What is ERC20? Beginner’s Guide (2024)

If you are following Ethereum, you might have heard about “ERC20.” The ecosystem of Ethereum blockchain is on the basis of tokens where you can sell, buy and even trade them. Among them, ERC20 tokens are one of the popular ones. In today’s article, we will focus on answering one of the famous questions, “What is ERC20.”

Startups, especially, are taking advantage of the ERC20 token. Many startups are also successful in raising millions of dollars through token sale. However, that’s not the focus of our article. We are here to understand how ERC20 works and its role in the Ethereum blockchain.

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What Is ERC20?

Well, one of the significant Ethereum based tokens is the ERC20. Not only is it a token form, but it also represents a set of standards for digital tokens. Mostly, this token is for smart contract implementation and covers a set of rules that all Ethereum based platforms need to follow.

In simple terms, it’s a bit similar to other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ether etc. However, you need to understand Ether and ERC20 are not the same things. In reality, Ether is the native currency of the Ethereum platform, but ERC20 is a standard for a specific token type. So, others can use this standard to create more ERC20 tokens, and they will all have different token names.

More so, in order to use ERC20 tokens, your platform needs to have an Ethereum base. So, you can’t use this token in another platform such as Hyperledger Fabric as you can only issue it on Ethereum.

Also, this token standard is specifically for Fungible Tokens; it won’t offer any non-fungible tokens standards. Therefore, you can exchange one unit of ERC20 token with another ERC20 token.

On the other hand, ERC20 smart contract will use this token to initiate the payment. Therefore, you will get paid in ERC20 in any smart contract.

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The Co-Relation to HTTP Protocol

ERC20 is neither software, a solution or code. It is a standard protocol, just like HTTP. It governs the tokenization and ensures that the technical specification of the tokens is meet. If a token doesn’t meet standardization, it won’t be called an ERC20 token. If it does, it can be termed as “ERC20 token.”

To ensure that it works as intended, it contains basic functions. If the essential features are not implemented, they will not pass the standardization test. This will mean that it cannot be traded or listed on exchanges as well.

All the tokens that are created don’t need to have their blockchain. They can thrive on the Ethereum blockchain, and this is what makes ERC20 so promising and useful.

ERC20 Standard Rules

If any smart contract wants to use the ERC20 token, then it needs to follow some rules or ERC standards accordingly. In other cases, if you don’t follow the rules, then it won’t be suitable to call it an ERC 20 token. At present, there is a total of 9 rules, where 6 rules are mandatory, and the other 3 are optional rules.

Therefore, for an ERC20 contract, you need to follow at least 6 mandatory rules. Let’s see what these are –

Mandatory Rules/Standards

  • allowance
  • approve
  • transferFrom
  • transfer
  • balanceOf
  • totalSupply

Optional Rules/Standards

  • Token Name
  • Decimal (Max: 18)
  • Symbol

The Optional Standards

Let’s start with the optional standards. Usually, when you create your very own ERC20 token list, you’ll see that it’s quite important to have a name or identity associated with that token. However, it’s not necessary for you to name them, still associating identity with any token is great for using it within a community.

So, this is where “Token Name” rules come into play.

Next, we have divisibility. In reality, it’s actually quite important as it will ensure the lowest value for your token. If the divisibility is 0, then it will mean 1; if it’s 2, then the lowest value will be 0.01. Here, you are allowed to go up to 18 decimal places. So, in times of tokenization you need to remember this attribute for it.

Lastly, we have the symbol. Well, it’s mostly for creating a brand value using catchy symbols. For example, DogeCoin has the symbol “DOGE,” but mostly, it’s popular with DogeCoin. So, you see, you may not always need a symbol for your coin.

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The Mandatory Standards


Well, the totalSupply mainly outlines the overall number of ERC20 tokens you want to create. In order to create the token, you first have to determine the total amount of supply of this token. By no chance can you just make up your own token on the go because that will significantly affect the value of these tokens.


The approve function helps to get rid of any counterfeiting of tokens. Here, once the contract owner checks the balance, he/she can approve the contract to collect the money. This approve function will also check whether the number is correct compared to the total supply of tokens. So that, it’s impossible to ever counterfeit tokens. If this function finds any discriminates within the numbers, then it will discard the payment and the smart contract.


This function is specifically for returning the total number of tokens any address has. In reality, it acts as user info, so if you have initially created some token and send it to other addresses, you can use this to check how many tokens you have left.


This transfer function is basically for automating certain transactions. For example, maybe you have to pay someone every month the same amount or pay rent and bills. Therefore, you can use transferFrom to automate these payments at a certain date and time.


The next function is transfer. After checking whether the user has enough token to transfer, the owner can use this function to send the tokens to another address. More so, this acts like a typical crypto transaction in other blockchain platforms.


The allowance function is the most important one. In reality, when the contract wants to carry out a transaction, it needs to see the balance of the Ethereum smart contract to understand whether the user has the minimum balance for that. Using the allowance function, the contract can carry out the transaction or even cancel it.

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ERC20 Wallet

If you want to use ERC20 tokens, then you need to know about ERC20 wallets as well. In reality, these are digital wallets that will store and keep all of your tokens. Obviously, you don’t want anyone getting access to the tokens, so using a wallet is always the best practice here. More so, you can also use ERC20 wallet to connect to other platforms and buy and sell items where blockchain is supported.

But before setting up an account in the wallet, you need to make sure that the ERC20 wallet supports your tokens. There are many wallets that developed just to store these tokens. Some of these are –

  • MyEtherWallet
  • MetaMask
  • Mist Wallet
  • Trust Wallet
  • Coinbase Wallet

More importantly, you can also use these wallets to store NFTs, as many of them support storing non-fungible tokens or digital assets.

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ERC20 Wallet Address

While using this token, many are often confused about the wallet address. Typically, the ERC20 wallet address is an Ethereum address. More so, all Ethereum addresses are compatible with storing ERC20. Also, all Ethereum wallets are actually connected to the Ethereum blockchain.

Therefore, the ERC20 address will mean an address in the Ethereum platform. But do remember that the wallet provider needs to ask for permission in order to access or even check your balance from your wallet. On the other hand, sometimes, the ERC20 address will only support this type of token. It’s best not to limit yourself with one particular token.

If you really want to have a wallet that will keep all of your tokens safe, then create choose a wallet that supports other types of tokens as well. In reality, it will give you the option to convert your tokens with other ones.

Also, this wallet and ERC20 address are solely your custody, which means that you will have to keep it safe. In most cases, every wallet gives random special words for you to use in case you have lost your password. You need to store it somewhere safe.

Benefits of ERC20 Standard

There are many benefits of the ERC20 standard. It makes it possible for developers to develop DApps on the Ethereum blockchain. It also helps streamline the whole standardized process. To get a better view, let’s list the benefits below.

  1. Token implementation becomes easy for blockchain developers.
  2. There is a standard protocol to maintain and follow.
  3. ERC20 tokens offer high liquidity.
  4. Smart contracts ensure that transactions are risk-free.

Flaws of ERC20 Standard

transfer Function Bug

Well, these tokens have their fair share of positive qualities, but they also have some critical bugs that you need to know about. Usually, in Ethereum, there are 2 types of accounts contract accounts and externally owned accounts. So, when you are trying to interact with another externally owned account, you can simply use the transfer function to send tokens. But when its contract account using the transfer function doesn’t work accordingly, and you may likely lose money.

But how? Well, when you are using this blockchain protocol to send money to a contract, the recipient isn’t notified of the funds. So, they can’t recognize it, and it will lead to the token being stuck within the contract where no one can use it. That’s why you need to use approval + transferFrom functions. But, using these two can also lead to double-spending.

Low Entry Point

Well, anyone can make tokens using these standards. There is no restriction on who can make it and who can’t. As a result, many people are creating needless tokens that are flooding the market unnecessarily, and in many cases, creates scam token to raise money.

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Final Thoughts

ERC20 is one of the best blockchain protocols. It governs thousands of tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. Also, it is developer-friendly. Anyone can create an ERC20 token and release it on the blockchain. ERC20 can also be defined as a way to develop utility tokens for a DApp. All these dynamics lead to issues if you are an investor and are looking to hold tokens for yourself. So, we recommend you be cautious while investing in any tokens. Also, you can enroll in our Ethereum development course to further understand these tokens. Proper research can save you a heartache later on!

*Disclaimer: The article should not be taken as, and is not intended to provide any investment advice. Claims made in this article do not constitute investment advice and should not be taken as such. 101 Blockchains shall not be responsible for any loss sustained by any person who relies on this article. Do your own research!

As an expert in blockchain technology and Ethereum, I bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to shed light on the intricacies of ERC20 tokens. My expertise in this domain is demonstrated by a comprehensive understanding of the Ethereum ecosystem, smart contracts, and tokenization standards.

Now, let's delve into the key concepts discussed in the article:

ERC20 Overview:

1. ERC20 as a Token Standard:

  • ERC20 is a significant Ethereum-based token that serves as both a token form and a set of standards for digital tokens.
  • It is used for smart contract implementation and enforces a set of rules for all Ethereum-based platforms.

2. Distinction from Ether:

  • Ether is the native currency of the Ethereum platform, while ERC20 is a standard for a specific type of token.
  • ERC20 tokens can be created based on this standard, and they can have different token names.

3. Fungible Tokens:

  • ERC20 is specifically designed for fungible tokens, allowing one unit of ERC20 to be exchanged with another unit.

ERC20 Protocol:

4. Co-Relation to HTTP Protocol:

  • ERC20 is not software but a standard protocol, similar to HTTP.
  • It governs tokenization and ensures that tokens meet specific technical specifications to be classified as ERC20 tokens.

5. ERC20 Standard Rules:

  • There are 9 rules in total, with 6 mandatory and 3 optional rules.
  • Mandatory rules include allowance, approve, transferFrom, transfer, balanceOf, and totalSupply.

6. Optional Standards:

  • Optional rules encompass Token Name, Decimal (Max: 18), and Symbol.
  • Token Name provides identity, Decimal determines divisibility, and Symbol creates brand value.

ERC20 Wallets:

7. ERC20 Wallets:

  • Digital wallets like MyEtherWallet, MetaMask, Mist Wallet, Trust Wallet, and Coinbase Wallet are used to store ERC20 tokens securely.
  • These wallets support not only ERC20 tokens but also other types and even non-fungible tokens (NFTs).

8. ERC20 Wallet Address:

  • ERC20 wallet address is an Ethereum address, compatible with storing ERC20 tokens.
  • All Ethereum addresses can store ERC20, but permission may be required from the wallet provider.

Benefits and Flaws:

9. Benefits of ERC20 Standard:

  • Simplifies token implementation for developers.
  • Provides a standard protocol for token creation.
  • Ensures high liquidity and risk-free transactions through smart contracts.

10. Flaws of ERC20 Standard:

  • Transfer Function Bug: Sending tokens to a contract account may result in the token getting stuck due to a lack of recipient notification.

  • Low Entry Point: Lack of restrictions on token creation can lead to the proliferation of unnecessary tokens, including scam tokens.

Final Thoughts:

ERC20 is a powerful blockchain protocol governing numerous tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. Its developer-friendly nature allows anyone to create and release tokens, but caution is advised due to potential issues, such as the transfer function bug and the low entry point for token creation.

Investors should conduct thorough research before investing in any tokens. Additionally, educational resources, like the Ethereum Development Course, can enhance understanding and mitigate risks in the complex world of blockchain technology and ERC20 tokens.

What is ERC20? Beginner’s Guide (2024)


What is ERC-20 and how it works? ›

Ethereum Request for Comment 20 (ERC20) is a standard for the Ethereum blockchain that requires certain scripting functions and two events that must be used when creating a fungible token within a smart contract.

What are the disadvantages of ERC-20? ›

Despite their numerous advantages, ERC-20 tokens are not without their risks and drawbacks: Security vulnerabilities: Malicious actors can exploit vulnerabilities in ERC20 smart contracts, leading to security breaches and token theft.

How do I claim ERC-20 tokens? ›

To claim your ERC20 $ERC20 tokens, you'll need a compatible Ethereum wallet. Ensure that your wallet supports ERC20 tokens and that you have full control of your private keys. Popular options include MetaMask, MyEtherWallet, and Trust Wallet. If you don't have a suitable wallet, set one up before proceeding.

How do I withdraw from ERC-20? ›

Choose the ERC20 token that you want to withdraw, then enter the withdrawal amount manually or select Max to withdraw the entire balance of this token available in your wallet. When prompted, select Approve to approve the new spending cap for the selected token.

What is ERC and how does it work? ›

ERC credits are calculated based on the qualifying wages paid to employees during eligible employer status. For most companies taking advantage of this program, the refundable tax credits are well in excess of the payroll taxes paid by the employers.

What is an example of ERC-20? ›

Creating ERC-20 Tokens

For example, consider a contract written such that it can receive a maximum of 1000 ETH (that is, a total of 1000 ETH can be sent to the contract), and for every one ETH sent into the contract, the contract automatically 'mints' and sends 100 ABC tokens back to the sender.

What is the major use case of ERC-20? ›

ERC-20 tokens' primary function is to work with smart contracts, or pre-programmed agreements that automatically execute once certain conditions are met. The way smart contracts operate is often compared to vending machines — namely, they're programmed to perform a specific function only under certain circ*mstances.

What are the pitfalls of ERC? ›

The IRS has reminded employers that improper filing and amendments may lead to fines, clawbacks, and other penalties. Other common pitfalls include: Impermissible “double dipping” coverage of PPP loans and the ERC. Overapplication of the supply chain impact on operations.

Who is not eligible for ERC? ›

You don't qualify for the ERC if you didn't operate a business or tax-exempt organization with employees. Some examples of taxpayers who are not eligible to claim the ERC and are often targeted by ERC scam promoters include: Individual taxpayers who are not business owners. Employees.

How much does it cost to launch an ERC20 token? ›

On average, the cost to create ERC20 token lies between $5000 to $10,000, depending on the type of token developed and business requirements.

What is an example of an ERC-20 wallet? ›

Here's a sample ERC-20 wallet address: 0x1437bEbAa45MfA88Dc9C6CFeB6e0bAAeDCD6eCdb (This is a sample address and doesn't belong to know wallet address to us). A wallet address is different from a contract address and you shouldn't confuse between the two.

How do I know if my token is ERC-20? ›

You can use a tool or library to call these functions on the target address. Evaluating Return Values: If the function calls succeed and return valid values (e.g., a non-zero balance or a total token supply), it's a strong indication that you're dealing with an ERC20 token contract.

Do you have to pay back ERC money? ›

The ERC is not a loan. It is a tax credit based on payroll taxes employers previously remitted, so employers do not have to pay back the funds they receive.

How do I qualify for an ERC refund? ›

Eligibility highlights

The ERC is not available to individuals. Generally, businesses and tax-exempt organizations that qualify are those that: Were shut down by a government order due to the COVID-19 pandemic during 2020 or the first three calendar quarters of 2021, or.

What can you spend ERC money on? ›

No, there are no legal requirements regarding how you spend your ERC refund check. The ERC is a tax refund — not a government loan or grant. This means that business owners are free to invest the ERC money to expand their company, pay business expenses and debts, or simply take the money home as profit.

How much is ERC-20 worth today? ›

ERC20 to USD
AmountToday at 2:53 pm
1 ERC20$0.0179
5 ERC20$0.0896
10 ERC20$0.1791
50 ERC20$0.8956
4 more rows

How long does a ERC-20 transaction take? ›

CoinList waits for 30 confirmations to consider an ETH or ERC-20 transaction final. Although typically this should only take about ~ 5 minutes, this can take anywhere from 5 minutes to 4 hours. Especially during periods of high network congestion, the transaction can take longer.

What is ERC-20 allowance? ›

The ERC20 approve and ERC20 allowance methods allow you to give a specific smart contract permission to use a certain amount of their tokens, without giving control of the entire token balance.

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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.