What Is a Bill of Exchange? Importance, Types, and Examples (2024)

Reading Time: 9 Minutes

Published : July 3, 2023

Last Updated: July 3, 2023

What is a Bill of Exchange?

If you are wondering how to define a bill of exchange, we have it covered. A bill of exchange is a widely used legal document in international trade. It functions as a written order that legally binds one party, known as the drawer, to pay a specific, fixed sum amount of money to another party, known as the payee, either upon request or at a predetermined future date. This document can be issued by an individual or a bank and serves as a guarantee of payment. According to research, In 2015, a staggering number of over 165 thousand bills of exchange were issued in the scenic Canary Islands, exclusively for the purpose of managing debt collection from clients.

What distinguishes bills of exchange from other financial instruments, such as cheques and promissory notes, is their transferability. Through a process called endorsem*nt, they can be transferred from the original payee to a third party.

What Is a Bill of Exchange? Importance, Types, and Examples (1)

Expert Advice

The bill of exchange proves itself as an indispensable financial tool that wields immense power in driving trade and commerce. Its significance lies in its unwavering ability to deliver a secure and streamlined payment mechanism for international transactions. Using bills of exchange can streamline financial operations and increase security, leading to a win-win situation for all parties involved.

Endorsem*nt involves the endorsem*nt signature on the back of the bill, indicating the transfer of ownership rights to the new party. This feature enables bills of exchange to be utilized as a means of payment or credit in business transactions. There is plenty more to know about bills of exchange, so let’s dive in!

How Does A Bill of Exchange Work?

A trading bill can involve a maximum of three parties. The drawee is the entity responsible for settling the specified amount mentioned in the bill of exchange. The payee is the recipient of the payment, while the drawer is the party that compels the drawee to make the payment to the payee.

Since the drawer does not transfer the bill of exchange to a different payee in this specific scenario, the payee and the drawer are the same. However, a bill of exchange and a check have important differences. A written statement of the debt owed by a debtor to a creditor is known as a bill of exchange.

What Is a Bill of Exchange? Importance, Types, and Examples (2)

Unlike a check, it is not immediately payable upon request and often includes credit terms, such as a 90-day period. Additionally, the bill of exchange must be accepted by the drawee to be considered valid. Typically, commercial bill of exchange transactions do not involve interest and can be seen as deferred payments.

However, if the inland bill is not settled by a specified date, they may accrue interest, and the applicable rate must be mentioned in the document. Conversely, these bills can be transferred at a discounted value before the designated payment date.

What Is The Importance Of Bills Of Exchange?

Bills of exchange are crucial financial instruments that underpin modern trade and commerce. Let’s explore how bills of exchange play a pivotal role in the current business landscape.

What Is a Bill of Exchange? Importance, Types, and Examples (3)

1. Facilitate Trade and Commerce

Due to the fact that they provide a safe and widely accepted method of payment, bills of exchange play a crucial role in both domestic and international trade.

They give businesses the ability to set credit terms, facilitating easy exchanges between buyers and sellers. Bills of exchange foster trust and encourage the exchange of goods and services by utilizing a standardized payment mechanism.

2. Effective Cash Flow Management

One notable benefit of bills of exchange is their ability to defer payment to a future date. This flexibility empowers businesses to manage their cash flow effectively.

Sellers can receive payment at a later date, allowing them to continue operating and investing in their ventures. Conversely, buyers can delay payment until a predetermined date, aligning their cash outflows with revenue generation.

3. Mitigate Risks

Bills of exchange offer security in transactions by providing endorsem*nt and transferability. Parties involved can mitigate the risk of non-payment or default. In the event of a buyer’s failure to make payment, the seller can pursue legal remedies using the bill of exchange as evidence of the underlying debt. This reduces financial uncertainties and potential losses associated with trade transactions.

4. Legal Protection

Bills of exchange carry legal significance, offering a robust framework for dispute resolution. In cases of non-payment or breach of contractual obligations, bills of exchange serve as formal evidence of the owed debt. They can be utilized in legal proceedings to enforce payment, providing businesses with legal protection and recourse.

What are the Advantages of a Bill of Exchange?

The bill of exchange is a vital financial instrument that has been used in commercial transactions for centuries, offering numerous advantages to businesses and some financial assistance to individuals in trade and finance. Some of the key advantages of a bill of exhange include:

What Is a Bill of Exchange? Importance, Types, and Examples (4)

1. Minimum Risk Defaults

An essential advantage of the bill of exchange is its ability to minimize the risk of defaults. Parties entering a bill of exchange transaction establish a legally binding obligation to make payment at a future date, providing assurance to the payee. In case of non-payment by the drawee, the holder of the bill can seek legal recourse to recover funds, reducing the risk of default and providing a reliable method of recourse.

2. Highly Negotiable

The bill of exchange is a highly negotiable instrument, enhancing its flexibility and usability. This negotiability enables businesses to settle debts, make payments to suppliers, or even raise capital by selling the bill to interested parties. The transferability of bills of exchange allows for seamless transactions, reducing administrative complexities and facilitating efficient trade.

3. No Required Security

Unlike some financial instruments, a bill of exchange does not necessitate collateral or security. The acceptance and discounting of the bill rely on the creditworthiness and reputation of the parties involved.

This accessibility makes bills of exchange available to a broader range of businesses and individuals, including those without substantial assets or collateral. Consequently, bills of exchange provide an opportunity for businesses with limited collateral to access funds and engage in trade on favorable terms.

4. Investment Flexibility

Bills of exchange offer investment flexibility. Investors can choose to hold bills until maturity to receive full payment, or they can sell them in the secondary market at a discounted price.

Moreover, the negotiability of bills allows investors to diversify their portfolios by investing in bills from different issuers or industries, spreading investment risk and potentially increasing returns.

5. Can Be Utilized Without Diluting Capital

A significant advantage of the bill of exchange is drawn by is that it can be utilized without diluting a company’s capital. By using bills of exchange for trade transactions or raising finance, businesses avoid the need to issue additional shares or raise funds through equity-based financing.

This preserves the company’s ownership structure and existing shareholders’ equity. Utilizing bills of exchange as a financial instrument offers an alternative method for businesses to meet their funding needs while maintaining their capital structure.

What Are the Different Types of Bills of Exchange?

The different types of bills of exchange enable a thorough understanding of their importance and intended purposes. This classification provides us with useful information about the particular uses and the various contexts in which these drafts or bills are used. The different types of bills of exchange are written below. Let’s take a look at them!

What Is a Bill of Exchange? Importance, Types, and Examples (5)

1. Bank Draft

A bank draft is a particular type of bill of exchange issued by a bank on behalf of a customer. It is a safe form of payment because it carries the bank’s guarantee. When a bank draft is issued, the specified amount is deducted from the customer’s account, and a draft is created payable to the specified payee by the bank.

Following that, the payee can present the bank draft to the bank and either receive cash or have the payment deposited into their own account. Bank drafts are commonly used for large payments, such as real estate purchases or international transactions.

2. Trade Draft

A trade bill of exchange that results from business transactions is referred to as a trade draft, also referred to as a commercial draft. It is primarily used when businesses are trading goods or services.

In a trade draft, the seller (drawer) directs the buyer (drawee) to pay a specific amount later on to either the seller or another party (payee). Important information like the due date, payment amount, and terms are all included in the trade draft.

3. Sight Draft

A sight draft, as its name implies, is payable upon presentation or “at sight.” Within this type of bill of exchange, the drawee is obligated to make immediate payment or within a short time frame after the draft is presented.

The payee may present the sight draft to the drawee, who must honor the draft and make immediate payment. In the event that the drawee fails to make the payment, the payee retains the right to seek legal redress.

4. Time Draft

A time draft, also known as a usance draft, is payable at a future specified date subsequent to the presentation of the draft. Unlike sight drafts that necessitate immediate payment, time drafts grant the drawee a specific period to fulfill the payment obligation. The maturity date, indicating when the payment is due, is clearly stated on the time draft.

Time drafts are frequently employed in international trade transactions, granting the buyer a grace period to make the payment. This proves advantageous when dealing with long-distance shipments or when the buyer requires time to arrange financing.

Familiarity with the various types of bills of exchange empowers businesses to select the most suitable instrument for their specific transactional requirements, thereby promoting efficiency and reliability in the exchange of goods and services.

Who Are The Parties To A Bill Of Exchange?

A bill of exchange transaction typically involves three key parties. The drawee is responsible for making the specified payment indicated in the bill of exchange and is obligated to pay interest to the payee, who receives the funds. The drawer, on the other hand, initiates the bill of exchange and directs the drawee to make the payment to the payee. If the drawer does not transfer the bill to another payee, the drawer and the payee are considered the same entity.

Essentially, a bill of exchange is a written document that serves as evidence of a debtor’s indebtedness to a creditor. It distinguishes itself from a check, which is merely a physical piece of paper. Bills of exchange are widely used as a method of payment in international trade, facilitating the smooth exchange of goods and services.

While the meaning of bills of exchange is not a contract on its own, it can be employed in conjunction with a contract to fulfill its requirements. The bill may specify immediate payment or indicate a specific future payment date. Additionally, bills of exchange commonly incorporate credit conditions, such as payment due after a stipulated period, often around ninety days.

Bill of Exchange Format

It is important to understand the proper format of a bill of exchange. Some key components of the format of a bill of exchange include:

  • The name of the person who draws the bill and authorizes the recipient to pay.
  • The date on which the payment is to be made.
  • The details of the recipient.
  • Details of the payee.
  • The identification number.
  • Signature of the person who makes the bill (drawer).

Also read: What Is GST Invoice? Rules, Format and Types

Example of Bill of Exchange

When it comes down to the bill of exchange examples, there are a variety of them. A few of them are written below. Let’s dig deep!

What Is a Bill of Exchange? Importance, Types, and Examples (6)


In an intriguing transaction, Samuel, a savvy merchant, issued a $100,000 bill of exchange to his customer, Marco, as payment for a substantial amount of goods on October 5th, 2020. However, Marco delayed his acceptance and finally acknowledged the bill on October 10th, 2020.

While Samuel is the bill’s issuer, he graciously assumes the role of the creditor, while Marco, who received the goods on credit, becomes the debtor, entangled in debt.

Although the bill was initially presented to Marco on the day of the credit purchase, it gained its official status as a distinguished commercial bill of exchange only upon Marco’s acceptance on October 10th.


Company ABV sent a $20,000 bill to Company BVX for things they bought on credit. BVX agreed to pay the money three months later. But when the due date for the accommodation bill came, BVX didn’t pay, so ABV’s bill was dishonored. Everyone involved got a notice saying the bill was dishonored.

Dishonoring a bill means BVX didn’t keep its promise to pay the money owed in the bill. ABV can take legal steps to get their money back, and BVX could face legal and money problems. Dishonoring bills can have long-term effects on a company’s finances and relationships with other businesses.


By establishing a binding contract, the bill of exchange in export acts as the ultimate facilitator of the seamless flow of goods and services across borders. The meticulously standardized format of a bill of exchange amplifies its reputation and worldwide acceptance.

Also read: Invoice vs Bill vs Receipt – What’s The Difference?

Moreover, the array of bill types caters to very diverse transactional requirements. Through vivid illustrations, the profound impact of this versatile instrument in nurturing trust, propelling economic expansion, and energizing global trade dynamics have been significantly witnessed. Connect with our professionals to learn more about the bill of exchange today!

Frequently Asked Questions

What Is a Bill of Exchange? Importance, Types, and Examples (7)

Supriya is a highly skilled content writer with over 8 years of experience in the SaaS domain. She believes in curating engaging, informative, and SEO-friendly content to simplify highly technical concepts. With an expansive portfolio of long-format blogs, newsletters, whitepapers, and case studies, Supriya is dedicated to staying in touch with emerging SaaS trends to produce relevant and reliable content.

What Is a Bill of Exchange? Importance, Types, and Examples (2024)


What Is a Bill of Exchange? Importance, Types, and Examples? ›

A bill of exchange is used in international trade to help importers and exporters fulfill transactions. While a bill of exchange is not a contract itself, the involved parties can use it to specify the terms of a transaction, such as the credit terms and the rate of accrued interest.

What is a bill of exchange and its types? ›

Bills of Exchange can be defined as a financial instrument that is short-term and negotiable and consists of an order in writing. This written order is essentially used in international trade where one party is bound to pay a fixed amount of money (either on-demand or at a predetermined rate) to another party.

What is a bill of exchange example? ›

A bill of exchange is sometimes called draft or draught, but draft usually applies to domestic transactions only. The term bill of exchange may also be applied broadly to other instruments of foreign exchange. For example, a check is a type of bill of exchange.

What is the importance of the bill of exchange? ›

The advantage of a bill of exchange is that it allows the person who owes the money (the debtor) to delay payment until they have the money available.

What is a bill of exchange quizlet? ›

Bills of exchange. A document stating that the holder was legally promised payment of a set amount on a set date— and receive that amount of money in exchange.

What are the two types of bills? ›

By tradition, general appropriation bills also originate in the House of Representatives. There are two types of bills—public and private. A public bill is one that affects the public generally. A bill that affects a specified individual or a private entity rather than the population at large is called a private bill.

What is an example of a foreign bill of exchange? ›

Foreign bill of exchange is a type of bill of exchange that is drawn in one country and is payable in another country. For e.g: bill of exchange drawn in India and payable in Sri Lanka.

What are the parties to a bill of exchange explain with example? ›

The three parties to the bill of exchange are: Drawer (Also known as the maker of the bill of exchange) Drawee (Upon whom the bill of exchange is drawn) Payee (The drawer or a third person who will be receiving the payment)

What are the risks of the bill of exchange? ›

Payment and credit risks: Non-payment or delayed payment by the drawee presents a financial risk to the drawer. If the drawee fails to honour the bill upon maturity, it can strain business relationships and impact cash flow for the exporter.

What is the difference between a bill of exchange and an invoice? ›

An invoice is a legal document that comes in handy for financial reporting. On the other hand, a bill acts as proof of a transaction. An invoice is a term a business uses to collect money from its customers. On the other hand, a bill is a term customers use to refer to payments owed to suppliers for goods or services.

Who can accept a bill of exchange? ›

A bill of exchange is generally drawn by the creditor upon his debtor. It has to be accepted by the drawee (debtor) or someone on his behalf.

What are the disadvantages of bills of exchange? ›

1)the bills of exchange are for short term service this not good option for banking services. 2)if biils of exchange are not accepted then it is an additional burden on the person who was drawn it.. 4)the drawee is liable to pay the bill in time as the date of payment is fixed.

What is bill of exchange and two advantages? ›

A bill of exchange is signed by both parties. For this reason, both parties are aware of the amount of the bill and its due date. Another advantage of a bill of exchange is that it can be discounted if the drawer or holder needs funds before the due date.

What is bill of exchange in simple words? ›

A bill of exchange is a written order from one person (the drawer) to another person (the drawee) to pay a specified sum of money to a third person (the payee) at a specified date or on demand.

What is a bill of exchange for dummies? ›

Short Summary. A bill of exchange is a document used in transactions that orders the payer to pay a certain amount of money to the payee. It is a guarantee of payment on demand or on a specified date, and it cannot be voided or canceled, like a check.

What is the element of bill of exchange? ›

A bill of exchange often includes three parties—the drawee is the party that pays the sum, the payee receives that sum, and the drawer is the one that obliges the drawee to pay the payee. A bill of exchange is used in international trade to help importers and exporters fulfill transactions.

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