What is the Student Loan Default Rate? (2024)

What is the Student Loan Default Rate? (1)

Education Podcasts

Smart Start Money provides information on making smart money decisions. Providing tips, personal experiences, and opinions on saving smart and spending smart. Times have changed since getting a job and keeping the same place of employment for a lifetime. The average time spent with one employer is now three to five years. Companies are replacing workers with lean staff that previously held more people to accomplish the same tasks. This has resulted in periods of unemployment for many people making it challenging to save for retirement and stay debt-free. The rising costs of healthcare, consumer goods, and wages that often do not seem to keep pace with the cost of daily life make it more important than ever to make smart financial decisions. Millions of people struggle each day to get ahead. The intention of Smart Start Money is to not only provide insight into saving or spending but also open conversations. Discussions relating to the economy, employment, and even the occasional forbidden topic of politics are possible. If the subject matter has a correlation to helping people with their finances or questioning the so-called experts, it is open for dialogue. It has never been more important than ever to save and stay out of debt. No one has all the answers when it comes to personal finance. People come from all different backgrounds in life. The choices we make and the opportunities available are never identical. We can all learn from each other.

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Education Podcasts


Smart Start Money provides information on making smart money decisions. Providing tips, personal experiences, and opinions on saving smart and spending smart. Times have changed since getting a job and keeping the same place of employment for a lifetime. The average time spent with one employer is now three to five years. Companies are replacing workers with lean staff that previously held more people to accomplish the same tasks. This has resulted in periods of unemployment for many people making it challenging to save for retirement and stay debt-free. The rising costs of healthcare, consumer goods, and wages that often do not seem to keep pace with the cost of daily life make it more important than ever to make smart financial decisions. Millions of people struggle each day to get ahead. The intention of Smart Start Money is to not only provide insight into saving or spending but also open conversations. Discussions relating to the economy, employment, and even the occasional forbidden topic of politics are possible. If the subject matter has a correlation to helping people with their finances or questioning the so-called experts, it is open for dialogue. It has never been more important than ever to save and stay out of debt. No one has all the answers when it comes to personal finance. People come from all different backgrounds in life. The choices we make and the opportunities available are never identical. We can all learn from each other.




Why Do Companies Keep Workplace Bullies?6/30/2022

The world today appears to be full of workplace bullies. According to a survey on bullying released in 2021, 30 percent of Americans report having experienced abusive conduct at work. This is up 57% from 2017. An estimated 48.6 million Americans are bullied on the job.The problem with bullies in the workplace is they can hurt an organization’s productivity. More importantly, it impacts those that are being bullied by often causing harm physically, mentally or both. With the destruction workplace bullies can trigger, why do so many employers keep these people employed? If you are the target of bullying at work, what can you do?This podcast episode talks bullies in the workplace.Visit Our Website: martstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected] the Podcast: https://smart-start-money.creator-spring.com/Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#bully#workplace#workplacebully#career#job#podcast#smartstart#smartstartmoney


Should You Lie On Your Resume?6/17/2022

When it comes to telling a lie on your resume most career experts will agree that it is a bad idea. The problem with this is how can a job seeker compete with other applicants that do blatantly not tell the truth when it comes to their employment credentials?Because so many people stretch the truth about their employment background most do get away with it to some extent. A study by Ladders.com found that 80% of the people they surveyed of over 1000 that lied on a resume claimed to have never been found out. Only 8% of the resume storytellers admitted to facing anything negative for their lies.The fact is no one is going to tell a person to be a liar and not tell the truth on their resume. Look at just about any career website or book and it’s easy to quickly discover no authority on resumes is going to teach resume storytelling and how to stretch the truth. Yet, the unspoken and quiet rule in addition to the statistics shows that not telling the truth on a resume is not only accepted but often most people get away with it.This podcast episode talks about lies on a resume.Visit Our Website: martstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected] the Podcast: https://smart-start-money.creator-spring.com/Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#resume#career#employment#resumewriting#careerexpert#job#jobseeker#jobapplicant#podcast#smartstart#smartstartmoney


Why Do Workplace Slackers Exist?6/10/2022

Workplace slackers are nothing new. If you have been in the workplace for any length of time, you know the type of person that tries to do the least amount of work they possibly can. Although some people are just fundamentally lazy, there are also plenty of people in the working world that are not naturally the type of people that enjoy doing nothing except for when it comes to their job.The problem with slackers in the workplace is they always tend to create more problems other than just trying to do the least amount of work. Deadwood at a company will bring down morale and ultimately result in people leaving that do get the job done.This podcast episode talks about workplace slackers and how to deal with them.Visit Our Website: martstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected] the Podcast: https://smart-start-money.creator-spring.com/Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#workplace#employment#slacker#corporate#corporatecringe#deadwood#employee#lazyemployee#podcast#smartstartmoney


How Much Can You Afford to Pay for a House?6/2/2022

People that are looking to purchase a home frequently question how much they can afford to pay for a house. Although numerous financial experts claim to have a simple formula for the answer, the truth is there are several factors to consider. Affordability of just the purchase cost, down payment, and monthly mortgage price shouldn’t be the only components to consider when trying to calculate the affordability of purchasing a house. Buying a home has always been part of the American dream. However, it is important to carefully consider what a buyer can realistically afford so a home purchase does not become an unaffordable nightmare.This podcast episode talks about how much money a person should spend on a home.Visit Our Website: martstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected] the Podcast: https://smart-start-money.creator-spring.com/Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#homebuying#realestate#homepurchase#finance#savingforahome#firsttimehomebuyer#smartstart#smartstartmoney#podcast


The Top Lies Employers and Corporate America Keep Telling5/26/2022

Getting ahead in corporate America or with just about any employer is likely more challenging than it ever has been. With a growing number of companies consistently moving to a model of more with less while chasing the cheapest price to compete on a global level, employers appear to be comfortable telling many of the same lies they have been for decades. The only difference now is a growing number of people are beginning to get wise to the deceit.This podcast episode talks about top lies corporate America and employers are still telling.Visit Our Website: martstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected] the Podcast: https://smart-start-money.creator-spring.com/Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#america#corporateamerica#employment#employers#jobs#smartstart#smartstartmoney#podcast


Outrageous and Unrealistic Housing Prices: Something Needs to Change for the Survival of the Middle Class4/29/2022

Most markets around the country are seeing outrageous and unrealistic housing prices. According to a Bankrate report, the average home price has increased by about 30% in the last decade as the money people make has only seen a gain of around 11%. The American dream of buying a home is becoming out of reach for a growing number of middle-income families in the country and it is leaving many people on a fixed income in a serious financial situation that has the potential to leave them homeless.If home prices do not come down, employers do not start to pay even more, and additional living costs do not slow down, there will be some very big problems in the future. This will be particularly the case for middle America.This podcast episode talks about the surge in prices to buy a home and also rent a place to live.Visit Our Website: martstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected] the Podcast: https://smart-start-money.creator-spring.com/Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#thesmartstartmoneypodcast#housing#buyingahouse#realestate#highhomeprices#middleclass#america#smartstart#smartstartmoney#podcast#rent#rentprices#rentcontrol#mortgage


Renewable Energy Isn’t Exactly Renewable4/15/2022

Proponents of renewable energy are frequently implying it will come from things that won’t run out like wind, water, sunlight, and plants. Moreover, they claim these new clean energy sources will not only be easily replenished but will also be better for the environment. The problem with the claim is many supposedly renewable energy resources are not renewable and they are also not exactly environmentally friendly.Politicians in Washington use renewable energy claims to move America away from fossil fuels. Furthermore, there are claims of not being reliant on other countries for energy resources as a reason to build the infrastructure for renewable energy resources. The issue with this claim is even with green energy resources in the U.S. it doesn’t mean the country would not still be vulnerable to energy shortages. The reason for this is there isn’t anything exactly renewable with most energy resources although government representatives would like most of America to believe there is.This podcast episode talks about renewable energy resources and why it would not make America energy independent.Visit Our Website: martstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected] the Podcast: https://smart-start-money.creator-spring.com/Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#thesmartstartmoneypodcast#energy#renewableenergy#solar#solarpower#windpower#environment#smartstart#smartstartmoney#podcast#envrionment#climatechange#electriccar#environmentalist#greenenergy#solarpanels


Professional Sports Strikes and Lockouts: Is It Time for Fans to Go On Strike?4/1/2022

Sports fans need to start realizing a growing number of professional sports athletes and team owners could really care less about their fans. From overpriced game tickets and concessions to high parking fees, professional sports figures and owners simply have no concern that many middle-income families can no longer afford to attend a game. These people care about only one thing and that is greed.Make no mistake. The recent Major League Baseball lockout between the owners and players was about one thing and that is money. With the average player making over 500k per year, these people need to understand they are already in the top 1% of household incomes in America. Moreover, both owners and players fail to recognize who really provides their income while they fight over how many more millions of dollars they can either earn or keep.Although lucrative television and broadcasting deals provide a lot of revenue for professional athletes and team owners, the fans are the real employer. Without people watching there would not be millions to fight over.The only people that really get hurt in professional sports strikes or lockouts are the fans, day-to-day team lower-level support staff, and small business owners that depend on game day. Maybe it’s time fans remind the privileged professional athletes and team owners who provides their paychecks and go on strike themselves. Maybe it’s time to lock out professional sports and no longer be a fan or viewer.This podcast episode talks about the recent MLB lockout and how most fans of professional sports should probably be thinking about a lockout of their own.Visit Our Website: martstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected] the Podcast: https://smart-start-money.creator-spring.com/Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#thesmartstartmoneypodcast#MLBlockout#baseballlockout#baseballstrike#sportsfans#professionalsports#professionalathletes#smartstart#smartstartmoney#podcast


What Happens if You Don’t Pay Your Student Loans?3/17/2022

With an estimated 15% of student loan holders in default at any given time, the question that often comes up is “What happens if you don’t pay your student loans?” This question is nothing new when it comes to higher education debt. However, it does seem as though the uncertainty of repaying student loans for a growing number of borrowers is bringing up the subject of student loan repayment more frequently.Not paying student loans can have long-lasting consequences resulting in further financial hardship. Not only can this put a borrower’s financial goals on hold but it can also limit other things in life like getting married or starting a family.Defaulting on student loans will not make them go away.This podcast episode talks about the consequences of falling into student loan delinquency.Visit Our Website: martstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected] the Podcast: https://smart-start-money.creator-spring.com/Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#thesmartstartmoneypodcast#studentloan#studentloans#studentloandelinquency#payingbackstudentloans#podcast#smartstartmoney#educationloans


The Media and Politicians: Hypocrisy For Public Relations and Financial Gain3/9/2022

It doesn’t matter. Both republicans and democrats never seem to tell the complete truth and neither does the media. They all spin a story for their own politics and financial gain. The truth always seems to lie somewhere in the middle.The President’s press conference today on the decision to stop importing Russian oil is not the entire story. Furthermore, it is not looking at the big picture. Washington and the media like to portray themselves as believing in doing the right thing. A good public image campaign and ultimately financial gain are their ultimate goals. The American people do not fall into these objectives. If we did, they would all be pointing out all the solutions for the problems at hand. Solutions to solve problems now and in the future.This podcast episode talks about how the elite media and Washington politicians are not talking about additional problems related to Russia, Ukraine, and security in America. They are all looking to profit off the decline of the country. Someone really needs to start asking a lot more questions.Visit Our Website: martstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected] the Podcast: https://smart-start-money.creator-spring.com/Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#thesmartstartmoneypodcast#America#futureofAmerica#RussiaUkraine#smartstartmoney#china#media#americanmedia#news#politics


Will Someone in the Media Please Start Asking Questions?3/2/2022

With the current state of America and the conflict with Russia and Ukraine, no one seems to be asking the real questions. Corporate America and Washington have gotten wealthy from overseas cheap labor and manufacturing. It doesn’t seem like anyone wants to address the elephant in the room.While Russia gets sanctions, they have made a deal to sell energy to China. This is all at the same time America imports just about everything from China and has sold out middle American jobs for cheap labor.All the talk of sticking up for democracy and doing the right thing by helping Ukraine and America does businesses with a country that has one of the worst records for treating workers and they are certainly not a democracy.It is time for someone in the media and Washington to really start asking the right questions without the fear of bringing in less revenue.This Smart Start Money Podcast episode talks about problems that have been staring right at America with no one willing to talk about any of them. The reason is greed and power. There will not be any improvement in America until the real questions are asked and answered with solutions.Visit Our Website: martstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected] the Podcast: https://smart-start-money.creator-spring.com/Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#thesmartstartmoneypodcast#America#futureofAmerica#RussiaUkraine#smartstartmoney#china#media#americanmedia#news#politics


Where Do We Go From Here?3/1/2022

America is clearly divided. You only need to look at recent government elections. Combine this with financial uncertainty for a growing number of families in the country. Add the most recent tensions felt around the world with Russia and Ukraine. It should not come as a surprise that most Americans are stressed out, depressed, and angry. The mounting bad news even seems to make Covid a concern of the past on nightly television stations.All the events in the world have been piling up for some time now. Honestly, much of it should not completely come as a surprise with it all becoming much more real. The problem with everything is you will never know the complete story. The media is going to report events for their benefit and Washington will do the same.There should be questions of how the world and particularly the United States got to this point. However, most of the answers have been starring at us all along. Moreover, the people running the country and making the policies have steered America into what it has become for their own benefit. Politicians are certainly to blame but so is much of corporate America.The possibility of a terrible conflict is now a concern but if we get through it some issues need to be addressed going forward. Right now, the immediate concern should be are we going to get through all of this. Yet, it is important to start planning on where to go from here if we make it through the other side.This Smart Start Money Podcast talks about the recent world events with Russia invading Ukraine and what likely needs to happen for long-term solutions in America and around the world. Solutions need to be made to avoid problems in the future for America and start taking care of things at home again.Visit Our Website: martstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected] the Podcast: https://smart-start-money.creator-spring.com/Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#thesmartstartmoneypodcast#America#futureofAmerica#RussiaUkraine#smartstartmoney


Are Employee Satisfaction Surveys Anonymous?2/10/2022

Many companies like to give employee satisfaction surveys. They do this by explaining it helps the company identify areas of improvement. Businesses claim employee surveys are for the benefit of their employees. Moreover, there is also almost always an added statement that the employee survey will be anonymous. However, this is likely rarely ever the case.The truth is employee satisfaction surveys or engagement surveys are hardly ever for the benefit of a company’s employees and they are almost never completely truly anonymous. Satisfaction surveys at most of today’s companies are just another piece of corporate nonsense that is both outdated and a complete waste of time.In this Smart Start Money podcast episode, I talk about workplace condition surveys and why they are never truly anonymous.Visit Our Website: martstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected]: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#thesmartstartmoneypodcast#employeesurvey#employeesatisfaction#workplaceengagementsurvey#smartstartmoney


Porch Pirates Suck2/3/2022

With the continued growth of e-commerce and home delivery services, porch thieves are seeing an increasing amount of opportunity to plunder online shoppers. Not only is the holiday season a great time for the patio bandits to take what is not theirs, but just about any day is now a good time for them to go to work.The problem with porch pirates is only getting worse and there likely will not be a slowdown anytime soon. The reason for this is the acceptance of its existence and the somewhat lenient laws for offenders that still exist. For this reason, it’s important to know the steps to prevent porch piracy and what to do if it does occur.In this Smart Start Money podcast episode, the problems with package delivery theft are discussed along with solutions and preventions.Visit Our Website: martstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected]: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#thesmartstartmoneypodcast#porchpirate#packagetheft#deliverytheft#stolendelivery#amazontheft#smartstartmoney


How Will Students Cope With Huge Amounts of College Debt?1/20/2022

People that have student loan debt have been coping with it the same way they have been for some time now. They have been dealing with it by taking decades to pay back student loans while putting their life on hold.Large amounts of student loan debt are not uncommon today with the average around a little over $30,000 and 50k or more is not unusual. This has resulted in an average monthly student loan payment of $393. Moreover, this debt is now taking a bachelor's degree student over 21.1 years to pay it all off.In this Smart Start Money podcast episode, I talk about how a growing number of college students are having to cope with a larger amount of school loan debt.Visit Our Website: https://smartstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected]: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#thesmartstartmoneypodcast#college#studentloan#studentloans#debt#student loan debt#smartstartmoney


Why Can’t I Buy a New Car Online?1/14/2022

I recently purchased a new vehicle and like most buyers, I hate the traditional car dealer experience with trying to negotiate a fair deal. Researching the truck I was interested in purchasing, I looked for ways to limit the outdated annoying typical car sale experience. The long negotiation and waiting game at the dealership to get a fair deal was something I really tried to see if I could avoid.With all the things people can buy online with the click of a mouse today, my initial idea to evade the conventional car sale experience at the dealership was to see if I could factory order a new automobile through the internet. To somewhat of a surprise I discovered this is not something that is possible. People can order prescription drugs, booze, and realistically just about anything by going to the internet.Why can’t I factory order a new vehicle online directly from the manufacturer?In this podcast episode, I talk about why a factory order from one of the popular automakers is not possible directly on the internet and how a buyer can still use technology to their advantage for a new car purchase.Visit Our Website: https://smartstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected]: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#thesmartstartmoneypodcast#carbuying#buyingacar#carfactoryorder#smartstartmoney


What Is the Average Car Payment?12/24/2021

With the price of automobiles skyrocketing in the United States, it should not come as a surprise the average car payment for a new vehicle in 2021 is now $563. American drivers are increasingly becoming poor due to the need for transportation. Although auto loans are leaving many people with little money left at the end of the month, it is not just the initial cost of a car that is a problem. Record-high gasoline prices and maintenance costs are making car ownership increasingly a financial burden.In this podcast episode, I talk about the average auto loan payment and why it is a problem.Visit Our Website: https://smartstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected]: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#thesmartstartmoneypodcast#carbuying#buyingacar#autoloan#carpayment#carpayments#smartstartmoney


My Car Buying Experience in a Difficult Market - Part 212/16/2021

In the previous podcast, I talked about my initial car buying experience in a difficult market. The pandemic has created a shortage of computer chips and inventory for new vehicles. Car dealers are trying to use the pandemic as an excuse to charge more for the vehicles they are selling. It is true that you might have to pay close to retail depending on the car you are looking to buy. Rebates and incentives are almost non-existent. However, you shouldn’t have to pay a large market adjustment price.There are deals that exist for purchasing a new car even in this challenging market. You just need to be patient and do your research. Don’t believe everything you hear and particularly from your local car dealer.In this podcast episode, I talk about the conclusion of my recent car buying experience.Listen to Part 1 of My Car Buying Experience in a Difficult Market: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/e/my-car-buying-experience-in-a-difficult-market/Visit Our Website: https://smartstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected]: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#thesmartstartmoneypodcast#carbuying#buyingacar#cardeal#cardealer#smartstartmoney


My Car Buying Experience in a Difficult Market12/11/2021

Buying a car right now in this market might not be the best idea. A shortage of inventory and computer chips is making it challenging for buyers to get transportation at a fair price. Car dealer incentives and rebates appear to almost not even exist.Although it is a terrible time to purchase a new vehicle, I had to make the decision to do it. Car buying for most people is never a pleasant experience. My affection when it comes to shopping for transportation is no different. There is a reason car dealers and their salespeople have a bad reputation and I have found not much has changed with this since my last buying experience several years ago.In this podcast episode, I talk about my recent car buying experience and how sellers are trying to use the pandemic to their advantage. Even though there might be a shortage of inventory for cars, it doesn’t mean you still can’t find one at a fair price. It might be a seller’s market when it comes to car buying right now but there are some tools buyers can use to still get a reasonable price.Visit Our Website: https://smartstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected]: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#thesmartstartmoneypodcast#carbuying#buyingacar#cardeal#cardealer#smartstartmoney


Economic and Political News: It No Longer Ever Seems to Be Transparent or Exactly the Truth11/20/2021

With the economic and political divide in America, listening to the news has become both annoying and often a waste of time. Politicians and media outlets never seem to be telling the entire story. Transparency is lost in Washington and journalism. Regardless of a person’s political beliefs, both sides are regularly reporting the news while omitting important details.No one has all the answers for improving America socially and economically. This includes the media and politicians that repeatedly spin a story on how they want it to be perceived for their own benefit.This Smart Start Money Podcast episode talks about how the media and Washington don’t report the actual news. They are regularly only informing America on their own version of it while excluding important details that do not fit the story they want to tell.Visit Our Website: https://smartstartmoney.comSubscribe to the Podcast: https://smartstartmoney.podbean.com/Questions or Comments About the Podcast? Email: [email protected] or [email protected]: https://www.pinterest.com/smartstartm...Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Smart-Start-...Linkedin: https://linkedin.com/in/smart-start-m... Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/smartstartm...#thesmartstartmoneypodcast#Americanmedia#Americandecline#americanjournalism#americanpolitics#smartstartmoney


What is the Student Loan Default Rate? (2024)


What is the Student Loan Default Rate? ›

By the end of 2021, roughly 3 million people were in student loan default — that's about 7% of all borrowers.

What is the student loan default rate? ›

Report Highlights. One out of every ten Americans has defaulted on a student loan, and 5% of all student loan debt is in default. An average of 7% of student loans are in default at any given time.

What is an acceptable default rate? ›

2) According to the Sphere Standards, a default rate of less than 15% is perceived as “acceptable”.

What is the average default rate on a loan? ›

In the first quarter of 2024, roughly 2.68 percent of all consumer loans at commercial banks in the United States were delinquent. The delinquency rate on this type of credit decreased after the first quarter of 2020, when it reached 2.47 percent, but it has been rising again since 2021.

What percentage of borrowers have defaulted on their student loans? ›

Overview. According to findings from a 2021 nationally representative survey from The Pew Charitable Trusts, student loan default is quite common. Approximately one-third of federal student loan borrowers surveyed reported experiencing default over the past two decades.

What is the student loan rate? ›

Federal student loans currently have interest rates ranging from 6.53 percent to 9.08 percent. Average private student loan interest rates, on the other hand, can range from around 4 percent to about 17 percent. Federal student loan rates are the same for every borrower.

What is the default term for student loans? ›

For most federal student loans, your loan will go into default if you haven't made a payment in more than 270 days. If you default on a federal student loan, you lose eligibility to receive additional federal student aid and may experience serious legal consequences.

What is the expected default rate? ›

EDF stands for Expected Default Frequency and is a measure of the probability that a firm will default over a specified period of time (typically one year). “Default” is defined as failure to make scheduled principal or interest payments.

What is the default rate in 2024? ›

KBRA DLD forecasts a 2.75% overall default rate for direct lending in 2024, an increase of 0.45% year-over-year, which DLD views as a mild and benign default environment. Sponsored borrowers are expected to fare better (2.5%) compared to non-sponsored borrowers (4%).

What is the maximum default interest rate allowed by law? ›

The California Constitution prohibits loans that are made primarily for personal, family or household purposes from having interest rates above 10% per year. This is California's general usury law. However, there are many exceptions.

How to calculate default rate on loans? ›

This formula calculates the percentage of loans that have gone into default by dividing the number of loans that have defaulted by the total number of loans issued, then multiplying by 100 to express it as a percentage.

What is observed default rate? ›

The Default Rate is an observed realisation of credit events. It refers to something that has already occurred. It is also denoted as ex-post estimate (NB: There might be residual uncertainties in the measurement of the event rate) The Probability of Default is an expectation measure about future credit events.

What is default loan interest rate? ›

Default interest is a higher interest rate which is payable if a party to an agreement fails to fulfil an obligation to the other party. Typically, commercial arrangements, settlements and the vast majority of loan agreements contain default interest clauses.

What is the average student loan default rate? ›

How Many People Are Currently in Default on Their Student Loans? By the end of 2021, roughly 3 million people were in student loan default — that's about 7% of all borrowers. Another 270,000 were 90-270 days delinquent on their student loans — meaning they missed a payment but hadn't defaulted yet.

How many student loans are in default right now? ›

Federal loan borrowers in repayment: 25.7 million. Federal loan borrowers in deferment: 3 million. Federal loan borrowers with loans in forbearance: 1.2 million. Federal loan borrowers in default: 4.4 million.

How many people are not paying their student loans? ›

Many borrowers are barely treading water," Ryan said. The data also revealed that 7 million people were at least 30 days overdue at the end of 2023, which was the highest delinquency rate since 2016. Meanwhile, millions of more Americans saw their accounts frozen from deferment or forbearance.

What is the CDR default rate? ›

The constant default rate (CDR) is the percentage of mortgages within a pool of loans in which the mortgagors (borrowers) have fallen more than 90 days behind in making payments to their lenders.

How many people missed student loan payments? ›

Seven million borrowers with federally managed loans were at least 30 days overdue on their payments at the end of 2023. That's the highest delinquency rate since 2016, as far back as the department's public records go.

What is the default rate on personal loans? ›

It accounts for 5.0% of nonhousing consumer debt. To compare, Americans owe $1.115 trillion in credit card debt, comprising 6.3% of outstanding debt. The delinquency rate (60 days or more past due) for personal loans is 3.75% as of the first quarter of 2024.

Are Americans defaulting on loans? ›

Credit card and auto loan transitions into delinquency are still rising above pre-pandemic levels,” said Wilbert van der Klaauw, economic research advisor at the New York Fed. “This signals increased financial stress, especially among younger and lower-income households.”

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