What is EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)? (2024)

In this blog, we cover everything you need to know about electronic data interchange:

  1. What is EDI?
  2. How EDI Works
  3. Benefits of EDI
  4. What Does EDI Implementation Require?
  5. Connecting Your Digital Ecosystem Using EDI
  6. The Future of EDI in Smart Supply Chains
  7. Harness the Power of EDI with Cleo Integration Cloud

What is EDI?

EDI, or Electronic Data Interchange, is a way for businesses to exchange standard electronic documents directly between their computer systems using EDI integration. It replaces traditional paper-based methods, offering benefits like cost savings, faster communication, fewer errors, and better relationships with EDI trading partners.

How EDI Works

EDI relies on two main methods to move data between businesses:

  1. Point-to-Point/Direct Connections: Your company has a direct connection to your trading partner where both parties can exchange data.
  2. Value Added Networks (VANs): Think of an EDIVAN as a third-party intermediary. Your company sends EDI data to the VAN which acts as a secure halfway point. The VAN then transmits the data to the correct recipient.

EDI Documents

EDI documents are electronic versions of the standard business documents that companies exchange with each other in the course of their daily operations. Unlike traditional paper documents or even PDFs though, EDI documents adhere to specific formatting and communication standards to ensure smooth and error-free exchange between different computer systems.

There are a vast number of EDI documents that are sent from one business to another. The types of documents sent depend on the industry, EDI process, EDI standard, and more. Some of the most common EDI documents include purchase orders (EDI 850), invoices (EDI 810), advanced ship notices (EDI 856), and functional acknowledgements (EDI 997).

EDI Standards

Think of EDI like sending a package internationally. The EDI standard is like the standardized customs forms that ensure the package contents are clearly defined.

EDI standards are sets of rules and formats that define how business documents should be structured for electronic transmission between trading partners. For example, standards specify if the delivery date should be listed as an integer, decimal, or mm/dd/yyyy. If companies didn’t specify which standard to use, companies and their trading partners would be speaking ‘different languages’ and their internal systems would not be able to understand the data in the EDI documents they receive.

So with everyone "speaking the same language," (i.e. using the same standard) data quality and interpretability are maintained across different systems. Common standards include:

  • X12: commonly used in North America, particularly in industries such as retail, manufacturing, healthcare, finance, and transportation.
  • EDIFACT: an international standard used primarily in Europe and other parts of the world outside of North America in industries such as transportation, logistics, retail, and international trade
  • TRADACOMES: a UK-specific standard commonly used in the United Kingdom in industries such as retail, supply chain management, and manufacturing
  • HIPAA: sets standards for the electronic exchange of healthcare information in the United States

EDI Protocols

If EDI standards are the customs forms that outline a package's details, EDI protocols are like the chosen shipping method (plane, boat, train) that dictates how the package is delivered.

EDI protocols define the technical specifications for how data is transmitted between businesses. They determine how the data is packaged, secured, and delivered electronically. EDI data is typically transmitted using secure protocols like SOAP, SFTP, and AS2, which act as secure communication channels to protect your sensitive business information.

Building Richer Communication

EDI software has the capability to merge multiple pieces of data within an EDI document. For instance, it can blend elements like "ITEMQUANTITY" and "ITEMDESCRIPTION" into "ORDERLINE," offering a more detailed depiction of items and their quantities within an order. These combinations create more comprehensive and succinct EDI documents.

Transmission Methods:

EDI transmission has two main methods:

  • Using a third-party service (VAN): Like a secure mailbox that routes EDI documents between partners. More secure but can be expensive.
  • Connecting directly (point-to-point): Partners connect directly over the Internet with secure protocols (like AS2) for a cheaper option.

For example, suppliers send EDI purchase orders directly to retailers' systems (like Walmart, Target, etc.) via point-to-point connections or through a VAN. Additionally, VANs act as intermediaries, facilitating communication between suppliers and multiple retailers. For example, a clothing manufacturer may use a VAN to transmit product catalogs, inventory updates, and shipping notices to various retail partners, ensuring timely delivery and replenishment of merchandise.

Message Standards:

Standards like ODETTE, TRADACOMS, GS1, Peppol, and ASC X12 define EDI message formats, ensuring consistency and interoperability.

Take Procter & Gamble (P&G) for example, which implements EDI standards such as GS1. P&G exchanges standardized EDI messages with retailers like Costco or Kroger to coordinate product orders, shipments, and invoices. By adhering to GS1 standards, P&G ensures that product information, such as UPC codes and pricing, is consistently formatted and easily understood by its trading partners, enabling efficient inventory management and order fulfillment processes.

Internet Protocols:

Many trading partners, including automotive manufacturers like Toyota or General Motors, require their suppliers to use secure internet protocols for EDI communication. Suppliers may employ protocols like Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP), Applicability Statement 2 (AS2), and Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) to transmit production forecasts, shipment schedules, and quality assurance reports securely over the Internet. By using these protocols, suppliers encrypt sensitive data, establish secure connections, and ensure the integrity of transmitted information, thus mitigating the risk of data breaches and ensuring compliance with industry regulations.

What is EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)? (1)
Level Up Your Supply Chain: Explore Our EDI Solution

You’ve taken the first step towards a smoother supply chain by finding this blog - now discover how our EDI solution automates data exchange, saving you time and boosting efficiency.

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Benefits of EDI

The reason EDI is so popular and continues to be adopted by businesses across a wide variety of industries is the multitude of benefits it provides. These benefits include:

Enhanced Trading Partner Connectivity

EDI is pivotal for businesses seeking to establish and maintain connections with larger trading partners. For instance, major retailers such as Walmart, Amazon, and Target mandate the use of EDI for seamless integration and standardized data exchange with their suppliers and vendors. Without EDI compliance, businesses risk exclusion from lucrative partnerships and opportunities. By adopting EDI, companies not only meet the stringent requirements of these industry giants but also demonstrate a commitment to efficient and compliant business practices. This not only strengthens existing partnerships but also opens doors to new business opportunities, facilitating expansion into new markets and driving growth within the industry.

Improved Customer Experience

EDI automation plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall customer experience by enabling businesses to streamline their operations and deliver faster, more accurate service. By automating order processing, invoicing, and other transactional activities, companies can fulfill customer orders more efficiently, leading to shorter lead times and improved order accuracy. Additionally, the reduction in errors and processing delays associated with manual methods enhances customer satisfaction and loyalty. With EDI automation, businesses can provide a seamless and reliable purchasing experience, fostering stronger relationships with their customers and ultimately driving repeat business and positive word-of-mouth referrals.

Time and Cost Savings

One of the primary benefits of EDI is the significant time and cost savings it offers. By automating paper-based transactions, EDI eliminates the need for manual processing, which not only saves time and effort but also reduces the processing delays often associated with traditional methods. This streamlined approach accelerates transaction cycles, allowing businesses to operate more efficiently and effectively allocate resources elsewhere.

Error Reduction

Another key advantage of EDI is its ability to minimize errors in document processing. Automated data exchange greatly reduces the reliance on manual data entry, which inherently carries a risk of human error. With EDI, data is transmitted electronically in a standardized format, reducing the likelihood of transcription errors and ensuring higher accuracy rates. This reduction in errors leads to improved data quality and operational efficiency, ultimately enhancing overall business performance.

See Also

Enhanced Security

EDI offers superior data security compared to paper-based methods through the implementation of robust authentication and encryption mechanisms. These security measures help control access to sensitive information and safeguard data during transmission and storage. By ensuring data integrity and confidentiality, EDI provides businesses with peace of mind knowing that their critical information is protected from unauthorized access, interception, or tampering.

Improved Connectivity

With the rise of cloud-native file transfer services, EDI has become even more accessible and efficient in facilitating data exchange among business partners. These services enable quick and seamless sharing of data sets over secure networks, enhancing connectivity within B2B ecosystems. By leveraging cloud-based solutions, businesses can easily integrate EDI into their existing systems and collaborate with partners regardless of geographic location or technological infrastructure. This improved connectivity fosters stronger relationships with suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders, driving collaboration and innovation across the supply chain.

What Does EDI Implementation Require?

The key steps for implementing EDI include:

1. Building the Infrastructure:

Think of this as setting up the foundation for your EDI system. You'll need the right software tools to manage various aspects of EDI communication:

  • Mapping Software: EDI mapping software translates your internal data formats (like names and addresses) into the standardized EDI format your trading partners’ systems understand.
  • Enveloping and De-enveloping Software: This software "wraps" your EDI documents for secure transmission and then "unwraps" them upon arrival at the recipient.
  • Routing Software: This ensures your EDI messages reach the correct destination and are compatible with the receiving system.

There are two main ways to handle data transmission:

  • Value Added Networks (VANs): These act as secure intermediaries, managing the transfer of your EDI documents for a fee.
  • Internal Management: If you choose to manage EDI in-house with point-to-point connections, you'll need the necessary hardware infrastructure, such as servers and network equipment.

2. Connecting with Trading Partners:

Now that your technical base is solidified, it's time to establish connections with your trading partners. Since you'll be sharing documents with external parties electronically, secure and standardized communication is vital.

  • Standardization: Different industries and regions often use specific EDI formats. Configure your system to match the standards used by your trading partners, ensuring smooth data exchange. This could involve formats like X12 or EDIFACT.
  • Secure Connections: Set up secure pathways for data transmission using methods like protocols, VPNs, or firewalls.

3. Staying Compliant:

The world of EDI revolves around standards and regulations. Here's what you need to keep in mind:

  • Industry Compliant: Your EDI system must comply with the data protection rules and standards mandated by your industry. Be prepared to update your system as these standards evolve.

Trading Partner Compliant: If your trading partners change their EDI standards, you must be flexible and adapt your system to comply with these changes to maintain seamless communication. Otherwise, you may lose their business.

Connecting your Digital Ecosystem Using EDI

The right EDI solution should be able to seamlessly integrate with your existing internal software, as well as with a vast network of current and future trading partners.

Internal Systems

EDI can connect to a variety of internal solutions within your organization, such as an ERP, WMS, TMS, visibility platform, and more. These integrations can create better communication and greater efficiency by automatically exchanging data between the internal solutions and your EDI solution. This data can be used to automatically update inventory levels in real time, generate and send shipping updates, pay bills, provide trading partners with tracking updates, and more.

Expanding Your Network

Growth often involves connecting with more partners – retailers, online marketplaces, logistics providers, manufacturers, and more. Many businesses, especially larger organizations (e.g. Amazon, UPS, and Procter & Gamble), require their trading partners to be EDI-capable because the technology provides efficiency, accuracy, cost savings, and scalability—all of which are vital for success at the enterprise level.

Trading partners commonly have strict and unique requirements for their business, so it’s important to find a solution that can support a wide range of protocols and standards, as well as one that updates their offerings to keep pace with evolving requirements. Non-compliance can lead to steep fees and negative vendor scorecards which impact future business opportunities.

Cleo has a large trading partner network with thousands of the most popular trading partners your business might need or want to connect to. Cleo’s trading partner network includes:

  • Online Marketplaces: Amazon, Wayfair, and eBay
  • Retailers: Target, Walmart, Home Depot, and Dollar General
  • Wholesalers: Costco and BJ’s Wholesale Club
  • eCommerce Platforms: Shopify and WooCommerce
  • Grocers: Kroger, Albertsons, and Publix
  • Convenience Stores: Walgreens, CVS, and 7/11

The benefits of Cleo’s trading partner network include:

  • Pre-configured Connections: Pre-built connections that are ready to use, eliminating the need for custom mapping and setup for each partner
  • Reduced Errors: Automate manual configuration and mapping to minimize human errors and provide your team with more bandwidth
  • Faster Time to Value: Connect with new partners quickly so you can start communicating and conducting business sooner
  • Effortless Expansion: Easily expand your EDI ecosystem by leveraging our existing network connections to onboard new partners without significant effort
  • Compliance Management: Remain compliant with evolving industry regulations and trading partner requirements, with automatic updates

What is EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)? (2)
Ready to Take Your EDI Research to the Next Level?

You've explored the benefits, now see how it applies to you! Get a personalized consultation on how our EDI solution can streamline your supply chain. Just provide some information for a free, no-obligation assessment.

The Future of EDI in Smart Supply Chains

Imagine a damaged shipment is delivered. This triggers a chargeback via an EDI 214 message (Transportation Carrier Shipment Status). The unusable materials lead to disputes between the involved parties. This scenario highlights the limitations of traditional EDI.

However, the future of EDI holds new levels of possibility for supply chains that can bring added clarity to a situation like this. Here's a glimpse into what this future may hold:

  • Real-Time Visibility with IoT: Embedded sensors in packaging that can routinely communicate with EDI systems via EDI 214 messages. This real-time data regarding a package’s condition will provide unprecedented visibility throughout the supply chain.
  • Dispute Resolution with Blockchain: Blockchain technology that creates a shared, tamper-proof record of shipment information. This "single source of truth" will streamline dispute resolution and potentially eliminate chargeback conflicts.
  • AI-Powered Automation: AI that monitors shipment data and identifies potential issues. This AI could:
    • Detect non-compliance with shipping regulations
    • Assess whether a reshipment is needed
    • Evaluate the optimal source for replacements
    • Trigger a reshipment and automate returns

The future of EDI is about going beyond basic transactions. It's about enriching EDI with these budding technologies to further optimize supply chains, so businesses can decrease disputes, increase efficiencies, improve customer satisfaction, and resolve issues quicker.

  • Integration with Emerging Technologies: EDI will play a pivotal role in future supply chains, integrating with IoT sensors, blockchain, and AI technologies to enhance visibility, traceability, and automation in document exchange and supply chain operations.

Harness the Power of EDI with Cleo Integration Cloud

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) represents a critical advancement in modern business communications, offering significant benefits over manual processing in terms of efficiency, accuracy, security, and connectivity. As organizations continue to adopt EDI solutions and integrate them with emerging technologies, the future of EDI promises even greater advancements in streamlining business processes and driving supply chain resiliency.

With Cleo Integration Cloud as your EDI solution, your business will have access to:

  • Any-to-any integration (ERP, TMS, WMS, CRM, visibility platforms like Project44, etc.)
  • End-to-end business process automation for O2C, P2P, and L2I
  • Pre-configured EDI templates and maps to speed trading partner onboarding
  • Complete EDI transaction visibility
  • Real-time alerts for proactive error management
  • The choice of self-service, managed services, or a blended approach
  • User-friendly interface with customizable dashboards for each user

…and so much more.

If you have questions about what was covered in this blog or Cleo's products and services, contact us at [email protected], +1.815.282.7695. Additionally, explore some of our educational resources through our content hub.

What is EDI (Electronic Data Interchange)? (2024)


What is EDI or Electronic Data Interchange? ›

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the electronic interchange of business information using a standardized format; a process which allows one company to send information to another company electronically rather than with paper. Business entities conducting business electronically are called trading partners.

What is EDI and how does it work? ›

What is electronic data interchange? Electronic data interchange (EDI) is the automated exchange of business documents between organizations. Daily business workflows require the exchange of documents like invoices, purchase orders, and shipping forms.

What is an example of EDI? ›

The exchange of EDI documents is typically between two different organizations, referred to as business partners or trading partners. Example: Company A may buy goods from Company B. Company A sends Purchase Orders to Company B, which sends Invoices and Shipment Notices to Company A.

What is Electronic Data Interchange EDI best described as? ›

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) is the transfer of data from one computer system to another by standardized message formatting without the need for human intervention.

What are the three types of EDI? ›

There are three primary ways EDI can be deployed:
  • Direct EDI (point-to-point). Computers in an organization connect directly with computers in the trading partner organization. ...
  • Value-added network (VAN). ...
  • Web-based EDI, also known as Internet EDI.

Why do we still use EDI? ›

EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) has been around since the 1970s. Today, EDI is still the most used technology for communications between companies. It is highly structured and is accepted as an international standard for exchanging information between trading partners anywhere in the world.

What are the 4 components of EDI? ›

The 4 major components of EDI are: standard document format, translation and mapping, preferred communication method and communication network to send and receive documents.

Who uses EDI? ›

EDI has been used in the past primarily by automotive and retail businesses, however in the past few years, the format has been more widely adopted. Manufacturing, healthcare, pharmaceutical, utility, and construction companies are good examples of EDI clients.

What are the benefits of using EDI? ›

60 EDI Benefits
  • Enhanced Efficiency. EDI eliminates manual data entry, reducing the risk of errors and enhancing operational efficiency.
  • Cost Reduction. ...
  • Faster Transaction Processing. ...
  • Improved Accuracy. ...
  • Increased Productivity. ...
  • Streamlined Supply Chain. ...
  • Inventory Optimization. ...
  • Better Customer Service.

What are 3 EDI transactions? ›

7 Common Types of EDI Transactions (EDI Codes)
  • EDI 856: Ship Notice/Manifest.
  • EDI 810: Invoice.
  • EDI 850: Purchase Order.
  • EDI 855: Purchase Order Acknowledgment.
  • EDI 820: Payment Order/Remittance Advice.
  • EDI 997: Functional Acknowledgment.
  • EDI 940: Warehouse Shipping Order.
  • Common EDI Communication Standards.

What is the most common EDI format? ›

A flat file is the most common EDI file format during the computer-to-computer exchange of business documents or data. This type of EDI file potentially contains several sorts of records, such as headlines and retail lines. Headlines indicate what information is held within entire documents.

What falls under EDI? ›

Things to consider include: accent, age, caring responsibilities, colour, culture, visible and invisible disability, gender identity and expression, mental health, neurodiversity, physical appearance, political opinion, pregnancy and maternity/paternity and family status and socio-economic circ*mstances, amongst other ...

How do you explain EDI? ›

What is EDI? EDI, which stands for electronic data interchange, is the intercompany communication of business documents in a standard format. The simple definition of EDI is that it is a standard electronic format that replaces paper-based documents such as purchase orders or invoices.

What is EDI and why is it important? ›

Simply put, EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) technology allows the computer-to-computer exchange of business documents in a standard electronic format between different business partners.

What is the function of EDI? ›

EDI significantly reduces the time and effort required to process business transactions by automating data exchange and eliminating manual entry. This automation leads to faster processing times and reduced operational costs.

What does EDI mean in shipping? ›

EDI (electronic data interchange) refers to a technological system designed to exchange business documents in a standardized electronic format. Here are just a few of the documents EDI can manage and share in the shipping and logistics industry: Invoices and advance ship notices. Payment documents. Shipping documents.

What does EDI stand for in banking? ›

An electronic data interchange (EDI) payment is a common type of electronic payment that uses a standardized format for businesses to exchange payment data computer-to-computer. Standard types of documents that businesses send through EDI include: Inventory and customs documents. Shipping notices.

What is EDI in insurance? ›

Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)/ Proof of Coverage/Claims

Carriers and insurers submit required information using EDI through one of the state-approved Vendors. Electronic coverage data is stored in a master database maintained by the EDI POC Section.

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