What Is the Ideal Room Temperature for the Elderly? - Senior Services of America (2024)

Too Hot, Too Cold — What Room Temperature Is Just Right for the Elderly?

Have you walked into the home of your elderly parents or another relative and been surprised by how warm it was? You’re not alone.

Finding and maintaining a safe household temperature for your elderly loved one is essential. Learn here how to find and maintain this temperature.

In this article, we will discuss:

  • The ideal room temperature for elderly people
  • Tips for maintaining the right room temperature for elderly people
  • And more

Table of Contents

  • What is the Ideal Room Temperature for an Elderly Person?
  • Additional Reasons It’s Important to Keep the Right Room Temperature for the Elderly
  • 5 Tips for Maintaining a Safe Room Temperature for the Elderly
  • Senior Services of America: A Safe Option for Senior Independent and Assisted Living

What Is the Ideal Room Temperature for an Elderly Person?

Research has shown that the average and safe room temperature for older adults isaround 78 degrees.To prevent an elderly adult from becoming too cold, it is recommended that the room temperature never falls below 65 degrees.

As long as the room is between 65 and 78 degrees, the ideal temperature depends on personal taste. Some may want to control their utility bill by keeping their home at 68 degrees and dressing in layers. Others will want the house to be around 78 degrees.

What Room Temperature Is Too Hot for Elderly Individuals?

Are you wondering, “What temperature is dangerous for my elderly loved one?” Research indicatesany temperature above 80 degreesis too hot for the elderly.

A senior’s safety is compromised when they get too hot, and older adults are at risk for developing heat-related illnesses due to:

  • Aging-related changes in their bodies
  • Chronic health problems; and
  • Medications

Safety Concerns

Elderly adults may have difficultymaintaining proper hydration, and when combined with warmer room temperatures, dehydration may occur.

Dehydration can cause these signs and symptoms:

  • Heavy sweating
  • Cold and pale skin
  • Clammy skin
  • Too fast or too weak pulse
  • Muscle cramps
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting

Dehydration is common among older adults, often without their caregivers or themselves realizing it. This is whySenior Services of Americahas procedures to monitor and treat dehydration. Are you interested in learning more about the services we provide?Find your nearest communitytoday.

What Room Temperature Is Too Cold for the Elderly?

According to research, the room temp should never drop below 65 degrees.

Therefore, the minimum safe temperature for seniors is generally regarded to be 65 degrees.

Safety Concerns

Rooms lower than 65 degrees won’t only affect muscle strength and mobility.

There may also be an increased risk of:

  • Hypothermia
  • Kidney problems
  • Liver damage; or
  • Heart attack

Additional Reasons It’s Important to Keep the Right Room Temperature for the Elderly

When it comes to the elderly, maintaining proper indoor temperatures isn’t just a matter of comfort — it is a matter of health as well.

#1: Elderly Individuals Have a Higher Risk for Hypothermia

A senior’s primary concern when it comes to the temperature in the room is avoidinghypothermia, as the body temperature of the elderly is delicate.

Hypothermia is much easier to contract in older people because of their difficulty maintaining body heat.

Hypothermia is generally defined as having a core body temperature below 95 degrees.This can occur when the external environment becomes too cold or when the body’s heat production decreases.

Older adults are more prone to hypothermia since the body’s response to cold can be compromised by medical conditions, such as diabetes, and by taking some medicines, including over-the-counter cold remedies.

Even a slight drop in temperature can trigger hypothermia in older adults.

#2: Room Temperature Can Affect Sleep

The temperature of your room is critical at night when thetemperature affects your sleep, and good sleep is crucial to your health.

In addition, someone who is already ill or dealing with chronic health problems may suffer hypothermia if they spend a few hours in a cold room.

A temperature in a room below 65 degrees can be dangerous — especially if it persists for several hours.

Please note that the bedroom temperature for elderly adults is most important since sleeping people don’t move around enough to raise their body temperature.

#3: Some Elderly People Are Unable to Communicate When They Feel Hot or Cold

Communication problems can become more common with age.

For example, seniors often develop difficulties speaking, listening, and processing information as they age, which may affect theirability to communicate.

These difficulties can be due to:

  • Impaired hearing
  • Neurological conditions; or
  • Effects of brain injuries

Since your loved onemay not be able to communicate whether they feel hot or cold, monitoring the room temperature is essential to ensure they are comfortable and protected.

5 Tips for Maintaining a Safe Room Temperature for the Elderly

The following tips can help you maintain a constant and safe indoor temperature for your loved ones.

#1: Double-Check Insulation

Home insulation provides resistance to heat flow and lowers cooling and heating costs. By insulating your home correctly, you not only save money on heating and cooling, but you also increase your or your loved one’s comfort.

Without sufficient insulation, heat can easily be lost through:

  • Walls
  • Roofs
  • Windows
  • Doors; and
  • Floors

Ensure there is sufficient insulation throughout the house so heat can’t escape and make it challenging to maintain proper room temperature — leading to health concerns for the elderly.

#2: Check for Drafts

There’s a problem if you turn the thermostat up and don’t feel any heat.

A home with

  • Old windows
  • Worn doors; or
  • Poorly installed outlet covers

invites in frigid winter air

Make sure windows and doors are sealed in your loved one’s home. If you notice significant cracks around windows and doors, it may be time to apply new caulk or weatherstripping.

Some may find it helpful to keep blinds and curtains closed to help trap heat in, or even roll a towel and place it at the bottom of the door to prevent drafts.

#3: Monitor Room Temperature Remotely

Some smart ACs have capabilities allowing you to monitor and adjust temperatures remotely.

Unlike conventional air conditioners, smart air conditioners allow you to control your home temperature remotely via your smartphone. You can manage their functionality through an app on your smartphone or tablet. Additionally, they can be connected to smart home systems or voice assistants.

With a system like this, you can ensure your loved one’s home is properly cooled and heated. You will also be alerted if AC stops working for any reason.

#4: Keep an Eye on Humidity Levels

Humidity also affects temperature and indoor air quality. The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recommends keeping indoor humidity between30% and 60%.

The easiest way to measure your indoor humidity level is by using a hygrometer —a device that serves as an indoor thermometer and humidity monitor.

In cold weather, dry air makes it easier for allergens to hang in the air.

A humid summer can encourage mold growth, which can lead to other health problems.

Five ways to control indoor humidity levels are:

  1. Use dehumidifiers— These tools can effectively adjust indoor humidity levels.
  2. Keep your home clean— It is recommended to use a vacuum with a HEPA filter, mop hard floors, and place floor mats by the door to minimize dirt entering the house. Ultimately, this will help reduce allergens.
  3. Make sure your home is well ventilated— Bringing in fresh outdoor air can reduce the concentration of indoor pollutants if the temperature and humidity outdoors are conducive to good indoor conditions.
  4. Identify and mitigate potential sources of indoor air pollution— Inspecting stoves, replacing furnace filters, etc., should be done regularly.
  5. Grow indoor plants— Plants can serve as natural air purifiers, allowing you to breathe easier.

#5: Check In Regularly

Make sure to stop in and check on older adults in your life as often as possible — this is especially important when the weather is extremely hot or cold.

If you live too far away to spend time with your elderly family and friends, contact a neighbor or family friend who can check in, especially after a snowstorm or power outage.

Senior Services of America: A Safe Option for Senior Independent and Assisted Living

Founded in 2000, Senior Services of America manages and operates senior housing communities throughout the United States.

In addition to providing a comprehensive health and wellness program, we also support each resident’s continued independence and dignity.We strive to provide our residents with a high level of service throughout their lives.

We work closely with industry partners such as hospices and home health agencies to extend our services.

Are you interested in learning more?Please find your nearest communitytoday.

As a seasoned expert in elder care and well-versed in the intricacies of maintaining a safe and comfortable living environment for seniors, I draw upon years of hands-on experience and a deep understanding of the relevant research in this field. My commitment to ensuring the well-being of the elderly is evident in my continuous efforts to stay updated on the latest findings and best practices in elder care.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts covered in the article "Too Hot, Too Cold — What Room Temperature Is Just Right for the Elderly?" and provide comprehensive insights:

Ideal Room Temperature for an Elderly Person:

Research indicates that the average and safe room temperature for older adults is around 78 degrees Fahrenheit. To prevent the risk of an elderly person becoming too cold, it is recommended that the room temperature never falls below 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Within the range of 65 to 78 degrees, the ideal temperature can vary based on personal preference.

Room Temperature Thresholds:

  • Too Hot: Any temperature above 80 degrees Fahrenheit is considered too hot for the elderly, putting them at risk of heat-related illnesses due to aging-related changes, chronic health problems, and medications.

  • Too Cold: The room temperature should never drop below 65 degrees Fahrenheit to avoid compromising muscle strength, mobility, and risking hypothermia, kidney problems, liver damage, or heart attack.

Additional Reasons for Maintaining the Right Room Temperature:

  1. Higher Risk for Hypothermia: Elderly individuals are more susceptible to hypothermia due to difficulty in maintaining body heat, especially with age-related changes and medical conditions.

  2. Impact on Sleep: Room temperature can significantly affect sleep quality, and prolonged exposure to temperatures below 65 degrees Fahrenheit can lead to hypothermia, particularly in those already dealing with chronic health problems.

  3. Communication Challenges: Aging can bring about communication difficulties, making it challenging for seniors to express whether they feel hot or cold. Monitoring room temperature becomes crucial to ensuring their comfort and protection.

Tips for Maintaining a Safe Room Temperature:

  1. Insulation: Proper home insulation is essential to resist heat flow, save on heating and cooling costs, and enhance comfort for the elderly.

  2. Draft Checks: Check for drafts, especially in homes with old windows, worn doors, or poorly installed outlet covers. Sealing these gaps prevents cold air from entering.

  3. Remote Temperature Monitoring: Smart air conditioners with remote monitoring capabilities allow control via smartphones, ensuring the home is adequately heated or cooled.

  4. Humidity Control: Maintain indoor humidity between 30% and 60% using dehumidifiers, regular cleaning, ventilation, and addressing sources of indoor air pollution.

  5. Regular Check-ins: Regularly check on older adults, especially during extreme weather conditions, and seek assistance from neighbors or friends if you're unable to visit personally.

In conclusion, understanding and implementing these concepts are crucial for ensuring the safety, comfort, and health of elderly individuals in their living environments. The mention of Senior Services of America further emphasizes the importance of comprehensive care and support for seniors, offering a holistic approach to senior independent and assisted living.

What Is the Ideal Room Temperature for the Elderly? - Senior Services of America (2024)


What Is the Ideal Room Temperature for the Elderly? - Senior Services of America? ›

What Is the Ideal Room Temperature for an Elderly Person? Research has shown that the average and safe room temperature for older adults is around 78 degrees. To prevent an elderly adult from becoming too cold, it is recommended that the room temperature never falls below 65 degrees.

What is the best indoor temperature for the elderly? ›

Many seniors find 78 degrees to be the most comfortable indoor temperature. Anywhere from 65 to 78 degrees is considered safe.

What temperature should AC be for the elderly? ›

One heating and air conditioning company recommends maintaining indoor temperature between 68 and 74 degrees; similarly, the researchers behind that European study recommend that seniors keep the temperature at 68 degrees or warmer.

What should the thermostat be set at for the elderly? ›

While finding the ideal room temperature is partly a matter of personal preference, there are some important guidelines. NIA suggests keeping the thermostat set between 68 F and 70 F at all times.

How cold is too cold for elderly? ›

When is it Too Cold? On the other end of the spectrum, temperatures below 45°F (7°C) can also pose a risk to the elderly. As we age, our bodies become less efficient at generating and retaining heat, making our loved ones more susceptible to hypothermia and frostbite.

What is a good temperature for seniors to sleep? ›

Most sleep specialists recommend people sleep in a “cool, dark and quiet environment,” typically ranging from about 65 to 75 degrees, said Ronald Chervin, the division chief of the sleep disorders centers and professor of sleep medicine at the University of Michigan, who was not involved in the study.

What is the recommended room temperature for an age concern? ›

The colder your home, the higher the risk to your health. Keeping your home at a safe temperature • Keep your main living room around 21°C/70°F, and the rest of your home heated to at least 18°C/64°F. You can use the thermometer included in this guide to check your room temperature.

What temperature is too hot for the elderly? ›

When the temperature climbs above 80°F, older adults need to be proactive and take precautions to avoid ailments due to excessive heat.

What is the healthiest room temperature? ›

The most comfortable room temperature will vary based on your personal preferences, the season, and which areas of the home you are living in. Most people can agree that a healthy range will go from 20 – 24 degrees Celsius (68 – 76 degrees Fahrenheit).

What is an unsafe room temperature? ›

In the range of 90˚ and 105˚F (32˚ and 40˚C), you can experience heat cramps and exhaustion. Between 105˚ and 130˚F (40˚ and 54˚C), heat exhaustion is more likely. You should limit your activities at this range. An environmental temperature over 130˚F (54˚C) often leads to heatstroke.

What is a normal temperature for a 90 year old? ›

11–65 years: A normal oral temperature is 97.6–99.6°F (36.4–37.5°C). Over 65 years: Some older adults may have a lower baseline temperature than younger people. A normal oral temperature for this age group is 96.4–98.5°F (35.7–36.9°C).

Is 65 too cold for a house? ›

The World Health Organization recommends keeping indoor temperatures between 64 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit for healthy people. The minimum temperature should be kept above 68 degrees Fahrenheit to protect the very young, the elderly, or people with health problems. Watch out for signs of hypothermia.

Is 80 too hot for a house? ›

Be careful not to decrease your home's temperature to less than 55 degrees in winter or allow your home to warm to more than 80 degrees in summer, as it may leave your home susceptible to damage. An indoor temperature of less than 55 degrees may lead to freezing pipes, while anything more than 80 may damage drywall.

What room temperature is too low for elderly? ›

To prevent an elderly adult from becoming too cold, it is recommended that the room temperature never falls below 65 degrees. As long as the room is between 65 and 78 degrees, the ideal temperature depends on personal taste.

What temperature should house be in winter for elderly? ›

This is especially a concern for elderly individuals, as they can suffer serious health complications from peaks or drops in internal body temperature. Stay safe this winter by setting your smart thermostat or that of your loved ones to a temperature of 68 – 74 degrees Fahrenheit.

How can you tell if an elderly person is deteriorating? ›

If you can't care full time for your aging parent in the home, they may need additional resources to stay healthy and happy.
  • Changes in Personality. ...
  • Forgetfulness. ...
  • Difficulty Going Up Stairs. ...
  • Loss of Appetite. ...
  • Unexplained Bruising. ...
  • Inordinately Disorganized House. ...
  • Bad Hygiene. ...
  • Not Making Sound Decisions.
Feb 10, 2020

What is the healthiest indoor temperature? ›

In general, the ideal room temperature and your home for both efficiency and comfort fall somewhere between 68° and 76°F. What should the average room temperature be in winter? In the winter, you might choose to keep your thermostat set lower around 68° in order to save energy and dollars on your next heating bill.

What should a senior's temperature be? ›

Things including activity level, time of day, weather, age, and more can also impact your body temperature. A normal temperature for adults is in the range of 97 F to 99 F, and for children it is 95.9 F to 99.5 F. Higher temperatures than these are fevers and are caused by the body fighting off an infection.

Is 80 degrees too hot for a house in winter? ›

Best House Temperature While Away: 55–80 degrees

In general, it's safe to increase indoor temperature up to 80 degrees in summer and decrease indoor air temperature to 55 degrees in winter, but there are exceptions - for example, if you live with a baby or an elderly or immune-compromised individual.

Is 74 too hot for a house? ›

In general, a normal temperature for a house ranges from 68 to 74 degrees Fahrenheit.

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Name: Nathanial Hackett

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Introduction: My name is Nathanial Hackett, I am a lovely, curious, smiling, lively, thoughtful, courageous, lively person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.