What is Express.js? | Why should use Express.js? | Features of Express.js (2024)

What is Express.js?

Express.js is a free and open-source web application framework for Node.js. It is used for designing and building web applications quickly and easily. Web applications are web apps that you can run on a web browser. Since Express.js only requires javascript, it becomes easier for programmers and developers to build web applications and API without any effort.

Express.js is a framework of Node.js which means that most of the code is already written for programmers to work with. You can build a single page, multi-page, or hybrid web applications using Express.js. Express.js is lightweight and helps to organize web applications on the server-side into a more organized MVC architecture.

It is important to learn javascript and HTML to be able to use Express.js. Express.js makes it easier to manage web applications.It is a part of a javascript based technology called MEAN software stack which stands for MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, and Node.js. Express.js is the backend part of MEAN and manages routing, sessions, HTTP requests, error handling, etc.

The JavaScript library of Express.js helps the programmers to build efficient and fast web apps. Express.js enhances the functionality of the node.js. In fact, if you don’t use Express.js, then you have to do a lot of complex programming to build an efficient API. It has made programming in node.js effortless and has given many additional features.

Why should you use Express.js?

Express.js supports JavaScript which is a widely used language that is very easy to learn and is also supported everywhere. Therefore, if you already know JavaScript, then it will be really easy for you to do programming using Express.js.

With the help of Express.js, you can easily build different kinds of web applications in a short period of time. Express.js provides a simple routing for requests made by clients. It also provides a middleware that is responsible for making decisions to give the correct responses for the requests made by the client

Without Express.js, you have to write your own code to build a routing component which is a time consuming and tedious task. Express.js offers simplicity, flexibility, efficiency, minimalism, and scalability to the programmers. It also has the advantage of powerful performance as it is a framework of Node.js.

Node.js carries all the executions really fast with the help of Event Loop that avoids any kind of inefficiency. The powerful performance of Node.js and the ease of coding using Express.js are the most popular features loved by web application developers. Since Express.js is written in Javascript, you can build websites, web applications, or even mobile apps using it.

Need of Express.js

The most valuable asset in any business is time. On top of that many programmers have the pressure to build efficient web apps in a short period of time. But coding web apps and testing them requires time. This is where Express.js becomes a lifesaver for programmers.

Express.js can reduce the coding time by half and still help us build efficient web applications. It not only reduces the time but it also reduces the effort required to build web apps with the help of its different features.

Another reason to use Express.js is JavaScript. Express.js allows even beginners to enter the field of web application development because it supports JavaScript. Javascript is very easy to learn for anyone even if they do not have any prior knowledge of any other languages. Therefore, Express.js allows young talent to enter the field of web app development and achieve success.

Node.js is event-driven and thus has the ability to handle thousands of client requests at the same time which is not possible with PHP.

In today’s world, real-time web apps and services are increasing in popularity. Node.js is designed exclusively to support real web applications. The most common example of a real-time web app would be live-chat. It involves thousands of users and real-time interaction that can be supported easily by Node.js.

Another asset of any business is money. It is important to use money efficiently to maximize profits. Since Express.js is an open-source and free web application that provides many great features, there is no reason left to not use it.

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Features of Express.js

1. Faster Server side development

Express.js provides many commonly used features of Node.js in the form of functions that can be readily used anywhere in the program. This removes the need to code for several hours and thus saves time.

2. Middleware

Middleware is a part of the program that has access to the database, client request, and the other middlewares. It is mainly responsible for the systematic organization of different functions of Express.js.

3. Routing

ExpressJS provides a highly advanced routing mechanism which helps to preserve the state of the webpage with the help of their URLs.

4. Templating

ExpressJS provides templating engines that allow the developers to build dynamic content on the web pages by building HTML templates on the server-side.

5. Debugging

Debugging is crucial for the successful development of web applications. ExpressJS makes debugging easier by providing a debugging mechanism that has the ability to pinpoint the exact part of the web application which has bugs.

Difference Between Express.js and Node.js and Angular JS

1It is used for building both the frontend and backend of a web application.It is a node.js framework that is used for building the backend of a web application.It is a framework for building the frontend of a web application.
2It was developed on Google's V8 JavaScript engine as a cross-platform runtime environment.It is a framework for Node.jsIt was built as a web app development framework by Google.
3It was written using different programming languages like JavaScript, C, and C++.It was written using JavaScript.It was written using JavaScript.
4It is not a web framework.It is a web framework.It is a web framework.
5Developers need to install NodeJS on their computer system to use it.Developers need to install ExpressJS along with NodeJS to use it.There is no need to install AngularJS on their computer system to use it.
6Used for developing server-side and networking applications.Used for building server-side applications on NodeJS.Used for building single page and client-side web apps
7It is suited for small size projects.It is suited for small side projects.It is suited for highly interactive web projects.
8It is useful for building faster and scalable web apps and also real-time collaborative editing apps.It is useful for building web apps quickly on NodeJS.It is useful for building real-time applications like messaging apps.
9It can be used both on the client-side and server-side.It can be used on the server-side.It can be used on the client-side.
10It is compatible with all major types of operating systems.It is compatible with all types of operating systems that are compatible with NodeJSIt is compatible with every known browser in the industry.
11It supports MVC architecture.It supports MVC architecture.It supports MVC architecture.
12It provides many features for developers to build a web application.It provides routing components and supports middleware to make web app development easier.It allows programmers to use HTML as a template language and provides various components to build a web app by extending HTML syntax.
13It provides many features to the programmer to write database queries.Programmers can write database queries on ExpressJS because it is a framework of NodeJS.It does not provide any feature to the programmer to write database queries.
14It supports other languages like TypeScript, CoffeeScript, and Ruby.It supports JavaScript.It supports other languages like Dart, TypeScript, etc.
15It is used by PayPal, Walmart, LinkedIn, Uber, etc.It is used by PayPal, IBM, Fox Sports, etc.It is used by Snapchat, Amazon, Google, etc

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Advantages Of Express.js

Express.js is a popular tool because of the following advantages:

  • It is easy to learn because many front end users are already familiar with JavaScript. So they don’t have to learn a new language in order to learn Express.js
  • This makes backend development much easier for front end developers using Express.js
  • A web developer can use JavaScript as a single language for both front end and back end development. The developer does not need to learn or use any other language for server-side development.
  • The JavaScript Code is interpreted through Google V8 JavaScript Engine by Node.js. Therefore, the code is implemented quickly and easily in an effective manner.
  • The Express.js framework is very simple to customize and use as per the needs.
  • Express.js provides a flexible middleware module. It is mainly useful for doing extra tasks on response and request.

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As an expert in web development and specifically in frameworks like Express.js, I have extensive experience and knowledge in working with Node.js and its associated frameworks. I've actively developed various web applications using Express.js, combining it with other technologies to build robust, scalable, and efficient solutions.

Express.js is a remarkable free and open-source web application framework tailored for Node.js, offering developers a robust toolset to swiftly design and construct web applications. Its key strengths lie in simplifying the development process by leveraging JavaScript, allowing programmers to create web apps and APIs with remarkable ease.

Express.js operates as a backend framework within the MEAN (MongoDB, ExpressJS, AngularJS, Node.js) software stack, managing routing, sessions, HTTP requests, and error handling. This framework is lightweight, offering the advantage of organizing server-side applications in a structured MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture.

To address the concepts covered in the article about Express.js:

  1. JavaScript and HTML: Understanding JavaScript and HTML is essential for utilizing Express.js effectively. JavaScript knowledge is pivotal since Express.js leverages it as its primary language for development.

  2. MEAN Stack: Express.js constitutes the 'E' in the MEAN stack, focusing on the backend aspect of web applications, working harmoniously with MongoDB, AngularJS, and Node.js.

  3. Benefits of Express.js:

    • Simplicity and Efficiency: Express.js simplifies routing, offers middleware support, and enhances the functionality of Node.js, reducing the complexity in API development.
    • Time Efficiency: It significantly reduces development time by providing ready-to-use features and functions, allowing developers to focus on business logic.
    • Real-time Capabilities: Its integration with Node.js supports real-time web applications, handling concurrent requests efficiently.
  4. Features of Express.js:

    • Faster Server-Side Development: Provides functions that eliminate the need for extensive coding, thus saving time.
    • Middleware: Organizes and manages various components of Express.js.
    • Routing: Advanced URL-based routing for maintaining webpage state.
    • Templating: Offers templating engines for dynamic content creation on server-side.
    • Debugging: Facilitates debugging by identifying and addressing bugs efficiently.
  5. Comparison with Node.js and AngularJS: Express.js is a backend framework built on top of Node.js, focusing on server-side development, while AngularJS is a frontend framework for building client-side web applications.

  6. Advantages of Express.js: Includes its ease of learning for developers familiar with JavaScript, its alignment with Node.js for faster execution, and its ability to provide a unified language (JavaScript) for both frontend and backend development.

Express.js's adaptability, efficiency, and alignment with JavaScript have made it a preferred choice for web application development, allowing developers to create powerful, scalable, and real-time applications while minimizing development time and complexity.

To delve deeper into these concepts and expand your expertise in Express.js, exploring tutorials, hands-on coding exercises, and practical application building would be immensely beneficial.

What is Express.js? | Why should use Express.js? | Features of Express.js (2024)


What is Express.js? | Why should use Express.js? | Features of Express.js? ›

What Is Express JS? Express is a node js web application framework that provides broad features for building web and mobile applications. It is used to build a single page, multipage, and hybrid web application. It's a layer built on the top of the Node js that helps manage servers and routes.

What is ExpressJS and its features? ›

Express. js can be used for various purposes, including building single-page applications, mobile applications, RESTful APIs, server-side rendering, real-time applications, and microservices. Express. js provides various key features, including routing, middleware, templates, error handling, security, and ease of use.

Why should we use ExpressJS? ›

With Express, you can easily handle routes, requests, and responses, which makes the process of creating robust and scalable applications much easier. Moreover, it is a lightweight and flexible framework that is easy to learn and comes loaded with middleware options.

Which of the following is a feature of ExpressJS? ›

Key features and characteristics of Express. js include: Routing:- Routing allows developers to map different URLs to specific pieces of code, making it easy to organize and structure an application. HTTP Utility Methods: Express simplifies the handling of HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.

When should I use ExpressJS? ›

It is used for designing and building web applications quickly and easily. Web applications are web apps that you can run on a web browser. Since Express. js only requires javascript, it becomes easier for programmers and developers to build web applications and API without any effort.

Is ExpressJS frontend or backend? ›

In conclusion, Express. js is primarily a backend framework used for building web applications, APIs, and other server-side applications. While it can be used as a frontend framework in certain cases, its primary focus is on server-side development.

Is ExpressJS a REST API? ›

Restful API is very popular and commonly used to create APIs for web-based applications. Express is a back-end web application framework of node js, and with the help of express, we can create an API very easily. This tutorial on Express REST API will walk you through all the topics on Express REST API.

Why Express is better than Node? ›

Express JS

It makes it easier to organize your application's functionality with middleware and routing. It adds helpful utilities to Node JS's HTTP objects. It facilitates the rendering of dynamic HTTP objects.

Can I learn Express without Node? ›

This library runs within nodejs.

So it's true you can “learn” how to use Express. js before nodejs, but to “learn nodejs” means understanding what nodejs provides for you, and how to leverage it. You'd already learn most of how it works by using Express. js just through using it.

Is ExpressJS easy to learn? ›

Express JS uses the Javascript programming language, which is an easy-to-learn language.

Is Express a full stack framework? ›

Express.js (running on Node.js) and React.js make the JavaScript/JSON application MERN full stack, well, full. Express.js is a server-side application framework that wraps HTTP requests and responses and makes it easy to map URLs to server-side functions.

Is Express a Node package? ›

Express is the most popular Node.js web framework, and is the underlying library for a number of other popular Node.js frameworks.

What language is Expressjs written in? ›

js/JavaScript) Express is a popular unopinionated web framework, written in JavaScript and hosted within the Node. js runtime environment.

What is ExpressJS used for? ›

What Is Express JS? Express is a node js web application framework that provides broad features for building web and mobile applications. It is used to build a single page, multipage, and hybrid web application. It's a layer built on the top of the Node js that helps manage servers and routes.

Why would you use Express? ›

Express allows us to build rapidly node. js applications as we don't have to do all basic coding and don't need to repeat the code when we are doing complex routing for example.

Do people still use ExpressJS? ›

This framework is one of the most widely used node. js tools, and there's good reason for its immense popularity. Not only is express. js fast, but it is also unopinionated and minimalist, making it ideal for developers seeking flexibility and control over their applications.

What is the difference between Node.js and ExpressJS? ›

Node. js is the JavaScript runtime environment, that acts as an engine to power your web application, while ExpressJS is a framework built on top of Node to structure and simplify the development process. Moreover, if you are building a Node. js web application, it will prove a cost-effective development solution.

What is the difference between ExpressJS and Reactjs? ›

What is React js? What is Express js? React is a front-end JavaScript library. It is an open-source and leading web application framework of JavaScript, and Express is a back-end web application framework of node js.

Is ExpressJS still being used? ›

This framework is one of the most widely used node. js tools, and there's good reason for its immense popularity. Not only is express. js fast, but it is also unopinionated and minimalist, making it ideal for developers seeking flexibility and control over their applications.

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Name: Chrissy Homenick

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Introduction: My name is Chrissy Homenick, I am a tender, funny, determined, tender, glorious, fancy, enthusiastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.