What is an Open Port? - zenarmor.com (2024)

When it comes to security, an "open port" is a TCP or UDP port number that is set up to accept packets. A closed port, on the other hand, is one that doesn't accept connections and ignores all packets sent to it.

An open port is a network port that permits communication with server technologies by accepting traffic using either TCP or UDP. When hosting distant services that end users connect to, open ports are necessary. Every TCP/IP connection has a source and destination port, which are combined with the corresponding IP addresses to identify the sender and recipient of every message (packet) transmitted.

Open ports are necessary for the operation of many of the standard technologies used on the Internet and in communication. Standard technologies that allow network traffic to pass across the Internet, such as web servers, FTP file transfers, voice-over-IP (VOIP), name resolution, and many more, employ particular ports and technologies for communication. Open ports make it easier for operating systems and networked devices to talk with one another and convey data the right way.

This article will explain what an open port is, how it operates, the most widely used open ports, and how to exploit them. In addition, it will be described if port scanning poses a security risk, whether this procedure is lawful, and what actions may be done to prevent security issues created by an open port.

Why is Open Port Important?

Ports are an important part of how the Internet works because they are the way that programs on the client's computer talk to programs on the server. Services like web pages and FTP need their ports to be "open" on the server for the public to be able to reach them.

Open ports become risky when malicious services are added to a system through malware or social engineering, or when lawful services are exploited through security flaws. Cybercriminals can utilize these services in conjunction with open ports to get unauthorized access to sensitive data.

Risks connected with an open port at any given time are frequently difficult to evaluate and mitigate. Unluckily, open ports allow attackers to exploit security holes in your system. Data breaches linked to open ports occur frequently. One of the first doors an attacker raps on is a port. If your services running on them aren't appropriately hardened from a network, operating system, and app perspective, they could pose a serious hazard if they are discovered to be open.

What is an Open Port? - zenarmor.com (1)

Figure 1. Why is Open Port Important?

How Does Open Port Work?

A port serves as a means for systems to recognize, establish, and send data from one side to the other. Numbers are used to identify ports. Any service could be assigned one of 65,535 potential ports.

A port is required when installing an operating system on your desktop PC or any virtual machine so that the service is ready to send and receive data over the network. You cannot launch more services on the same port if a port is running on a particular number. For instance, launching Apache on port 80 after Nginx has already begun results in a failed transaction because the port is already in use.

What are the Common Open Ports?

There are numerous port scanners, some designed for particular activities and others included in programs for ongoing security monitoring. Here's a list of the most commonly open ports:

  1. FTP
  2. DHCP
  3. HTTP
  4. HTTPS
  5. IMAP
  6. POP3
  7. Telnet

Each of the widespread open ports are explained below:

1. FTP

A well-known application-layer protocol for file transfers over TCP networks is the file transfer protocol (FTP). Computers on a network can share large files thanks to the FTP internet protocol. FTP needs to use ports 21 and 20 for command and control and data transfer, respectively, to function properly. If an FTP client is unable to connect to the FTP ports, it cannot execute the protocol.

Unfortunately, because hackers frequently target FTP servers over port 21, some routers and firewalls block this port.

FTP supports both active and passive modes. These modes employ various connection methods, and each calls for various firewall configurations to provide access.

For an active mode first, an FTP server receives the PORT command from the client. The source port has a high random number. The final port number is 21. The server then issues an ACK in response. With source port 20 and the destination port given in the client's PORT instructions, the server connects to the client. The client notifies the server with an ACK. Now that the FTP session has been created.

Check your FTP software's settings to see if "Active mode" is enabled before attempting to establish an FTP connection in active mode. The active mode is turned on by default in the majority of widely used free FTP programs. Turn it on if it's off and then fill in the information for your FTP account.

Passive mode FTP connections are intended to fix issues with routers and firewalls that prevent the establishment of an active connection. You must turn on your FTP Client's "Force Passive mode" option if you are unable to connect to the server in active mode. If your ISP's network or personal firewall has certain restrictions, the client will then start both connections to the server, which might fix the issue.

Some advantages of FTP are as follows:

  • All users of the operating systems (Linux, Windows, Mac) can successfully connect to the server using the FTP or Secure FTP protocol.

  • While still using a TCP connection for control commands, it sends data. This makes data transport quick.

  • By directory transfer scheduling, files operate automatically in accordance with user commands.

  • It is possible to send many file directories at once.

  • It has the ability to add items to a queue both for downloading and uploading


Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol is known as DHCP. Each device on a local area network is given an IP address, subnet, and gateway by a router-running process. DHCP assigns each host on the network a dynamic IP address along with other data to enable effective communication.

DHCP servers have a User Datagram Protocol (UDP) port number of 67; thus, listen for messages sent to this port. DHCP clients, on the other hand, have UDP port number 68 and only reply to messages transmitted to port number 68.

The distribution of IP addresses is automated and centralized using DHCP, which makes the job of the network administrator easier. Additionally, DHCP assigns subnet masks, domain name server addresses, default gateways, and other parameters to the host. For the network administrator, this is simpler.

When you wish to assign a device a permanent IP address, DHCP reservation is an excellent option. Your router handles DHCP reservations, allowing you to centrally administer your network. The majority of routers aid in avoiding errors when reserving permanent IP addresses on your network. Instead of assigning each device a static IP address, you should use the DHCP reservations feature provided by your router.

Some advantages of DHCP are as follows:


Tim Berners-Lee created the Hypertext Transfer Protocol, or HTTP, in 1990 at the CERN Laboratories in Geneva, Switzerland, which is more commonly known to millions of Web users. In the modern era, it serves as the basis for HTML and the World Wide Web.

Many applications, besides web browsers, use HTTP to send messages to servers. Application developers intentionally choose HTTP because it is widely understood by developers and, in part, because HTTP is frequently unfiltered by network firewalls intended to allow web traffic, meaning that HTTP messages can pass through on the majority of home and business networks without a hitch. It often uses the TCP/IP or UDP protocol. HTTP makes use of ports 8080 or 80. It employs the client-server model's request-and-response protocol.

A web user's web browser sends an HTTP request to the origin server, which hosts the website's files, whenever they want to load or interact with a web page. These queries are conveyed as lines of text across the internet. After making a connection with the browser, the server runs the request and sends back an HTTP response. This enables website users to access web pages.

HTTP, however, makes no effort to protect the user's data. Therefore, websites that don't contain any confidential information are more likely to favor HTTP. Despite the reduced security, HTTP might have certain advantages.

HTTP has the following advantages:

  • There are fewer simultaneous connections, which results in lower CPU and memory use.

  • HTTP uses an advanced addressing mechanism. To be easily recognized on the World Wide Web, it allocates IP addresses with identifiable names.

  • Successive requests have less latency since there is no handshaking with HTTP.

  • The ability to download plugins or extensions and display the necessary data is provided by HTTP.

Some of the disadvantages of HTTP are as follows:

  • Typically, the HTTP protocol does not encrypt connections. Thus, anyone who observes the connection, including hackers, may view the lines of text in an HTTP request or response.

  • Multiple connections must be established by an HTTP to transfer a web page. The link experiences administrative overhead as a result.

  • When the client has received all the data it needs, the connection is not terminated. As a result, the server won't be accessible during this time.


HTTPS is known as "Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure," which enables data transfer between clients and servers. Any outsider would be hard-pressed to understand what they are saying to one another. Through HTTPS connections, personal and sensitive information is very safe and can't be misused because data and information are encrypted with cryptography, which is very hard for hackers to crack.

When you visit a website, your web browser connects to the hosting server using a specified network port, such as 443 or 8443. These channels were designed for SSL/TLS-based HTTPS connections.

Websites in the fields of finance, the internet, telecommunications, business, and industry use HTTPS the most frequently. News, sports, and new blogging websites are the ones that use HTTPS the least.

HTTPS is just a more secure version of HTTP. It has SSL/TLS certificates and other advanced security features. As a result, it is perfect for ensuring confidentiality and identity.

The following are some of the benefits of HTTPS:

  • HTTPS increases confidence and security. Data transmitted over HTTPS is always encrypted. The information is therefore extremely safe.

  • Users may be sure that their data is transferred to the correct location and not to any fraudulent sites while using HTTPS. This encourages trust among potential customers looking to conduct business online.

  • The Google Algorithm made it plain that SSL would be used as a ranking factor, giving websites that are using SSL / HTTPS a competitive advantage over those that are not.

  • Before any connection is made, HTTPS requires handshaking, and if a problem arises between the browser and server, the connection will be terminated.

Although HTTPS has many advantages, it can also fall victim to certain problems.

Some disadvantages of HTTPS are as follows:

  • Websites with HTTPS connections take longer to load because of the extra work required in the background, such as utilizing cryptography to encrypt data and information.

  • You have to buy an SSL certificate to switch to HTTPS. Although the website hosting company issues multiple SSL certificates, they must be renewed annually for an annual price.


Mark Crispin came up with the IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) email protocol in 1986. IMAP is one of the three widely used email protocols.

Even after emails are delivered under an IMAP system, the server keeps them. IMAP messages are not downloaded or stored on your device until you access them. This allows you to check your email from a variety of devices without missing a beat. You can access your email messages via IMAP from any location. IMAP is the ideal way to do this because email is frequently viewed online.

IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) is also used to receive emails to local email clients, similar to POP3. However, it differs significantly. Only the email header information is downloaded using this protocol. The email is stored on the server and supports bidirectional conversation. Local email client modifications are also sent to the server. Recently, this protocol has gained popularity, with major email companies such as Gmail advocating IMAP over POP3.

The IMAP default ports are as follows:

Port 143 is an unsecured port.

Port 993 is the SSL/TLS or IMAPS port.

The following are some of the benefits of IMAP:

  • Since emails are stored on the mail server, it is possible to recover them in the event of a computer crash or unintentional data deletion.

  • This mailbox is accessible from several computers, even those that are situated in various places.

  • You may access, arrange, read, and sort your email messages using IMAP without first downloading them.

  • To ensure the security of any information flow, it supports TLS/SSL protocols.

  • It supports regional and non-English languages.

The following are some of the drawbacks of IMAP:

  • Without a working internet connection, emails will not function.

  • Since maintaining IMAP might be difficult, some hosts do not support the protocol.

  • Accessing emails takes a little longer than it does with POP3 because every time there is a Send/Receive, all folders are synchronized.

6. POP3

The Post Office Protocol (POP3) is an Internet standard protocol that local email clients use to get emails from a remote mail server over a TCP/IP connection. Since its initial release in 1984, the Post Office Protocol has grown to become one of the most widely used protocols and is currently utilized by almost all email clients. The popularity of the protocol is due to how easy it is to set up, use, and maintain.

Post Office Protocol3 is compatible with any email client set up to host the protocol because of its fundamental approach to downloading and storing email. Popular email clients like Microsoft Outlook Express natively support POP3.

When emails are retrieved, the POP3 protocol is used for backup and synchronization, as well as basic programs.

POP3 operates by default on the following two ports:

Port 110 is the default, non-encrypted port, while port 995 should be used when a POP3 secure connection is required.

POP3 has the following advantages:

  • having access to your local computer or device to read emails even without an online connection.

  • Since every email is saved locally on the PC, less storage space is needed.

  • More software providers offer POP3 support for various platforms.

  • Since attachments have already been downloaded, opening them is quick and simple.

POP3 has the following disadvantages:

  • The emails are lost if the device where they were downloaded or saved crashes or is stolen.

  • Unless configured to do so, emails cannot be accessed from other machines.

7. Telnet

Telnet is a client-server protocol that uses TCP connections to exchange character-oriented data. Telnet enables text-based input and output for remote control of computers. Because of this, a client-server connection is automatically made using the TCP protocol and port 23. The device is controlled remotely acts as the server and waits for commands.

When you want to connect to a different computer or network part, you have to use Telnet. The text-based command line is used for everything. This was particularly useful in the past when mainframe computers' services were shared. However, although it is used less and less frequently, Telnet is still used today to manage networks, access programs, and share databases.

Telnet has the following advantages:

  • Telnet is accessible for a large variety of operating systems. Even older systems can communicate with more recent devices running various operating systems.

  • One of this software's main benefits is that it allows for remote access to another machine.

  • Unlimited access to target resources

  • It enables task completion on various computers extremely quickly, connectivity establishment, and significant time savings.

Telnet has the following disadvantages:

  • User ID and password transmissions are unencrypted. This increases the security risk associated with the Telnet protocol by making it simpler for hackers or attackers to execute listening and snooping.

  • Only a few servers can be reached via Telnet

  • Because of the slow typing speed, it is costly.

How to Exploit Open Ports?

Because network communication is allowed through a certain network port, open ports give an attacker a larger attack surface or more chances to find vulnerabilities, exploits, misconfigurations, and other threats. Additionally, unsecured protocols and transparent text can enable network "snooping". A network tool that records network traffic, such as Wireshark, can be used by an attacker to read passwords and other sensitive information sent in cleartext.

Are Open Ports a Security Risk?

An open port does not automatically indicate a security problem. However, it might provide attackers access to the program that is listening on that port. Attackers can take advantage of problems like bad passwords, not having two-factor authentication or even bugs in the application itself.

When open ports are accessible from the Internet, they can be used as the first point of attack. The listening ports of a local network can be used for lateral movement. It's a good idea to close ports or at least restrict their use to the local network.

How to Scan for Open Ports?

You can stay one step ahead of hackers by checking your network. By finding weaknesses before they happen, you can fix potential problems and lower your risk. You may address issues with programs that require connections on a certain port by knowing whether ports are open or closed.

Scanning the perimeter of your network with one of the many free online tools is an excellent way to begin protecting your network from the outside in. Network scanning software can quickly find every device on your network and see if any ports are open. You can use tools like Nmap to look at both internal and external IP addresses and domains from the command line.

Scanners deliver a TCP or UDP data packet to a specified port in order to get a status report. There are three potential responses:

  • Open: The target answers with a packet indicating that it is now "listening." This indicates that the port is currently accepting connections.

  • Closed: The target replies with a message stating it is in use and unavailable.

  • Filtered: There is no response from the target. Typically, this indicates that the data request packet was discarded or stopped by a firewall. For best protection, a firewall should block closed ports.

What are the Port Scannig Techniques?

There are five distinct port scanning methods.

  • Ping Scan: This is the most basic kind of port scanning. This form of scan bombards many web servers with Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) queries. An ICMP reply indicates that data packets may be transmitted without error to a specified IP address, indicating that the destination is "alive". Typically, a ping scan precedes an official port scan since it reveals whether or not a machine is present on the other end. To prevent external attackers from detecting your assets through ping scans, ICMP must be stopped for all external traffic via a firewall or router configuration. ICMP should be accessible to internal traffic so that it may continue to be used for network troubleshooting.

  • UDP scan: UDP scans are used to discover active services. Sending a DNS request packet to port 53, for instance, will check whether a DNS server is hosted on a machine (which is a UDP port). A DNS reply verifies that a DNS server exists.

  • TCP connection scan: A TCP connect port scan, as opposed to a TCP half-open port scan, actually completes the TCP connection. TCP connect scans need fewer permissions to execute, making them more accessible to possible threat actors. However, since this scanning method really establishes TCP connections, they are readily identified by Intrusion Detection Systems (IDS). Intelligent crooks will likely shun this spying tactic as a result.

  • Half-open TCP scan: This is one of the most used port scanning methods (sometimes referred to as an SYN scan). A typical TCP transaction consists of three handshake steps:

    • A connection request is sent via an SYN packet.
    • The receiver's response is an ACK packet.
    • An ACK packet verifies receipt of the answer.

    A TCP half-open port scan does not transmit a confirmation ACK packet, and so does not complete the last step of this handshake. Without breaking the loop, the only viable response to an SYN-ACK data packet is an SYN-ACK. This answer indicates the existence of a port that is accessible.

    The absence of a response indicates a filtered port. This form of port scan is very difficult to detect and fast scalable since it does not include a TCP handshake. TCP half-open scans need a high degree of access privileges from users.

  • XMAS scan: Cybercriminals use XMAS port scanning techniques because they are seldom recorded in network activity logs and are less detectable by firewalls. The client sends a FIN packet after a TCP 3-way handshake to signify that no more data is available for transmission. XMAS scans transmit data packets with the FIN flags set. The absence of a response indicated an open port. A RST answer indicates that the port is closed.

Is Port Scanning Legal?

No. Unauthorized port scanning is illegal. The cyberequivalent of using a sniffer dog is port scanning. It involves sending carefully made data packets to a computer or network to look for open ports and other possible weaknesses. If a tool or technology is used by infosec teams, you can be quite certain that threat actors will find it beneficial as well. Cyber security experts frequently use port scanning in enterprises to assess network security and check things like the efficacy of the firewall.

Network probing or port scanning tools can only be used on a home network for personal use or when given permission by the host and/or network being probed. Any kind of unauthorized port scanning is forbidden. So, when port scanning is done incorrectly, it may result in legal action, job loss, expulsion, incarceration, or an ISP ban.

What is an Open Port on a Router?

A port is a number that indicates the kind of network traffic in a TCP/IP network. If an incoming or outgoing port is set to "open" (LAN), packets with that port number can come into or leave the local network. The firewall opens and closes ports.

Consumer routers feature a built-in firewall, like the wireless router that is frequently found in homes and small businesses. All incoming ports are typically closed, and all outgoing ports are open right out of the box. Every time a user sends a request out to the Internet, the proper incoming port is immediately opened to receive the response.

Commercial firewalls that have just been deployed typically have all ports closed, both in and out, while some do have outgoing ports open. Commercial firewalls often operate similarly to consumer firewalls and immediately open incoming ports for user-initiated requests.

How can you Monitor Open Ports?

Ports make it possible to distinguish between different types of traffic and filter connections. Service reliability and early root cause identification are made possible via port monitoring. A port monitor is a recurring trigger that sends a specific request to a given port but can find significant bugs in the software's lifespan.

There are many open-source, free, or affordable monitoring solutions for port monitoring online. By choosing the best tool among them you can make sure that your ports are functioning as intended and that no data is lost or connections are rejected. The most widely used open port scanning tools are as follows:

  • Nmap

  • Angry IP scanner

  • WireShark

  • NetCat

  • Advanced IP scanner

What is an Open Port? - zenarmor.com (2024)
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Name: Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner

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Introduction: My name is Rev. Porsche Oberbrunner, I am a zany, graceful, talented, witty, determined, shiny, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.