What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (2024)

Last updated on May 6, 2024

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ESG knowledge


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Here’s what else to consider

Sustainability managers are professionals who oversee the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance of an organization. They are responsible for developing and implementing strategies, policies, and initiatives that align with the organization's values, goals, and stakeholder expectations. To succeed in this role, sustainability managers need a range of ESG skills that can help them address complex and dynamic challenges, communicate effectively, and drive positive change. In this article, we will explore some of the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager and how they can be developed and applied.

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  • Gildas Poissonnier

    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (3) What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (4) 39

  • Gabriella Lovas 🌎 GRI Certified Sustainability Professional I CFA ESG I Delivers easy-to-understand content on complex topics | Views…

    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (6) What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (7) What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (8) 33

  • Monaem Ben Lellahom Group CEO Sustainable Square Consultancy. ESG Technology. Decarbonization. Climate Change. ESG. Sustainable Finance…

    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (10) What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (11) What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (12) 30

What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (13) What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (14) What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (15)

1 ESG knowledge

One of the most essential ESG skills for a sustainability manager is having a solid understanding of the ESG concepts, frameworks, standards, and best practices that are relevant to their industry and organization. ESG knowledge can help sustainability managers identify the material issues, risks, and opportunities that affect their organization's performance, reputation, and impact. It can also help them design and execute ESG programs, monitor and report on ESG metrics, and benchmark and improve their ESG performance. ESG knowledge can be acquired through formal education, training, certification, research, and networking.

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  • Gildas Poissonnier
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    What ESG professionals need most is empathy. Empathy will help you grasp different point of views which are key to understand material issues for your organization. Empathy will help you avoid the traps of any silver bullet approach because the nature of the problem we face as society is complex. You need both social and technical empathy to appreciate potential solutions as well as their hurdles. As this is difficult to develop in one single individual, it’s important for an ESG professional to be part of a diverse team that bring those different perspectives and empathy types to the table.


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (24) What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (25) 39

  • Monaem Ben Lellahom Group CEO Sustainable Square Consultancy. ESG Technology. Decarbonization. Climate Change. ESG. Sustainable Finance. Responsible Investment. Social Impact
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    I have to be an Engineer to understand Carbon. I have to be a banker to understand Sustainable Finance. I have to be an investment expert to understand responsible investment. I have to be a lawyer to understand compliance and regulation. I have to be a social worker to understand CSR … etc there are so many skills involved into the role of an ESG professional


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (34) What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (35) What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (36) 30

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    "ESG skills" is an oxymoron because ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) represents broad, interdisciplinary areas of knowledge and practice, rather than a singular, specific skill set.An individual can’t be assessed for skill in ESG. This is another awful LinkedIn AI post.


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (45) What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (46) 11

  • Ayush Jaiswal Net Zero | Carbon Management | IITH | CII | ESG | Analytics
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    In the sustainability realm, envision a skilled navigator harmonizing environmental, social, and governance facets. Their strategic mindset aligns initiatives with compliance, while communication finesse transforms stakeholders into allies. Through adept project management, sustainability seamlessly integrates into the organizational fabric. This leader views sustainability as a strategic investment, coupling financial acumen with measurable returns. In managing change, they steer the organization toward a future where sustainability isn't just practiced but deeply ingrained in the culture, fostering a lasting impact.


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (55) 3

  • Moritz Stompfe Projektleiter ESG Gesamtbanksteuerung/ CSRD @ NORD/LB | Doktorand @ University of Library Studies and Information Technologies
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    Das Themenspektrum rund um ESG Themen ist - nicht nur regulatorisch - mittlerweile so groß geworden/ gewachsen, dass ein vollumfängliches ESG Wissen nicht möglich ist. Eine Spezifizierung auf einzelne Teilaspekte bietet sich an, wobei stets der regulatorische Hintergrund vollständig beachtet werden sollte. Bei komplexen Themen bietet sich die übergreifende Kommunikation an, um Wissen auszutauschen.



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2 Analytical skills

Another key ESG skill for a sustainability manager is being able to analyze and interpret data, information, and trends related to ESG issues. Analytical skills can help sustainability managers measure and evaluate the effectiveness and impact of their ESG initiatives, identify gaps and areas for improvement, and support decision-making and problem-solving. Analytical skills can also help sustainability managers conduct ESG assessments, audits, and due diligence, and use tools and methods such as life cycle analysis, carbon footprinting, and scenario planning. Analytical skills can be developed through practice, feedback, and exposure to different data sources and techniques.

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  • Professor Mohammad Nurunnabi PhD,SFHEA,FRSA,FAIA(Acad),CMBE,CMA,CPA Global Think Tank Founding Director - Sustainability and Climate; ESG Lead; President of International NGO; UN SDG Ambassador; Global Sustainability and Climate Insights Speakers in News Media and COP
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    For Leaderships in ESG, the management needs to ingrate it in their business model, many companies are failing to integrate in their business model. So, it would be more smart approach to integrate in the strategic planning of the business, otherwise more duplication of tasks and will be regarded as ticking the box compliance only.


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (74) 7

  • Amol Kapoor Climate Change Policy | US-India Emerging Climate Leader | Top 75 Global Call for Ideas @ LiFE Mission | TISS Mumbai
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    ESG Managers should know how to work with both qualitative and quantitative data with certain level of expertise around environment and social variables. It is integral to know intricacies from data filteration to applying stastical tools. So, being from research and data background is a plus point for any ESG sector expert.


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (83) 6

  • Kinjal Jain Results-Driven Sustainability Leader | Expert in CSR, Corporate Volunteering, Project Management, and Strategic Planning | MBA with Focus on Supply Chain and Sustainability | OPFA Fellow
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    ESG managers need to understand the business imperatives of ESG decisions. Until and unless we can connect with other functions and explain the impact on each function, in the long run, it will be difficult to get organisation-wide buy-in and therefore will always be a small drop in the ocean.


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    Sustainability Managers interpret complex data on ESG aspects using analytical skills. They compare organizational performance to industry benchmarks, using these skills to identify gaps and recommend strategies. Analytical skills are also crucial for anticipating future ESG challenges through scenario planning.


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  • Moritz Stompfe Projektleiter ESG Gesamtbanksteuerung/ CSRD @ NORD/LB | Doktorand @ University of Library Studies and Information Technologies
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    Bei der Datenanalyse ist stets auch ein kritischer Blick notwendig, um die Validität, Aktualität sowie Vergleichbarkeit der Daten zu prüfen. Ohne diese drei Kriterien sind die ESG Daten nicht vollumfänglich zu verwenden, da ansonsten stets die Gefahr von Greenwashing bei der externen Kommunikation der Ergebnisse sowie die Gefahr der Fehlsteuerung bei der internen Nutzung besteht.



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3 Communication skills

A third important ESG skill for a sustainability manager is being able to communicate clearly, persuasively, and transparently about ESG topics. Communication skills can help sustainability managers engage and influence various internal and external stakeholders, such as senior management, employees, customers, investors, regulators, media, and civil society. Communication skills can also help sustainability managers articulate and promote their ESG vision, goals, and achievements, and respond to ESG queries, feedback, and criticism. Communication skills can be enhanced through training, coaching, and experience in different communication channels and formats.

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  • Elaine Ng International Affairs and Sustainable Finance at Securities and Futures Commission


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    Too many people compartmentalise and focus on labels like ESG or climate, and create mental blockages on how these issues could be relevant. I would avoid jargon that is technical or triggering (like ESG), or too broad (like sustainability). Being able to adapt and explain what is perceived to be complex and seemingly issues that are ‘not my business’ in the language of the party you’re trying to communicate with will go a long way. And I don’t mean speaking in English or Mandarin, but rather in the language of how business decisions are made in that particular organisation or sector. Rosita Najmi in a recent podcast on TED talks daily: “what is your leadership language”, explains this clearly.


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (119) 14

  • Pooja Lapasia 💌 ESG and Communications at Godrej Group
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    An important thing is to keep communication simple and de-jargonise it. Communicate in a way the business understands the asks and knows the upside - whether it's reduced costs, ticking compliance, brand reputation or simply beneficial to long-term business growth. Also, following up is a crucial aspect of communicating with your teams and business. An ESG parameter may not a business priority when you want to drive it but with consistent follow-up, it may become a priority in the project pipeline and that's when you can get things moving.


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (128) 13

  • Pratiksha More Building Sustainability 101 | ESG Consultant | ESG Strategies | Climate Risk | Decarbonization | Climate communication
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    Communication skills - Recent or Updated Regulatory and Compliance knowledge, presenting it to respective stakeholders and explaining ESG Jargon or terms in different or native languages.


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    Effective communication (Written, Verbal and body language) is a cornerstone of the Sustainability Manager's role. It helps in building relationships, gaining support, fostering collaboration, and ensuring that sustainability efforts are well-understood and aligned with the organization's overall mission and values.1. Stakeholder Engagement2. Internal Alignment3. Executive and Board Communication4. Reporting and Transparency5. Educating and Advocacy6. Community Relations7. Public Relations and Brand Image


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (146) 4

  • Moritz Stompfe Projektleiter ESG Gesamtbanksteuerung/ CSRD @ NORD/LB | Doktorand @ University of Library Studies and Information Technologies
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    Kommunikation ist beim Thema Nachhaltigkeit das A und O. Nachhaltigkeit kann im aktuellen Umfeld nicht ohne eine tiefgreifende und „abholende“ Kommunikation funktionieren, damit im Rahmen der ESG Themen ALLE abgeholt werden. Ohne das Abholen Aller kann das Umsetzen von Nachhaltigkeit langfristig nicht funktionieren.



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4 Leadership skills

A fourth vital ESG skill for a sustainability manager is being able to lead and inspire others to embrace and support ESG principles and practices. Leadership skills can help sustainability managers build and manage a high-performing ESG team, foster a culture of sustainability within their organization, and collaborate and partner with other functions and departments. Leadership skills can also help sustainability managers navigate and overcome the barriers and resistance that may arise from implementing ESG changes, and create a positive and lasting ESG impact. Leadership skills can be cultivated through mentoring, learning, and role modeling.

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  • Sher Shah Khan ✅ LCOY 🇵🇰 | COP 28 COY 18 UAE Delegate | Founder Skillistan | Consultant | Sustainability l SDGs | Researcher | Trainer | Climate Activist | Traveller | Maps Lover | Movers Envoy | YECAP | OML Fellow | Gold Medalist 🥇
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    As someone deeply involved in sustainability management, I've come to view leadership as an indispensable ESG skill. It goes beyond merely overseeing a team; it's about inspiring a collective commitment to ESG principles. Leadership skills empower us to not only build and manage a good ESG team but also to instill a culture of sustainability throughout the organization. Cross departmental Collab becomes more effective with strong leadership. These skills are crucial in surmounting challenges and resistance when implementing ESG changes initially. The journey in honing leadership skills involves ongoing Mentorship and Coaching, a life long learning principle, and setting an example as a champion of ESG values within the corporate landscape.


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (164) What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (165) 5

  • CA Puneeta Puri ESG | Sustainability | SRSB Board (ICAI) | Writer | Mindfulness Coach
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    ESG lead has to facilitate the process of transformation within an organisation towards a a sustainability mindset. This will require leadership skills from ESG team to envision the Sustainability journey and take the organisation and its key heads towards its accomplishment. ESG knowledge and skills are not so difficult to attain, as much as changing the mindset and leading this transformational journey towards sustainability is…which will need good Leadership.


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (174) 2

  • Leonard Teo Technical Specialist | Driving Energy and Water Usage Reduction | Certified Energy Manager (SCEM) | Energy Transition | Decarbonisation | Water Circularity | Sustainability Strategy


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    To be able to inspire others is a great skill to have as a Sustainability Manager. As the great theorist Peter Drucker once said. Culture eats strategy for breakfast everyday. Hence, the ability to foster a positive ESG culture would enable the efffectiveness of the program to be magnified many folds. One could also groom capable deputies which can make an impact to the ESG program as well.


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    Leadership skills come when you are not working as a boss, imposing things on others to do and blaming the team for not coming up with better results. Leadership is when you take the responsibility to run the whole team and take yourself accountable if anyone not performing well because you are not working on the capacity building of that person. In sustainability, leadership skills are as important as teamwork.


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (192) 1

  • Moritz Stompfe Projektleiter ESG Gesamtbanksteuerung/ CSRD @ NORD/LB | Doktorand @ University of Library Studies and Information Technologies
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    ESG Themen bieten in ihrer Umsetzung diverse Möglichkeiten. Bei der Vielzahl an Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten müssen Entscheidungen getroffen werden, da ansonsten die Gefahr besteht, keine klare Struktur etablieren zu können. Daher müssen ESG-Manager führen und entscheiden können, um die Nachhaltigkeitsthemen zielgerichtet umsetzen zu können.



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5 Innovation skills

A fifth essential ESG skill for a sustainability manager is being able to innovate and adapt to the changing ESG landscape and expectations. Innovation skills can help sustainability managers identify and seize new ESG opportunities, create and implement novel and effective ESG solutions, and leverage and integrate new ESG technologies and trends. Innovation skills can also help sustainability managers anticipate and respond to the emerging ESG risks and challenges, and ensure their organization's ESG resilience and competitiveness. Innovation skills can be fostered through curiosity, experimentation, and learning from failures.

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  • Pratiksha More Building Sustainability 101 | ESG Consultant | ESG Strategies | Climate Risk | Decarbonization | Climate communication
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    Incorporating knowledge of updated technology, fostering curiosity to find new solutions and conducting cost-benefit analysis to demonstrate how ESG integration can enhance capital or revenue.


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (210) What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (211) 10

  • Manoj Karmarkar Group Vice President and CTO
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    Sustainability is not just the report but it is how the sustainable development is integrated across the value chain of the organization. ESG manager should have a good field exposure to understand the areas to improve sustainability performance. The short , medium and long term plans of the organization have to be clearly understood to device a sustainability strategy. Also very important is to understand the organisational risks and suitable mitigation measures against those risks have to be thought out.


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    Seeing sustainability as an opportunity (and therefore innovation potential) will differentiate the winners from the losers in the next 10 years.It will be digital transformation all over again.


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  • Ananya Bhatia Sustainable Urban Development Consultant | Urban Planner | Climate Change | GIS | Remote Sensing
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    The ESG landscape is constantly evolving, with new standards, regulations, stakeholder expectations, and best practices emerging every day. Sustainability managers need to be able to adapt to these. Innovation skills can help sustainability managers in various ways like to identify and seize new ESG opportunities, such as developing new products or services that address social or environmental needs, or entering new markets, implement novel and effective ESG solutions; leverage and integrate new ESG technologies and trends, such as using big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, or circular economy principles to enhance ESG reporting, disclosure, management, and innovation.


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (238) 3

  • Moritz Stompfe Projektleiter ESG Gesamtbanksteuerung/ CSRD @ NORD/LB | Doktorand @ University of Library Studies and Information Technologies
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    Innovation ist der wichtigste Bestandteil von Nachhaltigkeit im aktuellen Stand. Ohne innovative Lösungen kann kein nachhaltiger Wandel gelingen - spätestens auf einer der drei ESG Ebenen wird es ansonsten scheitern. Der Anspruch an innovative Lösungen sollte es daher stets sein, dass möglichst alle relevanten Dimensionen um E, S und G berücksichtigt werden.



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6 Here’s what else to consider

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  • Gabriella Lovas 🌎 GRI Certified Sustainability Professional I CFA ESG I Delivers easy-to-understand content on complex topics | Views - my own I "The meaning of life is to find your gift. The purpose of life is to give it away." 🌎
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    Instead of saying 'ESG skills,' I would list here some key skills that ESG professionals should have.✅ Analytical skills.ESG professionals must be able to collect, analyze, and interpret a lot of data. Understanding the ever-evolving sustainability reporting standards and regulations also requires strong analytical skills.✅ Project management skills.ESG professionals need to integrate sustainability into their company's overall operations. Cross-cultural and cross-functional collaboration and teamwork skills are essential here.✅ Excellent communication skills. ESG professionals need to communicate with various stakeholders, including investors, customers, and suppliers. They also must be comfortable talking to senior leadership.


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (256) What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (257) What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (258) 33

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    A sustainability manager must excels in three key ESG skills: 1- Strategic Sustainability Integration:Blending sustainability with core strategy, understanding environmental & social impacts on business, and awareness of sustainability trends.2-Stakeholder Engagement & Communication: Proficiency in identifying & addressing stakeholder needs, effective communication of sustainability efforts, building trust, & fostering sustainable practices.3-Regulatory Knowledge & Compliance: Understanding environmental, social, & governance regulations, staying current with policy changes, and ensuring compliance. Includes risk management for regulatory shifts.These skills are essential for a sustainability manager to to have, develop, implement.


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (267) 13

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    Keeping abreast of global sustainability trends & best practices is key. In my advisory role, I consistently research & stay updated on global sustainability developmentsExpertise in creating & managing sustainable supply chains is crucial. Working with a logistics company, I led the development of a sustainable supply chain strategy, which included selecting suppliers with strong environmental practices & implementing more efficient, lower-emission transportation methods.The ability to work across different departments is vital. My experience includes facilitating collaborations between R&D, marketing & operations teams in a consumer goods company to integrate sustainability into product design, manufacturing, and marketing strategies.


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (276) What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (277) 7

  • Venugopal R Your friendly neighbourhood Sustainability guy!
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    Cross functional collaboration is one of the most critical aspects of a successful ESG and sustainability professional. For instance, in a manufacturing company, the sustainability manager has to touch base with the production team, RnD team, Maintainance team, EHS team, Product design team, Marketing team and the leadership team to curate a dataset and curate a report for a particular KPI. Being a team player is one of the most underrated skill of a successful ESG and sustainability manager.


    What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (286) 7

  • Deeksha G Rao Sahib, SIPC ESG Strategy I Sustainability technology
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    In my opinion the most useful skill would be the ability to "see" different perspectives! If you are part of sustainability efforts in an organization, you will invariably navigate through "getting the point" to the management, senior executives, managers and colleagues across different departments who might not necessarily speak the same language or see value in the same way. The same holds true if you're a consultant working with organizations from the outside. Hence it becomes crucial to gather different views and disseminate the shared benefits that make it worth the effort and cause.


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What are the top ESG skills for a sustainability manager? (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

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Job: National Specialist

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Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.