spots to avoid missing too many questions in certain areas. You can access section-specific study guides and other resources to strengthen the spheres you struggle with. Free or low-cost sources include:

Enlist help preparing for your LSAT

Whenever possible, get outside help in prepping for your LSAT test. Start by checking to see if individual schools offer free resources or counseling. Next, consider enrolling in an LSAT prep course. You'll find on-site and online options that deliver 30 to 100+ hours of instruction. Prep classes may give:

  • Access to prominent law instructors
  • Self-paced, live, and interactive courses
  • Various prep exams, practice sets, and on-demand content
  • LSAT improvement guarantees
  • Extra coaching sessions

If you find that you're really struggling with a specific section of the LSAT, consider working with a tutor. A tutor can offer new study and test-taking tips, assess your weaknesses, and provide solutions. However, if you notice you're having issues staying on track with your studies, you may benefit from a coach or mentor. Coaches and mentors support your wellbeing while helping you reach goals. For instance, a coach will hold you accountable for your objectives.

Find out what LSAT score you need and achieve it

Don't let a school's LSAT score range put you off. Instead, look for ways to achieve that score and get into your most desired schools. If you struggle with test-taking, consider selecting a variety of schools that accept lower results or commit to retaking the test. So, weigh your options, set a goal, then work hard to achieve the outcome you need.

What LSAT Score Do I Need to Get Into Law School? (2024)


What LSAT Score Do I Need to Get Into Law School? ›

According to U.S. News, law school admissions experts recommend striving for at least a 150; however, for a top-ranking law school, you should aim for a 160 or better. For a Top 10 law school, a 170 or more is desired. Of course, this all depends on which schools you are applying to.

What is the lowest LSAT score to get into law school? ›

How do I get into law school with a low LSAT score? 6 ways to boost your chances of admission: Retake the LSAT - the lowest acceptable LSAT score is 140. Take the GRE - but only if you'll do better percentile wise than the LSAT.

What score do you need to get on the LSAT to get into law school? ›

As previously stated, the score range for any LSAT exam is 120 to 180, but the average score is about 150. However, most of the top ten law schools require a candidate to have scored at least 165 on the LSAT.

Can I get into law school with a 155 LSAT? ›

From your raw scores, the test is graded on an LSAT score scale from 120-180. The average LSAT score is about 150. To get into a top 14 law school, you need to score above 166, and to get into a top 50 law school, you need 153 or above.

Can I get into law school with a 146 LSAT score? ›

You can get into law school with a low LSAT score if it is above 144-145. Scores in this range will get you into some lower-ranking schools, although the majority of law schools prefer scores above 150. Unfortunately, your LSAT is one of the most important parts of your law school application.

Is a 135 on the LSAT bad? ›

Around half of test-takers score above a 150, which is the median score on the test. But competitive applicants often need a higher score in the 160s or 170s to gain admission to their top-choice schools. The LSAT is scored on a scale from 120-180.

What is a bad LSAT score? ›

While you may be able to apply and even be accepted into a law school with a lower LSAT score, there is a cut-off for acceptable application scores. If you are consistently scoring lower than 145, you may need to consider significant studying and a retake before applying to law schools.

Does GPA or LSAT matter more? ›

Most law schools tend to give LSAT scores a bit more weight, but some schools care more about grades. The admissions process is inevitably subjective, and some admissions officers might be more forgiving of a gap than others.

What is the average LSAT score for first time takers? ›

The average LSAT score for first-time takers was 151, according to scores tracked from 2006-2013. During this period, second-time test takers had the highest LSAT average score of about 152. The average national LSAT score for full-time, first-year JD enrollees for fall 2022 was about 159.

Will a 180 LSAT get you in anywhere? ›

LSAT takers can score anywhere from 120 to 180. With that big of a range, what kind of score should you aim for? Realistically, you should try to get a score of at least 150. That's the score that will get you into any accredited law school.

Should I retake the LSAT if I got a 155? ›

In short, no. Law Schools do not care how many times you take the LSAT; however, it is more about the improvement or lack-of improvement between the exams. Meaning, if you took the exam 4 times and received a 143, 152, 155, and then 161 then this looks amazing to the law schools and taking the exam 4 times is fine.

Should I cancel a 155 LSAT score? ›

It is not, however, a reason to cancel your LSAT score. If you seriously studied and committed to preparing for the exam in the months leading up to it, then you should be in a good position to keep the score. Even if you didn't get a 180, it's likely that this score reflects your aptitude and abilities.

Is 159 a bad LSAT score? ›

If your score, for example, was 159, your percentile is around 77 percent. An exceptional LSAT score will be somewhere around 173, which is the 99th percentile, according to the Law School Admissions Council—if you received a 173, you scored better than 99 percent of all test takers.

Should I cancel a 148 LSAT score? ›

Remember, just because you feel you did poorly on the test does not necessarily mean you did. Some people may come out of the test feeling nervous or unhappy with how they did but end up scoring very well. You should only seriously consider canceling an LSAT score if you feel like you completely flunked the exam.

Does a bad LSAT score hurt you? ›

So your highest score is really all law schools care about. Meaning, a lower score on a LSAT retake should not hurt you.

Is 141 a bad LSAT score? ›

An LSAT score of 141 is about ten points below even the lowest median LSAT scores of Tier 4 schools, such as Suffolk Law. Needless to say, you need to re-take the test.

Is 172 a good LSAT score? ›

So, a great score on the LSAT is a 172, but more than 100,000 people take the LSAT every year and only 1% score 172 or higher. For the top 50 law schools, the median LSAT score is between 164 and 174. A good LSAT score for top tier(defined by T14 schools for this article) law schools is between 171 and 174.

Is a 140 LSAT score good? ›

Average LSAT Score

The LSAT score range is 120–180, and the median score is approximately 152. You need to get about 60 questions right (out of 99–102 questions) to get that median score of 152, which means you need to bat about 60 percent.

Is a 141 LSAT score good? ›

An LSAT score of 141 is about ten points below even the lowest median LSAT scores of Tier 4 schools, such as Suffolk Law. Needless to say, you need to re-take the test.

Is 3.7 too low for law school? ›

What is a good GPA for law school applications? Top law schools have candidates with an average GPA of 3.7 or higher. However, a GPA of 3.5 or above with a high LSAT score can land you in a good law school. 5.

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