What is Foreign Exchange Market? Structure, 7 Participants, Exchange Rates (2024)

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is Foreign Exchange Market?
  • 2 Table of Contents
  • 3 Structure of Foreign Exchange Market
    • 3.1 Retail Foreign Exchange Market
    • 3.2 Wholesale Foreign Exchange Market
    • 3.3 Primary Price Makers or Professional Dealers
    • 3.4 Secondary Price Makers
    • 3.5 Foreign Currency Brokers
    • 3.6 Price Takers
  • 4 Participants in Foreign Exchange Market
    • 4.1 Traders
    • 4.2 Arbitrageurs
    • 4.3 Speculators
    • 4.4 Hedgers
    • 4.5 Commercial Banks
    • 4.6 Governments
    • 4.7 Central Banks
  • 5 Concepts of Foreign Exchange Rates
    • 5.1 Real Exchange Rate (RER)
    • 5.2 Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER)
    • 5.3 Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER)
    • 5.4 Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate
    • 5.5 Natural Real Exchange Rate (NATREX)
  • 6 FAQs About the Foreign Exchange Market
    • 6.1 What is the structure of foreign exchange market?
    • 6.2 Who are the participants in foreign exchange market?

What is Foreign Exchange Market?

The foreign exchange market is the market in which currencies are bought and sold against each other. Like the money market, the foreign exchange market is a market where financial paper with a relatively short period of maturity is traded. It is a non-localized market that exists in the network of information systems and there is no particular place that can be called a foreign exchange market.

It is the largest market in the world and over counter market which means there is no single physical or electronic marketplace or an organized exchange.

  • What is Foreign Exchange Market?
  • Structure of Foreign Exchange Market
    • Retail Foreign Exchange Market
    • Wholesale Foreign Exchange Market
    • Primary Price Makers or Professional Dealers
    • Secondary Price Makers
    • Foreign Currency Brokers
    • Price Takers
  • Participants in Foreign Exchange Market
    • Traders
    • Arbitrageurs
    • Speculators
    • Hedgers
    • Commercial Banks
    • Governments
    • Central Banks
  • Concepts of Foreign Exchange Rates
    • Real Exchange Rate (RER)
    • Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER)
    • Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER)
    • Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate
    • Natural Real Exchange Rate (NATREX)
  • FAQs About the Foreign Exchange Market

The market itself is actually a worldwide network of inter-bank traders, consisting primarily of banks, connected by telephone lines and computers. The transactions in the foreign exchange market are derived from the transactions in the markets for commodities, services, or assets among the people of two nations.

The trade in the currency is the consequence of the people’s wish to trade in underlying commodities, services, or assets. In a foreign exchange market, a party can never be the demander of one currency without being simultaneously a supplier of another.

Structure of Foreign Exchange Market

The foreign exchange market is formed by the foreign exchange dealers association and the foreign exchange brokers association. Forex markets are generally located in major financial centers such as New York, Paris, Frankfurt, Zurich, Tokyo, Singapore, Hong Kong, Mumbai etc.

The Forex market is a non-localized market and has no specific trading locations like those for securities or commodities. The following constitutes the structure of foreign exchange market:

  1. Retail Foreign Exchange Market
  2. Wholesale Foreign Exchange Market
  3. Primary Price Makers or Professional Dealers
  4. Secondary Price Makers
  5. Foreign Currency Brokers
  6. Price Takers
What is Foreign Exchange Market? Structure, 7 Participants, Exchange Rates (1)

Retail Foreign Exchange Market

It is the market in which travelers and tourists exchange one currency for another in the form of currency notes or traveler’s cheques. The main features of this market are: total turnover and average transaction size are very small; the spread between buying and selling is large.

Wholesale Foreign Exchange Market

Wholesale foreign exchange market: It is also known as the interbank market. The average transaction size is very large.

Primary Price Makers or Professional Dealers

These make a two-way market to each other and to their clients, that is, on request, they will quote a two-way price a price to buy currency X against currency Y and a price to sell X against Y and ready to take either the buying or the selling side.

This has a kind of tiering: a few giant multinational banks deal in a large number of currencies on a large amount, the second tier is large banks that deal in a small number of currencies and lastly there are small local institutions that make a market in a very small number of major currencies against their home currency.

Secondary Price Makers

These are the entities that make foreign exchange prices but do not provide a two-way market. Secondary price makes constitute restaurants, and hotel shops catering to tourists who buy foreign currencies in payments of bills. The bid-ask spreads are much larger than the primary price makes.

Foreign Currency Brokers

Foreign currency brokers act as middlemen between two market-makers. The main function of foreign currency brokers is to provide information to market-making banks.

Price Takers

Price takers are those who take the prices quoted by primary price makers and buy or sell currencies for their own purposes but do not make the market. Corporations use foreign exchange markets for payments for imports, conversion of export receipts, hedging of receivables and payables, payment of interest on loans, placement of surplus funds, etc.

Participants in Foreign Exchange Market

The main participants in foreign exchange market and their activities are mentioned below:

  1. Traders
  2. Arbitrageurs
  3. Speculators
  4. Hedgers
  5. Commercial Banks
  6. Governments
  7. Central Banks
What is Foreign Exchange Market? Structure, 7 Participants, Exchange Rates (2)


Traders are those participants who use spot and forward markets to reduce/eliminate the risk of loss of value of export or import that are denominated in foreign currencies. The traders buy foreign currencies when they import goods or machinery and sell foreign currencies when they export goods/machinery.

The objective is usually to hedge a position. The traders buy and sell currencies in the spot and futures markets.


This class of participants always tries to find out the differences in prices of currencies to earn risk-free profits. They buy the currencies from the markets where the prices are lower and sell in the markets where the prices are higher.


Speculators actively expose themselves to currency risk by buying and selling currencies to profit from the foreign exchange rate fluctuation.


Many multinational firms engage themselves in forward contracts to protect the home currency values of foreign currency-denominated assets and liabilities on their balance sheet that are not to be realized over the life of the contract. These companies hedge receivables and payables in foreign currencies.

Commercial Banks

Commercial banks are the main participants in the foreign exchange market. Commercial banks participate in the foreign exchange market as an intermediary for their corporate customers who wish to operate in the market.


The role of governments in the foreign exchange markets for stabilizing the exchange rates is a very important activity because these activities infuse confidence in the functioning of forex markets. The government regularly monitors markets and intervenes in policy targets they set in for the economy.

Central Banks

The central bank is often responsible for maintaining the value of the domestic currency vis-à-vis the foreign currencies. This is more true in the case of a ‘fixed exchange rate’. In the case of ‘Floating Exchange Rates’ the role of the control bank should be minimal unless it has certain preferences for what the foreign exchange rate should be, for example, if it wishes to protect the local export industry.

Then, the control bank will try to make the domestic currency cheaper relative to those of other countries by selling its local currency as the exchange market.

Concepts of Foreign Exchange Rates

Foreign exchange markets are mainly concerned with nominal exchange rates but for analysis purposes, the only nominal rates are not sufficient there are other concepts of foreign exchange rates which are mentioned below:

  1. Real Exchange Rate (RER)
  2. Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER)
  3. Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER)
  4. Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate
  5. Natural Real Exchange Rate (NATREX)
What is Foreign Exchange Market? Structure, 7 Participants, Exchange Rates (3)

Real Exchange Rate (RER)

The real exchange rate of foreign exchange adjusts the inflation rate in the economies of the currencies involved. The real exchange rate is given as:

Real exchange rate = S (Rs/$) × (P$ × PRs)

Wherein, S (Rs/$) = Spot nominal exchange rate; P$ = Price level in the US; and PRs = Domestic price level. The real exchange rate actually refers to the charge in the real purchasing power of a currency relative to its past purchasing power in relation to a foreign currency.

Nominal Effective Exchange Rate (NEER)

This rate is used in the context of export where incentives to exports are provided. When export incentive per unit is added to the nominal exchange rate then it is called the nominal effective exchange rate.

For example, if the official rate is Rs. 25/$ and each dollar earned gets a 10% subsidy from the state, then the effective exchange rate is Nominal Exchange Rate + Per Unit Subsidy i.e. Rs. 25 + 10% of Rs. 25 = 27.5.

Real Effective Exchange Rate (REER)

When the nominal effective exchange rate is adjusted for relative prices in different countries, the real effective exchange rate is obtained.

REER = NEER × (Pf × Pd)

Wherein, S (Rs/$) = Spot nominal exchange rate; P$ = Price level in the US; and PRs = Domestic price level.

The real exchange rate actually refers to the charge in the real purchasing power of a currency relative to its past purchasing power in relation to a foreign currency.

Equilibrium Real Exchange Rate

It is the relative price of tradable goods to non-tradable goods that for given sustainable equilibrium values of other relevant variables such as taxes, international prices, and technology results in the simultaneous attainment of internal and external equilibrium.

Internal equilibrium means that the market for non-tradable goods clears. External equilibrium, on the other hand, is attained when the current account is balanced.

Natural Real Exchange Rate (NATREX)

It refers to a medium-run inter cyclical equilibrium real exchange rate, determined by real and fundamental factors. The Natrex is a moving equilibrium real exchange rate responding to continual changes in exogenous and endogenous real fundamentals.

FAQs About the Foreign Exchange Market

What is the structure of foreign exchange market?

The following constitutes the structure of foreign exchange market:
1. Retail Foreign Exchange Market
2. Wholesale Foreign Exchange Market
3. Primary Price Makers or Professional Dealers
4. Secondary Price Makers
5. Foreign Currency Brokers
6. Price Takers.

Who are the participants in foreign exchange market?

The participants in foreign exchange market are:
1. Traders
2. Arbitrageurs
3. Speculators
4. Hedgers
5. Commercial Banks
6. Governments
7. Central Banks.

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What is Foreign Exchange Market? Structure, 7 Participants, Exchange Rates (2024)


What is the structure of the foreign exchange market? ›

Foreign exchange markets are made up of banks, forex dealers, commercial companies, central banks, investment management firms, hedge funds, retail forex dealers, and investors.

What is foreign exchange market and its participants? ›

It has also been described as the intersection of Wall Street and Main Street. Participants trading on the foreign exchange include corporations, governments, central banks, investment banks, commercial banks, hedge funds, retail brokers, investors, and vacationers.

What is the forex market structure? ›

The structure of the foreign exchange market, commonly known as the forex market, is uniquely decentralised and operates over-the-counter (OTC). Unlike traditional markets with a central exchange, forex is a vast network of dealers, brokers, and financial institutions globally.

What is foreign exchange market in simple words? ›

The foreign exchange market (forex, FX (pronounced "fix"), or currency market) is a global decentralized or over-the-counter (OTC) market for the trading of currencies. This market determines foreign exchange rates for every currency.

What is the structure of the foreign markets? ›

Structure of Foreign Exchange Market

The foreign exchange market has a pyramid structure with four participants. They are the users or dealers of the currencies. Read below the structure. Tourists, immigrants, importers, investors, and exporters: These parties are at the bottom.

What is the foreign exchange market quizlet? ›

A market for converting the currency of one country into that of another country.

What is an exchange participant? ›

* An Exchange Participant is a corporation who may trade on or through the Exchange and is licensed under the Securities and Futures Ordinance to carry on securities/futures/options dealing activity.

Why is the foreign exchange rate important? ›

Movements in the exchange rate influence the decisions of individuals, businesses and the government. Collectively, this affects economic activity, inflation and the balance of payments. There are different ways in which exchange rates are measured.

What is the concept of foreign exchange and exchange rate? ›

Foreign Exchange Rate is defined as the price of the domestic currency with respect to another currency. The purpose of foreign exchange is to compare one currency with another for showing their relative values.

What are the 4 market structures? ›

Economic market structures can be grouped into four categories: perfect competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly.

What is the meaning of market structure? ›

What is Market Structure? Market structure, in economics, refers to how different industries are classified and differentiated based on their degree and nature of competition for goods and services. It is based on the characteristics that influence the behavior and outcomes of companies working in a specific market.

Why is the market structure important? ›

According to economic theory, market structure describes how firms are differentiated and categorized by the types of products they sell and how those items influence their operations. A market structure helps us to understand what differentiates markets from one another.

Who are the participants in the foreign exchange market? ›

Who are the participants in a foreign exchange market? A. The participants are individuals, institutions, or entities that trade or invest in currencies. They can be central banks, governments, institutions, investors or tourists exchanging currency for international travel.

What is foreign exchange in your own words? ›

Foreign exchange, also known as forex, is the conversion of one country's currency into another. The value of any particular currency is determined by market forces related to trade, investment, tourism, and geopolitical risk.

What is the foreign exchange market simplified? ›

a market in which one currency is exchanged for another currency; for example, in the market for Euros, the Euro is being bought and sold, and is being paid for using another currency, such as the yen.

What is the structure of foreign trade? ›

There are two concepts of trade in this theory: trade in goods and trade in factor content. Trade in goods is standard; wheat and airplanes are goods, and they can be imported or exported. Trade in factor content is different. It refers to the inputs that are embodied in exports or imports.

What is the structure of an exchange? ›

The exchange listing is divided into three levels. The first and second levels are the quoted part of the listing, while the third one is a non-quoted part, trading of which is carried out in the sector of securities with a non-identified investment risk.

What is a structural foreign exchange position? ›

Definition of Structural FX.

Positions of a structural nature are investments in a subsidiary with a reporting currency different from that of the parent (also referred to as Type A), or positions that are related to the cross-border nature of the institution that are stable over time (Type B).

What is the structure of the market structure? ›

Market structure refers to how different industries are classified and differentiated based on their degree and nature of competition for services and goods. The four popular types of market structures include perfect competition, oligopoly market, monopoly market, and monopolistic competition.

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