What Is Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) (2024)

As the demand for socially responsible investing (SRI) grows, more and more investors are seeking financial returns while making a positive impact on society and the environment. This guide provides an overview of SRI strategies as well as investment options to help you build your own successful portfolio that reflects your values when it comes to investments. Learn about how sustainable investing can bring both rewards in terms of finance and ethics with this comprehensive understanding of ethical investing!

Key Takeaways

  • Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) offers investors an opportunity to invest with social, environmental, and ethical values in mind while potentially reaching competitive financial returns.
  • Strategies for SRI include negative screening, positive screening, and impact investing.
  • Building a successful portfolio involves understanding personal values, selecting suitable investments, and evaluating performance and risk with the help of a knowledgeable financial advisor.

The Basics of Socially Responsible Investing (SRI)

SRI has become increasingly popular in recent years, providing investors with additional investment opportunities that prioritize social and environmental values. As opposed to traditional mutual funds, which focus mainly on financial returns, SRI investments give people the opportunity to influence change through their portfolios while still potentially achieving competitive gains. The amount of sustainable open-ended investment funds, as well as exchange-traded ones, available by 2019 had more than doubled since 2014, up from 111 to 303, respectively. These options enable individuals or groups alike to choose between investing in individual companies promoting positive societal attitudes or collective instruments such as ETFs and socially conscious mutual funds for a greater impact when it comes to spreading awareness regarding global issues.

What is SRI?

When it comes to responsible investing, Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) is focused on generating both financial gains and creating a positive social/environmental impact. This concept can be divided into two categories: negative screening – avoiding investments with adverse consequences, and ethical investing, which puts an emphasis on companies demonstrating socially conscious behavior.

Investors may create SRI portfolios that align their personal values together with the contribution of such investments in society as a whole. Hence gaining both economic advantages but also meaningful contributions to the environment or people’s well-being.

Why is SRI investing important?

Investors who are seeking to incorporate their values into their investments have the opportunity to do so through SRI. This type of investing has demonstrated both ethical responsibility and profit potential, with a higher risk-adjusted return than many Morningstar category indexes in 2021. In particular, the 2022 Morningstar U.S sustainability index achieved an impressive 0.7% gain above its parent non-sustainability fund, as well as beating out the S&P 500 by 0.6%.

Working closely with an investment adviser can provide insight for making conscious decisions about sustainable funds. Ones that also bring competitive returns while actively contributing towards bettering our world holistically.

Types of Socially Responsible Investing

What Is Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) (1)

Investors with an interest in being socially responsible have several options when it comes to investing. Negative screening means the avoidance of companies partaking in activities that are seen as unethical or irresponsible, like cigarette production, oil extraction, and armament manufacture.

Conversely, through positive screening, investors can choose businesses engaged in ethically upstanding pursuits such as clean energy initiatives or fair labor practices. Impact investing, meanwhile, focuses on firms aiming at creating good environmental effects for society. This would include renewable energy sources, affordable housing, and education projects, among many others. By utilizing these strategies related to ethical investment choices, those who invest money will be able to align their financial endeavors more closely with their personal values while still pursuing returns.

Strategies for Socially Responsible Investors

What Is Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) (2)

Investors can use several approaches when partaking in socially responsible investments (SRI) to their goals. Screening involves removing companies with negative environmental or social effects from investment portfolios, while social investing refers to backing organizations that demonstrate positive impacts on society and the environment. Shareholders have an opportunity to actively encourage corporations through advocacy by advocating for constructive change within them via SRI strategies. This helps people invest in ways they feel good about contributing positively towards a sustainable world as well as make informed decisions that ultimately amplify the benefit of all involved parties, including investors and companies alike.

Negative Screening

Socially responsible investing encompasses the practice of excluding companies that act unethically or fail to align with investor values. Investors choose not to invest in weapons, defense, tobacco, and fossil fuel extraction/production firms – for example – as a way of ensuring their investments resonate with what they believe is right while still achieving competitive financial returns. Negative screening enables investors who want to ensure their money is put toward only socially responsible causes an opportunity to accomplish this goal. It represents an effective tool through which conscientious investing can be pursued further. With negative screening strategies incorporated into portfolio management plans, individuals are able to deploy resources responsibly by encouraging growth from ethical businesses as opposed to unsustainable practices such as those commonly associated with certain types of extractive industries (i.e., fossil fuels).

Positive Screening

Investors have the opportunity to maximize financial returns by investing in businesses that actively pursue social and environmental goals, such as clean energy or fair labor practices. SRI allows investors who want their investments to match up with their beliefs a chance at success. By choosing companies based on certain ethical considerations, it is possible for those making investments to contribute positively towards society and the environment while still potentially reaping the rewards from these ventures.

Impact Investing

Investing with a social or environmental conscience is known as impact investing. This kind of responsible investing takes companies that are committed to making positive impacts on society and the environment into consideration when choosing how to invest – often focusing on areas such as renewable energy, affordable housing, and education – meaning investors can balance their economic objectives while still doing good in the world.

Even though it carries an added benefit for people looking for more than simply financial returns from their investments. This type of investment has all normal market risks associated with any other form of trading, such as volatility and potential losses.

Building Your Socially Responsible Investment Portfolio

What Is Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) (3)

In order to build an SRI portfolio, one must undertake a process of reflection on personal values as well as evaluate and select appropriate investment opportunities, such as mutual funds or ETFs that are socially responsible. Monitoring the performance and risk associated with investments is essential for making decisions about your financial future, which may include comparing these types of investments to traditional options.

Identifying Your Values

To build an SRI portfolio that is true to one’s beliefs and can have a positive effect, it’s crucial to first pinpoint values by assessing which ethical, environmental, and social issues are meaningful, as well as deciding on the industries or practices one wishes to support or avoid. Gathering information regarding these matters coupled with reflecting on personal convictions should be enough for individuals to make wise investment decisions from their side of things in order to create the desired outcome they seek.

Choosing the Right Investment Vehicles

After ascertaining your values, you can contemplate various SRI investment options such as mutual funds, ETFs, or individual stocks. Every one of these possibilities comes with different levels of risk and reward that have varying possible social impacts so it’s important to reflect on what is best for yourself according to goals and principles.

Working collaboratively with a financial advisor who appreciates your beliefs in the field of Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) will be an invaluable support when determining which choices are suitable.

Evaluating Performance and Risk

When investing in an SRI portfolio, it is essential to analyze the potential performance and risk. To make sure that your investment has a positive impact while being financially prudent, you need to examine ratings as well as look at companies’ sustainability reports and their ESG (Environmental Social Governance) practices alongside evaluating their financial results. A comparison of traditional investments can help aid this decision-making process, so you have both maximum effectiveness from your funds with minimal risks taken on.

The Role of ESG Factors in Socially Responsible Investing

What Is Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) (4)

When it comes to SRI, Environmental Social and Governance (ESG) components are extremely important for investors in order to evaluate companies’ behavior patterns as well as make educated investment choices. ESG criteria provide an extensive outlook into firms’ ethical practices, which allows traders to measure their success regarding issues like environmental preservation, social obligation, and corporate governance.

Investors can use ESG points when making investments so they may identify corporations with dependable sustainability methods while also reducing any probable dangers associated with a lack of good performance on the part of organizations concerning these matters.

Understanding ESG Criteria

What Is Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) (5)

Investors who understand ESG criteria can make informed choices when it comes to investing in companies, as the guidelines evaluate performance related to environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and corporate governance. This makes ESG investing an increasingly attractive option due to its comprehensive view of a company’s ethical practices. By considering such areas for each potential investment opportunity, investors have access to more robust information about businesses’ commitment towards responsible management, environmental protection, and community improvement than traditional forms of assessing investments alone would provide.

Integrating ESG Factors into Investment Decisions

Investors can take into account ESG factors when making investment decisions and put their money in companies that prioritize sustainability. This allows them to be sure they are investing according to their values while helping the world become more sustainable. Utilizing ratings and scores of potential investments, engaging with firms regarding bettering ESG performance, as well as committing funds towards businesses actively pursuing higher standards all of this is essential for taking charge in a greener direction.

Top Companies that Do Socially Responsible Investing

What Is Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) (6)

A range of companies offer the service and resources for socially responsible investing to appeal to individuals with different values, objectives, or preferences. This includes Betterment, EarthFolio, and Ellevest, which provide distinct ways of SRI aiming at investors’ unique needs.

These organizations can assist in comprehending the subject of social responsibility investment as well as constructing an individualized SRI portfolio that represents a person’s personal beliefs.

What Do Impact Investing Firms Do?

Investment firms specializing in impact investing help investors find the right companies and projects to invest in while also producing financial returns. These organizations verify that investments align with their standards by performing extensive research and analysis of potential investment’s social responsibility as well as environmental impacts.

They often direct capital toward businesses working on renewable energy sources, sustainable agriculture systems, healthcare services, education programs, or affordable housing solutions. All of which are focused on creating a beneficial effect within society and its environment. Allowing these financiers to back initiatives they believe can make positive changes for people everywhere.

By being involved in this type of investing process, it allows the opportunity for prudent money managers, along with major corporations who trust investors, will receive rewards down the road both financially (in terms of returns)and socially from engaging investment decisions at present time.


Betterment is a top digital financial services provider and smart money management platform. As a robo-advisor, it can provide customers with tailored ETF portfolios that focus on social responsibility investing for an annual fee of 0.25%. With additional backing from accredited financial experts in the form of an extra charge of 0.15%, Betterment makes it possible to align investments according to your principles while still reaching desired fiscal objectives.


EarthFolio is a responsible investment service that aims to create an ethical and sustainable portfolio for its clients. With a minimum starting capital of $25,000, investors can take advantage of the EarthFolio platform, which offers them ESG criteria (Environment, Social & Governance) such as conservation, clean tech initiatives focusing on equality/diversity, or human rights enforcement. Fossil-fuel-free funds plus fair labor practices combined with nonviolence commitments. The corporate governance framework by EarthFolio also provides increased protection against any unhealthy living environment whilst nurturing community development goals through shareholder advocacy programs — all dedicated to building a better world through investing in only those funds aimed at sustainability and responsibility.


What Is Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) (7)

For just a nominal membership fee of $1 per month, Ellevest offers an affordable and socially responsible way to invest. The Impact Fund portfolio is comprised of low-cost ETFs and mutual funds that focus on environmental, social, or governance (ESG) investments, along with up to 53% in alternative impact funds such as the Parnassus Core Equity Fund. This fund works in concert with its mission statement – supporting women-led businesses while taking into account gender pay gaps and career breaks when making investment projections. You can also expect lower fees ranging from 0.13%-0.19%. Investing through Ellevest allows you to choose companies whose initiatives have a positive effect on society without sacrificing returns over time!

Tips for Successful Socially Responsible Investing

An effective SRI portfolio requires a few key strategies to help maximize potential. Investing across different asset classes and industries can both reduce risk and potentially create positive change. Being well-informed about the latest social and environmental developments, as well as company performance, is crucial when making investment decisions. Lastly, it is recommended that you get in touch with an experienced financial advisor, such as the Institute of Financial Wellness, who knows your goals, so they may assist you with building and managing your portfolio accordingly.

Diversifying Your Portfolio

When investing in a SRI portfolio, it is important to diversify across different industries and asset classes. By spreading your investments among companies that prioritize social, environmental, and ethical values, you can minimize risk while potentially boosting the potential for achieving positive outcomes.

Diversification remains an essential strategy of successful investment approaches, whether focused on socially responsible or traditional ventures.

Staying Informed and Engaged

To ensure that your investments match up with your values and for you to make well-considered investment decisions, it’s necessary to keep abreast of related social conditions as well as industry developments and company performance. Here are some means by which one can stay involved:

  • Follow reliable news outlets
  • Participate in online forums
  • Join webinars or attend events
  • Read articles and books
  • Take part in socially active movements.

By following these strategies, staying on top of the important topics will be made easier, allowing informed decision-making concerning a person’s investments.

Collaborating with a Financial Advisor

What Is Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) (8)

Having a financial advisor who understands your values and is experienced in socially responsible investing (SRI) can provide invaluable aid when making smart investment choices and managing an SRI portfolio. The right planner will put together an effective plan that meets both your economic aims and moral criteria, evaluating potential investments as well as keeping track of the performance of the account. By teaming up with a knowledgeable finance professional, you’ll be able to guarantee that all assets are aligned with your core beliefs while ultimately working towards building a better world for future generations.

The Institute of Financial Wellness

The Institute of Financial Wellness strives to help people build their financial future by providing educational resources and personalized services. Their mission is geared towards helping individuals reach fiscal success through responsible investing that aligns with one’s values. They aim to create an environment in which all are encouraged to become more knowledgeable about SRI (Socially Responsible Investing) and better achieve their financial goals.

The institute provides a range of comprehensive training courses as well as access tools for obtaining and tracking pertinent information. This aims at aiding everyone on the journey toward secure finances while adhering to social responsibility principles, too! Through these efforts, they hope users will be able to take full control over investment strategies tailored for themselves from enhanced knowledge gained via instruction/resources supplied here.

Full Summary

Investing with social responsibility in mind is an effective way to harmonize your investments with the values that matter most while potentially attaining competitive financial returns. By grasping a general knowledge of SRI, examining different strategies and options for investment, as well as working alongside a qualified financial advisor who understands your principles, you can create a successful, responsible investing portfolio that contributes to making our world even better. Now is the perfect opportunity to take charge of your investments and have a positive influence on society and the environment alike.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between ESG and socially responsible investing?

ESG investing is a new way of thinking about socially responsible investing that considers environmental, social, and governance issues when making investments. Impact investing takes this to the next level by specifically aiming for positive outcomes from investment decisions. Responsible investors are increasingly focusing on ESG criteria in order to ensure their contributions have not just economic but also ethical returns. This means taking into account factors such as environmental friendliness and corporate governance – alongside more traditional metrics like profitability or risk-return ratio – before

What is the best performing socially responsible ETF?

KCCA is the best performing socially responsible exchange-traded fund (ETF) in terms of return, with a 30.40% profit rate for the last year. This ETF is followed closely by iShares ESG Aware MSCI USA ETF (ESGU), which boasts assets under management at $12.8 billion, and other options such as Vanguard ESG U.S Stock ETF (ESGV) and Nuveen ESG Large-Cap Growth ETF(NULG). All these investments present an attractive option to those who seek maximum financial returns while investing responsibly in sustainable causes or sectors benefiting society at large.

What are the three main ways investors can partake in socially responsible investing?

Socially responsible investing involves three main ways for investors to partake: using a robo-advisor, investing directly, or participating in crowd or community investing.

There is also a range of SRI products and asset classes, such as public equity investments (stocks), cash, and fixed-income investments like private equity or venture capital.

What is the difference between negative screening and positive screening in SRI?

SRI, or Socially Responsible Investing, involves making investment decisions based on the social and environmental impacts of companies. This can take the form of either avoiding investments in firms whose activities are deemed to be detrimental socially or actively choosing to invest in those that positively contribute towards society and preserving the environment.

How can I evaluate the performance and risk of potential SRI investments?

To assess the risk and prospective prosperity of a firm, one should consider its financial performance in conjunction with analyzing its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices using scores, sustainability accounts, as well as any other pertinent information.

Scott Rosen( Executive VP, Advisor Education )

Scott Rosen is the Executive Vice-President and Research Champion of the IFW. Scott is a 30-year veteran of the financial services industry.

Scott began his career at MetLife as a Financial Representative in North Miami Beach, Florida. Just under four years later Scott was promoted to be the Regional Marketing Director in South Florida. Scott was promoted again two years later to be an Assistant General Manager in the Plantation Florida office. In 2001, Scott Joined Phoenix Life beginning the next phase of his career as a financial product wholesaler covering Miami Florida. With his success, he was recruited and became a Regional Account Manager at Lincoln Financial covering all of Florida as well as parts of Alabama. In 2015, Scott joined MassMutual South Florida as the Brokerage Director until joining The IFW in 2021. Throughout Scott’s career, he has won numerous awards for his success and continued service to producers and their clients.

What Is Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) (2024)


What is the socially responsible investment SRI movement? ›

Socially responsible investing, or SRI, is an investing strategy that aims to help foster positive social and environmental outcomes while also generating positive returns.

What do you mean by socially responsible investment? ›

Socially responsible investing (SRI) is an investing strategy that aims to generate both social change and financial returns for an investor. Socially responsible investments can include companies making a positive sustainable or social impact, such as a solar energy company, and exclude those making a negative impact.

What does SRI mean in CSR? ›

Socially responsible investing (SRI) is the practice of actively avoiding investments that conflict with an investor's ethical beliefs. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) refers to a set of criteria used to analyze the sustainability of a company's behaviors and policies.

What is an example of SRI investing? ›

One example of socially responsible investing is community investing, which goes directly toward organizations that have a track record of social responsibility through helping the community and have been unable to garner funds from other sources, such as banks and financial institutions.

What is the difference between SRI and ESG investing? ›

SRI versus ESG

The most common types of sustainable investing are socially responsible investing (SRI), which excludes companies based on certain criteria, and ESG, a more broad-based approach focused on protecting a portfolio from operational or reputational risk.

Are SRI's good investments? ›

Over the past decade, socially responsible investing (SRI) has become an important investment trend, with people choosing only those stocks that support their communities, the environment, and good corporate governance.

Is ESG falling out of favor? ›

Now the term is falling out of favor. S&P 500 companies citing “ESG” on earnings calls last quarter reached their lowest number since the same quarter in 2020, according to FactSet data. Dedicated ESG funds have also lost popularity with investors.

How does SRI work in practice? ›

SRI funds employ strategies in order to align investments with such values: they screen out companies engaged in undesirable activities, only investing in those meeting specific environmental, social, governance (ESG) criteria, engaging in shareholder advocacy by submitting resolutions or voting proxies that encourage ...

When did SRI become an ESG? ›

Over time, SRI steadily evolved to look much like today's corporate social responsibility (CSR) and was focused primarily on social issues such as human rights and supply chain ethics. However, it wasn't until the 1990s that ESG considerations started to appear in mainstream investment strategies.

What does SRI do on a car? ›

What does SRi stand for? On Vauxhall cars, SRi stands for Sport Refinement (or Rally) injection.

What investment strategies are frequently adopted by SRI funds? ›

Three core SRI strategies are screening (both positive and negative), shareholder advocacy, and community investing.

What does SRI mean in sustainability? ›


Is SRI a good investment? ›

Pros of Socially Responsible Investing:

Improved Financial Performance – An ethical investment isn't only good for the planet, but an SRI portfolio or SRI mutual funds could actually improve investment performance as a result of improved risk management.

Why are more Millennials investing in SRI? ›

People no longer see investing and solving social problems as mutually exclusive. They want to invest their money where it actively benefits social and environmental concerns while also achieving competitive market rate returns—a kind of social capitalism.

Do SRI funds outperform the market? ›

Additionally, regardless of the method used to the identify market condition or the asset pricing model employed, SRI funds as a group significantly outperform their conventional counterparts during bull markets but insignificantly so during bear markets.

Who is behind the ESG movement? ›

But while the term ESG was first coined in 2004 by the United Nations Global Compact, the concept has been around for much longer. In the 1970s, socially responsible investing (SRI) emerged as a way for investors to align their portfolios with their values.

What is the history of socially responsible investing SRI is traced to? ›

The history of SRI

The earliest precursors of socially responsible investing date back to the Pentateuch – the first five books of the Bible, believed to have been written by Moses as early as 1500 BC. The books refer to a Jewish concept called Tzedek (justice and equity) and how it should govern all aspects of life.

What is the social return on investment SROI model? ›

Social return on investment (SROI) is a method for measuring values that are not traditionally reflected in financial statements, including social, economic, and environmental factors. They can identify how effectively a company uses its capital and other resources to create value for the community.

What investment strategies are frequently adopted by SRI Funds? ›

Three core SRI strategies are screening (both positive and negative), shareholder advocacy, and community investing.

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