What is an IP Address? How it works? How to Locate it? | Fortinet (2024)

Discover how IP addresses work and what IP addresses are available.

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What is an IP Address? How it works? How to Locate it? | Fortinet (28)


What is IPv4

How to Locate IP Address


What is an IP Address? How it works? How to Locate it? | Fortinet (29)


What is IPv4

How to Locate IP Address


IP Address Definition and Explanation

An Internet Protocol (IP) address is the unique identifying number assigned to every device connected to the internet. An IP address definition is a numeric label assigned to devices that use the internet to communicate. Computers that communicate over the internet or via local networks share information to a specific location using IP addresses.

IP addresses have two distinct versions or standards. The Internet Protocol version 4 (IPv4) address is the older of the two, which has space for up to 4 billion IP addresses and is assigned to all computers. The more recent Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) has space for trillions of IP addresses, which accounts for the new breed of devices in addition to computers. There are also several types of IP addresses, including public, private,static, and dynamic IP addresses.

Every device with an internet connection has an IP address, whether it's a computer, laptop, IoT device, or even toys. The IP addresses allow for the efficient transfer of data between two connected devices, allowing machines on different networks to talk to each other.

How does an IP address work?

An IP address works in helping your device, whatever you are accessing the internet on, to find whatever data or content is located to allow for retrieval.

Common tasks for an IP address include both the identification of a host or a network, or identifying the location of a device. An IP address is not random. The creation of an IP address has the basis of math. The Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) allocates the IP address and its creation. The full range of IP addresses can go from to

With the mathematical assignment of an IP address, the unique identification to make a connection to a destination can be made.

Public IP address

A public IP address, or external-facing IP address, applies to the main device people use to connect their business or home internet network to their internet service provider (ISP). In most cases, this will be the router. All devices that connect to a router communicate with other IP addresses using the router’s IP address.

Knowing an external-facing IP address is crucial for people to open ports used for online gaming, email and web servers, media streaming, and creating remote connections.

Private IP address

A private IP address, or internal-facing IP address, is assigned by an office or home intranet (or local area network) to devices, or by the internet service provider (ISP). The home/office router manages the private IP addresses to the devices that connect to it from within that local network. Network devices are thus mapped from their private IP addresses to public IP addresses by the router.

Private IP addresses are reused across multiple networks, thus preserving valuable IPv4 address space and extending addressability beyond the simple limit of IPv4 addressing (4,294,967,296 or 2^32).

In the IPv6 addressing scheme, every possible device has its own unique identifier assigned by the ISP or primary network organization, which has a unique prefix. Private addressing is possible in IPv6, and when it's used it's called Unique Local Addressing (ULA).

Static IP address

All public and private addresses are defined as static or dynamic. An IP address that a person manually configures and fixes to their device’s network is referred to as a static IP address. A static IP address cannot be changed automatically. An internet service provider may assign a static IP address to a user account. The same IP address will be assigned to that user for every session.

Dynamic IP address

A dynamic IP address is automatically assigned to a network when a router is set up. TheDynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)assigns the distribution of this dynamic set of IP addresses. The DHCP can be the router that provides IP addresses to networks across a home or an organization.

Each time a user logs into the network, a fresh IP address is assigned from the pool of available (currently unassigned) IP addresses. A user may randomly cycle through several IP addresses across multiple sessions.

What Is IPv4?

IPv4 is the fourth version of the IP. It is one of the core protocols of the standards-based methods used to interconnect the internet and other networks. The protocol was first deployed on the Atlantic Packet Satellite Network (SATNET), which was a satellite network that formed a segment of the initial stages of the internet, in 1982. It is still used to route most internet traffic despite the existence of IPv6.

IPv4 is currently assigned to all computers. An IPv4 address uses 32-bit binary numbers to form a unique IP address. It takes the format of four sets of numbers, each of which ranges from 0 to 255 and represents an eight-digit binary number, separated by a period point.

IP Address Classes

Some IP addresses are reserved by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). These are typically reserved for networks that carry a specific purpose on theTransmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), which is used to interconnect devices. Four of these IP address classes include:

  1. This IP address in IPv4 is also known as the default network. It is the non-routeable meta address that designates an invalid, non-applicable, or unknown network target.
  2. This IP address is known as the loopback address, which a computer uses to identify itself regardless of whether it has been assigned an IP address.
  3. to A range of addresses that are automatically assigned if a computer is unsuccessful in an attempt to receive an address from the DHCP.
  4. An address dedicated to messages that need to be sent to every computer on a network or broadcasted across a network.

Further reserved IP addresses are for what is known as subnet classes. Subnetworks are small computer networks that connect to a bigger network via a router. The subnet can be assigned its own IP address system, so that all devices connecting to it can communicate with each other without having to send data via the wider network.

The router on a TCP/IP network can be configured to ensure it recognizes subnets, then route the traffic onto the appropriate network. IP addresses are reserved for the following subnets:

  1. Class A: IP addresses between and
  2. Class B: IP addresses between and
  3. Class C: IP addresses between and
  4. Class D or multicast: IP addresses between and
  5. Class E, which are reserved for experimental usage: IP addresses between and

IP addresses listed under Class A, Class B, and Class C are most commonly used in the creation of subnets. Addresses within the multicast or Class D have specific usage rules outlined in the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) guidelines, while the release of Class E addresses for public use was the cause of plenty of debate before the IPv6 standard was introduced.

Internet Addresses and Subnets

The IANA reserves specific IP address blocks for commercial organizations, government departments, and ISPs. When a user connects to the internet, their ISP assigns them an address from within one of the blocks assigned to it. If they only go online from one computer, then they can use the address assigned to it by their ISP.

However, most homes now use routers that share a network connection with multiple devices. So if a router is used to share the connection, then the ISP assigns the IP address to the router, and then a subnet is created for all computers that connect to it.

IP addresses that fall within a subnet have a network and a node. The subnet is identified by the network. The node, also known as the host, connects to the network and needs its own address. Computers separate the network and node via a subnet mask, which filters the appropriate IP address designation. When a large network is set up, the subnet mask that best fits the number of nodes or subnets required is determined.

When it comes to IP addresses within a subnet, the first address is reserved for the subnet, and the final one indicates the broadcast address for the subnet’s systems.

IPv4 vs. IPv6

IPv4 has not been able to cope with the massive explosion in the quantity and range of devices beyond simply mobile phones, desktop computers, and laptops. The original IP address format was not able to handle the number of IP addresses being created.

To address this problem, IPv6 was introduced. This new standard operates a hexadecimal format that means billions of unique IP addresses can now be created. As a result, the IPv4 system that could support up to around 4.3 billion unique numbers has been replaced by an alternative that, theoretically, offers unlimited IP addresses.

That is because an IPv6 IP address consists of eight groups that contain four hexadecimal digits, which use 16 distinct symbols of 0 to 9 followed by A to F to represent values of 10 to 15.

How Do I Locate My IP Address?

Windows computer users can look up their IP address by typing "cmd" into the search tab and hitting Enter, then typing "ipconfig" into the pop-up box. Mac computer users can find their IP address by heading into System Preferences and selecting Network.

To look up an IP address on a mobile phone, users need to head into Settings, then open the Wi-Fi menu and their network menu. The IP address should be listed under the Advanced section, depending on the phone they use.

IP address vs. MAC address

When you analyze an IP address vs. a MAC address, you can start with the similarities. For both of these IP address types, you are dealing with a unique identifier with an attachment to that device. The manufacturer of a network card or router is the provider of the MAC address, while the internet service provider (ISP) is the provider of the IP address.

The main difference between the two is that the MAC address is the physical address of a device. If you have five laptops on your home Wi-Fi network, you can identify each of those five laptops on your network via their MAC address.

The IP address works differently as it is the identifier of the connection of the network with that device. Other differences include:

  • A MAC address is a 6-byte hexadecimal address while an IP address is a 4 or 16-byte address.
  • A MAC address is in a data link layer, while an IP address is in a network layer.
  • A third party will have a difficult time finding a MAC address, while it can easily find an IP address.
  • MAC addresses are static, while IP addresses can changedynamically
  • MAC addresses and IP addresses are necessary to get a network packet to a destination. However, no one can see your MAC address unless they are on your LAN

What are security threats related to IP addresses?

A variety of security threats are related to IP addresses. Cybercriminals can deceive devices to either reveal your IP address and pretend they are you or stalk it to track activity and take advantage. Online stalking and social engineering are the two leading security threats existing for IP addresses.

Some of the other security threats to an IP address include:

  1. Allowing a cybercriminal to use your IP address to track your location
  2. Using your IP address to target your network and launch a DDoS attack
  3. Using your IP address to download illegal content

5 ways to protect your IP address

There are multiple ways to protect your IP address from cybercriminals. Some of these options include:

  1. Use a VPN
  2. Make use of a proxy server
  3. Have your ISP make use of dynamic IP addresses
  4. Employ aNAT firewallto hide your private IP address
  5. Resetting your modem may change your IP address

Frequently Asked Questions about IP Address

1. What is the use of an IP address?

An IP address identifies every device connected to the internet. This enables computers and other internet-connected devices, such as mobile phones and Internet-of-Things (IoT) devices, to communicate over the internet and on local-area networks (LANs).

2. What happens if someone has your IP address?

The chances of being hacked through someone having your IP address is quite low. With an IP address, a user's location can be narrowed down to a specific area. A skilled cyber criminal could potentially work out who their ISP is and then use phishing attacks to find their personal details. A bigger concern might be IP addresses being sold on the dark web alongside other personal information.

An IP address is more likely to be used by content providers to target the user with content restrictions based on their geographical region. For example, services like Hulu and Netflix read IP addresses to prevent their U.S. content from being accessed by people outside the country.

3. What are the two types of IP addresses?

The two types of IP addresses are public IP addresses and private IP addresses. A public IP address is the main device people use to connect to the internet, which is typically their router. Private IP addresses are assigned to the devices that connect to the public IP address, such as desktop computers, mobile devices, laptops, printers, smart TVs, and tablets.

4. What is the 192.168 IP address?

The 192.168 IP address is where the private IP address range begins. This goes all the way through to This IP address is not usually used on a network, and devices like computers and mobile phones will not be assigned it.

5. What is a loopback IP address?

The loopback IP address is The loopback IP address is used by a computer to identify itself, regardless of whether or not it has been assigned an IP address.

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What is an IP Address? How it works? How to Locate it? | Fortinet (2024)


What is an IP Address? How it works? How to Locate it? | Fortinet? ›

An IP address works in helping your device, whatever you are accessing the internet on, to find whatever data or content is located to allow for retrieval. Common tasks for an IP address include both the identification of a host or a network, or identifying the location of a device. An IP address is not random.

How does an IP address identify your location? ›

So, when you connect to the internet through your ISP, you are given an IP address that is closely tied to your geographical area. The geolocation of an IP address is then determined by analyzing this address alongside routing information and other relevant data transmitted during online activities.

What is IP address and how is it found? ›

An IP address is a unique address that identifies a device on the internet or a local network. IP stands for "Internet Protocol," which is the set of rules governing the format of data sent via the internet or local network.

What is an IP address and how is it tracked? ›

Answer: IP addresses are present in the devices which are being connected to a network. They are tracked using commands like ping and traceroute to locate a specific device and using tools like Wireshark.

Can someone track you from IP address? ›

FYI: IP addresses don't reveal any personal information about you, but they do indicate your general geolocation, usually your city or ZIP code. If a hacker knows your IP address, they can track down your ISP and try to get information about you.

How to find exact location with IP address? ›

An IP address does not reveal the user's name or identity. However, it can be used to find out their name (e.g., in legal investigations). You also won't see someone's exact location because an IP address doesn't reveal their address. You'll only see where someone is approximately (i.e., IP geolocation).

Does IP address change with WiFi? ›

Yes, your IP address changes when you use a different Wi-Fi network. However, you can establish a static IP address so you'll always use the same private IP address on a particular wireless network, but you can't configure the same IP address to use across all Wi-Fi networks.

Can two devices have the same IP address? ›

No, two IP addresses cannot be the same in a single network as each IP address serves as a unique identifier for a device connected to a network. In IPv4, an IP address is a 32-bit binary number, typically represented in dotted-decimal notation, that uniquely identifies a device on a TCP/IP network.

Why would someone need an IP address? ›

Every device with an internet connection has an IP address, whether it's a computer, laptop, IoT device, or even toys. The IP addresses allow for the efficient transfer of data between two connected devices, allowing machines on different networks to talk to each other.

How can I detect an IP address? ›

First, click on your Start Menu and type cmd in the search box and press enter. A black and white window will open where you will type ipconfig /all and press enter. There is a space between the command ipconfig and the switch of /all. Your IP address will be the IPv4 address.

Should I be worried if someone has my IP address? ›

While having your IP address alone is not enough to cause immediate harm, it can lead to more serious privacy and security risks. Hackers may track online activities, launch a DoS attack, deliver targeted ads, track your online activities, hack your device and distribute malware, among others.

Is it illegal to track someone's IP address? ›

It's not illegal to search for someone's IP address. It's public information that is used on the internet, so there are no laws or regulations preventing you from looking for one. If, however, you are tracking them for the purposes of harassment or cyber crimes, then it's illegal.

Does a cell phone have an IP address? ›

Computers, mobile phones, and any internet-connected device, such as smart speakers, printers, connected TVs, and home alarm systems, all have an individual IP address for identification.

Does an IP give your exact location? ›

In some cases, an IP address indicates the country, state, city, or zip code where a device is located. It also tells others the identity of your ISP. However, even with that information, your IP address doesn't reveal enough to pinpoint your location, your personal information, or put you in any danger.

Can I find out who owns an IP address? ›

To find an IP address' owner you must use a WHOIS lookup tool, which is essential for getting the IP's registration details. For official and detailed information, you can use the RIPE NCC WHOIS lookup.

Can I look up an IP address? ›

Use an IP lookup tool

This is possible in part because internet service providers, or ISPs, assign public IP addresses to their customers' routers. Resources such as WhatIsMyIPAddress.com or WhatIsMyIP.com offer tools to enter an IP address and search for its free public registry results.

Does IP address show accurate location? ›

IP-to-Location Accuracy

With these services, you can obtain 95 percent to 99 percent accuracy of a user's country. IP-based geolocation services provide 55 percent to 80 percent accuracy for a user's region or state. And they provide 50 percent to 75 percent accuracy for a user's city.

Does IP address follow device or location? ›

Keep in mind that even when you travel, your home IP address won't follow you. Any time you connect to an alternative internet connection outside your home, you'll be assigned a brand new IP address based on your location and the devices you're using.

Can your IP address be traced if you use a VPN? ›

You can't be tracked using a VPN because it encrypts your data. As a result, your ISP or bad actors can't get any information out of your traffic. They only see the VPN server's IP address (e.g. if you're connected to a US server, the US IP address is visible), while your real IP and online activities stay hidden.

How to mask your IP address location? ›

Four ways to hide your IP address:
  1. OPTION 1: Use a VPN Service – The Best Way.
  2. OPTION 2: Use the Tor Browser – The Slowest Choice.
  3. OPTION 3: Use a Proxy Server – The Riskiest Method.
  4. OPTION 4: Use Public WiFi – The Long Distance Way.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.