What is a sensory bin? - Busy Toddler (2024)

Sensory bins are a hands-on and immersive play opportunity for children. A sensory bin is often created inside a container using a variety of different materials and tools. Sensory bins provide children with a chance to develop critical life skills, academic skills, and motor skills in a fun, play-based way.

What is a sensory bin? - Busy Toddler (1)

Table of Contents:

  1. What is a sensory bin?
  2. How to set-up a sensory bin
  3. What should be in a sensory bin?
  4. Tools to add to a sensory bin
  5. What’s the purpose of a sensory bin?
  6. Frequently Asked Questions

What is a sensory bin?

A sensory bin is created by placing materials and tools into a container for children to play and interact with. Sensory bins do not have an “end goal” the way a craft project or other structured children’s activity might.

Sensory bins can be used with a wide age range of children, from babies to big kids. These sensory bins can be created with anything from water to rice to bubble foam – and using household items as “tools.”

The most important part of a sensory bin is that it is a tactile experience for children and a safe place for them to have free play and free exploration. This is a chance for the child to engage with materials and form their own learning and knowledge.

RELATED: Why is sensory play important? I’ll get to that in this article, but for a more in-depth look, check out this post.

What is a sensory bin? - Busy Toddler (2)

Looking for more structure each day?

Check out Playing Preschool: Busy Toddler’s 190-day at-home activities program

How to set-up a sensory bin

Sensory bins vary greatly: from the super messy bin to edible bins safe for tabies and young toddlers.

The first step in creating a sensory bin is to identify the material (or base) that will anchor the sensory bin, but as you select the base – you need to consider how to keep everyone (and everything) successful.

When starting to build a sensory bin, consider the child, the environment, and the container. Some good questions to ask yourself are:

  • What developmental stage is the child in?
  • How many kids are playing with the bin?
  • Where will this sensory play occur?
  • How much of the sensory base is available?
  • How much base is needed to fill the container?
  • How will the container be emptied or cleaned at the end?
  • Can the surroundings or the child get messy?

Always, and I mean always, consider these questions before setting up a sensory bin and choosing the sensory base.

RELATED: Looking for all my sensory activities in one location? Here it is!

What should be in a sensory bin?

Sensory bins first need a good base. This is like the foundation of the house – and a lot about the magic (or mayhem) of a sensory bin comes from the base.

The base of a sensory bin needs to be developmentally appropriate for the child. That’s a really fancy way of saying “this material needs to be either taste safe or not a choking hazard, and something the child can use given their current skills.”

It’s not hard to come up with sensory bases, but it is critical to consider the base before just tossing it into a container and assuming that what worked on Instagram or Pinterest will work perfectly for your child.

Not quite.

Take a second to think about the kids, their safety, their needs, and what will be successful with this crowd (for more information on how to keep sensory bins tidy – don’t miss my entire post on it).

Here’s a (non-exhaustive) list of sensory bin bases that may work for your sensory bins:

Taste-safe sensory bin bases

  • Dry rice (plain rice or dyed rainbow colors)
  • Water
  • Corn meal
  • Cereal
  • Oobleck
  • Dry oatmeal
  • Jell-O

Not-taste safe sensory bin bases

A lot of these bases, like rice, beans, cornmeal, and cloud dough, can be saved for years in zipper bags or air tight containers. These materials become a really cost-effective “toy” that the child can play with for years.

REMEMBER: It’s really important to use your best judgment for the child/children that will be playing with the sensory bin and their safety. Always use supervision with sensory bins.

What is a sensory bin? - Busy Toddler (4)

Once you’ve picked your perfect, safe, and just right sensory bin base, next up in the tools for the sensory bin.

The beauty of sensory bins is that you can leave the base and switch out only the tools to create a completely different play and learning experience. The tools in a sensory bin help form the identify of the bin – and kids love switching things up and finding a favorite way to explore the materials.

Best tools for sensory bins

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What is a sensory bin? - Busy Toddler (5)

Storage Container

This is the actual bin that I use in most of my sensory play activities. It’s 28 quarts and can be stored under a bed or couch when not in use.

What is a sensory bin? - Busy Toddler (6)


Funnels are an absolute GOAT of sensory play. These give kids a chance to practice scooping, filling, measurement, and imaginary play. Never overlook the simple funnel.

What is a sensory bin? - Busy Toddler (7)

Fine Motor Tool Set

This has been a favorite in our family since 2015 (gasp!). This set is such a work horse and different tools find their way into almost every bin, from rainbow rice to kinetic sand to water play.

What is a sensory bin? - Busy Toddler (8)


Absolutely love having a set of scoops for sensory bins. This is a great set of varying sizes – and perfect for scoop, pour and transfer activities.

What is a sensory bin? - Busy Toddler (9)

Simple bowls

I have a dedicated set of small bowls for sensory play – this is where “potions,” “soups,” and other imaginary concoctions are crafted.

What is a sensory bin? - Busy Toddler (10)

Measuring Cups

After losing my measuring cups too many times to sensory bins, I did break down and buy a dedicated set that lives with out materials.

Honorable Mention Sensory Bin Supplies

These are a bit more specific to the kid or the sensory bin than the other basic supplies, but my family would be lost without these:

What is a sensory bin? - Busy Toddler (11)

Small Construction Trucks

These were a major player for my sensory play when I began making bins for my kids… and 8-years-later, these same trucks are being played with right now in a kinetic sand sensory bin (how’s that for breaking the fourth wall?).

What is a sensory bin? - Busy Toddler (12)

Plastic Tea Set

We love having a small plastic tea set (or similar) for water pouring sensory bins. No matter the age, this is a timeless classic.

What is a sensory bin? - Busy Toddler (13)

Small Animal Toys

I don’t know if my daughter has ever played in a sensory bin and not added a handful of tiny animals into it. These are everything for her play.

What’s the purpose of a sensory bin?

There are many reasons to make a sensory bin, but I’ll start here (and of course, I’m speaking in general terms. All kids are unique and different, with different preferences):

Sensory bins have a way of holding a child’s attention unlike any other toy they may own.

They engage more with it. Play longer with it. And sustain interest far exceeding what a traditional toy can offer.

Sensory bins are an incredible catalyst to a child’s independent play – which benefits both the child and the parent/care giver (the sittervising that comes during sensory play is epic).

The amount of time, chores, cooking, life, email answering, etc that I have done while a child played with a sensory bin… well, it’s enough to make me write an entire blog post love letter to them.

But what else? How are sensory bins important?

Sensory bins unlock unbelievable amounts of learning. Here are a few skill children practice and develop in sensory play:

  • Math skills: capacity, estimating
  • Science knowledge: solids, liquids, experimenting
  • Problem solving: hypothesis, looking for solutions
  • Life skills: scooping, pouring, transferring, spoon/cup skills
  • Fine motor development: pinching, turning, coordination
  • Imaginary play: applying, growing skills

Frequently Asked Questions

What age are sensory bins for?

Sensory bins (depending on the material) can be created for a child once they can sit up on their own. Water in a cookie sheet is a great first sensory exploration option – with supervision of course. Around 12 months old, dry rice is often a first sensory bin option. Children continue to enjoy sensory bins and sensory play past age 10.

Do sensory bins have to be messy?

NO! Sensory bins do not have to be messy for the child to get the full benefit. Set rules. Have boundaries. Teach your child to play with a sensory bin that same way you taught them not to throw food at the table or dump water out of the bath. You didn’t stop serving food because they dumped a plate. You worked with them. You showed them how to eat without dumping. Do the same for sensory bins.

What is the best sensory bin?

Rice. Rice is the most flexible and widely enjoyed sensory material in my history of creating bins for kids. Rice can be used to pour, scoop, bury, and funnel with. Rice also saves for years. It’s cost-effective and the same rice can be reused for 3-5 years, if stored in an airtight container.

What is a sensory bin? - Busy Toddler (15)

Susie Allison, M. Ed

Owner, Creator

Susie Allison is the creator of Busy Toddler and has more than 2 million followers on Instagram. A former teacher and early childhood education advocate, Susie’s parenting book “Busy Toddler’s Guide to Actual Parenting” is available on Amazon.

    What is a sensory bin? - Busy Toddler (2024)


    What is a sensory bin? - Busy Toddler? ›

    Sensory bins are a hands-on and immersive play opportunity for children. A sensory bin is often created inside a container using a variety of different materials and tools. Sensory bins provide children with a chance to develop critical life skills, academic skills, and motor skills in a fun, play-based way.

    What are sensory bins for toddlers? ›

    Essentially, a sensory bin is a container filled with materials specifically chosen to stimulate the senses, allowing the child to explore and interact with the items as they choose. Sensory play is a great way to expose your child to a variety of textures, facilitate communication, and actively engage with your child.

    Are sensory bins safe for 2 year olds? ›

    Short answer: yes. Creating sensory bins for toddlers allows them to build skills and understanding through play-based, hands-on learning. Sensory bins are easy, in-expensive, and effective for supporting toddler in their growth and development – but (spoiler alert) they don't have to be messy to be fun.

    What is the point of a sensory bin? ›

    Sensory bins provide opportunities for your child to explore multiple senses, including sight, sound, touch, and smell. They'll enjoy running their hands through the filler material and watching what happens as they pour it out. Many materials you can put in a sensory bin provide a wonderful tactile sensation.

    What does sensory play do for toddlers? ›

    Sensory play has an important role in your child's development. Not only does it help your child engage their five senses—sight, smell, hearing, touch, and taste—but it also boosts their language skills and motor skills. Sensory play also promotes exploration, creativity, curiosity, and problem-solving.

    What age should you start sensory bins? ›

    At the toddler stage, from ages 2 to 3, kids are typically ready to engage with more toys. A great place to start are sensory bins—literally, a bin or box filled with various materials meant to stimulate the senses.

    How does a sensory bin help autism? ›

    Allow Them To Explore. Another benefit of sensory bins for children with autism is that they allow kids to explore their senses and creativity. Your child can stimulate multiple senses at once while running their hands through the filler materials and playing with the various toys.

    How to busy a toddler? ›

    Activities to Keep Kids Busy While You're Working From Home
    1. Crafts.
    2. Sensory Play.
    3. Pretend Play.
    4. Playdough.
    5. Imaginary Play.
    6. Science.
    7. Classic Activities.
    8. Educational.
    Dec 5, 2023

    Why do kids need sensory bins? ›

    Sensory bins provide children with the opportunity to explore and learn through hands-on tactile play that engages their senses. These bins encourage and support various types of development and are great activities to have in your home. Sensory bins can be themed for holidays, seasons and academic skills.

    How to set up a sensory bin for toddlers? ›

    Place 2-3 lbs of dry, uncooked rice into a 28qt under the bed storage container (like this one). You want space for kids to play and high sides. Add in a few measuring cups and some bowls. Kids need to see a visual boundary: put a big beach towel, flat sheet, or table cloth under the sensory bin.

    What is a homemade sensory bin? ›

    Lay out a sheet, tablecloth or towel. Not only does this protect the floor, but it makes cleanup much easier. Fill the bin or bowl with dry pasta, rice or beans. Add spoons, scoops, toys and whatever else you have on hand into the bin. Play!

    What are the learning outcomes of the sensory bin? ›

    Sensory bins promote language development.

    Toddlers and preschoolers can learn about basic concepts such as full/empty, up/down, above/below, or same/different while they are pouring, sorting, and moving the objects in the sensory bin.

    How to play with a 0-3 month old baby? ›

    Gently clap your baby's hands together or stretch arms (crossed, out wide, or overhead). Gently move your baby's legs as if pedaling a bicycle. Use a favorite toy for your baby to focus on and follow, or shake a rattle for your infant to find. Make different facial expressions for your baby to imitate.

    How does sensory play calm children? ›

    Play With A Purpose

    "It fosters the development of essential skills in all children, supporting their growth and learning. Sensory toys that offer tactile sensations, soothing sounds, and visual features can effectively promote relaxation and reduce anxiety in children."

    How can I help my 2 year old with sensory seeking? ›

    Include the sensory activities they are seeking out and help them complete those activities a specific number of times. Include counting, singing, and “stop!” at the end. For example, if your toddler seeks out vestibular and proprioceptive input, set up a 2 step obstacle course with couch cushions and a tunnel.

    What toys are not appropriate for toddlers? ›

    Watch for Toy Dangers
    • Sharp edges and sharp points. Toys for older children may have sharp points or edges that can hurt a small child. ...
    • Small toys and toys with small parts. ...
    • Loud noises. ...
    • Cords and strings. ...
    • Toys that fly or shoot objects. ...
    • Electric toys. ...
    • Toys with magnets.

    Are sensory toys good for toddlers? ›

    Sensory toys also provide children with a fun and engaging way to explore their environment and develop their cognitive, emotional, and social skills.

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    Name: Duane Harber

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