What is Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and How it Works (2024)

Traditionally, for Indians, real estate is a favoured investment class, as it has given decent returns and capital gains in the past. However, Real Estate investment often features large ticket sizes of Rs. 1 crore or more, especially in Metro and Tier 1 cities, which also makes it difficult for many investors.

But now you have an option -Real Estate Investment Trusts or REITs, which allow you to invest in real estate even if you don’t have a huge corpus. With this, you can invest in commercial properties that give better rental yields than residential ones. These are stock market-listed investments that allow investors exposure to real estate without having to purchase or manage properties by themselves. It allows you to buy ownership in real estate property in the form of equity and offers you better liquidity than the physical real estate investment.

In this blog, we will discuss key aspects of REITs investment , including what they are, how they work, their performance, taxation, and also whether you should invest in them.

What are REITs?

REITS or Real Estate Investment Trust is a company that owns, operates, or finances income-producing real estate properties. They pool money from the investors and invest it in commercial real estate projects like workspaces, malls, etc.

It allows you to Invest in the real estate sector without actually having to go out and buy. Here you don’t have to make a big ticket investment and can start by investing a small amount. In return, you receive rental income from your investment in the form of dividends and interest. REITs are like shares that are listed on the stock exchange, which means you can buy or sell anytime on the exchange.

What are the Eligibility Criteria for a Company to be Classified as a REIT?

To be classified as REIT, the company must satisfy the following criteria:

  • It must be a trust formed under the Indian Trust Act 1882 and also required to be registered under the SEBI REITs Regulations.
  • 80% of the investment must be made in the income-generating property, and the remaining 20% can be invested in any other instruments.
  • Only 10% of the total investment can be made in the under-construction properties.
  • Investment can only be made in commercial real estate and office premises
  • 90% of the total income should be given to the shareholders as dividends.
  • Must have an asset base of at least Rs. 500 crore.
  • Must declare NAV twice in every financial year.
  • Stock market listing of REIT is mandatory

Different Types of REITs

Based on the type of Real Estate holdings, the following are the different types of REITs available globally:

  1. Equity REITs: Equity REITs are the most common type of REIT. It invests in and owns income-producing real estate properties. These properties can include commercial properties or office spaces. The revenue generated is generated by rentals and sale transactions, which are distributed to the shareholders as dividends.
  2. Mortgage REITs: Mortgage REITs, also known as mREITs, are basically involved in lending funds to the real estate companies. It earns income through interest payments, which are distributed to the shareholders.
  3. Hybrid REITs: Hybrid REITs offer the combined benefits of Equity and mortgage REITs. They invest in both physical properties and real estate debt instruments. It helps you to diversify your investment across debt and equity. It offers two types of income: rent income and interest income.
  4. Publicly Traded REITs: Publicly traded REITs are listed on the National Stock Exchange (NSE) and are also registered with the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). You can buy and sell these REITs’ shares through the stock exchange, making them a highly liquid investment. However, it’s essential to consider that, like any publicly traded security, they are exposed to market volatility also.
  5. Public Non-Traded REITs: These are the same as Publicly Traded REITs but are not listed on any stock exchange. They are also registered with SEBI, but you cannot buy or sell these REITs online; hence it has lower liquidity. You can buy and sell shares directly through the REIT company itself or through secondary markets established by broker-dealers.
  6. Private REITs: Private REITs are not listed on the stock exchange and are also not registered with the SEBI. They are often only made available to the selected investors and have less liquidity than publicly traded REITs.

Now that we have covered some basic details of REITs, let’s how REITs in India operate.

REITs in India

In India, the concept of Real Estate Investment Trust is relatively new and the first guidelines were introduced by SEBI (Securities Exchange Board of India) in 2007. The current SEBI guidelines related to REITs in India were approved in September 2014.

Currently, there are only 3 REITs funds in India – Embassy Office Parks REIT, Mindspace Business Parks REIT, and Brookfield India Real Estate Trust. Going forward, other leading names in the Real Estate Sector like DLF and Godrej are also expected to introduce REITs.

In India, a REIT has a 3 tiered structure comprising a Sponsor, a Manager, and a Trustee each of whom performs key functions for the Trust. Their key roles and responsibilities, as specified by SEBI, are as follows:

  • Sponsor –This is usually a Real Estate company that owned the assets prior to the creation of the REIT. For example, BSREP India Office Holdings V Pte. Ltd., an Indian subsidiary of US-based Brookfield Assets Management Inc., acts as the sponsor for the Brookfield REIT. The Sponsor is responsible for setting up the REIT and appointing the Trustee. The REIT Sponsor along with the sponsor group is also mandatorily required to hold 25% of units for the first 3 years after the formation of a REIT. After the completion of 3 years, the sponsor stake can be decreased to 15% of total outstanding REIT units.
  • Manager –A REIT Manager is typically a company that specializes in Facilities Management. For example, in the Brookfield REIT case, Brookprop Management Services Pvt. Ltd. has been designated as the manager. Responsible for managing the assets of the REIT, making investment decisions, and ensuring timely reporting as well as disclosure by the REIT.
  • Trustee –Those chosen to be a REIT Trustee are typically companies that specialize in providing Trusteeship services. For example, Axis Trustee Services Limited operates as the trustee for both Embassy Parks REIT and Brookfield REIT. The Trustee is responsible for holding the assets of the REIT in a Trusteeship for the benefit of unitholders. Additionally, they are required to oversee the activity of the manager and ensure the timely distribution of dividends.

Additional key SEBI-mandated criteria that REITs in India need to fulfill in order to qualify are as follows:

  • At least 80% of investments made by a REIT need to be in commercial properties that can be rented out to generate income. The remaining assets of the trust (up to the 20% limit) can be held in the form of stocks, bonds, cash, or under-construction commercial property.
  • At least 90% of the rental income earned by the REIT has to be distributed to its unitholders as dividends or interest.
  • Stock market listing of REIT is mandatory

In the next section, we will discuss how Real Estate companies benefit from the creation of REITs.

How REITs Work?​

REITs work like mutual funds. Mutual funds pool money from multiple investors and then invest in various asset classes like equity, debt, gold, etc. Similarly, REITs pool money from various investors and then invest the corpus in income-generating assets.

In the return on their investments, REITs receives rental income and interest payment from these properties, which are further distributed to the investors as dividends. As per the SEBI guidelines, they must distribute 90% of their earnings to the investors.

When you invest in REITs, you do not receive ownership of the physical property; instead, you receive units like the mutual funds. These units are listed on the stock market, and the performance of the REITs is based on the performance of underlying real estate investments. So, you can potentially benefit from capital appreciation if the value of the underlying real estate.

Why are REITs Created?

It is clear that REITs allow investors to invest in and profit from Commercial Real Estate, which is not otherwise easily accessible to small retail investors. But, here are also a few benefits to Real Estate companies that form a REIT. In India too, REITs get a few key tax exemptions that are not available to other types of Real Estate companies:

  • Interest payments and dividends received by a REIT from a Special Purpose Vehicle or SPV are exempt from tax. In this context, SPV is a domestic company in which at least a 50% stake is held by the REIT. A REIT can theoretically hold a 50% or higher stake in multiple SPVs that own individual Real Estate properties on behalf of the REIT.
  • Any income obtained from renting or leasing Real Estate Assets that are owned by the REIT directly (i.e. not through an SPV) is also exempt from tax

These tax benefits can allow Real Estate companies to reduce tax liability and generate higher income. Additionally, by listing a REIT on the stock market, a Real Estate company can also get access to additional funds for future projects through the IPO. The goal of any investment is to generate returns for the investor so let us take a closer look at how REITs do this.

How Do REITs Generate Returns for Investors?

REIT investment returns can be influenced by factors such as property appreciation, rental income, and overall market conditions. By investing in REITs, you can receive periodic dividends and/or interest payouts that provide regular income, and at the same time, the sale of REIT units on stock markets can provide Capital Gains to the investor.

  1. Dividend and Interest Payouts: Dividends and Interest are paid out by REITs from their Net Rental Income. This refers to income that a REIT receives by renting out and leasing Commercial Real Estate after the deduction of some key expenses related to the management and maintenance of the facilities. Some of the charges that are deducted from Gross Rental Income to arrive at the Net Income of a REIT include management fees, depreciation, maintenance charges, etc. The current SEBI mandate states that at least 90% of net rental income received by REITs must be paid out as dividends and interest to investors.
  2. Capital Gains:REITs are listed and traded on stock exchanges, so the price of individual units changes depending upon their performance as well as market demand. Just like Equity Stocks and Mutual Funds, good performance by a REIT leads to an increase in the price of REIT units, that can be sold at a profit and provide Capital Gains to the investor. Next, let’s take a closer look at the key benefits and limitations of investing in the units of a Real Estate Investment Trust.

Benefits and Limitations of Investing in REITs

The following are some key benefits of investing in REITs:

  1. Diversification:REITs allow you to diversify your investment portfolio through exposure to Real Estate without the hassles related to owning and managing commercial property. This diversification allows you to go beyond the usual asset classes of Equity, Debt, and Gold as part of your overallAsset AllocationStrategy.
  2. Small Initial Investment:As mentioned earlier, one of the key problems associated with making Real Estate investments is the large ticket size, especially in the case of commercial properties. REITs require a much smaller initial investment of around Rs. 50,000 to provide similar portfolio diversification benefits.
  3. Professional Management:Properties owned by a REIT are managed professionally. This ensures smooth operations with no effort on your part toward managing Commercial Real Estate.
  4. Regular Income Generation:REITs generate income from rental collections and are required to mandatorily distribute 90% of this income to investors as dividends and interest payments. In this way, REITs provide regular income to investors.
  5. Capital Gains:REITs are listed and traded on Stock Markets and their price depends on their performance. A REIT that performs well can thus potentially increase in value over time and be sold at a profit. This provides Capital Gains to the investor.

There are also a few limitations of REITs that you should be aware of:

  1. Limited Options: Currently, there are only 3 REITs and 1 International REIT Fund in India. This significantly limits the choices for investors.
  2. Low Liquidity:While REITs are listed and traded on Stock Markets, the number of market participants is currently low especially with respect to retail investors. As a result, selling REIT investments profitably might be a challenge, especially in an emergency. This results in low liquidity of the investment.
  3. Taxable Dividend:Any dividend or interest earned from REITs is completely taxable in the hands of the investor according to the applicable slab rate. Thus those in the 30% tax slab will lose a substantial portion of their dividend income as taxes. Another important aspect to consider before investing in REITs is the taxation rules and that is discussed next.

The following table shows the Advantages and disadvantages of REIT investment:

Advantages & Disadvantages of of REITs
Allows diversification in the portfolio.Limited options are available.
You can earn a regular income.It has low liquidity.
Potential for capital gainsDividends earned through REITs are taxable.
Invest in real estate with a small amount.Market volatility can impact its returns.

Taxation Rules for REITs

As investors obtain different types of income from REITs, two different taxation rules are applicable – one for dividend income and one for Capital Gains. Moreover, the tax treatment is also different in the case of redemption of investments made through an International REITs Fund of Fund. The applicable taxation rules are as follows:

  1. Taxation of Dividends:As per current rules, dividends obtained from REITs are completely taxable in the hands of the investor. Dividend payouts from REITs are included in the annual income of the investor and taxed according to the investor’s slab rate for the applicable Financial Year.
  2. Taxation of Capital Gains:Capital Gains from the sale of REITs units are covered by Short Term Capital Gains (STCG) and Long Term Capital Gains (LTCG) applicable to equity investments. STCG is applicable if the holding period of units is 1 year or less from the date of unit allocation. The STCG tax rate is 15% of capital gains obtained from the sale of units. If the holding period exceeds 1 year from the date of unit allocation, LTCG taxation rules are applicable. The LTCG tax rate is 10% of gains in excess of Rs. 1 lakh (across all equity investments for the applicable FY) with no indexation benefit.
  3. Taxation of Capital Gains for International REIT Fund of Funds:If Capital Gains are obtained from the sale of units of International REITs Fund of Funds, non-equity Capital Gains taxation rules are applicable. In this case, Short Term Capital Gains are applicable if the holding period is 3 years or shorter (calculated from the date of unit allocation). STCG in this case is as per the applicable slab rate of the investor for the FY. LTCG tax is applicable on units held for over 3 years calculated from the date of unit allocation and is 20% of indexed Capital Gains. Next, let us see how you can invest in REITs.

How to Invest in REITs

REITs are listed and traded on stock markets just like Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs), as a result, purchasing units on the stock market is the best way to invest. Thus, a Demat Account is mandatory for investing in REITs in India. Just like Exchange Traded Funds, the price of REITs units on stock markets changes depending on both the demand for units as well as the performance of the REIT. At present, you have 3 options – Embassy Office Parks REIT, Mindspace Business Park REIT, and Brookfield India Real Estate Trust.

Apart from stock market purchases, you can also invest in REITs through mutual funds. Currently, Kotak International REIT Fund of Fund is the onlyInternational Mutual Fundin India that invests exclusively in International REITs. A few domestic Mutual Funds have also started investing in REITs in the past few years, however, the actual exposure of these schemes to this Real Estate Investment is quite limited. Thus, the only way to gain meaningful exposure to Real Estate is currently through the purchase of REITs Units on the stock market. Now that you have an idea regarding the key features, benefits, and limitations and how you can invest in REITs, let’s answer the key question – “Should you invest in REITs”?

Should You Invest in REITs?

The primary reason to invest in REITs is to diversify your investment portfolio through exposure to commercial Real Estate without the hassles related to purchasing and maintaining one or more immovable properties. Additional benefits of investing in REITs include professional management of assets and relatively small ticket size for making the investment.

While these are undoubtedly significant positives, key limitations such as very few investment options and limited liquidity of REITs can impact your ability to monetize the investment even in an emergency. As a result, it is recommended that REITs should only form a minor part of your portfolio (ideally no more than 10%). Your decision to invest in REITs should ideally depend on whether or not you have already optimized asset allocation across Equity, Debt, and Gold and are now looking to invest in Real Estate.


Where do REITs invest?

REITs invest in real estate properties like commercial properties, workspaces, warehouses, malls, etc.

How Do REITs Make Money?

REITs make money by investing the corpus into various real estate properties such as commercial properties, workspaces, malls, etc. They receive rental income from these properties, which are distributed as dividends to the unitholders. Also, they make money through capital gains by selling the assets.

What are the returns generated by REITs?

Returns from REITs are typically generated in the form of dividends, interest payout and capital appreciation for the investors.

What is the organisational framework of a REIT?

The idea of REIT was first introduced in India in 2007, with draft guidelines issued by the Security and Exchange Board of India (SEBI). It comprises a Sponsor, Manager, and Trustee, each with defined roles. To qualify as a REIT, at least 80% of investments must be in income-generating commercial properties, and 90% of rental income must be distributed as dividends. As per the SEBI guidelines, REITs must be listed on the stock exchange.

Are REITs required to distribute dividends?Do REITs Have to Pay Dividends?

Yes, as per the SEBI guidelines, REITs must distribute 90% of their rental income to the unitholders as dividends.

What is the full form of REIT?

REIT stands for Real Estate Investment Trust.

Why should you invest in REITs?

You can consider investing in REITs if you want regular income from your investments. Also, if you are looking for portfolio diversification, you can invest in REITs, as it allows you to get exposure to real estate.

What are the top-performing REITs in India?

In India, there are 3 options for REIT investment: Embassy Office Parks REIT, Mindspace Business Park REIT, and Brookfield India Real Estate Trust.

What is Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and How it Works (2024)


What is Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) and How it Works? ›

REITs, or real estate investment trusts, are companies that own or finance income-producing real estate across a range of property sectors. These real estate companies have to meet a number of requirements to qualify as REITs. Most REITs trade on major stock exchanges, and they offer a number of benefits to investors.

How does a real estate investment trust REIT work? ›

A real estate investment trust (REIT) is a company that owns, operates, or finances income-generating real estate. Modeled after mutual funds, REITs pool capital investors who earn dividends from real estate investments. Investors do not individually buy, manage, or finance any properties.

What is a real estate investment trust (REIT) Quizlet? ›

Real estate investment trusts (REITs) are companies that own, and usually operate income producing real estate. REITS generally own many types of commercial real estate, including multifamily, warehouses, and retail.

How do REITs make you money? ›

Properties can generate rental income, which, after collecting fees for property management, provides income to its investors. These REITs generate income from renting real estate to tenants. After paying expenses for operation, equity REITs pay out dividends to their shareholders on a yearly basis.

What is the REIT law for real estate investment trust? ›

The REIT Law together with its IRR, has rules on minimum public ownership, conflict of interest, related party transaction, limitations on compensation and fees paid by a REIT, restrictions on investment activity of a REIT, fit and proper rule and rules on oversight of independent directors.

Can you pull money out of a REIT? ›

Their dividend rate is higher than most equities or other fixed-income investments. REITs have a low correlation with other assets, which makes them an excellent choice for portfolio diversification. REITs are highly liquid; if you need to pull your money out, you simply sell your shares on a stock exchange.

Can I sell my house to a REIT? ›

A REIT can purchase real property directly from a seller for cash or for cash and a note. In this case, after the sale, the seller has no ownership interest in the REIT. As an alternative, the seller of property such as dealer, can transfer his property to the REIT in return for REIT shares.

What is the real estate investment trust concept? ›

What are REITs? Real estate investment trusts (“REITs”) allow individuals to invest in large-scale, income-producing real estate. A REIT is a company that owns and typically operates income-producing real estate or related assets.

What is the difference between real estate and REITs? ›

Whereas REITs pay dividends to investors, real estate funds aim to generate value through the appreciation of the securities they own. REITs are fundamentally a current-income strategy, as they are required to pay out at least 90% of taxable income each year as dividends to shareholders.

What is real estate investment trust REIT dividends? ›

REIT shares trade on the open market, so they are easy to buy and sell. The common denominator among all REITs is that they pay dividends consisting of rental income and capital gains. To qualify as securities, REITs must payout at least 90% of their net earnings to shareholders as dividends.

Can you live off REIT dividends? ›

Reinvesting REIT dividends can help retirement savers grow their portfolio's investment, and historically steady REIT dividend income can help retirees meet their living expenses. REIT dividends historically have provided: Wealth Accumulation. Reliable Income Returns.

Do REITs pay monthly income? ›

For investors seeking a steady stream of monthly income, real estate investment trusts (REITs) that pay dividends on a monthly basis emerge as a compelling financial strategy. In this article, we unravel two REITs that pay monthly dividends and have yields up to 8%.

Can you lose money investing in REITs? ›

Non-traded REITs have little liquidity, meaning it's difficult for investors to sell them. Publicly traded REITs have the risk of losing value as interest rates rise, which typically sends investment capital into bonds.

Can a REIT go out of business? ›

What this means is that REITs are ideal borrowers for banks. They are exactly who they want to do business with because they know that the risk of a REIT bankruptcy is extremely low. Just look at the past. There have been very few REIT bankruptcies over the past 50+ years.

Can you sell out of a REIT? ›

While a REIT is still open to public investors, investors may be able to sell their shares back to the REIT. However, this sale usually comes at a discount; leaving only about 70% to 95% of the original value. Once a REIT is closed to the public, REIT companies may not offer early redemptions.

Can you buy a house with a REIT? ›

A real estate investment trust (REIT) gives people the chance to invest in real estate even if they don't have enough cash to buy a property on their own. Residential REITs also give investors the chance to buy into real estate without having to take out a large mortgage loan.

What are the disadvantages of a REIT? ›

Limitations of REITs
LiquidityLack of tax benefits
Option to diversifyMarket risk
TransparentLow growth prospect
Risk-adjusted returnsHigh maintenance fee
1 more row

Is investing in a REIT a good idea? ›

Are REITs Good Investments? Investing in REITs is a great way to diversify your portfolio outside of traditional stocks and bonds and can be attractive for their strong dividends and long-term capital appreciation.

Can I invest $1000 in a REIT? ›

While they aren't listed on stock exchanges, non-traded REITs are required to register with the SEC and are subject to more oversight than private REITs. According to the National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts (Nareit), non-traded REITs typically require a minimum investment of $1,000 to $2,500.

What are the pros and cons of REIT real estate? ›

Real estate investment trusts reduce the barrier to entry for investors in the real estate market and provide liquidity, regular income and other perks. However, you'll be exposed to risks that aren't inherent in the stock market and dividends are subject to ordinary income tax.

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