What. Is. LOVE?? - Chapter 9 - Pumpkin_Bumpkin (2024)

Chapter Text

Six had been looking forward to this day ever since she saw the charming advertisem*nt on their TV. And boy, was she not disappointed. The new diner was all sorts of lovely, paper lanterns and pin lights hanging from delicately painted posts. Not too mention most of it was outdoor seating, so you could eat while enjoying the sights and sounds of the street shops. Both teens took in the memory, pleading that all the new, wonderful things to come from this resurrected city were a good omen.

“Cathy? Table for two?”

“Yep, that’s us. Thanks.” Mono’s hidden eyes could only squint in confusion as both were led to their table.

“Who on earth is Cathy?”

“I donnknow. Some forgettable shmo.” Six commented nonchalantly as she took her seat and peered into the menu with a ravenous gaze. ”I just don’t want anyone knowing my real name around here.” Rumors had started around the neighborhood that these two children Mono and Six had been, what-they-considered “saviors” of Pale City. The real story wasn’t quite as noble, and Six wanted nothing to do with such stories nor the attention. It was another reason Mono preferred to keep his bag on while traveling.

“That’s fair. Too bad though. I was gonna introduce her to Richard Little. I feel like they would be good friends.” Six flattened the menu as she smirked at her friend, Mono snickering at her expression.

“Choose what you want for dinner you nerd.”

“Ughhh. I’m so indecisive.” Moaning in annoyance, the teen finally gave in to try and order, at least able to choose his pie. As Mono read over his options, Six took a moment to observe him, the scene itself included. His rather… admirable appearance. Even with his profile completely covered, Six was always fond of his particular mannerisms. The way he whistled to try and aid his decision-making, tapping the side of his face with a finger. The beautiful trees, the sweet-smelling vase with perfectly picked peonies on their table. A waitress was even so kind as to light a small candle as she walked past. It almost reminded her of something. Perhaps such a thing that she only recalled in passing channels on their TV. It was almost like, as if,....they were on a date. What no no no…Not a date! According to author Nancy Averdale going on a date was Step 5 on “How to Woo Your Man”. At least! Oh gosh, she was doing it all wrong. The thought only deepened the color in her cheeks. Ach-Well. Maybe the teen shouldn’t freak out just yet. After all, nothing here was official. It was just a friendly dinner. Nothing more.


Had she wished for more?...Maybe she did…Was this what love looked like?? Six didn’t feel convinced, but….perhaps she could…explore the idea…Even if it wasn’t real.


“So tell me more about yourself, Richard. What does a handsome gent like you do for work in today’s..uh..ecodomy?” Six managed to shock him out of his mumblings. Handsome?? Darn it Mono!-She’s just messing per usual, ease your heart. Only a soft chortle emitted from the boy as his hands slid down the menu sides in thought.

“....Do you even know what economy means?”

“I don’t need to know what autonomy means to win a man’s heart.” Mono couldn’t keep it together. Gosh darn it Six.

“Who are you?! And what did you do to my best friend?” he begged to know, putting the menu down as he faced his companion. She only laughed, bearing those dangerous pearly whites. Mono did everything in his power not to swoon.

“What? You said you wanted to introduce Richard to Cathy. So. Here’s Cathy. And what a better place for them to meet, than a nice, lovely dinner?” The lad could only shake his head, his blush thankfully hidden by his paper bag. Her and her games. She even managed to sport what she considered his “oh so fancy and posh” Pale Citian accent. An absolute gremlin. Six grabbed her water-filled wine glass in a forcefully sophisticated manner, aimlessly twirling it.

“Your dearest friend has told me oh so much about you Richard. I dare say, you’re even more dashing than how you were described.”

“Oh you humor me, fair lady. May I be so bold as to say, I’m just absolutely chuffed, gobsmacked even, to be spending time with such a reem, one-off bonnie young lady in this beautiful chock-a-block caff.

….Okay, even Six couldn’t decipher the gibberish she just heard. He made up some of those words just now, didn’t he?

“I can’t compete. Where on earth did you learn such a vocabulary?” Mono snootily clicked his tongue.

“I don’t know if you ever knew this but, I’m kind of a native.” That he was, Six had no doubt, she thought to herself as his somewhat hidden, warm smile had her transfixed. When they first met, the girl could barely understand the lad on account of his accent, as he also struggled to grasp hers. Relying on hand gestures and sometimes messy illustrations was what often saved them both from arguments and danger.
“Being the naff adult that I am, you would not believe if I told you that I,” the young lad leaned in close to his dear friend, Six noticing the nefarious squint in his glowing gaze. “File my taxes.”


“And I even,” Caught completely off guard, Mono gently placed his hand underneath her chin, ever so softly pulling it closer to him, her and his hidden nose barely touching. “Pay my bills.”

“Oh! What a lad!” Six gasped, clutching her chest with adoration. Six couldn’t tell if that had been a falsified reaction or not. Mono’s loving touch, intentional or not, made her face feel warm with comfort. Mono laughed at her overreaction, sighing. A moment to think. A deep breath. Hone your courage. This was it. The time was just right.

“Hey um…Silliness aside. There’s…Uh..There’s something I’ve been meaning to tell you. For quite a long time, actually..” Shifting the tone to something more serious, Mono took a small, nervous sip from his glass and put it to the side, facing his friend directly. Geez, why was he so sweaty…

“I just thought that…That you ought to let you know that...I really like spending quality time with you. Despite everything I just…I just really feel at peace, when we’re together.” Mono took a moment to maintain his composure, anxiously scratching at his hand. “You make me smile, and laugh, and feel safe and warm…And I admire the way you never give up…..I haven’t felt that way with anyone else….And I’ve felt this way for quite some time, honestly. Friend…


I…I love you. I really do. You don’t have to feel the same, of course. I…I just thought I’d let you know…”

“Oh Richard. You’re just too sweet~” Six chimed.

Mono swore the world fell gray for a moment

“Heh……..Well..” His heart ached with a deep, sharp pain. Why didn’t he clarify?! Well, he kinda did- Not enough! Ach, Mono! Perhaps his timing wasn’t proper…. “Actually..I meant that I-

“Did you guys decide what you’d like to order?” Wait- Only now had Six just processed what had happened. Mono…wasn’t joking just now, was he? I…Uhh..She- She wasn’t ready. She still had so much left to learn! So many new books to scrounge for any ounce of clarity. If Mono truly loved her, how could she return the gesture when she hadn’t the slightest idea how to reciprocate?

“I’ll have the prime steak. Rare.”

“The mushroom risotto. Please.”

“Ahh, good choices. Anything to drink…with that?” Biting her lip, the waitress did her best not to draw attention to the obvious awkwardness these two seemed to emanate. If she were to take a lucky guess, these two were on a blind date of sorts.

“Green tea,....if you have it.”

“I’ll have the same.”

“Great. I’ll be right back with those.” Not dwelling a moment too long, the young lady continued her rounds. At least there was relaxing background music and small-talk chatter from other customers, the only thing breaking the unbearable silence. In the moment of stillness, Six did nothing but look down at the table, begging with an invisible force to end her misery.

“I’m sorry…Um.” Mono had spoken, to her surprise. Six looked up, afraid- no..hopeful? At what he would profess next. “Perhaps I went a bit too far with that…impersonation. I..I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.” Ah…So it was just a joke. Well…No, that’s okay. Why would she expect anything different? They were friends, best friends. “I’m just happy to finally go out and do something with you, ya know? Away from home. Not that I don’t like home. It’s just…A change of pace is nice.” Six smiled happily at his response, yet still uneasy at making eye contact. Focusing on the candle flame, she listened as Mono continued. She looked forward to sharing her pie with him.


After a long day of stress and anxiousness, Mono was so relieved to finally be home. Even though it was revealed that Mono’s health was indeed in jeopardy, there was, in fact, promising evidence for a solution. Although it would take several months for Mono to return to normal, the two teens were just relieved to know he was on track to recovery. He just had to focus on being restful and positive. Speaking of restful- Mono threw the house keys into a wicker basket on the table, cast his coat out onto the carpet, and fell onto the cushioned couch with a relaxed sigh.

“I’m never going out again….I’m never *moving* again.” Six only chuckled, placing the leftovers in the fridge before sitting beside him. She knew what that was like.

“How are you going to eat or sleep? And how are you gonna cook me breakfast again?” Mono only responded with a half-raspberry, to which the two gingerly snickered at. Ahh..The ache. Please, go away. She couldn’t bear any more of it- Six let out a small huff, carefully lifting Mono’s tired head into her lap and rubbing the pain out of his shoulders. “You won’t have to worry about that anymore. Things are going to be different. From now on, I’ll be taking care of you.” Mono’s fingers twitched with guilt.

“Six, you don’t have to th-”

“Bag it, Baghead.” Firmly, yet with care, Six placed a head over Mono’s bagged mouth, any disagreements from him resulting in muffled grumbles. “I want to help you. You’ve done plenty for me…For us. It’s about time I return the favor…”

“You’ve done plenty too Six, I…” Mono wished to say more, but he decided to bite his tongue. If Six wanted to lend a hand, he wouldn’t object, even if this guilt still lingered. He needed her. And yet, he hoped that Six knew she owed him nothing. Six had been so helpful alr-

“Do you remember when…I couldn’t move?” The boy paused in his thoughts, a forgotten sadness creeping back into his mind. Lightly, he nodded, placing his hand on top of hers, stroking the top with his thumb.

“I do luv..” Mono responded in a low voice, shifting himself a little closer to her. The young lady took a deep breath, trying to progress yet the words were unable to come out. Poor Six…Painful memories always limited her speech... She growled and turned away, scratching her neck anxiously. Of course, he remembered. It was something he could never forget


“Six?...You here?” The young teen called out down the hallway. Six had been acting..very distant and strange ever since they returned from their voyage to the Maw. He couldn’t blame her..Especially considering her adjustment to her new powers, obtained by the death of her aunt, the Lady of the Maw. Everything…, the death of her father, the torture of the Thin Man, their adventure, their separation. All the trauma and pain Six had to push aside to survive managed to come back and haunt her in their new state of calm.

Since then she’s spoken so little, spending most days and nights reclused in her room. Mono was getting anxious. He hadn’t seen her come out at all today, and the boy had spent most of his time indoors for spring cleaning. Hmm..No answer. Quietly, he approached her door, racking his knuckles gently on the hardwood.

“Six?...Have you eaten anything today?...” Silence. It didn’t take an answer to know something was deeply wrong. Mono could feel darkness pour through the bottom crack of the door. He knew better than to invade her safe space, and yet he felt she wasn’t safe. With care and wariness, Mono managed to open the door. He had been right. The room was almost pitch black, shades drawn to block out any reference of time. Squinting, he could just make out her small form, a lump in the covers.

“I..I’m sorry..I don’t want to pry, I’m just…really worried. You haven’t really been…yourself..” With care, he approached the side of the bed and lifted the covers, finding Six curled into a ball, silent tears trickling down the side of her expressionless face. Mono swallowed hard, trying not to get emotional.
“W-What’s wrong?..”

“Nothing. Go.” Her voice was hoarse and raspy from lack of use. Only her lips moved. The rest of her remained limp and lifeless.

“That’s not true. You’re not well…You haven’t moved in days, have you?...Aren’t you hungry? Thirsty?”


“You’ve skipped several meals…”

“I don’t want to eat.”

“Six, please. I’m scared..I don’t want you to starve.” The girl said nothing more, staring at the floor with tearful eyes. Her stomach rumbled. She ignored it. How could she of all people manage to do that?...

“Let’s go to the kitchen. I’ll fix you something light. How about some meatball soup?”

“Can’t..” Six muttered, closing her puffy, tired eyes with remorse. Mono was unsure but he thought he heard a small whine, a soft but desperate plea for help. “C-Can’t move.”

“You can’t move?..”

“Can’t move..” The boy took a deep breath, maintaining his composure and slowly edged closer to her stiff form.

“I can pick you up. I can take you to the kitchen. And give you food.”

“No. Not your job.”

“I don’t care. You’re hurting Six. I want to help..Please. Can I pick you up?” After a few seconds, Six finally gave in and affirmed with a light huff, Mono being careful to pull her into his arms carefully. Mono’s eyes teared up. She felt so frail and cold. Setting her down briefly, he wrapped her tightly in one of their woven blankets, holding her close to his chest as he made his way into the kitchen.

He placed Six gently on the living room recliner, turning it so she was facing Mono as he worked. “It’s gonna be okay…This won’t last, I promise. It’s…dangerous to be alone for too long. I’m sure you remember..with me.” Mono spoke as he fanned the flames of the oven, starting right away. With care and a close watch on his dear friend, the young teen prepared the ingredients. Nothing could break his concentration. He minced and diced, dropping the contents into the warm bubbling pot with a ‘plop’. When the soup was finally complete, he dipped a ladle into the broth and poured a generous helping into a deep bowl.

He pushed his form beside hers, sitting comfy now having migrated to the couch. Six’s favorite genre of television was similar to his, in that they both had some sort of grand investigation involved. However, she was more of a murder mystery on a train, who-done-it kind of gal compared to the cold, rainy noir detective work he was into. Nevertheless, they both enjoyed it, making sure to tune in to her favorite series.

“Ooo! A rerun of the Blood Runs in the Ballroom. You love this episode, don’t you?” Mono urged, trying to get the girl excited. Yet her silent tears continued to flow, watching the screen with dull eyes. The sparkle was gone. Oh, it pained Mono’s heart…”You’re lucky because tonight's recipe has a little more meatball and less veggie. Why don’t you have a little?” Mono held out the bowl with a charming smile, hoping she would take it. Much to his dismay, Six’s fingers only twitched. It…was as if her sadness was paralyzing.

“Can’t…m-move..” Her once expressionless face began to contort with despair, her tears flowing more steadily. “S-Sorry…”

“Oi, it’s okay! It’s okay, please don’t fret. Here.” With a spoon, the young lad scooped a mouthful of warm stew and held it up to her mouth. Hesitantly, with remaining shame in her facade, the young teen gave in and accepted the gesture. How strange. The soup was absolutely marvelous. It tasted like home. Like warm campfires and bedtime stories and Mono’s hugs. So why did it make her tears flow even more easily? One certainly couldn’t cry from being happy, right? No no, that couldn’t be it. “Pretty good huh? It’s my secret recipe.” The girl only responded with a light exhale and a nod, tilting her head towards his shoulder. Mono noticed her gesture with a happy grin and pulled the bundled girl to his side, allowing her to rest her head on his shoulder while he continued to feed her the healing stew.



“Wh-What’s the s-secret?..” Quietly, she murmured, taking this cozy moment to rest her eyes. Mono chuckled lightly, gently blowing on the spoon before feeding her the next bite.

“Promise not to tell anyone?”


“Okay. The secret is actually, believe it or not…” Mono leaned in close to her side, lightly touching his nose against her cheek.

“....a secret.”

“Ughh..” Six huffed with annoyance at her friend’s shenanigans.

“Haha! I made you smileee~”

“Leave m-me alon-ne…You doof.” Grumbling, Six gave him an annoyed smirk. Hmm. You win this time, she thought to herself.


“It’s okay…I remember…I picked you up, and carried you wherever I went…Trying, desperately, to cheer you up. I thank the stars every day that you got better…And even in this state, even in my illness, I’d do it all again. Because I love- lo- love helping you. You owe me nothing…” The teen cleared her throat and gathered herself once more, looking down tenderly into his hidden eyes.

“No. I don’t. We don’t. But I will do so anyway. Because you are dear to me.” Mono couldn’t understand. He couldn’t understand her undeserving kindness. Six recalled that it was important to note and appreciate the things she liked about Mono to confirm her love. At least that’s what April Bixby had said in one of the several books, “Affirming Feelings”. His eyes. She loved his swirling eyes. Something others had feared, something he hated for so long. They were mesmerizing and special. They flickered whenever his emotions grew strong. Six thought they were beautiful, but never admitted it verbally…
“I miss you. I miss your eyes. You don’t have to wear that mask anymore now that we’re home. Can I take it off for you?”

Mono nearly choked on the air he breathed in. Something in her voice sounded so genuine and sweet. N-Not to say that she wasn’t normally sweet! It just- Her words…made him feel so warm and…complete. She never spoke like this before. A little dumbfounded, Mono could only nod lightly in response. Six smiled softly, removing his paper bag with ca-

“AHH!” Six shrieked as she leaped back in terror, causing Mono to shoot up from his lying position. Oh gosh no no no was it his eyes, did they scare her!? He knew she would find them repulsive one day he- “What on earth is on your face?! Is that a squirrel??”

“My face?..Wha” In a panic, Mono ran his fingers down his cheeks and chin. In an instant, he knew exactly what she was talking about, and relaxed, doing his best not to burst out laughing.
“Oooh. Do you mean this mustache and beard?”

“Is that what that is?...” Six cringed unintentionally. Oi, stop that! You’re supposed to love him no matter what!...The teen often forgot how close they were to adulthood. Since when did Mono have facial hair?? And since when did he grow a full foot taller than her? The feeling was bittersweet. Mono only snickered.

“Sorry friend. I haven’t shaved in a while on account of my nerves. I’ve been meaning to. Tried with the blade but..” He lifted a shaky hand, not needing to say more. Six’s disgust melted into sadness for her dear friend. She meant what she said earlier. He had nothing to worry about, all his cares would be met by her.

“I can help you with that, if you want..”

“And kill my lovely squirrel?? No siree. We’re best mates. And I’m not sure I trust you with a knife to my neck.”

“I’m your best friend; I’m kickin’ that squirrel to the curb. Oi! I’m great with a knife! I’ve skinned more rodents and fish than- than the hairs on your chin!”

“That’s not the least bit concerning in the slightest!” The two laughed at one another, Six playfully pushing his shoulder, in extension his taunts.

“You really wanna keep that thing on your face?”

“Oh heavens no. It’s quite an itchy nuisance. And it makes me look terribly old. I’m not that old…Not yet.”

“You certainly aren’t. Sit up just a little. I can carry you and take care of it for ya.”

“You can carry me? Aren’t I too hea-” Before he could even finish, Six carefully maneuvered her shadows to help lift Mono in her arms and secure his weight.

“I got cool powers too ya know. And don’t you forget it!” With a sharp, toothy grin, Six gracefully carried the lad into the common washroom. Mono’s face grew beet red. Thank goodness his dear friend wasn’t looking at his lovesick smile. All he could hear was wedding bells. The washroom in their house was quite big compared to others, a third was carpeted to lead into a connected walk-in closet. Strangely, it just made it more cozy that way. Setting him down gently in the chair center of the room, Six opened a nearby drawer and grabbed all the supplies she would need.

Every month or so, the two would take turns sitting in this chair, kindly trimming each other's hair whenever it grew too long….Six recalled another admirable trait Mono held…He was really good at tenderly brushing out the knots in her hair without tugging or pulling harshly. Mono was no stranger to styling, having an array of fellow orphans he considered his sisters. How sweet… Sometimes she..hmm..wished he would run his fingers through her hair-Stop. The teen regained her focus; her dear friend needed her help. After acquiring the knife and bowl of fresh water, Six pulled out a dark cloth and wrapped it around his form, tying it just behind his neck, and turned the chair to face her.

“Time to say goodbye to your squirrel friend.”

“Bah, that’s okay. He always comes back.” Six grumbled with loving annoyance, smirking at her chuckling friend. His smile quickly disappeared as the girl brought the knife close to his neck. The teen often forgot how strong Six was now, tough from the toil of their daily physical chores. Pleasebecarefulpleasebecareful.

It was as if she could read his mind. “I’ll be careful, I promise.” Expecting a somewhat irritating sensation on his face, Mono was mildly surprised to find how gentle she was. The girl grabbed a smaller bowl from off the sink countertop, dabbing a small brush into the foam, and applied it to his face in long, gentle streaks. “Heh. This is kinda like painting. I remember when you painted that deer that would often visit our field…What was her name?..”

“Vawey” Mono mumbled under the soap. Six nodded in affirmation, her smile widening.

“That’s right, Valley. Gosh, you sure did her justice. I still have the one in my room. I’ve been meaning to frame it.” Six looked into his eyes. The more she shared, the more she felt, the more it pained her. She had to get used to it. He deserved to be loved the right way. She had to feel properly; the teen wouldn’t rest until so…But..why was it so difficult?
“I…really admire your art. I’m not sure how you do it…” Six continued as she set the bowl aside and picked up the knife, gliding it carefully across his chin. “You don’t just see shapes, you see them for who they are. You capture their character. That’s pretty impressive you know, I don’t think those modern shmos really understand how to do that.” Mono only hummed happily, as a nonverbal thank you.

“I was thankful I lived by the park. With my siblings gone to football and friends’ houses and Rose preparing the home, I had to spend my evenings alone and find my own sort of fun. I began by observing the pigeons that would visit and etched them into the sidewalk with chalk. Eventually, I just brought a pad and paper wherever I went.” Six smiled at him as he spoke, taking in his story with hidden infatuation. Learning more about him warmed her heart.

“What was your favorite animal you’ve ever drawn?”

“Favorite? Oh dear, hmmm..” Mono tilted his head up in thought, Six carefully repositioning it with her hand as he continued to think. “I like drawing birds. It’s more of a challenge since they’re constantly wary.”

“Mmm. That is true.”

“Frogs are an entirely another sort of challenge. I have to find a dry spot to capture their likeness. They only come out in the city when it starts to rain. Oh! I also love-”

“One sec bud.” Politely, the teen paused him, shaving above his lip before she let him go on. On they went, talking as she worked. As much as he loved talking with Six, her gentle touch made his mind sleepy and his eyes heavy. Gosh, he was so grateful for her kindness. He was so thankful for her in general. He couldn’t explain it. Six just made him feel…whole….He loved her so dearly. With Six being done, she cleaned up his face with a dry towel and set the tools aside…anxiously turning away from her friend. Just confess, coward. Just say it as it is, no shame. Breathe in. Breathe out. Focus.

“Hey Mono?..”

“Yeah?..” Mono replied semi-audibly, already half asleep. The young lady took a deep breath, collecting her thoughts and strengthening her composure.

“Do you…remember what you said?…Earlier at the hospital? And…also at dinner?”


“I..uhh..” The teen stared at the wall, unable to meet his gaze.

“I..I think I love you..too. I’m not really sure if that’s what exactly I’m feeling. I don’t really like feeling anything at all but…I’m looking into it. I went to the library. Reading some books on it. I have a lot of trouble, understanding emotions but…I want to figure it out. I want to love you. I just don’t know how to…yet…But….I know that I admire you..You’re my closest ally other than Kidd..And, you are sweet and creative and funny and handsome.. I- My hope is that one day, we could..”

The girl cleared her throat, face bright red from embarrassment and yet she held her stature and expression with great eminence. She turned back to her dearest friend. “Do..you….” Six trailed off as she witnessed the sleeping Mono, peacefully resting in his chair. “....Mono?..” No response other than soft snoring. Darn it, her timing couldn’t have been worse. Why would she tell him now, when he was absolutely exhausted? What was she thinking, poor lad…

She sighed lightly and shook off the disappointment as she picked up the lad in her arms, carrying him to his bedroom. Mono was set down gently on his bed and Six tucked him in with great tenderness so as to not disturb his sleep. The blanket that covered him was his favorite, handcrafted by his old caretaker Rose. A small smile dawned on his lips. It made her heart flutter with fondness. Is that what it was called?

“Goodnight Mono…Sleep well. And I’m sorry.” Giving his hand one last gentle, almost desperate squeeze, the girl left his bedside. Six flicked the switch and quietly closed the door behind her. That’s it. She couldn’t take any more of this. Silence fell on the old country house as Six returned to the bathroom, making sure that all the tools were cleaned before she too fell asleep. First the brush, then the bowls, then the knife. All must be clean. The handle was turned and the sink ran fresh, hot water. Dirty. Brush. Clean. Dirty. Bowls. Clean. Dirty. She cleaned the knife. Dirty. She cleaned it again. And again. Soiled then clean, soiled then clean. Over and over until clean, it remained. Red puddles seeped into the drain. Six looked at herself in the mirror, her facade vacant and cold. Her heart was calm and still. She felt nothing.

What. Is. LOVE?? - Chapter 9 - Pumpkin_Bumpkin (2024)
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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Views: 6183

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (69 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.