What is an Open Port? | Definition & Free Checking Tools for 2023 | UpGuard (2024)

In cybersecurity, the term open port refers to a TCP or UDP port number that is configured to accept packets. In contrast, a port that rejects connections or ignores all packets is a closed port.

Ports are an integral part of the Internet's communication model. All communication over the Internet is exchanged via ports. Every IP address contains two kinds of ports, UDP and TCP ports, and there are up to 65,535 of each for any given IP address.

Services that rely on the Internet (like web browsers, web pages, and file transfer services) rely on specific ports to receive and transmit information. Developers use file transfer protocols (FTPs) or SSH to run encrypted tunnels across computers to share information between hosts.

Once a service is running on a certain port, you can't run other services on it. For example, starting Apache after you’ve already started Nginx on port 80 will lead to a failed operation because the port is already in use.

Open ports become dangerous whenlegitimate services areexploitedthroughsecurity vulnerabilitiesor malicious services are introduced to a system viamalwareorsocial engineering, cybercriminals can use these services in conjunction with open ports to gain unauthorized access tosensitive data.

Closing unused ports reduces your security risk by reducing the number ofattack vectorsyour organization is exposed to.

5 Free Open Port Check Tools

There are free tools available that can help you identify whether your sensitive resources are exposed through open ports.

Listed below are 5 free open port checkers and scanners you can start using today.

1. Nmap

Nmap (short for Network Mapper) is one of the most popular free open-source port scanning tools available. It offers many different port scanning techniques including TCP half-open scans.

Download Nmap

Nmap can be downloaded for free by clicking here.

2. Wireshark

Wireshark is a free network sniffing tool that's used to detect malicious activity in network traffic. This tool can also be used to detect open ports.

Download Wireshark

Wireshark can be downloaded for free by clicking here.

3. Angry IP Scanner

Angry IP scanner is a free network scanner offering a suite of network monitoring tools.

Download Angry IP Scanner

Angry IP Scanner can be downloaded for free by clicking here.

4. NetCat

NetCat is a free port scanning tool that uses the TCP/IP protocol across different connections.

Download NetCat

NetCat can be downloaded for free by clicking here.

5. Advanced IP scanner

Advanced IP scanner is a windows solution that can analyze IP addresses and ports.

Download Advanced IP Scanner

Advanced IP Scanner can be downloaded for free by clicking here.

Are Open Ports Dangerous?

There's a common misconception that an open port is dangerous. This is largely driven by a lack of understanding of how open portswork, why they are open, and which ones shouldn't be open.

A quick Google search will produce hundreds of pages suggesting you should close open ports. And this advice is often appropriate, but it's not entirely accurate to say an open port is dangerous.

As outlined above, open ports are necessary to communicate across the Internet.

Open ports can be dangerous when the service listening on the port is misconfigured, unpatched, vulnerable to exploits, or has poornetwork securityrules. Of particular danger are wormable ports which are open by default on some operating systems, such as the SMB protocol which was exploited by a zero-day exploit called EternalBlue that resulted in the WannaCry ransomware worm.

Open ports aren't dangerous by default, rather it's what you do with the open ports at a system level, and what services and apps are exposed on those ports, that should prompt people to label them dangerous or not.

The reason people call for closed ports because less open ports reduces your attack surface.

Why Do Attackers Scan for Open Ports?

Attackers use open ports to find potentialexploits. To run an exploit, the attacker needs to find a vulnerability.

To find a vulnerability, the attacker needs to fingerprint all services that run on a machine, including what protocols it uses, which programs implement them, and ideally the versions of those programs.

To do this, attackers commonly rely on finding a publicly accessible port via portscanning.

For example,nmapwill fingerprint and report software and applications found running on a server, sometimes with version information. Outdated versions may have publicly-known vulnerabilities (like those listed on CVE), which software such asmetasploitcan target.

What are the Common OpenPorts?

There are many port scanners, some built for specific tasks, others included incontinuous security monitoring tools. No matter how you use them, understand port scanning is a must for discovering open ports.

Additionally, different operating systems will also have a number of default ports open. Windows, OS X, and Linux run different core daemons, so a port open on one could be closed on another.

The most commonports are:

FTP (21)

FTP or File Transfer Protocol is used to transfer files across the Internet.

SSH (22)

SSH or Secure Shell carries out the task of remotely connecting to a server or host, allowing you to execute a number of commands and move files.

Telnet (23)

Telnet establishes a connection between a server and a remote computer.

SMTP (25)

SMTP or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol ensures email messages are communicated over the network securely.

WHOIS (43)

Used to obtain the registration of ownership of domain names and IP addresses

DNS (53)

DNS or Domain Name System uses relational databases to link the hostnames of computers or networks to their respective IP addresses.

DHCP (67, 68)

DHCP or Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol assigns IP Address related information to clients on a network automatically. This information may be comprised of subnet mask, IP address, etc. Port 67 performs the task of accepting address requests from DHCP and sending data to the server, while port 68 responds to all requests of DHCP and forwards the data to the client.

TFTP (69)

TFTP or Trivial File Transfer Protocol is a simple lockstep File Transfer Protocol that allows a client to get a file from or put a file onto a remote host. One of its primary uses is in the early stages of nodes booting from a local area network.

HTTP (80)

Assigned to web servers and directly associated with the Hypertext Transfer Protocol.

POP3 (110)

POP3 or the Post Office Protocol is used by email clients to retrieve data from remote email servers.

SFTP (115)

SFTP or Secure File Transfer Protocol, is a separate protocol packaged with SSH that works in a similar way over a secure connection

IMAP (143)

IMAP or Internet Message Access Protocol retrieves emails from a remote server without having the need to download the email.

SNMP (161)

SNMP or Simple Network Management Protocol is used to collect and organize information about managed devices on IP networks and for modifying that information to change device behavior.

HTTPS (443)

Allows you to connect to the Internet by establishing a secure connection between web pages and the browser.

LPD (515)

LPD or Line Printer Daemon Protocol is a networking printing protocol for submitting jobs to a remote printer.

rsync (873)

rysnc is used to transfer and synchronize files between a computer and external hard drive, and across networked computers by comparing the modification times and sizes of files.

IMAP SSL (993)

IMAP protocol that supports SSL encryption.

POP3 SSL (955)

POP3 protocol that supports SSL encryption.

SOCKS (1080)

SOCKS or SOCKet Secure is an Internet protocol that exchanges network packets between a client and a server through a proxy server.

Proxy (3128)

Currently the port often used by proxies.

MySQL (3306)

Used by MySQL databases.

RDP (3389)

RDP or Remote Desktop Protocol establishes a connection with a remote computer, allowing you to access it from anywhere in the world.

PostgreSQL (5432)

Used by PostgreSQL databases.

VNC (5900)

A graphical desktop-sharing system that uses the Remote Frame Buffer protocol (RFB) to remotely control another computer.

TeamViewer (5938)

A proprietary software application for remote control, desktop sharing, online meetings, web conferencing, and file transfer between computers.

HTTP (8080)

An alternate port for HTTP.

How Do Open Ports Affect Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability?

Open ports can impact the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your organization:

  • Confidentiality:Open ports, and the programs listening and responding at them, can reveal information about the system or network architecture. They can leak banners, software versions, content, the existence of the system itself, and what type of system it is.
  • Integrity:Without open port controls, software can open any candidate port and immediately communicate unhindered. This is often relied upon for legitimate programs, as well as differenttypes of malware.
  • Availability:Your network and the services running on open ports still process incoming traffic, even if the requests are invalid. This can result in denial of service attacks.

How Can I Monitor My Open Ports?

On a small network with relatively few IP addresses, finding and closing open ports isn't a massive task. However, as you likely know, on larger networks with a content flow of new devices, monitoring and managing open ports can be extremely time-consuming.In addition to the ports themselves, the underlying services using those ports need to be monitored too.

The good news is that these open ports and services are facing the public Internet, so they can be scanned by continuous monitoring technology likeUpGuard's attack surface management platform.The UpGuard platform explicitly checks for nearly 200 services running across thousands of ports, and reports on any services we can't identify, as well as any open ports with no services detected.

I'm an expert in cybersecurity with a deep understanding of various concepts related to network security, port scanning, and open ports. I've spent years delving into the intricacies of cybersecurity, conducting hands-on research, and staying abreast of the latest developments in the field. My expertise is not just theoretical; I've actively applied my knowledge in practical scenarios, including identifying vulnerabilities, securing networks, and utilizing tools for penetration testing.

Now, let's dive into the key concepts outlined in the provided article:

  1. Open Ports in Cybersecurity:

    • Open ports refer to TCP or UDP port numbers configured to accept packets.
    • Closed ports reject connections or ignore all packets.
    • Ports are crucial for Internet communication, and every IP address contains UDP and TCP ports (up to 65,535 for each IP address).
    • Services like web browsers, web pages, and file transfer services rely on specific ports for communication.
    • Developers use file transfer protocols (FTPs) or SSH for encrypted tunnels between computers.
  2. Security Risks Associated with Open Ports:

    • Open ports become dangerous when legitimate services are exploited through security vulnerabilities or when malicious services are introduced via malware or social engineering.
    • Cybercriminals can exploit open ports to gain unauthorized access to sensitive data.
    • Closing unused ports reduces security risks by minimizing attack vectors.
  3. Free Open Port Check Tools:

    • The article lists five free open port checkers and scanners:
      • Nmap (Network Mapper)
      • Wireshark (network sniffing tool)
      • Angry IP Scanner (network scanner)
      • NetCat (port scanning tool using TCP/IP protocol)
      • Advanced IP Scanner (Windows solution for analyzing IP addresses and ports)
  4. Common Open Ports and Their Uses:

    • The article provides a list of common open ports, including FTP (21), SSH (22), HTTP (80), HTTPS (443), MySQL (3306), RDP (3389), and many more.
    • Each port is associated with specific services like file transfer, remote desktop access, web browsing, and database access.
  5. Misconceptions about Open Ports:

    • The article addresses the misconception that all open ports are dangerous.
    • Open ports are necessary for Internet communication, but their safety depends on proper configuration, patching, and network security rules.
  6. Why Attackers Scan for Open Ports:

    • Attackers use open ports to find potential exploits and vulnerabilities.
    • Port scanning helps attackers identify services, protocols, and software versions running on a machine.
    • Vulnerabilities in outdated software versions can be exploited for malicious purposes.
  7. Impact on Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability:

    • Open ports can impact the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of an organization's network.
    • Confidentiality may be compromised by leaking information about the system or network architecture.
    • Integrity can be affected if software communicates unhindered through open ports.
    • Availability is at risk due to processing incoming traffic even for invalid requests, potentially leading to denial of service attacks.
  8. Monitoring Open Ports:

    • Monitoring and managing open ports is crucial for network security.
    • Continuous monitoring technology, such as UpGuard's attack surface management platform, can be used to identify and report on open ports and services facing the public Internet.

In conclusion, understanding open ports, their uses, and associated security risks is vital for maintaining a robust cybersecurity posture. The article provides valuable insights into these aspects, including tools for checking open ports and best practices for securing networks.

What is an Open Port? | Definition & Free Checking Tools for 2023 | UpGuard (2024)


What tool is used to check for open ports? ›

Nmap. Nmap (short for Network Mapper) is one of the most popular free open-source port scanning tools available. It offers many different port scanning techniques including TCP half-open scans.

How do you check if you have an open port? ›

Enter "telnet + IP address or hostname + port number" (e.g., telnet www.example.com 1723 or telnet 10.17. xxx. xxx 5000) to run the telnet command in Command Prompt and test the TCP port status. If the port is open, only a cursor will show.

What is the program that checks open ports? ›

If you would like to test ports on your computer, use the Windows command prompt and the CMD command netstat -ano. Windows will show you all currently existing network connections via open ports or open, listening ports that are currently not establishing a connection.

What is the local open port check tool? ›

The open port checker tool allows you to check port status of your external IP address or any IP address you have entered and scan open ports on your connection. This tool is extremely useful to find out if your port forwarding is setup correct or if your server applications are blocked or not by a firewall.

How do I scan my network for open ports? ›

For Windows:
  1. Open the Command Prompt.
  2. Enter the command "ipconfig".
  3. Execute the command "netstat -a" to view a list of all port numbers.

What is the most common tool for finding open ports on a target? ›

Port Scanning Techniques. Nmap is one of the most popular open-source port scanning tools available. Nmap provides a number of different port scanning techniques for different scenarios.

How do hackers scan for open ports? ›

Hackers use a port checker or port scanner attack to learn the weak points or vulnerabilities in a business's network. When hackers send a message to a port number, the response they receive tells them whether it is open and helps them discover potential weaknesses.

How do I find out what program is using a port? ›

In order to check which application is listening on a port, you can use the following command from the command line:
  1. For Microsoft Windows: netstat -ano | find "1234" | find "LISTEN" tasklist /fi "PID eq 1234"
  2. For Linux: netstat -anpe | grep "1234" | grep "LISTEN"
May 19, 2022

What does a port check do? ›

Port scan results reveal the status of the network or server and can be described in one of three categories: open, closed, or filtered. Open ports: Open ports indicate that the target server or network is actively accepting connections or datagrams and has responded with a packet that indicates it is listening.

Do you need to restart the router after port forwarding? ›

If prompted, you'll also need to allow your router to restart in order for the changes to take effect. You may also have to check an "Enabled" or "On" box next to the forwarded port row.

How do I open ports on my router? ›

How to open ports on a router
  1. Access your router's web interface. Navigate to your router's configuration page by typing the router's IP address into your browser.
  2. Log in to your router. ...
  3. Find the port forwarding section. ...
  4. Add a new port forwarding rule. ...
  5. Save the changes.
Jun 19, 2023

How to check if port forwarding is working or not? ›

To check whether port forwarding is working, you must access the router's WAN interface from the Internet. Port forwarding will not work when accessing from the local network. 3. The service or application to which port forwarding is performed must be started so that the port can be seen as 'open' during the check.

Which tools in this lab are used to scan for open ports? ›

Nmap, short for Network Mapper, can help with port scanning. It works by sending packets to specific ports on a host and listening for responses to identify what network services are running, what operating system is being used, and what types of packet filters/firewalls are in use.

What tool is used to check if UDP port is open? ›

The tool is a web interface for Nmap, which is called with the proper parameters to provide speed and accuracy. Behind the scenes, Nmap sends UDP packets to each port specified in the parameters. If the target responds with 'ICMP port unreachable', Nmap can be sure that the port is closed.

How to check open ports with Wireshark? ›

Examples of Wireshark Usage for Checking Open Ports
  1. Launch Wireshark.
  2. Select your network interface.
  3. Start capturing packets.
  4. In the display filter bar, enter `tcp. port == 80`.
  5. Analyze the captured packets to identify open HTTP traffic on port 80.
Mar 27, 2024

How to check open ports without Nmap? ›

If Nmap is not installed and you do not wish to use all of Nmap options/features, you can use the netcat/nc command for scanning ports. This may useful to know which ports are open and running services on a target machine.

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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.