What Color Amber is Most Effective? (2024)

What Color Amber is Most Effective? (1)

August 22, 2018 2 min read 2 Comments

Taking a Deeper Look at Color

When you look at all the types of Amber there are, it can seem as if there are as many colors as there is in the rainbow. Another thought that may also come to mind is if there is a color or colors that work better than others or what color amber is most effective.

If not, some question if a certain color is meant to be more effective for a certain conditions than others.

These questions are useful to ask as they help determine your choice. Before you make a purchase it is important to be able to be able to have the facts rather than the myths that some sites may advertise.

All in all, there is actually no single color that is more effective than the other.

What you want to want to look for instead is the quality. True amber is comprised of 3-8% succinic acid, which is the active ingredient responsible for its anti-inflammatory properties. There is no single color that contains more succinic acid, although the lighter colors, namely milk / yellow butter amber followed by lemon and honey, are one of the purest forms of amber mother nature creates.

Hence, they do typically contain higher amounts of succinic acid compared to the darker colors, although it is not by much.


Amber that is kept clean will ensure your beads stay effective for a long time before you need to replace it.

Baltic Essentials Amber

Baltic Essentials only sells pure Amber from the Baltic Sea to ensure you get a product that is effective to work on a number of conditions.

This means all amber, no matter what color you get, is effective at helping us.

You should buy amber from a trusted source that guarantees results time and time again. You may use it to treat back pain or headaches or to help ease the symptoms of discomfort caused by chronic conditions such as arthritis. The natural healer can also be used on kids, and it is excellent for easing teething symptoms, redness and drooling.

2 Responses

What Color Amber is Most Effective? (4)


September 13, 2018

Hi your web site says I won a but u can’t add my email Addy. sincerely, Cheryl Muller

What Color Amber is Most Effective? (5)


August 25, 2018

I had order my necklace for my dougheter but I got the wrong one. I got the color one. But had originally order one that had purple and pink honey beads. What should I do?

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Baby Survey

Does the child have Inflammation pain? For example:

What Color Amber is Most Effective? (16) Teething
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (17) Red Cheeks
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (18) Fever

Select a button below What Color Amber is Most Effective? (19)

Toddler Survey

Does the child have Inflammation pain? For example:

What Color Amber is Most Effective? (22) Teething
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (23) Red Cheeks
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (24) Fever

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Older Child/Pre-Teen Survey

Survey: 5-12 years

Does the child/pre-teen have Inflammation pain? For example:

What Color Amber is Most Effective? (28) Fever
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (29) Growing Pains
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (30) Sports Injuries
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (31) Early onset Arthritis
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (32) Other inflammation pain

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Teen & Adult Survey

Is there any Inflammation pain? For example:

What Color Amber is Most Effective? (36) Fever
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (37) Growing Pains
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (38) Sports Injuries
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (39) Early onset Arthritis
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (40) Other inflammation pain

Select a button below What Color Amber is Most Effective? (41)

Baby Survey

Is the child experiencing gut pain? For example:

What Color Amber is Most Effective? (44) Colic
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (45) GERD
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (46) Reflux
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (47) Constipation
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (48) Eczema

Select a button below What Color Amber is Most Effective? (49)

Baby Survey

Is the child experiencing gut pain? For example:

What Color Amber is Most Effective? (52) Colic
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (53) GERD
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (54) Reflux
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (55) Constipation
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (56) Eczema

Select a button below What Color Amber is Most Effective? (57)

Baby Survey

For babies and young children, we offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...

There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. Check out our selection below!

All Products Separation Anxiety Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support

Toddler Survey

Is the child experiencing gut pain? For example:

What Color Amber is Most Effective? (60) Colic
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (61) GERD
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (62) Reflux
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (63) Constipation
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (64) Eczema

Select a button below What Color Amber is Most Effective? (65)

Toddler Survey

Is the child experiencing gut pain? For example:

What Color Amber is Most Effective? (68) Colic
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (69) GERD
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (70) Reflux
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (71) Constipation
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (72) Eczema

Select a button below What Color Amber is Most Effective? (73)

Toddler Survey

For babies and young children, we offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...

There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. Check out our selection below!

All Products Separation Anxiety Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support

Older Child/Pre-Teen

Survey: 5-12 years

Is the child/pre-teen experiencing gut pain? For example:
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (76) Acid Reflux
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (77) Heartburn
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (78) Constipation
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (79) Eczema
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (80) Acne
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (81) Other gut pain

Select a button below What Color Amber is Most Effective? (82)

Older Child/Pre-Teen

Survey: 5-12 years

Is the child experiencing gut pain? For example:
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (85) Acid Reflux
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (86) Heartburn
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (87) Constipation
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (88) Eczema
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (89) Acne
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (90) Other gut pain

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Older Child/Pre-Teen Survey

For Older Children and Pre-Teens, we offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...

There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. View our selection of Pre-Teens inventory below!

All Products Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support

Teen & Adult Survey

Is there any gut pain? For example:

What Color Amber is Most Effective? (94) Acid Reflux
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (95) Heartburn
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (96) Constipation
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (97) Eczema
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (98) Acne
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (99) Other gut pain

Select a button below What Color Amber is Most Effective? (100)

Teen & Adult Survey

Is there any gut pain? For example:

What Color Amber is Most Effective? (103) Acid Reflux
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (104) Heartburn
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (105) Constipation
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (106) Eczema
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (107) Acne
What Color Amber is Most Effective? (108) Other gut pain

Select a button below What Color Amber is Most Effective? (109)

Teen & Adult Survey

We offer a wide range of products that contain all natural Baltic Amber, Hazelwood, and other elements...

There are a variety of intended benefits, such as relief for inflammation, gut pain, and even emotional ailments. View our selection of inventory below!

All Products Stress, Anxiety, ADHD Emotional Support

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    What Color Amber is Most Effective? (2024)
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    Author: Tuan Roob DDS

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    Author information

    Name: Tuan Roob DDS

    Birthday: 1999-11-20

    Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

    Phone: +9617721773649

    Job: Marketing Producer

    Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

    Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.