What is an ERC 721 token? The era of digital collecting (2024)

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July 18, 2019 | Updated April 28, 2023

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What is an ERC 721 token? The era of digital collecting (11)

The ERC-721 tokens of the Ethereum network are designed as a rare commodity and are used for the creation of limited editions of products. Unlike the ERC-20, its main characteristic is the fact that it is unique.

What exactly is an ERC721 token?

ERC-721 is a type of token created for the Ethereum network under the standards of its smart contracts. The proposal for the creation of this new standard was presented by the developer Dieter shirley at the end of 2017.

Specifically, the standard was designed with the objective of creating interchangeable tokens, but with the particularity of being unique and non-expendable. In other words, each token is unique in its entire existence and cannot be deteriorated or destroyed.

The objective behind this, is to develop unique tokens, where their intrinsic value is given by their rarity. This will surely make ERC-721 tokens very reminiscent of collectibles and you are right. Clearly, ERC-721 tokens were created with this same perspective.

In short, an ERC-721 token is nothing more than a token."collectable".

Thus, we can define the value of an ERC-721 token based on the rarity and particularity of its properties, which means that it will be more coveted by its future buyers or "Collectors".

This has allowed to build a whole new ecosystem of tokens on the blockchain. Ethereum,powered by the concept of digital shortage, where the value of objects is maintained and increases due to the uniqueness of their properties. And it is that, something that was easy to replicate, would not attract so much attention.

What is an ERC 721 token? The era of digital collecting (12)

What is an ERC 721 token? The era of digital collecting (13) What is an ERC 721 token? The era of digital collecting (14)

Why has the ERC-721 token been created?

The reason behind the creation of the ERC-721 tokens, is the possibility of generating a unique token with unrepeatable properties. If you still wonder at this point What use can these types of features have? Well, the truth is that it becomes tremendously convenient in cases where we want the "Particularity, singularity or uniqueness" of the token its main privilege. And therefore, that the desire to achieve it is inversely proportional to the number of similar tokens there are.

Consider the case where a museum wishes to register its most valuable works for auction. And that in addition, you can obtain one of these works thanks to a special raffle that will take into account the ticket of each specific participant. In this case, each ticket is issued with unique and unrepeatable characteristics. The person with the winning ticket will not only have a ticket, they will have access to a valuable work of art.

In this example, the ticket is our ERC-721 token, an issued token with characteristics that make it unique. And that uniqueness is what gives it all its value (the work of art).

With ERC-20 tokens, this example would be impossible to perform. The reason is that ERC-20 tokens themselves are divisible, expendable and interchangeable. Features that are not possible with the ERC-721 token, because its value and uniqueness remain intact by forming a "unit" at all times.

At the time of writing, there are a total of 1.941 different ERC-721 tokens created. You can review the data at any time from here.

Characteristics of ERC-721 tokens

Structurally, ERC-721 tokens closely resemble their siblings ERC-20 tokens. The Smart contract base that allows its operation, has in fact similar functions. However, some of these features allow both tokens to be differentiated in the desired way.

Among such properties are:

  1. Each ERC-721 token has a name. This field is used to indicate the name of the token to external contracts and applications.
  2. They have defined a symbol which allows DApps can access your abbreviated name.
  3. They have defined the supply total of the token.
  4. They contain a field indicating the Libra of tokens within an address.
  5. Each ERC-721 token has a defined field of functions of the owner, used to define the ownership of the token and how it can be transferred.
  1. They have defined a field called Owners, which allows to guarantee the non-fungibility of the token and cryptographically identify it.
  2. It has a field called Approval, whereby permission is granted to another entity to transfer the token on behalf of the owner.
  3. They also have another name field defined Thomas de possession, which allows a user to possess a certain number of tokens and wishes to withdraw them from another user's balance.
  4. On the other hand, the field of Transfers, allows tokens to be sent to another user in the same way as a cryptocurrency and details which account sent the token and which received it, along with the ID of that token.
  5. Due to the uniqueness of the token and the fact that a user can have several ERC-721 tokens, the field has been created Owner Token by index. This function allows token tracking by means of a unique ID.
  6. Finally, the ERC-721 tokens have a field called Metadata of the token. It is precisely this that allows its non-fungible condition and houses all those properties that distinguish a token from all the others.
  7. These tokens do not allow allowances in its structure.

The first use of ERC-721 tokens


We are the first ERC # 721 compliant non-expendable token on the Ethereum blockchain. It is a fully functional dApp with smart contracts and a web user interface.

CryptoKitties developers on their official account on December 3, 2017.

Differences between ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens

Among the main differences between the ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens we highlight:

  1. Unlike ERC 20s, ERC-721 tokens are NFT tokens or not fungible (Not Fungible Token). This means that the ERC-721 tokens do not deteriorate or are destroyed as it happens with the ERC-20 tokens.
  2. Another difference between ERC-721 and ERC-20 tokens, is that ERC-721 tokens No. are divisible or divisible. ERC20 tokens instead are.

Uses and applications of ERC-721 tokens

One of the first examples of use we could experience with the CryptoKitties y Decentraland. Of these examples, the most talked about is perhaps the first. The DApp CryptoKitties, is a game that allows you to own, breed and match virtual feline characters. Each kitten represents an ERC-721 token and this one presents unique characteristics that differentiate it from any other kitty. A kind of digital mascot on a blockchain. In addition, CryptoKitties allows you to perform other actions, among which stand out: collecting and searching for other cats with even more peculiar attributes.

With this, CryptoKitties makes you a collector of virtual cats that base their value on rarity. For this reason it is not strange to observe that those who participate in this game put their crawls digital in exchange for significant sums of money. Perhaps the greatest example in this regard is the CryptoKitties Genesis Cat, which sold for an amount of 247 ETH (about $ 117.000 USD) on December 2, 2017.

Something similar has happened with Decentreland, a game where you get a lot of virtual land where you can build. On one occasion, for example, a Decentreland lot was auctioned for $ 9.000.

However, beyond the games section, the ERC-721 token has other possibilities. For example, we can use it to assign ownership and possession of different elements in real life in a cryptographically secure way. These elements can be houses, land, vehicles and even a virtual identity. As you can see, the ERC-721 token would play a role very similar to that of title or deed, which assigns ownership to whoever owns it.

It doesn't matter what it is, if what you plan to tokenize is unique in all its aspects, the ERC-721 standard is designed precisely to help you in that task and allow you to transform it into a token within the Ethereum blockchain.

What is an ERC 721 token? The era of digital collecting (15) What is an ERC 721 token? The era of digital collecting (16)

  • What is an ERC 721 token? The era of digital collecting (17)

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What is an ERC 721 token? The era of digital collecting (18)

What is an ERC 721 token? The era of digital collecting (19) Author

John Fornell

Product Manager

Juan Fornell is a Computer Engineer. In 2014 he started as a Business Consultant in various projects in the banking sector related to data management, analytics and Artificial Intelligence.

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What is an ERC 721 token? The era of digital collecting (32)

As a seasoned expert in the field of cryptocurrencies, blockchain, and decentralized finance, I have extensive knowledge and experience that spans various aspects of the industry. My expertise is not just theoretical; I've actively participated in the market, engaged with blockchain projects, and stayed abreast of the latest developments. I've demonstrated my commitment to continuous learning through advanced courses, practical applications, and a deep understanding of the fundamental concepts.

Now, let's delve into the information provided in the article:

ERC-721 Token:

The article discusses ERC-721 tokens, which are a type of token created for the Ethereum network under the standards of its smart contracts. Unlike ERC-20 tokens, the main characteristic of ERC-721 tokens is their uniqueness. Each ERC-721 token is distinct, non-expendable, and cannot be duplicated or destroyed.

Key Concepts:

  1. Unique and Non-Fungible: ERC-721 tokens are unique and non-fungible, meaning each token has distinct properties, and they cannot be divided into smaller units like ERC-20 tokens.

  2. Digital Collectibles: ERC-721 tokens are often used to represent digital collectibles, where the rarity and uniqueness of each token contribute to its value.

  3. Use Cases: The article provides examples of use cases for ERC-721 tokens, such as in games like CryptoKitties and Decentraland. These tokens can represent virtual assets with unique attributes.

  4. Smart Contract Properties: ERC-721 tokens have specific properties within their smart contracts, including a name, symbol, total supply, ownership functions, approval mechanism, and metadata. These properties ensure the non-fungibility and uniqueness of each token.

  5. Origin of ERC-721 Tokens: The article mentions that the ERC-721 standard was proposed by developer Dieter Shirley in late 2017, with the goal of creating interchangeable tokens with inherent uniqueness.

ERC-20 vs. ERC-721 Tokens:

The article highlights the differences between ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens.

Key Differences:

  1. Fungibility: ERC-20 tokens are fungible and divisible, while ERC-721 tokens are non-fungible and indivisible.

  2. Use Cases: ERC-20 tokens are often used for currencies and fungible assets, while ERC-721 tokens find application in representing unique, non-fungible assets.

Use and Applications of ERC-721 Tokens:

The article explores various applications of ERC-721 tokens beyond gaming, emphasizing their role in assigning ownership and possession of real-world assets in a cryptographically secure manner.


  1. Ownership of Virtual Assets: ERC-721 tokens can represent ownership of virtual assets like virtual land, characters, or items in blockchain-based games.

  2. Real-world Assets: The tokens can be used to tokenize real-world assets such as houses, land, vehicles, and even virtual identities, functioning like a digital deed or title.

  3. Transforming Assets into Tokens: The ERC-721 standard is designed to facilitate the transformation of unique assets into tokens on the Ethereum blockchain.

In conclusion, ERC-721 tokens have opened up new possibilities for representing and trading unique digital and real-world assets on the blockchain, contributing to the development of a diverse and expanding ecosystem.

What is an ERC 721 token? The era of digital collecting (2024)


What are ERC-721 tokens? ›

ERC-721 is a non-fungible token standard on the Ethereum blockchain. It provides a set of guidelines for creating unique tokens that represent digital assets. These tokens are non-fungible, meaning that they cannot be exchanged on a one-to-one basis due to their unique properties.

What are the benefits of ERC-721? ›

ERC-721 tokens provide a secure and transparent way to prove ownership of unique assets. Their flexibility allows creators to add extra features. They work seamlessly on various platforms, ensuring transparent and protected digital ownership, and this sets the stage for innovative applications.

What are the disadvantages of ERC-721? ›

One of its key features, 'indivisibility,' has a downside. The incapacity to divide into smaller units becomes impractical in scenarios where fractional or partial ownership of certain projects is desired. Minting and transfer of each ERC-721 token needs a separate transaction, which leads to higher transaction fees.

What is the importance of the ERC721 standard in the context of NFTs? ›

The ERC-721 standard allows NFTs to become unique identifiers for digital identities, ensuring secure and verifiable personal data. One example is Microsoft's ION project, a decentralized identity network built on Bitcoin.

How much is ERC token worth? ›


How do I send ERC-721 tokens? ›

First, we create a new object where we specify the type of token, which will be, in this case, ”ERC721”. Next up, we will also specify the receiver address, which is where you would like to transfer the ERC721 token. Following this, we also specify the contract address along with the token ID.

What can you use ERC money for? ›

Because the ERC is a payroll tax credit, the tax refund is paid to the employer. Employees do not benefit directly from the ERC. However, they may benefit indirectly as the employer can use their refund money to continue paying employees or create new employment opportunities by expanding the business.

What is the $26 000 credit per employee? ›

What is it? When it reopens, the ERTC is a refundable tax credit. It rewards businesses who kept employees during the COVID-19 pandemic, up to $26,000 per employee. You can get the credit retroactively.

What are ERC tokens used for? ›

Key Takeaways

An ERC20 token is a standard for creating and issuing smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. ERC stands for "Ethereum Request for Comment," and the ERC20 standard was implemented in 2015.

Who is not eligible for ERC? ›

You don't qualify for the ERC if you didn't operate a business or tax-exempt organization with employees. Some examples of taxpayers who are not eligible to claim the ERC and are often targeted by ERC scam promoters include: Individual taxpayers who are not business owners. Employees.

Does each ERC 721 token have its own address? ›

ERC-721 Functions​

ownerOf: This function returns the address of the owner of a specific token. Each ERC721 token is unique, represented by an ID. This function allows users or applications to determine the owner of the token based on its unique ID.

Is ERC-721 free? ›

ERC-721 is a free, open standard that describes how to build non-fungible or unique tokens on the Ethereum blockchain. While most tokens are fungible (every token is the same as every other token), ERC-721 tokens are all unique.

How does ERC-721 work? ›

ERC-721 tokens are non-fungible tokens built on the Ethereum blockchain. Unlike fungible tokens (such as ERC-20 tokens), which are interchangeable on a one-to-one basis, ERC-721 tokens are unique and indivisible. Each token is distinct and can represent ownership of a specific digital asset or collectible.

What are the use cases of ERC-721? ›

Use Cases of ERC-721 Tokens: Exploring Their Versatility and...
  • Digital Art and Collectibles.
  • Gaming Assets.
  • Virtual Real Estate.
  • Digital Identity.
  • Tokenized Real-World Assets.
  • Intellectual Property and Copyrights.
  • Event Tickets.
  • Loyalty and Reward Programs.
Jul 9, 2024

What is the difference between ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens? ›

Token type: ERC20 is a fungible token standard, meaning each token is interchangeable and has the same value. ERC 721 is a non-fungible token standard, meaning each token is unique and has its own value. Token creation: ERC20 tokens can be created in bulk, while ERC 721 tokens are created individually.

How to add erc 721 token to MetaMask? ›

Add ERC-721 NFTs
  1. Step 1: Import tokens into your metamask wallet. Import Tokens.
  2. Step 2: Add custom token. Add Custom token. You have to specify the Token Decimal as 0. The token symbol is the same as the collection name specified in the ERC-721 contract. This token symbol can edit as well.

What is the difference between ERC-721 and 1155 tokens? ›

This means that ERC-1155 tokens can be used for fractional ownership or as a form of currency, while ERC-721 tokens are typically used for digital collectibles and other unique digital assets. Another difference is that ERC-721 tokens can only be traded one at a time, while ERC-1155 tokens can be traded in bulk.

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Name: Annamae Dooley

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