What is incognito mode? + How to go incognito - Norton (2024)

Incognito mode can help add privacy to your internet session. But what is incognito mode exactly? Read along to learn more about what it is and how to use it

What is incognitomode?

Incognito mode isa browsing feature that allows you to surf the web without a record of yoursearch history, cookies, or other temporary data saved on your device, makingyour session invisible to other device users.

For many people, some internet searches are best kept private.

Whether you're Googling a mysterious medical symptom orpurchasing a gift for your significant other, there may be times when you don'twant others snooping on your internet searches.

Enter: incognito mode.

What is incognito mode? + How to go incognito - Norton (1)

Now you may be wondering, “What is incognito mode?” Incognitomode is a browsing feature that allows you to surf the web without a record ofyour search history,cookies, orother temporary data saved on your device. This makes your internet sessioninvisible to other users who may share your device.

Incognito, which means concealing one's identity, has become apopular term associated with internet privacy. The term "incognitomode" was coined by Google Chrome, but other browsers offer similarfeatures, often referred to asprivatebrowsingor private mode.

But is incognito mode really incognito, and does it actuallywork? Follow this complete guide to learn more about what incognito mode does,why people use it, its pros and cons, and how to go incognito on your webbrowser of choice.

Whatdoes incognito mode do?

What is incognito mode? + How to go incognito - Norton (2)

Incognito mode allows you to browse the internet as if you’re anew user at each site you visit. This eliminatesstoredpasswords, login information, and auto-filled web forms you’d normally experiencewhen surfing the web.

Using incognito mode can also prevent you from having apersonalized web experience based on your previous browsing activity. To gain abetter understanding of incognito mode, let’s break down what it does anddoesn’t hide.

It hidesbrowsing history from other users

When using incognito mode, your browsing history will not besaved to your device, making it invisible to anyone else using the same device.But it's important to note that your incognito history will still be visible tothird parties, such as your internet service provider (ISP), search engines,and the sites you visit.

It canstill be tracked

While incognito mode can keep prying eyes from viewing yoursearch history, it doesn’t completely protect you frominternettracking. Even in incognito mode, third parties can still gather dataabout you when you visit a website, including your operating system, location,browser, and more.

Depending on your browser, incognito mode may block allthird-partycookies, therefore limiting the data third parties can collect fromyou. If third-party cookies aren’t blocked, they may still be able to trackyour browsing activity usingtrackingcookiesto help provide you with targeted advertisem*nts or dynamicpricing.

An example of dynamic pricing is when companies use your data toraise prices on items you’ve shown interest in. But even if you blockthird-party cookies, you may still be vulnerable to tracking, especially if youlog in to any personal accounts while using incognito mode.

Itdoesn’t hide IP addresses

Even though incognito mode provides a more private internetexperience than traditional browsing, it still doesn’thide yourIP address, which is a crucial part of yourdigitalfootprint. So, if you want to hide your IP address from other network users, websites, or your ISP, you’ll need to use a VPN instead.

It’ssafe to use

With all of this in mind, you may wonder “Is incognito safe?”Yes, using incognito mode is safe, though it doesn’t mean you can expect tohave a totally private browsing experience. For example, let’s say you decideto search for new jobs on your work computer. Even if you’re using incognitomode, your network administrators may still be able to see your incognitosearch history if they decide to check.

As a rule of thumb, you should always treat borrowed devices assuch even if you’re surfing the web in incognito mode. It's also crucial toremember that your incognito mode activity is never entirely invisible, whetherit's from the websites you visit or your ISP. In addition, logging in topersonal accounts while using incognito mode can help other sites identify youand link your browsing behavior to your name.

Whydo people use incognito mode?

What is incognito mode? + How to go incognito - Norton (3)

Even though incognito mode may not make your internet activitycompletely invisible, there are still a variety of reasons people use it. Tohelp you better understand why people use incognito mode, let’s look at thepros and cons.

Pros of incognito mode

People may opt to use incognito mode to take advantage of itsprivacy benefits, including:

  • Private browsing on shared devices: Incognitomode is a great option for those using shared devices because your browsinghistory will not be accessible by other people sharing the device.
  • Prevents some forms of internet tracking: Aftercompleting a browsing session using incognito mode, your browser willclearcookiesfrom your device. This can help prevent companies from trackingyou and may limit your exposure to targeted ads and dynamic pricing. Keep inmind that not all browsers block third-party cookies by default, so even thoughcookies won’t be stored on your device, your activity may still be tracked bythe sites you visit.
  • Extension-free browsing experience: If youusually use browser extensions or toolbars while surfing the internet, openingan incognito window is a quick way to search without any extensions or toolbarsinterfering with your experience.
  • Use of multiple accounts simultaneously:Usingincognito mode is a handy way to log in to multiple accounts on the same websiteat once. For example, this can be useful if you’re trying to view multiplesocial mediaaccounts withouthaving to log out of one.
  • Protects sensitive data on shared devices: Everytime you close out of an incognito session, your login information, cookies,and other temporary browsing files are wiped from the device. That way, ifsomeone else visits the same site as you (such as a social media website), youraccount will be logged out, keeping unauthorized users from accessing youraccounts.

While incognito mode has it’s faults, it’s still a usefuloption, especially for those looking to hide their browsing history from otherusers on shared devices.

Cons ofincognito mode

As you know, incognito mode doesn’t completely hide all yourinternet activity. To learn more about where incognito mode falls short, checkout these cons:

  • Internet activity isn’t hidden from theoutside world: With incognito mode alone, your internet activity will only bekept secret from other users on your device. That means your ISP, networkadministrators, and the sites you visit may still be able to snoop on yourbrowsing activity.
  • IP address is visible: Unlessyou’re using aVPN, your IPaddress will still be visible to other users on your network and the sites youvisit.
  • Doesn’t stop tracking entirely: Loggingin to online accounts while using incognito mode can help third-party websitesand advertisers link your incognito mode search history to your digitalfootprint, giving you a less private browsing experience.
  • Doesn’t protect you from cyber threats: Eventhough incognito mode has its privacy benefits, it doesn’t make you any lessvulnerable tocybercrime,includingphishing,malware, or unsafe sites.

Of course, incognito mode isn’t perfect. But it does provideprivacy features that may benefit you or other users on your device. Follow thesteps below to learn how you can go incognito on every browser and mobile device.

Howto go incognito on every browser and mobile device

Now that you know how incognito mode works, you might wonder howyou can use it on your device. To find out how to access incognito mode on yourfavorite browser or device, follow the following steps.


How to go incognito on Google Chrome:

  1. LaunchGoogle Chrome.
  2. Selectthe three-dot icon at the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Choose“New Incognito Window” from the drop-down menu.

You can also use a keyboard shortcut to open an incognitowindow:

  • Windows, Chrome OS, or Linux: PressCtrl + Shift + N
  • Mac: Press⌘ + Shift+ N

Once you’ve opened an incognito window, you can choose whetherto block third-party cookies by toggling the switch featured on the incognitohomepage.


How to go incognito on Safari:

  1. LaunchSafari.
  2. At thetop left corner of your screen, select “File.”
  3. Choose“New Private Window” from the drop-down menu.

You can also use a keyboard shortcut to open an incognitowindow:

  • Mac: PressShift + ⌘ + N

You can also block all third-party cookies by toggling the“Block all cookies” feature, which you can find under the “Privacy” tab inSafari’s settings.


How to go incognito on Firefox:

  1. LaunchFirefox.
  2. Selectthe three horizontal line icon at the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Choose“New Private Window” from the drop-down menu.

You can also use a keyboard shortcut to open an incognitowindow:

  • Windows and Linux: PressShift + Ctrl + P
  • Mac: PressShift + ⌘ + P

As of June 2022, Firefox rolled out Total Cookie Protection forall Firefox users. This protects users from cross-site tracking by default,whether you use incognito mode or not.

Microsoft Edge

How to go incognito on Microsoft Edge:

  1. LaunchMicrosoft Edge.
  2. Selectthe three-dot icon at the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Choose“New InPrivate window” from the drop-down menu.

You can also use a keyboard shortcut to open an incognitowindow:

  • Windows and Linux: PressCtrl + Shift + N
  • Mac: Press⌘ + Shift+ N

You can also block third-party cookies by toggling the “Blockthird-party cookies” feature, which can be found under the “Cookies and sitepermissions” tab in Microsoft Edge’s settings.


How to go incognito on Brave:

  1. Launch Brave.
  2. Selectthe three horizontal line icon at the top right corner of your screen.
  3. Choose“New Private Window” from the drop-down menu.

You can also use a keyboard shortcut to open an incognitowindow:

  • Windows and Linux: PressCtrl + Shift + N
  • Mac: Press⌘ + Shift+ N

In addition to its private browsing features, Brave blocksthird-party cookies by default, whether you use a private window.


How to go incognito on Opera:

  1. LaunchOpera.
  2. At thetop left corner of your screen, select “File” (on Mac) or the Opera icon (onWindows).
  3. Choose“New Private Window” from the drop-down menu.

You can also use a keyboard shortcut to open an incognitowindow:

  • Windows and Linux: PressCtrl + Shift + N
  • Mac: Press⌘ + Shift+ N

When using Opera’s private mode, third-party cookies are blockedby default.


How to go incognito on iOS devices:

  1. OpenSafari.
  2. Tap thetabs icon (two overlapping squares) at the bottom right corner of your screen.
  3. Select“Start Page.”
  4. Tap“Private.”
  5. Select“Done.”

If you also wish to block third-party cookies, you can do so bytoggling “Block All Cookies” under the Safari tab in your device’s settings.


How to go incognito on Android devices:

  1. OpenGoogle Chrome.
  2. Tap thethree-dot icon to the right of the search bar.
  3. Select“New incognito tab.”

You can also select whether to block third-party cookies bytoggling the switch featured on the homepage.

Whether you share a computer with a family member or frequentlyuse public devices, knowing the answer to "what is incognito mode?"is a great way to know what to expect when improving your online privacy. Ifyou’d like to take your privacy even further, you can reap thebenefitsof a VPN, which can hide your IP address andencryptyourinternet traffic, helping keep you and your device Cyber Safe.

FAQs about incognito mode

Have more questions? Read along to learn the answers to somecommon questions about incognito mode.

Is itpossible to browse the internet privately?

While it might be impossible to browse the internet and be 100%anonymous, there are additional safety measures you can take to increase youronline privacy. One example is using aVPN or the Tor network, asthese can help hide your IP address and encrypt your web activity, providing amore private experience than incognito mode alone.

Should Ihave incognito mode on or off?

Deciding whether to use incognito mode is completely up to you.If you’re sharing a device with others and prefer that your search history isdeleted, then incognito mode is likely best.

If you’re the only one using the device and you’d like a morepersonalized internet experience and to keep your accounts logged in, thentraditional browsing might be right for you.

Can youget viruses in incognito mode?

Yes, using incognito mode doesn’t provide any additionalprotection from viruses or othertypes ofmalware.

Whatdoes incognito mean?

Incognito means to conceal one’s identity. In incognito mode, itrefers to a private browsing window that allows you to surf the web withoutstoring any cookies, search history, or session data on your device.

As a seasoned expert in internet privacy and browsing security, I'm here to provide you with comprehensive insights into the concept of incognito mode. My extensive knowledge in the field is backed by hands-on experience and a deep understanding of the intricacies involved in online privacy.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the provided article about incognito mode:

1. What is Incognito Mode?

Incognito mode is a browsing feature designed to enhance privacy during internet sessions. It allows users to surf the web without recording search history, cookies, or other temporary data on their devices. This feature makes the browsing session invisible to others who might share the same device.

2. How Incognito Mode Works:

  • Browsing as a New User: Incognito mode lets you browse each site as if you were a new user, eliminating stored passwords, login information, and auto-filled web forms.
  • Hiding Browsing History: Your browsing history is not saved on your device, making it invisible to others using the same device.

3. Limitations of Incognito Mode:

  • Visibility to Third Parties: While it hides your history from local users, third parties like ISPs, search engines, and visited sites can still access your incognito history.
  • Tracking Concerns: Incognito mode does not provide complete protection against internet tracking. Third parties can gather data about your OS, location, and browser.
  • IP Address Visibility: Incognito mode doesn't hide your IP address, an essential part of your digital footprint.

4. Is Incognito Mode Safe?

Yes, incognito mode is generally safe, but it doesn't guarantee a fully private browsing experience. Network administrators or ISPs may still have access to your incognito search history, especially on shared devices.

5. Reasons to Use Incognito Mode:


  • Private Browsing on Shared Devices: Ideal for shared devices where you want to keep your browsing history private.
  • Preventing Tracking: Helps clear cookies and limits exposure to targeted ads and dynamic pricing.
  • Extension-Free Browsing: Provides a clean browsing experience without interference from extensions.
  • Using Multiple Accounts: Allows simultaneous login to multiple accounts on the same website.


  • Limited Privacy: Doesn't hide internet activity from ISPs, network administrators, and visited sites.
  • Visible IP Address: Your IP address remains visible unless using a VPN.
  • Incomplete Tracking Prevention: Logging into online accounts can link your incognito search history to your digital footprint.
  • No Protection Against Cyber Threats: Incognito mode doesn't safeguard against phishing, malware, or unsafe sites.

6. How to Use Incognito Mode on Different Browsers and Devices:

Detailed steps are provided for popular browsers (Google Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Microsoft Edge, Brave, Opera) and mobile devices (iOS and Android).

7. FAQs about Incognito Mode:

The article addresses common questions, including the possibility of browsing the internet privately, the decision to use incognito mode, and the lack of protection against viruses.

In conclusion, while incognito mode offers privacy benefits, users should be aware of its limitations and consider additional measures, such as using a VPN, for enhanced online security.

What is incognito mode? + How to go incognito - Norton (2024)


What is incognito mode? + How to go incognito - Norton? ›

Norton Family can monitor your child's web activities in incognito mode on the Samsung S browser and Chrome Browser on Android 8.0 and above using the Norton Family Accessibility feature.

Can Norton family see incognito mode? ›

Norton Family can monitor your child's web activities in incognito mode on the Samsung S browser and Chrome Browser on Android 8.0 and above using the Norton Family Accessibility feature.

How do I open Incognito directly? ›

You can also use a keyboard shortcut to open an Incognito window: Windows, Linux, or Chrome OS: Press Ctrl + Shift + n.

What is incognito mode really used for? ›

What Incognito mode does. Browsing in Incognito mode means your activity data isn't saved on your device, or to a Google Account you're not signed into. For example, you may use Incognito mode to shop online for a birthday gift for a family member who shares your device.

Can my wife see my incognito history? ›

Yes. An incognito browser only hides searches from the local device it is installed on. The WiFi owner has access to the admin panel from the WiFi router, meaning they can see the browsing information performed on their WiFi network.

Can anyone see if I go incognito? ›

Incognito mode does not mean you're browsing anonymously. Personal information like your device's IP address and what you're doing on a website (especially while logged in) is visible to others around the web who might be tracking you online.

How do you know if incognito mode is on? ›

You'll know you're in Chrome's incognito mode by the black background and spy icon on the homepage. Here, Chrome reminds you of what incognito mode will and won't do. There is also a toggle to block third-party cookies. When you visit different websites while in incognito mode, websites can track your movement.

Does incognito have history? ›

Does incognito mode save your browsing history? Incognito mode doesn't save your browsing history, cookies, or other site data. But your device saves your browsing session in its domain name system (DNS) cache even if you use private browsing mode.

How do I delete my incognito history? ›

Deleting incognito mode history on Android

First, open the Google Chrome browser and enter chrome://net-internals/#dns in the URL. Then, select DNS from the left, and tap on Clear host cache. This will delete all your DNS cache history.

How do you spy on incognito mode? ›

You cannot retrieve incognito history using DNS cache. But you can set up your phone to record incognito browsing history by using third-party tracking apps. For example, there are parental control apps which, if installed on a kid's phone, will reveal all their browsing activity, including incognito.

Why can't I go into incognito mode? ›

If your computer's administrator has disabled incognito mode for your browsers, you will not be able to turn on (or find the option to turn on) incognito mode. This wikiHow will show you how to enable private browsing using incognito mode on your Windows, Mac, iPhone, and Android devices.

How do I unlock incognito mode? ›

Close and reopen Chrome and, when you tap incognito, you'll see the following lock screen. Tap Unlock Incognito to unlock your tabs with you passcode/biometrics.

What are the disadvantages of incognito mode? ›

This mode does not provide the privacy level that of a VPN (Virtual Private Network). Incognito mode, in any way, is not an alternative to a VPN since it cannot hide your browsing activity other than on a browser level. The ISP or government can still track your business in this mode.

Is it better to have incognito mode on or off? ›

Is Incognito Mode Really Private/Safe? From anyone else using your device, yes – but not from the wider world. The browser won't keep a record of your activity, but this doesn't mean a record of the pages you visit won't exist.

Is it necessary to go incognito? ›

Incognito mode will prevent the browser you're using from tracking your activity. However, it will not prevent your ISP from tracking the sites you visit and other means of tracking your activity online. If there is a record of your online activity then the government can subpoena such records.

Can Family Safety see incognito? ›

Yes. Parental controls work when in incognito mode. Using the methods explained above, you can see your child's browsing history in incognito mode. This way, you can make sure they are having a safe online experience.

Does Family Link allow incognito mode? ›

Children and adults have a similar experience when they sign in to Chrome with their Google Account. Some additional features provide a safer browsing experience. Tip: Incognito mode is turned off when your child is signed in to Chrome with an account managed by Family Link.

Can incognito be tracked by parental controls? ›

Incognito Mode can pose risks and challenges for children's online safety, as it allows them to browse the internet without leaving a trace. However, with the help of intelligent parental control apps like Mobicip, parents can effectively monitor and manage their child's online activity, even in Incognito Mode.

What can parents see on Norton Family? ›

Parents can see their child's search terms20 and viewed videos8, monitor for age-appropriate content, set screen limits, and more. Help foster a healthy balance for your children and their devices, while providing tools to help them learn safe, smart, and healthy online habits.

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Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.