What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (2024)

Last updated on May 23, 2024

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Product design is a competitive and creative field that requires a combination of skills, knowledge, and passion. If you want to stand out as a product designer, you need to showcase your unique value proposition, your problem-solving abilities, and your user-centric approach. In this article, we will share some tips on how to make yourself stand out as a product designer, whether you are looking for a new job, a promotion, or a freelance project.

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  • Laura Baker Global Design Director @ Fearless™

    What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (7) 9

  • Aayush Verma Lead Product Designer @ Enumerate.ai | Helping brands to enhance their User Experience | Mentoring Designers in Shaping…

    What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (9) What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (10) 7

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1 Build your portfolio

Your portfolio is your most powerful tool to demonstrate your product design skills and experience. It should include your best projects, your design process, your outcomes, and your learnings. Your portfolio should tell a story of how you identified a problem, researched the user needs, generated ideas, prototyped solutions, tested them, and iterated on them. Your portfolio should also reflect your personality, your style, and your vision as a product designer.

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    Your number one goal with the portfolio is to get the first interview. How might you drum up interest and get the hiring manager excited by the prospect of working with you?General things to keep in mind throughout:- Storytelling: Have you crafted a compelling narrative to describe your work, your career and why you’re a good fit for this role?- Easy to scan: Is your portfolio easy to understand at a quick glance?- Brand: What type of design do you specialize in? What are your strengths? What’s unique about you? Can you communicate your value clearly?Watch out for these:Read it out loud to find mistakes, check punctuation like quotes and dashes, explain any short forms so everyone understands, make sure all web links work.


    What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (22) What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (23) What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (24) 20

  • Laura Baker Global Design Director @ Fearless™
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    I'd echo what has been said here but one thing I'd add when thinking about your portfolio is how you can show a bit of you and your personality in it. Maybe it is your values, your interests, your goals etc could be anything but ultimately you are hiring a person not a robot so it is always nice to be able to see the type of person that might be coming into the team and if it could be a fit.


    What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (33) 9

  • Aayush Verma Lead Product Designer @ Enumerate.ai | Helping brands to enhance their User Experience | Mentoring Designers in Shaping Tomorrow's Products | Follow to Learn the Art of Designing for Behavioural Change
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    A well-crafted portfolio not only showcases your skills but also communicates the story behind each project, offering a holistic view of your capabilities as a product designer.Showcase Best Projects: Populate your portfolio with your most impactful and successful projects that showcase your diverse skills and experiences as a product designer.Storytelling: Craft a narrative for each project, detailing how you identified problems, conducted user research, generated ideas, prototyped solutions, tested them, and iterated based on feedback.Design Process: Illustrate your design process by including key elements such as wireframes, prototypes, and final products, providing a comprehensive view of your approach and methodology.


    What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (42) What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (43) 5

  • Rafiqur Rahman Project Manager | Product Designer | SaaS | UI/UX
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    Remember, your portfolio is presenting yourself. Craft it with care...Crafting your Story: Each project in your portfolio is like a new chapter in your workbook. Begin with an engaging introduction—share the problem you are attempting to solve. Dive into showing your design process. Explain how you tackled challenges, the decisions you made, and the reason behind your designs. It will show your problem-solving process.Craft a Visual Identity: Make sure your portfolio itself is a testament to your design sensibilities. Pay attention to layout, use high-quality images, and ensure it's easy to navigate. Update Regularly: Treat your portfolio like a living document. As you work on more projects, update it after completing each project.


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  • Kartik Deore🌟 Industrial, Strategic and User Experience Designer I Concept Developer I Design Researcher I Behavioral Psychology Practitioner
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    Distinctive Portfolio:Showcase diverse, impactful projects.Highlight your role, problem-solving, and project impact.Unique Design Style:Cultivate a standout, evolving design style.Master Tools:Excel in industry-standard design tools.Stay Trendy:Stay current with design trends.User-Centric Approach:Prioritize user-centered design principles.Clear Communication:Communicate design rationale effectively.Collaboration Skills:Emphasize teamwork and collaboration.Continuous Learner:Showcase ongoing learning and adaptability.Problem Solver:Highlight problem-solving skills.Network and Connect:Build a professional network and engage in the design community.


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2 Learn new skills

Product design is a constantly evolving field that requires you to keep up with the latest trends, tools, and techniques. You should always be curious and eager to learn new skills that can enhance your product design capabilities. For example, you can learn how to code, how to use data analytics, how to conduct user research, how to apply design thinking, or how to work with agile methodologies. Learning new skills can help you expand your horizons, improve your versatility, and impress your potential employers or clients.

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  • I believe the most important skill a product designer should learn is 'Understanding business and becoming fluent in business language.' This is because a product designer's role is not limited to designing screens alone. Instead, it involves moving business metrics through continuous testing and iterating design decisions to align with business goals. I sum it up as:- Know the industry you are in. Understand what competitors are doing.- Competitor Analysis: Anticipate your competitors’ moves and outsmart them.- Business Models: Determine how to monetize your product.- Design Metrics: Measure the value created for users.- Business Metrics: Become proficient in the language of executives to effectively convince them.


    What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (70) What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (71) What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (72) 16

  • Aayush Verma Lead Product Designer @ Enumerate.ai | Helping brands to enhance their User Experience | Mentoring Designers in Shaping Tomorrow's Products | Follow to Learn the Art of Designing for Behavioural Change
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    Keep these in mind,Embrace Curiosity: Cultivate a mindset of curiosity that drives your eagerness to explore and understand new trends, tools, and techniques in the dynamic field of product design.Continuous Learning: Recognize that learning is a continuous journey, and actively seek opportunities to acquire new skills. Stay abreast of industry advancements and emerging technologies that can elevate your product design capabilities.Diversify Skill Set: Broaden your skill set by venturing into complementary areas such as coding, data analytics, user research, design thinking, or agile methodologies. This diversification enhances your versatility as a product designer.


    What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (81) What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (82) 4

  • Boobesh R Looking for Product Designer or UI/UX designer role | UI/UX designer @ Qubited
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    Stay Curious, Evolve, Excel: In product design, continuous learning is the key. Explore how users interact with the product, understand their needs, master user research, embrace design thinking, and elevate the product to the next level. Broaden your skills, be versatile, and impress employers or clients. Evolve for excellence!


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  • Thomas Amador Design Strategist
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    I think the best advice here is: follow your curiosity. Don't "learn to code" because Zuckerberg said you should or because you heard that "designers need to learn to code". Make something you really find personally interesting and if you need to learn new skills - that's great! The quality of the work will be in direct proportion to how much you enjoyed the process.


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  • Rafiqur Rahman Project Manager | Product Designer | SaaS | UI/UX
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    Learning new skills is your way of staying ahead of the curve...Explore new design software, delve into coding languages, or master the art of prototyping. Each skill you acquire is like a new tool that empowers you to tackle a broader range of design challenges.Face Challenges: Don't shy away from difficult tasks; instead, see them as opportunities to grow. Whether it's tackling a complex project or experimenting with a new design style, the challenges you overcome become the stepping stones to mastery.Stay Current: Keep your skills sharp by staying updated on the latest design trends, tools, and methodologies. It's like upgrading yourself with the latest model.


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3 Network with other designers

Networking with other designers can help you gain exposure, feedback, and opportunities. You can network with other designers by attending events, joining online communities, participating in challenges, or reaching out to mentors. Networking with other designers can help you learn from their experiences, discover new perspectives, find inspiration, or collaborate on projects. Networking with other designers can also help you build your reputation, your credibility, and your connections in the product design industry.

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  • Aayush Verma Lead Product Designer @ Enumerate.ai | Helping brands to enhance their User Experience | Mentoring Designers in Shaping Tomorrow's Products | Follow to Learn the Art of Designing for Behavioural Change
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    Keep these things in mind, Participate in Events: Actively engage in both local and virtual design events to connect with fellow designers, share experiences, and build meaningful relationships within the design community.Join Online Communities: Become a part of online design communities where you can contribute, seek advice, and connect with designers globally. Platforms like forums, social media groups, or design-specific websites can be valuable resources.Challenge Participation: Take part in design challenges or competitions to showcase your skills and interact with a broader design audience. This not only enhances your visibility but also opens doors to potential collaborations.


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    Think of networking is another powerful tool in your job searching arsenal. Aside from the short term benefit of finding a job by networking, it opens up the possibilities of making mutually beneficial long-term connections that can last over the course of one’s career.-Attend Industry Events: Participate in design conferences, workshops, and meetups. These events are great for meeting other designers and professionals in your field.- Collaborate on Projects: Working with others on projects can expand your network. - Volunteer Your Skills: Offer your design services to non-profits or community events. This can help you meet new people and add to your portfolio.Also Participate in Design Challenges & Join Design Communities.


    What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (129) What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (130) What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (131) 10

  • Boobesh R Looking for Product Designer or UI/UX designer role | UI/UX designer @ Qubited
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    Attend Local Meet-ups-Attend local meet-ups and events to meet designers face-to-face, exchange ideas, and build a local network.Utilize LinkedIn-Optimize your LinkedIn profile to highlight your design skills and experiences. Connect with other designers, join relevant groups, and participate in discussions to expand your professional network.


    What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (140) What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (141) 2

  • Rafiqur Rahman Project Manager | Product Designer | SaaS | UI/UX
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    Networking is a superpower that can open doors, inspire creativity, and provide a safety net in your design journey.Attend conferences, workshops, and meetups to meet fellow designers. It will help to forming connections with real people who share your passion for design.Join online communities like LinkedIn, or design-centric forums. Engage in discussions, share your insights, and be part of the design conversation.Share Knowledge: Write blog posts, create tutorials, or share your design process on social media.Seek mentors who can offer guidance, share their experiences, and provide constructive feedback. Don't hesitate to ask questions, seek advice.


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    Building a network with other designers offers a multitude of benefits that extend beyond the realm of professional collaboration.Knowledge Exchange: Sharing experiences and insights with fellow designers facilitates a rich exchange of knowledge.Inspiration and Motivation: Interacting with other designers can be a great source of inspiration. Seeing the work of your peers, attending design events, or participating in online communities can reignite your passion for design and motivate you to push the boundaries of your creativity.Industry Insights: Staying connected with other designers keeps you informed about the latest industry trends, technological advancements, and emerging design methodologies.


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4 Showcase your passion

Passion is what drives product designers to create meaningful and impactful products. You should showcase your passion for product design by being proactive, enthusiastic, and curious. You should showcase your passion by initiating your own projects, taking on new challenges, or volunteering for social causes. You should showcase your passion by sharing your insights, opinions, or stories on blogs, podcasts, or social media. You should showcase your passion by being authentic, original, and expressive as a product designer.

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    Authenticity is key in showcasing your passion. Be original and expressive in your work. Let your designs reflect who you are as a designer and what you stand for. This authenticity will resonate with others and help you stand out in the field of product design. By integrating these elements into your professional life, you'll effectively communicate your passion and commitment as a product designer.- Authenticity is Key- Originality Matters- Express Yourself- Stand Out- Resonate with Others


    What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (167) What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (168) What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (169) 12

  • Edgard Jan (EJ) Abano Digital Product Designer @ BMO | Experience Design Strategist | Crafting Award-Winning Digital Experiences
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    You can showcase to others your passion in product design by knowing how to teach and explain your design process to junior/intermediary designers and showing how it works in a development cycle (agile etc) What is your unique way in understanding the problem and as such craft a solution in design. What is design thinking beyond the theory and words of it?


    What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (178) 1

  • Rafiqur Rahman Project Manager | Product Designer | SaaS | UI/UX
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    Your passion is your power. Let it shine in every design you create, every conversation you have, and every connection you make.Be vocal on social media, share your design thoughts, and even the behind-the-scenes moments. Being vocal on social media is like broadcasting your passion to a global audience, connecting with fellow enthusiasts and potential collaborators. 
Explore your ideas freely, experiment with new ideas, and showcase your design style. Define your design principles, what you stand for, and the impact you want to make.


    What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (187) 1

  • David Ventura-Traveset CPO Operations Manager Iberia
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    Living your purpose with a clear vision is totally key. Let's not forget that impact comes with time and consistency. There will be ups and downs along the way, it is inevitable in life and business. When your forces will be weak your passion, focus and engagement with the cause will come to the rescue and push you once more.In your life and in business be authentic, humble and be your word.When you are living and following your passion all of this will be easier and meaningful.

  • Saagar Sunil B. Product Designer @ Kantox by BNPP | B2B Saas Fintech | Based in Barcelona
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    [ES]Desarrolla proyectos personales sobre cosas que te apasionan o sobre las empresas a las que aspiras haciendo no solo tienes la oportunidad de practicar sino también de descubrir nuevos intereses. [ENG]Start working on some sort of personal project for about something you are passionate or related to the companies you aspire, this is both a great opportunity to practice and also to discover new areas.


5 Solicit feedback

Feedback is essential for product designers to improve their skills, their products, and their outcomes. You should solicit feedback from different sources, such as your users, your peers, your mentors, or your clients. You should solicit feedback regularly, openly, and constructively. You should solicit feedback by asking specific questions, listening actively, and implementing changes. You should solicit feedback by being humble, grateful, and respectful to your feedback providers.

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  • Boobesh R Looking for Product Designer or UI/UX designer role | UI/UX designer @ Qubited
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    Seeking feedback is a crucial step for product designers aiming to enhance their skills and creations. Regularly seek input from various sources like users, peers, mentors, and clients. Approach it openly and constructively, asking specific questions and listening actively. Implement changes based on the feedback received. Maintain a humble, grateful, and respectful attitude towards those providing feedback. It's not just about receiving input; it's about using it to grow and refine your work. Embrace feedback as a tool for continuous improvement in your journey as a product designer


    What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (212) What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (213) 3

  • Nick Dubik Senior Product Designer @ZiiP
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    Diversify your feedback channels! The process mirrors your work – dynamic and versatile. Seek insights from higher-ups in the positions you aspire to, fellow designers for a peer perspective, or launch surveys on your website for a broader audience. Don't overlook user testing platforms; they're gems for uncovering blind spots and gathering valuable insights you might miss. Embrace feedback from all angles to sculpt a portfolio that resonates across the board!


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  • Rafiqur Rahman Project Manager | Product Designer | SaaS | UI/UX
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    Share your designs with others and ask for their thoughts. Whether it's praise or constructive criticism, it's all valuable. Use the feedback to improve and grow as a designer. Diverse feedback is like gathering insights from various corners of the design realm, enriching your understanding and refining your creations. Remember, feedback is not a critique of you as a designer but a powerful tool for refining, and validating your ideas, thoughts.


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  • David Ventura-Traveset CPO Operations Manager Iberia
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    It is important to know how to speak but it is more important to be able to listen actively, that is a master skill to develop. As so, one should listen carefully and search for feedbackConstructive feedback is basic for improvement. Try to give honest feedback. It is meant to be to grow, to get a real improvement.Ask for feedback, it is a virtuous circle once you understand the benefits behind it. It is an investment.Praise in public, give the credits to the people involved and always give this constructive feedback to the person in private.

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    Feedback and mentoring from senior designers play a crucial role in the professional development of a designer. These aspects contribute to skill improvement, the development of critical thinking, gaining experience and knowledge, as well as building professional connections. Increased motivation through the evaluation of work and constructive feedback also plays a key role in a designer's pursuit of excellence. The overall effect of these elements contributes to accelerating professional growth and achieving high standards in the design industry.


6 Here’s what else to consider

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    I would add that one of the most important aspects to stand out is owning your narrative and highlighting flexibility, adaptability and value.This is what ultimately guides all other aspects that are skills and outcomes that include many of the other points in this article. Your perspectives, your narratives and your journey will showcase your skills, collaboration and ability to manage change and difficult challenges.No one ever said being a designer was easy - embracing change and bringing value to the business through great work and team work that is purposefully executed is the joy.


    What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (256) What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (257) 6

  • Manaar Pervaiz Senior Product Designer at TestGorilla | Design Strategist | Interested in SaaS and Enterprise Products
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    Focus on data-driven design: Quantify the impact of your design decisions. Use A/B testing, user surveys, and analytics to demonstrate how your work improves user engagement, conversion rates, or other key metrics. This data-driven approach adds credibility and strengthens your value proposition.Embrace personal branding: Cultivate a unique online presence that showcases your personality, design philosophy, and areas of expertise.


    What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (266) 3

  • Michel Ichiy Product Designer (UX/UI)
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    Having a solid portfolio, with great case studies and impeccable story matters a lot, there's no doubt. But that's the baseline. From my experience and observing the design job market, what seems to have a lot of impact isn't really "what you know" but "where you'd been". If you are starting your design career, look for reputable and known companies, aka FAANG or some in the Fortune 500. Having those in your resume will matter more than anything else.


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Product Design What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (277)

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What can you do to make yourself stand out as a Product Designer? (2024)
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Author: Margart Wisoky

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Author information

Name: Margart Wisoky

Birthday: 1993-05-13

Address: 2113 Abernathy Knoll, New Tamerafurt, CT 66893-2169

Phone: +25815234346805

Job: Central Developer

Hobby: Machining, Pottery, Rafting, Cosplaying, Jogging, Taekwondo, Scouting

Introduction: My name is Margart Wisoky, I am a gorgeous, shiny, successful, beautiful, adventurous, excited, pleasant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.