What causes Fret Buzz? ... and How to Fix it! (2024)

Samuel A. Quinones II 04/03/2016 13:36

I've got a '08 ESP LTD EC-1000 ASB (Amber Sunburst) which I was using DR DBG 9-50's for over 13 years. for the past year they've become unreliable: breaking at installation, breaking when new at the nut, mid neck or at saddle... not even a handful of uses then pop! they used to be reliable and last long. I just decided to switch over to an old old friend, Ernie Ball Slinky Hybrids 9-46. My '72 Les Paul Custom took to them well not buzz... no need for adjustments. On the other hand, the ESP was ok for a day or so then began buzzing at the low-E (and A) at the nut and slightly on the 1st and 2nd frets... no other frets are affected. I believe it's the nut slotting. I think that I need to change out the nut. unless you have a better idea. I was actually going to change out to Super Slinkys 9-42s. Reasoning? DRs are expensive but lately unreliable. the smaller gauge because I just don't think the thickness anymore. My Les Paul Custom has a frozen truss rod and the fretboard is nearly flat. It was in my Dad's shed for close to 21 years without strings and in disrepair before he gave it to me. since I couldn't adjust the truss rod, I started using heavy low-E strings sets first was GHS Zakk Wylde Signature sets... really thick. I then started using DR DMG 9-50s (Dimebag Darrell Signature series) over 13 years ago, until now. my Custom is showing promise with this smaller set. I'll try the 9-42s later. Anyway, all my other guitars have taken well to this change in gauge except the ESP. If just having to take it in to the shop and see if my Tech can fix it or change out the nut, I'll do so. I'm willing to try DIY jobs. anything will help. Thank you,Samuel Q. II

Jeff Lee 04/04/2016 18:50

Hey Samuel - it sounds like your necks are back bowing a bit due to the lighter gauge strings you're using (and perhaps other factors like temperature, humidity, etc...). If it wasn't buzzing before, but then started to buzz after a string change, then I don't think it's the nut. The necks probably need a little more relief (loosen the truss rod). I encourage you to bring your guitars to a qualified guitar tech!

kenneth 05/04/2016 15:53

hello sir... Pls my guitar is realy sick... when playing on high octaves the sound is normal.. But when i play toward the head (eg) from D-A# ... the sound become tuneledd and annoying... pls help

Jeff Lee 05/06/2016 00:03

I'm not totally sure what you're describing, but it sounds like you might be getting a lot of fret buzz toward the headstock. I would check to make sure you neck is not back bowed. If it is back bowed, then you should loosen the truss rod until the neck is approximately straight, or has just a little forward bow. Then test again... Let me know how that works out for you!

Mcgeachy85 05/08/2016 06:09

I've got an ibanez electric guitar which has recently started buzzing at the 17th fret on the high E! What can be done to fix this? It only happens on that fret on the high E not anywhere else on the fretboard.

Jeff Lee 05/09/2016 17:32

If it's buzzing on the 17th fret, then the 18th fret might be lifting out of the fret slot, which would cause the 18th fret to be too high and cause fret buzz. It's also possible that the string got bent in that general area... if that's the case, then there's nothing wrong with the frets, but you can make the buzz go away by installing a new High E string.

Tyler Vilneff 05/17/2016 18:16

So I bought a new Denver DD44SL-NAT (acoustic) a few weeks ago and for some reason, I can play the A string on the 1st fret just fine, but when I play it on the other side of the fret for the A chord, it simply will not stop buzzing. Not entirely sure what's going on with that.

Jeff Lee 05/17/2016 19:05

Tyler - it sounds like your A string is buzzing when you fret at the 2nd fret. That means your 3rd fret is probably a bit taller and causing fret buzz. The first thing to do is to check if the proper amount of relief is in the neck, and then check if the 3rd fret is installed all the way down into the fretboard. If it's not, and if you're lucky, then a qualified technician or luthier might be able to simply tap that fret down with a fret setter and your problem goes away. Otherwise, you may need to invest in a fret level ($50 ~ $100 depending where you are geographically). Hope this helps! -Jeff Lee

Sebastian Vejerano 05/18/2016 21:17

I've got my acoustic for two years now and this never happened before. My G string starts buzzing whenever I press on the 2nd to 5th frets, plus, my A buzzes on the 5th. I'm starting to think that the problem's being caused by the saddle or my tuss rod. Any suggestions?

Jeff Lee 05/19/2016 13:01

Hi Sebastian - it sounds like the buzzing is isolated to specific strings and specific frets, which seems to indicate there are uneven frets on your guitar and a fret-leveling procedure would solve your problems. You could take it to a qualified guitar technician or luthier in your area to confirm! Thanks -Jeff Lee

Kyle 06/17/2016 10:47

My guitar will make a buzzing sound when I play, but it's only on the first 2 strings and on certain frets. I've been trying to figure out what causes it for a while, can anyone help?

Corbin 06/25/2016 15:12

I just bought an Epiphone les paul today. I started to play it when i went home and all of the strings are starting to buzz. They don't buzz when i play them open, only when im strumming a chord. Any ways to fix this?

Shea Beauchamp 07/05/2016 17:46

Only one of my strings buzzes and it doesnt matter what note I play or anything. Any ideas?

kashmir sumi-og 07/07/2016 03:15

My guitar is buzzing open fret at 4th string..plss help..

Jerry Palmones 07/10/2016 01:33

Just received my purchased Yamaha F310 acoustic guitar online. . . .when I play the 3-strings 1 2 & 3 (E B & G) during open chords it sound buzzing. . . . if I press them in the 1st fret, I can almost hear a dead sound. . . . but if I try to press them in the 2nd fret (or put a capo on the 2nd fret) it sound good & clear. Is this possible that the 2nd fret is taller than the other? Thanks in advance. . .

Archit 07/10/2016 12:03

hii ! i have acoustic guitar pluto39c but suddenly my B string is vibrating too much as untune what should i do plz help me

Jeff, Halo 07/20/2016 17:44

@Kyle - in response to your comment, "My guitar will make a buzzing sound when I play, but it's only on the first 2 strings and on certain frets. I've been trying to figure out what causes it for a while, can anyone help?" --- you probably have some uneven fret heights that are causing the fret buzz. I suggest taking it to a local guitar technician to be sure. Thanks!

Jeff, Halo 07/20/2016 17:44

@Shea Beauchamp - in response to your comment, "Only one of my strings buzzes and it doesnt matter what note I play or anything. Any ideas?" --- Hmm, this might not be fret buzz, then. The buzz might be caused by that one string's bridge saddle, or that one string's nut slot, and therefore it buzzes no matter where you're playing. I have a kind of wonky method for diagnosing this problem, but it might not work every time. Your mileage may vary... try loosening that string a bit so you can pull the string out of the nut slot, then place a tiny scrap of paper into the nut slot, put the string back in, tune to pitch, and see if the buzz is reduced or eliminated. If yes, then it is likely an issue with your nut slot. If no, then remove that scrap of paper, and then do the same thing, but this time at the bridge saddle side. Hope this helps! If not, you have permission to shake your fist at me.

Jeff, Halo 07/20/2016 17:45

@kashmir sumi-og - in response to your comment, "My guitar is buzzing open fret at 4th string..plss help.." --- It sounds like your 4th string slot is slightly too deep! A qualified guitar technician can fix that within 10 minutes with super glue and the dust of his/her choice. It could also be that your neck just needs to have a bit more relief (i.e. loosen the truss rod a bit).

Jeff, Halo 07/20/2016 17:45

@Jerry Palmones - in response to your comment, "Just received my purchased Yamaha F310 acoustic guitar online. . . .when I play the 3-strings 1 2 & 3 (E B & G) during open chords it sound buzzing. . . . if I press them in the 1st fret, I can almost hear a dead sound. . . . but if I try to press them in the 2nd fret (or put a capo on the 2nd fret) it sound good & clear. Is this possible that the 2nd fret is taller than the other? Thanks in advance. . ." --- If the neck is straight or has a tiny bit of relief, then yes, the 2nd fret is taller than the 1st! But, if the neck is back bowed, then you could probably solve the problems by loosening the truss rod a bit! Hope this helps!

Jeff, Halo 07/20/2016 17:47

@Archit - in response to your comment, "hii ! i have acoustic guitar pluto39c but suddenly my B string is vibrating too much as untune what should i do plz help me" --- At which fret is the B string vibrating too much?

Jeff, Halo 07/20/2016 17:48

@Corbin - in response to your comment, "I just bought an Epiphone les paul today. I started to play it when i went home and all of the strings are starting to buzz. They don't buzz when i play them open, only when im strumming a chord. Any ways to fix this?" --- it sounds like your strings don't buzz when played open because you have relatively high action at the nut. But, you start getting fret buzz when fretting because your frets are probably uneven and need to be leveled. I suggest taking it to a guitar tech to confirm. Thanks!

Tierra Brown 08/14/2016 15:19

I have an Esteban Acoustic Electric guitar and I've had it for a few months now. Every time I put the capo on the fourth fret it starts buzzing. Please help me understand why this is happening. Please.

Jeff, Halo 08/16/2016 10:34

@Tierra Brown - If it does not buzz when you fret the fourth fret with your fingers, then your capo might not have enough clamping strength. I personally use this one, and it allows for tension adjustments: http://www.planetwaves.com/pwProductDetail.Page?ActiveID=4115&productid=612&productname=NS_Tri_Action_Capo_Black. If it does buzz when you fret with your fingers, then your guitar may need a fret level!

cameron chapman 09/07/2016 11:30

i bought a new acoustic and it buzzes. the buzz comes from the butt/bridge/sound hole area not the frets. it even buzzes when my finger is on the last fret making it impossible for the string to hit the fret and buzz

*** HALO ADMIN REPLY: It's hard to diagnose this one without having the guitar in front of me! I'd suggest taking it to a qualified guitar technician or luthier... sorry I couldn't be of more help! ***

Paul Orbinson 09/17/2016 05:36

I have a buzz on B and E strings when I play a chord and begin to lift the fingers off to make another chord. (i.e.between changes) It is perfectly fine playing open strings. I have a Yamaha 705 S perfectly tuned.

*** HALO ADMIN RESPONSE: Hi Paul, it sounds like you might have some high frets that are only causing buzz when you apply less pressure to the strings. It's best to take your guitar to a qualified tech or luthier, but I'd probably start by increasing neck relief or string action a tiny bit to see if the buzz goes away. Hope this helps! ***

Ulises Arzate 11/05/2016 13:13

I have a Epiphone Pr-150-Vs and on the second fret of all strings buzz when i press down on them,no other frets do that.

Ulises arzate 11/05/2016 13:16

I have a Epiphone Pr-150-Vs and the string buzz on the 2 fret,no other fret but the second,And also all the strings do.I asking for your reconmindation for what to do

[ HALO ADMIN RESPONSE: I recommend taking your guitar to a guitar technician or luthier so he/she can level your frets and eliminate your fret buzz! ]

Achu 12/10/2016 01:02

I have an Ibanez electric around 10months old.When winter began, the first string started buzzing on 2nd fret. Can this be corrected at screws on the saddle?Please help.

[HALO ADMIN RESPONSE: It sounds like you need to loosen the truss rod. I suggest reading the article to understand what's going on, then you can be equipped to solve the issue. Thanks!

Hailey goedert 12/26/2016 17:05

I'm having problems with buzzing of the bass note. It sounds fine when no finger is on it but when I apply pressure it buzzes and vibrates making the note sound scratchy can you help?

HALO ADMIN RESPONSE: It sounds like you may need a "fret level." I suggest taking it to your local guitar repair shop for an assessment. Thanks

Eric J. Nilsson 02/14/2017 19:47

Jeff- I am trying to figure out if my action might be too high.To avoid string buzz, I need to get all my fingers really close to the fret but not touching. Playing an AM chord involves using a 2 1 3 rather than 123 fingering with my 1st finger jammed in at an angle to get closer to the fret to prevent buzzing. When I press down very firmly behind the 1st and the opposite side of the 20th (last) frets of each string (one at a time) and use a spare finger to gently strum the string softly, I can produce a non-buzzing tone on the thinner strings. I can do the same with the thicker strings at the 19th fret unless I play very softly. I'm guessing my frets are even and I do not have back bow. (I can strum all open strings vigorously with no buzzing at all.) Do I need to tighten the truss rod slightly to give it less bow or is it OK where it is?

Jesse 04/03/2017 11:53

I bought a fender electro acoustic guitar .at first it was playing beautifully for a couple of weeks .one day 1st string started buzzing . I've noticed the string was low and was touching all the freds along the neck. The other strings were fine.

Pete 04/05/2017 07:26

I have a Santa Cruz 000 12 fret that has a buzz when I fret the 1st string, second fret, most often when I'm in drop-D tuning. I've adjusted the relief and that helps to get the string just on the verge of buzzing. But action is higher than I'd like.I also have a nearly identical 00 12 fret that plays great. I've compared the two. String height at the nut is comparable. The relief on the 000 is actually a bit more than the 00. I have put a slightly heavier 1st string on the 000 (0.013 instead of 0.012). The 000 is right at the verge, so I'm hesitant to take the action down.I recently put a capo on the second fret of both guitars and measured the height at the 3rd and 4th frets. The 000 measures .010 and .022, respectively. The 00 measures .007 and .010. So it would seem that the buzz is not on the near frets. Is it possible for the buzz to be at the other end; something going on at the saddle? Thanks for your thoughts.

HALO ADMIN RESPONSE: I'd use this fret rocker to identify which fret is actually higher and causing the buzz. From what you describe, I'd guess your 000's 3rd fret wire is a bit high. If the buzz only occurs at that string and fret, then I'd guess the cause of the buzz is not due to the nut or the saddle. A good technician or luthier should be able to identify the problem within minutes. Hope this helps! -Jeff Lee

Prashant Sharma 04/12/2017 08:19

The fret board of my guitar Is cracked from the behind.. And I have to put more pressure on the strings how to fix it now

Dixie Normous 04/19/2017 14:47

I think my guitar is broken, it buzzes of i play low e past 6th fret please heelp

Kyle 07/30/2017 01:26

Just wanted to say I came here because my e string started buzzing out of nowhere and looking though what others have been asking I found the problem. It's the nut. Off the get it fixed by pro. Just wanted to say thanks

HALO ADMIN RESPONSE: You are welcome, my friend. - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Marc Olsen 09/06/2017 16:39

I have the problem of one fret on the G string *ahem* on the 14th fret that sounds dead. And it doesn't sound nice at all. How can I fix this? Is it just a case of adjusting the block on the but forward or perhaps backwards. It is the only place on the whole neck that does this. Please can someone help me!

Marc Olsen 09/06/2017 16:45

I have a problem where one fret buzzes and sounds dead on the 14th fret, G string.Only place on whole fretboard. Is it just a case of adjusting that screw on the nut to move the block forward maybe, or backwards. Or am I in major trouble?Please help me!

HALO ADMIN RESPONSE: I'd try installing a new string and if that doesn't improve things, then you may need to get your frets leveled by a guitar technician or luthier. Hope this helps!

Ashlie 10/23/2017 15:36

The G string on my bass buzzes, and whenever I use the first fret on this string it goes a whole step not a half step

HALO ADMIN RESPONSE: This is likely due to an extremely high fret, which requires a fret leveling procedure. Hope this helps! - Jeff, Halo

Aditya Rai 12/17/2017 00:15

Hi. The problem with my guitar is that the first string has a buzz when I play it in 1st and 2nd fret. It plays fine open and the other frets. It's just the 1-2 frets. Any suggestions? I live in a pretty cold place where temps drop till 5°C during winters. Also it had been almost a month that I haven't played the guitar. Any suggestion would help a lot. Thanks in advance.

HALO ADMIN RESPONSE: It sounds like the 3rd fret might be too high, or your neck is back bowed. I suggest going through the steps mentioned in the blog post to pin point the issue. Hope this helps! - Jeff Lee, Halo

Nathan Asbury 12/28/2017 21:37

Please help me I’ve tried everything I can. I just got a brand new $2000 tele, and it buzzes everywhere on the first 3 strings. I put a slight bow in the neck like you told me to in the post, my action is as high as it can go, my nut isn’t the problem because the strings don’t buzz when I play open. I’m just at a loss! It can’t be that the Greta are uneven because it’s a brand new guitar that cost me $2000! Is there anything else that can cause this problem?

HALO ADMIN RESPONSE: There are only two other factors I can think of at the moment - (1) an astronomically high fret or (2) a very mangled set of first 3 strings (have you tried changing the strings?) - Jeff Lee, Halo

Sumit 12/29/2017 14:48

Hey!I own a jackson i am having a problem with my B string It look like its not sounding properly its not the freet buzz for sure and may be its the saddle problem It sound like rattling or if u know sitar an Indian instrument it sound like it Dont know how to deal with it Shoud i adjust trust rod or should change the saddle??

HALO ADMIN RESPONSE: Sounds like the string could be buzzing in either the nut slot or the saddle. A guitar technician should be able to resolve the issue very quickly for you. Hope this helps! - Jeff Lee, Halo

Jeff 01/08/2018 14:01

Informative stuff in this forum so I'll add my problem: Recently restrung my Ibanez acoustic and it sounds fine except for anything played on the 6th fret. Right across the board, from Low to High E, I get a buzz that seems to be localized towards the saddle. Prior to the restringing, I don't recall having this issue. While I'll most likely end up taking it to my local guitar shop, any info or suggestions would be appreciated. And for what it's worth, I have an extra saddle piece that was included with the guitar when I purchased it.Thanks for your help...

HALO ADMIN RESPONSE: If you're getting buzz across the board when fretting at the 6th fret, then the 7th fret is probably too high and needs to be leveled. Where did the extra saddle piece come from? Was it from underneath the saddle and came out during the re-string? Because that might have been a saddle shim that increased the break angle of the string over the saddle, which could explain why there is buzzing at the saddle. Hard to say without having the guitar handy, but I hope this helps! - Jeff Lee, Halo

Miguel 01/18/2018 12:49

Hi, I recently bought a Martin GPCRSTG, I noticed it buzzes on the 6 string, 5 string and 2 string, it buzzes when strumming as well when I play a fingerpicking song, really don´t know what to do. The guitar is new, only 1 week I have played it

HALO ADMIN RESPONSE: Hi Miguel - it sounds like your guitar could use a setup and/or fret level. I suggest taking it to a guitar repair shop for assessment. Thanks! - Jeff Lee, Halo

JT Manley 01/21/2018 14:42

so a while back, i bought a brand new Gibson Les Paul. the guitar is absolutely gorgeous and takes center spot amongst my other guitars. i love it. however, it buzzes on the 6th and 5t string (E and A in standard tune). i took it to guitar center and they told me strumming to hard can make it buzz like it does. weird thing is, neither of my other guitars buzz when i strum and they're way older than my Les Paul. any idea on whats causing the buzzing on just one of my guitars and not all of them?

ROHIT 01/29/2018 09:13

i’ve changed my guitar strings my G is showing Awhat might be the problem

Fabio 02/16/2018 12:09

Hi! i've just adquire a brand new Ibanez Jem. It was fretting on the 3rd fret, both 1st and 6th strings. I took it to the luthier to fret level my guitar, adjust relief and action and change new stings (.9-.42). After i toom the guitar to my house i noticed there is only fret buzz on the 6th string, on the same 3rd fret (not on the 1st string anymore). Do u have any ideas? Or its just because of the new strings?

haleygm 02/22/2018 16:57

I've only been playing for about 2 months and the G string on my ukulele is buzzing and I can't find what's wrong with it. It buzzes anytime I strum it no matter what. The worse spot is when I strum in the middle. Do you know what's wrong with it? *PLS HELP.*

Rylen 03/06/2018 17:33

My guitar buzzes when I play c,f,am,em but it doesn't when I play g??????

Jakub 04/04/2018 16:25

Hi Halo Guitars! My low E buzzes pretty much all along the fretboard on stationary notes but especially when I'm sliding my finger. I checked for relief, and the distance between low E and 10th fret seems to be smaller than in the case of high E (the saddle height is set properly, anything higher would be too high. Is this normal or does that mean that the neck is warped? The string sits deep in the nut, but so do the others and I'm getting little (A) to no buzz on them. Some frets are flat on top, but again, only low E is affected.It's an old guitar of mine that I "resurrected" recently and put new strings on so I don't quite remember if it used to buzz that much but I think it didn't. I'll be taking it to a luthier anyway but I'm curious about this string-fret clearance for low and high E.Thanks in advance for any help!

HALO ADMIN RESPONSE: Using a string to check relief is only an approximation. It's best to ask your luthier to check the relief with a true straight edge on the Low E side of the fretboard against the High E side to see what the difference is. If there is significant and measurable difference, then this usually indicates the neck is twisted, unfortunately.

JRae 04/12/2018 11:40

My guitar is buzzing a lot. All the strings buzz if I strum, even when I’m I’m not making any chords or anything. It is very annoying. Please help!

HALO ADMIN RESPONSE: It sounds like your guitar could be back bowed, please refer to the blog article above for help. Thanks!

Fred Kelly 04/15/2018 22:22

I have a older model of squire strat and every time I fret anything on the third and fourth fret it completely buzzes out the note ive tried having the neck adjusted but nothing happened. (It was my grandfathers and he thinks he damaged the fret when he tried to use a mic stand as a slide) I am thinking about replaceing the neck but I want a second opinion

HALO ADMIN RESPONSE: It probably just needs a fret level, not an entirely new neck! - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Reinhardt 05/05/2018 23:09

Hi Jeff I bought a shecter sgr solo 2 electric guitar a few days ago and only the G string started to buzz I have tried to adjust the truss rod check the action height and try to adjust the bridge but the G string is still buzzing on the first fret when I play the string open any advice on how I could get the string to stop buzzing

Halo Admin Response: Hi Reinhardt - if the G string buzzes when played open, then it could be that the nut slot for that string is cut too deep, or the neck is back bowed and you need to loosen the truss rod to give it more relief. It's also possible that both of these things are happening at the same time! Thanks - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Karla 07/06/2018 01:06

Hey! I wanted to ask.. I have a classical guitar.. and there was nothing wrong until I played the E string on the 7 freth and the open D string together, I hear the D string buzzing and I don’t know why, only when those two notes sound together, help please!!!!

Jac 07/31/2018 13:50

Hi Halo, Could you address the last fret on a fretboard? I've had really good result with fret rocker and fixing issues with high spots, scratches, buzzes, string bend, etc. My question is regarding how can you determine how high or low, the very last fret on the fretboard is with the all around buzz and timbre of the guitar. Is this a common issue on older guitars that may have not had a complete fret level. Can one finely file or sand down the last fret without issues. Or what do your commonly recommend? Thanks very much!

Swenyee 08/05/2018 08:34

The guitar I had bought recently started buzzing when I play any note on the guitar on any fret, even open strings. So is there any way you know how to fix this?

HALO: Sounds like the neck is back bowed. I'd try loosening the truss rod! - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Epifanio Canta 09/17/2018 08:03

I would like to ask. when i put my finger on the low e string at the 7th fret and play open d string, the low e string produces buzzing sound. i try to adjust the truss rod and level up frets but still the buzzing sound could be hear. can anybody could help me please.!!! thanks

HALO: I'm not sure what's going on there... best to take it to a qualified guitar repair shop or luthier!

PJ Johnson 10/01/2018 06:37

do these solutions apply to bass guitar's also?

HALO: Yes, the same principles and solutions apply to bass guitars as well!

Jonathon B Cole 10/12/2018 06:13

Okay, My D-String on my acoustic guitar is buzzing whenever it is played from open to second fret, but as far as I can tell it's not buzzing against a fret. I've sat this thing on a table and looked that the fret as the string vibrates and it does not touch a fret bar. The only thing I haven't tried is the fret leveling because that doesn't seem to be the problem. Any ideas?

Jonathon B Cole 10/12/2018 06:19

Correction, now D, A, and Low E strings are buzzing, but as far as I can tell it's not one of the issues shown in the images you guys posted in the article.

Bill 02/26/2019 08:00

Hello. All of my strings work just fine expect from the D string when I play the 3rd fret. The 2nd and 4th fret work just fine. Note: When I first got the guitar I had 11 gazed strings and the buzz appeared only when I mistakenly changed the set to 9 gazed strings...I changed them after 3 months ( both sets ) and now I have 10 gazed strings

HALO: Hi Bill, it sounds like you have a high spot on your 4th fret wire in the area of the D string. You might be able to get rid of it by adding more relief into your neck, since the relief in your neck was probably reduced as a result of the lighter string gauge you changed to. Hope this helps! Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Brian 03/16/2019 14:42

Hello, have a situation thats hard to describe but would love so much to fix this. The guitar is a Washburn acoustic, Koa wood model, with great tones for the price paid. There is a quick "buzz" or slapping sound on the 5th & 6th strings, midrange (from 6th fret upward) only when pressing the string down; e.g. playing a scale from high to low strings. When I press 5th/6th midrange the sound comes; but only if there is not a finger on the string already...e.g. if it is a hammer on from 5 to 7 frets the sound doesn't come along the whole fret fret board, but if it is a hammer on from open string to 6th fret upward there is this slapping sound or short buzz. I can go up the fret board on these strings chromatically without any buzzing.Can get this to stop with small neck adjustment and less desired action, but would prefer to try something to keep the current action and rid this noise.Thank you.

Harry 03/20/2019 10:17

is strings vibrating more than once good

Kritagya Agarwal 03/21/2019 22:42

I recently bought a new Fender FA-115 from amazon. The guitar is in perfect condition but the D string and A strings are buzzing whenever I play a chord. This doesn't happen while playing tabs. I checked for the relief and made right using an Allen Key provided with the guitar. But I'm not able to figure out why the buzz is still there.

James 03/23/2019 06:14

Hi I play my guitar every day I have recently moved into a high rise flat my guitar was fine yesterday but today when I press the twelfth fret it sounds dead with a bit of buzz I don't understand how it can change so quickly do you have any advice on what could have caused it

John Lang 04/29/2019 10:43

I just bought a second hand mm stingray sub and it rattles on the third fret and also the notes don’t get lower at the proper pitch between the third fret and the first. Please help!

Sandeep Bhardwaj 05/16/2019 19:25

I play my guitar regularly and my strings are always tuned. But now when I play open chords- Emin, Amin, Cmaj, Amaj, etc. My guitar produces buzz sound. Even if I play each string open about second fret, all my strings touch the third fret as well. Rest is all fine. I have problem on second fret only.It would be great if you provided needed help.

Alex Gols 05/24/2019 01:21

My guitar was so sick. My string is buzzing even I don't use chords or something , just normally played it. Shall I adjust the action or something more?

Dev xetri 05/27/2019 19:56

My guitars string (E) 10th 11th and 2nd string are not workingI am a beginner and can't fix itPlease help?

Brian McG 05/30/2019 02:24

I've done a set up on a Martin acoustic. Changed the nut, then lowered the action to something a bit better. Having checked action, slot depths, saddle heights all the way along, I can't believe a buzz on 5th string from fret 4 to fret 9 and nowhere else and on no other string! I also tried the bit of paper test in the nut slot and on the saddle. No difference. Any suggestions?

Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars 06/10/2019 10:31

Whoops, I haven't responded in a while. Apologies. @Brian - apart from what you've already mentioned, you could also try a higher tension string to reduce oscillation. @Harry - sorry, I'm not sure what you mean.@Kritagya - sounds like your frets are uneven and need to be leveled. @James - if it's not caused by anything mentioned in the article, then you might have banged the string against something (while moving), which created a small kink or deformation in the string, which now causes fret buzz. I'd try installing new strings to see if it goes away.@John - it sounds like you need to get your instrument properly set up to correct the pitch issues (intonation). The fret buzz might go away after the instrument is set up. If it doesn't, then you'll need to get the fret leveled.

Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars 06/10/2019 10:31

@Sandeep - your guitar neck is probably back bowed and needs the truss rod to be loosened.@Alex - I suggest bringing it in to a technician to get a proper setup.@Dev - I suggest bringing it in to a technician to get a proper setup.@Brian - if the setup was done properly and the frets are level... and it still buzzes, then you could increase relief, action and string gauge until it goes away. But, it will just be less comfortable to play, unfortunately

debbie 06/12/2019 19:20

I have a custom electric guitar. The low E string has a buzz every time it is fretted. When played open it sounds good. But regardless of which fret I play, the low E will buzz every time.

Nethan Paul 06/19/2019 01:08

I have started my new guitar repairing shop. I can play guitar but not a professional or an experienced guitarist. As I have just started repairing and yesterday also fixed guitar tuner buttons for the Gibson guitar. Now I am just searching for more repairing job done by the technicians to enhance my knowledge. Thanks for sharing this post.

Harold Carr 06/19/2019 03:26

The high e string on my cheap indonesian electric buzzes (will barely sound a note, actually) from the 3rd fret up, completely useless. The rest of the strings sound just fine. I can't figure it out.

Jeff, Halo 07/13/2019 15:29

@debbie - it sounds like the action may be too low at the bridge.

@Nethan - glad to share.

@Harold - it sounds like the action may be too low at the bridge.

Romel Angeles 08/07/2019 01:28

Hi,Why does my guitar buzzes when hammered open string?My guitar, Art & Luthrie by Godin.Thanks,Romel

@Romel Angeles - your guitar neck might need more relief! - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Shilpa Yadav 08/23/2019 10:48

Hii! I just bought a new Cort Ad810 acoustic guitar. It was working fine, but after tuning, the bass strings (EA) are getting fret buzz on open strumming, most likely near the fingerboard. What can be the reason? Plz help me.

@Shilpa Yadav - you might need to give the neck more relief! - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

John Brown 09/07/2019 03:07

I have started my new guitar repairing shop. I can play guitar but not a professional or an experienced guitarist. As I have just started repairing and yesterday also fixed guitar tuner buttons for the Gibson guitar. Now I am just searching for more repairing job done by the technicians to enhance my knowledge. Thanks for sharing this post. Thank You!

@John Brown - very cool! All the best, - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Shawna Bradford 09/15/2019 13:32

Hi, I have a decent understanding of guitar mechanics, but my old Les Paul Studio mystifies me.I fear my frets after 15+ years of use are worn and uneven. Even with what looks to be (when sighting down the neck) a decent amount of relief, the tonal quality of fretted notes past say, the 9th fret on up, is sort of dull. The guitar had always had a kind of chimey, bell like quality in its clean tones (selector in center position) that I've always enjoyed. Now, the sustain feels slighty less? And the clear, treblely ringing quality seems absent. This is with new strings and what I feel is a decent amount of neck relief. Could it be string height? I don't feel the strings are excessively low. In fact, I wouldn't want them any higher. All I can guess is the frets are worn out?Shawna

@Shawna Bradford - Hmm... it sounds like you're referring to the clean tones when plugged in to an amp. I'm not entirely sure how to pinpoint the cause of this issue. But, I wouldn't look to the frets as being the cause before ruling out other factors like the pickup selector switch, pickups, wiring and other stuff related to the electronics. Probably best to take this guitar to a qualified guitar tech for an inspection. Hope this helps! - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Nethan Paul 09/16/2019 03:11

A good article to know on fret height and string action. This is a very important factor for a guitar. I am a guitar lover and also have an old Epiphone guitar. Recently I have to replace guitar neck screws and for this, it is very important to know the mode of action of different parts of a guitar. I am really benefited from this content and very confident to replace the neck screws.

Nathan 01/15/2020 11:25

I have a mitchell md-100 acoustic that started to get fret buzz on the high E string at the 12th and 13th fret after a change of strings. I'm not sure if I need a truss rod adjustment, or if the nut is too worn down. It doesn't look like it, to me at least. The last set of strings I had on it didn't buzz at all.

@Nathan - if you changed to a lighter gauge set of strings, then the action decreases across the board (ever so slightly). This slight decrease in action might have been enough to cause some fret buzz in those areas you described. Another possibility is that the frets lifted a little out of their slots and that's causing the buzz. I'd start be ensuring the neck has enough relief and then address the fret heights after that. Hope this helps! - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Korie 03/04/2020 13:11

My guitar first fret Is giving the same sound as an open string no matter wah I do or how I tune, what do I do?

john robinson 05/01/2020 09:10

i brought a brand new tanglewood model tw4 acoustic ,6 string 2 months ago, today playing the high e -string f ok , f# & g sound the same every other strings ok . any ideas.

Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars 05/01/2020 15:10

john robinson: i brought a brand new tanglewood model tw4 acoustic ,6 string 2 months ago, today playing the high e -string f ok , f# & g sound the same every other strings ok . any ideas.

@john robinson - I think you're saying that when you play the F# (2nd fret) on the High E string, it rings out a G note. If this is the case, then your guitar's 3rd fret wire is very high and needs to be brought back down to the same height as the neighboring frets. A qualified technician can probably do this with a fret setter or doing some fret leveling there.

Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars 05/01/2020 15:16

Korie:My guitar first fret Is giving the same sound as an open string no matter wah I do or how I tune, what do I do?

@Korie - there are a few possible reasons for this issue. (1) your neck is severely back bowed (2) the nut slots are cut way too deep (3) the first fret is way too high. It could be a little bit of all the above. Best to take it to a qualified guitar technician to get it diagnosed. Or you can read the blog article above and diagnose it on your own. Hope this helps!

Cheryl A Santos 05/02/2020 00:51

Thank you for this information. I appreciate all the questions and answers too.

john robinson 05/03/2020 09:23

i want to thank you for your quick reply ,well this is what i did , i turned the truss rod a quarter of a turn towards the low e -string ,seems to have worked .thank you again ,stay safe .

Gio antoine 05/04/2020 00:44

i have a stratocaster copy and i have performed a full fret leveling. my problem is that all the frets are buzzing. how do i fix this?

@Gio Antoine - Assuming your frets are level and the neck has the proper amount of relief, it’s probably that your action at the bridge is too low that is causing all the frets to buzz. Hope this helps - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Deven K. 05/06/2020 15:35

I, being a beginner, have a squire. For my Low E string, I get a buzz from the 5th fret to the 7th fret. Any advice?

@Deven - Cool! I played on a Squier when I was a beginner, too. Sounds like you could have some high spots on your 6th, 7th and 8th frets. Hope this helps! - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Josh 06/22/2020 01:30

I have an Epiphone Les Paul Custom Pro and while I love the hell out of that guitar, I have some questions. The higher frets (specifically the 17th fret of my d string) is giving me more fret buzz even with the action a bit high. Any way to fix this? Or should I just take it to a shop and just have it set up? If I do, how much, approximately, will that run me?

@Josh - that's pretty high up on the neck for fret buzz. So, it probably means the 18th fret is really high. A setup might not get rid of the fret buzz since you already have the action a bit high. I'd take it to a shop. They might be able to tap the 18th fret back down into the fret slot (if it's lifted out), or they might need to perform a fret level. Pricing really varies based on where you're located, but around here, a setup is around $75, tapping a fret back into place might be free, and a fret level is around $100. Hope this helps! - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Al K. 08/03/2020 21:23

Hi Jeff, what an amazing read!I've got a classical Alhambra 5p guitar and have a weird buzz, weird because it only appears if I play both 1st and 6th string on the 3rd fret at the same time, and not any other note, combination or condition. What could be the cause if the problem has such specific conditions?

Hi Al - that is a really interesting phenomenon. Since the guitar doesn't buzz in any other scenario, it could be due to how the notes are being played (fretting pressure combined with plucking force). This is really just a guess, though. Assuming everything about the frets and the setup on the guitar are proper, I'd try a new set of strings with heavier tension (so the neck will get a tiny bit more relief) to try and get rid of that buzz. Maybe the extra relief will be just enough for the buzz to go away. If heavier strings aren't an option, then it might be time to increase the action a bit. Hope this helps and hope you can get it fixed! - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

RJames 10/29/2020 17:47

I have a strat that plays great with just a bit of relief, except for the 6 string which buzzes from the 5th fret on up, and gets progressively worse as you fret the string towards the bridge. Adding more relief doesn't help very much, and it raises the action of the strings too much for the guitar. The over all action on the guitar isn't that low, and the string height on the 6th string is just a midge over 4/64th at the 12th fret (no capo) and the string is not bent. To add insult to injury, the guitar was just plek'd so the frets should be level (and look level on my straight edge). What's going on here?

Hi Rjames - 4/64ths is a bit low for our standards. Maybe try increasing the action to at least 5/64ths? Apart from that, the source of your fret buzz is hard to diagnose. Since you just got it plek'd, I'd say take it back to whoever plek'd it and they can take a closer look. Hope this helps! - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Brandon Hachey 11/09/2020 19:01

I have a bass which is buzzing only on the G string, really bad around the 6th fret (it's almost dead at this point). Would that be a relief issue, or possibly a twisted neck? It seems strange it is only that string, which makes me think a twist.


Hi Brandon, if the fret buzz occurs when you play the 6th fret, then the 7th fret is high. Determining what is causing it to be high is the next step. It could be that the 7th fret is high due to the fret lifting out of the fret slot at that precise location. Or, it could be a twist or warp in the neck. Or it could be both. Best to take it to a guitar tech or luthier. Hope this helps! - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Nathan J Brahm 12/04/2020 16:52

My guitar has a buzz on the b string. It generally happens when I play d chord. I have had my buddy who is a union musician restring after adjusting neck. Just trying to figure what I can do.


Hi Nathan, if your B string is buzzing when you play a D chord, then it could be that the 4th fret wire is a bit high. It could probably use a setup and possibly a fret level as well. Best to take it to a guitar technician or luthier. Hope this helps! - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Brandon Vanattan 12/11/2020 13:49

Hello, im hoping you can help me sort out a problem. I have a tele copy kit im working on with a hardtail bridge.Without a shim- regardless of what i do with the saddles or truss rod i end up with fret buzz from 1-5. Smallest shim possible on headstock side- action is enormously high regardless of what i do with the saddles or truss rod for relief. No buzz. Shim at body side- action is a little better than original, still not great and end up with a bit of buzzing again at frets 1-3. It seems to me no matter what i do to balance the relief problem the neck has without a shim i create more problems. Any suggestions?

Hi Brandon - the first thing it to check if the frets themselves are level. Once that has been done, it should just be a matter of dialing in the setup with the shim, truss rod, nut, and saddles. Hope this helps! - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Selma K. 12/27/2020 18:56

Hello! I just got a gutair two days ago and i know much about them. Im not sure if its fret buzz or something else, but every time I strum on a string, all the others sound aswell. For example, if i use the 6th string the 1st one makes a sound aswell. I have no clue what it is or if its normal and i dont know anyone who can help me. The sound is quieter but still a bit noticable (atleast to me.) is there anything i can do about it?

Hi Selma - it could be that the guitar you have is very resonant, to the point that one string's vibration causes neighboring strings to vibrate as well. Not really too sure. Best to demonstrate this issue to a guitar tech or luthier so they can see and hear what's going on more precisely. Hope this helps! - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Price B. 12/29/2020 16:31

Ello, so i just got my first electric a few days ago and im experiencing fret buzz around the first fret on the low E and A strings. Being so close to the headstock I'm not sure if its an issue with the nut, the truss rod, or a high 1st fret. Any idea what my issue is and or what I should do to fix it?

Hi Price - if the buzz is on the 1st fret, then it probably means the 2nd fret is high. The buzz could potentially go away with a truss rod adjustment (loosen it to give more relief). Hope this helps! - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Ethan G. 05/31/2021 14:45

Hi, I have an Epiphone LP Standard that I bought used and the strings seem to be buzzing about after the 12th fret. What would you recommend to deal with this? Could raising the action or filing the high frets solve it? Or maybe something else?Thanks!

First determine the cause of the fret buzz, then deal with it accordingly. Raising the action or leveling the frets could solve the problem, but it might not solve the underlying cause of the problem. Hope this helps. -Halo

Kayla Trevillian 12/01/2021 16:00

Hi! So I just got a Ibanez Bass and the string is making that annoying sound and hitting the frets when I play it but I don’t know if I should tighten the strings or if there is a different problem. Also If I do need to tighten the strings where would I tighten them? Thank you :)

Hi Kayla - the first step is to get the bass is tune. If there is still buzz after that, then you'll want to go through the steps laid out in the blog article to determine what the cause is. Assuming there is an issue, I encourage you to take the instrument to a qualified guitar technician or luthier to get it fixed. Thanks and good luck - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Daren 05/29/2022 20:43

I’ve got a confusing buzz on my ES335 on my high E string from the 6th fret all the way to the 22nd fret. There is a little relief in the neck and the action is pretty standard. I’m not sure where to start in fixing it. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I was thinking of starting with raising the action just a little bit on the high side of the bridge.

Hi Daren - if the relief and action is pretty standard, then sometimes the buzz can come from the bridge saddle... it couldbe time to take it into a guitar tech or luthier. Hope this help, - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Rick Carter 07/02/2022 08:24

I just picked up a Squier Affinity Tele and took care to do what I thought was a decent setup. However, past the 12th fret I get string buzz across all strings. could it be the higher frets are all too tall? would taking just a scooch off all the frets fix it? Neck has only a slight bit of relief and plays really well all the way up to the 12th fret.

Hi Rick - I'd check to see if the action isn't too low at the 17th fret. Uneven frets that high up on the fretboard need to be very uneven to cause buzz across all strings... For reference, we don't go much lower than around 0.055" at the 17th fret for the high E and around 0.085" for the low E. Hope this helps! -Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Ray Lynch 11/02/2022 21:46

Great article. Lots of really useful info with everything well explained. Also, no B/S.

Radovan Uhler 11/13/2022 10:47

Hi, thanks for this article. I have a Maton acoustic guitar, EBG 808 artist model. Simply perfect model, great sound etc.. BUT at my preferred setting of the guitar action (1,25 mm high e and 1,75 low E) it makes a buzzing, it is not exactly typical buzzing rather the jingly sharp sound. It is only on a second string - B string at the first 4 frets, especially 2nd, 3rd fret once the string is hit more agressively with the finger or plectrum. I tried to give it to a luthier but I guess he is not so experienced to find the exact cause of the problem. He has just polished the frets and set the neck with the truss rod. I was not very satisfied with his job done. Now I try not to play very hard.

Hi Radovan - sounds like the frets may be uneven or the neck could use a tiny bit more relief; perhaps try another luthier or repair shop? - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Anthony Marotti 02/17/2023 02:55

Hey Jeff,I have an issue with an Epiphone Les Paul that's driving me mad. The LP has what sounds like a faint fret buzz on the low E and A strings. I can't pinpoint the exact location.Out of the box the frets were so bad I had to level them. Now they are perfectly level to each other, using a good fret rocker. I took extra care in crowning the frets to avoid any intonation problems.I have used .003" relief, up to, and beyond the factory suggested .012", and I've used action at the 12th fret of 4/64" up to more than 6/64". I cut a new nut fairly low, but using a capo on the first fret should take that out of the equation.I used 3 different bridges, and adjusted the tailstock at varying heights.and if I pick the string in a slightly upward manner, or just go REAL light on the picking, it doesn't buzz.I don't see any twist in the neck, but my measuring techniques may be inadequate.Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.Anthony

Hi Anthony - not too sure on this one, sorry! Might be time to bring the guitar to a qualified guitar tech or luthier fora 2nd opinion. - Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

Cliff Moyce 08/30/2023 18:36

Great article. I’ve been battling buzzing on the treble strings of my Epiphone Les Paul, plus a dead zone above the 17th fret (almost certainly caused by a up-slope on the fingerboard at the body). I took it to two luthiers: one left the guitar unplayable by fitting a new nut with slots cut to 50% of the factory specs; by setting the action very low; and, by tightening the truss rod to give me a completely flat neck. The other rubbed down the last few frets and asked for three figures in return! So, I took it back; read your article; fitted a Tusq nut cut to factory specs; gave the neck some relief; and, experimented with bridge and string heights. All strings were fine now (at least up to the 17th fret), apart from the high E string. When I put my ear to the guitar I came to your last bit of advice - uneven frets. In my case frets 2-8 were very uneven and the source of the continued buzzing. Next job: fret levelling!

Hi Cliff - glad the article was helpful! If the budget allows, we highly recommend purchasing some specialized fret leveling tools to make the job more precise and efficient. Good luck, have fun!

Chuck 04/11/2024 18:17

Hi Jeff -Here's one for you.The buzzing challenge on my Ibanez electric takes place on the 2nd or 3rd string (varies which one, which is curious in itself) when the string is played OPEN! When fretting, there is NO buzzing. I've looked for resonances (springs, bridge, etc) to no avail. I'm about at wits end. Any suggestions? Thanks, Chuck

Hi Chuck - I'd see if the neck is back bowed. If it's not, then I'd see if the nut slots are cut too deep/low on the 2nd and 3rd strings, which would cause them to buzz against the 1st fret (when played open). I had this happen on my acoustic guitar and put apiece of gum wrapper in the nut slot to shim that one string up a bit. The buzz went away and it was helpful in a pinch (obviously, gum wrapper is not a real fix). Hope this helps! -Jeff Lee, Halo Custom Guitars

What causes Fret Buzz? ... and How to Fix it! (2024)
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