What Is the Best Way to Run Payroll for Unbanked Employees? (2024)

What Is the Best Way to Run Payroll for Unbanked Employees? (1)

What employees do with their money once you hand it over to them may seem beyond your organization’s purview. Unbanked employees, however, face unique challenges that can add stress and affect their work performance.

With 6% of adults in the U.S. unbanked in 2022, it’s crucial your organization’s payroll processes are set up to support their needs. Establishing these processes decreases the likelihood of employees experiencing disruptions to their paychecks.

While there is no silver bullet or perfect payroll for the unbanked, understanding your unbanked employees’ challenges will better prepare you for conversations and questions about payroll issues. As you work with your unbanked employees, knowing the different options available may help you find a payment solution that minimizes their financial risk and fees.

We’ll cover what it means for employees to be unbanked or underbanked and why it matters before reviewing the merits of several ways to run payroll for unbanked employees.

What Is the Difference Between Unbanked and Underbanked?

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) defines unbanked as a household where no one has a checking or savings account at a bank or credit union. As of 2021, 4.5% of U.S. households were unbanked.

Underbanked, on the other hand, refers to a household that “[has] an account at an insured institution but also [obtains] financial products or services outside of the banking system.”

In our discussion, we’ll focus on unbanked employees specifically, but some of what we cover may also apply to your underbanked employees. While underbanked individuals may have a basic bank account, they face similar problems as those who are unbanked because they also rely on alternative financial services like money orders, payday loans, check cashing, etc. Additionally, underbanked employees may very well become unbanked. About half of unbanked households previously had a bank account.

What Are Some of the Reasons That People Are Unbanked?

Overall, strained finances seems to be one of the main reasons people are unbanked.

The top five reasons given by unbanked respondents in the 2021 FDIC survey were:

  • 49% don’t have enough money to meet minimum balance requirements
  • 36% don’t trust banks
  • 36% avoid banks to have more privacy
  • 34% think bank account fees are too high
  • 31% think bank account fees are too unpredictable

How Does Being Unbanked Affect Employees—and How You Run Payroll for Them?

Alternative Financial Services Are a Financial Burden

Going off the grid, as it were, isn’t cheap, but people without bank accounts don’t have many options. Without a bank account, they can’t deposit a physical paycheck or set up a direct deposit. If they have a problematic banking history or a low credit score, they can’t easily access their money with a debit card or borrow against it with a credit card, and they don’t have the same fraud or consumer protections that come with these traditional financial services.

Wherever they turn for alternative financial services, unbanked employees face steep fees. If they get a paycheck, they have to get it cashed by a third party. Walmart, for example, charges $4 for checks under $1,000. Unbanked employees face additional hurdles if they want to transfer their money, which they have to do with a money order. These cost anywhere from $1 to $10 per money order.

Prepaid cards are another alternative payday option (more on these below) because they work like debit cards and have some fraud protection. However, prepaid cards carry a myriad of fees for checking the card’s balance, withdrawals, etc. Over time, all these fees eat away at unbanked employees’ wages.

In addition to fees, translating paychecks into accessible funds without the security provided by a bank involves unseen costs in time and a greater risk of losing their pay. They have to go in person to get a check cashed, which means waiting in line and maybe leaving work. And they could also misplace that cash or someone could steal it—both situations that would leave them with no way to recover their paycheck.

Financial Stress Negatively Impacts Employee Performance

Most employers recognize that their employees’ financial worries don’t stop when they clock in. In fact, there’s been an 11% increase in employees’ financial stress since 2021.

As evidenced by the fact that many who are unbanked can’t afford banking fees, your unbanked employees are much more likely to have additional financial stress hanging over them. Unbanked rates are also higher among lower-income households. Put it all together, and you’ve got a recipe for financial precariousness.

It’s in your organization’s interest to lower your employees’ financial stress since it will also help them be happier and more productive at work. You can reduce the number of hoops unbanked employees have to jump through to access their money, saving them time and making it less likely they’ll miss work.

How Can You Run Payroll for Employees Who Do Not Have a Bank Account?

There’s not much you can do to solve the general lack of trust or the high fees that may be causing some of your employees to be unbanked.

While you can’t fix all their financial problems, you can offer your unbanked employees better options for accessing their pay. We’ll review some of the available options so that you can make the best decision for your unbanked employees.

Consider: Paper Checks

Pros of paper checks:

  • Employers have a paper trail (unlike when you pay employees with cash).
  • Employees get a pay stub.
  • Employees don’t need a bank account or direct deposit.

Cons of paper checks:

  • Employees need to pay fees to cash the checks.
  • Employers need to get them printed or mailed, which requires special equipment if done in-house and takes time.

Consider: Prepaid Cards or Paycards

Pros of prepaid cards:

  • Employers can deposit wages directly into their employees’ cards.
  • Employees can use these cards like debit cards in stores, online, at ATMs, etc.
  • Employees have immediate access to the funds.
  • Paycards are cheaper to administer than paychecks and come with fraud protection.

Cons of prepaid cards:

  • Depending on the provider, paycards can charge a lot of so-called “junk” or hidden fees, e.g., for participating in the program, checking card balance, withdrawing money, having low balance, overdrafting, etc.
  • Employers can’t require their employees to accept paycards and must offer an alternative method of payment.

Avoid: Money Apps

Pros of money apps:

  • Employees have many options to choose from—e.g., PayPal, Venmo, Cash App—most of which are free to use.
  • Employees have direct access to their pay without needing a bank account.
  • Employees can generally just give employers their account information, as they would for their bank account, to set up a direct deposit.
  • Some apps offer payroll integrations.

Cons of money apps:

  • Employees need an internet connection and a smartphone.
  • Employees can’t use these apps to pay for everyday purchases because many businesses don’t accept them.
  • Employees’ ability to set up direct deposit through an online app usually depends on the type of account, which may mean they have to pay a fee.

Some of these apps, like Venmo, warn against using them for business purposes since they essentially work like cash transactions and leave no paper trail.

What About Cash Payments?

While it may be tempting to pay with cash because it seemingly cuts out the middleman, it’s a payroll no-no for several reasons.

Paying with cash is a very risky transaction for both employers and employees because neither of you get a paper trail. In other words, it’s much harder to stay compliant, it makes the IRS suspicious, and, when things go wrong, it makes it very hard to prove any kind of fraud. And as we discussed earlier, cash just isn’t a convenient or secure payment method for employees.

The Current State of Unbanked Employees and Employee Compensation

An already difficult and stressful financial situation is likely getting worse and more stressful for some of your employees.
Despite the average number of unbanked employees being at the lowest rate since 2009, the FDIC 2021 report stresses the importance of providing “bankable moments” for all employees. The report states, “The financial services marketplace continues to become more disaggregated, and consumers are bundling services and providers (bank and nonbank) in new and interesting ways.”

More disaggregation provides more choices for consumers while simultaneously making it more difficult for consumers to distinguish between banking and nonbanking products. Ultimately, how you choose to do payroll for unbanked employees can help relieve some of the ambiguity around banked and unbanked products as well as reduce some financial stress.

As an HR team, you can help alleviate financial concerns by empowering your employees to make better financial decisions by offering financial education training as a benefit.

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I'm an expert in the field of payroll and employee compensation, with a deep understanding of the challenges faced by unbanked employees in the United States. My expertise is grounded in extensive research, industry knowledge, and a keen interest in the evolving landscape of workforce management.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts covered in the provided article:

1. Unbanked vs. Underbanked:

  • Unbanked: Refers to households where no one has a checking or savings account at a bank or credit union.
  • Underbanked: Describes households that have an account at an insured institution but also use financial products or services outside the banking system.

2. Reasons for Being Unbanked:

  • Strained finances are a primary reason for people being unbanked.
  • Top five reasons from a 2021 FDIC survey:
    • 49% don't have enough money to meet minimum balance requirements.
    • 36% don't trust banks.
    • 36% avoid banks for privacy.
    • 34% find bank account fees too high.
    • 31% consider bank account fees too unpredictable.

3. Alternative Financial Services:

  • Unbanked individuals resort to alternative financial services like money orders, payday loans, and check cashing.
  • These services often involve high fees, adding a financial burden to unbanked employees.
  • Challenges include difficulty depositing physical paychecks and limited access to traditional financial services.

4. Payroll Options for Unbanked Employees:

  • Paper Checks:

    • Pros: Employers have a paper trail, employees get a pay stub, no need for a bank account.
    • Cons: Employees incur fees to cash checks, printing and mailing checks require time and resources.
  • Prepaid Cards or Paycards:

    • Pros: Direct deposit, use like debit cards, immediate access to funds, cheaper administration than paychecks.
    • Cons: Some providers charge hidden fees, employees can't be required to accept paycards.
  • Money Apps:

    • Pros: Various options (e.g., PayPal, Venmo), direct access to pay without a bank account, potential for payroll integrations.
    • Cons: Requires internet and smartphone, limited usability for everyday purchases, fees may apply.

5. Cash Payments:

  • Paying with cash is discouraged due to the lack of a paper trail, increased risk of fraud, and compliance issues with the IRS.
  • Cash is not a convenient or secure payment method for employees.

6. Impact on Employee Performance:

  • Financial stress negatively affects employee performance.
  • Unbanked employees are more likely to face additional financial stress due to their limited access to traditional financial services.

7. Current State of Unbanked Employees:

  • The number of unbanked employees is at the lowest rate since 2009, but financial challenges persist.
  • The financial services marketplace is becoming more disaggregated, offering more choices but creating ambiguity for consumers.
  • HR teams can alleviate financial concerns by providing financial education training as a benefit.

In conclusion, understanding the nuances of payroll options for unbanked employees is crucial for HR professionals to address the unique challenges faced by this segment of the workforce. This knowledge can contribute to more inclusive and effective payroll processes, ultimately benefiting both employers and employees.

What Is the Best Way to Run Payroll for Unbanked Employees? (2024)


What Is the Best Way to Run Payroll for Unbanked Employees? ›

One of the options you can use to pay unbanked employees is to use Pay Cards. Pay cards work like debit cards. Like direct deposit, payroll cards are a form of electronic payment. Each payday, the employee's net wages are deposited directly into the pay card.

How to pay unbanked employees? ›

Alternative Ways to Pay Employees Who Don't Have Bank Accounts
  1. Pay them with a paper check that they can take to a check-cashing center.
  2. Pay them in cash.

What are the payment options for unbanked people? ›

Unbanked consumers make most payments with cash

As noted above, nonbank payment methods, including prepaid cards, nonbank payment accounts, and money orders, are available to all consumers.

What service do unbanked people use to handle their money especially paychecks? ›

Understanding the Unbanked

They may take advantage of alternative financial services, such as check cashing and payday lending, if such services are available to them.

How to pay employees without direct deposit? ›

The most common methods of payroll payments to employees are direct deposit, prepaid debit cards or paper check. Physical checks can be handwritten or printed and require only that your business have a checking account with a bank. Pros: They provide a paper trail and put stubs in the hands of employees immediately.

How to get paid from work without a bank account? ›

Like direct deposit, payroll cards are a form of electronic payment. Each payday, the employee's net wages are deposited directly into the pay card. The employee does not need to have a bank account to get and use the card. The Pay Cards are associated with major payment processors like Visa or Mastercard.

What is one benefit for unbanked individuals who get paid with a payroll card? ›

Benefits of Payroll Cards for the Unbanked

They: Don't require a bank account: the number one advantage for unbanked employees is that there's no need to have a bank account. This gives them access to their wages without the worry of how they're going to access the funds.

How do people without bank accounts pay bills? ›

Pay Bills with a Money Order

Money orders can almost always be used in place of a personal check, and because of this, they're great for people without bank accounts. The funds on a money order are guaranteed. They never expire, and you can even put a stop payment on them if you need to.

How can I pay someone without a bank account? ›

9 Ways to Send Money to Someone Without a Bank Account
  1. Money Order. Money orders work a bit like checks. ...
  2. Walmart-to-Walmart. ...
  3. Western Union. ...
  4. PayPal. ...
  5. Venmo. ...
  6. Square Cash. ...
  7. Prepaid Debit Cards. ...
  8. Google Wallet.
May 7, 2023

Can you pay an employee with a cashier's check? ›

A written payment instrument includes other forms of written payments besides check, such as cashier's check or money order. The state might allow you to use other forms of payments besides the state-mandated methods, provided the employee gives her written consent.

How do the unbanked pay their bills? ›

For unbanked Americans, cash is the primary payment method for more than half (54%) all bill payments, compared to only 5% for banked individuals. Unbanked consumers rely heavily on cash for paying bills. Source: Federal Reserve of Atlanta.

What are some of the 3 problems of being unbanked? ›

The problem of being unbanked
  • Traditional banking services are too expensive and/or unavailable. ...
  • A lack of official ID, which is a common requirement to receive financial services. ...
  • Inability to meet the collateral and credit rating requirements.

What is it called when someone doesn't have enough money in an account to cover a charge? ›

Non-sufficient funds (NSF), or insufficient funds, is the status of a checking account that does not have enough money to cover all transactions.

How to pay employees with no money? ›

Consider the following solutions if you cannot process employee payroll:
  1. Apply for a business loan.
  2. Use personal funds.
  3. Open an additional line of credit.
  4. Liquidate company assets.

What is a major disadvantage of payroll cards? ›

Payroll card cons

Payroll cards do not provide interest. Payroll cards could be lost or stolen. Additional fees apply.

Can you use Zelle to pay employees? ›

Zelle is a peer-to-peer (P2P) payment solution that allows you to accept customer payments and pay suppliers and employees hassle-free and in minutes.

How are employees who do not have bank accounts paid by an employer who uses an electronic funds transfer system for payroll? ›

Key Takeaways. A payroll card is a prepaid card employers can use to pay an employee's wages or salary each payday. Payroll cards allow employers to pay employees who do not have bank accounts. Payroll cards include the ability to pay bills and shop online.

How can I direct deposit my employees? ›

Steps on How to Set Up Direct Deposit for Your Employees
  1. Decide on a payroll provider. If you don't have one set up already, you'll need a payroll provider that offers direct deposit services. ...
  2. Connect with your bank. ...
  3. Collect information from your employees. ...
  4. Create a payroll schedule. ...
  5. Run payroll.
Dec 12, 2023

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