What is Risk | IGI Global (2024)

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Chapter 13

What is Risk | IGI Global (1)

It is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has an effect on at least one of the project's objectives. Objectives may include scope, timing, cost and quality.

Published in Chapter:

Model Based on Ontological Engineering as Support for Stakeholder Management

Beitmantt Geovanni Cárdenas Quintero (Universidad Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia), Flor Nancy Díaz-Piraquive (Universidad Catolica de Colombia, Colombia), and Hilma Ximena Fonseca Ruiz (Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Colombia)

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1934-9.ch013


The objective of this article is a way of working that is used as an instrument for managing the parts with semantic and conceptual elements, such as mastery of management projects, and the effects of ontological engineering techniques, which solves frequently asked questions with respect to information related to this resource. This is done in an agile, precise, and effective way, facilitating its management in the phases that make up the life cycle of the project. The research will contribute to the integration of ontological engineering and project management, enabling the construction of a stakeholder information structure with semantic components that enable it to be the input of a more complex knowledge management model.

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Chapter 3

What is Risk | IGI Global (3)

The probability of a harmful action (e.g. damage, injury, death or illness) associated with a hazard.

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Chapter 17

What is Risk | IGI Global (4)

Risk is the possibility of loss or injury; someone or something that creates or suggests a hazard.

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Chapter 14

What is Risk | IGI Global (5)

connotes a possible negative impact to something of value. It symbolises the probability of a loss.

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Chapter 4

What is Risk | IGI Global (7)

Evaluation of the possibilities of occurrence of Situations or Facts, which generate impact in the execution of a planning, with the definition of applicable Workaround Solutions.

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Chapter 66

What is Risk | IGI Global (8)

The likelihood or probability of some consequence seen as undesirable, although the term is often used synonymously with “downside.” Risk exposure is calculated as the probability of an undesirable consequence multiplied by its (negative) magnitude.

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Chapter 142

What is Risk | IGI Global (9)

The net negative impact of the exercise of vulnerability.

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Chapter 5

What is Risk | IGI Global (11)

Combination of consequences and probabilities of undesirable event.

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Chapter 10

What is Risk | IGI Global (12)

An unsafe situation or condition that practicing journalists are susceptible to get involved in, due to antecedents or circ*mstances associated with his or her newsgathering job.

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Chapter 9

What is Risk | IGI Global (13)

An estimation of the degree of exposure to a threat that may occur on one or more assets causing damage to an organization.

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Chapter 60

What is Risk | IGI Global (14)

Risk is the potential harmful or undesirable consequences (downsides) that might arise in the future from a decision or course of action. Examples in the context of ITO include the release of confidential data, loss of organizational knowledge, and reduced business flexibility.

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Chapter 520

What is Risk | IGI Global (15)

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Chapter 3

What is Risk | IGI Global (16)

The measure of the chance of harm occurring ( Mann & Blunden, 2010 ).

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Chapter 5

What is Risk | IGI Global (17)

The level of impact on agency operations (including mission, functions, image, or reputation), agency assets, or individuals resulting from the operation of an information system, given the potential impact of a threat and the likelihood of that threat occurring.

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Chapter 36

What is Risk | IGI Global (18)

Is the probability that something undesired happens combined with the expected loss associated with the event.

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Chapter 3

What is Risk | IGI Global (19)

Anything that can have a minor, major or severe effect and has a probability of occurring.

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Chapter 2

What is Risk | IGI Global (20)

The potential for an unwanted or adverse outcome resulting from an incident, event, or occurrence, as determined by the likelihood that a particular threat will exploit a particular vulnerability, with the associated consequences.

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Chapter 2

What is Risk | IGI Global (21)

Is the possibility of something bad happening. Risk involves uncertainty about the effects/implications of an activity with respect to something that humans value, often focusing on negative, undesirable consequences. The international standard definition of risk for common understanding in different applications is “effect of uncertainty on objectives.”

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Chapter 9

What is Risk | IGI Global (23)

It is the impact and likelihood of damage that may arise as a result of threats.

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Chapter 16

What is Risk | IGI Global (25)

The probability that an actual return on an investment will be lower than the expected return.

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Chapter 18

What is Risk | IGI Global (26)

Risk is the potential of losing something of value. Values can be gained or lost when taking risk resulting from a given action, activity and/or inaction, foreseen or unforeseen. Risk can also be defined as the intentional interaction with uncertainty, which is a potential, unpredictable, immeasurable and uncontrollable outcome. Risk is a consequence of action taken in spite of uncertainty.

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Chapter 2

What is Risk | IGI Global (27)

Traditionally is considered to be the likelihood and impact of one or more vulnerabilities being realized.

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Chapter 4

What is Risk | IGI Global (29)

Potential danger which is open to the contingency, which means the possibility to be avoided.

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Chapter 261

What is Risk | IGI Global (30)

To take a chance on a possible course of action to achieve a desired result.

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Chapter 7

What is Risk | IGI Global (31)

Risk is an exposure to the possibility of loss, injury, or other adverse or unwelcome circ*mstances; a chance or situation involving such a possibility.

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Chapter 50

What is Risk | IGI Global (32)

Risk is an undesired outcome that has a known or estimated probability of occurrence and impact based on experience or some theory.

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Chapter 588

What is Risk | IGI Global (33)

The possibility of any event occurring that may stop businesses or companies from achieving their strategic, financial and operational goals.

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Chapter 1

What is Risk | IGI Global (35)

An uncertainty that an interested event/activity will not meet expected outcome.

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Chapter 20

What is Risk | IGI Global (36)

The probability of a hazard escaping from under control and the severity of the consequences, expressed by the degree of manifestation.

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Chapter 8

What is Risk | IGI Global (37)

Level of exposure to uncertain future events that may damage firms’ financial stability and profitability.

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Chapter 1

What is Risk | IGI Global (38)

A measure of the expected loss of an event. The product of the magnitude of a loss and the probability of its occurrence.

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Chapter 492

What is Risk | IGI Global (39)

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Chapter 9

What is Risk | IGI Global (41)

The likelihood of anything unpleasant occurring. Uncertainty regarding the effects/consequences of an activity on something that humans value, with a concentration on negative, unwanted outcomes, is referred to as risk.

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Chapter 9

What is Risk | IGI Global (42)

Risk is defined as the potential disaster losses, in lives, health status livelihoods, assets and services, which could occur to a particular community or a society over some specified future time period. Disaster risk signifies the possibility of adverse effects in the future ( UNISDR, 2009 AU91: The citation "UNISDR, 2009" matches multiple references. Please add letters (e.g. "Smith 2000a"), or additional authors to the citation, to uniquely match references and citations. ).

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Chapter 9

What is Risk | IGI Global (43)

Denotes the potential impact on an attribute of value that a future event may cause. In finances, represents the variability of returns a given investment may have. In the context of this chapter, risk is reflected, among other variables, in the uncertainty of the requirements a custom enterprise application may need to fulfill in the future.

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Chapter 24

What is Risk | IGI Global (45)

Often defined as the standard deviation of the return on total investment. Degree of uncertainty of return on an asset.

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Chapter 3

What is Risk | IGI Global (46)

Possibility to manifest a phenomenon, act, or fact that may cause damage, loss, or may have a negative impact on the activity of an entity.

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Chapter 20

What is Risk | IGI Global (48)

Perceptions of uncertainty and adverse consequences of engaging in an activity.

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Chapter 7

What is Risk | IGI Global (50)

It is used synonymously with the word uncertainty.

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Chapter 8

What is Risk | IGI Global (51)

Possibility to manifest a phenomenon, act, or fact that may cause damage, loss, or may have a negative impact on the activity of an entity.

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Chapter 13

What is Risk | IGI Global (52)

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Chapter 107

What is Risk | IGI Global (54)

The inability to know in detail all the relevant factors of a problem and to forecast with certainty the outcomes of a decision, due to imperfect and incomplete information.

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Chapter 14

What is Risk | IGI Global (55)

Is defined as the probability that a threat to exploit the vulnerabilities of property belonging to the organization and thereby cause injury organization.

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Chapter 7

What is Risk | IGI Global (56)

Is the exposure to liability in any joint venture or shared leadership role. Thus, effective organizational outcome is dependent on the level of performance, reputation, and information shared among joint venture relationships.

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Chapter 5

What is Risk | IGI Global (57)

The potential consequences associated with the sharing of private information (i.e., sexts), including the possibility of having private information shared with a third party.

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Chapter 15

What is Risk | IGI Global (58)

A form of uncertainty and potential for that uncertainty that could cause damage or loss to the organization.

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Chapter 1

What is Risk | IGI Global (59)

A situation of potential exposure to harm, which may lead to a loss of value in an organization, or a negative impact upon an individual.

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Chapter 14

What is Risk | IGI Global (60)

A potential loss or damage when a threat exploits a vulnerability. Risk is function of threat and vulnerability and impact.

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Chapter 9

What is Risk | IGI Global (61)

It is a measure of how open assets are against potential threats.

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Chapter 5

What is Risk | IGI Global (62)

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Chapter 14

What is Risk | IGI Global (63)

Risk is a threat, a source of uncertainty, a combination of danger and opportunity. It is perceived in a specific cultural and time context.

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Chapter 8

What is Risk | IGI Global (64)

A characteristic of the activity that lies in the fact that the result of the activity is uncertain, and in case of failure, there are adverse consequences.

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Chapter 1

What is Risk | IGI Global (65)

A possible event that could cause harm or loss or make it more difficult to achieve objectives.

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Chapter 24

What is Risk | IGI Global (66)

A relationship between probability and impact or consequence of a threat or a situation. It may be positive or negative.

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Chapter 10

What is Risk | IGI Global (67)

In business, any factor that has an adverse impact on profitability.

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Chapter 25

What is Risk | IGI Global (68)

Probability of a loss; sometimes, the probability of a loss multiplied by the exposure.

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Chapter 54

What is Risk | IGI Global (69)

It is the expected loss due to uncertain random outcomes. A state of uncertainty where some possible outcomes have an undesired effect or significant loss.

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Chapter 12

What is Risk | IGI Global (70)

can be defined as a function of probability and magnitude of losses.

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Chapter 5

What is Risk | IGI Global (71)

Is the probability, depending on how high or low a hazard will cause harm. Risk is determined by vulnerable conditions associated with physical surroundings, social setup, environmental factors, or economic factors.

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Chapter 525

What is Risk | IGI Global (72)

In a limited manner, the decision situation in which the full range of possible outcomes are known with certainty and the probability of their occurrence can be assessed accurately, usually by some objective means (e.g., rolling the dice is a classic risk decision situation). More usually, the probabilities must be assessed subjectively, often based on previous experiences or intuition, and the outcomes themselves may not be fully identifiable. The term “risk” is used commonly to generally define decision situations that are really a combination of classical risk and uncertainty that is, the more normal decision situation in organizations.

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Chapter 17

What is Risk | IGI Global (73)

Implies that a particular activity will not be successfully performed because there is a lack of control over that activity, which can cause consequences and has to be removed from that activity.

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Chapter 12

What is Risk | IGI Global (76)

A probability or threat of damage, injury, liability, loss, or any other negative occurrence that is caused by external or internal vulnerabilities, and that may be avoided through preemptive action.

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Chapter 1

What is Risk | IGI Global (77)

The inability to make perfect forecasts about future facts, e.g. the outcomes of an investment or the consequences of a decision, because available information is incomplete.

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Chapter 79

What is Risk | IGI Global (78)

According to ISO 31000:2009, a global risk management standard, authored by the International Standards Organization, risk can be described as the ‘effect of uncertainty on objectives’. In this definition, ‘risk’ is considered as a symmetric concept: with a potential for a gain and a loss.

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Chapter 7

What is Risk | IGI Global (79)

The chance of a loss or the degree of probability of such loss.

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Chapter 6

What is Risk | IGI Global (80)

A conceptual device, produced by political vision and consolidated by city's one, through which authority uses power in function of an increasingly worse future scenario.

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Chapter 5

What is Risk | IGI Global (81)

Risk is the likelihood that an event may negatively impact someone's ability to accomplish their goals.

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Chapter 30

What is Risk | IGI Global (82)

Is more than is more than physical damages, financial losses, and criminal sanctions. Using the technologies in contradiction to ethical principles is a techno-ethical risk or ethical risk. There are also speculative risk (if the outcome of ethical actions will bring about gains and unethical actions will yield a loss), dynamic risk (if the chance of occurrence is associated with technological change or change in general including man-made change).

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Chapter 15

What is Risk | IGI Global (84)

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Chapter 108

What is Risk | IGI Global (87)

The possibility of any event occurring that may stop businesses or companies from achieving their strategic, financial and operational goals.

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Chapter 12

What is Risk | IGI Global (88)

An unsafe situation or condition that a practicing journalist gets involved in due to antecedents or circ*mstances associated with his or her newsgathering job.

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Chapter 5

What is Risk | IGI Global (89)

Is the potential exposure to an unexpected event or unintended situation or outcome.

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Chapter 615

What is Risk | IGI Global (90)

An individual or organization’s exposure to a chance of loss or damage.

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Chapter 8

What is Risk | IGI Global (91)

A probability or threat of hazard, damage, loss, or any negative event that is caused by vulnerabilities.

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Chapter 3

What is Risk | IGI Global (92)

The unexpected situations that can cause undesirable or negative consequences.

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Chapter 7

What is Risk | IGI Global (94)

Communication: Interaction process, exchange and dissemination of real-time information to the public about threatening health, social or economic situations. The main purpose of the communication is to support the people at risk and to help informed decisions.

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Chapter 501

What is Risk | IGI Global (95)

Risk refers to a possibility of loss, the loss itself, or any characteristic, object, or action that is associated with that possibility” ( Kontio, 2001 ).

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Chapter 6

What is Risk | IGI Global (98)

A combination of the likelihood of occurrence and the consequences of the occurrence.

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Chapter 35

What is Risk | IGI Global (99)

The possibility of an event impacting an organization’s objectives. Usually considered to be composed of the probability combined with the severity or impact of loss events. Mathematically, a risk index can be represented as a convolution integral over the event probability distribution of the impact distribution. In practical approaches, events are often categorized according to causes and business areas and risk scores are estimated on several levels of detail.

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Chapter 10

What is Risk | IGI Global (100)

Connotes a possible negative impact to something of value. It symbolises the probability of a loss.

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Chapter 7

What is Risk | IGI Global (101)

A feeling of dread that one will not be able to control an adverse outcome.

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Chapter 11

What is Risk | IGI Global (103)

When the outcome of an event is uncertain, but one is aware of the probabilities of each outcome, the outcome is said to possess risk.

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Chapter 20

What is Risk | IGI Global (105)

Perceptions of uncertainty and adverse consequences of engaging in an activity.

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Chapter 1

What is Risk | IGI Global (106)

It is a situation that can influence the project goals and outcomes, depending upon the probability of occurrence and impact of loss. This impact cannot be completely eliminated, but if well managed it can be reduced.

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Chapter 8

What is Risk | IGI Global (107)

The uncertainty involved in the possibility of an event occurring.

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Chapter 29

What is Risk | IGI Global (108)

is the possibility of harm or loss to any software, information, hardware, administrative, physical, communications, or personnel resource.

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Chapter 17

What is Risk | IGI Global (109)

Taking a chance at something or a situation viewed as harmful or dangerous

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Chapter 2

What is Risk | IGI Global (110)

The probability that an IT failure or abuse will have an undesired, detrimental business impact.

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Chapter 12

What is Risk | IGI Global (111)

An activity, connected with uncertainty overcoming in a stark choice situation, where there is a possibility of numerical and qualitative estimation of supposed result achievement probability, failure, and divagations from the purpose.

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Chapter 8

What is Risk | IGI Global (112)

The possibility of an adverse situation or event occuring.

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Chapter 187

What is Risk | IGI Global (113)

The direct or indirect undesirable consequences of controllable or uncontrollable events which affect an individual, a section of individuals or a society at large.

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Chapter 3

What is Risk | IGI Global (115)

Probability of an event happening and its negative results (costs) for the related actors.

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Chapter 8

What is Risk | IGI Global (116)

A risk is an activity or event that if it occurs, can cause compromise the success of a project.

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Chapter 7

What is Risk | IGI Global (117)

The possibility of unexpected variation in the expected results is called risk.

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Chapter 3

What is Risk | IGI Global (120)

Is the probability, depending on how high or low a hazard will cause harm. Risk is determined by vulnerable conditions associated with physical surroundings, social setup, environmental factors, or economic factors.

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Chapter 3

What is Risk | IGI Global (121)

Exposure to the chance of injury or loss; a hazard or dangerous chance. It refers also to the degree of probability of a loss. The type of loss can be as life, fire, marine disaster, earthquake, etc.

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Chapter 5

What is Risk | IGI Global (123)

It is the probability that an event will occur and adversely affect the success of the organization in achieving its goals.

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Chapter 7

What is Risk | IGI Global (124)

Can be defined as “the diversion of actual result from the expected”.

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Chapter 1

What is Risk | IGI Global (125)

Potential danger which is open to the contingency, which means the possibility to be avoided.

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Chapter 2

What is Risk | IGI Global (126)

Possibility of a mishap or misfortune, of someone or something suffering harm or damage. Situation in which that possibility can occur.

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Chapter 6

What is Risk | IGI Global (127)

The possibility of the loss of the reality principle and the disappearance of the public man.

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Chapter 574

What is Risk | IGI Global (128)

Connotes a possible negative impact to something of value. It symbolises the probability of a loss.

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What is Risk | IGI Global (2024)


What is the meaning of global risk? ›

Meaning of global risk in English

the possibility that something bad may happen which will affect all countries: House prices were one of the main global risks facing the UK economy.

What are the top 5 risks of the WEF? ›

Over the course of the next ten years, the most severe threats, as identified in the report, are: 1) extreme weather events; 2) critical change to Earth systems; 3) biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse; 4) natural resource shortages; and 5) misinformation and disinformation.

What are the top 3 global risks? ›

Future Global Risks
2034 RankingRiskCategory
1Extreme weather eventsEnvironmental
2Critical change to Earth systemsEnvironmental
3Biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapseEnvironmental
4Natural resource shortagesEnvironmental
6 more rows
Jan 11, 2024

What is risk answers? ›

In simple terms, risk is the possibility of something bad happening. Risk involves uncertainty about the effects/implications of an activity with respect to something that humans value (such as health, well-being, wealth, property or the environment), often focusing on negative, undesirable consequences.

What are global risk solutions? ›

We are a leading loss adjusting and environmental risk management consulting company that enables our clients to manage risk, contain costs and improve their resilience. ESG is strategically important to organizations' growth, resilience, and ability to manage risks.

What is a global risk assessment? ›

Ideally, global risk assessment will identify and analyze potential human and natural event scenarios, their probability of occurrence and potential level of damage to humans and earth systems.

What is the biggest threat to humanity in 2024? ›

Top Ten Global Risks for 2024
  • A Global Gap on Climate Change.
  • Eurasian Entente: Increasing Alignment as Global Cooperation Fragments.
  • Taiwan Elections Disrupt an Uncertain Sino-US Balance.
  • A Third Nuclear Era.
  • AI Possibilities.
  • Certainty or Moral Absolutism: Undermining Global Cooperation.
Jan 5, 2024

What is the biggest risk in 2024? ›

The Top 10 Global Risks for 2024
  • The United State vs itself. ...
  • Middle East on the brink. ...
  • Partitioned Ukraine. ...
  • Ungoverned AI. ...
  • Axis of rogues (and America's dangerous friends) ...
  • No China Recovery. ...
  • The fight for critical minerals. ...
  • No room for error.
Jan 8, 2024

What is the biggest threat facing our world today? ›

War and conflict, polarized politics, a continuing cost-of-living crisis and the ever-increasing impacts of a changing climate are destabilizing the global order. The key findings of the World Economic Forum's Global Risks Report 2024 reflect these most pressing challenges faced by people in every region of the world.

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Cost of living crisis and its economic and social implications dominate global risks in the next two years while climate action failure dominates the next decade: Regarding other global risks “Biodiversity loss and ecosystem collapse” is viewed as one of the fastest deteriorating global risks over the next decade.

What are the upcoming global risks? ›

Top five global risks in 2024: Extreme weather, AI-generated misinformation and disinformation, Societal and/or political polarization, cost of living crisis and cyberattacks.

What are the emerging risks in 2024? ›

The following new risks have been added to the Radar in 2024:
  • Social Fragmentation.
  • Economic Trade Conflicts and Sanctions.
Aug 8, 2024

What are the 4 main risk responses? ›

Here are the four ways to manage or mitigate a risk:
  • Risk avoidance.
  • Risk acceptance and sharing.
  • Risk mitigation.
  • Risk transfer.
Jun 13, 2019

What is a simple way to explain risk? ›

Risk takes on many forms but is broadly categorized as the chance an outcome or investment's actual gain will differ from the expected outcome or return. Risk includes the possibility of losing some or all of an investment.

What risks are we taking by staying in such a world? ›

Explanation: The world is full of miseries we are facing . But still we live in this world by taking a risk of surviving .

What does global risk mean in insurance? ›

1. Global Risk. With global risk contracting, the provider – often a medical group – takes full risk for all professional and institutional services paid for by a health plan. The plan provides a global or capitated payment to the medical group which then assumes responsibility for the total cost of care.

What is a global risk society? ›

Risk society. A grand theory of society based on the foundational notion that the distribution of “bads” (pollution, contamination, and other by-products of production) are gaining importance over the distribution of goods (wealth) to explain the organization of society.

What does the world risk mean? ›

The World Risk Index is a tool used to assess and estimate the disaster risk of a country. It takes into consideration both external and internal factors, i.e. threats by natural hazards such as cyclones, floods, droughts and sea level rise and societal conditions.

What is the global risk rating? ›

The rating is a substantiative rating assessed through a thorough and rigorous analysis of key risk variables. The map is annotated with icons to indicate high and extreme threat levels associated with security, health and medical, infrastructure, environment, and political conditions.

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Author: Terence Hammes MD

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Author information

Name: Terence Hammes MD

Birthday: 1992-04-11

Address: Suite 408 9446 Mercy Mews, West Roxie, CT 04904

Phone: +50312511349175

Job: Product Consulting Liaison

Hobby: Jogging, Motor sports, Nordic skating, Jigsaw puzzles, Bird watching, Nordic skating, Sculpting

Introduction: My name is Terence Hammes MD, I am a inexpensive, energetic, jolly, faithful, cheerful, proud, rich person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.