What It Means To Be A Good Steward Of God's Money (2024)

What It Means To Be A Good Steward Of God's Money (1)

As Christians, we don’t own anything.

God owns it.

He gives it to us to be good stewards of.

The idea of being a good steward can be confusing.

What does a good steward look like?

Imagine that you have a friend who built up a business. Now she has decided that she wants you to manage her business because she trusts you with it.

She still owns the entire business. It is at her disposal to decide whether she would want to sell it or keep it someday. She is also the one who is paying all the bills on everything.

However, as her manager you are the one who makes this business run like a well-oiled machine (hopefully!) Perhaps, if it was a restaurant business, your job as manager would be to make sure the restaurant was up to code, hire and fire employees, set schedules, order all the food, plan the menus, run the advertising, and keep inventory to just name a few duties. Basically, if it happened at the restaurant, it would be under your responsibility as the manager.

As the owner, she gives you the tools and the established business. As the manager, you make the tools and the business actually work!

God’s Economy

In God’s heavenly economy, He is that owner. He created this world. Everything in this world is His. Yet He gives it to us to manage for Him.

Back in the garden, God gave Adam and Eve charge to take care of what He created. Even after the fall, He didn’t take that away from them.

However, our sinful nature does make it harder to be good caretakers of this world. (Think weeds, breakdowns, illnesses, and every other imaginable issue that makes it harder for us to manage well.) As Christians who live on this earth, we are responsible for all the God gives us, including money.

What It Means To Be A Good Steward Of God's Money (2)

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There are two sets of principles that you will find to help you be a good steward of God’s money. First, we will look at what I call the Secular Principles. These are money management principles that pretty much every financial adviser in the world, Christian or not, will agree on. While I call these Secular Principles, you will still find that they have Biblical foundations behind them.

Second, we will look at the Christian Principles of money management. From the world’s perspective, these ideas about money are crazy. Yet, from God’s point of view, these are what make it possible for you to be a good steward of the money He places in your bank accounts.

Okay, let’s get going! 🙂

Throughout the Old and New Testament, we can find examples of those who were good stewards of God’s money.

Let’s look out at those stories and see what principles of we can draw from those stories!

Secular Principle #1: Make A Budget

For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does notfirst sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?Otherwise, when he has laid a foundation and is not able to finish, all who see it begin to mock him,saying, ‘This man began to build and was not able to finish.’
Luke 14: 28-30

Avoid rushing into your job of managing God’s money without a plan. A budget is that plan. When you go through the steps to make a budget, you will discover what you have and what you spend. There are thousands of budget planning sheets available on Pinterest alone. The tools are out there to make this a simple process. Be sure to actually do the work of creating a budget for your household!

However, you can’t just stop at creating the budget. Next, you have to follow the budget you made. Seek God’s help for the self-control and wisdom necessary to manage the money He does give you. Live within your means that you have laid out in your budget.

Secular Principle #2: Avoid Debt/Pay Off Debt

The borrower is the slave of the lender.
Proverbs 22:7

Debt has so many downsides. It causes stress, can contribute to higher chances of divorce, and stops you from being able to take a new opportunity due to your poor finances to name a few. With the amount of debt climbing every day, it is no wonder that many people walk around feeling like they are a slave to their financial situation.

There is a reason that the apostle Paul tells the Roman Christians, “Owe no one anything, except to love each other.”

Personally, I appreciate the strong stance against debt that financial adviser Dave Ramsey takes. There are some worldly financial advisers who say that you can leverage debt. While that can be true, it just doesn’t line up well with what the Bible says. And there are very few people out there who are self-controlled enough to be able to live with any sort of debt.

Do yourself a favor, make sure that you pay off any debt to your name and seek to live a debt-free life!

Secular Principle #3: Give Generously

The point is this:whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifullywill also reap bountifully.Each one must give as he has decided in his heart,not reluctantly or under compulsion, forGod loves a cheerful giver.
2 Corinthians 9:6-7

From the world’s point of view, you should give, especially to tax deductible organizations. It is a sound tax decision. However, there is a much more Biblically grounded reason to give: God loves it!

During the time that Jesus was on earth, He noticed people’s heart behind their giving. When a poor widow gave two small coins, he made a teaching moment of it to His disciples. She gave all she had while those around her just gave out of their excess.

Let’s seek to be like the widow and give generously. Trust that God is the one who gave you the money in the first place. He knows your needs even before you know them! Be a wise and willing giver to what God calls you to give to.

Secular Principle #4: Pay Your Bills On Time

And Jesus said to them,“Whose likeness and inscription is this?”They said, “Caesar’s.” Then He said to them,“Therefore render to Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and to God the things that are God’s.”
Matthew 22: 20-21

If you owe a bill, be sure you pay it on time, every time. Organize your bills in such a way that you don’t have to worry about missing a payment. Even if you have to write it in big letters on your calendar so you don’t forget! (Can you guess what I still have to do? 🙂 )

In a world where having a good credit score is important, the fact that you pay your bills on time is not only a matter of politeness and responsibility, it is now a matter of financial importance.

While no one enjoys the task of paying taxes, remember that even Jesus addressed this issue as mentioned in the above verses. So pay those who you owe whether that is the tax man, the insurance agent, the mechanic, or the power company.

Secular Principle #5: Save For The Future

A good man leaves an inheritance to his children’s children.
Proverbs 13:22

No matter which financial institution you walk into, they will encourage you to save money for the future. There are numerous reasons to save for the future. You can be saving for retirement, to pay for college tuition for your kids, to buy your next house or car, for a dream vacation, or any other plethora of reasons.

In the book of Genesis, we learn how God placed Joseph as a wise manager in Egypt. Through the wisdom that God gave Joseph, he saved grain during the years of plenty to help the whole country and even those outside the country survive a massive seven year long famine.

While we might not be saving for a famine, it is extremely prudent to put away a portion of every paycheck to savings. God might not wake up surprised by calamities but we do. And we should be prepared for the future financially.

Make sure to designate a certain amount of your budget towards saving for the future. Someday, your great grandchildren might even be blessed by your financial forethought!

Okay, so that was the secular side of financial principles. While we look at them from our Biblical worldview, they are definitely principles that you will find applied by the secular world too.

Now, let’s look at stewardship principles that the world will most likely not promote. In fact, sometimes worldly advice might run directly contrary to these Biblical principles of stewardship!

Christian Principle #1: Guard Your Heart Against Greed

For the love of money is a root ofall kinds of evils. It is through this craving that some have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pangs.
1 Timothy 6:10

From the world’s view, loving money is just part of life. You love it because it helps you live your dream life. Money itself is even the goal and dream!

However, in God’s economy, loving money is the root of all evil. (Notice that it is not money that is issue but the love of money that leads to the real problems.)

As we work to be good stewards of the money entrusted to us, let’s check our heart often. Are we letting money gain a foothold in our hearts? Perhaps we are even placing it as more important than God! (Hint: That’s a REALLY bad thing to let happen!)

Pray and seek out the Holy Spirit’s help to guard your heart from the love of money.

Christian Principle #2: Earn An Honest Wage

Wealth gained hastilywill dwindle,but whoever gathers little by little will increase it.
Proverbs 13:11

In a world that seeks to find the quickest way to earn a buck, God wants you to be willing to do honest work for an honest wage.

While some people have managed to earn large sums of money quickly, it is extremely rare. If someone tells you that you can earn a large sum of money for almost no work on your part, I suggest that you get away from them quickly. Not only is it likely a scam, it is definitely contrary to what God seeks for the managers of His money.

Instead, be willing to work humbly at the job God has placed you at currently. Seek to glorify God every day by doing your best work. Be thankful for the paycheck that you are earning. Continue to work to make yourself a better business owner or employee so that over time you may earn more but don’t forget to prove yourself faithful to God in your current situation.

Most of all remember to do your work to please God, not any other human. Stay faithful!

Christian Principle #3: Take Care Of What You Have Been Given

Know well the condition of your flocks,andgive attention to your herds.
Proverbs 27:23

Often, people will find themselves buying a new tool because they can’t find the one they originally bought in their jumble of a garage. Many people admit to going to the store to buy new clothing rather than running a load of laundry. Not only is this not a wise use of the money entrusted to you, this also is not a good stewardship of objects God lets you use.

While our possessions are not to own us, we do still need to be careful stewards of what we do have under our care. Let me be the first to reassure you that if your house doesn’t match the Pinterest pictures, that is okay!

We are to be caretakers of our homes and possessions but that doesn’t mean that we have to have the newest, latest, or best looking of anything.

Clothes bought from the thrift store should be cared for just as well as any that we bought from a high-end boutique simply because they are the clothes that we have. Whether you rent a studio apartment or have a sprawling ranch home, seek to maintain your property in a way that glorifies God.

Care for what God gives you but don’t let it become your idol.

Christian Principle #4: Build Up Heavenly Treasure

“Do not lay up for yourselves treasures on earth, wheremoth and rustdestroy and where thievesbreak in and steal,but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys and where thieves do not break in and steal.For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”
Matthew 6:19-21

From a worldly financial position, the final concerns that you will need to save for is retirement and your burial cost. But, as a Christian, those are not the final savings plans to concern yourself with!

As you go through your life on this earth, remember that you are to build up heavenly treasure. Jesus said that whoever even gives a cup of cold water in His name will be rewarded in eternity if done with a proper heart attitude. While you are busy living life, pray that God will show you how to properly serve those He wants you to serve.

Also, remember to keep growing closer to God. Heaven is going to be all about getting to spend eternity in His presence. He is the treasure of your soul. Make Him a priority now too!

Christian Principle #5: Cultivate A Spirit of Contentment

“Not that I am speaking of being in need, for I have learned in whatever situation I am to becontent.I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any and every circ*mstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty andhunger, abundance andneed.I can do all thingsthrough Him who strengthens me.”
Philippians 4:11-13

Often the world tells you to be hungry for the next great thing whether that is the next Apple iPhone, the latest car, or the wonderful new fashion hitting it big in Europe.

The apostle Paul stands in stark contrast to the world’s view. He calls you to be content right where you are and with what you have!

Contentment is hard no matter where you fall in the pay scale. In fact, studies have shown that everyone regardless of how rich or poor they were, thought that their life would be financially easier if they were earning about $10,000 more than they currently were. Even millionaires that were questioned had this response!

The problem is not the number in the bank account. The problem is our contentment with the number.

Pray and seek that God will give you a spirit of contentment and joy for your current situation. Train yourself to enjoy the moments you are facing now!

As a side note, the other day I found our old card table. When my husband and I were first married, we couldn’t really afford to purchase a real table so we used our card table. We continued to use that card table until our third year of marriage not because we were financially constrained to do so but because we felt no need to upgrade. In God’s timing, we bought a wonderfully low priced dining set that continues to fill our dining room. But the other day when we needed some extra table space, I grabbed that old card table out of the closet and the memories came flooding back. Contentment with a card table led to some of the best memories of our early marriage mealtimes and game nights!

Please don’t overlook the importance of contentment as you manage the money God has give you!

Christian Principle #6: Seek Godly Council

Without counsel plans fail,but with many advisers they succeed.
Proverbs 15:22

Every single person on the street will have an idea on how you should (or shouldn’t) manage your money.

While we are to look to the Bible for our answers, God also tells us to seek out Godly council. The key term here being “Godly.” Look around your church or other Christian ministries. Find Christians who are financially making sound decisions and who also live to honor God. Ask their advice as you make decisions on how to be a good steward of God’s money.

Often times, those who give us Godly council will be able to point us directly back to Scripture. Be willing to take their wise advice into consideration as you make decisions.

Other Resources To Check Out

The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial FitnessWhat It Means To Be A Good Steward Of God's Money (3)

Dave Ramsey is a extremely well known for the advice he provides in this book! While he provides advice from a Biblical worldview, there are many in the secular world that applaud the financial teaching that he provides. Seriously, this is by far the best book I have ever read to help me become a much better manager of money. (And yes, there is always room for growth and learning, I believe!)

Smart Money Smart Kids

Okay, basically, this is the same information given in the book I just mentioned above. However, it is written mostly by Dave’s daughter. And it is written to parents to help them practically train their kids to be wise managers of the money that God gives them. Now that I am a parent who wants to raise good stewards, I can say that I found some of the practical advice in this book helpful!What It Means To Be A Good Steward Of God's Money (4)

How To Manage Your Money: An In-Depth Bible Study on Personal FinancesWhat It Means To Be A Good Steward Of God's Money (5)

This one is actually not one I have ever done. But my parents talked about how this workbook truly helped them as they made financial decisions throughout the years that I was growing up. Perhaps if you are looking around for another option that isn’t Dave Ramsey, this would be one to pick up and check out!

Your Turn

What is the hardest part for you as you manage the money that God has given you?

Are their some principles listed above that you feel God is prompting you to spend time working on?

What are some ways that you are currently building up your heavenly treasures?

Thanks for stopping by!

What It Means To Be A Good Steward Of God's Money (2024)


What It Means To Be A Good Steward Of God's Money? ›

A good steward takes care of God's dominion. This means making wise decisions regarding everything God gave us—our time, gifts, and money. For example, a budget, emergency fund, debt-free living, and giving back to your community are all signs of a good steward of money.

What does it mean to be a good steward of God's money? ›

Being a good steward of your money requires intentionality, discipline, and a commitment to aligning your financial decisions with God's principles. By managing your money well, you will honour God, live in peace that he will take care of you, bless others, and make a positive impact in the world around you.

What is being a good steward of God? ›

Ultimately, being a good steward is about recognizing that everything we have comes from God and using it in a way that honors Him. In doing so, we can be confident that our resources are being used for eternal purposes and that we are fulfilling our responsibility as believers in Christ.

What are 5 qualities of a good stewardship? ›

5 Characteristics of a Faithful Steward:
  • Confidence. “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” - ...
  • Humility. ...
  • Trust. ...
  • Forgiveness. ...
  • Obedience.
Oct 21, 2019

How can I be a good steward of God's gift? ›

We should accept this responsibility with gratitude and use our gifts to glorify God, and in turn, our relationship with God will be strengthened. What Else Does the Bible Say About Stewardship? Based on the gift each one has received, use it to serve others, as good managers of the varied grace of God.

What does God's steward mean? ›

The concept of stewardship holds a significant place within Christian theology. To be a good steward is to responsibly and faithfully manage all the resources entrusted to us by God. It lies at the heart of the command given to Adam and Eve in Genesis to be fruitful, subdue the earth and rule over everything.

Why is money important to God? ›

According to God's Word, there are four fundamental purposes for money: to provide for basic needs, to confirm direction, to give to those in need, and to illustrate God's power and care in provision. Understanding these purposes allows you to see how money relates to God's work in your life and community.

What are three examples of stewardship? ›

Types of Stewardship
  • Clean up litter at local beaches, parks, or school grounds.
  • Assist local estuaries, parks, or other natural areas with planting or restoring protective vegetation or trees.
  • Restore a local habitat.
  • Remove invasive plants.
Oct 13, 2022

What kind of person is a steward? ›

a person who has charge of the household of another, buying or obtaining food, directing the servants, etc. an employee who has charge of the table, wine, servants, etc., in a club, restaurant, or the like. a person who attends to the domestic concerns of persons on board a vessel, as in overseeing maids and waiters.

What are the 7 pillars of stewardship? ›

The wholistic principles of stewardship are shared at every opportunity; the outcomes: 1) magnify the devotional life, 2) achieve debt-free living, 3) make good wellness lifestyle choices, 4) energize faithful tithing, 5) maximize spiritual gifts potential, 6) stimulate local giving, 7) inspire generous living, and ...

What best describes stewardship? ›

Stewardship refers to the responsibilities accepted by managers for safeguarding the use of an organisation's funds in a way that best protects the interests of management.

How do you show stewardship in life? ›

There are just four measurements of good stewardship-regardless of the type of stewardship in question: gratitude, responsibility, generosity and accountability. So, for instance, we might ask ourselves such questions as: Do I give of my talent while I credit God for making me talented?

What does God say about being a good steward? ›

1 Peter 4:10: "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms." This verse encourages believers to use their diverse gifts in service to one another, reflecting the manifold grace of God.

How you can be the best steward of God's creation? ›

Jesus says the most important thing we can do is to love God. Caring for creation is a way we show love to our creator and the masterpiece he has put here for us to enjoy. Jesus also said the second most important commandment is to love our neighbors as we love ourselves.

What does it mean to be a good steward of God's grace? ›

This means that everything, including our own self, belongs to God. All that we have and are is a gift from God (i.e. grace) and is entrusted to our care. As stewards of God's grace we are accountable to God for what we do with these gifts.

How to be a good steward over money? ›

10 Ways to Be a Better Steward of Your Money
  1. Pay yourself first. ...
  2. Start a save to spend account. ...
  3. Be frugal, not cheap. ...
  4. Live within your means. ...
  5. Find a balance between what you NEED and what you WANT. ...
  6. Set a budget. ...
  7. Choose charitable contributions carefully. ...
  8. Invest wisely.
Jan 25, 2022

What is stewardship of wealth? ›

What is wealth stewardship? Wealth stewardship identifies the values and behaviors that each family member feels are important to maintain their prosperity, purpose, and meaning. It is just as important a part of family wealth management as prudent investing is.

What does financial stewardship mean? ›

Financial stewardship can be defined as the responsible management of financial resources to achieve specific goals. It involves planning, budgeting, saving, investing, and making wise spending decisions.

What is the parable about stewarding money? ›

The Parable of the Unjust Steward or Parable of the Penitent Steward is a parable of Jesus which appears in Luke 16:1–13. In it, a steward who is about to be fired tries to "curry favor" with his master's debtors by remitting some of their debts.

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.