What Is the Shiba Inu Scream? Have You Heard a Shiba Scream? (2024)

You’re used to barking dogs, right? Depending on where you live, it’s likely you hear a chorus of dogs barking every day when a stranger passes by.

Regardless, it’s one of the first things we learn as kids. What does the doggie say? Woof-woof!

But have you ever heard a dog scream? If you’ve ever known a Shiba Inu, you may have. These dogs are famous for their scream, which often comes out instead of a bark or whine.

So what is the Shiba scream and what should you know about it if you’re thinking of adding a Shiba Inu to your family? Find out here!

What Is the Shiba Inu Scream? Have You Heard a Shiba Scream? (1)

What Is the Shiba Scream?

Cats meow, ducks quack, and dogs bark, but apparently one particular type of dog, the Shiba Inu, screams.

If you’ve ever owned a dog, you know that barking isn’t the only sound they emit. They can growl, whine, yip, and some will even make sounds at you that almost sound like talking. If you’ve ever seen the Internet-famous Husky “I Love You” videos, you know what we mean.

But Shibas have a sound that’s all their own. Something like a loud whine mixed with a howl and a cry, the best way to describe this high-pitched sound is as the unique Shiba scream.

What Does a Shiba Inu Scream Sound Like?

Have you ever heard a puppy whine or cry loudly? Like when you’re trying to give them a bath or when you come home after being gone a while and they’re really hungry?

The Shiba scream is kind of like that, except louder and shriller.

To describe it, try imagining a shrill noise that sounds like something between a howl and a whine. They can make a continuous pitch for a few seconds or they might bounce around among a few pitches, which can kind of sound like a shrill version of the famous Husky “talking.”

However you describe it, it’s a sound that you wouldn’t normally expect to come out of a dog. Most people are quite surprised and entertained the first time they hear the Shiba scream.

Does the Shiba Inu Scream a Lot?

The screaming can be funny and even kind of cute depending on how often it happens. Hearing such an unexpected noise come out of a dog is a little disconcerting at first but then it becomes funny.

Of course, after listening to it for hours on end, most people would find it less endearing and more annoying. Should you expect this chorus to become a regular part of your life if you add a Shiba Inu to your family?

Not necessarily.

Shiba Inus may have a famous scream but they are generally quiet dogs. The scream comes out when they are upset or concerned about something.

They’ll scream if they are afraid or nervous, such as when you want to give a water-wary Shiba a bath. If they sense danger, such as when a stranger approaches, they may scream though another dog would bark. And sometimes they’ll scream with excitement when playing with their family.

If they don’t have a reason to scream, they won’t. And most Shiba Inus don’t find a reason that often.

What Is the Shiba Inu Scream? Have You Heard a Shiba Scream? (2)

Are Shiba Inus Drama Queens?

That being said, the Shiba Inu has earned a reputation for being a drama queen. This is mostly because of their overreaction to events.

For example, many dogs are unhappy about getting a bath or getting their nails clipped but they won’t scream at the top of their lungs about it.

Plus, the Internet has made the Shiba Inu scream famous, but life with a Shiba Inu (generally) isn’t as noisy as those videos make it out to be.

Why Do Shiba Inus Scream?

If you’re concerned about your dog being too noisy, the road to correcting the behavior begins by understanding why they do it.

The broad reason is that they are a basal breed. This simply means they are more closely related to wild dogs or wolves than, for example, a Golden Retriever.

Because of geographic isolation over the years, their genetics have not been diluted as much as other types of dogs. Thus, they tend to be more territorial, wary of strangers, and, apparently, prone to a different form of communication that was probably prevalent among the ancient dogs. Even with this geographic isolation, Shibas can still come in a variety of colors.

What Is the Shiba Inu Scream? Have You Heard a Shiba Scream? (3)

More specifically, Shibas only scream when they have a reason. Of course, it can still feel baseless to you until you understand what that reason may be. With Shibas, you can loosely boil their reasons to scream down to about 5 causes. Let’s look at them here.

1. Fear or Anxiety

Shibas can be a little on the dramatic side. Any time they have reason to be afraid or anxious, they might let out a Shiba scream.

So anything from a trip to the vet, a bath, or even the arrival of a strange dog can provoke their dramatic vocalizations.

2. Attention

Anyone considering owning a Shiba should be aware of their separation anxiety issues. Shibas do not like to be alone and they will let you know how they feel in no uncertain terms.

When they know you’re getting ready to leave the house, they may follow you around vocalizing their complaints. Mainly, they’re looking for attention as well as hoping that you won’t leave after all.

3. Happiness or Excitement

The cause of the Shiba scream isn’t always a negative emotion. Sometimes they’ll let out a happy scream when they get excited about something.

After the horrible depression of their separation from you, they may greet you at the door with a shrill, excited scream because they are happy to see you. Or if you pick up the leash or their favorite ball, the scream may sound out as they race around in their excitement for the anticipated activity.

4. Socialization Issues

Shiba Inus tend to be wary of strangers. Socialization early on is essential if you want your Shiba to be calm when meeting new people or animals.

Without this training, your Shiba may scream and carry on every time she meets a new person or animal.

5. Displeasure

Shiba Inus know their own minds and they know when they are not happy about something. Any time you expect anything from your Shiba Inu that he doesn’t like, you can bet you’ll hear about their displeasure in no uncertain terms.

How to Prevent a Shiba Inu From Screaming

The Shiba scream is entertaining, but only when it happens infrequently. Excessive screaming will get old really quickly.

But luckily there are simple ways to help avoid the Shiba scream.

The first and easiest is early socialization and exposure to activities you don’t want your Shiba to fear. Shibas scream out of fear and anxiety, which is commonly caused by vet visits, grooming, baths, nail trimming, strangers, etc.

Thus, early exposure to these triggers is key. Help your puppy to understand that these events are not to be feared and he won’t spend his whole life screaming about them. If one of your Shiba's fears is nail trimming, you can try a scratch board to help.

Also, make sure your dog is getting what he needs. Shibas are energetic dogs that need lots of exercise and attention from their owners. Spend time playing with your dog every day and ensure that he gets enough exercise. A tired dog is less likely to spend his downtime screaming.

Are Shiba Inu Easy to Train?

Shiba Inus are strong-willed dogs. If training with an experienced hand begins early, they are somewhat manageable. But you must maintain a dominant hierarchy. They will happily walk all over you if they get the chance.

You must be consistent, patient, and realistic about your Shiba Inu’s training (and the reduction of their screaming). You can’t expect to eliminate screaming, but you can keep it to an appropriate amount.

What Is the Shiba Inu Scream? Have You Heard a Shiba Scream? (4)

How to Train a Shiba Inu to Stop Excessive Barking, Howling, or Screaming

First, understand your Shiba’s reason for screaming. If they are trying to get your attention, deny attention while screaming. Redirect your Shiba (perhaps with an ultrasonic dog training device) and shower them with affection when they are behaving themselves.

If you pay attention to them when they scream, they will do it more. But if you start ignoring them, they’ll be more likely to stay quiet.

Again, early exposure to activities that commonly cause the Shiba to scream will make it a non-issue for your Shiba.

But even if your Shiba is older, you can help him get used to the activities by exposing him to them often and showering him with lots of love and attention. Once he associates positive things with these activities, he will feel less anxious about them.

Is a Shiba Inu Right for You?

Shibas are fantastic companions. Though wary of strangers, they love spending time with their families and you can expect a loyal friend in one of these energetic bundles.

However, owning a well-behaved Shiba that only screams occasionally means proper training and socialization. But if you’re willing and able to take on the challenges, you’ll be more than rewarded for your efforts!

Get more expert advice on pet-parenting by visiting the Off Leash blog at TryFi.com.

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What Is the Shiba Inu Scream? Have You Heard a Shiba Scream? (2024)


What Is the Shiba Inu Scream? Have You Heard a Shiba Scream? ›

Shiba Inus may have a famous scream but they are generally quiet dogs. The scream comes out when they are upset or concerned about something.

What dog breed screams? ›

Due to the high intelligence of the breed it requires a lot of exercise and stimulation. Insufficient exercise can lead to anxiety which leads to undesirable behaviours notably the 'shiba scream'.

Why are Shibas so vocal? ›

Shiba Inu are vocal by nature and will yodel, howl, yip, groan, and more to show their excitement, boredom, or displeasure.

Why do Shibas whine? ›

Whining can be your dog's way of saying that they are scared or anxious. If your dog is also pacing, trembling, or panting while whining, they are likely fearful or anxious about something.

Why does my Shiba howl? ›

Dogs Howl to Express Emotions

In fact, many dogs with separation anxiety howl when their owners are away. A study on behavior patterns in dogs with separation anxiety showed that their howling was likely related to fear.

Why do Shiba Inus scream? ›

They'll scream if they are afraid or nervous, such as when you want to give a water-wary Shiba a bath. If they sense danger, such as when a stranger approaches, they may scream though another dog would bark. And sometimes they'll scream with excitement when playing with their family.

Do Shiba Inus have anxiety problems? ›

Shiba Inu dogs are alert, intelligent, and curious. They enjoy mentally stimulating activities and games that allow them to use all their senses. They are quite active, so regular exercise is important. However, this breed is prone to anxiety and can be very opinionated.

Why are Shibas not cuddly? ›

Shibas happen to be one of the most ancient canine breeds. Because of this fact, they exhibit a trace of their wild ancestry in their temperament. And believe it or not, this dash of “wild” often presents a no-cuddle zone. It's true—Shiba Inus are not so open to free cuddles.

Are Shibas aggressive? ›

With that said, Shiba Inus are naturally independent, energetic, and stubborn. Therefore, without proper training and socialization, they can become aggressive. Their protection instincts can become too much if they aren't socialized, as they may perceive everything as a threat.

Are Shiba Inus the smartest dog? ›

Shiba Inus are considered to be smart dogs. They are above average in almost every category. Shiba Inus are emotionally intelligent, but they are also smart enough to put their own wants and needs before yours, which can make them hard to train and hard to handle in public.

Why do Shibas lick you? ›

Dogs use their tongues instead. For this reason, it might mean a few things when your dog licks you. The Kennel Club says licking can show affection, empathy or a need for attention − or you might just taste good, especially if you're sweaty.

Are Shibas clingy? ›

Shibas are very aloof and independent.

They are not lap dogs, they don't follow you around, they don't particularly need you, and don't live to please you. They love affection, but only on their terms. They enjoy their alone time, need their space respe-pcted, and are not “cuddlers”.

Why does my Shiba fart so much? ›

A: Excessive flatulence is usually linked to your dog's diet. It isn't necessarily caused by a problem with the quality of the ingredients he's eating (although eating low-quality or rotten food could make it worse), but is most likely due to a food intolerance.

Do Shiba Inus howl? ›

shiba inus are the most wolf-like modern dog breed; howling like a wolf is only appropriate… but not all shibas are as chatty as eevee… say hello to quiet but crazy boy Beau. #shibainu #howling #cutedogs #shiba #dogstory.

Why do Shiba Inus smile? ›

FAQs On Shiba Inu Smile

Although it may seem like it, dogs don't grin or smile in the same way that humans can. However, they can still show their happiness in the form of positive body language and even through their facial expressions.

Are Shiba Inus quiet? ›

Unless provoked, Shiba Inus are a relatively quiet breed. However, they can experience something known as the "Shiba Scream.” This loud scream is just a form of communication, and they'll usually only do it when they're experiencing fear, anxiety, or general displeasure.

Why does my dog sound like he is screaming? ›

Yelping and whimpering

When your dog cries, whimpers or yelps, it's typically a sign that he's in pain. A dog might yelp when playing if another dog bites too hard. These sounds are how dogs communicate distress to the rest of the pack or to their humans, says Whole Dog Journal. Whimpering is not as intense as whining.

What is the high-pitched noise dogs make? ›

A dog might whine for you to take them outside, feed them, or play fetch. The high-pitched cry is often your dog's way of expressing what they want or letting you know they're unhappy. Dogs may whine when they're scared (for example, during a thunderstorm), or if they have separation anxiety and are left alone.

Why do dogs cry and scream? ›

They are our friends, through and through. As with barking, dogs who whimper or whine are trying to communicate. Excitement, anxiety, frustration, pain, attention seeking, and resource solicitation are all common reasons dogs whine at their people.

Why do dogs make screeching noises? ›

Just like humans sometimes sigh or make noises when they stretch, your dog's vocalizations could simply be an expression of physical comfort and relaxation. Attention-Seeking Behavior: Dogs may make noises during certain activities, including stretching, to gain attention or communicate their needs.

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Name: Kareem Mueller DO

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Introduction: My name is Kareem Mueller DO, I am a vivacious, super, thoughtful, excited, handsome, beautiful, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.