What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (2024)

Last updated on Jun 11, 2024

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Understand Value


Tailor Response


Cite Experience


Showcase Growth


Present Fit


Convey Passion


Here’s what else to consider

In the high-stakes world of investment banking, acing your job interview can be as crucial as closing a deal. When the moment arrives, and you're asked, "Why should we hire you?" it's your opportunity to shine. This question isn't just about your qualifications; it's an invitation to demonstrate how your unique blend of skills, experiences, and personal attributes aligns with the bank's goals and culture. Let's unpack how you can construct an answer that will leave a lasting impression and edge you closer to that coveted job offer.

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  • Jean Moise NDOH, PMP®, MBA Project Portfolio Management | Transformation Catalyst | Architect of a sustainable future

    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (3) What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (4) 5

  • Sam Shiah I help people land high paying jobs on Wall Street | Founder and Head Coach at Wall Street Mastermind | Placement in…

    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (6) 5

  • Antônio Paulo Meirelles Pinhão Gerente de Agência|| Gerente Geral ||Gerente Regional || Relacionamento com o cliente || Cooperativa || CEA || CPA-20…

    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (8) 4

What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (9) What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (10) What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (11)

1 Understand Value

Understanding your value proposition is essential when faced with the pivotal interview question. In investment banking, where analytical skills, attention to detail, and a robust understanding of financial markets are paramount, your answer should reflect these competencies. However, it's not just about technical abilities; your soft skills, such as communication and teamwork, are equally important. Articulate how these qualities have contributed to past successes and how they align with the specific needs of the bank.

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  • Antônio Paulo Meirelles Pinhão Gerente de Agência|| Gerente Geral ||Gerente Regional || Relacionamento com o cliente || Cooperativa || CEA || CPA-20 || MBA || SharkPRO || Gestão de Pessoas || Gestão Comercial || Gestão de Negócios||Mercado Financeiro
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    "Porque devemos contratá-lo"?R= Porque eu vou trazer números, resultados, clientes, vou transformar o nosso time em equipe de alta performance. Tenho toda competência de acordo com o perfil que vocês estão precisando.!!!!



    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (20) 4

  • Jean Moise NDOH, PMP®, MBA Project Portfolio Management | Transformation Catalyst | Architect of a sustainable future
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    "Why should we hire you?"The answer lies not in your financial analysis skills or soft skills, no!The answer lies in your ability to 'be a solution to the company's current need.'A job interview is like a courtship; it's not about you but about the other person, their need, their vision, and whether you can fulfill that or not.I recommend clearly analyzing the situation of the bank or investment firm, then pinpointing how your profile (and you as an individual) can be a clear solution, an asset to them


    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (29) What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (30) 4

  • Leonardo Keuchguerian Pereira Top Voice | Advisor | Investor | Managment-Partner and Investment Advisor at InvestSmart XP |
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    Avalie o que a empresa está buscando, o que para ela, gera valor e foque sua resposta no que é importante para ela. Articular suas qualidade e experiência com este enfoque podem gerar bons frutos.



    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (39) 4

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    This is really just a variation of the strengths question. Pick strengths of yours that align with what investment banks value. Strong work ethic, analytical horsepower, time management skills, and ability to work in teams, and being able to thrive under high pressure environments are just some examples.But picking a relevant strength (or several) is just the first step. You want to make sure that you "show, don't tell." For each of the strengths you pick, make sure you can back it up with an actual story from your past experience.


    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (48) 2

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    First, make sure you understand what they are looking for before you go to that interview. Then when asked that question approach it by pointing out the following:Past: Briefly convey RELEVANT results-driven experienceFuture: Explain the value you will bring to the team or company or organizationPresent: And tell them that you REALLY WANT to be part of the team because (provide a reason). In essence, you are tying those three things together into your response. You are providing history and how that history will benefit the future...and close by reminding/telling them you want it. After all, you are also "interviewing" them and they knowing you want to be part of their team sends a strong message.


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2 Tailor Response

Tailoring your response to the investment bank's specific needs can significantly increase your chances of success. Research the firm thoroughly, understanding its culture, recent deals, and strategic direction. Highlight experiences that resonate with the bank's operations, such as mergers and acquisitions, restructuring, or capital raising. Show that you're not just a fit for investment banking in general but for their institution in particular.

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  • Jean Moise NDOH, PMP®, MBA Project Portfolio Management | Transformation Catalyst | Architect of a sustainable future
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    I don't advocate for tailoring your response, but rather for being purely and authentically yourself.You wouldn't want your managers to label you as a faker just a few days after being hired, would you?Be real, be authentic, dare to be just you.If you truly align with the bank's needs and, more importantly, can demonstrate it, then the job is yours.


    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (65) What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (66) What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (67) 4

  • Abhishek Rao Founder - Stealth | Ex-BCG | CA - AIR 2 | Antler EIR '24
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    Understand what the bank does, highlight how your experience aligns with what the bank does. Show synergies with your skills experience and the expertise of the bank


    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (76) What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (77) 3

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    If the firm you're applying to happens to specialize in a certain vertical (i.e. technology, energy, real estate, etc.) or product (i.e. M&A or capital raising), make sure to bring up any past experience you have that's relevant to those industry vertical or products. If you have an experience from your past that makes you particularly passionate about the space the firm covers, that is worth mentioning as well.


    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (86) 2

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    Tailoring a response to a specific IB needs can significantly increase your chances of success. Banks are centred around transactional finance such as M&A, capital raising and trading: to be successful, you need to meticulously research their recent dealings, pivotal personnel and strategic trajectory. Illustrate your prowess in originating and executing similar type of mandates through cultivating long-standing rapports with clients, showcasing them a profound knowledge of market dynamics. Show your analytical insight on potential transactions aligning with clients' existing/future needs, thereby generating deals and surpassing competitors. Highlight your lateral thinking and creativity, increasingly coveted attributes for new hires.


    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (95) What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (96) 2

3 Cite Experience

Citing relevant experience convincingly demonstrates your readiness for the role. In investment banking, past deal experiences, internships, or relevant financial analysis projects can serve as powerful examples. Discuss the impact of your contributions and the skills honed during those experiences. Your goal is to paint a picture of a seasoned professional who can hit the ground running and add immediate value to the team.

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  • Jean Moise NDOH, PMP®, MBA Project Portfolio Management | Transformation Catalyst | Architect of a sustainable future
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    It's crucial to bolster your presentation and professional experiences with concrete facts, dates, examples, and captivating anecdotes.After delving into some storytelling workshops, it became glaringly evident to me the importance of zeroing in on anecdotes that vividly showcase, beyond mere technical skills or soft abilities, one's adeptness at reacting in real-world scenarios. These anecdotes serve as powerful illustrations of how individuals navigate challenges, make critical decisions, and ultimately, demonstrate their true mettle in the face of adversity.


    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (105) What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (106) 5

  • Abhishek Rao Founder - Stealth | Ex-BCG | CA - AIR 2 | Antler EIR '24
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    Display your experience, it could be at your college, first job, side hustle. Provide examples on how and why you were able to overcome challenges with specificity


    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (115) What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (116) 2

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    As a senior, pure execution is secondary to deal origination, nurturing key relationships and leveraging uncommon expertise. Merely listing transactions is inadequate; you must articulate your distinct role and substantive impact. Top-performing teams allocate duties based on individual strengths.Showcasing your niche: for me, it was about crafting compelling pitches, conducting complex tax structuring and deploying creative solutions. I have refined these talents executing transformative M&A and structured finance deals, resolving complex issues and unlocking significant value. Elaborating on how you deployed your skillset to drive optimal outcomes assures hiring managers of your ability to rapidly create value and hit the ground running.


    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (125) What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (126) 2

4 Showcase Growth

Showcasing your growth mindset is crucial in a dynamic field like investment banking. Employers seek candidates who are not only knowledgeable but also eager to learn and adapt. Discuss your commitment to professional development and continuous learning. Whether through certifications, courses, or staying abreast of market trends, show that you're someone who will grow with the firm and contribute to its evolution.

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  • Jean Moise NDOH, PMP®, MBA Project Portfolio Management | Transformation Catalyst | Architect of a sustainable future
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    During a job interview, I relish showcasing my current perception of the company, painting a vivid picture of how I envision myself as a solution or asset, and mapping out the exciting trajectory of our potential collaboration. It's crucial to illustrate the synergy and potential alignment between my skills, the company's goals, and the direction in which I believe our partnership could flourish. This isn't just about fitting into a role; it's about catalyzing a transformative journey towards mutual success.


    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (135) What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (136) What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (137) 5

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    IB demands relentless drive and growth: it seeks those hungry to learn, adapt and thrive. Highlight your appetite for knowledge and emphasise transferable expertise filling current gaps or mastering emerging trends. Those banks are often lean organisations: you might be called to manage meetings or audits at short notice. Exhibit a "next man up" mentality - an unwavering readiness to step up, shoulder more responsibility and grow into expanded roles, since clients won't tolerate juniors punching above their weight.Throughout my career I have pursued a career path based on anticipating emerging trends and learning new products: it has allowed me to originate and execute innovative transactions as well as contribute to the firm’s evolution.


    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (146) 1

  • Andrej Veskovic Open now for work
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    I'd say, being a perfect orator is important. But why? Because, if you cannot communicate your past achievements, showcasing your "growth mindset," how will you ever be able to communicate future responsibilities, and priorities alike?So, learning to transfer your thoughts and beliefs to other people's understanding is a skill, one cannot "shy" away from.Now, consequentially, persuading another faction or person, after communicating the relevant data, is another skill altogether. If you manage to showcase both of these skills in your interview, coupled with your "technical" background, I have no doubt you'll "ace" an interview.Best of luck.


5 Present Fit

Presenting yourself as a cultural fit is often the deciding factor in hiring decisions. Investment banking thrives on teamwork, and demonstrating that you can collaborate effectively within the firm's environment is key. Share anecdotes that highlight your ability to work in high-pressure situations, adapt to diverse teams, and align with the firm's core values. Conveying that you're not just capable but also a pleasure to work with can be a game-changer.

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    It's always important to try and network with current employees at the firm before you interview there. Ask them what they like the most about working there, and get them to give you specific examples to back up what they're saying. Then you can weave their anecdotes into your own answer about why you think you would enjoy working there as well, and why you think you'd be a good fit for their culture. It's not persuasive to say you are a good fit for a firm's culture when you've never worked there. How would you know? But if what you're saying came from what an existing employee told you, that's a lot more convincing and it also shows that you've done your homework.


    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (163) 5

  • Jean Moise NDOH, PMP®, MBA Project Portfolio Management | Transformation Catalyst | Architect of a sustainable future
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    Today, my multifaceted profile and my unwavering commitment to elevating my colleagues stand as my greatest asset.My profile boasts distinct advantages, particularly through non-technical facets such as my prowess in coaching, motivation, event management, and beyond. My expertise in guiding others towards success, igniting their drive, orchestrating memorable events, and much more, positions me uniquely to catalyze growth and excellence within any team or organization.


    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (172) What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (173) 5

  • Antônio Paulo Meirelles Pinhão Gerente de Agência|| Gerente Geral ||Gerente Regional || Relacionamento com o cliente || Cooperativa || CEA || CPA-20 || MBA || SharkPRO || Gestão de Pessoas || Gestão Comercial || Gestão de Negócios||Mercado Financeiro
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    Em uma entrevista de contratação, é importante destacar suas habilidades e inteligência emocional, saber lidar com adversidades, adaptabilidade são fundamentais para um Líder, gostar de pessoas e liderar por espelho, ser um Líder mão na massa e levar o time para grandes entregas, saber desenvolver pessoas.



    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (182) 1

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    The IB’s culture matters, especially for established institutions. In my days, I managed to grasp the distinction between UK merchant banks emphasizing meticulous due diligence and their US counterparts prioritizing marketing prowess: demonstrating you understand a bank's DNA and can gel with its people is crucial.These roles thrive on collaboration across teams working punishing hours under pressure. Share anecdotes highlighting your ability to integrate seamlessly, remain amiable amid turbulence and persistently produce quality output. Prove you are a reliable team player colleagues actively want to work alongside. Making this case can be a gamechanger: differentiate yourself by showcasing a blend of technical expertise and personal fit.


    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (191) 1

6 Convey Passion

Conveying passion for investment banking can be the cherry on top of your interview performance. A genuine enthusiasm for the industry and a clear understanding of the bank's role within it can set you apart from other candidates. Speak about what draws you to investment banking, why you're excited about the prospect of working with this particular firm, and how you envision contributing to its success.

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    Passion drove my career from the start. Show that you are genuinely excited about the industry. I immersed myself in books on famous transactions or deals execution; I knew league tables by product & geography. Coming from the US, I pass all the NYC screenings (but Lehman’s) displaying enthusiasm and drive. For final rounds, I flew to London where a more formal approach was required. There, you eventually deal with colleagues from your home market: your career will always mirror that region's evolution. Regardless of your initial role, you will unequivocally become an originator: you ought to prove you can effectively develop into a successful one. Passion is also about a deep understanding of the market and a relentless drive to succeed.


    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (200) What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (201) 2

  • Antônio Paulo Meirelles Pinhão Gerente de Agência|| Gerente Geral ||Gerente Regional || Relacionamento com o cliente || Cooperativa || CEA || CPA-20 || MBA || SharkPRO || Gestão de Pessoas || Gestão Comercial || Gestão de Negócios||Mercado Financeiro
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    Brilho nos olhos você não encontra nos currículos, saber encantar os clientes e ser um exemplo para sua equipe são fatores que contribuem para o sucesso da Instituição. Seja um incentivador e um entusiasta pelo que faz, traga sua equipe junto e a vitória é certa.



    What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (210) 1

  • Ibrahim Qureshi Certified Independent Financial Advisor (CIFA) | Islamic Finance Consultant | Chess Enthusiast
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    🎯 A genuine interest in investment banking, coupled with a clear understanding of your target firm, can significantly bolster your interview performance. Think about what excites you about the industry, be it the intellectual challenge or the global impact. Research the specific bank and highlight how your skills and experience align with their goals. Demonstrate how you can contribute to their success, whether it's through deal structuring or client relationship management. By showcasing both passion and strategic thinking, you can convince them you're the ideal candidate for their team.


7 Here’s what else to consider

This is a space to share examples, stories, or insights that don’t fit into any of the previous sections. What else would you like to add?

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  • Bekhruz K. DevOps Engineer | Master of Technology (MTech) in Network Information Systems Architecture
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    The answer to "Why should we hire you?" hinges on understanding the company's needs. Employers often ask this to gauge your fit for the role. During interviews, gather detailed information about the company's current situation and expectations. Your ability to align your skills with their needs is crucial. Highlight how your technical skills, which can be further refined with the help of experienced colleagues, and your understanding of the company’s goals make you the good candidate.


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Investment Banking What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (228)

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What do you do if you're asked "Why should we hire you? (2024)


How to answer the why should we hire you? ›

Highlight What Makes You Unique. When answering "Why should we hire you?" it's important to highlight what makes you stand out as a candidate. Think about your greatest strengths, unique experiences, or qualities that separate you from others.

Why am I the best candidate for the job sample answer? ›

Highlight the skills you acquired and how you can apply them to the role you're interviewing for. ‍Sample answer: I'm the best candidate for this position because of my commitment to continuous learning and growth. I have always prioritized learning new skills and finding opportunities to expand my skill set.

How to answer why should we not hire you? ›

Tips for Giving the Best Response
  1. Focus on a Personality Trait.
  2. Be Honest.
  3. Mention a Weakness—Carefully.
  4. Don't Be Overly Negative.
  5. Don't Provide a Disqualifying Reason.
  6. Don't Skip Answering Altogether.
Jun 6, 2024

How to answer why do you want this job? ›

Talk about specific examples of how you can help this company achieve their goals and highlight any relevant transferrable skills that will make you stand out as the right candidate. Write down any recent achievements you can talk about or any challenges you've faced recently that might be related to this new job.

Why do you think you are qualified for this position? ›

When answering this interview question, focus on the skills and qualities you possess that most closely align with the needs and requirements of the role. For example: Hard or soft skills, like software expertise or excellent customer service skills. Qualities like dedication, determination and perseverance.

What is the best answer for "Tell me about yourself"? ›

Provide a Brief Highlight-Summary of Your Experience

The best way to answer "Tell me about yourself" is with a brief highlight-summary of your experience, your education, the value you bring to an employer, and the reason you're looking forward to learning more about this next job and the opportunity to work with them.

Why should we hire you best answers 6 proven examples? ›

Here are some additional examples to build your response to “Why should we hire you?”:
  • You have a passion for the work and proven abilities.
  • You have differentiated experience in this field.
  • You have exceptional drive and determination to succeed.
  • You have unique skills that separate you from other candidates.
Jul 31, 2023

Why am I a good fit for this job? ›

Emphasize your uniqueness: Describe the skills and experiences that could make you stand out from the crowd of applicants and would "add value" to the company or team. Focus on the employer's needs: Answering this question is your chance to show the interviewer how you can add value to the company.

Why did you apply for this position? ›

Explain how your past experiences have prepared you for the challenges of the new role. Share your excitement about the opportunity and explain why you're passionate about the company's mission or products. This will make your answer more engaging and memorable.

How do you handle stress? ›

These tips may help you keep stress at bay:
  1. Keep a positive attitude.
  2. Accept that there are events that you cannot control.
  3. Be assertive instead of aggressive. ...
  4. Learn to manage your time more effectively.
  5. Set limits appropriately and say no to requests that would create excessive stress in your life.
Sep 12, 2023

What is your weak point? ›

Some weaknesses you can mention include impatience, multitasking, self-criticism, and procrastination. An authentic answer goes a long way. That's why the best solution is to identify your real weaknesses and take proactive measures to address them.

Why I choose you for this job? ›

Q1: How do I answer the question, "Why should we hire you? A: When answering, focus on your relevant skills, experience, and achievements that make you the best fit for the role.You should hire me because I am a hard worker who wants to help your company succeed.

What are your biggest weakness answers? ›

So there you have it. So as a recap, the four answers that you can give when being asked, what are your greatest weaknesses, are, I focus too much on the details, I've got a hard time saying no sometimes, I've had trouble asking for help in the past, and I have a hard time letting go of a project.

What attracted you to this position? ›

Opportunities - focus on how the role will provide you with the ability to further develop your career and specialise within your industry. At the end of this answer, you could also ask what kind of support they give or training opportunities do they offer.

Why do you think you are suitable for this position? ›

Here are some possible answers: Highlight your relevant experience: "I believe my previous experience in relevant position (or industry) has prepared me well for this position. I have worked on similar projects before and understand the challenges and requirements of this field."

What makes you stand out from other candidates? ›

Provide specific examples from your background. Avoid generic phrases like 'I'm a hard worker.' Include key personality traits that will allow you to deliver results. Tell the interviewer how your unique skills will help the company succeed.

What motivated you to apply for this position? ›

Response: "I was drawn to this position because of the opportunities for growth and learning it presents. In my previous role as [previous job title], I developed a strong foundation in [specific skills or area], and I am excited about further developing these skills in an industry-leading company like [company name]."

How will you be a good fit to the position? ›

Use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your response with specific examples. Show enthusiasm for the role and the company, and articulate how your career goals align with the position's responsibilities and the company's future direction.

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Author: Dan Stracke

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Name: Dan Stracke

Birthday: 1992-08-25

Address: 2253 Brown Springs, East Alla, OH 38634-0309

Phone: +398735162064

Job: Investor Government Associate

Hobby: Shopping, LARPing, Scrapbooking, Surfing, Slacklining, Dance, Glassblowing

Introduction: My name is Dan Stracke, I am a homely, gleaming, glamorous, inquisitive, homely, gorgeous, light person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.