What Is the Howey Test and How Does It Impact Crypto? (2024)

The global financial landscape has become more complex with time. From navigating the commodities space to dipping into the vast world of real estate, small business partnerships, and even digital assets, the modern world can be pieced together by its financial arrangements. Yet, not every arrangement is the same. This is where the Howey Test comes in handy, helping to unblur the lines between investment contracts and other financial arrangements.

But why does discussing the Howey Test — an instrument from the 1940s — make sense in 2023? In crypto, it is appropriate to distinguish utility tokens (grant-specific tokens), security tokens, and other non-profit entities and other investment contracts. And with the SEC vs. XRP case on the verge of conclusion, it seems the right time to revisit the Howey test.

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In this guide:

  • A Howey Test starter pack: history, importance, and relevance
    • The Howey Test: Understanding the core components
      • Back to the lemonade example
    • How does the Howey Test relate to the crypto space?
    • Howey Test and the Bitcoin network
    • Howey Test and Ethereum
    • Howey Test and NFTs
      • Pros and cons of the Howey Test
      • Some alternate approaches
      • Howey Test and crypto clarity: what does the future hold?
      • Frequently asked questions

      A Howey Test starter pack: history, importance, and relevance

      What Is the Howey Test and How Does It Impact Crypto? (1)

      The Howey Test is a way of determining whether a transaction is an investment contract. Also, the Howey Test indicates if the transactions qualify per the Securities regulation and the Securities Act of 1933, the SEC terms these as securities.

      For the unversed, the Howey Test originated in 1946 as an after-effect of the SEC vs. W.J. Howey Co. case. Understanding this case and how it was unpacked in 1946 is crucial to making sense of the Howey Test framework in general.

      Here is the scenario underpinning the SEC vs. W.J. Howey Co. case.

      W.J Howey Co. — the firm — owned Florida-specific citrus groves, selling land parcels to investors. A service contract was also offered to the investors where W.J. Howey Co would manage, cultivate, and sell citrus fruits on the investors’ behalf, giving them a portion of the profits. It is necessary to note that the fruits concerning citrus groves aren’t important here. The investment contract between W.J. Howey Co. and the investors is deemed a security in this case.

      What came to light in this pivotal case?

      The SEC or the Securities and Exchange Commission, argued this transaction to be an investment contract with the following conditions:

      1. A common enterprise is handling investor money.
      2. The arrangement comes with an expectation of profits, with investors seeking it.
      3. Profits are not self-derived. Individuals relying on W.J. Howey Co. to make decent sell numbers substantiates the same.
      What Is the Howey Test and How Does It Impact Crypto? (2)

      As the Supreme Court sided with the SEC, a clear framework was set for the regulators to test every subsequent investment contract against.

      So the Howey Test helps regulators, entrepreneurs, and even investors check if the investment contract they are a part of adheres to the Securities Act of 1933 and the Exchange Act of 1934. If the investment contract passes the Howey Test and is deemed a security, the disclosures, compliance needs, and the specifics of registration also change to maintain integrity.

      The relevance of the Howey Test

      Modern-day financial instruments are complex. With new VDAs (Virtual Digital Assets) and their ICOs showing up almost every other day, the “securities” checking framework relevant to the Howey Test is all the more relevant in 2023.

      Here is an easier way of understanding the relevance:

      Imagine you, as a child,have started your own lemonade stall, pooling money from your friends (other children) who are also looking to make bigger returns once the stall becomes popular. However, the adults have helped everyone by making a few specialized rules for this scenario so that money and returns can be moved fairly.

      The Howey Test is synonymous with specialized rules. And it is important for every associated party (associated with the investment contract in focus) to understand the rules for making better decisions.

      The Howey Test: Understanding the core components

      As mentioned earlier, the Howey Test is a framework. It allows lawmakers to check if a specific investment contract adheres to federal securities law and if it qualifies as a security. And for that, there are four conditions (prongs) that it (the contract or the arrangement) must satisfy:

      1. There should be an investment of money.
      2. There should be a common enterprise for handling the money.
      3. There should be an expectation of profits.
      4. There should be the chances of profits derived from the efforts of others.

      Note that the second prong, “Common Enterprise,” has two interpretations. The first one is the “Horizontal Commonality.” This recognizes a project as a common enterprise if investors pool funds and profits associated with the same are project dependent.

      The second interpretation is “Vertical Commonality,” where the success of the project is directly related to the promoters or even the project managers. To sum things up, the common enterprise narrative requires investors to share the same set of risks and rewards or to have promoter-specific dependencies.

      Because of the decentralized nature of crypto, most cryptos hardly fulfill the Prong 2 requirements. But that’s not what the SEC thinks!

      What if the Howey prongs fail?

      Removing one prong from the state of affairs can help determine whether a transaction is a collectible, gift, commodity, or even a service, product, or subscription.



      What Is the Howey Test and How Does It Impact Crypto? (3)

      Here is what the asset or the transaction qualifies for in the absence of the “Investment” prong:

      What Is the Howey Test and How Does It Impact Crypto? (4)

      On removal of the “Common enterprise” prong, the transaction might qualify as decentralized.

      What Is the Howey Test and How Does It Impact Crypto? (5)

      Here is a transaction failing the “Profit expectations” prong.

      What Is the Howey Test and How Does It Impact Crypto? (6)

      And finally, here is what happens when the “Effort of others” metric is removed.

      To determine whether an investment is a security or not, every prong of the Howey Test framework should be checked. The asset or investment contract only qualifies as a security if all four prongs or metrics are satisfied.

      Back to the lemonade example

      Let us now revisit our “lemonade stall” example to understand the Howey test and its four prongs.

      Let us assume that a group of friends — Bob, Alice, and Carol — put up the lemonade stall we discussed. They pool investments and work together to prepare and sell lemonade. We can now compare it against the Howey Test framework.

      1. Investment of money: Three friends pooling money to buy lemons and cups does involve investment. This checks the first prong.
      2. Common enterprise: All the friends in the example above work together, with the lemonade stall being the common enterprise. The second criterion is satisfied.
      3. Profit expectations: All the involved friends are looking to make some money with this lemonade venture of theirs. Hence, the third criterion is also satisfied.
      4. Profits from the effort of others: Alice, Bob, and even Carol are contributing physically and finally to the project. Hence, the profits are derived from their own efforts, not the efforts of others. Imagine if a fourth friend Jack comes into the mix, who contributes financially to the project but doesn’t participate in physical work. The financial arrangement of Jack qualifies as a security.

      And that is what a simplified breakdown of the Howey Test framework looks like.

      How does the Howey Test relate to the crypto space?

      The crypto world comprises a wide range of tokens, assets, and scenarios. Therefore, evaluating crypto scenarios per the Howey test framework should be on a case-by-case basis. Sufficiently decentralized cryptos that are primarily used as a medium of exchange and haven’t raised funds using Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) might not be considered securities, per the Howey Test framework.

      However, quite a few cryptos have led the SEC to consider if some projects do in qualify as an investment according to the Howey framework. Here are the concerns that often require detailed tests:

      1. Projects using ICOs for raising funds.
      2. Security offerings that inadvertently represent some ownership and dependence of tokens on a specific company.
      3. Profit sharing as part of the token sale mechanism. This might involve earning liquidity tokens when you use your existing tokens to participate in liquidity mining.
      4. Centralized governance in the case of projects with minimal adoption. Or some PoS cryptos where centralized bodies manage a lot of staking concentration.
      5. Significant promoter influence.

      There are a handful of other concerns, but those outlined above are the factors that primarily require a Howey test. Let’s compare some of the more popular virtual digital assets against the Howey test framework to understand how they are perceived by the SEC.

      Howey Test and the Bitcoin network

      Here is how the Bitcoin network tests per the Howey Test framework:

      Prong 1: Buying BTC on exchanges is possible. Hence, the sense of investment holds despite being a decentralized currency.

      Prong 2: There is no common enterprise as BTC is sufficiently decentralized. There is no company handling and managing Bitcoin.

      Prong 3: There are some profit expectations due to its store of value narrative. Plus, people trade BTC, and therefore, the third prong holds.

      Prong 4: No passive form of income generation is in play, like staking. Every miner or node looking to earn BTC or rewards must work courtesy of the decentralized nature of the same. Hence, the fourth prong doesn’t hold.

      What Is the Howey Test and How Does It Impact Crypto? (12)

      Per the Howey Test framework, bitcoin doesn’t satisfy all four prongs, so it isn’t considered a security. Jay Clayton, former SEC Chair, also stated that bitcoin was not a security in 2018.

      Howey Test and XRP

      How does XRP or Ripple look from the lens of Federal Securities Law? Here’s how the Securities and Exchange Commission or SEC views XRP from the Howey Test perspective:

      Prong 1: As a digital asset, XRP can be bought, sold, and even traded. This approach towards investment satisfies the first prong.



      Prong 2: SEC mentions that Ripple Labs is the company behind XRP — the digital asset. Per the narrative, the second prong satisfies itself if the control of Ripple Labs on the distribution and development of XRP is established. For now, let’s say this prong is debatable, considering the ongoing SEC vs. XRP case.

      Prong 3: People have bought or have been buying XRP with a focus on profits. Plus, with the supposed control of XRP by Ripple, profit expectations seem influenced. This might also satisfy the third prong if proven. Also, let’s assume that even this aspect is debatable. Yet, investors are very much focused on profits, made evident by the rallying spurts at the trading counters.

      Prong 4: XRP investors, per the previous narratives, look to company announcements to drive the prices of the digital asset. Even this fourth prong might be satisfied if the connection between Ripple Labs and XRP is proven.

      What Is the Howey Test and How Does It Impact Crypto? (13)

      The state of the prongs will depend on the SEC vs. XRP case verdict.

      XRP’s arguments

      And while the SEC believes every prong to be true, Ripple Labs is refuting the SEC claims with the following points:

      1. XRP is looked at as a currency — a cross-border medium of exchange.
      2. It is a use-case and functionality-specific currency with a distinct presence from investments made in Ripple Labs.
      3. XRP ledger is adequately decentralized and should not be regarded as a common enterprise.

      As the verdict day approaches, we will have more clarity on this.

      Howey Test and Ethereum

      The Ethereum network’s shift to PoS from PoW ramped up the Howey Test and securities debate. Here is how the current state of prongs fit into the mix:

      Prong 1: The investment quotient remains intact as Ethereum’s native coin, ETH, can be bought, traded, and even staked for some return on investment. Hence, Ethereum qualifies as an investment.

      Prong 2: Both horizontal (pooling of funds) and vertical (role of promoters) interpretations ensure that the common enterprise factor isn’t fulfilled.

      Prong 3 and Prong 4: The expectation of profits remain, but they aren’t at the expense of others making the efforts. Validators winning rewards still need to work hard to qualify. Hence, profits are still self-derived, dissuading the fourth prong as well.

      What Is the Howey Test and How Does It Impact Crypto? (14)

      Overall, Ethereum PoS doesn’t qualify as a security and might not need to adhere to the securities regulation and the securities act of 1933.

      Howey Test and NFTs

      A lot of ambiguity exists when evaluating NFTs per the Howey Test framework. NFTs, when considered as digital artwork, might not qualify for the Howey Test for the following reasons. They can be minted (not always invested in). NFTs are related to decentralized networks (not always part of centralized collectibles). And they might not always be profit-specific (NFT profile pictures, ENS domains, and more).



      What Is the Howey Test and How Does It Impact Crypto? (15)

      Plus, only if your NFT sale is programmed to give you secondary royalties does the “profit derived from others” prong comes into play.

      Overall, NFTs, in most cases, do not pass even the majority of Howey Test metrics. Yet, the evaluation still needs to be on a case-to-case basis.

      What should crypto firms keep in mind?

      In case the investment type or an asset qualifies as a security, a company might have to keep up with the following concerns:

      1. Detailed and compliant registration statements.
      2. Disclosures to investors
      3. Compliance with trading rules, regulators, and other requirements relevant to the securities regulation.
      4. Compliance with AML and KYC requirements.
      5. Investor protection
      6. Compliant marketing and promotional gigs.

      With so many aspects to cover, it is understandable why bringing the Howey Test to crypto is almost always met with resistance.

      Pros and cons of the Howey Test


      1. Investor protection
      2. Legitimization of the space
      3. Regulatory clarity
      4. More power to Blockchain and builder-specific perspectives


      1. Stifled innovation
      2. Risk of overregulation
      3. Ambiguity in implementation as a plethora of crypto types exist
      4. International variations in the “securities tag.”

      Some alternate approaches

      To better understand the cons of the Howey Test, here are some alternate approaches you should know about. Regardless of the other approaches, the Howey Test is still the most popular one around:

      1. The Reves test

      Much like the SEC vs. W.J. Howey Co. case, this approach was born from the Reves vs. Ernst & Young case. It also involves four prongs, namely: the buyer-seller motivation, distribution plan, investor expectations, and the existence of alternative, investor-protecting regimes.

      1. The “Gary Plastic” test

      This test, corresponding to the SEC vs. Gary Plastic Packaging case, is a way to evaluate if a non-security can, at any time, be considered a security. Additionally, the parameters here include marketing and promotions in play, the existence of common trading areas, and investor expectations.

      1. The Risk Capital test

      This evaluation type is popularly used in U.S. courts to determine whether an investment is a security. The metrics used here include the risk quotient associated with the investment, control of the investors on the company, and capital risks posed by the effort of others.

      And while these tests are restricted to the U.S., other economies have their own frameworks to check for whether an investment may be a security. These include the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive for the European Union, the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority, Canada’s Pacific Coin Test, and more.

      Howey Test and crypto clarity: what does the future hold?



      So what does the Howey test mean for the future of crypto? While the Howey Test and the four prongs define the regulatory landscape for financial instruments, including crypto, it is still inherently suitable for traditional investments and instruments.

      In an ideal world, the Howey test would set a regulatory precedent while recognizing the unique traits of crypto. Plus, ongoing collaboration and dialogue between businesses, consumers, and regulators will always be required for all parties to navigate the complex realm of digital assets successfully.

      Frequently asked questions

      What are the four elements of the Howey test?

      The four elements of the Howey Test include checking for an investment, checking if there is a common enterprise in play, seeing if there are profit expectations involved, and are the profits, if present, are derived from the efforts of others. Only if a digital asset or an investment satisfies every aspect of the Howey Test is it considered to be a security.

      Does cryptocurrency pass the Howey test?

      Firstly, crypto isn’t a security as the concept of decentralization is at odds with the common enterprise narrative. However, with new cryptos coming to market, there might be a handful that have investment contracts, profit promises, third-party exposure, and are set up as common enterprises, qualifying them as SEC-backed securities.

      Does XRP pass the Howey test?

      XRP’s fate, as security or not, depends on the verdict of the SEC vs. XRP case. Right now, the SEC believes that XRP satisfies every Howey test prong, but XRP has put forth arguments to the contrary, claiming that XRP is adequately decentralized and that the cryptos price action is unrelated to the state of the Ripple Labs.

      What does it mean to fail the Howey test?

      Failing the Howey Test means that a transaction isn’t deemed an investment contract and therefore is not a security. The investment or asset fails the test only if it fails to satisfy any one aspect or prong associated with the Howey Test.

      Why is bitcoin not a security?

      Bitcoin lacks central authority and therefore fails to satisfy the Common Enterprise narrative. Plus, the profits generated by miners are self-derived, which dissatisfies prong four of the Howey test. And finally, BTC is not a pure investment contract; it is more of a digital currency, which also makes it fail the Howey Test.

      Does Ethereum pass the Howey test?

      The newly transitioned Ethereum, or rather, the Ethereum PoS, might not be security as it has no promoter exposure and it is still adequately decentralized. Also, the profits are still self-derived as the validators eyeing rewards still need to keep the network up and validate transactions to keep the income tap running.

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      I am an expert with extensive knowledge in financial regulations, particularly in the context of emerging technologies like cryptocurrency. My expertise is rooted in a comprehensive understanding of the global financial landscape, including traditional investments, real estate, and the intricate world of digital assets.

      The article discusses the relevance of the Howey Test in 2023, specifically in the realm of cryptocurrency. The Howey Test, developed in 1946 as a result of the SEC vs. W.J. Howey Co. case, is a crucial tool for determining whether a transaction qualifies as an investment contract and falls under securities regulations.

      Here are the key concepts covered in the article:

      1. Howey Test: History, Importance, and Relevance

        • The Howey Test originated in 1946 as a result of the SEC vs. W.J. Howey Co. case.
        • It helps determine if a transaction is an investment contract, subject to securities regulations.
      2. Core Components of the Howey Test

        • Investment of money.
        • Common enterprise for handling the money.
        • Expectation of profits.
        • Profits derived from the efforts of others.
      3. Application of the Howey Test in Crypto

        • Distinction between utility tokens, security tokens, and other investment contracts.
        • Relevance of the Howey Test in the SEC vs. XRP case.
      4. Howey Test and Specific Cryptocurrencies

        • Evaluation of Bitcoin, XRP, Ethereum, and NFTs through the Howey Test framework.
        • Discussion of decentralization, profit expectations, and promoter influence.
      5. Pros and Cons of the Howey Test

        • Pros include investor protection, legitimization of the space, and regulatory clarity.
        • Cons encompass stifled innovation, risk of overregulation, and international variations in securities classification.
      6. Alternate Approaches to the Howey Test

        • Introduction of alternative tests such as the Reves test, Gary Plastic test, and Risk Capital test.
      7. Crypto Firms' Considerations if Classified as a Security

        • Detailed registration statements, disclosures, compliance with trading rules, and investor protection.
      8. Future Implications and Frequently Asked Questions

        • Potential impact of the Howey Test on the future of crypto.
        • FAQ covering the four elements of the Howey Test, crypto's passage of the test, XRP's status, consequences of test failure, and reasons why Bitcoin and Ethereum are not securities.

      In conclusion, the Howey Test remains a vital tool for navigating the complex regulatory landscape of modern financial instruments, especially in the evolving world of cryptocurrency. As the article suggests, ongoing collaboration and dialogue between stakeholders are essential for successfully integrating digital assets into existing regulatory frameworks.

      What Is the Howey Test and How Does It Impact Crypto? (2024)


      What Is the Howey Test and How Does It Impact Crypto? ›

      The Howey test is a legal framework outlined by the U.S. Supreme Court to determine whether a transaction qualifies as an investment contract and should be regulated. The Howey test consists of four criteria: an investment of money, expectation of profits, common enterprise, and reliance on the efforts of others.

      What is the Howey test in simple terms? ›

      The Howey Test, which was developed by the Supreme Court in a landmark 1946 case, defines an “investment contract” as possessing the following attributes: 1) An investment of money. 2) In a common enterprise. 3) With the reasonable expectation of profits.

      Does Ethereum meet the Howey test? ›

      The SEC has not officially declared Ethereum a security, although it has taken such positions on other cryptocurrencies. The criteria for what constitutes a security in the U.S. is based on the "Howey Test," which arises from a Supreme Court case involving investment contracts.

      What are the three prongs of the Howey test? ›

      Under the Howey Test, a transaction is an investment contract if:
      • It is an investment of money.
      • There is an expectation of profits from the investment.
      • The investment of money is in a common enterprise.
      • Any profit comes from the efforts of a promoter or third-party.
      May 1, 2024

      What do courts apply the Howey test to determine? ›

      The Howey Test determines what qualifies as an "investment contract," subjecting the asset to U.S. securities laws. An investment contract exists if there is an "investment of money in a common enterprise with a reasonable expectation of profits to be derived from the efforts of others."

      Why is the howey test important for crypto? ›

      What Implications Does the Howey Test Have for Crypto Exchanges? If a crypto-asset passes the Howey test and is declared an investment contract, a U.S.-registered exchange might face regulatory actions for facilitating the sale of an unregistered security.

      What are the 4 questions of howey test? ›

      What are the elements of the Howey test? The four elements of the Howey test are: investment of money, common enterprise, expectation of profits, and efforts of others. For a transaction to qualify as a security, "yes" must be answered to each of the test questions.

      Is crypto a security or commodity? ›

      Virtual currency is a digital representation of value that functions as a medium of exchange, a unit of account, and/or a store of value. Is Bitcoin a commodity? Yes, virtual currencies, such as Bitcoin, have been determined to be commodities under the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA). Does the CFTC oversee Bitcoin?

      Do Stablecoins pass the Howey test? ›

      While a stablecoin purchase generally should satisfy the 'investment of money' prong of the Howey test, not all stablecoin structures would necessarily satisfy the 'common enterprise' prong of the test.

      Is Cardano a commodity or security? ›

      If a party has 20%, or more, control, then it is a security For Cardano this means: It is a commodity due to the SPO process in delegation and hard forks.

      Why isn't crypto a security? ›

      Bitcoin does not meet this criteria because it does not have any issuer or promoter who controls its supply or value. It is also decentralized and distributed among its users who validate transactions and secure the network through proof-of-work mining.

      How to know if a crypto is a security? ›

      What makes a crypto a security?
      1. Money is invested.
      2. There is an expectation the investor will earn a profit.
      3. The investment is in a common enterprise.
      4. Profits are generated via the efforts of others.

      Which cryptos are not securities? ›

      The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission takes the position that nearly all cryptocurrencies are securities, with bitcoin the only known exception. The classification of cryptocurrencies as securities has significant implications for their regulation.

      How to pass the Howey test? ›

      Under the Howey Test, a transaction qualifies as a security if it involves the following four elements:
      1. An investment of money.
      2. In a common enterprise.
      3. A reasonable expectation of profit.
      4. Derived from the efforts of others.
      Aug 7, 2023

      Does Ethereum pass the Howey test? ›

      The Howey Test is used to determine whether an asset is a security or not and consists of four criteria. Ethereum may pass the first three criteria but fails the fourth due to its decentralized nature.

      Is XRP a security? ›

      Ripple executives have said that Hamilton's ruling doesn't undo Torres' 2023 ruling that XRP is not a security under federal law. “In the SEC's case, Judge Torres' ruled that under federal law XRP is not in and of itself a security,” Ripple Chief Legal Officer Stu Alderoty said in an emailed statement.

      How do you pass the Howey test? ›

      Under the Howey Test, a transaction qualifies as a security if it involves the following four elements:
      1. An investment of money.
      2. In a common enterprise.
      3. A reasonable expectation of profit.
      4. Derived from the efforts of others.
      Aug 7, 2023

      What is the howey test used to determine quizlet? ›

      The Howey Test, from a 1946 Supreme Court case, is the legal test for determining whether an investment is a security subject to the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

      How is the howey test different from the reves test? ›

      Howey is used to determine whether an instrument is an “investment contract” as that term is used in the definition of a security contained in the Securities Act of 1933 and the Exchange Act of 1934; Reves is used to determine whether a “note” is a security as defined in those Acts.

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      Author: Lilliana Bartoletti

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      Author information

      Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

      Birthday: 1999-11-18

      Address: 58866 Tricia Spurs, North Melvinberg, HI 91346-3774

      Phone: +50616620367928

      Job: Real-Estate Liaison

      Hobby: Graffiti, Astronomy, Handball, Magic, Origami, Fashion, Foreign language learning

      Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.