What is Physical Security? Policies, Measures & Examples (2024)

Physical security planning can feel like adaunting task, and it can be difficult to know where to start. Now, many companies focus their efforts on cybersecurity – after all, modern businesses rely heavily on their data and IT infrastructure for day-to-dayactivities.

However, physical security plans should be equally high on the agenda. Striking abalance between online and physical security measures helps protect your business from all angles, safeguards your reputation and ensures your employees feel safe in theworkplace.

This physical security guide will explain the fundamentals of security, including the most common physical security threats and measures to prevent them. You can also find helpful information on how to make this information work for your company, as well as some tips to get you started on your own physical securityplan.

What is physicalsecurity?

Physical security is the protection of people, property, data and assets from physical actions that can cause damage or loss. This includes the prevention of theft, vandalism, accidental damage and natural elements that can be harmful to an establishment.

Physical security is often referred to as just being guards and gates”, but modern physical security systems consist of avariety of elements and measures,including:

  • Site layout and security configuration: identifying weak points and determining what needs the mostprotection

  • Visibility of critical areas: including lighting and video cameras to monitor essentialareas

  • Access control: from simple locks through to keypads and biometricaccess

  • Perimeter protection: the traditional guards and gates” aspect of physicalsecurity

  • Intrusion detection: including motion sensors, cameras and tripwire alarms to detect unauthorized access

  • Infrastructure protection: including power, fire, network connectivity andwater

  • Staff training and incident response: ensuring employees know how to handle incidents and having an emergency response process inplace

  • Safety awareness:this includes sensors or any other technology that can observe areas of interest and alert of potentialthreats

As you can see, the physical security examples above are extremely varied, touching on every aspect of asite and its functions. Some physical security plans are determined by environmental factors, such as your site layout, whilst some are behavioral, like staff training. Successful protection of people, property and assets involves acomprehensive range of physical security measures, including the physical protection of equipment and technology like data storage, servers and employee computers.

What is Physical Security? Policies, Measures & Examples (1)

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Common physical security threats, vulnerabilities andrisks

What is Physical Security? Policies, Measures & Examples (2)

Each business’ individual physical security risks will be different, but there are some common types of physical security threats to be awareof.

  • Unauthorized entry: this includes tailgating, social engineering, or access via stolen passes or codes. The earliest physical security breaches are, logically, at the first point of entry to your site. If unwanted visitors manage to gain access, then it is only amatter of time before other physical security threats canoccur.
  • Theft and burglary: businesses own many valuable assets, from equipment, to documents and employee IDs. Some businesses are extremely exposed to physical security risks like theft because of what they store on their premises – for example, jewelry or tech stores. Other businesses store extremely valuable information, like awealth management firm. Both businesses are prime targets for thieves, even though their assets are verydifferent.
  • Vandalism: some businesses are at risk of their property being destroyed or tampered with. This can be linked to acompany’s location — for example, if your business is next door to abar or nightclub, alcohol-related vandalism could be afrequent problem. Vandalism can also be ideologically motivated: for example, when activists cause physical damage to abusiness’ premises, such as smashing windows or throwingpaint.
  • Violence: acts of aggression and altercations can be aserious concern to not only the security of an establishment, but also to the safety of the people within. Fighting, harassment and acts of targeted violence are all physical security threats that are becoming increasingly common concerns in today’s securitylandscape.

These are afew high-level types of physical security threats. As you conduct arisk assessment of your own business, you will discover physical security risks specific to your industry andlocation.

Physical security measures andmethods

There are all kinds of physical security measures, but the main types of physical security fall into four broad categories: Deter, Detect, Delay and Respond.

As the diagram shows, the different physical security methods work together in stages. These levels of physical security begin with Deter at the outermost level, working inwards until finally, if all other levels are breached, aResponse isneeded.

Levels of physicalsecurity

Deter – Deterrence physical security measures are focused on keeping intruders out of the secured area. Common methods include tall perimeter fences, barbed wire, clear signs stating that the site has active security, commercial video cameras and access controls. All of these are designed to give aclear message to criminals that trespassing is not only difficult, it is also highly likely that they will becaught.

Detect – Detection works to catch any intruders if they manage to get past the deterrence measures mentioned above. Some criminals might slip in behind an employee — known as tailgating — or they might find away of scaling barriers. In these cases, aphysical security measure that can detect their presence quickly is crucial. These include many types of physical security system that you are probably familiar with. Physical security controls examples include CCTV cameras, motion sensors, intruder alarms and smart alerting technology like AI analytics. If an intruder is spotted quickly, it makes it much easier for security staff to delay them getting any further, and to contact law enforcement ifneeded.

Delay – You will notice that several physical security systems have multiple roles: they can deter as well as detect. Many of the physical security measures above also effectively delay intruders. Access control systems require credentials to open alocked door, slowing an intruder down and making it easier to apprehendthem.

Respond – Having the technology and processes to respond to intruders and take action is crucial for physical security, yet often overlooked. Response physical security measures include communication systems, security guards, designated first responders and processes for locking down asite and alerting law enforcement.

Physical security controls come in avariety of forms — from perimeter fences, to guards and security camera system recorders. Many physical security components have more than one function, and when several methods are combined, they are very effective at preventing or intercepting intruders and criminalactivity.

Physical security controltechnology

Within the four main types of physical security control categories is an enormous range of physical security tools and cutting-edge technology.

Physical security technologies have evolved in leaps and bounds in recent years, offering advanced protection at accessible price points. Physical security devices now use cloud technology and artificial intelligence for even smarter processing in realtime.

Automated physical security components can perform anumber of different functions in your overall physical security system. For physical controls, you might want to verify entry and exits with access control technology. You can carry out proactive intrusion detection with video security and access controls that work together as aunified system.

One of the great things about physical security technology is that it is scalable, so you can implement it flexibly. If you are testing physical security technology out, you might start with asmall number of cameras, locks, sensors or keypads, and see how they perform. However, for amore robust plan required for properties like municipalities, extensive government cameras, access control and security technology are most likely necessary and should be planned accordingly. When connected to the cloud or asecure network, physical security technology can also collect useful data for audit trails and analysis. It is also useful for demonstrating the merits of your physical security plan to stakeholders.

When scoping out your physical security investment plan, consider how different types of physical security tools will work together. Choosing physical security devices that seamlessly integrate together will make things much easier, especially in the soak testing phase. Many physical security companies now observe universal standards like ONVIF, which enables devices from different manufacturers to integrate much more smoothly than in the past. Other specific standards such as FIPS certified technology should also be taken into account when reviewing your investmentplan.

Video security

Video surveillance technology is acore element of many physical security plans today. CCTV has moved on significantly from the days of recording analog signal to tape. So too has internet connectivity – thanks to fast network connections and the cloud, transmitting high-quality video is faster than everbefore.

Video security is primarily aDetect form of physical security control. Using alive connection and smart cameras, it is possible to spot suspicious activity in real time. They can also be used to Deter intruders, since the sight of cameras around apremises can discourage criminals from attempting to breakin.

There are many different types of security cameras to suit all kinds of requirements and environments, such as city surveillance cameras used for poor lighting conditions. Or, for targeting specific small spaces in abusiness setting, varifocal lens cameras are best for such environment. Analog cameras are still acost-effective option for many physical security plans, and whilst the technology is older, in some cases they have advantages over their more current counterparts. HD analog security cameras are apopular choice that offers the best of both worlds: cheaper hardware with high-quality footage.

Internet protocol (IP) cameras use the latest technology to transmit high-quality video over an internet connection via ethernet security camera cables. These cameras have many smart features, such as motion detection and anti-tampering. This means that you not only receive data about what is going on around your site, you also have information about the cameras themselves. IP cameras come in many different models, depending on the footage you need torecord.

As the name suggests, fixed IP cameras have afixed viewpoint. This might sound limiting, but most cameras only need to focus on one key area at atime. Fixed IP cameras are agreat choice for indoor and outdoor use, and there are models for both. These cameras can handle arange of lighting conditions. Available in both bullet cameras or dome camera formats, these cameras can handle wall-to-wall and floor-to-ceiling coverage. This also makes them suitable security choices as elevator cameras. Some models are specifically designed to be vandal-resistant, if this is aphysical securityrisk.

If 360-degree views are what you need, then pan-tilt-zoom (PTZ) security cameras are the perfect choice. These give you ultimate control over what you can see in acertain area. They are made to be versatile in arange of lighting conditions, with long-distance views. Look for low latency cameras, which deliver footage with minimaldelays.

If you want 360-degree views around the clock, panoramic IP cameras are agreat option. They constantly record from all angles. If there are areas where you need maximum visibility, these could be agreat choice for your physical securityplan.

For maintaining security coverage on roads and highways,traffic surveillance cameras are ideal outdoor video solutions. These cameras can help monitor traffic flow and capture incidents happening on the road. In addition,license plate security cameras can provide deeper details such as license plate number data and integrate with an analytics platform to quickly identify vehicle license plates or create watch lists for specificvehicles.

Some environments are more challenging and require aspecialized solution. For industries such as oil and gas plants, there are ruggedized cameras which can resist blasts and extreme temperatures. Ruggedized cameras are also useful in extreme outdoor conditions, for example at busy ports where water and humidity can affectequipment.

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Access control

Access control technology is another cornerstone of physical security systems. Like video security, access control systems give you an overview of who is entering and exiting your premises. It also gives you physical controls to keep certain people out and authorize people to enter. Access control systems can help Detect and Delay intruders from entering. They can also Deter intruders by making it too difficult to attempt entry. As with security cameras, there are many different types of access controldevices.

Keyless access control relies on modern methods of authentication to authorize entry. One example of this is mobile access control. Now, employees can use their smartphones to verify themselves. As well as being easy to use, keyless access control removes the risk of lost or duplicated keys andkeycards.

Many access control units now also include two-way video. This provides an added layer of verification, so that authorized individuals can check who is attempting to enter. All these types of physical security devices have the added benefit of using smart technology that connects to either the cloud, or to aweb interface. This allows you to monitor and control your entry points, and also provides you with valuabledata.

Analytics and artificial intelligence

Physical security technologies can log large quantities of data around the clock. Now, this information can be enhanced with smart analytics. Analytics powered by artificial intelligence (AI) can process all this data and provide helpful digests for your security team, saving them valuable time and helping them to make faster, better informed decisions. Many types of physical security technology now have AI analytics included as part of their core functionality; however there are many options available on the market for amore tailoredsetup.

Analytics platforms and capabilities are extremely varied and there are now solutions for many different physical security tools. For example, smart video analytics like license plate recognition can identify relevant activity such as vehicles, whilst also filtering out false alerts that can waste employees’ time. Analytics can also compile summaries of incidents and generate reports of the data you want to investigate, whether this is the number of alerts over atime period, or the performance of your physical securitydevice.

This digested data is highly valuable for business operations and compliance. Many companies have physical security policies which require comprehensive reporting and audit trails. Analytics can help provide this information in an accessible format, as well as making the overall compliance process easier and more efficient for security staff. Activity and performance data offer valuable insights for operations; by looking at how your physical security plan is working over time, you are much better informed on how to improveit.

Sensor technology

Sensor technology is another Detectform of physical security and akey element in your security setup. Thesesmart building devices detect environmental changes and alert security teams to potential threats. The most commonly used type of sensor is asmoke alarm, which helps to indicate afire. Other sensors detect and observe motion, sounds, light, vaping, temperature andmore.

Upon detecting vape, loud noises, unusual motion or other triggers, the sensor will notify the operator and enable the security team to respond quickly. When integrated with the wider physical security setup, the operator can use their security cameras to gain greater visibility of the incident and initiate alockdown via the access control system, if necessary. These quick alerts and fast responses can help to extinguish the threat and restore asafe environment.

Sensor technology is agreat security solution for privacy-concern areas, such as washrooms and changing facilities, where video and audio recording are prohibited. Vaping and fighting incidents often occur in these spaces, away from security cameras and the presence of security officers, and sensor technology gives organizations alevel of observation. As there are multiple elements that organizations will want to detect and observe in privacy-sensitive spaces, it is important to consider what types of specific sensors will be needed. Multiple sensor types may need to be installed and wired, or organizations may choose to implement amodern all-in-oneHALO Smart Sensor that is able to detect awide plethora of safetythreats.

Methods to identify physical securitythreats

What is Physical Security? Policies, Measures & Examples (4)

The best way to uncover any potential weak spots is to conduct athorough physical security risk assessment. Stress testing physical security rigorously will reveal where your main challenges are. This in turn directs you on priority areas for your physical security investment plan. You can conduct this risk assessment yourself, or you can consult aspecialist physical security company to do it foryou.

Physical security failures are not always the direct result of apoor physical security system. Sometimes, even with many of the right physical security measures, problems can arise because of weaknesses or challenges in other business areas. Some of these challenges are not immediately obvious, but will require stress testing or investigations to revealthem.

Examples of physical securitychallenges

Budget shortages prevent many businesses from making an appropriate physical security investment. However, failing to budget for an adequate physical security system can lead to physical security failures over time. Some physical security measures can strain abudget more than others; for example, hiring security guards can be costly, especially if many are needed to guard asite for long periods of time. In addition, more advanced physical security hardware, such as top-of-the-line video cameras and access systems, will inevitably be more expensive. However, not having those measures in place can expose abusiness to arange of physical security threats, which can be just ascostly.

Staff shortages can also put pressure on physical security systems. Even with the most advanced physical security technology in place, businesses still need personnel to oversee larger systems and make decisions about how and when to take action. In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, many businesses suffered from recruitment shortages. Not having enough people to implement your physical security plan can put astrain on morale and cause operational issues. Even if you can recruit new staff members, if they are not sufficiently trained in the physical security technology you use, or your company’s physical security policies, then this can also create bottlenecks that leave you exposed torisk.

Physical security technology enhances business security, but if it is not properly integrated into alarger physical security system, it can bring problems rather than benefits. Akey factor to bear in mind is how your physical security devices interface, and how they feed information back into your physical security system. If your devices are not compatible, or they are not properly integrated, critical information might be missed. One way to minimize the likelihood of this happening is to use devices that comply with ONVIF camera physical security standards. ONVIF is aset of standards specifically designed to enable many different types of physical security technology to interface seamlessly, regardless of manufacturer. For more advice on how to integrate technology into your physical security system, go to the section in this guide on physical securityplanning.

When securing awide business network, physical security management can be alogistical challenge. Having anumber of connected sites to secure involves keeping track of many moving parts all at once. If you are struggling with any of the challenges above, managing multiple sites will only compound these issues. No two sites are exactly the same, so as well as implementing acompany-wide physical security policy, your plan must also be flexible enough to accommodate each site’s individual physical security threats and vulnerabilities.

Complete coverage is difficult to achieve with video security cameras, access control and onsite guards alone. Within facilities, there are multiple spaces and rooms where video and audio recordings are not allowed, and so is the presence of security guards. Areas like hotel rooms, restrooms and changing facilities are environments where the user’s privacy must be respected. However, physical security threats and incidents can still occur in these spaces. Smart sensors and vape detectors with non-invasive security features can be leveraged to help ensure there is comprehensive security insight in allareas.

Physical securityplanning

Drawing up physical security plans requires input from around your business. Physical security measures do not take place in avacuum — they affect every aspect of your day-to-day operations. You will see that many physical security examples in the guide below also feed into your company’s finances, regulatory status and operations. Agood practice for physical security planning is well researched, holistic and encompasses all your departments and functions. In the following 5‑step guide, you will learn how to apply physical security best practices at every stage of your physical security plan, from risk assessment to implementation.

1. Conducting arisk assessment

You cannot approve any physical security investment without first knowing which physical security measures are needed. This is why athorough risk assessment is an invaluable asset — once you have it, you can return to it, add to it and use it to adapt your physical security systems overtime.

It might be overwhelming trying to work out where to begin. If you do not have the know-how or bandwidth to do this yourself, there are many physical security companies who specialize in risk assessments and penetration testing. You can also take on aphysical security company to consult on the process, guiding you on how to carry it out effectively.

Begin by considering your most common physical security threats and vulnerabilities. Using the Deter-Detect-Delay-Respond categories above, think about which physical security breaches might happen in your business at each stage. The most obvious starting point is identifying any unprotected points of entry, as well as any areas of interest or highvalue.

Next, see if your company has records of any previous physical security breaches. Your insurance will have records of past claims, and prior physical security management might have kept alog of past incidents. This is also the point at which you should liaise with stakeholders and different departments; the risk assessment stage is when expectations are set, and when teams’ cooperation is required for the overall success of your project. Do not overlook any department: from senior management to physical security in IT, every team will have something tocontribute.

Really investigate your site. Leave no stone unturned, and consider that not all physical security measures require cameras, locks or guards. For example, poorly-lit areas might need cameras, but simply improving the lighting conditions will make an enormous difference to how attractive that area would be to criminals. Also look at high-traffic and low-traffic areas; both are prone to intrusion, since criminals can slip by unnoticed in acrowd, or when nobody is around. These are areas where detecting and delaying intruders will be the mostimportant.

Finally, armed with this information, you can start to map out where to position physical security components and redundancy networks. Aredundancy network is crucial as any physical security control is at risk of not working. In these cases, abackup network will protect you from any physical securitythreats.

2. Review your operations andresources

All the information you have gained from your risk assessment will help you to ascertain the physical security controls you can purchase and implement. The scale of your project will depend on the resources that are already available. For example, if you plan to install extra IP cameras over analog cameras and smart access controls, you will first need to check if you have sufficient internet bandwidth to handle streaming all this information. You will also need to check you have enough server space to store all the data these physical security devices willgenerate.

There is then the question of whether you choose to monitor your security in-house, or whether you plan to outsource it to aphysical security company. One basic consideration is space — do you have enough space on-site for asecurity operations center (SOC)? You will also need to consider whether your existing team can handle additional information streams from more devices, or whether you would need to recruit more staff. Outsourcing this function can relieve some of the operational pressure, but depending on your industry, you must check whether physical security policies and compliance require you to keep data confidential.

This is the stage to brainstorm what physical security tools you want, what you need immediately, and what your physical security plans are for the mid to long term. With athorough plan in place, it will be much easier for you to work with stakeholders on financialapproval.

3. Commercial and operational approval

At this point, you will submit your plan for business approval. The key objective during this phase is to agree on afinancially viable plan that does not compromise on physical security and leave you open torisk.

As stakeholders and other interested parties scrutinize your plan and suggest changes, ensure you draw up anew risk matrix for each iteration. This way you can refer back to previous versions to check that no physical security threats go under the radar. Documenting every stage in writing will make sure that you and your stakeholders are on the same page, so that further down the line there is accountability for how your physical security systemsperform.

Be prepared for asituation where you will have to compromise. In these circ*mstances, review the areas where you cannot devote as many resources as you would like and see if there is aworkaround. For example, aseemingly vulnerable dark area might not require specialist thermal security cameras if the lighting conditions are improved. Or, perhaps instead of hiring alarge team of operators to field alarms, you could see if your current team can handle the extra workload with the help of smartanalytics.

4. Implementing physical security policies andsetup

With stakeholder backing, your physical security plan is finally ready for implementation. This is the stage where processes are mapped out in greater detail, along with protocols and internal physical securitypolicies.

At this point, you will want to finalize the Respond aspects of your physical security system. Establish points of contact for incident response, such as who is responsible for threat verification and when to call law enforcement. This is also when to confirm finer details such as how to manage out-of-hours monitoring, and when to arm and disarm yoursite.

This is also when to confirm KPIs and to approve all stakeholder expectations in writing. Once your physical security measures are up and running, meet with stakeholders to explain how you will meet their expectations, and how the settling in” process will work. In the first few months, set up check-in calls with stakeholders to keep them apprised of how physical security threats are being managed, and how your plan isworking.

5. Physical security bestpractices

As your physical security system beds in and grows over time, there are some physical security best practices it is wise to maintain. The cornerstone of your evolving plan should be accountability: who is responsible for every aspect of your company’s physical security. To this end, create aphysical security guide or playbook, which everyone can refer to, and which can adapt along with yoursite.

Your playbook should detail physical security examples suchas:

  • A list of all the components you use (e.g. cameras, keypads andpasscodes)
  • A corresponding list of all your device configurations
  • Agreed objectives and how to implementthem
  • Redundancy network protocols and configurations
  • Physical security policies for regular testing and maintenance
  • Any local, national or international physical security standards or regulations you follow, along with dates forrenewal

Having aguide like this not only keeps all parties on the same page, it is also agreat resource for any new hires. By keeping all your core information together, you will not leave yourself open to any physical security risks, nor to complianceissues.

Final thoughts on physicalsecurity

Physical security is fundamental to your business’ success. With the right physical security measures in place, it need not be expensive or difficult to maintain. The best way to guarantee asafe and secure workplace is to carefully observe exactly what your company needs, and then to find the right physical security tools, technology and methods for thejob.

What is Physical Security? Policies, Measures & Examples (2024)
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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.