What is Spyware | Spyware Removal and Protection | Malwarebytes (2024)

Spyware is a form of malware that hides on your device, monitors your activity, and steals sensitive information like bank details and passwords.


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What is Spyware | Spyware Removal and Protection | Malwarebytes (1)

All about spyware

When you go online, don’t assume that your privacy is secure. Prying eyes often follow your activity—and your personal information—with a pervasive form of malicious software called spyware. In fact, it’s one of the oldest and most widespread threats on the Internet, secretly infecting your computer in order to initiate a variety of illegal activities, including identity theft or a data breach.

It’s easy to fall prey to and can be hard to get rid of, especially since you’re most likely not even aware of it. But relax; we’ve got your back with all you need to know about what spyware is, how you get it, what it tries to do to you, how to deal with it, and what to do to avoid future spyware attacks.

What is spyware?

Spyware. Although it sounds like a James Bond gadget, it’s actually a type of malware that infects your PC or mobile device and gathers information about you, including the sites you visit, the things you download, your usernames and passwords, payment information, and the emails you send and receive.

No big surprise—spyware is sneaky. It finds its way on to your computer without your knowledge or permission, attaching itself to your operating system. You might even inadvertently permit spyware to install itself when you agree to the terms and conditions of a seemingly legitimate program without reading the fine print.

Whatever way spyware manages to get on your PC, the method of operation is generally the same—it runs quietly in the background, maintaining a secret presence, collecting information or monitoring your activities in order to trigger malicious activities related to your computer and how you use it. And even if you discover its unwelcome presence on your system, Spyware does not come with an easy uninstall feature.

What is Spyware | Spyware Removal and Protection | Malwarebytes (2)

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“Spyware runs quietly in the background, collecting information.”

How do I get spyware?

Spyware can infect your system in the same ways as any other form of malware. Here are a few of spyware’s main techniques to infect your PC or mobile device.

  • Security vulnerabilities, e.g. backdoors and exploits. An exploit is a security vulnerability in your device’s hardware or software that can be abused or exploited to gain unauthorized access. Software vulnerabilities are also known as “software bugs” or just “bugs” for short. Exploits are an unintentional byproduct of hardware and software manufacturing. Mistakes happen and bugs manage to find their way in to even the most polished consumer technology. Backdoors, on the other hand, are put in place on purpose as a way to quickly gain access to your system after the fact. Sometimes the hardware and software makers themselves put the backdoors in. More often than not, however, cybercriminals will use an exploit to gain initial access to your system then install a permanent backdoor for future access.
  • Phishing and spoofing. These two threats are often used in tandem. Phishing happens whenever criminals try to get you to perform some sort of action such as clicking a link to a malware-laden website, opening an infected email attachment (aka malspam), or giving up your login credentials. Spoofing refers to the act of disguising phishing emails and websites so that they appear to be from and by individuals and organizations you trust.
  • Misleading marketing. Spyware authors love to present their spyware programs as useful tools to download. It might be an Internet accelerator, new download manager, hard disk drive cleaner, or an alternative web search service. Beware this kind of “bait,” because installing it can result in inadvertent spyware infection. And even if you eventually uninstall the “useful” tool that initially introduced the infection, the spyware remains behind and continues to function.
  • Software bundles. Who doesn’t love free software (freeware)? Except when it’s a host program that conceals a malicious add-on, extension, or plugin. Bundleware may look like necessary components, but they are nonetheless spyware, which, again, remains even if you uninstall the host application. Making matters worse, you may find that you actually agreed to install the spyware when you accepted the terms of service for the original application.
  • Trojans. Broadly speaking, if malware pretends to be something it’s not—that means it’s a Trojan. That said, most Trojans today are not threats in and of themselves. Rather, cybercriminals use Trojans to deliver other forms of malware, like cryptojackers, ransomware, and viruses.
  • Mobile device spyware. Mobile spyware has been around since mobile devices became mainstream. Mobile spyware is especially devious since mobile devices are small and users generally can’t see what programs are running in the background as easily as they might on their laptop or desktop. Both Mac and Android devices are vulnerable to spyware. These apps include legitimate apps recompiled with harmful code, straight up malicious apps posing as legitimate ones (often with names resembling popular apps), and apps with fake download links.

“Mobile spyware has been around since mobile devices became mainstream.”

Types of spyware

In most of the cases, the functionality of any spyware threat depends on the intentions of its authors. For example, some typical functions designed into spyware include the following.

    • Password stealers are applications designed to harvest passwords from infected computers. The types of collected passwords may include stored credentials from web browsers, system login credentials, and sundry critical passwords. These passwords may be kept in a location of the attacker’s choosing on the infected machine or may be transmitted to a remote server for retrieval.
    • Banking Trojans (e.g. Emotet) are applications designed to harvest credentials from financial institutions. They take advantage of vulnerabilities in browser security to modify web pages, modify transaction content, or insert additional transactions, all in a completely covert fashion invisible to both the user and host web application. Banking Trojans may target a variety of financial institutions, including banks, brokerages, online financial portals, or digital wallets. They might also transmit collected information to remote servers for retrieval.
    • Infostealers are applications that scan infected computers and seek out a variety of information, including usernames, passwords, email addresses, browser history, log files, system information, documents, spreadsheets, or other media files. Like banking Trojans, infostealers may exploit browser security vulnerabilities to collect personal information in online services and forums, then transmit the information to a remote server or store it on your PC locally for retrieval.
    • Keyloggers, also referred to as system monitors, are applications designed to capture computer activity, including keystrokes, websites visited, search history, email discussions, chatroom dialogue, and system credentials. They typically collect screenshots of the current window at scheduled intervals. Keyloggers may also collect functionality, allowing for stealthy capture and transmission of images and audio/video from any connected devices. They might even allow attackers to collect documents that are printed on connected printers, which can then be transmitted to a remote server, or stored locally for retrieval.

Spyware news

History of spyware

As with much Internet discourse, it’s difficult to pin down exactly where “spyware” as a word and a concept originated. Public references to the term date back to Usenet discussions happening in the mid-90s. By the early 2000s, “spyware” was being used by cybersecurity companies, in much the same way we might use the term today; i.e. some sort of unwanted software program designed to spy on your computer activity.

In June 2000, the first anti-spyware application was released. In October 2004, America Online and the National Cyber-Security Alliance performed a survey. The result was startling. About 80% of all Internet users have their system affected by spyware, about 93% of spyware components are present in each of the computers, and 89% of the computer users were unaware of their existence. Out of the affected parties, almost all, about 95%, confessed that they never granted permission to install them.

At present, and in general, the Windows operating system is the preferred target for spyware applications, thanks largely to its widespread use. However, in recent years spyware developers have also turned their attention to the Apple platform, as well as to mobile devices.

Mac spyware

Spyware authors have historically concentrated on the Windows platform because of its large user base when compared to the Mac. However, the industry has seen a big jump in Mac malware since 2017, the majority of which is spyware. Although spyware authored for the Mac has similar behaviors as the Windows variety, most of the Mac spyware attacks are either password stealers or general-purpose backdoors. In the latter category, the spyware’s malicious intent includes remote code execution, keylogging, screen captures, arbitrary file uploads and downloads, password phishing, and so on.

“The industry has seen a big jump in Mac malware in 2017, the majority of which is spyware.”

In addition to malicious spyware, there’s also so-called “legitimate” spyware for Macs. This software is actually sold by a real company, from a real website, usually with the stated goal of monitoring children or employees. Of course, such software is a two-edged sword, as it’s very often misused, providing the average user with a way of accessing spyware capabilities without needing any special knowledge.

Mobile spyware

Mobile spyware hides undetected in the background (creating no shortcut icon) on a mobile device and steals information such as incoming/outgoing SMS messages, incoming/outgoing call logs, contact lists, emails, browser history, and photos. Mobile spyware can also potentially log your keystrokes, record anything within the distance of your device’s microphone, secretly take pictures in the background, and track your device’s location using GPS. In some cases, spyware apps can even control devices via commands sent by SMS messages and/or remote servers. The spyware can send your stolen information via data transfer to a remote server or through email.

Also, it’s not just consumers that mobile spyware criminals target. If you use your smartphone or tablet in the workplace, hackers can turn their attack to your employer organization through vulnerabilities in mobile devices. Moreover, your corporation’s incident response team may not detect breaches that originate through a mobile device.

Spyware breaches on smartphones commonly occur in three ways:

  • Unsecured free wi-fi, which is common in public places such as airports and cafes. If you log onto an unsecured network, the bad guys can see everything you do while connected. Pay attention to warning messages your device may give you, especially if it indicates that the server identity cannot be verified. Protect yourself by avoiding such unsecured connections.
  • Operating system (OS) flaws, which open up exploits that could let attackers infect a mobile device. Smartphone manufacturers frequently release OS updates to protect users, which is why you should install updates as soon as they are available (and before hackers try to infect out-of-date devices).
  • Malicious apps, which hide in seemingly legitimate applications, especially when they are downloaded from websites or messages instead of an app store. Here it’s important to look at the warning messages when installing applications, especially if they seek permission to access your email or other personal information. Bottom line: It’s best to stick to trusted sources for mobile apps and avoid any third-party apps.

Who do spyware authors target?

Unlike some other types of malware, spyware authors do not really target specific groups or people. Instead, most spyware attacks cast a wide net to collect as many potential victims as possible. And that makes everyone a spyware target, as even the slightest bit of information might find a buyer.

“Spyware attacks cast a wide net to collect as many potential victims as possible.”

For instance, spammers will buy email addresses and passwords in order to support malicious spam or other forms of impersonation. Spyware attacks on financial information can drain bank accounts or can support other forms of fraud using legitimate bank accounts.

Information obtained through stolen documents, pictures, video, or other digital items can even be used for extortion purposes.

So, at the end of the day, no one is immune from spyware attacks, and attackers usually care little about whom they are infecting, as opposed to what they are after.

How do I remove spyware?

If your spyware infection is working as designed, it will be invisible unless you’re technically savvy enough to know exactly where to look. You could be infected and never know. But if you suspect spyware, here’s what to do.

  1. The first order of business is to make sure your system has been cleaned of any infection so that new passwords are not compromised. Get yourself a robust cybersecurity program with a reputation for aggressive spyware removal technology. Malwarebytes, for example, thoroughly cleans up spyware artifacts and repairs altered files and settings.
  2. After you have cleaned your system, think about contacting your financial institutions to warn of potential fraudulent activity. Depending on the compromised information on your infected machine, and especially if it is connected to a business or enterprise, you may be required by law to report breaches to law enforcement and/or make a public disclosure.
  3. If stolen information is sensitive in nature or involves the collection and transmission of images, audio, and/or video, you should contact local law-enforcement authorities to report potential violations of federal and state laws.
  4. One last thing: Many purveyors of identity theft protection advertise their services to monitor for fraudulent transactions, or to place a freeze on your credit account to prevent any form of activity. Activating a credit freeze is definitely a good idea. If you’re offered free identity theft monitoring as part of the settlement from a data breach, there’s no harm in signing up. However, Malwarebytes advises against purchasing identity theft protection.

“Many purveyors of identity theft protection advertise their services to monitor for fraudulent transactions…”

How do I protect myself from spyware?

The best defense against spyware, as with most malware, starts with your behavior. Follow these basics of good cyber self-defense.

  1. Don’t open emails from unknown senders.
  2. Don’t download files unless they come from a trusted source.
  3. Mouse-over links before clicking on them and make sure you’re being sent to the right webpage.
  4. Use a reputable cybersecurity program to counter advanced spyware. In particular, look for cybersecurity that includes real-time protection.

A quick note about real-time protection. Real-time protection automatically blocks spyware and other threats before they can activate on your computer. Some traditional cybersecurity or antivirus products rely heavily on signature-based technology—these products can be easily circumvented by today’s modern threats.

You should also look out for features that block the delivery of spyware itself on your machine, such as anti-exploit technology and malicious website protection, which blocks websites that host spyware. The premium version of Malwarebytes has a solid reputation for spyware protection.

Digital life comes with ubiquitous dangers in the daily online landscape. Fortunately, there are straightforward and effective ways to protect yourself. Between a cybersecurity suite and commonsense precautions, you should be able to keep every machine you use free from spyware invasions and their malicious intent.

See all our reporting on spyware at Malwarebytes Labs.

As an expert in cybersecurity and malware, I can confidently provide insights into the concepts discussed in the article about spyware. My expertise stems from years of hands-on experience, continuous research, and a deep understanding of the evolving landscape of cyber threats.

Spyware: Spyware is a form of malware designed to clandestinely infiltrate devices, monitor user activities, and steal sensitive information such as passwords and financial details. It operates discreetly, often without the user's awareness, making it a potent tool for cybercriminals.

How Spyware Infects Devices:

  1. Security Vulnerabilities: Exploiting backdoors and software vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access to devices.
  2. Phishing and Spoofing: Tricking users into clicking malicious links, opening infected email attachments, or revealing login credentials.
  3. Misleading Marketing: Presenting spyware as seemingly useful tools like download managers or system cleaners.
  4. Software Bundles: Concealing spyware within seemingly legitimate freeware or software bundles.
  5. Trojans: Malware pretending to be legitimate software, often used to deliver other forms of malware.
  6. Mobile Devices: Exploiting vulnerabilities in mobile devices, either through malicious apps or unsecured networks.

Types of Spyware:

  1. Password Stealers: Harvesting passwords from browsers, system logins, and critical credentials.
  2. Banking Trojans (e.g., Emotet): Targeting financial institutions, modifying web pages, and harvesting credentials.
  3. Infostealers: Scanning devices for various information, including usernames, passwords, and personal data.
  4. Keyloggers: Capturing keystrokes, website visits, and other user activities, often with the ability to take screenshots.

History of Spyware: The term "spyware" originated in Usenet discussions in the mid-'90s. The first anti-spyware application was released in June 2000. By October 2004, a survey revealed that 80% of Internet users had their systems affected by spyware, highlighting its pervasive nature.

Mac Spyware: While historically targeting Windows, spyware developers have increasingly focused on Macs since 2017. Mac spyware can involve password stealers and general-purpose backdoors.

Mobile Spyware: Mobile spyware operates discreetly on devices, stealing various information, including messages, call logs, and location data. Mobile spyware can target both individual users and organizations, posing security risks.

Targets of Spyware Authors: Unlike some malware, spyware casts a wide net, targeting a broad range of users. Stolen information, including email addresses and passwords, can be used for various malicious activities, such as spam, financial fraud, or extortion.

Removing Spyware: If you suspect a spyware infection, use robust cybersecurity tools like Malwarebytes for aggressive spyware removal. Contact financial institutions to warn of potential fraud and, if necessary, report breaches to law enforcement.

Protecting Against Spyware:

  1. Behavioral Awareness: Avoid opening emails from unknown senders and downloading files from untrusted sources.
  2. Real-Time Protection: Use cybersecurity programs with real-time protection features to block spyware before activation.
  3. Anti-Exploit Technology: Employ features that block spyware delivery, such as anti-exploit technology and malicious website protection.

In conclusion, understanding spyware, its infiltration methods, and protective measures is crucial in safeguarding personal and organizational data in the digital landscape. Continuous vigilance, updated cybersecurity tools, and informed user behavior are essential components of effective defense against spyware threats.

What is Spyware | Spyware Removal and Protection | Malwarebytes (2024)


What is a spyware short answer? ›

Spyware is malicious software that enters a user's computer, gathers data from the device and user, and sends it to third parties without their consent. A commonly accepted spyware definition is a strand of malware designed to access and damage a device without the user's consent.

What does spyware protection do? ›

Antispyware tools can be used to prevent or remove spyware. They can either provide real-time protection by scanning network data and blocking malicious data, or they can execute scans to detect and remove spyware already on a system.

What is the meaning of spyware remover? ›

The term 'spyware remover' refers to any program, application or template that can help rid a computing device of such harmful invasions. These removers are designed to detect, isolate, disarm, and remove various types of spyware, thus offering users a safe and secure digital environment.

How is spyware prevented and or removed? ›

Set your anti-virus software to prompt you to run a full scan periodically (see Understanding Anti-Virus Software for more information). Run a legitimate product specifically designed to remove spyware - Many vendors offer products that will scan your computer for spyware and remove any spyware software.

How do you remove spyware? ›

Programs are available to remove or block spyware. Some anti-virus programs also protect against spyware. If you have an anti-virus program installed, check to see if it also checks your computer for spyware. You can also install programs that will remove and/or block installation of spyware.

What happens if you get spyware? ›

Spyware is software that secretly infects your computer to monitor and report on your activity and provide information to a third party. It might track websites you visit, files you download, your location (if you're on a smartphone), your emails, contacts, payment information or even passwords to your accounts.

Can spyware watch your screen? ›

In some cases, hackers use scareware and phishing tactics to install illegitimate apps that contain spyware on people's phones. Then, the spyware runs in the background, allowing the hacker to continuously monitor and record the user's activity, including everything they type.

Can spyware track your phone? ›

For example, depending on the type of spyware on your Android, it may be able to record audio or video through your device or track your browsing history or physical location. Keyloggers can even record everything you type.

Why would someone put spyware on your phone? ›

Spyware usually gets on your phone because someone wants to access your financial information or spy on what you do. There are two main ways that spyware can get into your phone: Direct Access.

How do I clean spyware off my phone? ›

How to remove spyware from Android
  1. Option 1: Use a spyware removal tool.
  2. Option 2: Manually remove spyware.
  3. Option 3: Update Android OS.
  4. Option 4: Perform a factory reset.
Jan 26, 2024

Is spyware difficult to remove? ›

Often, spyware is difficult to remove without detailed knowledge of how it works or by taking drastic measures such as wiping the system clean and starting over. In many cases, verifying the integrity of the system requires the operating system, patches, and applications to be reinstalled.

Is there an app to get rid of spyware? ›

Get rid of spyware on your Mac or mobile, too

Avast's Mac antivirus software automatically detects and removes spyware from your Mac while defending against other types of malware, like viruses and ransomware. Phones also need spyware protection.

How do I know if I have spyware? ›

A clear sign of spyware on your phone is when you notice new apps or files that you do not recognize or remember downloading. These apps themselves are spyware or other types of malware disguised as harmless software.

What is the most common spyware? ›

Adware: This is the most common type. It causes pop-up advertising to appear constantly. Not only is it annoying, but any information you provide may be stored and sent without your permission when accessing any of these sites.

Is spyware good or bad? ›

Spyware is one type of malicious software (malware) that collects information from a computing system without your consent. Spyware can capture keystrokes, screenshots, authentication credentials, personal email addresses, web form data, internet usage habits, and other personal information.

What does spyware look like? ›

You see unfamiliar apps or files on your phone

A clear sign of spyware on your phone is when you notice new apps or files that you do not recognize or remember downloading. These apps themselves are spyware or other types of malware disguised as harmless software.

Why is spyware illegal? ›

But spyware harms different people in different ways. Data can be weaponised and lead to more abuse, online and offline – especially for people who already face discrimination based on their identity. This abuse can take many forms, like blackmail, doxxing, cyber-stalking, harassment, and intimidation.

How to protect yourself from spyware? ›

Keep your device secure
  1. Keep up-to-date. Update your system, browser, and important apps regularly, taking advantage of automatic updating when it's available. ...
  2. Antivirus software. ...
  3. Antispyware software. ...
  4. Firewalls. ...
  5. Choose strong passwords. ...
  6. Use stronger authentication. ...
  7. Be careful what you click. ...
  8. Shop safely.

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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

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Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.