What Is Halal Investing? - NerdWallet (2024)


"Halal" is an Arabic word that means lawful or permitted. While halal often refers to food, it can also describe which investments are allowed within the Islamic faith.

Halal investing definition

Halal investing is a religious form of investing that complies with Islamic law or Shariah. Islamic scholars help shape halal investing guidelines around topics such as interest, debt, risk and social responsibility.

"Halal investing is a specialized form of socially responsible investing," says Fatima Iqbal, a certified financial planner and financial advisor with Azzad Asset Management in Falls Church, Virginia. "A lot of the criteria that is applicable to socially responsible investing, for example, avoiding companies that have revenue coming from areas like alcohol, gambling, tobacco, that's part of it. But in addition to that, it's also making sure that we're not investing in companies that have significant debt or interest income."

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What Is Halal Investing? - NerdWallet (1)

How halal investing can help build wealth

In Arabic, "Shariah" (also spelled "Sharia" in English) means "the path to water." This path acts as a code of living that applies to many facets of Islamic life, including donating to charity, praying, observing particular religious rituals and investing.

Halal investing allows Muslims to build wealth without worrying whether their investment choices are Shariah-compliant because many traditional investment vehicles are not.

Many retirement plans, such as 401(k)s, don't offer halal options, Iqbal says, leaving Muslim employees who would prefer to invest in that manner with a tough choice.

"It is detrimental to somebody's financial future if they can't participate in their retirement plan, and they're simply not able to because their employer has not offered them any halal investments," Iqbal says. "That happens to a lot of people, unfortunately. Or they're forced to compromise. They're forced to say, 'OK, is it my financial future, or is it going to be my religious values or my principles?' That's a really hard position to put somebody in."

Halal investing allows Muslims who want to ensure they follow Islamic law to participate in their retirement plans. And according to Malak Kudaimi, a certified financial coach and founder of Prosperous Financial Solutions based in Irvine, California, it may help more Muslims feel comfortable with investing.

"In general, I would say Muslims get a lot of comfort when you tie Islamic values in," says Kudaimi. "You can tie it into a religious context and make them realize that money management and investing is a form of, especially for women, a form of self-love. And it's also a form of worshiping God and being thankful. I think it really helps when you put it in that context."

Halal investing tenets

There are many different interpretations of what specific investments are allowed for halal investing. Still, certain investment practices are generally accepted by most observant Muslim investors.

Paying or charging interest

Paying and charging interest, such as the kind you'd pay on a debt or loan, is prohibited by Islamic law. Adherents consider interest exploitative and invest in things that do not profit from it. One crucial distinction is between the interest a bank would charge on a loan and the kind of compound interest that can accumulate on a stock purchase.

"'Riba' is commonly translated to 'interest' in English; however that word in Arabic is very specific to profiting off of debt or loans. So that type of interest is not permissible," says Kudaimi. "But the word 'interest' in English is more expansive than the word 'riba' in Arabic."

According to Kudaimi, the permissible "compound interest" gets conflated with the type of "interest" that comes from a loan because of this linguistic difference.

"There's a lot of Muslims who don't know the distinction. And then they're like, 'Oh, well, I can't invest in anything.' But that's not true. So that's usually something I have to clarify with my clients," Kudaimi says.

Investing in stocks and other equity investments that accrue interest with time can be halal — as long as the investment is.

Investing in prohibited industries

Investments in specific industries are prohibited by Islamic law. These include alcohol, adult entertainment, gambling, weapons manufacturing, traditional finance and pork products. Many Islamic scholars also advise against investing in the tobacco industry.

Investments in some of these industries, such as alcohol and tobacco, are often known as sin stocks. Therefore, socially responsible investors, as well as Muslim investors, may prefer to avoid them.

Giving to charity

"Investing is also a means to uphold Islamic values such as taking the once-in-a-lifetime hajj journey that is an obligation for Muslims and giving to charity (zakat), which is obligatory," Lisa Hashem, co-host of the "Muslim Women and Finance" podcast, said in an email interview. "The more money one attains, the more one can give back to their communities and the societies they live in."

Because avoiding industries that aren't halal can get tricky, some financial advisory firms opt for another solution.

"When you talk about investing, it also relates to charity. So when we talk about investing when we're screening companies, they can't have more than 5% revenue coming from these impermissible areas," says Iqbal.

"That doesn't mean that less than 5% is OK; it's an insignificant amount that we don't intend to benefit from. So what our firm does is we calculate what's called a purification. That's a calculation we do every year to understand how much revenue may have come into the portfolio. Even though it may be an insignificant amount, it was never intended to benefit the investor, and as a way to rectify that, that money is then given by the investor back to charity. The idea is that it's going back into society to potentially fix any harm that could have been caused."

Taking on excessive risk, speculation and debt

Investing in highly risky investments is discouraged by Shariah. Short-selling and uncertain investments, such as options, may be prohibited depending on your interpretation. Because Islamic law prohibits gambling, any form of investing dependent on luck or uncertain events in the future is not allowed.

Halal investing also discourages investments with significant debt.

"Let's say we're looking at industries that are not necessarily in those red-light industrial spaces, we still have to go a step further and look at the financial ratios," says Aliredha Walji, a registered investment advisor and CEO of ShariaPortfolio in Lake Mary, Florida. "The biggest thing comes down to debt because a lot of companies are highly leveraged out there. And because of the Islamic prohibition on earning interest, there is a big emphasis that is placed on screening for how much debt a company has."


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Types of halal investments

Halal investments may take some work to find, but resources such as halal stock and mutual fund screeners make it easier.

1. Stocks

As long as the stock is halal, it is acceptable to invest. However, companies that deal in prohibited industries or are considered excessively risky should be looked at with extra caution or excluded depending on your interpretation.

"Compound interest is permissible as long as the underlying asset is permissible. So if your stock is permissible, and you're earning compound interest on it, then that is permissible because you're not profiting off of debt or loans," Kudaimi says.

Islamicly is a website and app that can help you screen for halal stocks with in-depth stock analysis.

2. Funds

Equity mutual funds, exchange-traded funds and index funds follow similar rules as stocks to be halal. The only thing to be extra careful of is that funds are composed of many stocks, so there are more companies to investigate than when you're buying an individual stock.

Zoya is an app that shows the Shariah-compliant status of over 2,500 ETFs and mutual funds. Zoya can also help you calculate any zakat or charity that you owe.

» Learn more about how to invest in mutual funds

3. Sukuks

Sukuks are similar to bonds, but they are not debt-based. While bonds are essentially loans, and the investor profits on interest from that loan (and thus not halal), sukuk investors profit from the investment income, according to Saturna Capital, a company that offers halal investing.

"Let's say a government wants to build a freeway, and they don't have the funds, so they need to raise $2 million to build this freeway," says Kudaimi. "Typically, a government can issue bonds to help raise those funds. And they'll tell investors, 'OK, if you give us $100, we'll give you $110 in six months.' With sukuks, it's like, hey, give us the $100. We're not guaranteed to give it back to you because it all depends on whether the project is profitable or not. So if it is profitable, you're getting a little bit of the profit in a certain timeframe. If it isn't profitable, then you're not getting anything back."

But Kudaimi notes that sukuks often revolve around projects with a high likelihood of profitability, such as a newly built freeway with an added toll.

4. Gold and other precious metals

Gold and other metals are typically viewed as halal as they appreciate over time but pose no other halal-related risks.

» Learn how to invest in gold

5. Real estate

Investing in real estate is usually considered halal. One thing to be cautious about with real estate is that all mortgages need to be halal so as not to incur any interest from a loan.

Investors curious about REITs, or real estate investment trusts, must also ensure that their REITs are halal. REITs that are mortgage-based are typically not allowed. REITs that profit from a property's rent are more likely to be halal.

6. Cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is a volatile investment, but that doesn't necessarily mean it's not Shariah-compliant.

"On the crypto side, there is a differing of opinions. Some scholars will outright call it non-halal because there is speculation. The other group of scholars will call it permissible," says Walji.

If you're interested in cryptocurrency or any other asset and are unsure if it's halal, it may be best to consult a financial advisor who specializes in halal investing.

» Explore cryptocurrency

Halal investing resources

Azzad Asset Management. Holistic, halal financial planning services and investment management.

Malak Financial Coach. A certified financial coach working with Muslim women to manage their money in a halal way.

"Muslim Women and Finance" podcast. Discusses financial topics concerning Muslim women.

Saturna Capital. A financial advisory firm that offers halal investing.

ShariaPortfolio. Halal wealth management firm.

What Is Halal Investing? - NerdWallet (2024)


What is meant by a halal investment? ›

What is halal investment? Halal is an Arabic term meaning “permitted” and stipulating that: Transactions cannot involve “riba” (interest). Investments must not be made in “haram” (unlawful) assets or commodities such as pork products, alcohol or military equipment, among others.

What is required for halal investing? ›

Halal Investment Guidelines

Islamic principles require that investors share in profit and loss, that they receive no interest (riba), and that they do not invest in a business that is prohibited by Islamic law, or sharia.

What is the best thing to invest in halal? ›

Sukuk, often called Islamic bonds, represent another prominent avenue for halal investment. Unlike conventional bonds, which are loans that involve interest payments, Sukuk is structured to comply with Islamic laws prohibiting charging or paying interest. Instead of being debt-based, Sukuk are asset-based securities.

What is a halal stock? ›

Note: The list of halal stocks in India are selected from Nifty 50 and are not sorted based on any criteria. Halal shares are shares from companies compliant with Sharia principles stipulated by Shariah Scholars. Shariah compliant funds work along the lines of the Shariah Law relating to finance.

Is Roth IRA halal? ›

Halal Investments: The Islamic Roth IRA ensures that all investments made within the account are Shariah-compliant. This means investments are screened to exclude companies involved in activities prohibited by Islamic law, such as alcohol, gambling, tobacco, and weapons.

How do you know if an investment is halal? ›

6 Ways to Check Your Stocks Are Halal
  1. Review the Business Model. ...
  2. Dig Deeper Into the Running of the Company. ...
  3. Ask About Interest-Bearing Debt. ...
  4. Check the Illiquid Assets to Total Assets Ratio. ...
  5. Simplify Your Stock Screens With Islamic Finance Apps. ...
  6. Check Other Finance Products for Shariah Compliance.
Mar 4, 2021

What is the 5 percent rule in halal investing? ›

Five Percent Haram Revenue (5%)

This commonly accepted rule stipulates that any revenues a company receives from haram sources (selling alcoholic products, for example) must be limited to five percent or less of their total revenue.

How to earn halal passive income? ›

5 Best Side-Hustle Ideas To Make Halal Income Online in 2022
  1. Find A Service That You Can Offer On Fiverr. ...
  2. Start A Facebook Ads Agency. ...
  3. Offer Virtual Assistant Services On Upwork. ...
  4. Start A Coaching Business. ...
  5. Create Digital Products. ...
  6. 5 Most Valuable Skills To Develop As A Freelancer In 2023.

Is it halal to invest in US stocks? ›

Is investing in stocks Halal? Yes, trading in equity stock of companies listed on stock exchanges are absolutely permissible with conditions that such companies qualify the Shariah screening standards set up by the Shariah Scholars.

Is Amazon a halal stock? ›

Consequently, the Shariah Board concludes that Amazon Inc. complies with the business sector screening criteria, factoring in the peculiarities of its subscription services revenue. It is essential to highlight the Shariah Board's acknowledgment of the unique nature of Amazon Inc.'s subscription services revenue.

Is Coca-Cola stock halal? ›

So, based on the data mentioned above, we can say that Coca-Cola stock is an excellent option for Muslim investors because it passes all the criteria to be found halal and not haram. However, some other platforms run extra screening analysis to check the stock's compliance status.

Is the S&P 500 halal? ›

it is not halal. However, there are some good halal alternatives. Sharia exclusionary etfs.

Is Costco a halal stock? ›

Therefore, based on the information provided, it is concluded that the business operations of Costco Wholesale Corp do not align with Shariah principles due to the significant portion of revenue generated from non-permissible activities.

Is Tesla a halal stock? ›

Tesla (TSLA): Tesla is the world's 7th and the 3rd shariah compliant most valuable company with $528.59 Billion by market cap .

Is Apple Investing halal? ›

Yes, Apple shares can be considered Halal.In conformity to Sharia law, ownership shares is considered Halal in the event that the company does not engage in any activities such as gambling, lending or producing alcohol pork, tobacco p*rnography, alcohol, or tobacco.

What is the meaning of halal money? ›

Halal money is a term used to describe money earned through lawful and ethical means by Islamic principles. In Islam, the concept of halal money is closely tied to the idea of making a living through honest and hard work, while avoiding activities that are considered haram or forbidden.

How to make money in a halal way? ›

  1. 7+ Halal Ways to Make Money Online (2023) ...
  2. The importance of halal income in Islam. ...
  3. Halal online business ideas. ...
  4. E-commerce and dropshipping: Halal options. ...
  5. Freelancing: Halal online work opportunities. ...
  6. Halal affiliate marketing strategies. ...
  7. Creating a halal online course or digital product. ...
  8. Halal blogging and content creation.
Feb 14, 2024

What is halal purchasing? ›

Introduction. Halal purchasing in value chain management refers to the comprehensive man- agement of the entire supply chain involved in the production and distribution of halal products and services, encompassing the journey from the procurement of raw materials to the ultimate consumption by end-users [1].

Is it halal to invest in a bank? ›

As a Muslim, is it haram to invest in a Bank? - Quora. As far as I know, investment banks buy and sell securities, shares and etc. Some of these securities and shares are interest based, and those are the problem. The rest of the finances, i.e., investment, not only is Halal in Islam but is highly encouraged.

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