What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art? (2024)

What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art?

Understanding What Profitable Types Of Art Are Best When Selling Work

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The art world is a place of mystery, and many people don’t know where to begin when they want to get in on the action. There are so many different profitable types of art, and each one can have varying markets. It can be hard to know what kind of art will sell, and what kind won’t.

However, there are some art types that will always be in demand and others that are just popular fads or trends. The market is always changing and you have to be aware of what’s going on in order to stay ahead of the curve, especially if you want to make money as an artist.

What type of art makes the most money?

There is no singular, straightforward answer to this question. The individual artist, audience, marketing strategies and the market conditions all influence what kind of art is popular right now or at any given time. Additionally, art that is highly unique or one-of-a-kind is often more valuable and thus more profitable than more traditional or mass-produced art.

Of course, being able to target and reach the right audience can be just as important as the type of art itself, which is a factor that successful art businesses understand and are often able to do well. By connecting their art to those who will appreciate and potentially buy it, creative entrepreneurs can ensure that they can profit from their artwork. Sometimes, it comes down to how well you understand and attract art buyers.

What type of art is in demand?

The shift to a more online-focused world has resulted in the need for art that serves as an effective marketing and branding tool. The right piece of art can convey the tone and mission of a brand, and it can inspire people to take action.

This has led to a higher demand for artists working for brands that can create art that tells a story, evokes emotion, and is relatable to your target audience.

Successful art businesses take advantage of this demand by creating art products and services that provide a purpose beyond aesthetics, and they use various strategies to do so.

The following are a few examples of popular artist products commonly used by the most profitable art businesses.



Tote bags




Canvas prints


Framed artwork

What type of art sells best in 2022?

Digital art

What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art? (2)

With the rise of the digital age and the growing popularity of selling art online, the landscape of the art world has introduced some new trends that may help guide the art market in 2022.

Digital art is a type of modern art that uses technology and digital media and can be created using a variety of different tools and programs.

Digital artists have been able to build their social media presence, earn some extra money and create stunning works of art without having to make physical copies or use traditional paints and brushes. This dramatically helped shape the art and marketing world, leading to the creation of what is now known as digital art. Its popularity in the online space has also led to its place amongst profitable types of art.

Crypto art

What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art? (3)

Crypto art is a type of digital media that uses blockchain technology to store and display data. The technology allows for unique, provably rare, and authentic pieces that are owned by their creators and can be sold and traded on the blockchain. Alongside digital art, being able to view these remotely and in real-time is exciting for both art collectors and those who are interested in the technology behind it.

Among its many variations is NFT art, which stands for Non-Fungible Tokens. NFTs are digital assets that come in many forms, including but not limited to art. They are unique, provably rare, and can be owned by their creators, which makes them highly sought after and has led to their popularity as collectibles. Crypto art is probably the most up and coming amongst profitable types of art.

Street art

What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art? (5)

Street art is a type of visual art that can be found in public locations and it’s usually created without permission. It’s also commonly known as graffiti or urban art, and its purpose is typically to bring attention to social issues, politics, and culture in areas where they otherwise wouldn’t be seen. Street art can also be a way to beautify and enliven a city’s visual environment and community, as evidenced by the many fascinating works of graffiti and street art in London.

Public and outdoor art

What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art? (6)

Public art refers to works including murals, sculptures, mosaics, and other kinds of art that can be displayed and easily accessed in public places. It’s become more popular in recent years due to its ability to connect people with their communities, inspire them, and make them feel more connected to their environment. And since these works tend to be mass appealing, they are also more likely to attract a wider audience.


What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art? (7)

Although paintings are not new, their age and widespread popularity make them the most commonly practiced form of art, which also makes them among the top works of art that sell. The fact that most people can appreciate a good painting makes them an ideal item for any artist, or art collector. For this reason, paintings are always on the list of profitable types of art.

And as with other kinds of popular art, paintings can be used to express one’s own opinions and experiences through colours, shapes, and symbols, which makes them very personal and valuable artworks depending on the artist, history, and process that led to the creation of the painting.

What art subjects sell the most?

Due to how paintings are so timeless and popular, it’s no surprise that the art subjects that sell the most are those used in many different types of paintings. Here are some examples of the most popular and best-selling art subjects.

Traditional landscapes

What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art? (8)

Traditional landscape paintings are timeless, especially if they’re painted realistically enough to reflect their surroundings and capture the mood of a particular season or time of day. A well-crafted landscape painting can be an excellent choice for an art collector, as it can be enjoyed year-round and is suitable for almost any room.

Pets and wildlife

What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art? (9)

Pets and wildlife are always popular subjects for art prints. These subjects have a broad appeal, especially to those who have an interest in nature and animals. Art collectors who enjoy art prints featuring pets and wildlife are often looking for a specific type of animal. If your work caters to their demand, it can become one of the profitable types of art.

Seascape and beach scenes

What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art? (10)

People like to look at these types of paintings because they remind them of their favourite places or getaway vacations. It’s also easy to see why these subjects are so popular: they’re beautiful and evoke feelings of relaxation, calmness, and peace. This makes them perfect additions to any home or office.

Figurative studies art

What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art? (11)

Figurative studies are easily among the most popular art subjects, as they can be made as a study or as a finished piece. The human form is endlessly fascinating, and its beauty is alluring when captured on canvas.

Figurative studies also lend themselves well to different styles of painting. An artist might choose to work in an impressionistic style, or they might prefer a more realistic approach. The subject matter itself lends a lot of room for interpretation, so it’s possible to create something that’s entirely one’s own while still being grounded in the figurative tradition.


What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art? (12)

They’re timeless, they’re classic, and they can be used to express so many different things. The human body is one of the most complicated things on Earth, and it’s also one of the most beautiful. And when you see a nude painting, you’re looking at an artist’s interpretation of that complexity, which is why so many people find it so appealing.

Art collectors appreciate not only the beauty but also the skill required to capture it in such a way that accurately depicts their vision of what constitutes beauty in another person.

What is the best-selling art style?

There are many different styles of art out there, but some of them tend to sell better than others. While they may each have a unique appeal, a key factor they all have in common is their timeless nature and ability to engage the viewer and deliver a message. You’ll want to find your own art style, but here are a few that are selling right now.

Abstract art

What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art? (14)

The style abstract art does not attempt to represent an object in the real world, but instead presents a visual image that can be interpreted as a symbol or form. Abstract art can be created from almost any medium and is not necessarily limited to painting or sculpture. Its sheer versatility and mass appeal over the years have made it one of the most popular and best-selling art styles in the world today.


What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art? (15)

Modernism, also known as modern art or avant-garde, is a movement that started in the late 19th century and went on into the early 20th century. It was characterised by an interest in experimentation and innovation. Modernist artists did not want to be constrained by traditional styles or techniques, since they wanted to make new forms of art that would reflect their own experience of life.


What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art? (16)

Surrealism is a style of art where the artist creates a dreamlike environment, often with strange or disturbing imagery. This can include things like distorted human figures or animals, impossible architecture and strange scenes with no discernible logic or reason. Its confusing yet intriguing nature often challenges the viewer’s perceptions of reality, which make them fun and allow for exploring the subconscious mind.


What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art? (17)

Cubism is a style of visual art that originated in the early 1900s. The goal of cubism was to depict three-dimensional objects on a flat surface using multiple viewpoints. This was achieved by breaking down the subject into multiple geometric shapes and then reassembling them in an abstract form that often left out details, like colour or texture. Cubist paintings may be very confusing at first glance due to their abstract nature, but the viewer’s eye eventually recognises the familiar shapes and forms of the subject.

Pop art

What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art? (18)

Pop art uses bright colours and bold patterns to create works of art that are eye-catching, but also convey complex and often ironic messages. Because they use images that are directly related to the subject matter, there’s little room for interpretation.

It’s a visual art style that heavily uses popular cultural images and objects to create works of art. It became known as pop art because it was seen as an accessible form of modern art that could be appreciated by people outside the gallery scene. This accessibility also makes it a profitable type of art.

Final Thoughts On Profitable Types Of Art

Although there are profitable types of art , they depend on multiple factors including the artist’s target audience, marketing strategy and demand at any given time. In addition, the art itself must be appealing to buyers and have a marketable value that can be monetised.

The reality is that every piece of art is different, and as long as the artist knows how to connect their work with potential buyers, and makes something good enough for them to buy, they can be profitable.

What profitable types of art have you noticed on the market? Let us know in the comments below.

Don’t forget you can always share your art with us! Submit your art to one of our open calls or tag us on Instagram @darkyellowdot for a chance to be featured.

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What Are The Most Profitable Types Of Art? (2024)


What type of art sells most? ›

Types of Paintings That Sell the Most

Landscapes, abstracts, seascapes, still lifes, and impressionistic pieces tend to be popular with buyers. Other genres such as portraiture, wildlife art, religious works, or pop art can also be successful if they're done in a skillful and interesting way.

What is the most profitable way to sell art? ›

Create physical art products to sell online. Selling art prints is a great way to generate significant profit, particularly through a print on demand supplier. Print on demand platforms allow you to sell prints and physical products, such as tote bags and phone cases, that are customized with your digital art.

What is the most profitable artistic medium? ›

Good art sells more than anything else. And oil paintings would generally be considered the most advantageous.

What art sold for the most money? ›

This is a list of the highest known prices paid for paintings. The record is approximately US$450.3 million (which includes commission), paid for Leonardo da Vinci's Salvator Mundi ( c. 1500).

What art is in demand right now? ›

Abstract paintings are most important to gallery sales.

For 59% of respondents, non-figurative paintings (which includes abstract painting, as well as associated genres such as minimalist painting, spiritual abstraction, and neo–abstract expressionism) were selected as most important to their business now.

What kind of art is more valuable? ›

New and novel works that excite and generate attention. Bottom line though, art is about sense, sensation, quality and reputation. Just good art isn't enough but it's a start. The most valuable works historically are what is sensational, that appeals to collectors and to a mass audience.

What size art sells best? ›

Artwork of a larger scale that is fairly popular is as follows: 8×12 inches – 12×16 inch frame. 9×12 inches – 12×16 inch frame. 10×12 inches – 16×20 inch frame.

What kind of art sells the most online? ›

Popular digital art forms include unique illustrations, concept art, portraits, fantasy landscapes, and fan art. Recently, NFTs of digital art have also been selling well in the digital marketplace.

How do most artists sell their art? ›

Many artists sell art out of their studio, online, at co-operative galleries, or even at one of the thousands of art fairs that are so popular.

What is the easiest art to sell? ›

If you're an artist chasing large sales and broad audience engagement, prints may be your go-to option. However, if you prefer crafting unique pieces for higher profit margins, selling original work could be the route for you.

What art style makes the most money? ›

A survey published in Art Business Today reported the following to be the most lucrative subjects or themes:
  • Traditional landscapes.
  • Local views.
  • Abstracts.
  • Dogs.
  • Figures and nudes.
  • Seascapes, harbours, and beach scenes.
  • Wildlife.

What art niches sell? ›

Some examples of niches include marine art, wildlife art, Americana, romantic cottages, naïve art, motorcycle art, dog art, wine art, and landscapes based on Aspen trees, to name just a few.

What is the highest grossing art? ›

List of 7 Most Expensive Paintings In The World 2023
  • Mona Lisa - $970 Million.
  • Salvator Mundi - $450.3 Million.
  • Interchange - $300 Million.
  • The Card Players - $250 Million.
  • Nafea Faa Ipoipo - $210 Million.
  • Number 17A - $200 Million.
  • Wasserschlangen II - $183.8 Million.
Oct 4, 2023

What is the most paid art in the world? ›

"Salvator Mundi" is renowned for being the world's most expensive painting. This artwork, depicting Jesus Christ as the Savior of the World, was lost for years before its rediscovery. Its journey involved being mistaken for a copy, undergoing restoration, and finally being authenticated as da Vinci's work.

Can you be a millionaire from art? ›

Its popular to assume that making money with art doesn't always assure financial stability. But if you've heard of artists making more than millions, then you know there is enough money for everyone out there.

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