What is Azure Web Application Firewall on Azure Application Gateway? - Azure Web Application Firewall (2024)

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The Azure Web Application Firewall (WAF) on Azure Application Gateway actively safeguards your web applications against common exploits and vulnerabilities. As web applications become more frequent targets for malicious attacks, these attacks often exploit well-known vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting.

WAF on Application Gateway is based on the Core Rule Set (CRS) from the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP).

All of the following WAF features exist inside of a WAF policy. You can create multiple policies, and they can be associated with an Application Gateway, to individual listeners, or to path-based routing rules on an Application Gateway. This way, you can have separate policies for each site behind your Application Gateway if needed. For more information on WAF policies, see Create a WAF Policy.


Application Gateway has two versions of the WAF sku: Application Gateway WAF_v1 and Application Gateway WAF_v2. WAF policy associations are only supported for the Application Gateway WAF_v2 sku.

What is Azure Web Application Firewall on Azure Application Gateway? - Azure Web Application Firewall (1)

Application Gateway operates as an application delivery controller (ADC). It offers Transport Layer Security (TLS), previously known as Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), termination, cookie-based session affinity, round-robin load distribution, content-based routing, ability to host multiple websites, and security enhancements.

Application Gateway enhances security through TLS policy management and end-to-end TLS support. By integrating WAF into Application Gateway, it fortifies application security. This combination actively defends your web applications against common vulnerabilities and offers a centrally manageable, easy-to-configure location.


This section describes the core benefits that WAF on Application Gateway provides.


  • Protect your web applications from web vulnerabilities and attacks without modification to back-end code.

  • Protect multiple web applications at the same time. An instance of Application Gateway can host up to 40 websites that are protected by a web application firewall.

  • Create custom WAF policies for different sites behind the same WAF.

  • Protect your web applications from malicious bots with the IP Reputation ruleset.

  • Protect your application against DDoS attacks. For more information, see Application DDoS Protection.



  • Customize WAF rules and rule groups to suit your application requirements and eliminate false positives.

  • Associate a WAF Policy for each site behind your WAF to allow for site-specific configuration

  • Create custom rules to suit the needs of your application


  • SQL injection protection.
  • Cross-site scripting protection.
  • Protection against other common web attacks, such as command injection, HTTP request smuggling, HTTP response splitting, and remote file inclusion.
  • Protection against HTTP protocol violations.
  • Protection against HTTP protocol anomalies, such as missing host user-agent and accept headers.
  • Protection against crawlers and scanners.
  • Detection of common application misconfigurations (for example, Apache and IIS).
  • Configurable request size limits with lower and upper bounds.
  • Exclusion lists let you omit certain request attributes from a WAF evaluation. A common example is Active Directory-inserted tokens that are used for authentication or password fields.
  • Create custom rules to suit the specific needs of your applications.
  • Geo-filter traffic to allow or block certain countries/regions from gaining access to your applications.
  • Protect your applications from bots with the bot mitigation ruleset.
  • Inspect JSON and XML in the request body

WAF policy and rules

To enable a Web Application Firewall on Application Gateway, you must create a WAF policy. This policy is where all of the managed rules, custom rules, exclusions, and other customizations such as file upload limit exist.

You can configure a WAF policy and associate that policy to one or more application gateways for protection. A WAF policy consists of two types of security rules:

  • Custom rules that you create

  • Managed rule sets that are a collection of Azure-managed preconfigured set of rules

When both are present, custom rules are processed before processing the rules in a managed rule set. A rule is made of a match condition, a priority, and an action. Action types supported are: ALLOW, BLOCK, and LOG. You can create a fully customized policy that meets your specific application protection requirements by combining managed and custom rules.

Rules within a policy are processed in a priority order. Priority is a unique integer that defines the order of rules to process. Smaller integer value denotes a higher priority and those rules are evaluated before rules with a higher integer value. Once a rule is matched, the corresponding action that was defined in the rule is applied to the request. Once such a match is processed, rules with lower priorities aren't processed further.

A web application delivered by Application Gateway can have a WAF policy associated to it at the global level, at a per-site level, or at a per-URI level.

Core rule sets

Application Gateway supports multiple rule sets, including CRS 3.2, CRS 3.1, and CRS 3.0. These rules protect your web applications from malicious activity.

For more information, see Web application firewall CRS rule groups and rules.

Custom rules

Application Gateway also supports custom rules. With custom rules, you can create your own rules, which are evaluated for each request that passes through WAF. These rules hold a higher priority than the rest of the rules in the managed rule sets. If a set of conditions is met, an action is taken to allow or block.

The geomatch operator is now available for custom rules. See geomatch custom rules for more information.

For more information on custom rules, see Custom Rules for Application Gateway.

Bot protection rule set

You can enable a managed bot protection rule set to take custom actions on requests from all bot categories.

Three bot categories are supported:

  • Bad

    Bad bots include bots from malicious IP addresses and bots that falsify their identities. Bad bots with malicious IPs are sourced from the Microsoft Threat Intelligence feed’s high confidence IP Indicators of Compromise.

  • Good

    Good bots include validated search engines such as Googlebot, bingbot, and other trusted user agents.

  • Unknown

    Unknown bots are classified via published user agents without more validation. For example, market analyzer, feed fetchers, and data collection agents. Unknown bots also include malicious IP addresses that are sourced from Microsoft Threat Intelligence feed’s medium confidence IP Indicators of Compromise.

The WAF platform actively manages and dynamically updates bot signatures.

What is Azure Web Application Firewall on Azure Application Gateway? - Azure Web Application Firewall (2)

You can assign Microsoft_BotManagerRuleSet_1.0 by using the Assign option under Managed Rulesets:

What is Azure Web Application Firewall on Azure Application Gateway? - Azure Web Application Firewall (3)

When Bot protection is enabled, it blocks, allows, or logs incoming requests that match bot rules based on the action you've configured. It blocks malicious bots, allows verified search engine crawlers, blocks unknown search engine crawlers, and logs unknown bots by default. You have the option to set custom actions to block, allow, or log different types of bots.

You can access WAF logs from a storage account, event hub, log analytics, or send logs to a partner solution.

WAF modes

The Application Gateway WAF can be configured to run in the following two modes:

  • Detection mode: Monitors and logs all threat alerts. You turn on logging diagnostics for Application Gateway in the Diagnostics section. You must also make sure that the WAF log is selected and turned on. Web application firewall doesn't block incoming requests when it's operating in Detection mode.
  • Prevention mode: Blocks intrusions and attacks that the rules detect. The attacker receives a "403 unauthorized access" exception, and the connection is closed. Prevention mode records such attacks in the WAF logs.


It is recommended that you run a newly deployed WAF in Detection mode for a short period of time in a production environment. This provides the opportunity to obtain firewall logs and update any exceptions or custom rules prior to transition to Prevention mode. This can help reduce the occurrence of unexpected blocked traffic.

WAF engines

The Azure web application firewall (WAF) engine is the component that inspects traffic and determines whether a request includes a signature that represents a potential attack. When you use CRS 3.2 or later, your WAF runs the new WAF engine, which gives you higher performance and an improved set of features. When you use earlier versions of the CRS, your WAF runs on an older engine. New features are only available on the new Azure WAF engine.

WAF actions

You can choose which action is run when a request matches a rule condition. The following actions are supported:

  • Allow: Request passes through the WAF and is forwarded to back-end. No further lower priority rules can block this request. Allow actions are only applicable to the Bot Manager ruleset, and aren't applicable to the Core Rule Set.
  • Block: The request is blocked and WAF sends a response to the client without forwarding the request to the back-end.
  • Log: Request is logged in the WAF logs and WAF continues evaluating lower priority rules.
  • Anomaly score: This is the default action for CRS ruleset where total anomaly score is incremented when a rule with this action is matched. Anomaly scoring isn't applicable for the Bot Manager ruleset.

Anomaly Scoring mode

OWASP has two modes for deciding whether to block traffic: Traditional mode and Anomaly Scoring mode.

In Traditional mode, traffic that matches any rule is considered independently of any other rule matches. This mode is easy to understand. But the lack of information about how many rules match a specific request is a limitation. So, Anomaly Scoring mode was introduced. It's the default for OWASP 3.x.

In Anomaly Scoring mode, traffic that matches any rule isn't immediately blocked when the firewall is in Prevention mode. Rules have a certain severity: Critical, Error, Warning, or Notice. That severity affects a numeric value for the request, which is called the Anomaly Score. For example, one Warning rule match contributes 3 to the score. One Critical rule match contributes 5.


There's a threshold of 5 for the Anomaly Score to block traffic. So, a single Critical rule match is enough for the Application Gateway WAF to block a request, even in Prevention mode. But one Warning rule match only increases the Anomaly Score by 3, which isn't enough by itself to block the traffic.


The message that's logged when a WAF rule matches traffic includes the action value "Matched." If the total anomaly score of all matched rules is 5 or greater, and the WAF policy is running in Prevention mode, the request will trigger a mandatory anomaly rule with the action value "Blocked" and the request will be stopped. However, if the WAF policy is running in Detection mode, the request will trigger the action value "Detected" and the request will be logged and passed to the backend. For more information, see Troubleshoot Web Application Firewall (WAF) for Azure Application Gateway.


You can configure and deploy all WAF policies using the Azure portal, REST APIs, Azure Resource Manager templates, and Azure PowerShell. You can also configure and manage Azure WAF policies at scale using Firewall Manager integration (preview). For more information, see Use Azure Firewall Manager to manage Web Application Firewall policies (preview).

WAF monitoring

It's important to monitor the health of your application gateway. You can support this by integrating your WAF and the applications it protects with Microsoft Defender for Cloud, Azure Monitor, and Azure Monitor logs.

What is Azure Web Application Firewall on Azure Application Gateway? - Azure Web Application Firewall (4)

Azure Monitor

Application Gateway logs are integrated with Azure Monitor. This allows you to track diagnostic information, including WAF alerts and logs. You can access this capability on the Diagnostics tab in the Application Gateway resource in the portal or directly through Azure Monitor. To learn more about enabling logs, see Application Gateway diagnostics.

Microsoft Defender for Cloud

Defender for Cloud helps you prevent, detect, and respond to threats. It provides increased visibility into and control over the security of your Azure resources. Application Gateway is integrated with Defender for Cloud. Defender for Cloud scans your environment to detect unprotected web applications. It can recommend Application Gateway WAF to protect these vulnerable resources. You create the firewalls directly from Defender for Cloud. These WAF instances are integrated with Defender for Cloud. They send alerts and health information to Defender for Cloud for reporting.

What is Azure Web Application Firewall on Azure Application Gateway? - Azure Web Application Firewall (5)

Microsoft Sentinel

Microsoft Sentinel is a scalable, cloud-native, security information event management (SIEM) and security orchestration automated response (SOAR) solution. Microsoft Sentinel delivers intelligent security analytics and threat intelligence across the enterprise, providing a single solution for alert detection, threat visibility, proactive hunting, and threat response.

With the built-in Azure WAF firewall events workbook, you can get an overview of the security events on your WAF. This includes events, matched and blocked rules, and everything else that gets logged in the firewall logs. More information on logging follows.

Azure Monitor Workbook for WAF

This workbook enables custom visualization of security-relevant WAF events across several filterable panels. It works with all WAF types, including Application Gateway, Front Door, and CDN, and can be filtered based on WAF type or a specific WAF instance. Import via ARM Template or Gallery Template. To deploy this workbook, see WAF Workbook.


Application Gateway WAF provides detailed reporting on each threat that it detects. Logging is integrated with Azure Diagnostics logs. Alerts are recorded in the .json format. These logs can be integrated with Azure Monitor logs.

What is Azure Web Application Firewall on Azure Application Gateway? - Azure Web Application Firewall (7)

{ "resourceId": "/SUBSCRIPTIONS/{subscriptionId}/RESOURCEGROUPS/{resourceGroupId}/PROVIDERS/MICROSOFT.NETWORK/APPLICATIONGATEWAYS/{appGatewayName}", "operationName": "ApplicationGatewayFirewall", "time": "2017-03-20T15:52:09.1494499Z", "category": "ApplicationGatewayFirewallLog", "properties": { { "instanceId": "ApplicationGatewayRole_IN_0", "clientIp": "", "clientPort": "0", "requestUri": "/", "ruleSetType": "OWASP", "ruleSetVersion": "3.0", "ruleId": "920350", "ruleGroup": "920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT", "message": "Host header is a numeric IP address", "action": "Matched", "site": "Global", "details": { "message": "Warning. Pattern match \"^[\\\\d.:]+$\" at REQUEST_HEADERS:Host ....", "data": "", "file": "rules/REQUEST-920-PROTOCOL-ENFORCEMENT.conf", "line": "791" }, "hostname": "", "transactionId": "16861477007022634343" "policyId": "/subscriptions/1496a758-b2ff-43ef-b738-8e9eb5161a86/resourceGroups/drewRG/providers/Microsoft.Network/ApplicationGatewayWebApplicationFirewallPolicies/globalWafPolicy", "policyScope": "Global", "policyScopeName": " Global " } }} 

Application Gateway WAF SKU pricing

The pricing models are different for the WAF_v1 and WAF_v2 SKUs. See the Application Gateway pricing page to learn more.

What's new

To learn what's new with Azure Web Application Firewall, see Azure updates.

Next steps

  • Learn more about WAF managed rules
  • Learn more about Custom Rules
  • Learn about Web Application Firewall on Azure Front Door
  • Learn more about Azure network security
What is Azure Web Application Firewall on Azure Application Gateway? - Azure Web Application Firewall (2024)


What is Azure Web Application Firewall on Azure Application Gateway? - Azure Web Application Firewall? ›

Azure Web Application Firewall is a cloud-native service that protects your web applications from bot attacks and common web vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting.

What is an Azure web application firewall? ›

Azure Web Application Firewall is a cloud-native service that protects web apps from common web-hacking techniques such as SQL injection and security vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting.

What is the difference between Azure Web application firewall and Application Gateway? ›

Azure WAF in Azure Application Gateway protects inbound traffic to the web workloads, and the Azure Firewall inspects inbound traffic for the other applications. The Azure Firewall will cover outbound flows from both workload types.

What is the difference between a firewall and a WAF? ›

A WAF protects web applications by targeting Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) traffic. This differs from a standard firewall, which provides a barrier between external and internal network traffic. A WAF sits between external users and web applications to analyze all HTTP communication.

What is a web application firewall and how does it work? ›

A WAF protects your web apps by filtering, monitoring, and blocking any malicious HTTP/S traffic traveling to the web application, and prevents any unauthorized data from leaving the app. It does this by adhering to a set of policies that help determine what traffic is malicious and what traffic is safe.

What is the difference between a gateway and a WAF? ›

A web gateway secures internet access by filtering unwanted software, while a web application firewall (WAF) protects web applications from attacks by filtering and monitoring HTTP traffic.

What are the two types of web application firewalls? ›

There are three primary types of WAFs: a cloud-based WAF, software-based WAF, and hardware-based WAF. Each type of WAF has its own advantages and disadvantages. Lastly, WAFs are increasingly part of a larger application security strategy: web application and API protection (WAAP).

Why do we use Azure Application Gateway? ›

Path-Based Routing

Azure Application Gateway allows you to route traffic based on specific URL paths. This feature is particularly useful when you have multiple applications hosted behind the same gateway. By defining routing rules based on path patterns, you can direct requests to the appropriate backend pool.

What is the difference between firewall and web gateway? ›

The difference between a secure web gateway (SWG) and a firewall is that an SWG primarily focuses on filtering and managing web traffic, while a firewall has a broader scope, enforcing security policies and examining network packets, not just web traffic, to protect against a wider range of threats.

What is an Application Gateway firewall? ›

Application gateway firewalls can distribute incoming traffic across multiple backend servers to ensure that no single one is overloaded. For users, this means better uptime, ensuring that the service is always up and running when needed.

Do I need a web application firewall? ›

A WAF can provide critical protection for any online business that must securely handle private customer data. Businesses typically deploy a WAF to shield their web applications from sophisticated and targeted attacks, like cross-site scripting (XSS) and SQL injection, that might result in fraud or data theft.

What is the difference between Azure WAF and WAF V2? ›

Azure Application Gateway and Web Application Firewall (WAF) V2 now offer additional features such as autoscaling, availability, zone redundancy, higher performance, faster operations and improved throughput compared to V1.

What is the difference between WAF and IPS in Azure? ›

WAF deployments protect web application traffic, while IPS deployments scan and protect at the network level by inspecting all packets. An IPS is typically deployed inline to incoming traffic, scans for threats in most network protocols, and works at OSI Layer 4-7.

How does Azure Web Application Firewall work? ›

Azure Web Application Firewall is a cloud-native service that protects web apps from common web-hacking techniques such as SQL injection and security vulnerabilities such as cross-site scripting. Deploy the service in minutes to get complete visibility into your environment and block malicious attacks.

What does a WAF not protect against? ›

Limited protection: A WAF only protects against web-based attacks and may not be effective against other types of attacks, such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS).

How to deploy a Web Application Firewall? ›

Check the available deployment options, such as cloud-based, on-premise, or hybrid, and ensure that the WAF can seamlessly integrate into your existing environment. Choose a deployment option that aligns with your organization's requirements and infrastructure.

What are Azure firewalls? ›

Azure Firewall decrypts outbound traffic, performs required security checks, and then encrypts the traffic to the destination. It works in conjunction with URL filtering and web categories by letting administrators allow or deny user access to website categories such as gambling or social media.

What is the difference between Azure Web Application Firewall and Azure Front Door? ›

There are two options when applying WAF policies in Azure. WAF with Azure Front Door is a globally distributed, edge security solution. WAF with Application Gateway is a regional, dedicated solution. We recommend you choose a solution based on your overall performance and security requirements.

What are the benefits of WAF in Azure? ›

The Azure Web Application Firewall detection engine combined with updated rule sets increases security, reduces false positives, and improves performance.

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